



i. fill in the blanks:

1. britain consists of _4___ nations, including


_wales______ and northern ireland______.

2. the anglo-saxons began to settle in britain in __5th______ century.

3. the capital of britain is ___london___ which has great influence on the uk in

all fields including______government_, _finance______ and __culture_____

4. the capital of scotland is _edinburgh_____, which is well-known for its


5. _egbert______, the ancestor of the present queen, elizabeth 11, united england

under his rule in 829.

6. in britain, the official head of state is the queen_______ while the real centre of

political life is in the house of commoms______

7. the british constitution consists of _statute law______,

__common law_____,

and ___conventions____.

8. the most important function of the parliament is to ___pass laws____._______,

9. strictly speaking, the parliament today consists of the queen _______, the

house of lords_______and the house of commons_______.

10. life peers should be nominated by _the prime

minister______ and appointed

by _the sovereign______.

11. the uk is divided into __651_____ constituencies with each of them

represented by a member in _the parliment________

12. the party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms _the

goverment______and its party leader becomes _prime


13. normally, a government can be in power for __5_____ years, and then it has to

resign and hold a general election.

14. there are three major parties in the uk: _the

conservative__party____ the

liberal anddemocratic party_______ and the


15. from 1979 to 1997, ___the _conservatuve party___ won 4 consecutive

elections and was in power for quite a long time.

16. the two oldest universities in britain are__cambridge_____ and


17. australia, as the worlds _smallest______ continent and .

largest_______island, has a population which is__small_____ in relation to its size.

18. geologically, australia can be divided into three parts: _the eastern

highlands______ , which is also know as the_great dividingrange______ , and which runs almost parallel to the eastern coast from northern queens land to southern tasmania; the central eaetern lowlands_______, which extends from the gulf of carpentries in the north to _eastern

southarstralia______ and the western victorian coast; and the great western plateau, which covers most of western

australia_______, much of the northern territory_______ and south australia, and part of __western queenlands_____.

19. new zealand is in the ____south-west pacific___ ocean.

___australia____ is its

nearest neighbour. the __north island_____ and the __south island_____ are its two main land masses. they are separated by __cook strait_____

20. the head of state of new zealand is _queen elizabeth

2______. she is

represented in new zealand by a __covernor-general_____ whose most important task is to call upon the leader of the

_majority_party_____ to form a government after an election.

21. columbus discovered the new world in the year of


22. the first permanent settlement in north america was established in todays

virginia_______ in the year of ___1607____

23. a federal system is one in which _power______ is shared between __a central

authority_____andits constituent parts _______with some rights reserved to each.

24. the u.s. federal government consists of the following three branches: the

executive_______, __the legislative_____ and __the


25. the congress is divided into the house of

representatives_______ with

_435______ members who serve two-year terms, _the

senate_______ with_100_ lawmakers who serve six-year terms.

26. groups who try to persuade congressmen to vote for or against a bill are known

as __lobbies_____

27. the supreme court is composed of _one______ chief justice and 8~ associate


28. wasp, stands for _white anglo saxon__protesant____.

29. in area, canada is the _second_______ country on earth.

30. canada consists of ___10_______ provinces and

____3____territories. 第一卷选择题答案

bdacabbcdd acbcbadaca baaba dccbc bbdad bcdcc bdabb d


it 1

Ⅰ.read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are true or


1. the island of great britain is geographically divided into three parts: england, scotland

and wales. (t)英伦三岛包括英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。

2.people in different parts of britain like to use the name england to refer to their country.


3. today more than half of the people in wales still speak the ancient welsh language. (f)

4.in terms of population and area,northern ireland is the second largest part of the united

kingdom. (f)英格兰是面积最大,人口最多的

5. the longest river of britain originates in wales. (t)the river severn:赛文河

6. because of political troubles,northern ireland has been quite significantamong the four constituent parts of the united kingdom. (t)

Ⅱ. choose the one that best completes each of the following statements.

1. the two main islands of the british isles are.


a.great britain and ireland

b.great britain and scotland

c.great britain and wales

d.great britain and england

2. is the capital city of scotland.

a. belfast

b. edinburgh


d. cardiff

3. among the four parts of the united kingdom,is the smallest.


b. scotland


d. northern ireland

4. the introduction of christianity to britain added the first element ofwords to english.

a. danish and finnish

b. dutch and german

c. french and italian

d. latin and greek

5. the evolution of middle english was reinforced by theinfluence.

a. norman

b. dutch

c. german

d. danish

6. samuel johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing

a standard form of.

a. grammar

b. handwriting


d. pronunciation

7. at present, nearly of the world’s population communicate in english.

a. half

b. aquarter

c. one third

d. one fifth

1. what is the full name of the u.k.?

the full name is the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

2. why do tourists from all over the world like to go to scotland? they like to enjoy the beautifulscottish scenery, to drink

scotch whisky and to see

scotsman wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.

3. how many periods can the development of the english language be divided into

and what are they?

the development of the english language can be divided into three periods: old english, middleenglish and modern english. 4. why did english become more important after the black death(黑死病)?

the laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the black death, so english also grew in importance compared to french.

Ⅳ. state your understanding of the following questions in about 100words.

1. who are british people?

the first known inhabitants in britain were celts who are the ancestors of welsh, scottish and irish people. then came the anglos, the saxons and the jutes who brought with them english language. many people from other european countries came later, and in modern times there are a lots of immigrants from many formercommonwealth(共和国) countries from every part of the world, and the british people are also composed of people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

2. what is standardenglish?

standard english is based on the speech of the upper class of the southeastern england; it is widely used in media and

taught at schools. it is preferred by the educated, middle-class people. is has developed and has been promoted as a model

for the correct britishenglish. it is also the norm(标准) carried overseas. today, standardenglish is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where english is taught and used.

unit 2

i. read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are true or false.

1. the british history before 55 bc is basically undocumented. (t)

2. the celts became the dominant group in britain between the 8th and 5th centuries bc. (t)

3. the name of britain came from a celtic tribe— the britons. (t)

4. the anglo—saxons came to britain in the mid-5th century. (t)(不考)

5. the chief or king of the anglo-saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.(f)

6. the vikings began to attack the english coast in the 8th century.(t)

7. hey ii built up a large empire which included england and most of france(t)

8. the magna carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged classand the townspeople. (f)

9. the hundred years’ war wa s a series of wars fought between england and normans for trade and territory. (f)

10. in an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions,queen elizabeth i actually defended the fruit of the religious reformation.(t)

Ⅱ. choose the one that best completes each of the following statements.

1.theattack on rome ended the roman occupation in britain in 410.

a.norman b.danish


2.by the late 7th century,became the dominant religion in england.

a.celtic christianity b.anglo-saxon christianity

c.germanic christianity d.roman christianity

3.westminster abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂) was built at the time of. a.st.augustine b.edward the confessor(忏悔者爱德华)

c.william the conquerord.alfred the great

4.themarked the establishment of feudalism(封建制度) in england.

a.viking invasionb.signing of the magna carta

c.norman conquest d.adoption of common law

5.the end of the wars of the roses led to the rule of.

a.the house of valois b.the house of york

c.the house of tudor(都铎楼)d.the house of lancaster

6.the direct cause for the religious reformation was king hey viii’s effort to.

a.divorce his wife b.break with rome

c.support the protestants d.declare his supreme power over the church

7. the english civil war broke out in 1642 between.

a.protestants and puritansb.royalists and parliamentarians c.nobles and peasantsd.aristocrats and christians

8.was passed after the glorious revolution(光荣革命).

a.bill of rights b.act of supremacy

c.provisions of oxford d.magna carta

9.the industrial revolution was accomplished in britain by the middle of thecentury.

a.17thb.18th c.19th d.20th

10.britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by the beginning of the century.

a.17thb.18th c.19th d.20th

iii. give brief answers to the following questions.

1. what are the two components of the british parliament?

2. what were some of queen victoria’s major achievements?

3. what were the two camps in europe in world warⅠ?

4. why did britain cooperate closely with the united states after world warⅡ?answers:

1. they are the house of commons and the house of lords.

2. queen victoria made tremendous achievements in almost every aspect. she promoted further industrial revolution, the building of railways and the growing of trade and commerce. by the end of her reign, britain had developed to an empire including a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s landmass.

3. the central powers which included germany, austria-hungary, the ottoman empire and bulgaria and the allied powers which were mainly comprised of france, the

russian empire, the british empire, italy and the united states.

4. because they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former soviet union.

Ⅳ. state your understanding of the following questions.

1. what were the results of the industrial revolution in britain?

2. the rise and fall of the british empire?


1. the industrial revolution changed britain in many ways. first, industrial productivity increased dramatically. britain became the most advanced industrial country and also the financial center in the world. second, urbanization took place. many new cities sprang up. third, it caused great changes in the class structure. the old social classes declined, and new ones emerged and developed. the conflict between the capitalists and the proletarians became the most important political issue.

2. colonization of newfoundland, the first british colony overseas, in 1583 marked the beginning of the british empire. by 1837, britain had long been an empire which included the colonies in canada, australia, new zealand, india and many small states in the west indies. by the end of the 19th century, the british empire included a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s landmass. during the mid-19th century, the british government consolidated the existing colonies by bringing them under the direct control of the government. before world warⅠ, britain had the largest colonial empire in the world. however, britain suffered great loss to its manpower in the two world wars and exhausted its reserves of gold, dollars and overseas investment. most of britain’s colonies gained independence since the 1940s, which inevitably led to the fall of the empire.

unit4 politics and government of uk

i.read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are true or false.

1.conventions(党代会) are regarded less important than common law in the working of the british government.f

2.the british monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history.f

3.in reality,the british king or queen is the source of all government powers.f

4.british parliament is the law-making body of the commonwealth of nations(英联邦国家).f

5.lords spiritual(上议院神职议员) and lords temporal(上议院世俗议员) are all members in the british upper house(上议院).t

6.the members in the house of commons(下议院) are appointed rather than elected.f 上议院是指派的,下议院是选举的。

7.the british prime minister is the leader of the majority party in parliament.t

8.cabinet members(内阁阁员) are chosen by the prime minister from various political parties in parliament.f

cabinet members are chosen by the prime minister from members of the winning political parties in parliament

9.british law consists of two parts, the civil law and the criminal law.t

10.the legal systems in england,wales,scotland and northern ireland are much similar

in terms of law, organization and practice.f

ii.choose the one that best completes each of the following statements.

1.the british government is characterized by a division of powers between threeof the following branches with the exception of the.

a.judiciary司法 b.legislature立法c.monarchy d.executive行政

2.the importance of the british monarchy(君主政体)can be seen in its effect on.

a.passing the bills b.advising the government

c.political parties d.public attitude

3.as a revising chamber(审裁室),the house of lords is expected to the house of commons.

a.rival b.complementc.criticized. inspect检查

4.british cabinet works on the principle of.

a.collective responsibility(集体责任)b.individual responsibility

c.defending the collectivismd.defending the individuals

5.the main duty of the british privy council(枢密院) is to.

a.make decisions b.give advice

c.pass bills d.supervise the cabinet

6.in britain,the parliamentary general election is held everyyears.

a.three b.fourc.five d. six

7.has a distinct legal system based on roman law.

a.wales b.england

c.scotland d.northern ireland

8.generally speaking,the british parliament operates on a system.


c.three-party d.multi-party

9.the policies of the conservative party are characterized by pragmatism实用主义and.

a.government interventionb.nationalization of enterprises

c.social reform d.a belief in individualism

10.the labor party affected the british society greatly in that it. a.set up the national health serviceb.improved public transportation

c.abolished the old tax systemd.enhanced the economic


Ⅲ.give brief answers to the following questions.

1.what are the three functions of the house of commons?

there are three main functions of the house of commons. the first is to debate and vote upon legislation and the second is to give the chance for the opposition to question what the government is doing with legislation, the way it conducts itself, etc. the third function is private members business where mps may get up and make a speech in the house about an issue or event that he/she would like to draw attention to.

2.what kind of public image does liberal democrats(自由民主党) have in britain? 张老师的答案:liberal democrats was founded in march, 1988. in public’s eyes, liberal democrats adopts more progress policy on the issue of public services, social equity and



i. choose the one that best completes each of the following statements.

1. the two main islands of the british isles are a. great britain and ireland b. great britain and scotland

c. great britain and wales

d. great britain and england

2. is the capital city of scotland.

a. belfast

b. edinburgh

c. aberdeen

d. cardiff

3. according to a 2005 estimate, britain now has a population of over million.

a. 160

b. 600

c. 60

d. 16

4. among the four parts of the united kingdom, is the smallest.

a. england

b. scotland

c. wales

d. northern ireland

5. almost a quarter of the british population lives in england.

a. northeastern

b. southeastern

c. northwestern

d. southwestern

6. english belongs to the group of indo-european family of languages.

a. celtic

b. indo-iranian

c. germanic

d. roman

7. the introduction of christianity to britain added the first element of words to


a. danish and finnish

b. dutch and german

c. french and italian

d. latin and greek

8. the evolution of middle english was reinforced by the influence.

a. norman

b. dutch

c. german

d. danish

9. samuel johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing

a standard form of .

a. grammar

b. handwriting

c. spelling

d. pronunciation

10. at present, nearly of the world’s population communicate in english.

a. half

b. a quarter

c. one third

d. one fifth

11. the attack on rome ended the roman occupation in britain in 410.

a. norman

b. danish

c. celtic

d. germanic

12. by the late 7th century, became the dominant religion in england.

a. celtic christianity

b. anglo-saxon christianity

c. germanic christianity

d. roman christianity

13. westminster abbey was built at the time of a. st. augustine

b. edward the confessor

c. william the conqueror

d. alfred the great

14. the marked the establishment of feudalism in england.

a. viking invasion

b. signing of the magna carta

c. norman conquest

d. adoption of common law

15. the end of the wars of the roses led to the rule of a. the house of valoisb. the house of york

c. the house of tudor

d. the house of lancaster

16. the direct cause for the religious reformation was king hey viii’s effort to a. divorce his wife b. break with rome

c. support the protestants

d. declare his supreme power over the church

17. the english civil war broke out in 1642 between

a. protestants and puritans

b. royalists and parliamentarians

c. nobles and peasants

d. aristocrats and christians

18. was passed after the glorious revolution.

a. bill of rights

b. act of supremacy

c. provisions of oxford

d. magna carta

19. the industrial revolution was accomplished in britain by the middle of the century.

a. 17th

b. 18th

c. 19th

d. 20th

20. britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by the beginning of the century.

a. 17th

b. 18th

c. 19th

d. 20th

21. the british government is characterized by a division of powers between three of the

following branches with the exception of the .

a. judiciary

b. legislature

c. monarchy

d. executive

22. the importance of the british monarchy can be seen in its effect on a. passing the bills b. advising the government

c. political parties

d. public attitude

23. as a revising chamber, the house of lords is expected to the house of commons.

a. rival

b. complement

c. criticize

d. inspect

24. british cabinet works on the principle of a. collective responsibility b. individual responsibility

c. defending the collectivism

d. defending the individuals

25. the main duty of the british privy council is to .

a. make decisions

b. give advice

c. pass bills

d. supervise the cabinet

26. in britain, the parliamentary general election is held every years.

a. three

b. four

c. five

d. six

27. has a distinct legal system based on roman law.

a. wales

b. england

c. scotland

d. northern ireland

28. generally speaking, the british parliament operates on a system.

a. single-party

b. two-party

c. three-party

d. multi-party

29. the policies of the conservative party are characterized by pragmatism and .

a. government intervention

b. nationalization of enterprises

c. social reform

d. a belief in individualism

30. the labor party affected the british society greatly in that it

a. set up the national health service

b. improved public transportation

c. abolished the old tax system

d. enhanced the economic development

31. the british economy achieved global dominance by the a. 1860s b. 1870s c. 1880sd.1890s

32. in a. 1945 b. 1946 c. 1947d. 1948

33. the in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy in britain.

a. oil crisis

b. high inflation rates

c. large imports

d. unemployment problem

34. of the following practices, does not belong to thatcher’s social welfare reform.

a. reducing child benefits

b. shortening the unemployment benefits period

c. reducing the unemployment

d. lowering old age pensions

35. the blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except a. limiting government spending b. keeping inflation under control

c. reducing unemployment

d. reducing inequality

36. britain has devoted of its land area to agriculture.

a. 54%

b. 64%

c. 74%


37. britain’s important fishing areas include all the following except .

a. the north sea

b. the english channel

c. the sea area around ireland

d. the sea area between britain and ireland

38. coal mining industry in britain provides of the energy consumed in the country.

a. 1/3

b. 1/4

c. 1/5

d. 2/3

39. the car industry in britain in mostly a. foreign-owned b. state-owned c. joint-venture d. privately-owned

40. of the following sectors in britain, has experienced spectacular growth since the

end of word war ii.

a. agriculture

b. energy industry

c. service industry

d. manufacturing industry

41. in britain, the division between grammar schools and vocational schools were ended by the

introduction of comprehensive schools in the a. 1930s b. 1940s c. 1950s d. 1960s

42. about of british children receive primary and secondary education through the

independent system.

a. 5%

b. 6%

c. 7%

d. 8%

43. partially funded by central government grants, the british universities receive their remaining

funds from all the following sources except a. tuition feesb. loans c. donationsd. corporate contributions

44. of the following, is not a basis of admission to britain’s universities.

a. result in national entrance test

b. a-level result

c. an interview

d. school references

45. to be admitted to the open university, one need .

a. some educational qualifications

b. no educational qualifications

c. general certificate of education-advanced

d. general national vocational qualifications

46. among britain’s quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the ―big three‖

with the exception of .

a. the times

b. the guardian

c. the observer

d. the daily telegraph

47. life on earth is a kind of program produced by the bbc and is popular among 500

million viewers worldwide.

a. feature

b. drama

c. documentary

d. soap opera

48. is britain’s top pay television provider.

a. bsb

b. skytv

c. bbc

d. bskyb

49. of the following, is not a common feature of all the british holidays.

a. families getting together

b. friends exchanging good wishes

c. friends enjoying each other’s company

d. families traveling overseas

50. the following christmas traditions are particularly british except .

a. trooping the color

b. queen’s christmas message

c. boxing day

d. christmas pantomime

51. the most significant achievement of the english renaissance is .

a. poetry

b. drama

c. novel

d. pamphlet

52. is viewed as romantic poetry’s ―declaration of independence.‖

a. ―i wondered lonely as a cloud‖

b. don juan

c. ―preface to lyrical ballads‖

d. prometheus unbound

53. of dickens’ novels, is considered autobiographical.

a. a tale of two cities

b. david copperfield

c. oliver twist

d. great expectations

54. is a representative of english critical realism at the turn of the 19th century.

a. robert louis stevenson

b. john milton

c. joseph coad

d. thomas hardy

55. of the following statements, is not correct in terms of neo-romanticism.

a. it prevailed at the end of the 19th century.

b. the writers were dissatisfied with the social reality.

c. the writers believed in ―art for art’s sake‖.

d. treasure island was a representative work.

56. is not included in the modernist group.

a. oscar wild

b. virginia woolf

c. william butler yeats

d. t. s. eliot

57. of the following books, was not written by thomas hardy.

a. jude the obscure

b. tess of the d’urbervilles

c. adam bede

d. the return of the native

58. of the following statements, is not correct about virginia woolf.

a. she was a central figure of the ―bloomsbury group‖.

b. she experimented with stream of consciousness.

c. she was an influential feminist.

d. her masterpiece was the rainbow.

59. of the following writers, is not a nobel prize winner.

a. samuel beckett

b. james joyce

c. william golding

d. v. s. naipaul

60. waiting for godot is written by a. samuel beckett b. george orwell c. william golding d. d. h. lawrence

61. the united states has states on the continent.

a. 50

b. 49

c. 48

d. 35

62. the state of is the largest in area of all the states.

a. alaska

b. hawaii

c. texas

d. florida

63. the u. s. lies in north america, with canada to the north, mexico to the south, the

atlantic to its and the pacific to its a. northern, east, westb. central, east, west

c. southern, west, east

d. western, east, west

64. the largest river in the u. s. is .

a. the missouri river

b. the mississippi river

c. the ohio river

d. the colorado river

65. some of the world famous universities like harvard, yale and mit are located a. in the south b. along the pacific coast

c. in new england

d. in the midwest

66. is located on the u. s. –canadian border between lake erie and lake ontario.

a. yellowstone national park

b. the grand canyon

c. niagara falls

d. the great salt lake

67. the native alaskan population includes the following except the a. indians b. eskimosc. aleuts d. blacks

68. the largest minority in the united states is the .

a. pacific islanders

b. blacks

c. native americans

d. asians

69. the immigrants act of 1924 restricted the further immigration into the united states,

particularly from a. europeb. asia c. africa d. south america

70. the characteristic of dominant american culture is a. english-speaking, northern european, roman catholic and middle-class

b. english-speaking, western european, roman catholic and upper-class

c. english-speaking, northern european, protestant and upper-class

d. english-speaking, western european, protestant and middle-class

71. the first successful english colony in north america was founded at in a. jamestown, louisianab. boston, massachusetts

c. jamestown, virginia

d. plymouth, georgia

72. pilgrim fathers are a group of who came to america to avoid persecution in


a. protestants

b. puritans

c. catholics

d. christians

73. the seven years’ war occurred between the a. french and american indians b. french and spaniards

c. french and british

d. british and american indians

74. ―no taxation without representation‖ was the rallying slogan of a. the settlers of virginiab. the people of pennsylvania

c. the colonists in new england

d. the people of the 13 colonies

75. the first shots of the american war of independence were fired in a. concordb. lexingtonc. philadelphia d. boston

76. in may 1775, was held in philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a

national government.

a. the first continental congress

b. the second continental congress

c. the boston tea party

d. the congress of confederation

77. abraham lincoln issued to grant freedom to all slaves.

a. declaration of independence

b. constitution

c. emancipation proclamation

d. bill of rights

78. the policy of the united states was at the beginning of the two world wars.

a. neutrality

b. full involvement

c. partial involvement

d. appeasement

79. president applied new deal to deal with the problems of the great depression.

a. wilson

b. truman

c. roosevelt

d. kennedy

80. the vietnam war was a long-time suffering for americans, and it continued throughout the

terms of presidents .

a. johnson, nixon and ford

b. truman, eisenhower and kennedy
