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学号 201110470112 学生姓名李勋辉


起讫日期 2015.1—2015.6 设计地点潍坊科技学院





Greenhouse is one of the facilities for the development of modern agriculture development, greenhouse intelligent control is to realize the management automation, the basic guarantee of intelligence. With the rapid progress of science and technology, develop modern agriculture and scientific technology is the main trend in the development of agriculture in the future. Therefore, prompted the rapid development of modern agriculture, especially the vigorous growth of greenhouses, the scale of construction is beginning. All aspects but at the same time also followed, such as how to effectively manage the greenhouses, to adjust the temperature humidity, create a good indoor environment for plants to grow. Due to geographical, natural conditions and the temperature changes, and many other reasons, to correct greenhouses design construction is very important. For the design of the ventilation system, the key lies in the realization of practical cheap, convenient and vegetable farmers timely regulate indoor temperature, at the right time with the right temperature and humidity and cooperate, so for plant growth and create a good environment. Saves a lot of manual labor and energy at the same time, realizing the rapid and ventilated greenhouse, increasing household income, benefit to improve living standards.

Key words: Greenhouses; Temperature and humidity; Intelligent control; Motor


1 前言 (1)

1.1 研究的目的及意义 (2)

1.2 国内外智能通风技术的研究现状 (2)

1.2.1 国外的研究现状 (2)

1.2.2 国内的研究现状 (3)

1.3 温室智能通风技术的发展趋势 (3)

1.4 研究的主要内容与技术路线 (4)

2 系统总体设计及主要元器件的选取 (7)

2.1 系统设计的原则 (7)

2.2 系统的总体功能 (7)

2.3 系统设计的整体思想 (8)

2.4 主要元器件的选取 (8)

2.4.1 温度传感器 (8)

2.4.2 湿度传感器 (8)

2.4.3 电动机的选取 (8)

3.1 电动机简介 (10)

3.1.1 三相异步电动机的基本结构 (10)

3.1.2电动机的分类 (10)

3.1.3 电动机不能起动及转速缓慢的原因 (11)

3.2 PLC的概述 (12)

3.3 PLC的基本结构 (13)

3.4 PLC的发展趋势 (14)

4 通风口结构的设计 (16)

4.1 开口设计要求 (16)

4.2 开窗系统 (17)

4.3 驱动系统 (17)

5 控制系统结构设计 (19)

5.1 电动机运行控制电路 (19)

5.2 PLC控制三相异步电动机正反转的梯形图 (20)

结论 (22)

谢辞 (23)

参考文献 (24)
