

1. Barbers

Barber: Did you have ketchup with your lunch, sir? Customer: No, I didn‘t.

Barber: In that case, I seem to have slipped with the razor.

barber 理发师

ketchup 番茄酱

customer 顾客

case 情形

in that case 那样的话

seem 似乎

slip 滑落

razor 剃刀;刮胡刀

2. Blame It on My Parents Doctor: I can‘t do anything about your condition.

I‘m afraid it‘s hereditary.

Patient: In that case, send the bill to my parents.

blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人

condition 情形

hereditary 遗传的

patient 病人

bill 帐单

3. Wild Duck

―Waiter, do you have any wild duck?‖

―No, sir. But I can irritate a tame one for you.‖

wild 野生的;狂暴的

irritate 激怒

tame 温驯的;柔顺的

4. worse than That

―Professor, I did the best I could on this test. I really don‘t think I deserve a zero.‖

―Neither do I. But that‘s the lowest grade I‘m allowed to give.‖

professor 教授

do one’s best尽力

deserve 应得

zero 零

grade 分数

allow 允许

5. Getting Sick

―Y our application says you left your last job because of sickness. Could you explain that, please?‖―Certainly. My boss got sick of me.‖

application 申请书

last 上一个

sickness 疾病

explain 解释

certainly 当然

boss 老板

get sick of 厌恶;厌倦

6. Be Responsible

Employer: In this job we need someone who is responsible. Applicant: I‘m the one you want. On my last job,

every time anything went wrong, they

said I was responsible.

responsible 有责任感的;须负责任的

employer 雇主

applicant 应征者;申请人

last 上一个

go wrong 出毛病

7. Overweight

Patient: It isn‘t possible that I‘m as overweight as you say! Doctor: Maybe you‘d prefer to look at it a different way. According to this chart, you‘re ten

inches too short.

overweight 超重;超重的

prefer 比较喜欢

(in) a different way以不同的方式

according to根据

chart 图表

inch 英寸

short 矮的

8. Sore Eye

―Every time I have a cup of coffee, I get a stabbing pain in my right eye. What shall I do?‖―Take the spoon out of your cup.‖

sore 疼痛的

stabbing 刺痛的

pain 疼痛

stabbing pain 刺痛

spoon 汤匙

9. Loan

John: Lend me fifty.

Jack: I have only forty.

John: Well, then let me have the forty and you can owe me the ten.

loan 借钱;贷款

lend 借(出)

owe 欠

10. Raise

Employee: I‘ve been here for 11 years doing three men‘s work for one man‘s pay. Now I want a raise.

Boss: Well, I can‘t give you a raise, but if you‘ll tell me who the other two men are, I‘ll fire them.

raise 加薪

employee 员工

pay 薪水(= salary)

boss 老板

fire 开除,解雇

11. Loss of V oice

One guy goes to a doctor and says, ―Doctor, my wife has recently lost her voice. What should I do to help her get it back?‖

The doctor replies, ―Try to come home at 3 in the morning!‖

loss 丧失

voice 声音

guy 人;家伙

recently 最近

get back 恢复;找回

reply 回答

12. Paint My House

There was a hooker who met an old man, and said, ―Give me twenty dollars. I‘ll do anything you want.‖

―Okay,‖ he said, taking out a twenty dollar bill. ―Paint my house.‖

paint 油漆

hooker 妓女

bill 纸钞

13. V ery Stupid Robbers

Two robbers were robbing a hotel. The first one said, ―I hear sirens. Jump!‖

The second one said, ―But we‘re on the 13th floor!‖

The first one screamed back, ―This is no time to be superstitions!‖

stupid 愚笨的

robber 窃贼;强盗

rob 偷取;抢

siren 警报器

jump 跳

floor 楼层

scream 大叫;尖叫

no 绝不是

superstitious 迷信的

14. Excuse for Speeding

A cop pulled a car over on the highway for speeding. When he asked for the driver‘s license, the driver argued, ―Speeding? But officer, I was only trying to keep a safe distance between my car and the car in back of me.‖

excuse 理由;借口

speeding 超速

cop 警察

pull over把(车)停在路边

highway 公路

as for要

license 执照

driver’s license驾照

argue 争辩

distance 距离

in back of 在~后面(= at the back of)

15. Vitamin

―I‘d like some vitamins for my son.‖

?Vitamin A, B or C?‖ asked the pharmacist.

―It doesn‘t matter. He can‘t read yet.‖

vitamin 维他命

pharmacist 药剂师

matter 重要;有关系

read 识字

16. Like Father, Like Son

―When Abraham Lincoln was your age,‖the father told his son, ―he used to walk ten miles every day to get to school.‖

―Really?‖the kid said. ―Well, when he was your age, he was president.‖

Like father, like son.【谚】有其父必有其子。

Abraham Lincoln


used to 以前曾经

mile 英里

kid 小孩

president 总统

17. X Rays

Examining the X rays, the doctor said, ―Not a thing to worry about. Y ou should live to be ninety.‖―But Doctor,‖ the patient said, ―I am ninety.‖

―See? I was right!‖ the doctor said.

ray 光线

X ray X光片

examine 检查

worry about 担心

patient 病人

18. I’ll Take Two

Y oung Woman: Look! Here is a magazine that tells

how to take five years off your face. Old Woman: Good! I‘ll take two of them!

magazine 杂志

take off减去;扣除

take 买下

19. Request Before Death

A murderer, sitting in the electric chair, was about to be executed.

―Have you any last requests?‖asked the chaplain.

―Y es,‖replied the murderer. ―Will you hold my hand?‖

request 请求

murderer 杀人犯

electric 电的

electric chair电椅

be about to即将

execute 处决

chaplain 神父;牧师

hold 握住

20. Noah’s Ark

The four-year-old girl stared at her grandfather for a long time. Then she asked, ―Grandpa, were you on Noah‘s Ark?‖

―Of course not,‖ he answered, chuckling.

―Then how come you didn‘t drown?‖

Noah 诺亚(希伯来人之一族长,上帝命其


各种动物雌雄各一,脱离大洪水。)ark 方舟

stare 凝视(at)

grandpa 祖父;爷(=grandfather)

chuckle 低声轻笑

How come ~? 为什么~?

drown 淹死;溺水

21. It’s Not That

―May I borrow your record player tonight?‖ a man asked his neighbor.

―Sure. Do you want to listen to some music?‖

―No,‖He answered. ―Tonight I want to have some peace.‖

borrow 借(入)

record 唱片

record player录放机

neighbor 邻居

peace 安静

22. One Hundred Percent Patient: Doctor, please tell me the truth. What are my chances of recovery?

Doctor: Just one hundred percent! Statistics show that only nine out of ten die of the disease.

Now nine of my patients have already

died of it; you are the tenth!

percent 百分比

chance 可能性;机会

recovery 康复

statistics 统计数字

die of因~(病)而死

disease 疾病

23. Distinguished

Reporter: How did you win the Distinguished Service Cross?

Private: I saved the lives of my entire regiment. Reporter: Wonderful! And how did you do that? Drivate: I shot the cook.

distinguished 杰出的;卓越的

reporter 记者

service 功勋

cross 十字勋章

Distinguished Service Cross十字英勇勋章

private 士兵

save 拯救

entire 整个的

regiment 团

shoot 枪杀(三态变化为:shoot-shot-shot)cook 厨师

24. Glasses

A man went to an eye specialist to get his eyes tested and asked, ―Doctor, will I be able to read after wearing glasses?‖

―Y es, of course,‖ said the doctor.

―Oh! How nice it will be,‖said the patient with joy. ―I have been illiterate for so long.‖

glasses 眼镜

specialist 专科医生;专家

eye specialist眼科医生

test 检查

be able to 能够

patient 病人

with joy高兴地

illiterate 不识字的

25. Blonde

A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of state capitals. She proudly said, ―Go ahead, ask me. I know all of them.‖

A friend said, ―OK, what‘s the capital of Wisconsin?‖

The blonde replied, ―Oh, that‘s easy: W.‖

blonde 金发女郎

brag 自夸;吹牛

state (美国的)州

capital 首府;大写字母

go ahead开始

Wisconsin 威斯康辛州(美国中北部的一州,


26. Foremen

Two friends were talking about work, when one asked, ―Say, why did the foreman fire you?‖Replied the second, ―Well, you know how a foreman is always standing around and watching others do the work. My foreman got jealous. People started thinking I was the foreman.‖

foreman 工头

say 喂

fire 开除

around 在四周

jealous 嫉妒的

27. He Knew Too Much

Boy to mother: ―I‘ve decided to stop studying.‖

―How come?‖ asked the mother.

―I heard on the news that someone was shot dead in Italy because he knew too much.‖

How come?为什么?

shoot 枪杀(三态变化为:short-shot-shot)be shot dead被枪杀身亡

Italy 意大利

28. Modern World Morals

Two bishops were discussing the decline in morals in the modern world.

―I didn‘t sleep with my wife before I was married,‖ said one bishop proudly. ―Did you?‖―I do n‘t know,‖ said the other. ―What was her maiden name?‖

morals 道德;品性

bishop 主教

decline 衰落

proudly 骄傲地

maiden 少女的;未婚的

maiden name 未婚前之姓氏;娘家的姓氏

29. Robbed

The teller had just been robbed for the third time by the same man, and the police officer was asking if he had noticed anything specific about the criminal.

―Y es,‖said the teller,‖he seems to be better dressed each time.‖

rob 抢

teller (银行)出纳员

notice 注意到

specific 特殊的

criminal 罪犯

dress 穿衣;打扮

30. Umpires

Satam challenged St. Peter to a baseball game. ―How can you win, Satan?‖asked St. Peter. ―All the famous ballplayers are up here.‖

―How can I lose?‖answered Satan. ―All the umpires are down here.‖

umpire 裁判

Satan 撒旦

Challenge 向~挑战

St. 圣…(为saint [sent]的缩写)St. Peter 圣彼得(帮上帝掌管天堂之人)famous 有名的

ballplayer 球员

lose 输

31. Mama Has Much Hair

Jim: Mama, why doesn‘t papa have any hair? Mother: Because he thinks so much, dear.

Jim: Then why do you have so much hair? Mother: Because…but, go away and do your lesson.

mama 妈妈

hair 头发(为不可数名词)

papa 爸爸

go away走开

lesson 功课

32. Accountant

An accountant is having a hard time sleeping and goes to see his doctor.

―Doctor, I just can‘t get to sleep at night.‖

―Have you tried counting sheep?‖

―That‘s the problem —I make a mistake and then spend three hours trying to find it.‖

accountant 会计师

have a hard time + v – ing很难~;做~有困难

count 算;数

sheep 羊

spend + 时间+ v-ing花(时间)做~

33. How Do You Wang to Die?

A man asked his elderly companion, ―How d you want to die?‖

The friend said, ―Peacefully, in my sleep, like my dad…not screaming like the other four people in the car.‖

elderly 较年长的;老的

companion 同伴;朋友

peacefully 宁静地;安详地

scream 尖叫

34. It Works Well

One businessman asked another, ―Is your advertising getting results?‖

―It sure is,‖ replied his friend. ―Last week we advertised for a night watchman. The next night we were robbed.‖

work 有效

businessman 商人;生意人

advertising 广告

result 效果

advertise 登广告

watchman 看守者;警卫

rob 偷窃;抢劫

35. A Second Language

A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog. While the kittens cowered, that cat let out a series of loud barks, scaring the dog away.

Turning to her kittens, the cat said, ―Y ou see how important it is to know a second language?‖language 语言

kitten 小猫

run into偶然遇到

cower 蜷缩

let out发出

a series of一连串的;连续的

bark (狗的)吠叫声

scare 惊吓

scare away吓跑

important 重要的

36. A Poor Poet

Poet: I hope you‘ve received the little volume of poems I sent you.

Woman: Oh, yes, I have. It‘s very nice. I wonder where I‘ve put it?

Her Son: It‘s under the leg of the table, Mom, to make it steady.

poet 诗人

receive 收到

volume 书本;册

poem 诗

wonder 想知道

steady 稳定的

37. Boxers

During the fight, the boxer swiped the air furiously, but could not hit his opponent.

―How am I doing?‖ he asked his coach at the end of the round.

―Well, if you keep this up,‖ replied the coach, ―he might feel the wind and catch a cold.‖

boxer 拳击手

fight 拳击比赛

swipe 挥臂猛击

furiously 猛烈地

hit 击中

opponent 对手

coach 教练

round (拳赛)一回合

keep up继续;保持

38. Even Worse

―How is business?‖asked Leo, as he walked into his friend‘s dress shop.

―Terrible,‖complained Tom. Business is awful. Y esterday I sold only one dress, and today it‘s even worse.‖―How could it be even worse?‖ asked Leo.

―Today the customer returned the dress she bought yesterday.‖

business 生意

dress 衣服

terrible 很糟的

complain 抱怨

awful 可怕的;糟糕的

customer 顾客

return 退还

39. All Language Spoken

An American arrived at a hotel in France and read the following words on a sign: ―All Languages Spoken Here.‖

He spoke to the manager in English, German and Spanish, but received no answer. At last he asked in French, ―Who speaks all the languages here?‖―The hotel guests,‖ answered the manager.

language 语言

arrive at抵达

following 下列的

sign 告示

manager 经理

German 德语

Spanish 西班牙语

at last最后;终于

French 法语

guest 客人

40. A Burglar

A man went to the police station wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before.

―Y ou‘ll get your chance in court,‖said the Desk Sergeant.

―No, no, no!‖said the man. ―I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife. I‘ve been trying to do that for years!‖

burglar 夜贼

police station警察局

break into 闯入

court 法庭

desk 服务台

sergeant 警官

wake 吵醒

41. All I Have to Do Is Outrun You

Two hunters bedded down at their campfire and were about to fall asleep when a giant bear loomed in front of them.

One hunter rushed to put on his sneakers. The other said, ―What good will that do? Y ou‘ll never outrun that bear.‖

The first one said, ―All I have to do is outrun you!‖

outrun 跑得比~ 快

hunter 猎人

bed down睡觉

campfire 营火

be about to正要

fall asleep睡觉

giant 巨大的

bear 熊

loom (危险、忧虑)阴森地临近

in front of在~ 前面

rush 匆忙

put on穿上

sneakers 运动鞋

do (some) good有好感

All I have to do is +v.我所需要做的就是~

42. They Aren’t Ours

Mrs. Jones had invited some friends for dinner. The appointed time was approaching, and she found her husband removing the umbrellas from the stand.

―What are you doing that for?‖she asked. ―Are you afraid they will be stolen?‖

―No, not that,‖said Jones. ―I‘m afraid they will be recognized.‖

appointed 指定的;约定的

approach 接近

remove 移开;拿走

stand 架子(此指‘伞架’)

steal 偷(三态变化为:steal-stole-stolen)recognize 认出

43. Hunters

First hunter: How do you know you hit that duck? Second hunter: Because I shot him in the foot and

in the head at the same time.

First hunter: How could you possibly hit him in

the foot and head at the same time? Second hunter: He was scratching his head.

hit 打中

duck 鸭子

shoot 射中

at the same time同时

possibly 可能

scratch 搔;抓

44. Are You Going to Dance?

Everybody was dancing while a young girl sat alone in a chair. Just then, she was happy to see a handsome young man coming towards her.

―Are you going to dance?‖ asked the man pleasantly.

―Y es,‖ she whispered.

―Good,‖ he said. ―May I have your seat then?‖

alone 独自地

pleasantly 愉快地

whisper 抵语

seat 座位

45. Walk Two Miles a Day

John was seventy, and he wasn‘t in good shape.

―What you should do,‖said his doctor, ―is walk two miles a day.‖

A week later, the doctor received a call from John. ―Doctor, I walked two miles every day, and I do feel lots better. But I have a new problem.‖―What‘s that?‖ asked the doctor.

―I‘m fourteen miles from home, and I can‘t find my way back.‖

be in good shape身体健康

receive 接到

call 电话

46. A Wake-up Call

The desk clerk asked the newly-arrived guest if he wanted a wake-up call in the morning.

―No, thank you,‖the guest said. ―I always wake up at six on the dot.‖

―Really?‖the clerk said. ―In that case, would you mind giving our operator a call at 6:05?‖

a wake-up call(旅馆的)叫铃服务

desk 柜台

clerk 职员

newly 新近;最近

newly-arrived 刚到的

guest 客人

wake up醒来

on the dot准时

give sb. a call打电话给某人

operator 总机

47. A Matter of Age

A wealthy eighty-four-year-old man married a gorgeous twenty-three-year-old woman.

His friends were very surprised. ―How did you persuade her to marry you?‖ they asked. ―We know you‘re rich, but a girl so bright and young and beautiful?‖―I fool her,‖he smiled and said. ―I told her I was ninety-four.‖

a matter of有关~ 的问题

wealthy 有钱的(=rich)

marry 娶;嫁

gorgeous 非常漂亮的

persuade 说服

bright 活泼的

fool 欺骗

48. Nineteen or Thirty-eight?

A secretary was telling her colleagues about her birthday party.

―Y ou should have seen the cake,‖ she boasted. ―It was marvelous. There were nineteen candles—one for each year.‖

―Nineteen candles?‖ said a colleague surprisingly. ―What did you do, burn them at both ends?‖

secretary 秘书

colleague 同事

boast 自夸

marvelous 很棒的

candle 蜡烛

for 代表

surprisingly 惊讶地

burn 燃烧

end 末端

49. One Dollar

John asked his mother for one dollar.

―What are you doing to do with the money?‖

―I‘m going to give it to a poor old lady,‖he answered.

―Y ou are a good boy,‖ said the mother proudly. ―Here you are. But why are you so interested in the old lady?‖

―She is the one who sells ice cream.‖

do with 用;处理

proudly 骄傲地

Here you are.拿去吧。

interested 有兴趣的

50. The Groom

At a wedding, a little boy looks at his mom and says, ―Mommy, why does the girl wear white?‖His mom replies, ―The bride is in while because she‘s happy and this is the happiest day of her life.‖The boy thinks about this, and then says, ―Well then, why is the groom wearing black?‖

groom 新郎

wedding 婚礼

mom 妈妈

bridge 新娘


关于幽默笑话段子 一个消化不良的病人向医生抱怨:我近来很不正常,吃什么拉什么,吃黄瓜拉黄瓜,吃西瓜拉西瓜,怎样才能恢复正常呢?医生沉默片刻,那你只能吃屎了。 一位张先生离开了公司人事部,有一天去酒吧,调酒师说:张先生,听说您最近不干人事啦?!张先生听了大慌,调酒师忙改口,听说您不在人事啦?! 夜空一颗流星划过,我连忙许了心愿,希望你能变漂亮些,谁知刚许完心愿,流星“嗖”地返回来,对我说:大哥!诚心为难我是不是?! 阿袁在外地学习。一天,他发现生活费已提前用完,便忙给家里拍电报求援。电报上只有四个字:弹尽粮绝。没几天,阿袁收到家里的回电:顶住! 你知道我们的友谊对我充满了丰富的含义,你哭的时候我也哭,你笑的时候我也笑,当你从高楼跳出去,我也会毫不犹豫地探出头去:“哇塞!不死才怪!”

听说你的手机没有短信功能,所以发这条短信试验。如你收到,证实有短信功能并是我发的短信,请给我回复:我有了,是你的! 某人去东北出差在街上丢了一块钱,民警说:“我们一定帮您找到”一月后那人再去,他丢钱的大街因修路都被挖了开来,他不禁叹“东北的https://www.360docs.net/doc/c77183121.html,就是实在” 如果有人欺负你,告诉我!我把他的脸打成彩屏的,脑袋打成震动的,耳朵打成和弦的,鼻子打成直板的,门牙打成翻盖的,总之把他捣鼓成二手的! 猪圈每次喂食都放音乐,一只怀孕的母猪总是躲在僻静处自我陶醉,主人来赶它。母猪道“别吵,偶正在胎教” 健康提示:吃饱饭后,一戒吸烟,二戒洗澡,三戒生气,四戒松裤带,五戒刷牙,六戒上厕所,七戒喝酒,八戒你知道了吗?

我有一个请求:请我吃饭,希望你能满足我。否则我将把你的手机号写在墙上,前边再加上两个字:办证。 沙僧参加数学考试,监考老师盯着他脖子上的珠珠看了半天,冷笑道:嘿嘿!把算盘伪装成这样了,休想作弊,快摘下来! 小时候,咱俩两小无猜,我唱歌你伴舞,我能唱二百首歌,你就能跳二百支舞,所以人们亲切的叫我二百歌,叫你二百舞! 一对夫妻来到一口许愿井旁,丈夫弯腰,许个愿还往井里扔个硬币。妻也想许愿但她弯腰时不小心翻入井里。丈夫惊呆了,然后又笑着对自己说,真灵啊! 上帝送我一个宝盆,想啥它就变啥。我不小心想了你一次,它就变出一个你,我止不住想,它就不住变,最后满屋都是你。我就愁呀:这么多小猪叫我咋喂呀。 在我小侄子四五岁时,他在家里地板拾到一元钱,他很高兴地拿起来一看是“一九九二年”的钱,他不高兴地把钱丢了:“这钱


适合聊天的经典幽默笑话段子精选小句子脾气不好是因为没睡饱,我睡饱了的话可萌了。 我一点也不酷,但是十分帅气。 竟然有人当着我面嘲笑我胆小,他们胆子也太TM大了吧,好羡慕。 有什么过不去的坎呢,何况我的腿还那么长。 观摩了你的生活,我终于找到了活下去的勇气。 天上不会掉馅饼,因为我们不相信。 虽然体内的雄激素过多。但至少别人知道我是女的就够了。 小树不修不成材、小孩不打不成器。 单身并不难,难的是应付那些千方百计想让你结束单身的人。 幸福是什么?幸福就是你吃鱼,我吃肉,看着别人啃骨头。

人生就像蒲公英,没事尽量少吹。 我不但手气好,脚气也不错! 是镜子总会反光的! 交给我你就不用放心了,没有错不了的事! 别紧张,我不是什么好人...... 别担心女朋友跟着我会出事----只要她一生蛋,我们便立即把蛋踩破,绝不让校长和父母知道! 别谢,谢完还怎么好意思向你收钱啊! 够不着吧,左脚踩右脚上试试 有的人活着,她已经死了.有的人活着,他早该死了! 青山依旧在,只是有点红. 你的长相很提神。 我觉得世界上就只有两种人能吸引人,一种是特漂亮的一种

就是你这样的。 再完美的身材,在不爱她的人的眼里,也是一种解调侃的作料。 大女人不可一日无权,小女人不可一日无钱! 不是我不笑,一笑粉就掉! 一乘客初到一个地方,坐公交去一陌生地,站在司机旁边,问,某某站,到了么?答:没有,过了十分钟,又问:到了么,答道:没有,乘客问了一路,司机一直答没有,最后到终点站了,问:怎么停了,答:到站了,问:我说的某某站,答:没听到啊,我就听见你一直问到站了么。 一同学到车站送同学,走后,打电话过去,问道:上车了么,答道:马上,过了一会,同学上车了,又打电话过去问到:上车了么,答道,上了。问道:行李都带了么,答道:糟糕,你让我带的东西忘带了。 一农村哥们到城市,不知道那里买烟,问了一朋友,朋友说道烟酒店,一般卖酒的地方都卖烟,哥们走了没多久,来到一家酒店,请问,有大中华吗?没有,有红双喜么?没有,黄鹤楼么?没有,哥们郁闷,什么烟都没有,开什么酒店啊!


英语幽默笑话带翻译新 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-

英语幽默笑话带翻译 1:A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital. His wife who was standing up by his bed, said to the doctor: "I think that he is very ill." "I am afraid that he is dead." said the doctor, Hearing this, the man moved his head and said: "I'm not dead. I'm still alive." "Be quiet, "said the wife. "the doctor knows better than you!" 医生懂得多 一个男人在街上被出租车撞倒送进了医院.他的妻子站在他的床前对医生说:"我想他伤得很厉害."医生说:"我怕他已经死了."听到医生的话,这个男人转动着头说:"我没死,我还活着."妻子说:"安静,医生比你懂得多." 2:You can't go without me The bus is very crowded. A man tries to get on, but no one gives way to him. "Hey, let me get on the bus." the man shouts. "It's too crowded. You'd better take the next bus." a passenger says to him. "But you can't go without me. I'm the driver." the man says. 没有我你们走不了 公共汽车上很拥挤.一位男士想上车,但是没有人给他让路.


1、“我成亲了。”,“恭喜恭喜,啥时候的事?”,“自从我注册了淘宝,就成了亲……”。 2、黄鼠狼向小警犬求婚,众人笑道:人家是公共安全专家系统一枝花,你算那个。黄鼠狼大怒!翘起屁股放一股气对众人言道:闻见我屁股上的味了?老子是石化系统的! 3、“我从小喜欢追根究底,长大的志愿是当侦探,现在是报刊的主编,你呢?”“我从小喜欢玩,长大的志愿是怀揣大把的钱到处去逛,现在是公交车售票员。” 4、两老鼠结婚后,母老鼠越发嚣张,一天晚上公鼠想吓唬她一下,就到家门口学猫叫。妻子不但不怕,反而柔情的说:“猫哥,别叫了,我老公还没出差呢。” 5、甲:“世上最痛苦的事是什么?”乙:“上班。”“更痛苦的?”“天天上班。”“再痛苦的?”“加班。”“再再痛苦的?”“白加班!” 6、0看见8说:小样,胖就胖呗,还扎腰带;7对2说:跪吧,在跪500年也不嫁给你;6对9说:酷就酷呗,还玩倒立;8看见3跑去大哭道:大哥谁砍的? 7、一领导演讲:孩子是祖国的花朵,是成长的树苗,但人们不断超生,将来会有什么后果?台下一人回答:绿化祖国。 8、一不小心混进社会,浪子回头已经白费,我现在如此狼狈,穿着厂服受着洋罪,屁大点事还得开会,吃个刁饭还要站队,挣点鸟钱还要交税,这它妈就

是社会哎! 9、一只大老鼠误入花店,被一只小花猫追赶,大老鼠发现无路可逃,就顺手拿起一束玫瑰花准备抵抗,小花猫看到了,立马低下了头,羞涩地说:对不起,我还小。 10、记者问士兵什么动力使你如此英勇?三等功臣说:为祖国而战!二等功臣:他们霸占我们的房子和女人!一等功臣:连长发了防弹衣,事后才知道是件棉袄。 11、甲乙二人对花木兰从军发表评论、甲:这故事一定是假的,吃喝拉撒睡都在一起,一定会被看穿的!乙:笨!换了你和她睡一个铺,你会告发吗! 12、挨饿这事如果干的好,就叫减肥;掐人这事如果干的好,就叫按摩;发呆这事如果干的好,就叫深沉;偷懒这事如果干的好,就叫享受;死皮赖脸这事干的好,就叫执着。 13、一男人总找不到女友,无奈去算命。算命师:你前半生注定没女人。那人眼睛一亮:后半生呢?算命师说:后半生你就习惯了。 14、一个醉鬼半夜回家,妻子埋怨他回来得晚,醉鬼解释:“有两个推销员一直纠缠着我不放。”妻子:“那他们向你推销了什么?”“他们问我要钱还是要命。” 15、特色错别字:检查宴收、提钱释放、酒精考验、白收起家、勤捞致富、择油录取、得财兼币、大力支吃、攻官小姐、繁荣娼盛、领导特色、人民政腐。


经典中英文对照笑话大全 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《经典中英文对照笑话大全》的内容,具体内容:幽默笑话一向为人所欣赏,是广大群众所喜欢的精神食粮。下面是我带来的经典中英文对照笑话,欢迎阅读!经典中英文对照笑话篇一?After being with her a... 幽默笑话一向为人所欣赏,是广大群众所喜欢的精神食粮。下面是我带来的经典中英文对照笑话,欢迎阅读! 经典中英文对照笑话篇一 ?After being with her all evening, the man couldnt take another minute with his blind date. Earlier, he had secretly arranged to have a friend call him to the phone so he would have an excuse to leave. When he returned to the table, he lowered his eyes, put on a grim expression and said, "I have some bad news. My grandfather just died. ""Thank heavens," his date replied. "If yours hadnt, mine would have had to!" 和相亲对象呆了一晚上后,男人再也受不了了。 他事先安排了个朋友给他打电话,这样他就能借故先离开了。 当他回到桌边,他垂下眼睛,装出一副阴沉的表情,说:"有个不幸的消息,我的祖父刚刚去世了。"


经典的幽默笑话段子精选 接下来就是为你精心准备的《经典幽默笑话段子精选》,欢迎观看!经典幽默笑话段子精选(热门篇)1.我在宿舍养了一对小仓鼠,一直喂它吃瓜子。 养过的都知道仓鼠喜欢把瓜子都嗑好藏起来。 某天给它换笼子里的木粉,把所有的存活都给他扔了。 仓鼠进去后不停地翻来翻去,啥都没找不到。 最后迷茫的瞪着我。 舍友看着它可怜巴巴的样子说:“这孩子就跟让人盗号了一样……2.情人节凌晨时分。 闲极无聊,用警车铃声刻了张CD,用摩托车的大音响,一路放着。 从各大小旅馆门口一一经过。 作孽啊·······孩子成绩落后于其他同学应如何提高?孩子对学习的兴趣究竟要怎样激发?教辅读物琳琅满目到底哪本最可靠?学校老师良莠不齐对孩子有何影响?校外辅导班鱼龙混杂家长又该如何选择?-----周大夫无痛人流,从根源上免除您的烦恼。 3.爸爸教孩子:一次,乌龟和兔子赛跑,结果兔子太骄傲,被乌龟抢先了。 兔子拼死狂追,结果撞到树上死了,恰巧一农夫经过这里,拿起了兔子回家煮了吃,从此他便整日守在这里,不干活。 庄稼短了不少,然后他就把庄稼一一拔高。

这就是龟兔赛跑、守株待兔和拔苗助长。 4.小明年纪小,自己一直不单独上厕所,非得让妈妈跟他一起去。 一天妈妈在外面忙,看到小明自己从厕所出来,便问:今天你怎么自己去厕所了?小明说:我以为你不在家呢。 5.今天又有烦心的事,心里恼的受不了,一气之下就刮了个光头,出来接了个电话,室友要我帮他带瓶洗发水,哥当时没在意。 当超市结账时收银员小妹的笑脸让哥幡然醒悟,绝对不是职业笑容...6.被迫去相亲,对方是学英文专业的相当的拽,一来就说他英语八级,日语一级,德语二级,问我几级?我告诉他魔兽85级,DOTA25级,暗黑99级,对方扬长而去,原来相亲也是一种乐趣。 。 。 7.“王总,你别管了我来我来。 “不行不行,李总你太见外了,我来我来。 “哎!每次都是王总你来今天无论如何都得我来了! “别别别,上回在上海就是你来的,这是在北京你就让我尽一回地主之谊我来我来。 “你们两个妈B的赶紧投币!后面还有人等着上车呢!8.老师:“请大家想象一下,假如你在一个有恐龙的世界里,而有一条正准备要吃你,你该怎么办?小明:“这还不简单!马上停止想象就行。 老师:“你出去!9.今天一学妹从校外回来,看到一色狼趴在学校女厕所后面偷看,连忙回教室告诉我们。


英语幽默笑话带翻译 1:A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital. His wife who was standing up by his bed, said to the doctor: "I think that he is very ill." "I am afraid that he is dead." said the doctor, Hearing this, the man moved his head and said: "I'm not dead. I'm still alive." "Be quiet, "said the wife. "the doctor knows better than you!" 医生懂得多 一个男人在街上被出租车撞倒送进了医院.他的妻子站在他的床前对医生说:"我想他伤得很厉害."医生说:"我怕他已经死了."听到医生的话,这个男人转动着头说:"我没死,我还活着."妻子说:"安静,医生比你懂得多." 2:You can't go without me The bus is very crowded. A man tries to get on, but no one gives way to him. "Hey, let me get on the bus." the man shouts. "It's too crowded. You'd better take the next bus." a passenger says to him. "But you can't go without me. I'm the driver." the man says.


短篇英语笑话10则带翻译 ①Goldfish金鱼 Stan: I won 92 goldfish. Fred: Where are you going to keep them? Stan: In the bathroom 。 Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath? Stan: Blindfold(蒙眼睛)them! =================================================================== 斯丹:我赢了92 条金鱼。 弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们? 斯丹:浴室。 弗雷德:但是你想洗澡时怎么办? 斯丹:蒙住它们的眼睛! ②The Revenge 欺骗的代价 Old Farmer Johnson was dying. The family was standing around his bed. With a low voice he said to his wife: "When I'm dead I want you to marry farmer Jones." Wife: "No, I can't marry anyone after you." Johnson: "But I want you to." Wife: "But why?" Johnson: "Jones once cheated me in a horse deal!" =================================================================== 老农约翰逊就要死了。他的家人都站在床边。他声音低沉地对妻子说:“我死后,我想你嫁给农夫琼斯。” 妻子说:“不,在你死后,我不能嫁给任何人。” 约翰逊:“但我希望你这么做。” 妻子:“为什么?” 约翰逊:“因为琼斯曾在一笔贩马的交易中欺骗了我。” ③I think that I'm a chicken 我想我是一只鸡 Psychiatrist: What's your problem? Patient: I think I'm a chicken. Psychiatrist: How long has this been going on? Patient: Ever since I was an egg! =================================================================== 精神病医师:你哪里不舒服? 病人:我认为我是一只鸡。 精神病医师:这种情况从什么时候开始的? 病人:从我还是一只蛋的时候开始。 ④How do I get the gum out我怎么把口香糖取出来 Distributing chewing gum to the passengers, the stewardess explained it was to keep their ears from popping. When the plane landed, one of the passengers rushed up to her and said, "I'm meeting my wife right away. How do I get the gum out from my ears?" =================================================================== 当空中小姐给乘客们发口香糖的时候,她解释说口香糖有助于他们防止耳鸣。飞机着陆后,一位乘客跑到这位空中小姐面前,说道:“ 我马上就要见到我妻子了。我怎么才能把口香糖从耳朵里面取出来呢?”


最新幽默段子大全 1、我理想的大学生活是可以早上八点起,上午半天课,下午泡图书馆,晚上可以踏实的在宿舍打打游戏,看看电影,看看书,然后十一点准时上床睡觉,睡前可以给谁打个电话说声晚安。。。。可事实证明。。理想和现实还是有差距的。像火星和地球的距离。。。。。 2、最容易读错的汉字:觊觎jìyú、龃龉jǔyǔ、囹圄língyǔ、魍魉wǎngliǎng、纨绔wánkù、鳜鱼guìyú、耄耋màodié、饕餮tāotiè、踟躇chíchú、倥偬kǒnɡzǒnɡ、倥侗念kōngdòng、彳亍chìchù、谄媚chǎnmèi、佝偻gōulóu。这些词,你曾经念错过么? 3、有多少人嘴里喊着努力。。。其实只是躺在床上想想呢…~ 4、看你玉树临风,英俊潇洒,风流倜傥,人见人爱,花见花开,想必一定是人渣中的极品,禽兽中的禽兽!而且据观察,你肯定从小缺

钙,长大缺爱,姥姥不疼,舅舅不爱。左脸欠抽,右脸欠踹。驴见驴踢,猪见猪踩。天生就是属黄瓜的,欠拍!后天属核桃的,欠捶!终生属破摩托的,欠踹!找媳妇属螺丝钉的,欠拧! 5、如果有一天,你在街上碰到了你的前任恋人和ta的新欢在一起,请不要心酸!有人说:“因为自小我们的妈妈就教我们要把旧玩具,捐赠给比自己更不幸的人..." 6、今天,公主吻了青蛙,青蛙变成了王子,王子向公主单膝跪下说:“谢谢你救了我美丽善良的公主,我还有一个愿望。”公主的脸红了:“你说吧,我会满足你的要求的。”于是,王子从口袋里掏出了另一只青蛙。。。另一只。。。青蛙 ̄ 7、男人挺难:会挣钱吧,怕你包二奶;不挣钱吧,怕孩子断奶;结婚吧,怕自己后悔;不结婚吧,怕她后悔;要个孩子吧,怕没钱养;不要孩子吧,怕老了没人养。男人也难” 8、作业多的可以拿卷子打牌了:“对儿数学”“我出仨语文”“我出理


100个经典幽默笑话段子 1、追一女孩,结果遭遇情敌竞争:我请她吃肯德基,情敌请她吃金钱豹;我带她打车出去玩,情敌开宝马接她;我排一夜队给她买一Iphone4,情敌网上给她订购一SII;最后我终于扛不住打算放弃了,没想到情敌已经把她甩了!悲剧啊悲剧!怎么步步都比人差这么大一截!!! 2、过年,从亲戚家吃完饭,和表哥一起走回家。路上,开过一辆摩托车,上面还有两个美女,开得不是很快,由于那两个女的长得不错,我就一直盯着她们看。没想到,车上的美女居然朝我挥挥手,打了个招呼,碰到这种情况哥们我哪有不回应之理,于是我也朝她们挥了挥手。我哥转过头来,很纳闷地对我说:我同学,你挥什么手啊? 3、我跟我妈妈说了新婚姻法。我妈妈说:“骂新婚姻法不好的女人都是没本事的女人,夸新婚姻法好的男人是准备离婚的男人。正儿八经的家庭哪用得着婚姻法。 4、演唱会上,一哥们激动的拿着话筒对台上的明星说:“我是你最忠实的粉丝,我几乎参加了你的每一场演唱会,今天终于等到了机会!您能和我女朋友和张影吗?”明星觉得很感动,

毫不犹豫的答应了。然后这哥们听了高兴的对着台下问:“太好了,那么各位美女,谁愿意当我女朋友?” 5、弟弟高考进考场做一题,需写“恩惠”两字,可“惠”字不会写,左思右想无果。。。忽惊喜!考试时带一瓶饮料进考场,瓶盖内应有“谢谢惠顾”字样,此惠应和恩惠同一字。窃喜,假装喝水逐拧开瓶盖。晕!只见盖内赫然印有“再来一瓶”! 6、地理不及格?正常!你还能不认识回家的路?政治不及格?正常!中国13亿人,轮到你当国家主席吗?物理不及格?正常!你跳楼的时候还要计算空气阻力么?英语不及格?正常!我们都是中国人。语文不及格?正常!你骂人要用修辞手法吗?数学不及格?正常!你上街买菜用的着用函数吗? 7、每一个“哦”背后都有一个“屁”,每一个“嗯”背后都有一个“切”,每一个“呵呵”背后都有一句“MLGB”,每一句“亲”背后都有一句“SB”,每一个“哈哈”背后都有一句“去你的”,每一句“给力”背后都有一句“你妹”,每一个“耶”背后都有一个“呸”,每一个“2”背后都有一个“你好可爱”。


爆笑英语笑话加翻译大全 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《爆笑英语笑话加翻译大全》的内容,具体内容:笑话,顾名思义,是一种通过幽默的文字或图示来达到令人会心一笑或捧腹大笑效果的文学形式。下面是我带来的爆笑英语笑话加翻译,欢迎阅读!爆笑英语笑话加翻译篇一第一次开出租车... 笑话,顾名思义,是一种通过幽默的文字或图示来达到令人会心一笑或 捧腹大笑效果的文学形式。下面是我带来的爆笑英语笑话加翻译,欢迎阅读! 爆笑英语笑话加翻译篇一 第一次开出租车 A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimetres from a shop window. The driver said, "Look mate, dont ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me!" The passenger apologized and said, "I didnt realize that a little tap would scare you so much. "The driver replied, "Sorry, its not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver. Ive been driving a funeral van for the last 25 years." 乘客轻拍了一下出租车司机的肩膀,想问个问题. 司机大叫起来, 车也


25个笑话最经典,搞笑段子精选笑话热门 排行榜 25个笑话最经典,搞笑段子精选笑话热门排行榜 最经典的笑话荟萃,最经典的笑话精选,最爆笑的笑话段子热门排行榜。微博笑话排行榜之最,2016最值得看的热门笑话榜。 1.三个醉鬼来赏月,醉鬼A说:“天上有两个月亮。”醉鬼B说:“天上有三个月亮。”他们谁都不同意谁的,便请来醉鬼C做裁判。醉鬼C慢慢悠悠的说:“你、你们说的是哪一行啊?” 2.昨晚跟老妈睡,忘关窗户了,早晨起来鼻子不通气……突然听见客厅里老妈得意洋洋的跟老爸说:“我半夜醒来就觉着冷,一看闺女窗户没关,就赶紧回咱屋睡了,还好没感冒” 3.班上的一男和一女天天斗嘴,一天男的对女的说:“我们停战吧!”“停战?怎么停?”“我们依照历史惯例吧!”“啥?“和亲。”然后这俩人就在一起没羞没躁了 4.你中午想吃什么呢?”她翻了翻眼睛想了一会说:“吃鸡吧。”

5.一天,正坐在客厅看电视,老妈在一旁吃芒果,吃完问我:“这衣服要洗吗?”我看一眼,说:“要洗的。”于是乎,她把手在我衣服上一擦,走了…… 6“走,去帮我搬下东西。”“去哪?”“超市,刚刚我在那里偷吃东西,没想到被他们抓住了。不过超市老板真是个好人,他说如果下次我再去的话,一定让我吃不完兜着走……” 7.跟一闺蜜订了份情侣套餐,去餐厅被告知只能是情侣才能享用。我那极品姐妹儿一把抓住我的手。扭头在我嘴上啵就是一口。然后对那服务员说:“谁告诉你情侣必须是一男一女呀!”我瞬间石化!!! 8.我痛苦地问哥们:“你知道我每天早上是怎么醒的吗?”哥们:“被电话?被闹钟?”我摇头:“不是,每天早上我都是被自己帅醒的!” 9.晚上,老婆在看电视,老公在和同事打电话。临挂机时,老公说了句:“还是选小三吧。”老婆脸上的黑线就下来了,问:“你很喜欢小三吗?”“嗯,小三看着顺眼”老婆一个巴掌甩过来,把老公逐出了家门。老公坐在门外捂着脸,委屈地说:“排版选个字号,我惹


英语幽默笑话故事带翻译 篇一:英语短文笑话(带翻译) 1、How much English can you speak? "Your Honor, I want to bring to your attention how unfair it is for my client to be accused of theft. He arrived in New York City a week ago and barely knew his way around. What's more, he only speaks a few words of English." The judge looked at the defendant and asked, "How much English can you speak?" The defendant looked up and said, "Give me your wallet!" 中文翻译 "法官先生,我的当事人被指控偷窃,这是多么不公正啊。他一周前才来到纽约,几乎不认路。而且,他只会说几个英语单词。" 法官看了看被告,问道:"你会说多少英文?" 被告抬起头,说:"把你的钱包给我!" 2 A husband, proving to his wife that women talk more than men, showed her a study which indicated that men use on average only 15000 words a day, whereas women use 30000 words a day. She thought about this for a while and then told her husband that women use twice as many words as men because they have to repeat everything they say. He said, "What?" 丈夫给妻子看了一项调查结果,为了向她证明女人比男人啰嗦。研究表明男人平均每天使用15000个字,而女人每天使用30000个。 妻子想了一会儿说,女人每天说的字数是男人的两倍,因为她们必须重复已经说过的话。他问:"什么?" 3 Boy: Is this seat empty? Girl: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down. 男孩:这个座位是空的么? 女孩:是的,如果你坐下,我的座位也将是空的。 4、 "Tom, what's the matter with your brother?" asked the mother in the kitchen. "He's crying." "Oh, nothing, Mum," replied Tom. "I'm eating my cake. He is crying because I won't give him any." "But has he finished his own cake?" "Yes." said Tom. "And he also cried when I was helping him finish that." "汤姆,你弟弟怎么了?" 妈妈在厨房里问。"他在哭。" "没事儿,妈妈," 汤姆答道。"我在吃我的蛋糕。他哭是因为我不给他吃。" "他已经吃完自己的了么?" "是的。" "我帮他吃完时,他也哭了。"


经典英文笑话集锦(双语对照) A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: "God, what is a million dollars to you?" and God says: "A penny", then the man says: "God, what is a million years to you?" and God says: "a second", then the man says: "God, can I have a penny?" and God says "In a second" 一男子进入教堂和上帝对话.他问:"主啊, 一百万美元对你意味着多少?"上帝回答:"一便士."男子又问:"那一百万年呢?"上帝说:"一秒钟."最后男子请求道:"上帝,我能得到一便士吗?"上帝回答:"过一秒钟." Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies. The nurse comes up to the first man and says, "Congratulations, you got twins." The man said "How strange, I'm the manager of Minnesota Twins." After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, "Congratulations, you got triplets." Man was like "Hmmm, strange I worked as a director for the "3 musketeers." Finally, the nurse comes up to the third man and says "Congratulations, you got twins x2." Man is happy and says, "Ironic, I work for the hotel "4 Seasons." All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall. They asked him what's wrong and he answered, "What's wrong? I work for 7up"! 四个好朋友在医院里碰面了,他们的妻子正在生产.护士过来对第一个男人说:"恭喜,你得了双胞胎."男人说:"多奇怪呀,我是明尼苏达双子队的经理."过了一会儿,护士过来对第二个男人说:"恭喜,你得了三胞胎."男人很喜欢:"嗯,又巧了.我是3M公司的董事."最后,护士跑来对第三个男人说:"恭喜,你得了2对双胞胎."男人很开心地说:"真令人啼笑皆非,我为四季宾馆工作."他们三个都很高兴,但第四个伙伴急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,咒骂上帝并用头撞墙.他们问他有什么不对劲,他回答道:"什么不对劲?我可是在七喜公司工作呀!" 呵呵,一个比一个效率高. Osama Bin Laden, a Canadian, and President Bush were walking down the street when they saw a golden lamp. They rubbed it and a genie came out and said, "I will grant each one a wish that’s 3 together." The Canadian said, "I am a father and my son will be a farmer so I want the soil in Canada to be forever fertile." The genie said the magic words and the wish came true. Osama looked amazed so he wished for a wall around Afghanistan the genie said the magic words and again the wish came true. President Bush said "Genie, tell me more about this wall," the genie said,” It’s 50 feet thick and 500 feet tall so nothing can get in and nothing can get out." President Bush said,” Wow! That’s a big bridge...Fill it with water!!! 拉登,一加拿大人还有布什总统走在大街上看到一盏金色的灯.他们擦了擦灯出现了一个精灵.精灵说:"我要满足你们每人一个愿望总共三个."加拿大人说:"我是个父亲我儿子将成为农夫,因此我想让加拿大的土地永远肥沃."精灵说了咒语愿望实现了.拉登看了很惊奇,他希望有座城墙围绕阿富汗.精灵又说了咒语愿望又实现了.布什总统问:"精灵请告诉我关于这座墙


幽默笑话段子 幽默笑话段子1 一、我做好事从来不留名,只留名片。 二、你别看我胖,说起减肥来我一套一套的! 三、你要觉得我胖就明讲,别拐弯抹角地说什么“你走起路来真是一步一个脚印!” 四、有人说我丑,我很难过,很心疼她,年纪轻轻就瞎了。 五、朋友家吃火锅,吃到最后锅里没东西了朋友还一直捞,他爸看不下去了说:“要不你把裤腿挽起来下去捞?” 六、我上卫生间扯了非常长一段卫生纸,我老妈看见随口说一句:“怎么的,三尺白绫进去上吊啊……” 七、找对了人,一辈子浪漫变老,找错了人,一辈子华山论剑! 八、男女之间是真的可以有纯洁的友谊的,只要一个打死不说,一个装傻到底。 九、假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,也不用心急,因为生活不止会欺骗你,甚至接下来还要揍你。 十、如果你喜欢上一个帅哥,请不要立刻采取措施,你应该先慢慢了解他,不久后,你会发现他的朋友更帅。 十一、我妈看着亲戚家的漂亮女儿对我说:人家的脸像做过的,你的脸像坐过的!

十二、我曾在38度的高温下扬言,我宁可冻死也不愿热成狗,直到今天我被冻成狗,我才明白太美的承诺因为太年轻。 十三、“妈,你别急啊,你要相信,总会有一个人在等着我的出现。”“阎王爷?” 十四、我离五百万最近的一次是在一个下午,我和一辆运钞车并排堵在了一起。 十五、别看姐现在有些胖,想当年,姐最瘦的时候才六斤。 十六、如果全世界都不要你了。请记住,还有我,我也不要你。 十七、要记住,无论最后我们疏远成什么样子,一个红包就能回到当初,我们依然是最相亲相爱的好姐妹! 十八、我就是要瘦成一道闪电,劈死那些说我胖的人,结果我胖成了一堵墙,堵住了他们的视线。 十九、冷空气来了,有什么好看的衣服推荐吗?1万以下,30块左右的那种。 二十、单身的唯一理由是丑吗?不,不光自己丑,还总是嫌别人丑! 二十一、从前车马很慢书信很远一生只够爱一个人,现在交通、讯息这么发达我以为可以多爱几个,没想到还不如从前。 二十二、“平时叫你常洗头,看看你那满头的头皮屑吧!”“你懂个毛,这是智慧火焰燃烧的灰烬。” 二十三、在花一样的年纪里,有的人长成了玫瑰,有的人长成了百合,而你长成了多肉。 二十四、最近想和男朋友去看电影,希望大家推荐一下有什


爆笑经典儿童英语笑话大全 A child's behavior will improve in proportion to the distance she is away from the parent. Two is equal to two, except when referring to time. Two minutes of tantrum lasts 20 times as long as two minutes of quiet time. The choice of a preschooler's best friend corresponds directly to the distance the friend lives from your house. A child's enjoyment of a popular entertainment will be inversely proportionate to the parent's enjoyment. The chance of a surprise visit by your parents-in-law is directly proportional to the size of the mess in your home. A child will always eat exactly what she has loved for the past year. . . unless it is the only food in the fridge. The ease with which a toddler acquires the ability to say a word increases with its likelihood to embarrass a sailor. My three-year-old daughter and I went shopping with my mother. She is a rather large woman, Mom sometimes has a tough time finding just the right fit. When my mother picked out a yellow suit, my daughter went into the dressing room with her. A moment later Mom asked her how she liked the outfit. My daughter replied, "Oh, Nana, you look so pretty... just like a big yellow school bus." The suit stayed in the dressing room. It was the end of the day when I parked my police van in front of the station. As I gathered my equipment, my K-9 partner, Jake, was barking, and I saw a little boy staring in at me. "Is that a dog you got back there?" he asked.


简短经典冷笑话大全爆笑100个 1、一只癞蛤蟆最新茶不思饭不想,连蚊子都不抓着吃了,其他的癞蛤蟆都很想知道它到底怎么了。年最长癞蛤蟆说了:“抓只天鹅来,保管好。因为癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉呀。” 2、一次五岁的儿子问我,我手上拿着的东西是什么, 我说是手机,他说为什么叫手机那,我那时正忙就随口唱到“左手一只鸡,右手一只鸭。”儿子露出更加疑惑的表情:“那为什么不叫手鸭那?” 3、我和朋友走到分岔路口,我们以歌作别:“我送你 离开,千里之外。”于是,“千里之外”就走了。 4、我家母狗生了两只小狗,因为老婆是新闻记者,所 以我们戏称这两只狗为“狗仔队”,一次我们正要kiss,我 突然看见“狗仔队”大喊:“狗仔队!”老婆惊吓道:“在哪,不可能,我让他们回去了啊。” 5、朝鲜说美国人民生活在水深火热中。朝鲜报首版头条,发表的一张美国人爬在海滩上日光浴的照片,配文:美国人很穷,没有衣服穿,吃不饱饭,人都饿死了,也没人管...... 6、一MM失恋了,几次欲寻短见都被亲友及时发现未能 实现。一日趁亲友不备离家出走,急的亲友到处寻找,就在决定报警时,收到她发来的短信:你们不必找我了,我在去往死

海的路上,我喜欢大海,我决定在那儿结束我的人生。 7、嫦娥姐姐在吃饭,突然外面一闪,嫦娥一惊,连忙出去看。回来呼了一口气;“杨利伟。。” 8、阿钜和菲菲都耳背。那天菲菲看阿钜出门;“阿钜,你去散步?”“不是啊,我去散步啊!”“哦。。我以为你去散步呢。” 9、阿钜和菲菲商量好走楼梯到他们50层的家。到了10楼,阿钜问菲菲;“菲菲你累了吗?”菲菲摇摇头,他们就继续走。到了30楼,阿钜问菲菲:“菲菲你累了吗?”菲菲摇摇头,他们就继续走。到了49楼,阿钜问菲菲:“菲菲你累了吗?”菲菲使劲点头。阿钜:“那好,我们走回去乘电梯到家吧。” 10、阿钜要考试,妈妈问阿钜书看完了吗?阿钜说:“我看完了。”第二天妈妈看到阿钜不及格的卷子大发雷霆,“你书都看了为什么考这么差!”阿钜:“妈妈,我那天说的是。。。我看,完了。” 11、农夫山泉,有点虫。新闻发布会:关于农夫山泉有点虫的问题,是这样的,我们不生产矿泉水的,我们只是大自然的搬运工。这个嘛,是人人皆知的,在我们的广告中早有声明。既然是大自然,就会有虫虫,大自然如果没有虫虫,那还是大自然吗?最后,祝福大自然越来越美,虫虫多多益善!
