


Do you often dream at night?



She dreamed that one day she would be as free as a bird


I once dreamed of becoming a famous doctor.



Don't dream away your life!


Sorry, I didn't see the sign. I must have been dreaming.


3.wave v.


He waved us quiet. 他挥手要我们别出声。

She waved me goodbye. 她向我挥手离别。


The flag is waving in the wind. 旗帜正在风中飘扬。

She was attracted by the waving sea. 她被那汹涌起伏的大海吸引。



must与can't不仅能表达对现在和将来的猜测和推断,而且能表达对过去的猜测和推断——这时可用 must have been表示肯定的推断,用can't have been(而不是mustn't have been)


英语课程体系 一、自然拼读

5个级别教学大纲 Level 1 26个字母发音(alphabets) Level 2 短元音(short vowels) Level 3 双元音和长元音(diphthongs and long vowels) Level 4 混合辅音(consonantblends) Level 5 字母组合(letter combinations) 详细的课程体系和课程大纲: ●8节课学习26个字母名、字母形、字母音;掌握每个字母对应3个发音单词, 包括音、义、形(识读);能够流利朗读字母歌谣;流利朗读简单故事 ●10节课掌握5个短元音的字母名、字母形、字母音以及简单的拼读能力;掌 握11个双元音的字母名、字母形、字母音以及简单的拼读能力;自主拼读115个单词,自主拼读词汇歌谣和故事,掌握sight words ●5节课掌握9个双元音的字母名、字母形、字母音以及简单的拼读能力;掌 握6个双辅音的字母名、字母形、字母音以及简单的拼读能力,自主拼读78个单词,自主拼读词汇歌谣和故事,包括课外绘本故事

10节课掌握28个双辅音的字母名、字母形、字母音以及简单的拼读能力; 掌握11个三字母组合的字母名、字母形、字母音以及简单的拼读能力,自 主拼读155个单词,自主拼读词汇歌谣和故事,包括课外绘本故事,掌握sight words 二、Kids Brown 布朗儿童英语 布朗儿童英语是专门针对亚洲儿童研发的美式母语化课程、多媒体互动课程, 分为四个级别。Level One、Level Two、Level Three、Level Four,分别适合2至6岁儿童使用。每个级别10个主题,每个学期5个主题,每月1个主题。每学期包含5本手绘本故事书Story Book、5本作业书Student Book,一张音听CD,一张多媒体软件CD-ROM(供家庭学习使用)。 布朗英语儿童英语的理念是Make English Practical,Make English Easy,Make English Fun,即实用、易学、乐学。布朗儿童英语特色在于应用多媒体互动软件,创设美式母语化体验式学习环境,让儿童自主学习,在游戏中学习,在互动中学习,启发兴趣、寓教于乐,听说读写,轻松掌握。 适用年龄:3-6岁 课程特色: 1.* 自然拼读教学方法,见词能读听音会写。 运用北美英语母语国家的学习方式,通过“拼读”学习英语读音与拼字而非 靠“背”,让儿童在轻松愉快的氛围中,简单高效地学习英语的发音规则与拼读 技巧,真正的做到“见词能读,听音会写”,并以此增进阅读能力与理解能力。 2.* 特色歌曲律动,启发兴趣寓教于乐。 贴合主题重点的特色歌曲律动,丰富的游戏、精巧的设计、可爱的形象,色


Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! Listen to the tape then answer this question. Whose handbag is it? 听录音,然后回答问题,这是谁的手袋? Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. New Word and expressions 生词和短语 excuse v. 原谅 me pron. 我(宾格) yes

adv. 是的 is v. be 动词现在时第三人称单数 this pron.这 your possessive adjective 你的,你们的handbag n. (女用)手提包 pardon int. 原谅,请再说一遍 it pron.它 thank you 感谢你(们) very much 非常地

参考译文 对不起 什么事? 这是您的手提包吗? 对不起,请再说一遍。 这是您的手提包吗? 是的,是我的。非常 感谢! Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。 Listen to the tape then answer this question. 听录音,然后回答问题。这位男士有没有要回他的雨伞? My coat and my umbrella please. Here is my ticket. Thank you, sir. Number five. Here's your umbrella and your coat.


新概念英语第二册逐句精讲语言点第56课(1) Lesson 56:Faster than sound! 比声音还快! Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. After a great many loud explosions, the race began. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour -- much faster than any of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. 句子讲解: 本文语法:复习级和比较级及数量词的用法 (参考Lesson 8和Lesson 32的语法分析。) 1、Once a year, a race is held for old cars. 每年都举行一次旧式汽车的比赛。 语言点 old car旧式汽车;second-hand car 二手车 2、A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. 去年有很多汽车参加了这项比赛。比赛开始之前,人们异常激动。


Lesson1: Excuse me! Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. Lesson 3:Sorry sir. My coat and my umbrella please. Here is my ticket. Thank you sir. Number five. Here is your umbrella and your coat. This is not my umbrella. Sorry sir. Is this your umbrella? No, it isn't. Is this it? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. Lesson 5: Nice to meet you. Good morning. Good morning, Mr. Blake. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new student. She is a French. Sophie, this is Hans. He is German. Nice to meet you. And this is Naoko.

She’s Japanese. Nice to meet you. And this is Chang-woo. He’s Korean. (朝鲜人) Nice to meet you. And this is Luming. He’s Chinese. Nice to meet you. And this is Xiaohui. She’s Chinese, too. Nice to meet you. Lesson 7: Are you a teacher? I’m a new student. My name’s Robert. Nice to meet you. My name’s Sophie. Are you French? Yes, I’m. Are you French, too? No, I’m not. What nationality are you? I’m Ital ian. Are you a teacher? No, I’m not. What’s your job? I’m a keyboard operator. What’s your job? I’m an engineer. Lesson 9: How are you today? Hello, Helen. Hi, Steven. How are you today?


Lesson 1: Excuse me! Excuse me! [劳驾,请问,对不起] Yes? Is this your handbag? [handbag的发音,当两个爆破音连在一起时前一个失去爆破,故读作:han(d)bag] Pardon? [请原谅,请再说一遍。完整句型:I beg your pardon?] Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. [亦可用Thank you或Thanks,表示强调时用Thanks a lot] 笔记: 1、excuse 1)v. 原谅。eg. Excuse me. 请原谅,劳驾。 2)n. 借口。eg. It‘s an excuse. 那是一个借口 2、me pron. 我(宾格) eg. He loves me. 他爱我。 eg. She cheats me. 她骗我。 eg. Please tell me. 请告诉我。 3、Excuse me的用法。打搅别人时,常被译作“劳驾” 1)为了要引起别人的注意 eg. Excuse me, Is this your handbag? 2) 要打扰某人或要打断别人的话 Eg. Excuse me. May I ask you a question?

3) 向陌生人问路 Eg. Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the railway station? 劳驾,请问去火车站的路怎么走呢? 4) 向某人借东西 Eg. Excuse me. Can I borrow your pen? 打扰下,可不可以接你的钢笔用下啊? 5)需要从别人身边挤过或让别人给自己让路 Eg. Excuse me. Could you please make some room for me? 劳驾,借过下一下。 6)要求在宴会或会议中途中离开一会儿 Eg. Excuse me. May I leave for a little while? 对比起,我离开一下。 4、sorry 用于当你做错事而向别人道歉的时候,表示“对不起” 1)请问几点了? Eg. Excuse me. What time is it? 2) 不小心把水弄到了别人身上。 Eg. Sorry. 或者I‘m sorry! 3)对不起,我先失陪一下 Eg. Excuse me. 4) 误解了别人的意思 Eg. Sorry. 5、Yes 1) adv. 是的(对一般疑问句的肯定回答) Eg. Are you mad? 你疯了吗? ----- Yes, I am. 是的,我疯了


Lesson 1 Excuse me! Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. My coat and my umbrella please. Here is my ticket. Thank you, sir. Number five. Here's your umbrella and your coat. This is not my umbrella. Sorry sir. Is this your umbrella? No, it isn't. Is this it? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. Lesson 5 Nice to meet you : Good morning. STUDENTS: Good morning, Mr. Blake. MR. BLAKE: This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new is French. MR. BLAKE: Sophie, this is is German. HANS: Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is 's Japanese. NAOKO: Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is 's Korean. CHANG-WOO: Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is is Chinese. LUMNG: Nice to meet you. MR. BLAKE: And this is 's Chinese, too. XIAOHUI: Nice to meet you. Lesson 7 Are you a teacher? ROBERT: I am a new name's Robert. SOPHIE: Nice to meet you. My name's Sophie. ROBERT: Are you French? SOPHIE: Yes, I am. SOPHIE: Are you French too? ROBERT: No, I am not. SOPHIE: What nationality are you? ROBERT: I'm Italian. ROBERT: Are you a teacher? SOPHIE: No, I'm not. ROBERT: What's your job? SOPHIE: I'm a keyboard operator. SOPHIE: What's your job? ROBERT: I'm an engineer. Lesson 9 How are you today? STEVEN: Hello, Helen. HELEN: Hi, Steven. STEVEN: How are you today? HELEN: I'm very well, thank you. And you? STEVEN: I'm fine, thanks. STEVEN: How is Tony? HELEN: He's fine, thanks. How's Emma? STEVEN: She's very well, too, Helen. STEVEN: Goodbye, to see you. HELEN: Nice to see you, too, Steven. Goodbye. Lesson 11 Is this your shirt? HEACHER:Whose shirt is that? HEACHER:Is this your shirt, Dave? DAVE: No. Sir. It's not my shirt. DAVE: This is my shirt. My shirt's blue. TEACHER: Is this shirt Tim's? DAVE: Perhaps it is, 's shirt's white. HEACHER:Tim! TIM: Yes, sir? HEACHER:Is this your shirt? TIM: Yes, sir. HEACHER:Here you are. Catch! TIM: Thank you, sir. Lesson 13 A new dress LOUISE: What colour's your new dress? ANNA: It's green. ANNA: Come upstairs and see it. LOUISE: Thank you. ANNA: Look!Here it is! LOUISE: That's nice 's very smart. ANNA: My hat's new, too. LOUISE: What colour is it? ANNA: It's the same 's green, too. LOUISE: That is a lovely hat! Lesson 15 Your passports, please. CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you Swedish? GIRLS: No, we are are Danish. CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends Danish, too? GIRLS: No, they aren't. They are Norwegian. CUSTOMS OFFICER: Your passports, please. GIRLS: Here they are. CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are these your cases? GIRLS: No, they aren't. GIRLS: Our cases are brown. Here they are. CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you tourists? GIRLS: Yes, we are. CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends tourists too? GIRLS: Yes, they are. CUSTOMS OFFICER: That's fine. GIRLS: Thank you very much. 1

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第56课

11-14-2013sound n 声音excitement n 激动,兴奋handsome adj Rolls-royce Benz n wheel n 轮子explosion n course n 跑道;行程rival n 对手speed v 疾驶sped--sped downhill adv 下坡sound 1n 声音the sound of the wind 风声the sound of the sea 大海的声音the sound of a car 汽车的声音the sound of music 音乐之声the sound of voices 说话的声音like the sound of one`s own voice 滔滔不绝的讲话(常指不想听别人说话,只听自己来说)sound-recording n 录音2v sound like 听起来像eg That music sounds beautiful.那个音乐听起来很美。eg That music sounds sad.那个音乐听起来很忧伤。eg Your explanation sounds reasonable.你的解释听起来合情合理。3adj soundly adv sleep soundly 睡得很香很甜have a sound sleep 美美的睡了一觉excitement n [u]激动,兴奋cause excitement/arouse excitement 引起激动excite v eg His story excites me very much. 他的故事令我非常激动。eg The scene would excite the hardest man to pity. 那个场面就算是最铁石心肠的人也会同情的。eg His speech excited everyone present to anger. 他的发言激怒了所有在场的人。excited adj 感到激动的主语是人an excited mob 激动的人群exciting adj 令人激动的主语是物an exciting moment 兴奋的时刻handsome 1adj (指男子)好看的,漂亮的,英俊的,相貌堂堂的2adj (指事物)美观的,漂亮的a handsome horse 一匹漂亮的马a handsome building 漂亮的建筑物--some 与名词或动词复合构成adj,描述人或物的特征或属性。quarrelsome adj 爱与人争吵的adj 令人讨厌的或惹人恼火的worrisome adj 令人担心的adj 惹麻烦的wheel n 1the wheels of a car 汽车的轮子2be behind wheel/ sit behind wheel 握着方向盘(在开车/开船)be at the wheel/ sit at the wheel 握着方向盘(在开车/开船)eg Will you take the wheel ? 你来开车好吗?eg America is a country on the wheel ? 美国是一个车轮上的国家。eg Australia is a country on the back of sheep.澳大利亚是一个羊背上的国家。 wheel chair 轮椅 stretcher 担架 Lesson 56Faster than sound New words and expressions 漂亮的,美观的听起来(感官动词,后面+adj 表达感觉)罗尔斯-罗伊斯(劳斯莱斯)奔驰爆炸,轰响使…兴奋,刺激(睡眠)酣睡的,香甜的(睡眠)酣睡地,香甜地bothersome/tiresome troublesome 车轮,轮子方向盘,舵轮(steering wheel)


新概念英语第一册 Lesson1: Excuse me! Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. 对不起 什么事? 这是您的手提包吗? 对不起,请再说一遍。 这是您的手提包吗? 是的,是我的。 非常感谢! Lesson 3:Sorry sir. My coat and my umbrella please. Here is my ticket. Thank you sir. Number five. Here is your umbrella and your coat. This is not my umbrella. Sorry sir. Is this your umbrella? No, it isn't. Is this it? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. 请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。 谢谢,先生。 是5号。 这是您的伞和大衣 这不是我的伞。 对不起,先生。 这把伞是您的吗? 不,不是! 这把是吗? 是,是这把 非常感谢。 Lesson 5: Nice to meet you. Good morning.

Good morning, Mr. Blake. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new student. She is a French. Sophie, this is Hans. He is German. Nice to meet you. And this is Naoko. She’s Japanese. Nice to meet you. And this is Chang-woo. He’s Korean. Nice to meet you. And this is Luming. He’s Chinese. Nice to meet you. And this is Xiaohui. She’s Chinese, too. Nice to meet you. 布莱克先生:早上好。 学生:早上好,布莱克先生。 布莱克先生:这位是索菲娅.杜邦小姐。索菲娅是个新学生。她是法国人。布莱克先生:索菲娅,这位是汉斯。他是德国人。 汉斯:很高兴见到你。 布莱克先生:这位是直子。她是日本人。 直子:很高兴见到你。 布莱克先生:这位是昌宇。他是韩国人。 昌宇:很高兴见到你。 布莱克先生:这位是鲁明。他是中国人。 鲁明:很高兴见到你。 布莱克先生:这位是晓惠。她也是中国人。 晓惠:很高兴见到你。 Lesson 7: Are you a teacher? I’m a new student. My name’s Robert. Nice to meet you. My name’s Sophie. Are you French? Yes, I’m. Are you French, too? No, I’m not. What nationality are you? I’m Italian.


新概念英语第二册逐句精讲语言点第56课(3) Lesson 56:Faster than sound! 比声音还快! Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. After a great many loud explosions, the race began. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour -- much faster than any of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. 句子讲解: 本文语法:复习级和比较级及数量词的用法 (参考Lesson 8和Lesson 32的语法分析。) 7、Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! 很多汽车在途中就抛了锚,而有些驾驶员修车的时间比坐在汽车里面的时间还要长。 语言点1 broke down “抛锚”,汽车制造商丰田公司的经典广告词: Have you ever seen a broke-down TOYOTA on the way?


新概念英语第一册课文(全中文)$课文1对不起! 1对不起 2什么事? 3这是您的手提包吗? 4对不起,请再说一遍。 5这是您的手提包吗? 6是的,是我的。 7非常感谢! $课文3对不起,先生。 8请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 9这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。 10谢谢,先生。 11是5号。 12这是您的伞和大衣 13这不是我的伞。 14对不起,先生。 15这把伞是您的吗? 16不,不是! 17这把是吗? 18是,是这把 19非常感谢。 $课文5很高兴见到你。 20早上好。 21早上好,布莱克先生。 22这位是索菲娅 23索菲娅是个新学生。 24她是法国人。 25索菲娅,这位是汉斯。 26他是德国人。 27很高兴见到你。 28这位是直子。 29她是日本人。 30很高兴见到你。 31这位是昌宇。 32他是韩国人。 33很高兴见到你。 34这位是鲁明。 35他是中国人。 36很高兴见到你。 37这位是晓惠。 38她也是中国人。 39很高兴见到你。 $课文7你是教师吗?

40我是个新学生, 41我的名字叫罗伯特。 42很高兴见到你。 43我的名字叫索菲娅。 44你是法国人吗? 45是的,我是法国人。 46你也是法国人吗? 47不,我不是。 48你是哪国人? 49我是意大利人。 50你是教师吗? 51不,我不是。 52你是做什么工作的? 53我是电脑录入员。 54你是做什么工作的? 55我是工程师。 $课文9今天好吗? 56你好,海伦 57你好,史蒂文 58你今天好吗? 59很好,谢谢你。 60你好吗? 61很好,谢谢。 62托尼好吗? 63他很好,谢谢。 64埃玛好吗? 65她也很好,海伦。 66再见,海伦。 67见到你真高兴。 68我见到你也很高兴,史蒂文。69再见。 $课文11这是你的衬衫吗? 70那是谁的衬衫? 71戴夫,这是你的衬衫吗? 72不,先生。 73这不是我的衬衫。 74这是我的衬衫。 75我的衬衫是蓝色的。 76这件衬衫是蒂姆的吗? 77也许是,先生。 78蒂姆的衬衫是白色的。 79蒂姆! 80什么事,先生。 81这是你的衬衫吗? 82是的,先生。 83给你。


新概念英语第一册第十二课习题答案Lesson 12 A 1 Stella is here. That is her car. 2 Excuse me, Steven. Is this your umbrella? 3 I am an air hostess. My name is Britt. 4 Paul is here, too. That is his coat. 1 Whose is this handbag? It’s Stella ’s. It’s her handbag. 2 Whose is this car? It’s Paul’s. It’s his car. 3 Whose is this coat? It’s Sophie ’s. It’s her coat. 4 Whose is this umbrella? It’s Steven’s. It’s his umbrella. 5 Whose is this pen? I t’s my daughter’s. It’s her pen. 6 Whose is this dress? It’s my son’s. It’s his dress. 7 Whose is this suit? It’s my father’s. It’s his suit. 8 Whose is this skirt? It’s my mother’s. It’s her skirt. 9 Whose is this blouse? It’s my sister’s. It’s her blouse. 10 Whose is this tie? It’s my brother’s. It’s his tie. 11 Whose is this pen? It’s Sophie’s. It’s her pen.

新概念英语第一册单词 第12课:这些是谁的

新概念英语第一册单词第12课:这些是谁的 Whose is that...? That is my/your/h i s/her_那……是谁的?那是我的/你的/他的/她的…… father ['fɑe]r父亲 【派生词】fatherly慈爱的 【单词扩充】dad爸爸 daddy爸爸(口语) 【单词例句】 AHow many people are there your family? A:你家有几口人? B:Three.My father, my mother and me. B:三口人。我爸、我妈和我。 motherA:你家有几口人? n.母亲 【派生词】motherland祖国 【单词例句】 A: Give your mother my best wishes! A:请向你母亲转达我最良好的祝愿 B: Thanks very much. You are so kind. B:谢谢,你真是太好了。 blouse ['blaz] 女衬衫 sister ['sst] 姐妹 【单词例句】

A: I have an elder brother and two younger sisters. A:我有一个哥哥和两个妹妹。 B: You have such a big family. B:你有这么大一个家庭啊。 【派生词】bowtie领结 【单词扩充】necktie领带 【单词搭配】tie up绑,系tie down向下扎牢 【单词例句】 A:Is there anythingI can do for you' sir? A:先生,有什么能帮您的吗? B: Yes,1 want to get a few new ties for fashion。 B:是的,我想买几条配时装的领带。 brother ['bre] 兄,弟 【派生词】brother-in-law小舅子;大伯:小叔;姐夫;妹夫brotherhood手足情意 【单词搭配】 A:Didn’t you know that Peter is Mark's younger brother? A:你不知道彼得是马克的弟弟吗? B: No, nobody told me that before. B:不知道,之前没有人告诉过我。 his [hz] adj他的

新概念英语1册 课文 完整版

新概念英语1册课文完整版 学习新概念英语计划建议: 1、第一步:先背单词,不要去看课文。 2、第二步:听录音,看看自己是否能听懂,是否能用英文把课文写出来。 3、第三步:通过自学导读理解课文的关键语句。 4、第四步:做完教材中的所有练习。 5、学新概念最有效的方式就是背诵课文了。建议能将整个课文背诵出来。也不需要完全背诵,只要能照着中文背诵出来就可以了。 Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much. 参考译文 对不起

什么事? 这是您的手提包吗? 对不起,请再说一遍。 这是您的手提包吗? 是的,是我的。 非常感谢! Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。 My coat and my umbrella please. Here is my ticket. Thank you, sir. Number five. Here's your umbrella and your coat. This is not my umbrella. Sorry sir. Is this your umbrella? No, it isn't. Is this it? Yes, it is. Thank you very much.

参考译文 请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。 谢谢,先生。 是5号。 这是您的伞和大衣 这不是我的伞。 对不起,先生。 这把伞是您的吗? 不,不是! 这把是吗? 是,是这把 非常感谢。 Lesson 5 Nice to meet you 很高兴见到你。 MR. BLAKE: Good morning. STUDENTS: Good morning, Mr. Blake. MR. BLAKE: This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new student. She is French.


英语课程体系 对象内容教材辅助 零基础自然拼读Hooked on phonics, 律动、视频、动 Let ’s go phonics, 画 Super phonics 幼儿(3~6 岁)布朗英语Brown English 律动、视频、动 画、互动白板 少儿(7~12岁)探索岛屿/ 新概探索岛屿Our 律动、视频、互 念青少版动白板、动画、 Discovery Island ,新 概念青少版分级读物 初中+高中同步辅导+雅思同步教材+中高考专项 中高考真题、分 口语级读物、文学作 知识点+《雅思基础口 语》品 学科英语:加州课程(语加州同步教材视频、音频、点小学+初中 文、数学、科学)读机 一、自然拼读

5 个级别教学大纲 Level 1 26 个字母发音(alphabets ) Level 2 短元音(short vowels ) Level 3 双元音和长元音(diphthongs and long vowels ) Level 4 混合辅音(consonantblends ) Level 5 字母组合(letter combinations ) 详细的课程体系和课程大纲: 8 节课学习26 个字母名、字母形、字母音;掌握每个字母对应 3 个发音单词, 包括音、义、形(识读);能够流利朗读字母歌谣;流利朗读简单故事 10 节课掌握 5 个短元音的字母名、字母形、字母音以及简单的拼读能力;掌 握11 个双元音的字母名、字母形、字母音以及简单的拼读能力;自主拼读 115 个单词,自主拼读词汇歌谣和故事,掌握sight words 5 节课掌握9 个双元音的字母名、字母形、字母音以及简单的拼读能力;掌 握6 个双辅音的字母名、字母形、字母音以及简单的拼读能力,自主拼读78 个单词,自主拼读词汇歌谣和故事,包括课外绘本故事


金牌新概念英语第一册Lesson1-12知识点归纳 Lesson 1-2 一、词汇 1.指示代词:this that 2.Be动词:am is are 3.文具类:pen pencil book school teacher 4.服饰类:watch dress skirt shirt T-shirt handbag coat cloakroom suit 5.其他:excuse pardon thank you thanks house car 二、语法: 1、指示代词this that 的用法 指示代词this that表示“这个”、“那个”。是指单个的人或物。this 表示时间和空间上较接近说话人的人或物。That表示时间和空间上离说话人较远的人或物。 使用this that时注意以下两点: 1.1 this that只和单数连用,如This is a dog. That is a pencil. 1.2以this that作主语的疑问句,其答语通常用it指代。如:Is that a cap? Yes, it is. 1.3 初次见面介绍某人时常用this. Mum, this is my friend, Mary. 1.4打电话时,用this表示“我”,用that表示“你”。如:Hello, this is Mary, Who’s that? 你好!我是玛丽,你是谁? 2、be动词的用法 Be动词通常在句中做谓语,基本形式有is/am/are (以下是对应人称代词的固定搭配) I am=I’m You are = You’re He is = He’s She is = She’s It is = It’s We are = We’re They are = They’re 3、陈述句、一般疑问句 陈述句:This is your handbag. 陈述句变一般疑问句:Is this your handbag? 陈述句变一般疑问句方法四步: 3.1 找出陈述句中的助动词,如is am are 3.2 助动词大写提前至句首。 3.3 主语小写紧随其后。3.4 句末加问号。 Lesson 3-4 一、词汇 形容词性物主代词: my your his her its our your their 名词: umbrella ticket number son daughter student morning afternoon evening 形容词:new good nice 副词:here too 动词:please meet 英语中对男性及女性的称呼: Mr. Sir Miss Mrs. Ms. Madam 二、语法: 1、形容词性的物主代词 形容词性物主代词只能作定语修饰其后面的名词,表示所有关系。一般在句子中不能独立存在。


《新概念英语》第一册到底有多难? ——蓝思分级阅读测评体系告诉你答案 不少家长在给孩子选择《新概念英语》课程时,往往很难准确判断该给孩子报读哪个级别的课程,他们更多的只能横向参考同龄孩子一般都在读哪个级别的课程,然后再根据孩子在校的成绩或是培训学校提供的入学测试或者咨询来决定最终报读的级别。 而英语老师们在教学过程中,在给家长提供建议时,往往更多的是从词汇和语法的角度来权衡一篇课文的难度,再结合入学测试等手段来确定适合学生的课程级别。 以上方法其实都是可行的,相信大部分学校、老师或者家长也都是这么做的,但是如果要更为准确地给孩子量身定制式地选择适合的课程级别的话,蓝思分级阅读测评体系是个不错的选择。 小编在前面已经跟大家简单分享过了蓝思阅读测评体系的大致内容,有兴趣的读者可以参阅这里: 今天我们就用这个测评体系来看看《新概念英语》第一册的难度有多大,以及我们到底应该为孩子选择什么适合级别的课程。 蓝思分级阅读测评体系的官网上提供一个免费的文本难度在线测评工具,读者只要免费注册好账户后,就可以使用了(一定要先注册才行),网址是:。注册好后,如果要对任何词汇量不超过1000个的英语文章难度进行测评,就可以先把这篇文章以TXT的格式保存好(要注意,文本所有内容必须采用英文输入法的状态,不能出现中文符号,否则系统无法识别),然后直接上传(如图1),系统会自动作出分析,然后给出测评结果(如图2)。(该样图里的课文选自第一

册第25课) 图1 图2

小编利用这个工具,把第一册所有单课的课文进行了测评,得出了以下的结果(以每12课为一单元来示例,其中Lexile Measure是指该课文的蓝思阅读难度等级,Mean Sentence Length是指该课文中的句子平均单词量,Mean Log Word Frequency是指该课文中的单词词频,Word Count是指该课文的单词总量): 第1-23课 第25-47课
