


1. The international community must act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce their consumption of fossil fuels, such as gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that the International Community should put more efforts to encourage all countries in the world to decrease their fossil fuel’s utilization such as gas, oil, and coal. Personally, I strongly agree with this idea for many reasons.

The most important thing we should mention is that fossil fuels’ consumption in all over the world is considered to be the main culprit of global warming and other environmental problems. First of all, it can be undeniable that burning oil and coal in domestic and industrial activities is producing tons of carbon dioxide and other detrimental chemical substances per year. Moreover, with the fast-developing pace of life and overpopulation, a significant number of transportations are being used, which is generating exhausted fumes and green-house gases in most of nations in the world. Th at’s the reasons why a huge number of environmental issues are alarmingly emerging recently such as global warming, ice melting in all poses, sea level rising and the other severe weather conditions.

Besides, it is clearly seen that the amount of fossil fuels in all over the world are restricted and nonrenewable. Each kind of fossil fuels energies needs millions of years to form, thus, with an enormous human beings’ demand, it will result in energy depletion in the near future. Furthermore, technologies producing alternative power resources have not reached the point in which people in all countries of the world can use renewable energies replacing fossil fuels. Not all of nations can have enough financial and technological resources to invest in alternative power resources, so that the use of these energies is extremely expensive. Ultimately, because of the energy shortages, industrial activities and global economic development will experience negative and pessimistic impacts.

In conclusion, I will reaffirm that International Community should take actions urgently to decrease the consumption of fossil fuels and other harmful energy in all nations.

2. In some countries there is not enough recycling of waste materials (e.g. paper, glass and cans). What are the reasons and solutions?

Waste recycling and people’s participation in it is a moot issue and a lot

of arguments could be observed among people as well as in the media regarding whether people should spontaneously take part in recycling process or the government should make it a legal obligation. I personally believe that government should impose laws and severely fine the violation of it to ensure proper waste recycling.

First, waste recycling is done by the state and citizens are expected to properly divide the recyclable and non-recyclable wastages and pack them accordingly while dumping them in recycle bins. They are expected to cooperate greatly in the recycling process. However, it is a strange fact that many people do not participate in it spontaneously either from their negligence or from their lack of time to do so.

Second, it is a harsh truth that people in many cases abide by a rule only from the concern of punishment or fine, not from their conscience. For instance, when the penalty for traffic rule violation went up, people started following them in my city. Similarly, if laws are introduced and the authority starts penalizing, more people would recycle more of their wastages.

Third, waste recycling is a very handy process to save our environment and we already have many rules to protect our environment. While deforesting is a severe crime in my country, there is no visible law for not recycling the waste. This is why people are very careless about their waste production and this has created a throwaway society in our country. This is why proper laws are required.

In conclusion, most of the citizens in our country already know about the importance of saving the environment and how individual efforts of recycling can improve environmental conditions. Since many of them still do not participate in waste recycling, there is no alternative than to impose laws to have this done.

3. The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What danger is caused? How can we solve these problems?

The depletion of consumable natural resources at an accelerated speed is a matter of grave concern since it has given birth to several problems in the world. Nevertheless, these issues can be resolved by taking some effective remedial steps.

The reduction in the green cover has had a negative effect on earth’s weather conditions. To elaborate, forests help to maintain the temperature of earth. The cutting down of trees at a fast pace for fulfilling human’s greed has created a climatic imbalance in the last ten years. One of the

biggest consequences of global warming is that our summers are getting hotter and hotter.

Further, because of the depletion of fresh water resources, people are now forced to buy drinking water. The poor and the weaker sections of the society are the worst hit by the water crisis. Consequently, many people are dying due to lack of drinking water in African states and several others are left with only contaminated water for their daily use. Depleting oil resources also have had a negative impact on the automobile industry which relies almost wholly on oil for its operation.

However, some viable solutions do exist and it is possible to solve the aforementioned problems to a great extent. First, cutting down of trees should be checked, and industries which use wood for manufacturing their products, such as furniture and houses, should be encouraged to find eco-friendly alternatives. Second, the government and the media should launch campaigns that make people aware of the importance of saving water. It is also important to set a limit on the amount of water that can be used for domestic and industrial purposes. Third, scientists should be encouraged to find renewable fuels for vehicles. For instance, chargeable electric cars are gaining popularity in the US because they are eco-friendly and economical.

In conclusion, although the fast paced consumption of natural resources has directly influenced the climate of earth, the collaborative efforts of governments, scientists and the public can reduce the impact.

4. Development in science and technology have caused environmental problems. Some people think that a simpler way of life will protect the environment, while others believe that science and technology can solve environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People argue about the negative effect of technology on the environment.

A group of people think that rather than following the development of technology, we should have a simpler way of life. However, others disagree as they believe that technology could address environmental issues.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that the rapid development of technology has caused some environmental problems. Many inventions are beneficial for human beings, but they have a catastrophic effect on the environment. For example, the invention of cars that use fossil fuel has caused some serious effect on the world. The cars produce carbon monoxide which is not only dangerous for living creatures, but it also

becomes the main cause of global warming. Therefore, some people believe that we should change our lifestyle into a simpler one. One of the ways is by using a friendly environmental transportation such as using a bicycle to commute.

On the other hand, other people believe that technology could be used as a way to resolve environmental problems. As we can see that one of the biggest threat to the earth civilization is the usage of the plastic bag. The waste of plastic bags has become a big issue, as they could only be composed for about ten decades. However, with the new technology, scientists have found a new way of producing plastic bags. With the new formula, plastic bags could be recycled; therefore it would resolve one of the environmental issues.

In my opinion, I do believe that technology is beneficial for human beings if we used it wisely and proportionately. I personally believe that research for new technology should be continued, as we need to have improvements in life, but the government should review and monitor this research properly.

5. Some people think that the amount of noise people make should be controlled strictly, while others say people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

It is often considered by many that they can make noises as they wish, while other people believe that there should have strict rules to control the amount of noise individual makes. In my opinion, I think noise pollution causes ample social and physical issues, hence it should be controlled. On the one hand, freedom to speak and making noise is one of the human rights. In other words, every citizen has a right to make sounds or noise as they prefer. For instance, in some special events such as birthday celebrations, dancing parties making noise is accepted in the current society. Moreover, making sounds is often considered as accepted behavior especially among small children. Making noise provides enjoyment among people obviously during joyful occasions. It helps to ventilate one’s emotions, particularly anger and sorrow.

On the other hand, noise pollution is often accepted as one of the major concerns of the current world due to several drawbacks. Firstly, unpleasant sound causes ample health issues. For instance, the high-intensity sound could cause increased stress level, deafness, and cardiovascular problems and even sleep disturbances. Secondly, noise would often affect wild life. Animals would probably develop aggressive behavior and get irritated due to the high-frequency of unpleasant sounds.

To cite an example, during thunder and lightning pet animals became frustrated as a result of high pitch sounds. Finally, it leads to trouble communicating. In other sense, communication between individuals becomes difficult owing to noise from the surrounding. In other words, communication gets distracted.

In conclusion, the noise would adversely affect society and one’s body .Hence, necessary steps to be taken to control it. In my opinion, people should abide rules to control noise formation for the welfare of the society and inhabitants.

6. Scientists and tourists can travel to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Natural places like the South Pole have become attractive to scientists and tourists recently. However, whether the trend will have any negative influence on the local environments remains a controversial issue. I agree with the view that if they can abide by certain rules during their stay, the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages.

Firstly, it is obvious that for scientists, going to less known natural environments can make a difference in their researches. This is because these places have distinct eco-systems which are good resources for scientists to explore and expand their knowledge in different areas. Normally, researchers will collect samples, take pictures and observe the environment in order to achieve certain research goals.

Moreover, for tourists, top advantage is that they get to see distinctive scenery which cannot be compared to other places they have been to. This could be once-in-a-life-time experience as not many people can afford or get the chance to experience an extraordinary side of nature, such as the South Pole which cannot be duplicated in the other parts of the Earth.

That does not mean that there is no drawbacks of the practice. If these activities are not deliberately planned out, local scenery spots can be affected when perilous experiments are done in places where the eco-system is fragile to human activities, or at least make endless noise, leave trash everywhere. Consequently the loss will be immense.

In sum, visiting remote natural places is definitely beneficial to both scientists and visitors; meanwhile, these new comers need to restrict their behaviors. Only by doing so will the pros outweigh the cons.

7. With the increasing demand of energy sources of oil and gas, people

should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched natural places. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages of damaging such areas?

It is suggested that people should search for energy and natural resources in distant and inhospitable areas to cater to the growing need for oil and gas. This essay believes that the benefits of exploiting remote places do not outweigh the drawbacks simply because the environment itself is far more important than human desire.

The main reason to extract oil and gas from untouched places is that most easily accessible sources of oil and gas have already been developed. This means human are draining the earth and will probably never be satisfied. Meanwhile, the main disadvantage is that extracting these sources can result in permanent damage to the environment, which can be devastating to the wildlife and human who depend on these ecosystems. Another negative view is that we cannot rule out the possibility of tragedies like oil spills, pipeline leaks and even shipping accidents. These contaminants pose a serious threat to the sensitive species and habitats since tons of harmful pollutants will be released in the air and all the toxic chemicals will be discharged into the water, which in turn, will undoubtedly bring severe punishment to human themselves.

Those opposed to this say that remote places shall be benefited with boost economy and more job opportunities. However, this standpoint can be seen in an opposite way. With large-scale infrastructures being constructed as well as more roads and buildings being built for workers, the biodiversity and ecosystem are surely at greater risk. Therefore, economy development in such areas cannot be stimulated this way.

In conclusion, the advantages of exploiting distant places are overshadowed by the drawbacks. It is not sensible also morally flawed to stake our environment for progress, let alone to fulfill our own needs. 8. Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that these problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take actions. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Environmental problems have dramatically increased over the last few years. Population change and other problems such as pollution, deforestation have further exacerbated the situation. Some people argue that these problems are too large to be addressed by individual being. I believe that it is a mutual responsibility of both individuals and countries to take pragmatic measures for its solution.

Overpopulation is one of the pivotal reasons that have detrimental effects on the environment. Increase in population demand more food resources and living space. For instance, for the sake of accommodation many natural parks and forests have been wiped out to fulfil the need of living space. This has led to severe consequences that could damage both for the people and the environment.

Individual efforts can contribute a lot to address the pressing environmental problems. Steps taken in individual level can be an effective solution for the world. For example, if the government of a country takes initiatives to reduce the rubbish produced daily, can’t do much. However, if the citizens take effort from their personal level, the rubbish production could be controlled observably. Similarly, if administration of a country starts planting trees, the effort would not go further without the collaboration of the individuals.

Pollution is also a great menace to the environment. It is not only the reason of environmental problems but also has a dire effect on people. Factories operating within cities emit dangerous smoke and others harmful toxic. Furthermore, pollution also contributes to global warming. There has been a drastic increase in temperature around the globe, which in turn, melts glaciers across the world. That is why prudent decisions are required from the government level and the ordinary citizens should be encouraged and participate in every way possible to make the world a better place to live in.

To sum up, I would like to say that environmental problems should be addressed on large scale. Everyone have to contribute in order to mitigate its vulnerable effects on the world.

9. Some people think that too much attention and too many resources have been given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The habitat conditions of wildlife, particularly those endangered species have been significantly improved due to relentless efforts from animal protectionists. However, some people think it is unwise to allocate too many resources to wildlife conservation.

It is easy to understand people’s consideration. One the one hand, it is true that wild animals and birds of rare species are well protected in some developed countries where large natural preserves are well built and maintained. Tourists are more civilized and laws have been established to ban abuse or murdering of animals. On the other hand, there are still people starving and being deprived of basic sanitary conditions around

the world. For many people, It is justified that people's wellbeing should be taken into consideration before animals are taken good care of. However, it is not always the same case all around the world and wild animals are still being hunted and slaughtered inhumanely in many places. Although there are laws that forbid poaching rare animals, endangered animals are still seen on dining table as gourmet dishes. Besides, as people's preference for leather products as fashion continues, each year hundreds of thousands of tigers and seals are shot to death and illegal profits are gained from fur trades. What is worse, wildlife habit is rapidly disappearing due to development and other human-caused changes. Considering all these factors, it is hard to say that too much has been done to protect wild animals.

In conclusion, I think preserving wild animals is necessary and calls for efforts from both governments and individual citizens. While progress has been made during the past decades to provide livable habitats for those endangered species, there is still a long way to go before we can live harmony with our wild neighbors.


犯罪与法律类雅思写作话题解析 本文为大家解析的是犯罪与法律类雅思写作话题,希望大家通过对母题和衍生子题的分析,更好把握雅思写作话题的出题和答题思路,从而对大家的涂鸦之路有所帮助。 1. 青少年犯罪 母题:In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing morecrimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers bepunished? (100804) 提示:青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 产生的原因及其解决方法。可从家庭、社会、媒体三个角度分析。 子题:很多年轻人有一种反社会行为,原因是什么,如何解决?犯罪是人类本性,还是可以预防的? 2. 犯罪预防 母题:Unlike in most other countries, police in the UK do not commonly carryguns. Some people think it leaves citizens unprotected. But others think itreduces the overall violence in our society. Discuss both sides of the view andgive your opinion. (040320, 040619)

提示:这道题目当之无愧地成为母题,因为这道话题自从2010年9月起已经成为了雅思口语话题中的题目。11年8月20日,这道题目以变题的形式再一次出现在雅思写作中。 子题:是否应该严惩违反交规者?城市中采取预防犯罪的措施,利大于弊吗?个人如果为所欲为,社会就无法运转,你同意吗?犯罪是世界问题,无法预防,你同意吗? 3. 罪犯惩处 母题:Sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with https://www.360docs.net/doc/c517149678.html,cation and job training are better ways to help them. Do you agree ordisagree? (050618, 080918) 提示:其实囚禁imprisonment和再教育都是一种让囚犯改造rehabilitate 的方法。还有communityservice对于轻犯和初犯都是一种不错的惩处方式。 子题:监狱除了惩罚犯罪,还有什么功能?降低犯罪的最佳方法是延长监狱星期吗?刑满释放人员再犯罪率很高,为什么,如何解决?你认为罪犯应该送到监狱还是应该做一些社区工作或学习一些技能?


雅思写作Task2范文:全球化使文化特征消失 由于通信和交通运输的飞速增长,整个社会迅速全球化。一些人担心这种全球化将导致文化特征的流失。你同意这种说法么?一起来看看这篇雅思范文是如何回答的吧!认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 Write about the following topic: As mass communication and transport continue to grow, societies are becoming more and more alike leading to a phenomenon known as globalization. Some people fear that globalization will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Model Answer: Globalization means that in some ways people around the world are becoming more and more similar. We often eat the same food, watch the same TV programmes, listen to the same music and we wear the same clothes. Some of this at least can be blamed on the spread of multinational brands available all over the world. On the surface, it may appear as if the global diversity of cultural identities is being lost. If, the argument goes, people in Tokyo and London look and dress the same, then that must mean that cultural differences are disappearing. However, I would argue that this is a very narrow definition of culture and that in fact cultural differences are as present as ever.


环境保护类 一.环境问题 1.气候变化、全球变暖:climate change global warming 2.空气污染、垃圾增多:air pollution increase of rubbish / garbage 3.能源危机、缺水、森林砍伐:energy crisis water shortage deforestation 4.自然灾害、酸雨、沙尘暴、干旱、水灾: natural disasters acid rain stand storm drought flood 二.原因(根本) 人口增长工业发展人类活动 Population growth industrial development long-term human activities 三.方法 1.世界方面: 全球合作达成共识制定环境保护国际准Global cooperation reach agreement set international standard s for 2.政府方面: 环保政策鼓励低碳经济发展 Work out / make / enact environmental policy encourage low carbon economy 3.企业方面: 推出环保产品引领大众绿色 消费习惯 Promote environmental products / production lead green consuming habits Environmental-friendly 4.个人: 提升环保意识倡导低碳生活方式 Improve public’s green awareness encourage / advocate low carbon life style Raise Arouse Increase 5.科技: 开发可再生清洁能源投资开发节能科技 Exploit renewable clean energy invest in energy-saving technologies 你认为环保一定是政府或企业的责任吗? 范文 第一段:(背景句)environmental protection is one of the most important challenges almost every countries is facing . (复合句) 六种:宾从、定从..... however ,whether only government and big firms have resources and powers to preserve our environment is a controversial issue .


雅思写作话题分类词汇 教育与学业 考试频率:★★★★★ Education and study 教育与学业 1、Teaching methods 教学方法 7、Generation gap 代沟 2、Educational facilities 教育设施8、Adolescents’/Teenagers’problems 青少年问题 3、Academic subjects 学校科目9、Studying abroad 留学话题 4、Computer and learning(teaching) 电脑与学习(教学)10、Taking a part-time job 兼职工作 5、Personal development 个人发展11、Parents’/Teachers’responsibilities 父母/教师责任 6、Physical and mental growth 身心成长12、Functions/tuition of university 大学功能/学费 真题重现 In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, while boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? Some people think that the main purpose of school is to turn children as a good citizens and workers, rather to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 分类词汇加油站 1. scope of knowledge 知识面 2.lighten the burden of 减轻了…的负担 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c517149678.html,prehensive knowledge 广博的知识 4.long-distance education 远程教育 5.enrich the teaching method 丰富教育手段 6.teaching\pedagogical methodology 教学方法 7.schooling 学校教育parenting、upbringing 家庭教育8.impart\inculcate knowledge 传授知识 9.multi-media teaching 多媒体教学10.vocational education 职业教育11.down-to-earth, practical 切合实际的12.enlightening 予以人启迪的13.perplexing 令人困惑的 14.the cultural diversity 文化的多元性15.insightful 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的16.undertake the due obligations 承担责任17.exam-oriented education 应试教育 18.develop our creative mind 培养我们创造性思维19.widen one’s knowledge 拓展知识面20.realize the value of life 实现生命价值


雅思写作Task2范文:对电影中的暴力的讨论许多人认为电影中的暴力镜头对青少年产生影响,并进而加剧了社会暴力犯罪的发生。你怎么看?这篇文章是关于这个话题的观点类范文。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 A lot of people believe that the amount of violence shown on TV and in the cinema affects the actions of our young people and therefore increases the amount of violence in our society today. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? What can be done to reduce violence in our society today? Model Answer: The question of whether the amount of violence on TV and cinema has affected young people in our society is something which cannot be quantified or proved. My opinion is though that the answer is “yes, it has”. TV and cinema today do show a large amount of violence and, although we try and shield our young people from seeing too much,




Some people believe that charities should give aid to those who need the aid most, wherever they live. Some people believe that charity organizations would better concentrate on people in their own countries instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Concern about humanitarian assistance has been heightened in recent years. Although it illustrates a moral ideal of mankind, many people who hold opposing views think that the welfare of fellow citizens is the priority. International aid has its weaknesses but its importance should not be denied. The main reason why international donation agencies should view international aid from a global perspective is that their funds can help the citizens of those recipient countries to combat poverty, disease and inequality. We should first recognize that citizens of developing countries are in desperate need of aid, because they are susceptible to natural or man-made disasters such as wars. In those war-torn or poverty-stricken countries, where resources are scanty, there is a high demand for food, medicine tents and shelters. In addition, humanitarian action can restore some of their basic rights, such as the right to receive education. This is also consistent with the universal principle of supporting vulnerable populations. Those who cannot provide financial support can work as international volunteers and deliver services, such as training and medical service, to those needy people. Despite the heightened importance of international aid, people have discovered


环境类词汇 低碳low carbon 环保的environmental 生态系统ecosystem 环境保护environmental protection/ conservation 保护protect/ preserve/ safeguard 可持续发展?sustainable development 耗尽自然资源run out of/ impoverish natural resources exploit 留下一个碳化足迹leaving a carbonized imprint 向环境排放污染物?release pollutants into the environment 温室效应greenhouse effect 全球变暖global warming 有毒的toxic 污染pollution 恶化,降级deteriorate 缺乏,缺少,不足lack of/ be lacking in 抵制气候变化restrain the climate change 改善空气质量improve air quality 节约能源energy conservation 可再生能源,例如风能、水能和太阳能 renewable sources, such as wind, water and solar energy 燃油高效汽车fuel-efficient?vehicles 乘坐公共交通工具,拼车或骑自行车 Taking public transport, carpool or ride a bicycle 避免使用一次性产品avoid using disposable products 环保产品green products 生态友好的替代品environmental-friendly substitution/ alternatives 生活垃圾分类domestic waste sorting 少消耗多回收Less consumption more recycling 可供选择的手段Alternative means 无价的,极其宝贵的priceless, precious 大批灭绝exterminate in a large scale 不可补救的伤害irremediable damage 过度捕捞overfishing 野生动物wild animal 频临灭绝be endangered 生物多样化biological diversity 新能源、更安全的能源more safer new energy 缓解能源危机relieve energy crisis 循环利用能源recycling 能源短缺energy shortage 放射性物质radioactive substances 沙漠化desertification 持续发展develop sustainably


雅思写作高频词汇分类汇总 1.advanced science 尖端科学 2.scientific invention 科学发明 3.exert a far-reaching impact on…对…产生一种深远的影响 4.double-edged sword 双刃剑 5.earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变 6.pay the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c517149678.html,y a solid foundation for…为…打下良好的基础 8.energy crisis 能源危机 9.depletion of resources 能源消耗 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c517149678.html,estone 里程碑 11.sophisticated equipment 尖端设备 12.technical innovation 科技创新 13.expediency 权宜之计 14.antithetical 与…背道而驰的 15.over-commercialized 过渡商业化的 16.a heated discussion 热烈的讨论 17.exhaust gas 废气 18.disastrous 灾难性的 19.overshadow 使…相形见绌 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c517149678.html,pared to/with…与…相比 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c517149678.html,her in 引领 22.speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适 23.opposite forces 负面影响 24.a fatal breakdown 致命故障 25.potential hazards 潜在危险 26.pose a threat to…对…有一种威胁 27.promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展 28.accelerate 加速… 29.means of transportation 交通方式 30.transportation tools 交通工具 31.social status 社会地位 32.environmentally-friendly resources 环保的能源 33.make people’s life easier 使人们生活更方便 34.alternative fuel 可替代燃料 35.sustainable development 可持续性发展 36.scientific exploration 科学探索 37.air travel 航空旅行 38.ridiculous 可笑的 39.absurd 荒唐的 40.substitute 取代


雅思写作大作文犯罪类话题思路指 导 犯罪类话题出现频率不高,但考生平时写作备考中依然要重视这类话题的训练。本期的写作思路指引就为大家分析,如何做好犯罪类话题的写作思路分析,下面就和大家分享雅思写作大作文话题思路指导,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思写作大作文话题思路指导:犯罪类 首先我们来看一下关于犯罪类写作话题有哪些,主要有分析犯罪的原因,青少年犯罪问题以及如何降低犯罪。话题题目如下:The news about violent crimes may frighten people or, on contrary, encourage them to commit a crime. Therefore, some believe that these types of news should not be reported in newspapers or on TV. To what extend do you agree or disagree? In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. What are the causes? How should these young criminals be punished? In many countries crime is increasing. What are the main reasons for this? What can be done to improve the situation?

下面我们就一一分析一下。 首先:关于犯罪的成因。 无论是青少年犯罪或者成年人犯罪,首先应该想到的是经济问题,经济问题会影响社会的稳定,如失业率的提升,失学、食物匮乏、家庭负担加重甚至破产,这时就会滋生犯罪。而贫穷落后地区的儿童往往面临失学问题,也是造成青少年犯罪的重要原因。 由经济层面进入教育层面,大部分暴力犯罪者的受教育程度比较低,他们因为贫穷过早的进入社会,或者失业导致流落街头,这类人群冲动易怒,易发生冲突。 心理健康问题,这是比较容易忽略的问题。校园暴力者本身会存在心理问题,甚至场景是校园暴力,家庭暴力的受害者。 这里有一些特殊的犯罪比如网络诈骗、经济犯罪这些则是其他原因,要单独说。由于信息技术发达,个人信息安全遭到窃取,给网络诈骗可乘之机。还有就是一些机构腐败滋生。高科技犯罪者本身的受教育程度可能很高,智商也高,这时候我们要转换思路,这类高科技犯罪背后的原因是法律意识淡薄。 犯罪情节由轻到重包括:校园暴力、盗窃、杀人,经济犯罪、网络诈骗等。近年来青少年犯罪的相关新闻比较多见,建议考生多关注相关报道,新闻中会给出相关的事件分析。



7月26日雅思写作解析与范文(环境话题) 题目:Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that these problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 解析: 环境话题是雅思考试每年的必考题,今年更是多次考到。这类话题主要涉及能源、资源和生态环境。7月26号这个题目也算是环境话题里的老题目了。前几年曾经多次出现这个题目。 保护环境当然是每个人的责任,只不过政府的责任更大。本文的主体段第一段是写得个人力量有限,主要靠政府的法律和行政权力(legal and administrative power),以及企业的财力和技术。举了几个例子,比如政府颁布法律(enact strict laws),惩罚排放污水(discharge waste water)的企业,开发新技术等等,这些都是个人力量无法做到的。 主体第二段写得是个人能够为保护环境做一些事情,依然采用举例论证,比如节约用水,减少开车。这些都是individuals能够做的事情,都能够节约资源,改进城市空气质量。这些素材在之前的环境类话题中也多次写到过。 最后一段进行总结。政府、个人,包括全社会的每一个成员都应该参与保护环境。 There is no doubt human society is faced with serious environmental problems and immediate measures should be taken to solve these problems. However, what role ordinary people should play in environmental protection is a topic of debate. Some people think that the power of the individual is too small and the solution to environmental problems lies with the government and large enterprises. If the government can use legal and administrative power to


雅思小作文必备词汇 图表chart = graph = diagram 直线line 曲线curve 柱bar /column 饼pie 表table = figures = statistics the thin(细线) / thick(粗线) / broken(虚线) / dotted(点线) line 表明,表示,阐明show , give information about,reveal,indicate,demonstrate 直线图类词汇 (上升类动词)Increase------------ decrease (下降类动词) go up-------------- go down rise up-------------- fall down climb-----------------slide ascend --------------decline keep an upward tendency ----keep a downward tendency 波动动词类:fluctuate fluctuate upward / downward(波动向上/向下) 保持平稳类动词: keep / remain / maintain / stay unchanged / constant / stable(形容词,不变的) 修饰动词的副词: slightly 轻微地,slowly 缓慢地,gradually 逐渐地,steadily 稳定地,rapidly 迅速地,significantly 明显地,sharply 明显地,dramatically急剧地, 修饰名词的形容词: slight, slow, gradual, steady, rapid, moderate, significant, sharp, dramatic 大约,大概,左右类词汇:almost / approximately / around / roughly / more or less / nearly 时间from … to …/during the period/ between … and … / starting from ….


雅思写作中关于犯罪的高分词汇 下面是我搜集的关于犯罪的雅思写作高分词汇: 触犯法律 break/violate/flout/disobey the law 犯罪 commit a crime 罪行 offences(BrE)/crimes/criminal acts 罪犯 criminal/offender/culprit.perpetrator 从犯 accomplice/accessory(n)/convicts(n)后者指帮助犯罪但为直接参与的人受害者 victim(n) 心理创伤 trauma(n) 曾横社会 resent society/hold a grudge against society 囚犯 inmate/convicts(n) 牢房 cell 监禁(v) imprison/incarcerate(vts) someone 教育罪犯 educate/edify(vts) criminals 宽容的 lenient(adj) 改造罪犯 reform/rehabilitate criminals 执法部门 law enforcement agencies 重罪 heinous crimes/flagitious crime/felony(n) 轻罪 petty crime/misdemeanour(BrE) 初犯的人 first-time offender 惯犯 hardened criminals/repeat criminals 遏制猖獗的犯罪 curb/halt/check(vts) the rampant(adj) crimes 再次犯罪(v) revert(vi) to crime 再次犯罪(n) recidivism


Some people believe that charities should give aid to those who need the aid most, wherever they live. Some people believe that charity organizations would better concentrate on people in their own countries instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Concern about humanitarian assistance has been heightened in recent years. Although it illustrates a moral ideal of mankind, many people who hold opposing views think that the welfare of fellow citizens is the priority. International aid has its weaknesses but its importance should not be denied. The main reason why international donation agencies should view international aid from a global perspective is that their funds can help the citizens of those recipient countries to combat poverty, disease and inequality. We should first recognize that citizens of developing countries are in desperate need of aid, because they are susceptible to natural or man-made disasters such as wars. In those war-torn or poverty-stricken countries, where resources are scanty, there is a high demand for food, medicine tents and shelters. In addition, humanitarian action can restore some of their basic rights, such as the right to receive education. This is also consistent with the universal principle of supporting vulnerable populations. Those who cannot provide financial support can work as international volunteers and deliver services, such as training and medical service, to those needy people. Despite the heightened importance of international aid, people have discovered


环境类雅思写作高频词汇 1. be sick at: 恶心的,厌恶的 2. experimenting on animals for medical purposes:用动物试药 3. prohibit / banish: 禁止 4. end their lives in extreme sufferings:在极度痛苦中结束生命 5. besides: 除此之外 6. constitute:构成 7. defendant: 拥护者 8. unavoidable:不可避免的, =inevitable 9. Moreover: 10. be placed at great risk:处于巨大的风险中 复杂一些的 1. abuse domestic animals: 虐待家养动物 2. go on vegetarian diet:吃素 3. barbaric, cruel, and against humanity: 野蛮、残酷、有违人性 4. live autopsy: 活体解剖 5. indignity:侮辱 6. brazen violation of their basic rights: 对他们基本权利的厚颜无耻的侵犯 7. formulate: 做配方 8. side-effects of drugs:药物的副作用 9. devise humane methods to:设计人性的方法 10. minimize suffering of animals:最大限度减少动物所受的痛苦 环境问题类 Environmental Problems The Problems pollution: air pollution, water pollution (including oceanic pollution), soil pollution, noise pollution 污染:空气污染,水污染(包括海洋污染)土壤污染噪声污染global warming 全球变暖 species loss 物种的灭绝 deforestation 森林采伐 desertification 沙漠化 soil salinification 土壤盐化 ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere 高层大气的臭氧层破坏 waste disposal 废物处理 water shortage 水资源短缺 Other Related Vocabulary 污染类Pollution · fertilizer 化肥· factory waste 工厂废料· rivers and streams 河川· heavy metals 重金属 全球变暖类Global Warming · melting of the glaciers and the polar icecaps 冰川和极地冰盖的融化· extremes of weather 极端恶劣的天气· the El Nino phenomenon 厄尔尼诺现象· the greenhouse effect 温室效应·


下面是一篇关于媒体中的暴力的雅思大作文写作范文,在这篇雅思大作文范文中主要讨论了应该如何控制电视和电影中的暴力镜头的数量以减少少年暴力犯罪在社会上的发生。在何种程度你同意还是不同意这个观点呢?下面是环球雅思介绍的详细内容。 雅思大作文题目: The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue? You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. 雅思大作文范文: Nowadays there is a large amount of violence in films and on television. I agree that the government should take some effective measures to control the amount of the violence in order to decrease the violent crimes in society.(段首明确观点) Although we cannot establish a simple, direct, cause-and-effect relationship between media violence and violence in our society, there has been extensive research indicating that those who as children are exposed to violent TV shows or films are much more likely to later be convicted of crime. Because as the main mass media, TV and films can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior, especially to the young people. A case in points that the study shows girls who watch more than an average amount of violence tend to throw things at their husbands, and boys who grow up watching violent TV shows are more likely to be violent with their wives.(举例证明观点) Another reason is that too much media violence makes people become "immune" to the horror of violence and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems. They may think society justice cannot be realized in reasonable and fair ways. Violence worship becomes more and more popular among some young people, which will pose a potential danger to the security of society.(进一步阐述观点) The government should be aware that TV or film violence would not disappear even if the harms can be realized widely. Violence is being used as a superficial way to attract and hold audience. In order to decrease the violent crimes in society the government should establish strict laws to control or even prohibit the violence on TV and in films. (结尾点题,并呼应起初所提出的观点) 以上就是这篇雅思大作文写作范文之电视电影对于少年犯罪的影响的全部内容。这篇雅思大作文写作题目是非常经典的媒体和政府的结合,文章采用了总分总的传统写作形式,结构清晰,用词准确。雅思大作文范文中的句型和段落结构安排,以作为参考,并注意字数的控制。最后,环球雅思祝大家的雅思写作得高分!
