


The biggest problem in my company has to do with culture,in particularour different ways of looking at time.People from some countries think it isOK to show up late for a meeting and some people even don't think they need tocome at all!As president of the company,however,it is my responsibility totell them that this is not acceptable.Whereas in some other countriesattending meetings is not considered very important,in this country,andespecially in this company,meetings must be attended on time.Not being ontime causes inefficiency.I spent all night thinking about the exact words thatI would use to explain my feelings.I even wrote my words down.I planned todiscuss this problem at the meeting today,and entitled my speech "InternationalClock Talk".Unfortunately,I have a problem —no one came to the meeting!

1. In his home country,the U.K.,students would often sit quietly and listen to him.

2. In his third day of classes,he asked a student a question. The student just gave the professor a blank stare .

3. It was obvious that the student didn""t understand the question,so he put it a different way .

4. Later that day,after talking to other people at the school,he discovered that often Japanese students don""t speak up in class ,even when they don""t understand something.

5. In the months that followed,the professor learned how to encourage his students to speak up more. And he,in turn ,changed his teaching style so his students could gradually understand more. But it took a great deal of work.


It was not until his third day of class that the professor realized no one understood what he was saying.

In his home country,the U.K.,students would often sit quietly and listen to him. But if they had problems,they would speak up.

He soon found out that Japanese students could be very different.^

In his third day of classes,he asked a student a question.

The student just gave the professor a blank stare.

It was obvious that the student didn""t understand the question,so he put it a different way.

When it still wasn""t answered,he asked a completely different question.

When the student still didn""t understand,he asked another student.

And when she didn""t understand,the professor asked a third,a fourth and a fifth.^ Later that day,after talking to other people at the school,he discovered that often Japanese students don""t speak up in class,even when they don""t understand something.^

In the months that followed,the professor learned how to encourage his students to speak up more.

And he,in turn,changed his teaching style so his students could gradually understand more.

But it took a great deal of work.


Marriage can change people a great deal,and marriage to a person of adifferent culture can change a person even more.As someone who has married aforeigner,I know.I'm a Canadian who married a Chinese man.At first,Iharbored some reservations.I wasn't sure how compatible we'd be.Somehow,however,we made it work.And I found myself growing to become more like him.Istarted picking up Chinese characteristics and began speaking English with aChinese accent!My brother joked,saying I was even beginning to look Chinese!My husband has changed a lot too,becoming more like Canadians in attitude.Isuppose this is something of a compromise wherein we met each other in themiddle.I suspect that we will continue to grow more alike as time goes by;that is exciting to me.A person,after all,should change during his or herlifetime.

1. An Olympic champion walked into a classroom to meet a group of students.

2. "Aren""t you curious about how I achieved such glory?" he asked.

3. "Don""t you wonder how I became the successful man that you see before you ?"

4. "I""ll tell you what makes me a winner. I never quit and I start each day by making promises to myself_ . I tell myself that I will be the best."

5. "Don""t you have something to say?Don""t you have something to ask?" he said. One child raised his hand and began to speak.


A couple in their nineties are having problems remembering things,so they decide to go to the doctor for a checkup.^

The doctor tells them that they""re physically OK,but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember things.^

Later that night while watching TV,the old man gets up his chair.

His wife asks,"Where are you going?"^

"To the kitchen," he replies.^

She asks,"Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?"^

The husband says,"Sure."^

She gently reminds him,"Don""t you think you should write it down so you can remember it?"^

He replies,"No,I can remember that."^

She then says,"Well,I""d like some strawberries on top."^

"You""d better write it down ""cause I know you""ll forget it."

He says,"I can remember that -- you want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries."^ She adds,"I""d also like whipped cream. Now I""m certain you""ll forget that,so you""d better write it down."^

Irritated,he says,"I don""t need to write it down! I can remember that! Ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream!"^

Grumbling,he goes into the kitchen.^

After about 20 minutes the old man returns the kitchen and hands his wife a plate of bacon and eggs.

She stares at the plate for a moment and says,"Where""s my toast?"


“Going to war was the greatest thing to have ever happened to me,” said Albert Thomson,a former soldier.Some people might find this strange,especially considering that Thomson lost and arm and the use of both legs in combat.“Of course,I didn’t like the fighting,” Thomson said.What he did like was that,by going to war,he met the woman who would become his wife and the mother of his four children.

One effect of World War II was that it brought many you people from different countries together.When peace was achieved,these young people often fell in love with people of different nationalities.During World War II,an estimated 1,000,000 American soldiers married women from over 50 different countries.In the Pacific,16,000 of the 1,000,000 American soldiers married Australian and New Zealand women.Of these,12,000 went to the U.S.Many of the relationships failed,but some were as happy as Thomson’s.

1. A friend of mine was giving an English lesson to a class of adults who had recently come to live in the United States.

2. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table,he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler,the book,the pen and so on .

3. The class went very smoothly. The students seemed interested and serious about the work that they were engaged in until my friend turned to an Italian student and said,"Give me the keys ."

4. The Italian looked surprised and somewhat at a loss.

5. The Italian nodded his head and rolled his eyes. Then,he threw his arms around the teacher""s neck and kissed him on both cheeks .


A friend of mine was giving an English lesson to a class of adults who had recently come to live in the United States.

After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table,he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler,the book,the pen and so on.^

The class went very smoothly.

The students seemed interested and serious about the work that they were engaged in until my friend turned to an Italian student and said,"Give me the keys."^

The Italian looked surprised and somewhat at a loss.

Seeing this,my friend thought that he hadn""t heard him clearly,so he repeated,"Give me the keys."^

The Italian nodded his head and rolled his eyes.

Then,he threw his arms around the teacher""s neck and kissed him on both cheeks.


I'm going to change my name tomorrow. Does this sound odd? Let me explain. Since I was a baby, my name has been a label that has identified me as I grew. However, I have changed a lot. Most of all, my ideas on life have developed. By the time I became an adult, I was clearly not the same person I was as a baby. So why should my name be the same? I've decided to change it to reflect my changes as a person. Some people tell me they don't approve of this plan. They think I am disrespecting my parents, who named me. But I've spoken with my parents, and they agree with me. Keeping the same name throughout life is nonsense. The only real problem for me is that it will take people a long time to get used to my new name.

1. A professor began his class by filling a jar with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full .

2. Then the professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.

3. The professor continued to pour two cans of beer into the jar.

4. The professor told his class that the jar represented our life and the golf balls were the important things -- your family,your partner,your children.

5. The professor,through the experiment,tried to show his class that no matter how full their life may seem,there""s always room for a couple of beers!


When his class began,a professor filled a jar with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full.

They agreed that it was.^

The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.

He then asked once more if the jar was full.

The students responded,all agreeing that the jar was full.^

The professor then produced two cans of beer under the table and proceeded to pour the entire contents into the jar filling the empty spaces between the grains of sand.^ "Now," said the professor,

"I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things -- your family,your partner,your children. The sand is everything else -- the small stuff."^

"Take care of the golf balls first -- the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students asked what the beer represented. The professor smiled. "I""m glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,there""s always room for a couple of beers!"


电大宝典1390《人文英语4》期末考试题库简化版2020 年1月年最新(04016) 整理时间:2019.12.09 已考完,大部分能找到,已按字母排版,方便查找(按历届试题汇总) 适用:[国开科目] [期末笔试] [课程号:04016] [试卷号:1390] 题型:写作题(7) 交际用语(57) 词汇与语法(132) 阅读理解(单选)(13) 阅读理解(判断)(7) 写作题(总共7题) 1、Education and academic quality can mean different things to different people, 2、Liu Hui: Gordon, may I ask you a question? 3、Para 1 4、Peter: Molly, look at this. The newspaper says we should sort trash. 5、The Education We Need 6、The National Union of Students (NUS) welcomes the news that greater numbers of black and 交际用语(总共57题) 1、—Are you on holiday here? 2、—Can you explain it again?—() 3、—Can you go out with us for dinner this evening? 4、—Can you help me clear up the mess? 5、—Can you tell me where I can park the car? 6、—Could I talk to Prof. Lee? 7、—Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table?


中南大学医学英语课程教学大纲 医用英语(二)教学大纲 课程名称:医学英语 Medical English 开课学院:外国语学院 课程性质:选修课 学分:4分 学时:64学时 前期课程:大学英语(基础阶段)四级 授课对象:临床医学八年制,口腔医学七年制以及其他专业的三年级本科生 考核方式:考试(笔试与口试) 课程基本要求: 医学英语是为大学英语应用提高阶段开设的课程,是规定选修课.本课程的目的是使大学本科生经过基础英语阶段的学习之后,通过专业英语学习,继续巩固和不断提高英语的语言能力,和加强语言基本功.本课程是医学英语入门课程,通过原版材料、文献等的学习,使学生开始熟悉和初步掌握医学英语的特点和规律,学习医学英语词汇的构词法和熟记一定数量的词根、前缀及后缀,掌握专业英语的阅读技能,加强口语交际能力,特别是参与专业活动的实际应用能力,并对本专业的论文写作有基本的认识。通过本课程的学习,学生能为将来进一步的深造或参加工作后专业知识的自学打下基础,最终能以英语为工具,阅读专业文献,进行国际交流,获得专业所需的外文信息。 本课程是大学英语四、六级教学的后续,在延续大学英语四、六级教学的特点外,更注重实际应用能力的培养和提高。由于本课程为选修课,共64学时。在有限的学时中,我们将阅读能力、口头表达能力有机结合,将文献翻译和基本些纳入教学内容形成为我们教学的侧重点。结合三年级同学的临床见习,我们特选择了《医学英语经典文献阅读》为基本教材,在巩固本专业前期基本教学所接触的英语词汇及有关知识的基础上,通过各种教学手段,使学生积极参与教学的实践活动,进一步扩大专业英语的摄入。 本课程以文献阅读为主,并配以相应的口语交流教材和医学英语的常用词汇学习,课堂教学与自学相结合,课内外学习时数的比例不低于教学大纲要求的1:2。 课程考试为开卷考试。主要从口语交流、医学词汇、阅读、英汉翻译等方面考察学生掌握医学英语的综合能力。 大纲内容: 一、前言 【课程目的】 本课程配合临床医学教学以及见习或实习需求,要求学生选读主要临床学科的初级原版教材,并逐渐到选读世界著名医学教科书。教学中应注意温习各系统相关的医学术语与基本的专业知识的英语表述方式,潜移默化地灌输双语教学意识。同时,还应对学生作医学英语相关的技能训练,包括因特网医学信息初步检索、医学科普文章阅读


一、选择题 1.从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出所含元音音素不同的一个。 A.Bob B.dog C.orange D.photo 2.She didn't have a good_____/ sli:p/ last night, so she looked tired. A.sleep B.sheep C.shape D.shop 3.We should stress(重读) ______ syllable when we read the word “potato”. A.the first B.the second C.the third D.the last 4.下列各组字母中,不符合字母顺序的为________. A.C; D; E B.D; G; J C.L; M; N D.A; L; J 5.If I had one million dollars, I’d give it away to ______________/′medik?l/ research. A.medicine B.medical C.magazine D.metal 6.根据朗读基本知识要求,以下哪个句子应该在句末读升调? A.When do you get up every day? B.Which subject do you like better, English or Chinese? C.Can I try it again? D.Here you are. 7.以下字母有相同元音因素的是 A.A, H B.L, O C.E, Q D.I, X 8.下列四个选项中划线部分读音全部相同 ....的是__________。 A.head bread eat B.look afternoon good C.thank there three D.here idea ear 9.In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from the others? A.produce B.product C.promise 10.The underlined part(下划线部分) in is pronounced(发音)differently. A.book B.cool C.foot D.good 11.Choose one of the letters with different pronunciation. A.cake B.face C. apple D.late 12.Which sound goes with the word "burn"? A./b?n/ B./br?n/ C./br?:n/ D./b?: n/ 13.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.Scientists found that dinosaurs all died of disease. B.Disneyland was created by Walt Disney. C.Believe me, we come in peace. D.How is the man dealing with trouble? 14.I have a pet / k?t / , it’s very smart . A.cat B.cut C.coat D.cute 15.which of the following words has a different stress(重音)?


Part I 1.Saturated fat 饱和脂肪,Cholesterol 胆固醇,Atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化, Arrhythmia心率失常,心率不齐,Congestive heart failure充血性心力衰竭 ,White-coat hypertension 白大褂高血压,Myocardial infarction 心肌梗死, Secondary hypertension 继发性高血压,Stethoscope 听诊器,Insulin 胰岛素, Angina 心绞痛,Renal (kidney) hypertension 肾性高血压,Spirometry Test 肺活量测试,Ejection fraction 射血分数,the standard of Normal Blood pressure and hypertension, the regular and abnormal values of diabetes 糖床病,Tidal volume潮气量,Respiratory rate呼吸频率,Minute volume每分呼吸量汾钟 Residual volume 残气虽,Respiration 呼吸,一次呼吸,Extrinsic asthma 外源性哮喘and Intrinsic asthma 内源性哮喘,CPR cardio pulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏术,bronchospasni 支气管痉挛,plaque 纤维气管破损(the buildup of cholesterol and other substances in artery walls, which can narrow an artery and reduce the flow of blood in arteries that feed the heart and its ruptures cause blood clots to form). 2.The four methods of examination in Diagnostics of TCM 中医 3.The two basic philosophic 哲学foundation of TCM: 4.The classification of hospital 5.The function and effect of vitamin A,D, E, K, C, B1, B2 Part II 1.Definition^ symptoms of disease: hypertension, DM, CHD, Asthma归Congestive heart failure( a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough oxygenated blood to meet the needs of the body's other organs), and Ulcer. 1)What is asthma? What are its symptoms? Why does asthma make breathing difficult? 1)Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory lung disease, characterized by increased or exaggerated responsiveness to a variety of stimuli, resulting in bronchospasm, airway narrowing, and chronic inflammation. 2)Symptoms of Asthma: Wheezing, cough, especially at night, chest tightness, shortness of breath characteristically occur or worsen at night, stuffy or runny nose, behavioral changes, agitation, irritability, decreased appetite, dark circles under eyes, etc.


精心整理2018年人文英语1期末复习资料 第二部分样题一一、交际用语 Hi, A I’m “互 B B 礼貌,所以答案是B。3.—Thank you for sharing this with me. —A.Nothing. B.You can share, too. C.My pleasure! 答案:C 解析:本题考查“回复致谢”的交际用语。My pleasure是It’s my pleasure的缩写,意为“不客气、很荣幸”。

常见的表达“不客气”的短语还有:You are welcome/don’t mention it/Sure thing等,所以答案是C。4.—What will you buy for the Spring Festival?—A.I will buy gifts for my family. B.Clothes are on sale. C.I want to go ”的 A。5 问 Tuesday afternoon. A.in B.on C.at 答案:B 译文:这个案件发生在周二下午。解析:英语中表示“在下午”要用“in the afternoon”,但是具体到某天的下午,用介词on,所以答案是B。

7.The train is running fifty miles. A.an hour B.the hour C.a hour 答案:A 译文:火车正以每小时50英里的速度行驶。解析:表示“每个,”可以用不定冠词a/an,hour音标中以元音开头,要用an。所以答案是A。8.You’ll have B “ 9 “感有Jim A C classmate意为“同学”;citizen意为“市民”;colleague意为“同事”。所以答案是C。11.The traffic accident three days ago. A.happens B.took place C.was occurred 答案:B 译文:


对医学专业英语课的思考 教育部1999年发布修订版的《大学英语教学大纲》,新大纲正式提出了“专业英语”的名称,医学专业英语旨在培养学生在医学专业领域内的英语综合运用能力,使他们在今后的临床实践中能以英语为工具进行口头和书面的交流;同时增强其自主学习医学专业知识的能力,提高综合素质,以适应我国社会和国际交流的需要。因此,对医学院校而言,如何在中高年级搞好英语的教学已成为亟待解决的重要问题。 标签:医学院校;医学专业英语课;英语教学 自从国家教委于1985年颁布实施了《大学英语教学大纲》以及随之而来进行的四、六级考试以来,大学英语基础阶段的教学越来越受到全国高等院校的重视。它既成为衡量学生英语学习的尺度,同时也成为毕业分配时用人单位选择人才的标准。这种状况也毫不例外地出现在医学院校。随着国际交流的日益扩展,提高医学生获取最新医学资讯的能力成为医学教育的当务之急,医学专业英语教育越来越引起各临床医学院校的重视。教育部1999年发布修订版的《大学英语教学大纲》,新大纲正式提出了“专业英语”的名称,并规定大学英语教学分为基础阶段(一至二年级)和应用提高阶段(三至四年级),在完成四个学期的基础英语必修课后,学生进入应用提高阶段。应用提高阶段包括专业英语和高级英语,安排在第五至第七学期。医学专业英语旨在培养学生在医学专业领域内的英语综合运用能力,使他们在今后的临床实践中能以英语为工具进行口头和书面的交流;同时增强其自主学习医学专业知识的能力,提高综合素质,以适应我国社会和国际交流的需要。如今,大多数学生以过四、六级为英语学习的终点线。由于高年级没有英语课,他们又没有在后期坚持自学英语,结果在毕业时,多数毕业生英语水平不及低年级阶段。在《大学英语教学大纲》中已明确规定“学生毕业时,能以英语为工具,获得专业所需要的信息”,而这种状况与此目的相距甚远。因此,对医学院校而言,如何在中高年级搞好英语的教学已成为亟待解决的重要问题。 一、存在的问题 (一)医学专业英语并未得到医学院校的普遍重视 目前,几乎全国所有院校,当然医学院校也不例外,对四、六级考试极其重视,把四、六级考试的通过率作为本校英语教学成功与否的标志和炫耀的资本,并且强令学生在毕业之前必须通过四级考试,英语班的学生必须通过六级考试,否则不发学位证书。因此,学生不得已为攻破四、六级努力自学或参加辅导班,四级通过后,再为通过六级而奋斗。在这种政策指导下,学生还有足够的精力和时间学习专业英语吗? 同时,虽然有相当多的院校开设了专业英语的课程,但是它没有像为基础英语设立的四、六级全国统一考试,专业英语自然得不到有关领导的重视。大多数


英语期末复习 Unit1 1.…that one stray request from a patient—even one that is quite relevant—might send the delicately balanced three-ring circus tumbling down. 如果病人冷不丁提个要求,即使所提要求十分中肯,也会让我那内心脆弱的平衡乱作一团,就像井然有序同时演出三台节目的大马戏场突然崩塌一样。 2.…I'm piling yet another pill onto her… 我还要再给她另加一种药。 3.…she's caught one of my neurons in mid- fire… 她让我如火如荼的思绪戛然而止… 4.My instinct is to put one hand up and keep all interruptions at bay. 我的本能反应是举手,阻止她打断我的思路。 5.We merely zip back and forth between them, generally losing accuracy in the process. 我们人类只是在两个想法之间来回快速转换,通常情况下,在转换的过程中丢失了精准。 6.It boils down to a question of ethics. 它可归结成一个伦理学问题。 7.In some cases, having a dedicated and competent clinical partner such as a one-on- one nurse can come close to simulating a second brain, but most medical budgets don't allow for such staffing indulgence. 有些情况下,有个专注、出色的临床搭档,如一对一的护士,就仿佛有了第二个大脑,不过大多数医疗预算不会如此大方,这样配备人员。 8.This conventional wisdom formed the basis for daily confrontations between an increasingly restless and resentful patient and an increasingly adamant and doom-predicting clinical clerk. 有的病人越来越焦躁不安、越来越愤愤不满,有的临床医生越来越固执己见、越来越热衷于生死决断。这种传统智慧就成了这些病人和临床医生之间天天对抗不断的基础。 9.My subsequent ‘clinical course’was far from uneventful. (Para. 9) 我后来的“临床之路”远非平淡无奇 10.…they had fallen from 48 to 46 the previous month! (Para. 9)


人文英语1期末复习资料 试题结构 一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 选择正确的语句完成下面的对话,并将答案写在答题纸上。 1. – Hi, Wang Xin, nice to meet you! -- Hi, Liu Mei, ____________ A. nice to meet you too. B. how do you do? C. I’m fine, thank you. 2. -- I can show you around, if you like. -- ________________ A. I can’t wait. B. Sure, thank you. C. Let’s go. 3. – Tomorrow will be fine. Shall we go out for a picnic? --________________ A. Sounds great! B. Good luck! C. Have fun! 4. – Happy New Year! --________________ A. Really. B. Thank you C. The same to you. 5. – Hi! How are you doing? --_____________ A. That’s all right. B. How are you doing? C. I’m doing well. 6. –I won the first prize in today’s speech contest. -- ____________ A. Congratulations! B. Great! C. Thanks! 7. – Seat belts save lives. -- ____________ A. I won’t put on my seat belt. B. I will put on my seat belt. C. It’s true, I agree. 8. – Hello, can I speak to Liu Hui, please. -- ____________ A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, speaking. C. Yes, you can.


研究生医学英语课程设置应用性研究 主要分析了研究生医学英语课程改革的必要性,并阐述了医学院校研究生英语课程设置应该采取的具体举措,以此来提高研究生的专业英语应用能力,满足学生的未来职业需求。 标签:ESP;研究生医学英语;课程设置 0引言 1992年,原国家教委颁布了《非英语专业研究生英语教学大纲》,该大纲明确表示出于对全国高等院校学校类别、学生水平和教学资源等方面差异的考虑,各校可以从自身实际出发,灵活设置研究生英语学位课程。同时提倡研究生英语教学应该讲究实效,博采众长,建立适合我国国情的研究生英语教学体系。经过多年的探索,我国的研究生英语教学总体上取得了很大成绩。但是近年来,随着国际科研和文化交流越来越密切,我国一些专业院校研究生英语课程设置的弊端逐渐显现出来。众所周知,国际上80%的文献语言是英语,因此,我国的医学研究生要想了解本专业最前沿的动态,就必须要能够熟练的掌握英语。但是除了少数国家重点高校尝试着对研究生开设专业医学英语课程外,国内大部分普通医学院校的研究生英语课程仍采用公共英语的教学模式。即使是那些开设医学英语的学校,也由于缺乏师资力量,使得医学专业英语教学由普通英语语言教师承担,他们只能在课堂上介绍一些必要的医学专业术语,显然这种教学模式难以满足社会对未来医生和医学科研人员的实际需求。大部分医学研究生毕业后将要从事临床和科研工作,这就要求他们必须经常查阅医学文献,撰写科研论文,参加国际学术会议等,因此医学院校一定要开设医学专业英语课程,只有这样才能实现医学研究生完成从学习阶段到应用阶段的顺利过渡。 1研究生医学英语的课程设置 研究生医学英语课程作为基础英语的后续课程,全国并没有统一的要求,各高校应该将ESP教学理念贯穿到医学硕士研究生英语课程教学实践中去,根据学生的实际水平和需求开设多门相关课程。 1.1开设医学英语词汇课程 词汇是基础,因此要想提高研究生的医学英语水平就首先要增加专业词汇量,因此学校首先应该开设的课程是医学英语词汇课。医学英语词汇的特点是单词长,发音难,不好记。但是我们可以借助构词法来记忆。医学词汇构成的主要特点是依靠词根和词缀相互组合派生出新词。因此老师可以利用构词法来分解医学英语单词,根据词根和前缀后缀的不同含义,培养学生推导记忆医学词汇。 1.2开设医学英语翻译课程


201401 医学英语期末考试复习 题型:翻译、名词匹配、词汇和语法、阅读 复习范围:医学英语课本1-12课A课文、单词、课后练习 部分重点如下: 一.熟悉以下段落的英汉互译 1. “In my view,”wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1814, “no knowledge can be more satisfactory to a man than that of his own frame, its parts, their functions and actions.” Disti nguished thinkers before and since Jefferson have held this belief, but curiously, it is not one that the average person wholehearted shares. Man’s attitude toward his own body ---- his single most precious possession ---- is decidedly ambivalent, at one and the same time his is fascinated by it and fearful of it, partly in echo of ancient taboo, partly in the conviction that the body is too complicated to understand. “在我看来,”托马斯·杰斐逊在1814年写道,“对一个人来说,没有什么知识可以比了解自身的架构,他自身的部件,他们的功能和动作更能满足他的了。”在杰斐逊之前和之后的伟大思想学家就已经持有这个观点,但奇怪的是,这不是一个能令每一个人都心悦诚服的看法。人对自己的身体(他个人最珍贵的财产)的态度,在同一时刻内既被它吸引着又感到害怕,这是明显矛盾的。产生这个矛盾的部分原因是古代禁忌的影响,部分原因则是(人们)深信人体过于复杂而不可理解 2.The study of disease should not make students feel fragile and vulnerable. It is important to remember that the human body has a remarkable ability to protect itself against disease and to cure itself when illness or injury does occur. Moreover, when serious illness strikes, modern medicine has extremely sophisticated tools for fighting back. 疾病的研究不能让学生感到(对疾病的)无能为力和难以防御。当疾病或意外发生时,记住人体有保护自身抵御疾病和自我治愈的卓越能力是非常重要的。此外,受到严重疾病侵袭时,现代医学已经有非常尖端的手段来抵御疾病。 3. Obviously, the use of megadoses of vitamin C is not an entirely harmless practice. The public needs information with which they may recognize counterfeit claims, so as to avoid the potential dangers of self-medication in the absence of sound knowledge. This is true with any substances used in large amounts. Nonetheless, the sky seems to be brightening for vitamin C. On the basis of increasing knowledge of its antioxidant strength, especially in prevention of trouble rather than just in treating it after it has happened, vitamin C may yet clear its name. 显然,大剂量使用维生素C不是一个完全无害的实践。公众需要有能让他们能够识别假冒声称的知识,以便使他们在缺乏健全知识的自我用药的情况下避免潜在的危险。对于大量使用任何物质


第二部分样题一 一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1~5题:选择正确的语句完成下面的对话。 1.—Hi, Wang Xin, nice to meet you! —Hi, Liu Hui. A.Nice to meet you too. B.How do you do C.I'm fine, thank you. 答案:A 解析:本题考查“互相问候”的交际用语。第一说话人以nice to meet you(见到你很高兴)问候对方时,答语应用nice to meet you too来回应,所以答案是A。2.—How about going to the class together — A.Of course not. B.That sounds great. C.I don't like it.

答案:B 解析:本题考查“提出建议”的交际用语。第一说话人提出一起去上课的建议,如果赞同,根据给出答案,答语应该是这听起来不错;如果不赞同,则应委婉礼貌地拒绝,C答案语气太强硬,不太礼貌,所以答案是B。 3.—Thank you for sharing this with me. — A.Nothing. B.You can share, too. C.My pleasure! 答案:C 解析:本题考查“回复致谢”的交际用语。My pleasure是It's my pleasure的缩写,意为“不客气、很荣幸”。常见的表达“不客气”的短语还有:You are welcome/don't mention it/Sure thing等,所以答案是C。 4.—What will you buy for the Spring Festival — A.I will buy gifts for my family. B.Clothes are on sale.


一、teaching objectives and requirement of the course (一) teaching objectives Pathophysiology is a branch of medical sciences that combines physiology and pathology to elucidate the etiology and pathogenesis of disease. It concerns the occurrence, development and outcome of disease to clarify the essence of disease, and provides experimental and theoretical basis for clinical diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Thus, it is believed to serve a bridge between basic medical science and clinical science, play an important role in the medical education system. Pathophysiology is mainly composed of four parts: a brief introduction of disease, fundamental common pathological processes, organic pathophysiology and cellular and molecular pathophysiology. Based on the training guidance for the students majored in clinical medicine and other related clinical medicine, students will be expected to obtain the following knowledge and skill after taking this course: 1. Basic theory and knowledge (1) Master the underlying mechanisms by which disease occurs and the resultant functional and metabolic alternations within the body. (2) Be familiar with the causes and conditions of disease. (3) Understand the pathophysiological basis for clinical diagnosis, treatment and prevention. 2. General capability and skill (1) Self-learning ability: Points will be explained and stressed in the class. Further reading will be instructed. (2) Skills of problem-solving and comprehensive analytical ability: Questions in actual clinical cases will be discussed. (3) Speciality English terms 3. Innovative ability: 4. The teaching period is arranged with 48 periods of theory course and corresponding 35 periods of practice course. (二) teaching requirement of the course


期末复习 现给大家厘清一下复习思路: 考试卷面分:60 分 考试题型:五种 I 选择更好的译文(10×1’) (备课组长说有可能是两选一,也可能是三选一) 例如讲义上的第1页 It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in Southern Britain, the whole country-side visible from the windows of room, in which I write, was in what is called “the state of nature.” A.我们可以有把握地设想,二千年前,在凯撒到达不列颠南 部之前,从我正在写作的这间屋子的窗口,可以看到整个原野都是处于所谓“自然状态”之中。 B.赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野,槛外诸 境,历历如在几下。乃悬想二千年前,当罗马大将恺彻未到时,此间有何景物。 II翻译评析(15分) 翻译评析评分标准:从翻译的标准(5分)、翻译的方法和策略(5分),以及翻译的技巧(5分)三方面谈。 请复习讲义pp2-4、pp14-29 翻译的标准有传统的:信达(忠实和通顺),有现代奈达的:

从形式对等—到动态对等—最后到功能对等 翻译的基本方法:直译与意译 翻译的基本策略(这是组长这样分的,其实都是翻译的方法):归化与异化 翻译的技巧:词的技巧—词义的确立、词类转换译法、增加、省略、延伸、正反反正译法 句子的技巧—三大从句的译法 III 长句的翻译(3×5’) 两个英语句子,一个汉语句子。 例如1: Ther e is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or business with her husband that he fails to notice the flavor of the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride. 最令女主人失望的是,她花了许多心思或费用来招待客人,可是这位客人只顾津津有味地与她的丈夫谈政治、谈生意,却没注意到香喷喷的咖啡,松软的糕点,或房间内讲究的陈设,而这些却可能是她感到兴趣并引以自豪的主要所在。 例如2:


中医英语阅读02 课程代码:13200061 适用专业(方向):中医七年制,针推外向,英语专业学生 总学时数:32 学分数:2 一、课程的性质、目的和要求 本课程是基础医学院、中药学院的中医七年制专业、针推学院针推英语专业、外国语学院英语专业的必修课程之一,授课对象为结束大学基础英语课程的七年制、外向型学生和英语专业学生,属于基础课,在培养计划中属于必修考查课程,是国家英语教学大纲中明确要开设的专业英语课程。 其目的和要求在于使学生通过学习该课程后,使学生逐步具备运用英语进行本专业的学习、研究与国际交流的能力。专业术语:掌握本课程所涉及的约200个中医基本专业术语的英语表达法;语法:能将所学的语法知识自觉地、较熟练地运用于中医英语的阅读及翻译实践中;阅读能力:掌握并能运用各项阅读技能(如概括中心思想,猜词悟意,预见,推理和推论等),具有语篇水平上的分析能力。能顺利地阅读与课文深浅程度相当的中医英语文章,理解正确,阅读速度达到60-70词/分钟;翻译能力:笔译句子或短文:在1小时内将200字左右的与课程内容相关的中文句子译成基本合乎中医英语翻译规范、无重大语言错误的英文;能借助词典将本专业的资料进行翻译:汉译英,一般难度的材料,速度每小时为200个左右汉字,要求正确表达思想,无重大语言错误;能借助词典用英文书写论文摘要;听说能力:随着本学科的发展,将逐步增加对听力、口语表达能力的要求。 二、课程教学内容和课时安排 Unit 1 A History of TCM 3 period 【目的要求】 to master the brief history of TCM in English and English name of TCM classics 【教学内容】 1. an overview of TCM history 2. key achievements of development of TCM in history. 3. remarkable works in TCM history


九年级上册期末英语复习提纲 Unit4whatwouldyoudo 1.whatif如果```将会怎么样 2.not…intheslightest一点也不,根本不 3.plentyof+(不)可数n/enough+n.很多的,足够的 4.getalongwith 与`````相处 5.letsbdown使```失望或沮丧 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c716243648.html,eupwith=thinkof=thinkup想出 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c716243648.html,eout出饭,发表8.medicalresearch医学研究 9.wearatie/necktie戴领带 10.worryabout=beworriedabout担心11.getpimples得了小脓疱12.takeanexam/test(later)稍后考试13.passtheexam通过考试14.failtheexam考试不合格15.feel/beconfident感到自信haveconfidenceinsth/dongsth走某事有自信 16.withoutpermission未经允许 withone’spermission经过某人许可 askforone’spermission请求某人的允许17.bothersb打扰某人

18.not….intheslightest=not….atall根本不 19.get/beannoyedatsb对某人生气20.representourclass代表我们班级https://www.360docs.net/doc/c716243648.html,eupwith想出 22.getthemedicalhelp取得医护帮助 23.makesb+adj(comfortable)使某人舒服24.staywithsb与某人呆 在一起25.theburnedarea受伤的部位26.(cold)runningwater(冰)自来水 27.stopdoingsth停止做某事Stoptodosth停下来做某事 28.havealotofexperience有许多经验29.beconfidentofsth对某物自信https://www.360docs.net/doc/c716243648.html,lionsof成百万上千万31.hundredsof成百上千 32.talktosbaboutsth与某人谈论某事 33.hidesthfromsb向某人隐藏...;把...瞒着某人 34.inapublicplace=inpublic在公共场所35.make/giveaspeech发表演讲 36.inthefrontof(内部)在````前面infrontof(外部)在```前面 37.talkalot健谈 38.getnervous紧张的 39.introducesbtosb把某人介绍给某人introduceoneselftosb向...作自我介绍40.doasurveyabout做一个.....的调查41.hardlyever 几乎不
