

Beauty and Balance


The Razor’s Edge


“Beauty and Balance - The Razor’s Edge” was a presentation given to the Aromatics Symposium in

美丽与平衡-Razor的边缘是Andrew Caillard, MW于2010年2月在新西兰纳尔逊举行的Nelson, New Zealand by Andrew Caillard, MW in February 2010. It explores the origin of terroir, the


history of trading Riesling wines and the contemporary Riesling Aesthetic.




Some years ago Robert Joseph, a UK wine opinion maker, clever ly suggested; “i f viognier was a colour, it would be orange.”

几年以前,来自英国的一名葡萄酒品鉴师,Robert Joseph巧妙地建议“如果维奥涅尔是种颜色,它会是橙色的。

In the world of oil painting, colours have a degree of permanency and opaqueness. If riesling was a


colour it would be the most clear and transparent.

Indeed if painted on a canvas it would reveal the underpainting or the canvas itself. For Riesling is


the most transparent of grape varieties; it translates the soils and character of place better than any


other variety. The winemaker’s hand is barely noticeable in most fine Rieslings.


The beauty is in the balance


There are many similarities between fine art and fine wine. The creation of something with beauty


and balance requires sensibility, intuition and flair. Culture and tradition give context and feeling of


place. Science and philosophy are key elements of making something that is lasting and meaningful. Selection of materials, application of medium and interpretation of genre give an indelible signature.


These elements combined create a unique voice.


For centuries there has been and ongoing argument about the role of the winemaker.


The commercial imperatives of selling wine at high prices during the contemporary era have perhaps 在如今的时代,酒高价售出的商业规则或许取决于对酿酒师天赋的夸张。

resulted in the exaggeration of the winemaker’s talent. There is no question that an individual may


transcend the mundane, but for many winemakers their skills are over-emphasised and over intellectualised.

Is the winemaker an Artist?


The painter and the winemaker, although kindred souls, are normally divorced by the action of


Process. Painting is made on a canvas, but a wine is made in the vineyard. The possibilities of style,

画是在画布上做的,而就是在葡萄园里里酿的。风格上的可能性,画的组成和复杂是无限的。composition and intricacy of painting is infinitesimal. However it is the gesture of the artist that


ultimately transcends. It is easy to recognise a Dali or a Gauguin etc. In the world of wine it is


perhaps the vineyard that ultimately predestines the quality and character of wine.


In history, few winemakers are ever remembered, but the most famous vineyards endure across


several lifetimes. In the case of Riesling SchlossJohannesburg, SchlossVollrads and Berkasteler

在Riesling Schloss Johannesburg的案例中,SchlossVollrads and BerkastelerDoktorDoktor这些庄园

areetched in memory across centuries.


Or a craftsman?


A piece of furniture or pottery cannot make itself. Yet if left alone grape juice will ferment into wine. 一丁点的家具或者陶器都不会自我生产出来。但是如果单独存下葡萄汁就会发酵成酒。

Is an artisanal winemaker therefore an oxymoron? The term artisan is used extensively in wine


marketing and communications. Perhaps it is vaguely correct, because without intervention, thought 也许说它正确有些含糊,因为没有人的干预,想法和时机,葡萄甚至不会被采摘等。

and timing, the grapes would not be picked etc.

Or a philosopher?


In Australian the phrase “w inemaking philosophy” is frequently used. In many respects fine wine is 在澳大利亚酿酒哲学家这个词语经常被使用。美酒在很多方面都是审美哲学

all about the aesthetic. Certainly consumers have expectations of quality, style, character and


context. It is all these points that start a conversation.


Over recent times, I have been assiduously researching the origins of the word terroir. Terroir is

在近些时候,我也在积极研究“terroir”一词的起源。“Terroir”通常被解释为“总的任何葡commonly interpreted a s“the total natural environment of any viticultural site.” It is a theory that is


compellingly realised by the Grand Cru, Premier Cru and Village wines of Burgundy.

A few months ago, I was watching OZ Clarke explaining to James May why a vineyard across a road in Burgundy made more expensive wine than it sneighbour.The explanation was the controversial but compelling idea of terroir. With a superior “climat” or vineyard site, a grower could in theory command much higher prices for his wines . The commercialisation of terroir has profoundly altered the landscape of the fine wine world. Although steeped in 19th century wine theory , this appropriated wine term has only been used as common wine indus try “jargon” for a few decades. The evolution and meaning of terroir is inextricably linked with an increasingly sophisticated and emotion-gearedwine industry. Once upon a time fine wine was a drink. Not anymore. The value of wine can be factored back to the value of the vineyard real estate. For buyers terroir-driven fine wine is a bauble of wealth. For sellers it is a way creating of wealth.

I have just read the book “A History and Description of Modern Wine” (1833) by Cyrus Redding, a prominent writer of his day and who not once mentioned the word Terroir in his book. It appears that the term gout de pierre(taste of stone) was more commonplace during these times. By pure coincidence I also came across Culture of the Vine and Wine Making (1860) by Dr Jules Guyot, while investigating the wines of Best’s Great Western. By utter luck, a friend sent me a copy of a lecture on terroir given by Professor Warren Moran, an eminent geographer from New Zealand. Trawling through the internet and sifting through a multitude of books and papers, it occurred to me that terroir has evolved into something sinister and absurd. Today it is used as an exquisite “weapon of doubt” by marketers of fine wine. Creating uncertainty and differentiation is part of contemporary fine wine competition. It’s vineyard against neighbouring vineyard, France versus the New World and Adelaide Hills versus the Barossa etc. Warm wine growing areas or high alcohol wines are accused of having no terroir. Indeed some ill-informed critics suggest the New World is terroir-less.

Wealth-creation, protection of identity and the development of a wine aristocracy all lie at the heart of terroir. Although I always thought the word derived from the Latin terra (the earth), it appears that its etymology is terreor (To frighten). Territorium(the land surrounding a town) is the source of an agricultural community’s wealth. When one thinks of someone being territorial, it is easy to see that there is a link between the etymology of terrorism and terroir (all those sub-editors are not so stupid after all).

The idea of terroir, therefore, seems to be linked to agrarian reform in France after 1788. Feeding an increasing population and achieving economic growth were major concerns. In 1860 Dr Jules Guyot, one of France’s famous wine boffins wrote a small book called the “Culture of the Vine and Wine

Making”. I found an original English translation at Best’s Great Western earlier this year. This book gave instruction to would-be wine growers how to plant avineyard and make wine. In a pre-amble he asks the question; “What is the wealth of locality and its soil? His theory argued that making high-end agricultural products like wine would create better returns and wealth than growing wheat or farming animals. A successful wine enterprise would employ more labour resulting in the creation of small businesses;Guyot describes this scenario as “the bread and meat would follow.” He explains “One acre of the Chateau-Lafitte (sic), or the Clos-Vougeot, gives more wealth to the public than one hundred acres of poor wastes, planted with a forest or turned into an ordinary farm.To speak more precisely, in poor soils, the production of bread and meat will not create wealth, whereas wealth will always produce bread and meat.”This pre-mechanisation 19th century idea (a pre cursor to the concept of “adding value”), was called the “colonisation power of land.”

Guyot’s book was standard reference in Aus tralia. Chateau Tahbilk, established in 1860, also has a copy of this edition in its museum.

“A defence of centuries of effort”

By the end of the 19th Century wine adulteration and fraud were common place in France. The introduction of Appellation Controlée laws attempted to establish protection of identity through designating and controlling geographic-based names. The first delimited region was Chateau-Neuf- du-Pape in 1923. More formal laws were introduced around 1936. However these laws were a protection of a “place of origin” rather than necessarily a protection of qua lity. Local knowledge and politics have played a hefty part in their construction.

During the course of the 20th Century terroir has been historicised, ecologised (Agriculture Raissonée) and romantised.It has also been politicised; the elevation of Burgundy’s La Grande Rue to a Grand Cru and Bordeaux’s Ch Mouton Rothschild to a First Growth illustrate commercial imperatives rather than necessarily the truth. The St Emilion Classification debacle of recent years shows the strong emotions and fear of losing out linked with the quality of perceived terroirs. (The process of establishing regional boundaries or Geographical Indications in Australia has also resulted in legal challenges).

What the???

Remarkably terroir is hardly used in English Language books until the 1980s/1990s. It is mentioned in Warner Allen’s “Natural Red Wines” (1951) and its white sister volume. He specifically defines the term as meaning “the discernable taste of the soil in which the wine was grown” –no implication

of terroir as we understand it today.Curiously Terroir is not talked about in Wine by Hugh Johnson (1977) or Wine, Grapes, Vines by Jancis Robinson (1986)!

Terroir has evolved into a powerful marketing weapon. Although steeped in the theories of 19th Century France, it has evolved into an ‘invention of difference.” Indeed perhaps it highlights a distinction without a difference? With globalisation and the threat of increased competition in the fine wine space,terroir has become a way to articulate a fiction. There are many wine producers who “use a glorious past o r grand history to create a unique and different product of symbolically high standard.”

In Australia, Jeffrey Grosset, suggests that the concept of terroir is not unique to France. He moots

the Aboriginal word “Pangkarra” to describe the way locals would interact with the landscape. In Papua New Guinea the pidgin word “Arse Place’ (“the place in which we sit”) shows that most communities have a “sense of place”. These ideas, however, are not only related to identity but also to survival. Terroir, during the 20th Century, has evolved into a much more complex idea, where survival once a starting point is lost to the imperative; “We have to be different in order to sell.”

Identity, when matched with quality, is extraordinarily powerful and transcendent. When a product

is characterised by a place, it does not have the same attraction as a product that defines a place or genre. Invariably most of the very great wines of the world are the latter. Chateau Lafite-Rothschild, Chateau Petrus and Domaine de la Romanée Conti are examples. In Australia Grosset Polish Hill does much to define Clare Riesling. In the Rheingau SchlossJohannissberg does much the same.

Riesling - a history of trading

In many respects Riesling translates the soil better than any other grape variety. It is one of the most compelling “wines of place”. Contemporary sources would say that these wines profoundly articulate terroir, yet buyer behaviour suggests that consumers buy on the reputation and skill of the producer rather than vineyard. Although many scientists would argue that flavour cannot be picked up by root systems, there is plenty of anecdotal experience that suggests that one can smell the aromas and taste the flavours of the soil in Riesling. Recently Dr RowaldHepp from SchlossVollrads ground two wet stones together in the vineyard. I swear that I could smell the flinty notes in his wine!

The first documentary sales of Riesling (in 1435) can be found in the archives of KlostersEberbachin the Rheingau.While SchlossJohannisberg is associated with the first Botrytis wines of the region (Beerenauslese and Trockenbeerenauslese), SchlossVollrads is the originator of Kabinett.

During Elizabethan times s ome “Rhenish” wines were imported but they were generally consumed within 18 months because of the problems of storage. Once the wine was off it would be adulterated with spices or turned into vinegar. It was a risk to drink water during these times. Beer and wine was consumed extensively to avoid getting ill.

Not until the advent of bottle and cork, was wine stored in any meaningful long term way. The idea

of wine investment and wine collecting only began less than 300 years ago!

During the 1830s SchlossJohannisberger was regarded as “a wine of first class” alongside the wines

of Romanee Conti, Lafitte (sic) and South African Constantia!However most Hock and Moselle was considered as young drinking “2nd and 3rd class” wines. Even in those days, observers recognised and acknowledged difference. Cyrus Redding wrote “The German a re a distinct class in character from all other wines. They are generous, dry, finely favoured and endure age beyond example. They average about 12.08 per cent of alcohol. They have been supposed to turn acid sooner than other wines, though the reverse is a remarkable fact” He also described Steinberger (Rheingau) as “a very fine growth” ;Oestericher as “l ighter than Johannesberger but delicate”; Liebfrauenmilch as “a good wine with fine flavo ur and body”; Bacharach as “a wine once in high repute” and Whele n and Graach as “both of first quality”.

During the most of Queen Victoria’s reign, German wine was favou red at court and enjoyed great popularity in England during the 19th century.

Starts to go all wrong after 1918

André Simon, the distinguished 20th Cen tury wine critic said “There was a time, before 1914, when one could easily tell with eyes shut and nose wide awake, a Ruwer wine from a Bernkastel or Mittel Mosel wine, or a fortiori from a Rhinegau (sic)or Palatinate wine. However commercial success resulted in significant adulteration; up to 1930 German Wines could contain up to 49% of foreign wines, yet be named according to their 51% share; “This was a new taste for me – sweet Hock a la Sauternes. Leading above all names was Leibfraumilch.” A lot of wine was sourced from Spain. During German Occupation, wine was imported from Alsace and Austria to bolster production. André Simon said “A sickening sweetness fouled most post-war wines (after 1918) and robbed them of their e rstwhile individuality” The greatest pre-1945 vintages are regarded as 1893 and 1921. Many of these bottles were identified by their cask number (funder no. or bestefass)

The character of German Riesling changed significantly during the post-war years and the occupation of West Germany by US Forces. This also coincided with the democratisation of wine consumption in the UK. The result was that traditional styles and names were modified or exploited to suit the tastes of a relatively unsophisticated market. This was further exacerbated by the production of new high yielding grape varieties such as Muller Thurgau etc. In Australia Riesling was the generic term used for cheap bag in the box white wines. It was Rhine Riesling that differentiated the true Riesling from other synonym varieties.

Adulteration was rife. In 1964 Public Prosecutor Oberstaatsanwalt Bohr (who was subsequently reprimanded for authorising the wrong labelling of State Domain wines) said “Rhine Wine is not always pure; many German wines contain more water than permitted and wine growers adulterate and mix wines to such an extent, that the criminality is quite significant.”

German Wine Law of 1970, which was based on must weight and open to cheating, further diminished the integrity of German Riesling. The wholesale reduction in vineyards and commercialisation at all quality levels resulted in a loss of identity and consumer confidence. German Rieslings are enjoying something of a renaissance in recent times.

Alsace – history of trading

The wines of the Bas-Rhin were highly regarded during the 18th and 19th centuries. James Busby sourced material from here. During the 1830s Cyrus Redding said“Rischling wine from Strasburgh (sic) is distinguished by a particular bouquet, by strength and durability. It will keep a century. It is diuretic and cold.” The rischling wines were generally considered as second class; “t he vine de Paille“based on Tokai, Chasselasetcwere more valued. The German occupation of Alsace between 1870 and 1918, however, was disastrous. ’ “Germans took good care, while they were masters of Alsace, that Alsatian wines had no chance to compete with the wines of Germany. When Alsace was freed from occupation in 1918..nobody outside Alsace had ever heard of Riquewihr, Ribeauvillé, Guebwilleretc” The market for Alsatian wine seized up during World War 2. Its traditional markets in Eastern Europe dried up with the descent of the “iron curtain.” Over the last 60 years it has completely re-invented itself as a wine region.

Australian Riesling

In Australia James Busby listed Rischling in his 1832 collection and it is known that William Macarthur imported some Riesling vines from the Bas-Rhinin 1838. In 1847 Johann Gramp imported some Riesling grapes into the Barossa Valley of South Australia, producing his first vintage in 1850. This variety did well during early 1900s establishing a foothold as Rhine Riesling in the Eden Valley and Clare Valleys. The sale of Clare Riesling (Crouchen) and Hunter River Riesling (Semillon) confused the consumer. Thsi was further exacerbated by the use of Riesling as a generic term for cheap bag in the box white wines. Duringthe 1970s Riesling was used as a way of describing style, whereas Rhine Riesling was given to the varietal. Although Leo Buring visited SchlossJohannisburg in 1896, the variety did not prosper until contemporary times. The development of Leo Buring Rieslings under the extraordinary detailed eye of John Vickery brought fine Riesling back into vogue during the 1960s and 1970s. Today Grosset and Pewsey Vale lead a strong Riesling renaissance. The variety has prospered at Henty in Victoria and the Great Southern in Western Australia. New Germanic low-alcohol, fruity, mineral styles are emerging.

A history of abuse

History shows that Riesling is an abused, tortured and subjugated soul throughout the 20th Century. Although it articulates place better than any another grape variety politics, scandal, greed and impossible German language have profoundly sidelined the Riesling genre. Over the last thirty years the market has slowly returned. It so often represents great value. Consumers can buy Grand

Cru Alsace Riesling, superb Mosel Riesling Kabinett, or Clare and Eden Valley Riesling for under $30. This category has very clear potential. The reputation of the producer is inextricably entangled with its future. The vineyard remains a key factor. The terroir argument seems not to have helped the variety. There is little romance that goes with scent of place

The aesthetic of Riesling

Aesthetics deals with beauty, art, enjoyment, sensory-emotional values, perception, and matters of taste and sentiment. This form of philosophy is inextricably intertwined with fine wine. Riesling has a very clear contemporary aesthetic. It is extraordinary to thin that the expectations of the 1830s are very similar to those of today. What was ugly yesterday can be beautiful today and vice versa. There seems to be an enduring appreciation of minerality and freshness but also aroma, volume and flavour length. Riesling ultimately is very versatile with food and company.

The expectations of today – classic dry or off dry Riesling styles - Examples

MOSEL – Pale colour. flowery, slatey and delicate with low to moderate alcohol, clear bright acidity. Classic style has a hint of residual sugar.”

RHEINGAU –“Slatey/ flinty/ pearskin, low to moderate alcohol, more powerful and intense

(styles ieTrocken through to Spatlese muffle or exaggerate”typicity”)

ALSACE – Stoney/ honey/ flinty notes, moderate alcohol, chalky, more richness, concentration. Grand Cru often riper expressions with muscaty note.

CLARE RIESLING – Lemon curd/ camomile aromas. Moderate to moderate-high alcohol, concentration, indelible acidity and flavour length. Develop toasty/ oilskin aromas and limey richness on the palate.

EDEN VALLEY – Lemon/Lime/ herb/ slatey notes, moderate to moderate-high alcohol, strong acidity.

Botrytis character seems to add fruit complexity and richness, although the very best Rieslings do not have this character.


As a buyer or critic – one tends to evaluate against the contemporary aesthetic. Individual producers such as Grosset, Trimbach, ZindHumbrecht, JJPrum, Dr Loosen, SchlossJohannsiberg etc transcend the current market because they exemplify the genre.

The future of Riesling

Riesling is ultimately a blurred-transparency on a blank canvas. The variety is once again enjoying recognition among collectors and buyers. In-store ranging and limited restaurant listings however will continue to skew the market. The general consumer remains confused and unclear what Riesling should be –largely because it’s so varied in style and has been commercially trashed in the recent past. A new sweetness scale has been introduced by the International Riesling Foundation to improve informed purchasing decisions. Some producers are already using it on their back labels. Neudorf (Nelson, NZ) and Dopff (Alsace, France) are examples. In the end however it is not

the terroir but the style and values behind the wine (winemaking philosophy, sweetness, environmental, family heritage, reputation and reliability) that will ultimately drive sales.

The movement towards organic/ biodynamic/ low input viticulture must be good from an environmental perspective. The emerging interest in lower alcohol (8-11%) Australian Riesling is interesting. Early examples from Pewsey Vale and Lethbridge are impressive.

The poor allocation of points and the lack of empathy for other cultural values that pervades among wine critics is alarming. Critics applaud individuality but assume that taste and received wisdom is homogenous across cultures. Riesling has universal appeal, but styles will enjoy different levels of success across wine markets of the world.

“For men and women are not only themselves; they are also the region in which they were born, the city apartment or the farm in which they learnt to walk, the games they played as children, the old wives’ tales they overheard, the food they ate, the schools they attended, the sports they followed, the poets they read, and God they believed in. It is all these things that have made them what they are, and these are the thing s that you can’t come to know by hearsay, you can only know them if you have lived them.”

Somerset Maugham “The Razor’s Edge” 1944


汉译英 Unit1 1.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充足的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。(no matter how) No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech ,you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关系吉米一样,吉米也关系他们(just as) Just as all his sister ’ s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them 3.汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。(track down)Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。(tell on) If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。(on one’s own) Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6.现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。(reckon with) Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. Unit2 1.被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪 The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2.总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。 All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron . 3正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。 No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4.考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。 Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5.服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并立刻咨询医生。 If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6.总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。 Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. Unit3 1.在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的。 In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional. 2..教师一旦同意接受新的教学计划,他们就得面对新计划所带给他们的压力。 Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them. 3.从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。 In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one ’ s study after graduatin g from university instead of going to work directly. 4.由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视。 As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally. 5.据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。


Unit 1 1. In my estimation, he is a more suitable candidate. c.someone who is considered for something 我认为他是更合适的人选。 2. Don't underestimate the difficulties of the work. e.assign too low a value to 不要低估了这项工作的艰巨性。 3. Don't interrupt me, children. a.make a break in 孩子们,别打断我的话。 4. The school has only been open for six months, so it's too early to evaluate its success. f.place a value on 这所学校开办还不过六个月,所以要对它的成绩作出评价为时尚早。 5. Our English course places great emphasis on conversational skills. g.special importance or significance 我们的英语课程非常重视会话技能。 6. His enthusiasm breathed new life into the company. b.a feeling of excitement 他的热情给公司注入了新的生命。 7. They work hard, but their efforts are not very productive. d.yielding positive results 他们很努力,但效率不太高。 8. They had challenged and beaten the best team in the world. j.a call to engage in a contest 他们曾向世界上最强的球队挑战并将他们打败。 9. What sort of qualifications do you need for the job? i.an attribute that must be met with 做这项工作需要什么资格? 10. Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. h.contribute to some cause 诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。 Unit 3 1. The accident prompted her to renew her insurance. f.promise of reimbursement in the case of loss 这一事故促使她为投保续期。 2. You will find the text somewhere in the Bible. j.in,at,or to some place 你会在圣经里找到这段文章。 3. I find it frustrating that I can't speak other languages. g.discouraging by hindering 我不会说别的语言,感到怅然若失。 4. I encountered an old friend at Rome. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c717445805.html,e upon,as if by accident;meet with 我在罗马邂逅了一个老朋友。 5. You are fortunate to have such a reasonable father. a.showing reason or sound judgment 你有这样一位通情达理的父亲,真是幸运。 6. I hope you would be more respectful to your father. b.full of or exhibiting respect 我希望你对父亲有礼貌些。 7. She eventually married the most persistent one of her admirers. C.never-ceasing 她终于嫁给了最执着追求她的人。 8. Sarah has been enlisted to organize the party. D.hire for work or assistance 萨拉已应邀组织这一聚会。


公司企业常见部门名称英文 总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department (人力资源部)Human Resources Department 总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General Accounting Department 销售部Sales Department 促销部Sales Promotion Department 国际部International Department 出口部Export Department 进口部Import Department 公共关系Public Relations Department 广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部Product Development Department 研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool 常见职位、职务英文译名 Accounting Assistant会计助理 Accounting Clerk记帐员 Accounting Manager会计部经理 Accounting Stall会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor会计主管 Administration Manager行政经理 Administration Staff行政人员 Administrative Assistant行政助理 Administrative Clerk行政办事员 Advertising Staff广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员 Airlines Staff航空公司职员 Application Engineer应用工程师 Assistant Manager副经理 Bond Analyst证券分析员


新视野大学第三版book1英语课后翻译答案 Unit1 苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。他是一个谜一般的人物,人们主要通过后来的一些古典作家的叙述,尤其是他最著名的学生柏拉图的作品去了解他。苏格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻名。他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提问和回答来激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。该方法在各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。他还在认识论和逻辑领域作出了重大而深远的贡献。他的思想和方法所带来的影响一直是后来的西方哲学的坚实基础。苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人物。他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然他未曾建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派,也未曾创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就变得家喻户晓了。 Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient “sage”. His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analectshas had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years’traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius’thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. Unit2 圣诞节是一个被广泛庆祝的文化节日,全世界有许许多多的人在12月25日庆祝这一节日。它是为了纪念耶稣基督的诞辰。该节日最早可追溯到公元336年。渐渐地,这一节日演变为一个既是宗教又是非宗教的节日,越来越多的非基督徒也庆祝圣诞节。如今,圣诞节在全球被作为一个重大的节日和公共假日来庆祝。不同国家的圣诞节风俗也各不相同。现代流行的圣诞接风俗包括交换圣诞贺卡和圣诞礼物、唱圣诞歌曲、参加教堂活动、摆放各种圣诞装饰品和圣诞树、举行家庭聚会以及准备一顿特别的大餐。对小孩子们来说,这个节日充满了幻想和惊喜。据传说,圣诞老人会在圣诞夜从烟囱进入每户人家,给乖巧听话的孩子带来礼物。由于圣诞节送礼物以及许多其他方面推动了基督徒和非基督徒的经济活动,圣诞节也因此成为商家的一个重大活动和主要销售季。 According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival-the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival, all expressing people’s love and hope for a happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holiday in China.


文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称英文翻译 (大学)校长President/Chancellor (大学)副校长Vice President (大学)代理校长Acting President (中学)校长Principal (小学)校长Head /Master 学院院长Dean of College/Head of College 教务长Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs 总务长Director in Charge of General Affairs 系主任Department Chairman /Department Head 教研室主任Head of the Teaching and Research Section 实验室主任Laboratory Chief 教导主任Director of Teaching and 班主任Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher 教授Professor 副教授Associate Professor 客座教授Visiting Professor/Guest Professor 兼职教授Part-time Professor 名誉教授Honorary Professor 终身教授Lifetime Professor 外籍教授Foreign Professor 研究生指导教师Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor 讲师Lecturer/Instructor

助教Teaching Assistant (T.A.) 实验员Laboratory Technician 图书馆员Librarian 研究所所长Institute Director 研究员Research Fellow/Researcher 副研究员Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研Research Assistant 资料员Data Processor 总工程师Chief Engineer 副总工程师Assistant Chief Engineer 高级工程师Senior Engineer 工程师Engineer 助工Assistant Engineer 技术员Technician 技师Skilled Technician 董事长Chairman of the Board /Chairman 董事/理事Director 副董事Associate Director 高级会计师Senior Accountant 注册会计师(美国)Chartered Accountant 注册会计师(美国)Certified Public Accountant(CPA) 助理会计师Assistant Accountant


Unit1 1. 背离传统需要极大的勇气。(departure, enormous) {It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.} 2. 汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。(performance, bold) {Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.} 3. 很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。 (creative, desirable) {Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.} 4. 假设(assume)那幅画确实是名作(masterpiece),你觉得值得购买吗?(worthwhile) {Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it's worthwhile to buy / purchase it?} 5. 如果这些数据统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。(throw light on , investigate, valid) {If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.} Unit2 1) 该公司否认其捐款有商业目的。(deny, commercial) {The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.} 2) 每当他生气的时候,他说话就有一点结巴。(stammer) {Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.} 3) 教育是我们家庭最看重的传统,这就是为什么我父母从不带我到昂贵的饭店吃饭,却送我到最好的私立学校上学。(cherish) {Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.} 4) 手术康复后不久,他失业了,因此经历了人生的又一个困难阶段。(shortly after, go through) {Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.} 5) 与我们的富裕邻居相比,我们的父母就相当穷了,但是他们总是努力满足我们最起码的需求。(affluent, minimal) {In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.} Unit3 1) 科学家们找到火星上有水的证据了吗?(proof) {Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?} 2) 计划委员会已经将建核电厂的可能地点缩小到了两个沿海城镇。(location, narrow down) {The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.} 3) 任何一个有尊严的人都不会一辈子依靠社会救济过活。(welfare)


本文由雪白乌鸭贡献 文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称英文翻译  (大学)校长 President/Chancellor  (大学)副校长 Vice President  (大学)代理校长 Acting President  (中学)校长 Principal  (小学)校长 Head /Master  学院院长 Dean of College/Head of College  教务长 Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs  总务长 Director in Charge of General Affairs  系主任 Department Chairman /Department Head  教研室主任 Head of the Teaching and Research Section  实验室主任 Laboratory Chief  教导主任 Director of Teaching and  班主任 Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher  教授 Professor  副教授 Associate Professor  客座教授 Visiting Professor/Guest Professor  兼职教授 Part-time Professor  名誉教授 Honorary Professor  终身教授 Lifetime Professor  外籍教授 Foreign Professor  研究生指导教师 Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor  讲师 Lecturer/Instructor  助教 Teaching Assistant (T.A.)  实验员 Laboratory Technician  图书馆员 Librarian  研究所所长 Institute Director  研究员 Research Fellow/Researcher  副研究员 Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研 Research Assistant  资料员 Data Processor  总工程师 Chief Engineer  副总工程师 Assistant Chief Engineer  高级工程师 Senior Engineer  工程师 Engineer  助工 Assistant Engineer  技术员 Technician  技师 Skilled Technician  董事长 Chairman of the Board /Chairman  董事/理事 Director  副董事 Associate Director  高级会计师 Senior Accountant  注册会计师(美国)Chartered Accountant  注册会计师(美国)Certified Public Accountant(CPA)  助理会计师 Assistant Accountant  主任会计 Chief Accountant  高级经济师 Senior Economic Manger / Senior Economist  经济师 Economic Manager /Economist  建筑师 Architect  规划师 Planner


大学英语(B)1翻译练习参考译文 1、元宵节是春节后的第一个重要节日。元宵节的习俗在全国各地不尽相同,其 中赏花灯(lanterns exhibits)、猜灯谜、吃元宵等是几项最常见的民间习俗。据说, 吃元宵的习俗起源于汉代,唐宋时期开始盛行。如今,元宵已成为人们的日常饮 食之一,在超市一年四季都可以买到。 The Yuanxiao Festival is the first important festival after the Spring Festival. Although customs of the festival vary from region to region, the most common ones include appreciating lantern exhibits, trying to solve riddles written on lanterns, and eating yuanxiao. It is said that the custom of eating yuanxiao originated from the Han Dynasty and became popular during the Tang and Song periods. Nowadays, yuanxiao has become a food in people’s daily life, which is available in supermarkets a ll the year round. 8、如今,越来越多的大学生抱怨很难找到好的工作。造成这一现象的原因如下: 首先,大学生把在校的大多数时间都用在了专业学科的学习上,只有当他们开始 找工作的时候,才意识到自己缺乏必要的专业培训。其次,大学生之间的竞争也 越来越激烈,这导致任何一名大学生找到工作的机会都变小了。 Nowadays, more and more university students complain about having great difficulties in finding a good job. The reasons f or this phenomenon are as follows: First, college students spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and it is only when they start looking for a job that they realize they lack necessary job training. Second, competition among graduates has become more and more fierce. And this results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job. 7、杭州是中国著名的六大古都之一,已有两千多年的历史。这个城市不仅以自 然美闻名于世,而且有着传统的文化魅力。不仅有历代文人墨客(men of letters) 的题咏,而且有美味佳肴和漂亮的工艺品。一般来说,游览杭州西湖及其周边景 点花上两天较为合适。到杭州旅游,既令人愉快,又能得到文化享受。 Hangzhou, one of China’s six ancient capital cities, has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is famous not only for its natural beauty but also for its charm of cultural traditions. Besides many poems and inscriptions by men of letters through the dynasties, it also boasts local delicacies and pretty handicrafts. Generally speaking, a two-day tour of West Lake and scenic spots around it is advisable for a tourist. As a tourist, you will find it a pleasant and culturally rewarding trip to Hangzhou. 6、说到中国古代的科技文明(civilization),人们自然就会想到“四大发明”,即 指南针、火药、造纸术和印刷术。这四种发明是古代先进科技的象征,具有重大 的历史意义。它们对中国古代政治、经济、文化的发展产生了巨大的推动作用, 也对世界的文明进程产生了巨大影响。 Speaking of ancient Chinese civilization in science and technology, people will naturally think of the Four Great Inventions, namely the compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing. These four inventions are symbols of ancient China’s

职场英语 职位用英文怎么说

职场英语职位用英文怎么说?71个单词全搞定 在工作中有一个怪象,第一次印出来的名片,似乎总是会印错。其中最令人头疼的,莫过于各种职位的英文该怎么表述。“业务部经理助理老王,你的职位英文咋写啊?”要解决这个问题,其实很简单。学会这71个单词,你就可以随意搭配出各种工作职位啦。 33个常用职位名称: Manager经理 Director总监 Supervisor主管 Secretary秘书 Assistant助理 Coordinator协调人 Representative代表 Account客服 Copywriter文案 Planner策划

Typist打字员 Proof-reader校对Interpreter口译员Translator翻译员Designer设计师Operator操作员Engineer工程师 Buyer采购员 Cashier出纳Accountant会计Consultant专家顾问Adviser意见顾问 Trader交易员 Analyst分析师Telephonist接线员Employee雇员 Clerk职员 Staff工作人员 Worker工人Receptionist接待员,前台Guide向导,导游 Guard门卫 Cleaner保洁员

通常我们会在职位之前加上部门名称,这时你就能用上这些单词了。24个常用部门名称:Administration行政 Operations运营 Executive执行 Production生产 Product产品 HR - Human Resource人力资源 Accounting会计 Financial财务 Advertising广告 Business业务 Computer计算机 QC - Quality Control质量监管 IT - Information Technology信息技术 Technical技术 Engineering工程 MKT- Marketing市场 PR - Public relations公关 Social Media社会化媒体 WOM - Word of Mouth口碑营销 Sales销售 Planning企划


新视野大学英语翻译答案 Unit 1 一. 汉译英 1.对于网络课程,学生不仅可以选择何时何地学习,在回答问题 之前他们还可以有时间思考答案。 Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2.网上学习的想法使她非常兴奋,而他认为网上学习毫无疑义和 用处。 She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless. 3.与以英语为母语的人交谈是非常有益的体验,从中我们能学到 许多东西。 Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4.如今,越来越多的人可以利用互联网查找他们需要的信息。 Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5.他要她放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但是她觉得这个要求太过分 了。 He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6.既然我们已经学完这门课程,就应该多做些复习。 Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. 二. 英译汉 1.I’ll never forget the teacher who showed me that learning a foreign language could be fun and rewarding. Were it not for him, I would not be able to speak English as well as I do now. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有 价值的。如果没有他,我的英语说得不会像现在这样好。 2.No other language lets you experience the cultures of the world like English. With a strong knowledge of the English language, you can have wonderful cultural adventures


British Rose Market Advertising Manager 广告经理 Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail) 广告文撰写 Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员Salesperson 销售员 Retail Buyer 零售采购员 Sales Administrator 销售主管 Sales Assistant 销售助理 Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分) Account Manager 客户经理 Account Representative 客户代表 人 Advertising Assistan 广告助理 Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员 Assistant Account Executive 客户管理助理 Callback Representative 复查代表 Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监Insurance Agent 保险代理人 Manufacturer''s Representative 厂家代表Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监Marketing Assistant 市场助理

Marketing Consultant 市场顾问 Marketing Director 市场总监 Marketing Intern 市场实习 Marketing Manager 市场经理 Merchandising Manager 采购经理 Product Developer 产品开发 Purchasing Agent 采购代理 Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师 Real Estate Broker 房地产经纪人 Real Estate Manager 房地产经理 Regional Account Manager 地区客户经理 Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理 Retail Buyer 零售采购员 Sales Administrator 销售主管 Sales Assistant 销售助理 Sales Executive 销售执行者 Sales Manager 销售经理 Sales Representative 销售代表 Salesperson 销售员 Senior Account Manager 高级客户经理 Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员 Telemarketer 电话销售员Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监 Travel Agent 旅行代办员 Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁

大学英语 课后翻译答案

Unit 1 1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回(because of;recall) 1. More than 3000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem. 2.他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。(despite) 2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 3.要确保同样得错误今后不再发生了。(see it that) 3. See to it that the same mistake won't happen again. 4.现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。(now that) 4. Now that they've got to know more about each other,they get along better. 5.此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。(find oneself) 5. Then Ifound myself surrounded by five or six boys. 6.在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。(on occasion) 6. I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion. Unit3 1)很多事情导致了我与那家公司断绝关系。(contribute to) A lot of things contributed to the end of my relationship with that company. 2.面对严峻的疾病,她表现出了巨大的勇气。(in the face of) She showed great courage in the face of serious illness. 3.我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。(come to) We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth. 4他的秘书没有告诉他那次会议的情况。(fail to)
