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Step 1: greeting

T: hello boys and girls 、

S: hello MS Wang 、

T: good morning/good afternoon class 、S: good morning/good afternoon MS Wang 、

T: nice to see you again 、

S: nice to see you, too 、

Step 2: warmer



Step 3: presentation(新课呈现)

(1)PPT出示John的微博截图并提出问题:T: what did John do last Saturday?(板书last Sunday)

S1:He slept 、(板书slept)

S2:He read a book(板书read a book)


(3)出示Sarah瞧电影的图片,学生猜动词词组:see a film, 弓I 出saw a film(板书saw a film)、学生跟读

(4)T:Sarah saw a film 、Did you like

it?(板书Did you like it?)

S1:Yes,I did(板书)

S2:No,I didn ' t(板书)

(5)出示John感冒的图片:have a cold ,

引出动词的过去式had a cold(板书had a cold)、学生跟读

(6)学生打开课本练习Let' s learn 的对

话,教师出示各种时间词并解释:the day before yesterday(后天)


do---did see---saw read---read

sleep-slept have ----had


Look, our classroom 、It ' s very clean and

tidy、But who cleaned it、I don' t know、I want

to thank him、Can you help me to find him?

J: I can help you to find him 、

John跑了出去,碰到了Sarah,John 就问

Sarah、J: What did you do last weekend?

Sarah: Hmm! I watched TV 、

John 跑去问了Wu Yifan、

J: What did you do last weekend?

W:Hmm! I played football 、板书句型:What did

you do last weekend?

I played football 、学生朗读。

教师头带John的头饰T: Look, John come

to our class、He wants to find who cleaned the

classroom last weekend 、

T: What did you do last weekend?

S1: I ••-

T: What did you do last weekend?

S2: I ••-

T: Did you help the teacher clean the




Step 3、Consolidation

2 、Activity 2

3、A ctivity 3 Make the chant 、



J: What did you do last weekend?

Z: I played football at school 、

J: Did you help the teacher clean the



Z: Yes, I did 、

板书设计作业布置J: Oh, Zoom 、You are great!



Unit3 Last weekend

What did you do last weekend?

Where did you go over your holiday ? What did you do ?





句型What did you do over your holiday ?的



Step 1、Warm- up and revision

1) Free-talk:

T: What day is today?

A: Today is ••-

T: What day was yesterday? (强调yesterday) B: Yesterday/ It was ---

T: What did you do yesterday?

C: I (did) ••-yesterday、(用前几课时已经学的词组)

2) Chain-drill:

C: I (did) ••-yesterday、What did you do yesterday?

D: I (did) ••-yesterday、What did you do yesterday?

E, F ••-( ask the teacher)

T: I went to a park yesterday 、

Step 2、Presentation

1) Let' s learn :

继续Chain-drill, 由T引出并出示新授词组:

went hiking 、

2) 学生已经了解了go的过去式后,T 边

I went (这个动词用动作表示)yesterday、表达自己昨天去做什么了,边做动作、让学

生帮老师说出: went swimming, went fishing 、3) Ask and answer:

A: T ask and Ss answer 、

B: S1 ask and S2 answer 、

C: S3 ask and T answer 、

由此,T 引出新授词组:read a book 、

4) 自编chant、Chant together 、见附录

5) L isten to the tape and repeat 、Pay attention to the pronunciation of: went, read 、

6) R eading in 2 parts: T say the phrase
