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U1. 外事词汇

1. 不辞劳苦:in spite of the tiring trip

EX: I expect that you are tired from the trip.

2. 活动日程:schedule


3. 百忙之中抽空:

take time off one’s busy schedule

take time from one’s busy schedule to do EX: I really appreciate that you are able to meet me given your busy schedule.

4. 倒时差:get over the jet leg

5. 外事办:foreign affairs office

international affairs office

6. 接风:invite...to dinner/a welcome party

7. 宾至如归:make sb. feel at home

8. 别客气:make yourself at home

help yourself to (food)

Don’t stand on ceremony.

(回答谢谢) It’s my pleasure.

Not at all.

You’re welcome.

9. 宴席:banquet

10. 接风洗尘:hold a welcome banquet

11. 尽地主之谊:do the honors

show out hospitality

12. 贵宾:distinguished guest/VIP

EX: May I do the honors and introduce you?

Welcome to China! We are going to show out hospitality and make you feel at home away from home.

13. 自助餐:buffet

14. 菜、菜系:cuisine

(Japanese/Sichuan cuisine)

15. 祝酒:toast/ drink to... EX: May I propose a toast to the health of Smith! 让我们举杯祝Smith身体健康!16. 干杯:Cheers! / Bottoms up!

To make each day count!

17. 素食主义者:vegetarian

18. 色香味:color, aroma and taste

19. 举国同庆:national celebration

20. 尽情:enjoy...to one’s heart’s content

21. 节日:festival/gala

22. 增强:promote/beef up

23. 万事如意:good luck

24. 开发区位于..., 地理位置优越:Conveniently located at..., this development zone...

25. 距离...30分钟车程:

It is a 30-minute ride to...

It only takes 30 minutes to reach...

26. 招商引资:attract investment

27. 合资企业:joint venture

28. 机构投资者:institutional investor

29. 国家级高新技术产业园区:

state-level hi-tech industrial park

30. 经国务院批准:

approved by the State Council

31. 孵化器:incubator

32. 创业:entrepreneurship

33. 创意产业:creative industry

34. 热情洋溢的欢迎词:

gracious words of welcome

35. 愉快而难忘的一课:

happy and memorable occasion

36. 高度礼貌和诚挚友情:

utmost courtesy and genuine friendship

U2. 礼仪祝词

1. 发言者:addressor

2. 听众:addressee

3. 代表:representative/delegate

4. 陛下:Your Majesty/His/Her Majesty

5. 殿下:Your Excellency/Highness(皇室)

6. 阁下:Your Excellency

His/Her Excellency

7. 法官阁下:Your Honor

8. 主席:Mr. President

9. (副)部长:(Vice) Minister

10. 总理:premier/chancellor(英)

11. 首相:prime minister

12. 国务卿:Secretary of State

13. 总书记:General Secretary

14. 远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友:friends coming from a distant land

/the other side of the Pacific

15. 大会:conference

16. 研讨会:seminar

17. 座谈会/论坛:forum

18. 峰会:summit

19. 招待会:reception

20. 招待宴会:reception banquet

21. 礼堂:auditorium

22. 鸡尾酒会:cocktail party

23. 圣诞节:Christmas

24. 家庭团聚/阖家团圆:family reunion

25. 感恩节:Thanksgiving

26. 火鸡:turkey

27. 新年:New Year

28. 中国新年:lunar new year

29. 新春联欢晚会:

Chinese New Year’s Party 30. 年终岁末之际:at the end of the year

31. 辞旧迎新:

to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new

32. 中秋节:Mid-autumn Festival

33. 月饼:moon cake

34. 皓月当空:with a bright/full moon

35. 星光灿烂:with bright stars


36. 端午节:Dragon Boat Festival

37. 粽子:glutinous rice dumpling

38. 秋高气爽之际:in this cool autumn

39. 开/闭幕式:opening/closing ceremony

40. 宣布开幕/闭幕:

I (hereby) declare ... open/closed.

41. 开闭幕式:

opening/closing speech/address

42. 签字仪式:signing ceremony

to sign an agreement of cooperation

43. 嘉宾/贵宾:

distinguished/honorable guests

44. 贵宾室:VIP Room

45. 出席:attend/present

EX: I feel very honored to have the attendance of the distinguished guests from...

46. 欢迎:welcome

extend our warm welcome to...

47. 为...健康干杯:to the health of...!

48. 友好访问:goodwill visit

49. 增进理解:promote understanding

50. 回顾过去:look back on.../In retrospect,

51. 展望未来:look into the future

52. 恋恋不舍:feel reluctant to part

53. 千言万语说不尽:

no words can (fully) express/convey...
