航海英语903、0205第五节 航海通告与警告

航海英语903、0205第五节 航海通告与警告
航海英语903、0205第五节 航海通告与警告


0110. ____D__ is not contained in the NM Weekly.[16]


A.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions 对航路指南的改正B.Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals 对灯标雾号表的改正

C.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals 对无线电信号表的改正D.Supplement to Guide to Port Entry 进港指南补编

0111. ___B___ is the system for the broadcast and automatic reception of maritime safety information by means of narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy.



0115. Admiralty Notices to Mariners,containing important information for the mariners and enabling them to keep their charts and books corrected for the latest information,are issued daily and published in ____A__.[296]


A.Weekly Editions 每周B.Quarterly Editions 每季度

C.Annual Editions 每年D.Monthly Editions 每月

0117. Charts are subject to frequent correction according to ___A___.[458]


A.Notices to Mariners 航海通告B.Mariner's handbook 航海员手册C.Sailing Directions 航路指南D.Guide to Port Entry 进港指南

0120. Many navigational warnings are of a temporary nature,but others remain in force for several months or may be succeeded by ____A__.[814]


A.Notices to Mariners 航海通告B.Sailing Directions 航路指南

C.List of Lights and Signals 灯标信号表D.Guide to Port Entries 进港指南0121. Navigational charts are subject to frequent changes,the important ones of which are promulgated by ____A__.


A.Admiralty Notices to Mariners 航海通告

B.Mariner's Handbook 航海员手册

C.Catalogue 图书目录D.Sailing Directions 航路指南

0122. Navigational warnings and weather bulletins for shipping __C____ from Singapore Radio.[840]

对航行有关的航行警告及气象报告是由新加坡无线电台(发布的)A.broadcast B.broadcasted C.are broadcast D.are broadcasted

0125. On notification by Admiralty Notice to Mariners that a new edition of one of the books,or a new supplement to one,has been published,it should be obtained ___A___.

据英版航海通告通知,某出版物出了新版或新的补编,应该()获得这些资料。A.as soon as possible 尽快B.prior to its publication 出版之前

C.in advance of any pssoble accident 在任何可能的事故发生之前

D.by means of other than airmails 通过除航空邮件之外的各种方式

0128. SEARCHABLE NOTICES TO MARINERS can be searched by all the following options except __D____.


A.Chart Number only 只要海图图号

B.Chart Number + Previous NM Number/Year 海图图号+前一个通告编号/年号

C.Chart Number + Between Previous and Present Dates 海图图号+前一个通告与现在的通告之间的日期

D.Cumulative Number 累积编号

0129. Section V of the ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERS is ___C___.


A.Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings 无线电航行警告的翻印B.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions 对航路指南的改正C.Amendments to Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog Signals


D.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals 对无线电信号表的改正

0131. The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained _ _A____ by Masters of vessels from any Admiralty Chart Agent.


A.Free of charge 免费B.With no responsibility 免责

C.Without limitations of distribution 不受发行的限制

D.With little charges 花一点钱

0133. The following ___A___ is a standard phrase.[1037]


A.WARNING.You are running into danger B.You are possibly running into danger

C.You could be in the case of running into danger D.You could,I think,be running into danger

0139. Weekly NMs are available without subscription from appointed __A____.[1333]


A.Admiralty Distributors 英版出版物经销商

B.Admiralty Publication House 英版资料出版社

C.United Kingdom Hydrographic Office(UKHO)英国海道测量局

D.UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency(MCA)英国海事及海岸警卫队

0140. Weekly Notices are dated for the ____D__ appropriate to the week they are issued on the UKHO website.[1404]

在英国海道测量局的网站上,每周版的航海通告在那一周的()发布A.Monday 星期一B.Tuesday 星期二C.Wednesday 星期三D.Thursday 星期四

0141. What is the most important source of information to be used in correcting charts and keeping them up to date _____B___.


A.Fleet Guides 舰队指南B.Notice to Mariners 航海通告

C.Sailing Directions 航路指南D.Pilot Charts 航路图(共分12个月)

0143. Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety _____B___.

()是一种每周出版的,告知航海者有关的可能影响航行安全的事项的出版物。A.Light List 灯标表B.Notice to Mariners 航海通告C.Coast Pilot 沿岸航路指南

D.Sailing Directions 航路指南

0260. Which statement about radio navigational warnings is TRUE ___A_____.下列哪项关于无线电航海警告的描述是正确的()

A.The topics for warnings included in HYDROLANTS,HYDROPACS,and NA V AREA warnings are the same 包含在HYDROLANTS、HYDROPACS和NA V AREA里的警告标题是一样的

B.NA V AREA warnings concern only coastal navigation and inland navigation in large bays or sounds such as Puget Sound(海峡、海湾、海口、河口)

NA V AREA里的无线电航行警告仅包含有关沿岸航行和在大的海湾、河口等近岸航行用的相关资料

C.The United States is responsible for NA V AREA warnings in the North Atlantic north of 7°N,and west of 15°W 美国负责为北纬7度以北、西经15度以西的北大西洋发布航海警告

D.Long range radio navigational warnings are usually broadcast by radiotelephone,radiotelegraph,radio-teletypewriter 长距离的无线电航行警告一般通过无线电话、无线电报或无线电自动打印机发布

1318. Which categories of NA VTEX messages may not be selectively rejected through receiver programming ___D_____.

下列哪一类的NA VTEX信息不能从接收程序中选择拒绝接收A.Navigational warnings 航行警告B.Weather warnings 气象警告

C.SAR and distress alert information 海上搜救及遇险信息D.All of the above 以上全部


中国海员之家网站考试资料系列46 期航海英语试题 科目:航海英语试卷代号:903 适用对象:无限航区,近洋航区船舶二、三副 (本试卷卷面总分100 分,及格分数70 分,考试时间100 分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B 铅笔涂黑。第1 题至88 题,每题1 分,第89 题至96 题,每题 1.5 分。 一、单项选择题 1. Information on the opening times and characteristics of radiobeacons can be found in which publications? A. List of Light B. Coast Pilot C. Sailing Directions D. List of Radiobeacons 2. Mariners not entering the port are ______ to keep at least one mile off. A. advised B. reported C. complied D. supplied 3. The velocity of the current in large coastal harbors is______. A. predicted in Tidal Current Tables B. unpredictable C. generally constant D. generally too weak to be of concern 4. A mercator chart is a______ A. cylindrical projection B. simple conic projection C. polyconic projection D. rectangular projection 5. Why does distance always have to be measured from the nearest scale on a Mercator chart? A. Because it is the most efficient way B. Because it varies with the change of latitude C. Because it varies with the change of longitude D. Because it is the most straight line 6. Who is responsible for the voyage plan? A. The person who has done the planning B. The master C. The navigation officer D. The owner 7. Charted depth is the______. A. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom, plus the height of tide B. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom C. average height of water over a specified period of time D. average height of all low waters at a place 8. Defense plans may cause the operation of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with ______. A. no notice B. one day's notice C. a week's notice D. thirty (30)days notice 9. Periodic publications notifying change in, or additions to, previously published navigational date are______. A. Supplements B. Annual Summary C. Navigational Warning D. Notices to Mariners 10. ______is a full nautical record of a ship's voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch. 中国海员之家网站考试资料系列46 期航海英语试题第2 页 中国海员之家网站(http://www.seamancn. com )搜集整理,更多考试资料请到网站免费下载。 A. Sea Protest B. Deck Log C. Accident Report D. Seaman's Book 11. Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space?


质量安全环境管理体系文件 水上水下施工作业 通航安全管理规定 第一章总则 第一条为维护水上交通秩序,保障船舶、排筏航行、停泊和作业的安今,保护水域环境,依据《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》《中华人民共和国内河交通安全管理条例》及其他有关规定,制定本规定。沿海和内河水域进行下列涉及通航安全的水上水下施工作业(以下简称施工作业),适用本规定: (一)设置、拆除水上水下设施; (二)修建码头、船坞、船台、闸坝,构筑各类堤岸或人工。 (三)架设桥梁、索道,构筑水下隧道; (四)打捞沉船、沉物; (五)铺设、撤除、检修水上水下电缆或管道; (六)设置用于捕捞、养殖的固定网具设施; (七)设置系船浮筒、浮趸、竹木排筏系缆桩以及类似的设施; (八)进行影响水土—交通安全的海洋及气象观测、水文测量、地质调查、科学研究等活动: (九)清除水面垃圾; (十)扫海、疏浚、爆破、打桩、拔桩、填埋、挖砂、淘金、采石、抛泥沙石; (十一)救助遇难船舶,或紧急清除水面污染物、水下污染源; (十二)其它影响通航水域交通安全或对通航环境产生影响的施工作业。 第三条中华人民共和国港务监督局(以下简称港监局)主管全国施工作业通航安全监督管理工作。 各级港务(港航)监督机:构(以下简称港监)具体负责其管辖水域内的施工作业通航安全监督管理工作。

第二章资格和申请 第四条建设者或施工者(以下统称施工作业者)从事本规定第二条规定的施工作业,应在规定的期限内向施工作业所在地的港监提出施工作业通航安全审核申请(以下简称申请),接受港监的审核。 涉及多类型、多科目施工作业的建设工程或涉及多个施工作业者的工程,可由对工程总负责的施工作业者统一向港监提出书面申请,也可由具体从事某一类型和某一科目的施工作业者就涉及本类型和本科目的施工作业分别向港监提出书面申请。 第五条申请从事本规定第二条第(—)至(五)项施工作业的施工作业者应在拟开始施工作业次日20天前向港监提出书面申请。 申请从事本规,定第二条第(六)至第(十)、第(十二)项施工作业的施工作业者应于拟开始施工作业次日15天前向港监提出书面申请。 除第二条第(十一)项规定外,从事涉及本规定第二条中其它各项的突击性或临时、零星施工作业,其书面申请可与发布航行警告、航行通告的申请一并提出。 第六条从事本规则第二条第(十一)项施工作业的施工作业者,应于开始施工作业之时24小时以内向港监提出口头申请。 按本规定进行口头申请的,应在口头申请中将下列有关情况报告港监: (一)遇险船舶、设施的情况; (二)水域污染和清除的情况; (三)施工作业船舶名称和施工作业方式: (四)施工作业的地点和起止时间。 第七条施二仁作业者提出书面申请时,应填写《水上水下施工作业安全审核申请书》(以下简称《申请书》)(见附件一),并提供以下有关资料: (—)有关主管部门对该项目批准的文件; (二)与通航安全有关的技.术资料及施工作业图纸; (三)安全及防污染措施计划书; (四)与施工作业有关的合同或协议书; (五)施工作业者的资质认证文书; (六)施工作业船舶的船舶证书和船员适任证书: (七)施工作业者是法人的,还应提供其法人资格证明文书或法人委托文书;(八)发律、行政法规、规章规定的其它有关资料。 第八条涉及构筑水上水下固定、永久性建筑物的施工作业项目,其工程可行性研究和初步设计阶段的评审活动应有港监部门参加。施工作业项目经港监部门审查,符合通航安全要求后,施工作业者方可按本规定第五条规定办理书面申请手续。 在长江、珠江、黑龙江干线及沿海水域、进出港航道、习惯航线上进行架设、构筑桥梁、索道、闸坝、隧道等大型固定性、永久性设施;在港外建立过驳、装卸站点;扩展港区范围,建立新港区;建设新锚地;设定永久性禁航区等相关的施工作业,事前须报港监局批准,其

航海英语听说与会话 11规则英语评估1-6章标准答案

Unit 1 Familiarisation on board I W arming-up deck, bridge, galley, hospital, cabin, office, corridor II Reading Aloud 1.What is the captain doing? ----He is making an announcement to the passengers. 2.How should the passengers do in case of emergency? ----They should obey the orders given on the public address system. 3. Can you memorise all the spaces that safety regulations do not permit passengers to enter? ----Y es, I can. Such as navigating bridge, engine room, maneuvering areas, cargo rooms and compartments, service rooms, all areas and spaces marked “crew only”, all closed ,sealed or roped off areas, spaces and rooms and car decks. IV Speaking Part A Read and Learn Fine, like my new job, vessel, Chief Officer, a list of jobs, play chess, read a book, another cadet, listen to music Get up, 0700, breakfast, 0730, bridge, take over the watch from the Chief, 0750, drink coffee, 1030, hand over to the 2nd Officer, noon, lunch, 1215,listen to music, 1300, sleep, 1400, everything, fine Part B Prompt card 1 1. What’s your date of birth? ----My date of birth is August 1st, 1992. 2. What’s your seaman’s book number? ----My seaman’s book number is L 396767. 3.How many members are there in your family?What are their occupations (What do they do?) ----3.They are my father, my mother and I. (They are my wife, my son/daughter and I.)


1.Can you list at least three mooring lines Yes .They are head line, breast line, spring line, and stern line. 你能列举集中缆绳吗头缆,横缆,倒缆和尾缆 2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board The pilot ladder, a heaving line and a life buoy. 在引航员上船前要准备些什么引航梯,吊绳和救生圈。 How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival Through VHF. 在到港前船舶如何与港口取得联系通过甚高频。 What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station The ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station or anchorage. 什么信息需要报告给引航站船舶的当前位置,预计到达引航站或者锚地的时间。 What should be confirmed from the pilot station Pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side where the pilot ladder will be put. 什么信息需要引航站确认引航员的登船时间,地点和安放引航梯的船舷。 When the vessel enters the VTS area, what I srequested to report Ship’s name and call sign, present course and speed, ETA at the pilot station, the reporting point that the vessel is passing. 在船舶进入交管区时,需要报告些什么船名,呼号,当前的航向和速度,预计到达引航站的时间,船舶正通过的报告点。 If you are ordered: “stand by both engines!” , how should you reply and report I should repeat “stand by both engines”, then report “both engines stand by”. 如果你被命令“备双车”,你该怎么复诵和报告我会复诵“备双车”,报告“双车备好”。Can you list 3 canals in the world Suez Canal, Panama Canal and Kiel Canal. 列举三大运河苏伊士运河,巴拿马运河和基尔运河。 When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what do you say Stand by on VHF channel 16. 在甚高频通信中,当你要求接受者保持在16频道,你要怎么说在甚高频16频道收听。 What does “dredging of an anchor” mean It means moving an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel. 拖锚是什么意思它是指有意的在海底拖锚移动,控制船舶的运动。 What does “ underway” mean It means a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or agroud. 在航是什么意思船舶不在拖锚,系岸或者搁浅的状态。 What the difference between a “ radar beacon” and a “radar reflector” Radar reflector is a passive device that can only enhance the aids’ability to reflect radar signals; however, radar beacon is an active device that can transmit a pulse for identification. 雷达信标和雷达反射器之间的区别 雷达反射器是一种被动的装置,只能加强设备反射雷达信号的能力;但是雷达信标是一种主动的装置,能发送识别脉冲。 What does “Abandon Vessel” mean It means to evacuate crew and passengers from a distressed vessel. 弃船是什么意思就是遇险后船员和旅客撤离船舶。


一、海图及海图作业50题 [251]To agree with larger scale chart,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased ______ about 8 seconds. A. with B. in C. by D. to [252]On this chart only the principle ______ to navigation are shown.A.equipment's B.tools C.apparatus D.aids [253]Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from _____.Undue reliance should not be placed upon them. A. complete and often very poor surveys B. correct and often very good surveys C. inadequate and often very old surveys D. adequate and present surveys [254]Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called ______. A. magnetic latitudes B. magnetic declinations C. dip D. isogonic lines [255]Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating ___. A. points of equal variation B. points of zero variation C. the magnetic latitude D. magnetic dip [256]In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area? ______. A. Chart No. 1 B. Catalog of Charts C. IMO Practical Navigator D. IMO Light List [257]How is the annual rate of change for magnetic variation shown on a pilot chart? ______. A. Gray lines on the uppermost inset chart B. Red lines on the main body of the chart C. In parenthesis on the lines of equal magnetic variation D. Annual rate of change is not shown. [258]Charted depth is the ______. A.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tide B.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom C.average height of water over a specified period of time D.average height of all low waters at a place [259]Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the ______. A. Summary of Corrections B. Local Notice to Mariners C. Daily Memorandum D. Chart Correction Card [260]All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) ______. A. Mercator projection B. polyconic projection C. orthographic projection D. gnomonic projection [261]A revised print of a chart is made ______. A. after every major hydrographic survey of the area covered by the chart B. when there are numerous corrections to be made or the corrections are extensive C. when a low-stock situation occurs and minor corrections are made D. every two years to update the magnetic variation information [262]A Mercator chart is a ______. A. cylindrical projection B. simple conic projection C. polyconic projection D. rectangular projection [263]______ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward. A. To consider B. To check C. To examine D. To agree with [264]The changes in the channel's sands and buoys on this coast are ______ this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel.A. frequent B. so frequent C. frequent that D. so frequent that [265]______ is a term denoting the determination of a ship's position by observations of Celestial or terrestrial objects,or by a combination of both. A. Course-planning B. Position-fixing C. Radar-plotting D. Stowage-plan making [266]A chart position enclosed by a semi-circle is a(n) A. fix B. estimated position C. dead reckoning position D. running fix [267]A true bearing of a charted object,when plotted on a chart,will establish a ______. A. fix B. line of position C. relative bearing D. range [268]Admiralty Charts are published in ______. A. U.S.A B. China C. U.K D. Japan [269]Attention is ______ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner's Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1.A. fixed to B. needed for C. pushed to D. drawn to [270]Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ______. A. latitude scale near the middle of the track line B. longitude scale near the middle of the track line C. latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chart D. latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale [271]Entering from sea,a daymark on the port side of the channel would be indicated on a chart by a ______. A. red triangle with the letter R B. white triangle with the letters RG C. green square with the letter G D. white square with the letters GR [272]Magnetic information on a chart may be ______. A. found in the center(s) of the compass rose(s) B. indicated by isogonic lines C. found in a note on the chart D. All of the above [273]My position has been obtained ______ astronomical observation.A. with B. from C. on D. by [274]Navigational charts are ______ frequent changes,the important one of which are promulgated by Admiralty Notices to Mariners. A. published with B. combined with C. in connection with D. subject to [275]On the south and the east coasts of Block Island are circles with a dot in the center and labeled CUP. This is a ______. A. conspicuous object B. steep depression in the surrounding hills that resembles a cup C. domed structure useful for navigation D. calling-up-point used for traffic control [276]Solid green arrows on the main body of a pilot chart indicate ______. A. prevailing wind directions B. prevailing ocean current directions C. probable surface current flow D. shortest great circle routes [277]The agonic line on an isomagnetic chart indicates the ______. A. magnetic equator B. magnetic longitude reference line C. points where there is no variation D. points where there is no annual change in variation [278]The buoy symbol printed on your chart is leaning to the northeast. This indicates ______. A. you should stay to the north or east of the buoy B. you should stay to the west or south of the buoy C. the buoy is a major lighted buoy D. nothing special for navigational purposes [279]The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? A.Surging B.Spilling C.Plunging D.Converging [280]The chart symbol indicating that the bottom is coral is ______. A. C B. Cl C. Co D. c [281]The charts sold are of ______. A. newly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable prices. B. the current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correction C. the current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time of sale. D. brand-new one with up to date correction and clean writing [282]The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and ______. A. deviation B. annual rate of variation change C. precession D. compass error [283]The description Racon beside an illustration on a chart would mean a ______. A.radar conspicuous beacon B.circular radiobeacon C.radar transponder beacon D.radar calibration beacon [284]The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time is ______. A. equal to the longitude expressed in time units B. about 16 minutes C. the difference between the GHA of mean sun and the first point of Aries D. 15°of arc [285]The numeral in the center of a wind rose circle on a pilot chart indicates the ______.


航海通告的改正 英版航海通告固定在每周四出版(其资料更新截至上一周的周六,即航海通告印刷的日期),每年出版 51期或52期(一般来说圣诞节期间的那期通告会因过节而不出版)。航海通告汇集了最新的水道测量 部门发布的全部航海通告,能够提供对所有英版海图及其他航海图书的改正资料,并重新印刷无线电 航海警告及其他变迁资料。英版航海通告中还提供了重印的澳大利亚和新西兰的航海通告,以供改正 重印的澳大利亚和新西兰的海图。英版航海通告按每年发布的时间顺序,连续编号,通告号码用* 号标注的,表示该通告来源于原始资料。航海通告的内容一、主要内容 1. 封 面每期航海通告封面的显著位置印有本期通告的期数和出版日期,下面是各部分内容的索引,然后 是对新发现的危险物、助航设施的改变或英版出版物的缺点的报告要求及通信方式,最后是版权声明。 封面上较为常用的是左上角的内容,注明了本期通告的起止号数,月末通告还注明了本期通告内有至 今有效的临时通告和预告号码总清单以及修改航路指南的通告号码清单,季末通告还注明了本期通告 内有最新的图书清单。 2. 注释及出版物信息(Ⅰ Explanatory Notes. Publications List) 注释:包括海图及位置、临时通告和预告、原始资料、灯标、无线电信号、航路指南及航警的简单注 释;出版物信息:包括出版物新版及作废信息。 3. 航海通告正文(Ⅱ Admiralty Notice to Mariners. Updates to Standard Navigational Charts)包括航海通告、临时通告和预告。 4. 航行警告(Ⅲ Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings)按照划分的区域,重新印刷截至到目 前仍有效的航行警告编号及新内容。 5. 英版航路指南的改正资料(Ⅳ Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions)标明需要改正的航路指南的编号及名称、需要改正的页码以及增 加、被删除及被代替的内容。 6. 灯标雾号表的改正资料(Ⅴ Amendments to Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog Signals)标明需要改正的灯标雾号表的卷数、上次改正通告的号码、日期、被 代替、被删除以及新增加的内容。 7. 无线电信号表的改正资料(Ⅵ Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals)标明需要改正的无线电信号表的卷数及名称、上次改正通告的号码、日期、 需要改正的页码、被删除、被代替以及新增加的内容。 8. 报告表格:在每期航海通告的最 后两页,是两份用来向英国海军航道测量部报告有关新发现的危险物等内容的报告表格。二、 辅助内容 1. 月末航海通告:第Ⅰ部分正文之后,刊登了至今仍有效的临时通告和预告号码 总清单。 2. 月末航海通告:第Ⅳ部分正文之后,刊登了至今仍有效的修改航路指南的航海通 告号码清单和对《FISHERMAN’S PILOT》的改正资料。 3. 季末航海通告:第Ⅰ部分正文之 后,刊登了最新图书清单,包括航路指南、灯标雾号表、无线电信号表及潮汐表四种。 4. 《航 海通告年度摘要》(NP247):每年1月份出版,共三部分内容。第一部分是本年度年度航海通告的第 1-25号(以2003年为例),内容包括对《潮汐表》的改正、英版海图及出版物的供应商、英国商船在 危机和战争冲突中的安全、海上遇险与营救、演习区、水雷区及在海上拾得爆炸物的处理方法、英国 与俄联邦关于在领海水域避免冲突的协议、有关潜艇的信息、水道测量信息、布雷及暂未出补篇,则


驾驶英语标准化 题库 第一部分:日常用语 C 1.When a foreigner meets you for the first time and says “How do you do ?”to you , you should say . A. How are you ? B. Fine , thank you . And you ? C. How do you do ? D. Glad to see you . B 2.If you lost your way to the port, you should ask someone“Excuse me,?” A. I ‘d like a cup of tea . B. could you tell me the way to the port C. what’s the time D. is it May 4th D3.——Nice to meet you. ——. A. How do you do? B. Who are you ? C. How are you ? D. Nice to meet you,too. 答案:D (1分题) 4.Somebody does you a favor , you should say A. Here you are . B. Thanks a lot . C. That’s all right . D. That’s right . 答案:B (1分题) 5.At the department store, you want to know the price of the coat , you should say A. Tell me the way , please . B. Do you know the time ? C. How much is it ? D. Wait a moment ,please. 答案:C (1分题) 6.——Mrs. Mary , I’d like to introduce my Chinese friend Mr. Wang ,he is a new comer. —— A. All right . B. Never mind . C. Please to meet you. D. I’m wrong . 答案:C (1分题) 7.If a passer asked you the way , and you really don’t know , what’s the best answer A. I don’t know . B. Oh , tha t’s right . C. No , never mind . D. I’m sorry . I’m a stranger here myself . 答案:D (1分题) 8.You are now in the department store . You want to buy something . When a shop assistance says to you “ Can I help you ? ” , you should say A. Yes , you can . B. No , you can’t. C. I’m looking for a coat for myself. D. It has nothing to do with you . 答案:C (1分题) 9.You haven’t feeling well , and you are seeing the doctor ,you should tell the doctor A. I’d like have a look at the hats . B. I’m sorry . C. Could you give me your name? D. I’m afraid I had a bad cold. 答案:D (1分题) 10.If you want to buy something . You should go to the A. bank . B. supermarket . C. post office. D. customs. 答案:B (1分题) 11.Take the _____block on right and then ask again. A.2 B.two C.twice D.2nd 答案:D (1分题) 12.is it ? Fifty dollar s.A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How often 答案:B (1分题)


海员面试常用英语 1.Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你) It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你) Glad to meet you! 2.What’s your name?(你叫什么名字) Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?) 答:I am XXX. 或My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?) 11.How old are you? (你多大?) 答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁) 3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?) 答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。) 答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人) 4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?) 答:Yes, I am. 5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?) 答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我) 6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间) 答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年) 7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?) Which company did you work for? 答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过) 8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)?答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年) 9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?) 答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多) 10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?) 答:No, they weren’t, including me; there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department. We joined the ship at the same time. While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。我们是同时上这艘船的,其余的人都是来自不同的国家。) 11. Which country did the captain come from?(船长是哪个国家的人?)
