新概念英语第三册 优秀教案36

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Lesson 36

A chance in a million

一、单词讲解 New words and expressions

credulous adj.轻信的

always believing what you are told, and therefore easily deceived

gullible adj.轻信的

gullible tourists 轻信的旅游者

naive: not having much experience of how complicated life is so that you trust people too much and believe that good things will always happen

naive girls

credible : to be able to be believed or trusted

a credible friend 一个值得信赖的朋友

reliable adj. 十分可靠的

a reliable source of information 有可靠来源的信息

incredulous 不轻信的

incredible 难以置信

eg. An incredible story of 5 days living on a desert island

unbelievable: extremely surprising 极端令人惊讶的

fabulous: things that are mentioned in stories but do not really exist 不可思议的

dragons and other fabulous creatures



probable 主语不能是人

possible 主语不能是人

likely 主语可用人

eg. It is possible for him to win the game.

eg. He is likely to win the game.

the only possible solution 唯一可能的解决方式

the most probable result 最可能的结果

the most likely story 最可能发生的事

obscure adj. 无名的不起眼的,默默无闻的

1) not at all well known and not very important

an obscure village

an obscure poet

an obscure teacher

2) difficult to understand

obscure legal phrases 难懂的法律词条

obscurity n. 默默无闻

live in obscurity 默默无闻的生活

remain in obscurity 始终保持默默无闻

eg. Daniel Mendoza retired from boxing boring ring and died in obscurity.


maid servant 女仆

man servant

civil servant 国家公仆

foot man 侍者(专指为客人开门的那种)

retainer n. 家奴,家臣

an old and credible family retainer 忠诚可靠的家奴

henchman n. 党羽,心腹

presume v. 以为,认为

1) to accept sth as true until it is proved wrong

be presumed dead 以为死了

be presumed innocent 以为无辜

eg. The kid was missing, presumed dead.

2) to think you can be sure of sth because it is likely, although there is no proof 预先假定认为

assume (正式)

eg. Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture.

we can safely assume that…完全可以肯定

eg. We can safely assume that he will win the game.

resume: start again after a pause

eg. Resume the exercise of sovereignty of Hong Kong.


wicked adj. 坏心眼的

the wicked stepmother

malignant adj. 恶性的,恶毒的

a malignant tumor 恶性肿瘤

a benign tumor 良性肿瘤

a malignant look 凶恶的眼神

vicious adj. 恶毒的

vicious rumor 恶毒的谣言

vicious attack恶意的攻击

evil adj.罪恶的

evil thoughts 邪念

evil deeds 罪恶行径

sinful adj.罪孽深重的

devious adj.卑鄙的(人),不正直的(人)

a devious man

plot v.密谋

to make a secret plan to harm a person or organization , especially a political leader or government

plot our revenge 谋划复仇计划

plot against the government 阴谋推翻政府

plot to do sth with sb 和某人密谋要作…事情

scheme v.图谋,策划

scheme to get one’s revenge 图谋复仇


intrigue against the tyrant 密谋推翻暴君

conspire v.(贬)图谋不轨

conspire with to sb do sth
