英语畅谈世界文化Lesson12 Rio Carnival 里约热内卢狂欢节(巴西)

英语畅谈世界文化Lesson12 Rio Carnival   里约热内卢狂欢节(巴西)
英语畅谈世界文化Lesson12 Rio Carnival   里约热内卢狂欢节(巴西)

Lesson12: Rio Carnival 里约热内卢狂欢节(巴西)


S1: Student 1 S2 : Student 2

S2: I'm doing something amazing. I'm going to the Rio Carnival!

S1: You are so lucky. It's the world's most famous street party.

S2: Yes, millions of people come from everywhere and it goes on for several days. But the best part is called "The Sambodromo Parade". The Sarnbodromo is a 700-metre long street surrounded by spectator stands and luxury boxes which are filled with over 60, 000 people. Tickets are expensive and sell out quickly.

S1: You had better get your tickets early, then. I heard it's famous for people dancing the samba and goes on all night

S2: Yes. They have lavish floats with women dressed in amazing costumes, and these are accompanied by marching bands. Then, all around is a sea of people who are also dressed in costumes.

S1: They change the themes and costumes every year, don't



BIRDS CALLING) (BIRDS CALLING RHYTHMICALLY) Hey! All the birds of a feather Do what we love most of all We are the best at rhythm and laughter That's why we love Carnival! (CHEEPING) All so clear we can sing to Sun and beaches they call Dance to the music Passion and love Show us the best you can do! Everyone here is on fire Get up and join in the fun Dance with a stranger Romance and danger Magic can happen For real In Rio All by itself! You can't see it coming You can't find it anywhere else! lt's real in Rio You know something else You can't feel it happening You can't feel it all by yourself! Come here! Tyler Blu Gunderson! You know these vitamins are good for you. Ooh! What's this? (SQUAWKS) Gotcha! LINDA: Enjoy the new book! Thanks Linda! Bye now. Yes. Mom l'd love to visit but who would take care of Blu?


Should different cultures merge into each other or maintain their unique features? 正一:There are seven continents and four oceans on the earth,by no means any two of them are the same,Every culture has its unique origin, evolution, development and form。Some culture in history gradually fritter([frit?] )away, sank to the bottom of the river, such as the mayan culture(玛雅文化['mai?n, 'ma:j?n]), Babylon (['b?bil?n])culture, But also some can be inherited, such as our great Chinese civilization, Because of the historical experience shows that the culture of different races only by Cultural absorption and mutual(['mju:t?u?l] fusion(['fju:??n]), can with its thriving vitality, We are able to light the Chinese civilization, it is for blends together the 56 nationalities colorful nationality culture, take all the director, make progress together, Therefore, we believe that the different culture between each other should be integrated,different cultures should merge into each other 反一:The French people are very romantic, Americans are very practical, British gentlemanly, Italy is rich in art, the Germans are cautious and punctual, Japanese are stereotyped, and we Chinese people, it is always hard work and wisdom,These different people have a distinct personality, because they were from different culture breeding and nourishing, it is the colorful culture constitute the blooming beautiful world.Just imagine, if all human beings with the same face, complexion, speak the same language, live the same life, it will be a horrible life circle.Therefore, our view is that different cultures should keep its characteristics,different cultures should maintain their unique features 反二问正一:Integrated assimilation may make a country or a nation in the danger of dying, their own characteristics will fade away, no longer exist, how do you look at it? 正一:I am afraid what you said is a one-sided view.As everyone knows, the United States like a melting pot, with integrated each kind of variety from all peoples of the world.We see these civilizations success together, to create a world recognized in the United States, how do you explain? 反二问正三:The other three debate, recent Foxconn even jump


《里约大冒险》电影观后感影评 “三种简单但又极为强烈的激情支配我的一生:对爱的渴望,对知识的追求和对人类苦难的不堪忍受的悲哀。”——罗素 带着对“愤怒小鸟”的好感,带着对《冰河世纪》搞笑的期待,昨晚与太太去看完《Rio》,国内译作《里约大冒险》,好在不是pixar的作品,否则会被照旧译作《小鸟总动员》,哈。 虽然号称是《冰河世纪》的原班人马创作,但我却发觉《Rio》揭示的内涵远比《冰河世纪》要深刻,《Rio》不像是Fox的作品,却更像Pixar的。 最早有这种感觉是开头,以相片描绘Linda与Blue 的共同成长,其手法与Pixar的《飞屋环游记》的开头如出一辙,温馨而和谐,尽管时间会短一些,认真听,连配乐都有几分的相似。 《Rio》让我体会更深刻的,是对角色的刻画,我能分明感受到创作团队将人性,爱,深深地注入到影片中每个角色当中。其实近年来国外很多优秀的动画片都致力于向人们解释爱,传递爱。动画片与普通电影最大的区别是,动画片中角色总是爱恨分明,总是有好人与坏人之分,道德的界

线显而易见。这是因为动画片最原始的受众是小朋友,对小朋友而言,什么应该爱,什么应该恨,影片应该树立分明的标准。从小有了这种爱恨观念,随着成长会逐渐树立起正确社会道德观念。 正如罗素所讲,他的一生都被这三种激情所支配:对爱的渴望,对知识的追求和对人类苦难的不堪忍受的悲哀。 何谓爱?《Rio》中多处传递着爱: 先是Linda对Blue的爱,贯穿于全剧,也是Linda 不顾一切地要找回Blue的动力。 Blue对Linda的爱,简单来看是宠物对主人,但想深一层其实也是爱,是那份被需要的感觉,这种感觉与《玩具总动员3》里玩具们被小朋友需要的感觉是类似的。 啄木鸟爸爸对家人爱,在故事高潮快结束的时候跟失意的Blue说它爱狂欢节,但它更爱它的家人。它觉得人生的归宿就在于那个家。是它的小芒果甜心夫人给它了安全感,它的孩子们给它了一种归宿和责任感,也是那个家给予了它那份安妥的稳定。甚至在走私贩的飞机,对未来失去信心的它,竟说了一句“我今天是不能回去吃饭了”。 小鸟们的友爱,Blue在里约热内卢碰到的一帮小鸟朋友,他们此前素未相识,也为着义气与猴子大打出手,拼


Respect Then Participate 3班 12****84 林*雨 I totally agree that people who is living, studying or even traveling in another country should accept and respect the new culture. Though we know living in a new culture can be exhilarating, it is also can be personally uncomfortable and frustrating. So, many of them keep the observation of their habits, gathering together, forming some separate minorities with different lifestyle. It is one thing to remember your traditions, and it is quite another to isolating yourself from foreign outside world. I once encountered some complains about Chinese exchange students in a magazine. The American host family was discouraged and planned to quit the program next semester. That Chinese girl left messes wherever she went, and found fault with things just a little bit unsatisfactory. “I remember the words on her lips” Monica said, “She always say s …it is different from China? ”. The girl refused participation in daily housework and family weekend trekking, which the family gradually get used to. Considering her as a family member, the host parents also bought her a Christmas present. However, she reacted in a cold manner giving nothing in return. Despite the fact that it is a commercial relationship between students and host families, there still are some excellent examples that have a win-win ending. And of course, they all show their respect and acceptance for the new culture. Lee, who used to be very shy, but with the help of his host families, dare to make speeches in front of the whole school. Alice had so great time with her American families that they even asked her to continue her further study in American. Accepting a new culture is not equal to denying yours. In a way, it reflects the capacity of one?s social ad aption on the contrary. Alice, I mentioned above, still observed Chinese traditions like eating dumplings on lunar New Year?s eve, sometimes together with her host families. There is no doubt that people will experience mixed feelings and difficulties while we integrating into a foreign society. But the attitudes that you take with you to your host country, and those you form once there, play an important role in whether you can join a foreign country. Because it will have a great effect upon your perception of the people and customs of your host country. British writer William Thackeray said “Life is a mirror. when you smile in front of it,it will also smile and so will it when you cry to it.” Treating cultural shock in a positive way, trying to understand and respect, I?m sure it will finally turn out to be something good.


里约大冒险 RIO 拥有漂亮羽翼的鸟儿啊 All the birds of the feather 尽情舒展婀娜之姿 Do what they love most of all 充满韵律欢声笑语 We are the best at rhythm and laughter 我们最爱嘉年华 That's why we love Carnival 拥有美妙歌声的鸟儿啊 All so clear we can sing to 与生俱来爱冒险 Some adventures reborn 随音乐舞动激情四溢才华横溢 Dance to the music, passion and knowledge 展现最棒的你 Show us the best you can do 每人在这劲歌热舞 Everyone here is on fire 动起来加入欢乐的海洋 Get up and join in the fun 与陌生人共舞但别卷入麻烦 Dancing with strangers, don't mess with danger 奇迹之地里约 Magic could happen for Rio 自由自在的里约 In Rio, all by itself 你在此欢跳生活自如 Your dancing and knowing 这个天堂无可比拟 You can't find it anywhere else 就在里约 Yes Rio, in Rio 你能感受更多You know something else 你能感受欢乐 You can feel it happy 无拘无束生活 You can feel it all by yourself 里约外 珍稀鸟类 明尼苏达州大麋鹿湖 别怕别怕 It's okay, it's okay. 我会照顾你的 I'll take care of you. 拼字比赛冠军 高中舞会 最好的朋友 破闹钟 Stupid clock! 早上好布鲁 Good morning Blu. 你 You... 泰勒·布鲁·甘德森 Tyler Blu Gandersen. 吃维生素对你有好处 You know these vitamins are good for you. 看这是什么 Uuh, what's this? 果味饼干 中招了吧 Gotcha. 布鲁的保留车位 蓝金刚鹦鹉书店 我们正在营业 希望你喜欢这本书 Enjoy the new book. 谢谢琳达 Thanks Linda. 再见啦


《里约大冒险》观后感 里约大冒险属于3D动画,就是采用计算机生成技术制作出来的影视动画,是计算机图形图像技术和艺术结合的产物。《里约大冒险》由导演卡洛斯·沙尔丹哈执导,曾以“冰河世纪”系列创下全球8.8亿美元票房佳绩的蓝天工作室创作,由20世纪福克斯公司出品。 一、故事梗概 《里约大冒险》中的布鲁是只蓝色斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉,刚出生不久就被可恶的偷猎者从里约丛林中掳去美国,然后,意外的被小女孩琳达收养,成为了琳达的宠物,从此过着宠物般的生活,甚至忘记了自己是只来自巴西的鹦鹉。某天,名叫图里奥的鸟类专家碰巧经过琳达的书店,发现了待在橱窗的布鲁,他苦苦寻找的蓝色斯皮克斯金刚雄鹦鹉就这样意外的出现在他面前。于是他决定与琳达协商能够带布鲁回里约,与世上仅存的另一只雌鹦鹉繁衍后代。 虽然琳达对离开家有些不安,但为了蓝色斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉的繁衍生息,琳达还是带着布鲁来到里约。在途中,布鲁,认识了尼科和派卓。在鸟类中心,布鲁顺利的见到了珠儿(另一只雌蓝色斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉)。而危险正在一步步靠近,大葵花鹦鹉奈杰潜入鸟类中心抓走了布鲁与珠儿,走私者将布鲁和珠儿绑在一起,避免它们逃跑。在布鲁的努力下,它们逃了出来。它们的脚被脚链拴在了一起,只好一起逃亡。逃亡过程中,珠儿才知道布鲁竟不会飞。不过,二鸟不打不相爱,加上巨嘴鸟拉斐尔,迷你鸟尼科与大肚鸟派卓敲边鼓,布鲁与珠儿终于开始彼此产生好感… 然而,充满野心的走私者与葵花凤头鹦鹉奈杰为了将两只鸟占为己有,奈杰还找来了狨猴莫绒等助阵。而布鲁和珠儿为了断开脚链,听从拉斐尔的建议,去寻找一只名叫路易兹的斗牛犬帮忙。当它们分开后,珠儿又一次被奈杰抓住。布鲁为了营救珠儿,再一次陷入困境……鸟类专家图里奥与布鲁的主人琳达也正混入巴西狂欢节会中,准备营救出再度落笼的布鲁与珠儿。只是,天不从鸟愿,他们还被拉上了飞机,布鲁眼见获救无望,急中生智,将笼子扯了一个大口,将所有的鸟儿都救了出来,布鲁不会飞,在迟疑,奈杰一把抓住布鲁,珠儿反抗,不小心将自己的翅膀砸坏。布鲁再次生智,用灭火器将奈杰消灭。要坠机了,珠儿从飞机上掉了下去,布鲁闭眼跳了下去,珠儿感动,布鲁张开了翅膀,成功飞了起来,珠儿翅膀治好后,布鲁离开了主人,与珠儿去野外幸福生活。 二、动画主题 《里约大冒险》的主题比较多样化,既呼吁人们要保护动物;又表现出布鲁的自我觉醒和在经历中的不断成长,这也是美国动画的一大特点——主题丰富、积极、有内涵。正是因为这一特点使美国动画更容易被全世界接受,更容易引起观众的共鸣。本片也沿袭了美国动画的优点,布鲁在片中不断成长,收获了爱情,拯救了蓝色斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉,坏人们得到了应有的惩罚。无论温情还是励志,积极向上的主旨搭配人类的情感渗透才能正确地引导孩子去辨别事情的真与伪,这才是举家共赏的全年龄电影。 三、动画中人物性格 人物性格塑造是电影创作的一个根本人物,而性格又是刻画人物的最根本的途径,因此性格的显著意义就凸显出来。本片中布鲁就是典型新时代宅男性格,布鲁的身份在观众心中就天然地具有了一种社会属性,他的生存状态也就可以与目前网络时代所造就的宅男宅女产生了对应,在一个虚拟的社交空间中,他们可以获得建诸于与真实世界隔绝之上的心理强大和坦然自若,但在此同时,他们的生活也丧失了人类社会化生存的初始意义。就像布鲁身


正方:山寨文化不利 反方:山寨文化有利 正1(开篇陈词):Good morning everyone….. "shanzhai culture" refers to the t products from the planning, creativity to the processing and manufacturing, as well as to the market process, producers and consumers and the community formed by a widespread social concern, or controversial cultural phenomenon. Our opinion is that shanzhai culture is bad for our country. Following are some evidence to support this point. First, shanzhai product is produced just by imitating other products, which means that those shanzhai products don’t have the property right at all. And they are illegal somehow. Second, shanzhai culture is so cheap and low cost that they may hurt the benefit of those regular product. And it’s unfair for the factory with the property right. Finally, only by imitating can we not improve the science and technology of our country, what we should do is to produce product with our own right instead of imitating. “山寨文化”则是指山寨产品从策划、创意到加工制造,以及推向市场过程中,在生产者和消费者以及社会上所形成的一种被社会广泛关注,或者引起争议的文化现象。我们的观点是山寨文化不利于我们的国家,以下是我的几点理由。第一,山寨产品仅仅是模仿他人,并没有属于自己的产权,一定程度上来讲山寨产品的存在是违法的;第二,山寨产品价格便宜低廉,因而他们抢占了正规厂家的市场,损害了他们的利益,这对他们是不公平的;最后,模仿是不能提高我国科技实力的,只有去生产自主产权的产品才可以。 反1(针对正1观点展开己方观点论述):Thank for your account. Our opinion is that the shanzhai culture is good for our country. Just as what you say, shanzhai culture is low cost and cheap, so it is available for almost everyone to enjoy the benefit from the high-tech product. And what’s more, the development of the science and technology should be step by step. If we can’t master the shanzhai product, how could we master the high technology? Or, we can say the shanzhai culture is the basement of the developing of the science and technology to some degree. 谢谢你的论述。我们的观点是山寨文化对我们国家来说是好的。正如你所说的,山寨产品价格低廉,因此,更多的人可以享受现代科技带来的乐趣。除此之外,科技的发展是一步步来的,如果山寨产品都做不好,我们怎么去掌握高科技?或者说,一定程度上来讲,山寨产品是发展高科技的基础。 (自由辩论阶段,为了突出所谓的“交锋conflict”,不要继续按照234辩的顺序进行下去。自由辩论阶段每个辩手都可以参与) 正:I have a question to ask you. How can you develop the science and technology just by the shanzhai” 我有一个问题,仅仅靠山寨,你们怎么去发展科技呢? 反:shanzhai culture is the manifestation of the power of the folk innovation. From copycat product case, although some is false and inferior product, but mostly through imitation and to give creative products, some products, especially mobile phone products, often a lot of integration of different quality brand strengths, according to the grassroots civilian needs, adding new features,


愤怒的?鸟:?约?冒险--全三星图?攻略 三星要点: 1.尽量?最少的?鸟来完成任务 2.攻击?标应该为障碍物的薄弱点,譬如?柱 3.利??些附加的障碍物来达到摧毁其他建筑物的?的 S M U G G L E R'S D E N 1-1 第?关很简单,你所使?的是三个红??鸟;只需调整?向击中右部的中间?柱就可以了 1-3 如下图,射击的?标瞄准障碍物的下部。同时要让你的红??鸟在最后击中最右边的笼?,然后让整个障碍物失去平衡往左边下落。??个?鸟完成任务即可三星

1-5 这?关也是,让红??鸟摧毁左边的笼?;然后让其下落的时候击中右边的障碍物下部来让右边的建筑物失去平衡。 1-6 这?关会出现新的?鸟,蓝??鸟。这种?鸟的威?在于,它们?次可以射出三只?鸟,你可以让它们各个突破,击中?系列?标,但最理想的状态是,让它们三者近距离出击同?个?标,发挥最?攻击?。 射出之后再点击?次?标左键即可分为三只?鸟

这?关很简单,按照如下的路线在半程散射即可完成本任务 1-7 这?关要在快接近?标的时候散射,同时要确保三个?鸟有?少?个击中中间障碍物的最下部;让其失去平衡从?完成任务

1-8 这?关有相当的技巧,路线如下。两个?鸟攻击下?的障碍物,然后?个?鸟将最右上的?头击落从?让其下落把所有的笼?砸开 1-9 这?关还是散射,注意要保证三个?鸟能够击中障碍物的下部

1-10 这?关的?的就是让你彻底摧毁前?两个建筑物,然后让其剩余的物件如同多?诺?牌?样把后?的建筑物推到完成任务 1-11 本关会开启新的黄??鸟。这种?鸟虽然极其神速,但碰到?壁和玻璃墙时的攻击?仍然有限。?这种?鸟进攻?头壁垒简直像捅破?层纸?样好?,这样你就可以闪电袭击敌?,让它们葬?于堡垒的废墟之中。?且在发射之后你还可以按?次?标左键进?加速攻击


东西方文化的融合英语演讲稿 The East and the West, Let’s enjoy the combination of the two cultures? Kipling said:“East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!”But now, a century later, they have met. They have met in business. They have met in education. They have met in the arts. Some people will argue that these meetings will leave us with a choice between east and west, but I believe that the best future lies in the creative combination of both worlds. We can make western ideas, customs and technology our own, and adapt them to our own use. We can enjoy the best of both worlds, because our tradition is, above all, one of selecting the best and making it our own. I love Beijing and Hennan opera because it always reminds me of who I am. But I am also a fan of pop music, especially English songs. So I have combined eastern melody with western language. It is called western henna opera. When two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit into the tradition of the other. When this happens, we need to learn to understand and respect the customs of another culture. Then there are certain things some people may not like. T o this, I will say, if you do not like it, please try to tolerate it. To learn to tolerate what you personally don’t like is a great virtue at a time when different cultures


M:这是你的热巧克力,布鲁 Here's your hot chocolate, Blu! M:告诉我你喜欢就行 Just how you like it. M:因为把布鲁丢给别人我不放心 Plus, I don't trust leaving Blu with just anyone. M:没,我没给它请保姆 No, I don't have a bird-sitter. B:啊,这就是生活 This is the life. B:棉花糖和可可的比例恰如其分 The perfect marshmallow-to-cocoa ratio. B:1、2、3、4、5...6块 One, two, three, four, five, six. C:好吧,这不是我最喜欢的呆鸟吗? Well, well, if it isn't my favorite nerd bird. C:很…很好笑,真是成熟的表现 Very funny. Real mature. C:嗨,宠物鸟,今年你要往哪儿迁徙? Hey, pet! Where you migrating to this year? C:你那个“最宽阔”的角落? The “Broad-First”nook? B:想扔雪球的话请便 Throw all the snowballs you want. B:反正我有神奇的保护盾叫做“玻璃” I'm protected by this magical force-field called glass. B:能让我在这里暖乎乎的 It's what keeps us so toasty and warm in here B:你们就在外面冻着吧... while you guys are out there freezing your... B:干的漂亮 Classy. M:你没事吧? Are you all right? D:我还不怎么适应这儿的天气 I'm not really built for this weather. M:哦你要什么书吗? Are you looking for some books? D:什么书?不不是的... Books? No. No. D:我长途跋涉6000英里就是为了找它 I have come 6,000 miles looking for him. M;鸟类学博士? Doctor of Ornithology? D:哦,它真漂亮 Oh,He's magnificent. B:琳达,快救救我,琳达! Linda? Little help here. Linda ! M:哇噢! Wow! M:你竟然可以跟它沟通 You're actually communicating. D:没错!我在用它们的方式打招呼呢,逆时针摇摇尾巴羽毛做个自我介绍 Yes! I introduced myself and shook my tail feathers counter-clockwise thus deferring to his dominance. B:我完全没明白 I did not get that at all. M:蒙特罗博士... So, Dr. Monteiro...


和“fltrp cup”结缘已经有五个年头了,伴随着比赛水平的提高,我自己也在不断地学习和成长。渐渐地,我对议会制辩论的理解也越来越明晰而深刻。纵观这几年的比赛,选手的水平总是停留在某个层次上无法拔高,总有些个瓶颈无法突破。究其原因,笔者以为是中西文化的差异所致。 合作vs拆台 孙中山先生曾感叹说中国人是“一盘散沙”,说的是中国人缺乏合作精神。中国疆域太广皇帝太远、利益集团太多;“大家庭”大到虚无缥缈如羚羊挂角无迹可寻,于是中国人自古以“家”为本,对再“大”一些的集体没有什么兴趣。在这样的文化中浸泡长大的中国人“天生缺乏合作精神”。 而西方的议会辩论的本质则是合作的,其历史可以追溯到古希腊。古希腊的城邦很小,人口不多,有什么事大家一般聚在一起开个会商量。为了找到解决办法的最佳策略,这才有了辩论。所以简单地说,议会制辩论就是开会。会上大家固然各抒己见,但会前大家至少在议题和目的上要达成一致,否则这会就没法开了。会议上大家所持观点不同,但目标一致。开会的实质是合作。 当中国辩手遇上议会辩论,场面就难免有些不伦不类。很多国外的评委到现在无法理解为什么中国辩手总喜欢在definition和criteria的问题上作无谓的纠缠,因为definition 和criteria简单地说就是会议的议题和目的。双方在这些问题上达成一致后,接下来的会议才是建构的(constructive)、积极的,有意义的。可咱们的辩手不是来合作的,而是来拆台的。正方自然要寻思着玩弄文字游戏,在definition上做文章,把对手逼上绝路;而反方也总是在找机会challenge the definition,甚至提出新的criteria以此重新夺回话语权。于是双方各说各的,整场辩论就变成了话语权的争夺,到最后开会的初衷已经无所谓了。 说vs做 同样让很多外国评委感到困惑的是,为什么中国学生总喜欢讨论feasibility。笔者认为,这一方面是因为中国学生的知识面比较窄,遇到很多辩题无话可说;更重要的原因则来自于中国人做事的文化。 决策者的缺位 在议会制辩论的实质是正反双方向决策者(在比赛中就是adjudicator)“推销”自己的观点,所以每位辩手在发言时的话语受众应该是决策者而非对手(opponent)。但是我看到很多咱们的辩手在辩论时—直冲着对手说话,互相攻击,似乎在试图说服对手接受自己的观点,而鲜有试图说服评委请评委定夺的倾向。有不少指导老师发现了这个问题,于是在训练时对辩手一再强调要“speak to adjudicators”,但这种习惯可不是短时间可以改掉的,因为在现实生活中,当学生有话要说的时候,找不到一个可以讲理可以主持公道的地方。决策者在我们的生活中—直是缺位的。 从小父母的话就是圣旨;上学后老师的话就是权威;工作后我们开始习惯了各种各样的“潜规则”。周围的人不跟你讲道理,只告诉你这是游戏规则;你要是不遵守游戏规则就只能出局。讲道理7你疯了吗? 几千年的专制压迫下,中国人已经习惯了沉默。自古以来能够为民请命的清官屈指可数,而且其中不少还落了个晚景凄凉。于是乎老百姓有什么话私下聊一聊泄泄愤就好了,说给上面听不但没用,还可能招来祸害。所以中国人到现在还不习惯告状,不习惯打官司,因为没有能够信得过的司法系统,没有信得过的法官。 写到这儿不知道怎么结尾了,因为一来从比赛中看到的还有很多,所以其实要说得还没说完,但目前能写清楚的就这几点了。二来,刻意写个结尾总结一下拔高一下升华一下多少显得有些做作。倒不妨在这儿先来个“暂停”,待到明年比赛也许自己能发现一些新的东西再


智慧树知到《英语演讲与辩论》章节测试答案 第一章 1、Which of the following is NOT one of the great English speakers in the history of the last one hundred years? A:Winston Churchil. B:Adam Smith. C:Martin Luther King. 正确答案:Adam Smith. 2、To draw audience’s attention, a good speaker always shows ___ to/for his/her speech. A:indifference B:passion C:a craze 正确答案:passion 3、What channel did Winston Churchill employ when making speech during the Second World War? A:Radio. B:Television. C:Internet. 正确答案:Radio. 4、 Without the nutritious base of_______, a good speech is impossible to occur. A:critical thinking B:culture C:Logic

正确答案:culture 5、Cicero, the greatest speech maker in ancient Rome, felt ___ when making a speech. A:easy B:confident C:nervous 正确答案:nervous 6、According to a professional speech consultant, ___ can reduce stage fright by up to 75 percent. A:rich experience B:preparation C:confidence 正确答案:preparation 7、 Mr. Roosevelt was a very ethical speaker because_______. A:he was paralyzed B:he gave speech C:he managed to stand up and made a speech for his country 正确答案:he managed to stand up and made a speech for his country 8、 To get the attention and interest of the audience, you can take the following methods except_______. A:posing a question B:telling a story C:making a long statement 正确答案:making a long statement


1. Welcome Back 演唱:Bruno Mars 2. What Is Love 演唱:Janelle Monáe 3.Beautiful Creatures Barbatuques 4. Rio Rio (feat. B.o.B) 5. I Will Survive - Jemaine Clement 6.It's A Jungle Out Here (feat. UAKTI) [Brazilian] 7.Don't Go Away (feat. UAKTI) 8.? Vida 9.Poisonous Love - Kristin Chenoweth 10. Batucada Familia 11.Bola Viva - Carlinhos Brown 12It's A Jungle Out Here [无] 1. Welcome Back 演唱:Bruno Mars Look at her shinin Her feathers they glow Now the jungle's smiling Cause out baby's home Can you feel what I feel? The day has come at last Our precious jewel has returned I'll be the first to say welcome back Oh welcome back I say welcome, welcome, welcome Back 2. What Is Love 演唱:Janelle Monáe What is loveIf it's not with you I know when you're alone you feel it too In your arms is where I long to be Cause being with you gives me sanity Listen to me darling I wake up every morning Thinking bout the way you feel I wonder if you know it And what good is the party If you're not around Listen to me now What good is love If it's not your love
