


























上海高考英语听力材料 上海高考英语听力材料 高考英语改革试点的考生总成绩由统一高考的语文、数学、外语3个科目成绩和高中学业水平考试3个科目成绩组成。为了帮助大家备考高考英语,店铺整理了一些高考英语听力材料,希望能对大家有所帮助! Part A Short Conversations Divertions In Part A, you will bear ten short conversations between two speaker. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked aiout what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and deode which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A.Coke. B.Coffee C.Tea. D.Water. 2.A.At a restaurant. B.At a studio. C.At a concert. D.At a theatre. 3.A.Relieved. B.Worried. C.confused. D.Depressed. 4.A.The Browns. B.The Browns’s son. C.The postman.


高考英语听力60个必考习语详解across 1、表方位。 Let’s go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat. 我们去街对面的餐馆买些吃的。 2、表动作,穿越。 You must go across the bridge and then turn right. 你必须先过桥,然后再往右拐。 age 1、年龄。最一般的表达。在此不赘述。 2、衰老。 the ag(e)ing people = the old people 现代社会出现越来越严重的ag(e)ing problem(人口老龄化问题)等。 all 1、shake all over 浑身颤抖 2、all of a sudden 突然地 All of a sudden, I remembered her name. 我突然想起了她的名字。 3、by all means 一定 I'll come by all means. 我一定会来的。 4、all night long 整晚 My present neighbor plays piano all night long. 我现在的邻居整晚都弹钢琴。 apply 这里我们详细串联一下在听力考试中涉及到的与求职相关的短语。 apply for(申请),这是工作的第一步;既然要申请,必然需要递交letter of application(求职信),只要你足够confident about yourself,就有可能获得job interview(工作面试)的机会。 是否能够give a good impression(留个好印象)给主管,那就得看你个人造化了。有些工作岗位会require much traveling(要求经常出差),还有些工作,做不了多久就会希望find a way out(找到出路)。 as


上海英语高考听力短对话的常见场景剖析 第一周 1.我们必须采取行动阻止疾病蔓延。(action) We must take action to prevent the disease from spreading. 2. 他自动提出充当游故宫的向导。( act as ) He volunteered to act as a guide to the Palace Museum. 3.老教授聚精会神地写作,以至我们不敢发出一点声响。(absorb) The senior professor was so absorbed in writing that we didn’t dare to make a sound. 4.非法下载仍然占全世界音乐下载的95%。(account v) Illegal downloads still account for 95 percent of music downloads worldwide. 5.他们指控公司未能保护好公众的利益。(accuse) They accused the company of failing to safeguard / protect the interests of the public. / not having protected … 6.进入高中以来,许多同学已经习惯于天天学习到深夜。(accustom) Many students have been accustomed to studying until far into the night since they entered senior high school. 7.你的文章首尾不呼应。结尾要么重写,要么删掉。(agree) The beginning of your essay doesn’t agree with the end; either rewrite the end or delete it. The beginning and the end of your essay don’t agree; 8.这些广告旨在吸引消费者购买商品。(aim) (注意双重词性) These advertisements aim at / are aimed at attracting / aim to attract customers to buy goods. / The aim of these advertisements is to … 9.只有政府官员和新闻记者准许进入开幕式。(admit) Only government officials and news reporters were admitted

高中英语 上海高考听力应试技巧概述

高考听力应试技巧概述 一.考试概述与趋势分析 从2017年起,上海高考英语听力分为两大部分,考试时间约为20分钟。 第一部分( Section A)以选择题形式考查10个短对话。听力材料的内容基于真实语境,与考生的日常生活紧密相关。近年来考察的高频话题包括:购物、约会、就医、运动、劝告、求职、住宿、娱乐、学习、求助、租房、用餐等。所有的对话和问题都只读一遍,前一问话音落下与后一题对话开始的时间间隔为七秒钟,要求考生在理解对话含义的基础上快速作答。从考点设置来看,题型改革后的四场听力考试共出现了四种题型,分别是:事实细节题、隐含语义题、情感态度题、信息推测题。事实细节题旨在考查对关键信息的记忆与提取,隐含语义题考察学生能否根据语境听出话语的“弦外之音”,情感态度题考察学生能否根据已知信息对人物和事件做出合理的分类与评价,而信息推断题考察学生能否根据关键语句合理地推测出某些对话中未给予明示的信息,例如人物关系、地点场景、原因结果和进行简单的数量计算等。2018年两场考试短对话部分考点设置如下表所示。 第二部分( Section B)为短文听力和长对话,材料涉及三篇长度平均200字的短文或长对话,共10个选择题。听力短文或长对话读两遍,而问题只读一遍。旨在对学生的辨音、记忆、推理、归纳等能力、语言反应的速度以及连续听英语材料的耐受能力进行综合考查。近年的考题选文主要可分两大类:自述文体和说明文体。自述文体采用第一人称,具有非常强的口语文本特征,词汇难度相对较低说明文体通常是考生所不熟悉的新发现、新科技、新趋势等,要求考生根据听力材料内容进行正确理解,忌单凭生活常识随意揣测答案。从近年的考查题型来看,共可分为三大类:细节题、推断题和主旨题。细节题主要考查学生对事件要素what 、who、when、where、why、how的捕捉与记忆,推断题要求学生根据关键语句合理地推测出某些对话中未给予明示的信息:例如事物的特征、事件的原因、行为的结果等,而主旨题考查学生对听力材料的整体理解和筛选关键信息的能力如果仅根据只字片语进行局部理解,会导致“只见树木,不见森林”。2018年两场


2017.1 1.Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and a question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Pie. B. Ice cream. C. Chocolate cake. D. Cheese cake. 2. A. The museum opens at 8 every day. B. She can't see the sign clearly. C. The glass museum closes too early. D. She can't understand the sign. 3. A. Delighted. B. Doubtful. C. Relieved. D. Respectful. 4. A. She works as a librarian. B. She does a lot of reading at home. C. She spends much time reading in the library. D. She wants to borrow some books from the library. 5. A. He isn't sure if the weather will be good. B. He probably won't go skiing. C. The weather won't be as bad as forecast. D. The weather forecast isn't reliable. 6. A. His brother ate up the food. B. His brother helped him clean the fridge. C.His brother lost his appetite. D. His brother went out to dine with him. 7. A. Keep some small change. B. Buy another T-shirt. C. Invite someone else to the concert. D. Dress himself properly. 8. A. See a doctor. B. Repair his car. C. Go to school. D. Give the woman a ride. 9. A. She has no interest in the man's words. B. She doesn't understand the man. C. She doesn't want to follow the man. D. She hates to study pictures by kids. 10. A. She missed the beginning of the program. B.She was awakened during the quiz. C. She fell asleep before the program ended. D. She wished she had gone to sleep earlier.


上海英语高考听力知识点 随着全球化的发展和人们对语言学习的需求增强,英语高考在中国的各个城市都有重要的地位。上海作为中国的经济中心和一个国际化大都市,对于英语教育的重视程度更是不言而喻。在上海的英语高考中,听力考试占据着相当的比重,因此对于考生来说,熟悉听力部分的内容和技巧都是非常重要的。 上海英语高考听力部分主要包括以下几个方面的知识点: 一、听力理解能力 要提高英语听力能力,首先要训练自己的听力理解能力。这包括对语音、语调、语速等方面的敏感度。在平时的学习中,可以多听一些英语材料,比如英语新闻、英语电影、英语音乐等,通过反复听和模仿来提高自己的听力理解能力。 二、词汇和语法的掌握 在听力部分中,词汇和语法的掌握是非常基础的要求。考生需要熟悉一些常见的词汇和语法结构,以便在听到相关内容时能够理解其意思。此外,考生还需了解一些常见词汇的不同表达方式,以应对听力材料中的替换和同义词。 三、听力技巧 除了基础知识的掌握,考生还需要具备一些听力技巧,以提高自己的听力得分。其中,理解上下文、注意关键词、预测答案等技巧都是

可以提高听力能力的方法。例如,在听到对话或短文时,可以根据上 下文的逻辑关系来预测后续的内容,有助于更快地理解并抓住关键信息。 四、听写和填空题型 在上海英语高考听力部分中,听写和填空题型是比较常见的题型之一。对于这些题型,考生需要具备较强的听力和语法词汇能力。在做 题时,可以利用上下文的线索和常识判断来填写答案,同时要注意听 清每一个单词的发音和拼写。 五、长对话和短文理解 另外,上海英语高考听力部分中还会出现一些长对话和短文理解题。对于这类题型,考生需要注意整体内容的把握和细节信息的捕捉。在 听到长对话和短文时,可以先快速浏览题目,了解要解答的问题,然 后有重点地听取与问题相关的内容。同时,要注意关注一些数字、日期、地点等具体信息,以防漏答有关细节的问题。 综上所述,上海英语高考听力部分是考察考生英语听力能力的重要 环节。考生需要在平时的学习中注重听力训练,提高自己的听力理解 能力,并熟悉常见的词汇和语法知识。此外,考生还需掌握一些听力 技巧,灵活运用在不同的题型中,以提高自己的听力得分。希望广大 考生都能够通过努力和不断的练习,在上海英语高考听力部分取得好 成绩!


[高考必看]上海卷高考英语听力测试特点与 策略 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

上海卷高考英语听力测试特点与策略 上外附属大境中学周瑾珍 听力作为高考英语测试的一部分,在上海卷中有24分,题型则包括Short Conversations(短对话),Passages(段落),以及Longer Conversations (较长对话)。无论是选择还是填空,归纳起来高考英语听力测试常见的考察测试点与相关技巧有以下这些: 一、数字 数字型试题主要考察数字,包括数量,年龄,时间,价格等,可以出现在听力考试的所有题型中。针对不同的数字型试题,考生还可以采取记录、判断以及推断计算不同的技巧。 Tip1: 如对电话号码、门牌号、航班号、车牌号等,考生可采取听写记录所需数字; Tip2: 对判断类数字题需要在听到的两个或两个以上数字中判断符合题意的数字; Tip3: 对推断类数字题则通常涉及到简单的数学四则运算,需稍加计算,才能得出正确答案。 由于听力材料中往往会出现干扰内容,这就要求考生认真听清原文,对数字十分敏感,任何数字数据都需要准确记录并能理清不同数字的来龙去脉。 二、地点 地点型试题主要考察地点,该项内容的考查多为以where开头的特殊疑问句,如:Where does the conversation most probably take place 解这类试题时,我们需要有一些积累和推断。 Tip 1: 熟悉、积累常用地名,如国家、首都、大城市,著名的标志性建筑以及著名山川河流的名称等。 Tip 2: 熟悉、积累与各个地点场所有关的单词、短语、句型和场景。 Tip 3: 根据对话内容,结合生活常识进行逻辑推断,从而得知对话发生地

15 杨浦区-2021年上海市高三英语二模听力专项汇编(含MP3)

2021杨浦二模 I.Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. A t the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A. In a restaurant. B. On a farm. C. On a plane. D. In a cafeteria. 2.A. Eat at the new Burger place. B. Spend time at a dance club. C. Sign up for a traditional dance class. D. Close a deal at a new place. 3.A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. Next Monday. D. Next Sunday. 4.A. They can buy action figures on sale. B.They can share the delivery cost. C.They can order things together. D.They share similar interest in cartoons. 5.A. They can’t afford the laptop. B. The laptop isn’t the right model. C. Their daughters are too spoiled. D. Buying laptops is unnecessary. 6.A. The video meeting was unsuccessful. B.He enjoyed every minute of the meeting. C.The video meeting was cancelled. D.Freezing weather affected attendance. 7.A. His coach didn’t like his attitude towards training. B.He was rated the worst player on the team. C.His academic performance was not satisfactory. D.He was suffering from a serious back injury. 8.A. The man will receive a prize at the year-end party. B.The man has good qualities for being a party host.


普通高等学校招生全国统一考试上海英语试卷(2021年1月)听力部分(附:听力音频) I. Listening Comprehension SectionA 1. M: The beef looks fresh. W: But I would recommend the chicken which is tender. The beef is too salty and not juicy. Q: What does the woman think of the chicken? 2. W: Jack contributed a lot of my survey on the evolution of fashion. I want to buy him a present like a scarf or a wallet. M: I heard he likes reading. If I were you, I would buy him a set of classics. Q: What does the man suggest the woman buy tor Jack? 3. W: I’d like to have my hair colored, but you seem up to your neck. M: Yes, we usually have a lot more customers on the weekend. Please take a seat. I’m afraid you have to be patient. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 4. M: Sorry, mom. I should have come back home earlier. I’ll never do it again. W: Let’s drop it this time. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 5. M: Alice, I have no idea what this newly-coined term means. W: Well, you are not alone. Q: What does the woman mean? 6. M: Dad, did the alarm clock go off? M: That was 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it. Get up or you’ll be late for school. Q: What does the man mean?


2021上海高考英语真题:听力原文与音频【沪江网校】一、2021上海卷高考英语听力考试趋势分析: 上海高考英语的听力分值为30分,占整个卷面的五分之一,可见其重要性。高考听力的题型有两种:选择题和填空题,只有上海卷的选项是四选一,其余各省试卷均是三个选项,这就增加了听力的难度。题量上,上海是24道,而全国卷是20道,这也增加了听力的难度。从听力内容上看可以分为:短对话、长对话、语篇(短文、独白)。虽然自主命题试卷的听力部分风格各异,题量不同,各题赋分也不同,但全部真题均符合考试大纲的要求,即听力部分主要考察同学在交际语境中是否能够捕获详情(能猎取重要的事实信息),揣摩说话人的弦外之音(能理解话语中隐含意思),归纳对话或语篇的主旨大意,以及对所听内容作出推理推断。即:四大信息的猎取力量。具体来说包括:推断话题发生的场景,猜想说话人之间的关系,推断出题者的意图等等。 2021年的上海的英语听力,难度比去年稍有提升,试题设计有坡度和区分度,测试了考生在各种真实语境的应对力量。情境广泛多样,10个短对话包括了旅馆、面试、购物、音乐会、火车站、家庭、饮食、关怀、找工作等日常生活场景,所以把握一些场景词汇是格外重要的,比方:餐馆场景、邮局场景、图书馆场景、医院场景、Hotel 旅馆、银行场景、机场场景、办公场景、电话场景、商店场景等等。 从听力的考点来看,短对话趋向于对隐含信息和推理推断信息的把握,包括数字计算题、场景猜想题、对话者之间的关系等等。2021

年上海卷高考听力第一个语篇是关于领导对员工的信任、其次个语篇是关于加拿大英语的根源;第三个长对话是关于高校选课;最终一个长对话是关于出国留同学活。不过,总体来讲,高考英语听力并不是很难,同学们只要把握了听取关键信息、把握确定的听力技巧,是可以在听力部分完胜的! 二、听力丢分的缘由: ★ 听力力量的强弱往往和以下缘由有关: 1)词汇量(单词、词组)不够,语法结构把握不牢固; 2)考生本身的语音语调不够精确; 3)平常听得不多,或者只听美式发音或英式发音,对声音信息的解码力量弱; 4)学问面比较狭窄,缺乏很多应有的背景学问; 5)做题技巧消灭问题,如没有在放录音之前快速看一下试题或没有记录下一些关键信息(如数字题); 6)心态不好,一道题失利后,纠结太久,造成多米诺骨牌效应; 7)没有检查,造成急赶忙忙写下的答案漏洞百出。 ★ 而有些人并没有辨音困难,但对一段没有语言难点的英文话语,仍需听很多遍才能理解其思想内容,对于这种状况,听力理解的困难在很大程度上是话语思想意图推理的速度和程度问题。因此对讲话人思想意图的推理是英语听力理解的关键,需要特地训练。 听力考试具有极强的时间效应,听力过程不具备复制性,考生必需学会把握确定的听力技巧,充分利用贵重的每一分钟。把握听力技


2022年1月普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷) 英语 Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A.By car B.By subway C.By shuttle bus D.By air 2.A. The man's university tour B. The man's university life C. The man's tour to a lake D. The man's impression of a university 3.A.The woman wants to go hiking again. B.The woman took her pet to the hiking. C.The woman's kitchen needed cleaning. D.The woman's cat was ill. 4.A.He will graduate from a university in Nantong. B.He comes from Nantong. C.He has got a job in Nantong. D.He has been seeking a job in Nantong. 5.A.Pitiful B.Relieved C. Indifferent D. Grateful 6. A. He prefers a smaller house. B. He prefers warm days. C. He may like a garden and a garage. D. He may like a balcony. 7. A. Her son reads fast. B. Her son reads slowly.


2020年上海市普通高等学校招生统一文化考试英语听力在今天上 午9:00-9:20举行,菁准考(公众号Examly)为大家录下听力音频。 菁准考祝愿各位考生取得好成绩哦! 2020年1月上海高考英语听力(精校版+文本+听力MP3) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.M:Good morning. Please have a seat here. What's the problem? W: I've taken the pills as you instructed, but I still keep sneezing. Question: What is most properly the man? 2.W:Jean was reported missing yesterday, but it turned out to be a false alarm. M:Great. You can't imagine how worried I was yesterday. Question: How is the man feeling now? 3.M:I never fancy you playing the violin so wonderfully. W: Thanks. This year's competition is just around the corner. Question: What can we learn about the man? 4.W: Don't you think the ticket is cheaper for this week's ballet show? M: Cheaper? Maybe for you. Question: What does the man mean? 5.W: The rhythm is slow and weird. Who on earth wrote it?


上海高考英语听力技巧 考前深呼吸5次。 英语考试一般是提前半个小时入场的,入场之后不是让我们闲着没事干的。这段时间一定要把自己的情绪调整到最正确状态! 深呼吸5次,想放平你的心态,然后像一些激励自己的话和事情,把自己的激情点燃! 切记不要趴在桌子上进行所谓的闭目养神! 考前必须要的是一个活跃的思维,而不是将自己变得宁静,要尽可能使自己的各个感官活跃起来。这样你在考试的时候才干进入一个最正确的状态。 提前快速预览听力试题。 估计这个每位同学都会去做,这也是考试最基本的一项技能了。拿到试卷之后一定要把所有的题目和听力选项中的动词短语或是形容吃标记出来,作为不同选项的一个区分。 提前猜题。 猜题是一项很不错的技能,我们听听力的时间应该也不短了吧,关于听力能够出什么样的语境估计也能猜个八九不离十,如果你对听力的感觉很多好的话你会很容易的做到着一点。可以找一份试题试一试,你把所有的听力都用猜对话的方式选出答案,看看正确率,一定很高!

不要被四周的人事干扰心情。 专心的时候什么东西都无法影响你,也就是说一旦有东西能够影响你说明你根本就没有专心。不要埋怨外界条件多差,只能说你注意力不够集中。集中注意力! 听完听力一定要涂答题卡!不要急着去做后面的题,个自己一个缓冲的时间,把自己弄得那么紧张非常不好,以前怎么考就怎么考,没必要做任何改变,一旦改变了,你的成绩可能会让你后悔的。 2高考英语听力应试攻略 冷静冷静,重视试音 正式考试前最好进行"热身'听英语磁带10分钟,这可以使头脑中的英语思维活跃起来。不然,一进考场就考听力,许多同学会不适应。正式的高考题前都有一段试音试题,考生进入考场后要重视试音部分,使自己尽快进入听力测试准备状态。同时可尝试一些积极的心理暗示,用深呼吸来坚持平静的心态。做题时精神要集中,心理要放松。 争分夺秒,抢先看题 听力测试强调眼、耳、手、脑等多器官的协调配合。考生一接到试卷应充分利用考前时间、试音部分时间和每两段对话间的空


上海高考英语听力原文精选文档 上海高考英语听力原文 精选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8- One: Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you have heard a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.M: Programming is too tough for me to learn. I’ll quit. 2.W: Keep trying, you can make it. Question: What does the woman mean? 3.M: Just look at today’s paper--nothing but accidents or gossip. W: Right, nothing is worth reading. Question: What is the speakers’ attitude towards today’s paper? 4.M: Jane, have you turn off the mobile phone? The musical is about to start. W: Okay, I can’t wait to see Lucas Wong, my favorite actor. Question: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 5.M: Before feeding the dog, I am going to clear up its the house. W: It’s about time. Look at the mess! It smells terrible.


上海英语高考听力技巧 -----如何提高高考英语听力 口语词汇 听力不仅需要较大的普通词汇量,更需要留心整理常用的口语词汇。听力对话与书面语的一大区别就是经常使用一些比较"俗"的词,称为口语词汇。口语词汇一般比较简短,发音明确,很多都是考生早就学过的词汇,听起来也容易分辨,只要多听,逐步就能摸出一些规律。 场景词汇 对话或独白往往发生在一定的场景之中,例如关于天气、问路、课程安排等等。这些场合或话题都有自己一套常用的词汇,如果能够较好掌握,将有助于考生迅速判断出大概的话题范围,极大地提高理解程度。这一类词汇很多,例如fine(天气晴朗)、mist(较薄的雾)、fog(浓雾)、helping(一份食物)、fee(小费)、final(期末考试)、block(街区)、crossroad(十字路口)等,平时可以分专题归纳整理。 听力语法和句式 听力中一般不会出现过于书面化的语法或过于复杂的句式结构。但出现结构简单而修饰成分较多的长句还是很常见的,这里的关键是集中注意力抓关键成分和关键词。关键成分和关键词主要是以下两类:一是包含关键信息的成分和词语,如who、when、where等,二是能体现和反映说话者态度、倾向的词语,如一些连词、语气词等。另外对于经常在口语中出现的一些特殊句式,如倒装结构、成分不全的结构等,也要注意掌握。 意群的捕捉 听力首先是要捕捉意群,以词组和句子成分为基础,迅速抓住大意,切忌刚开始就企图将每一个词都琢磨清楚(时间也根本不允许这样)。在意群的捕捉上,主要是通常所谓的

"6W"(When、Where、What、Who、Why、How)。至于听力中的A、B两节要求精确 填写,则是在大意清楚以后的第二遍放音中去有重点的捕捉。 口语中的插入语 口语中经常会出现一些插入语。作为独立于句子完整成分之外的插入部分,其插入位置比较随便,对整个句子的意思也没有太大影响,但可能对判断说话人的语气、意图、态度等很有用。插入语形式很多,可以是不定式、现在分词短语、介词短语、形容词及其词组、副词及其短语、主谓结构和简单从句等等。比较常见的如so what,I think,you know等。插入语结构固定,因此一般语速都较快,但和主句之间往往有一些停顿。考生必须熟悉它们以帮助理解,但又要注意不要被它们干扰了对主要句意的把握。 成语和习惯用法 成语和习惯用语是听力中最让人头疼的。一方面,它们都是简单而常用的词汇,诸如dog、cat之类;另一方面,这些熟悉的词经过固定组合之后,往往让你不知所云。例如 be on one's ball(谨慎小心、愉快胜任地从事某事),be in the air(没有确定,悬而未决;到 处传播的)。此外,部分短语、词汇在口语中往往有特殊的表达,也需要留心掌握,例如wanna=want to,gonna=going to等。英汉有别的一些表达有些句子汉语和英语的表达 很不一样,甚至截然相反。例如下面这组对话: You won't go shopping with her this afternoon,will you? No,I won't.(是的,我不去)Yes,I will.(不,我会去的) 这个句子印在卷子上,多数同学还是能理解,但一旦放到听力中去,许多人大概一听到"No"就理解为否定的意思,但这是中文习惯:回答针对的是对方的话语观点而非事实,因此 你说对了,我就回答"是",你说错了,我就回答"否"。但英语的习惯则是针对对方所说的事实——只要是肯定性事实,我就回答"Yes";只要是否定性事实,回答就是"No"。这些地方往往 需要格外警惕。

06 徐汇区-2021年上海市高三英语二模听力专项汇编(含MP3)

2021徐汇二模 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A. Lock the computer lab later. B. Leave with the man. C. Buy a new lock for the computer lab. D. Show the man where the lab is. 2.A. She is very nervous. B. She feels cool. C. She is sad very much. D. She is getting calm. 3.A. They’ll have a competition. B. The woman is puzzled with the man’s dream. C. They are to talk about dreams. D. The man is to wait for the woman in his dream. 4.A. He is to stand before the woman. B. He doesn’t believe the project is risky. C. He has lost face in the project. D. He is supportive of the woman. 5.A. The exam was too difficult to him. B. He didn’t do a good job in the exam. C. He blew something in the exam. D. He didn’t take part in the final exam. 6.A. The man needs some suggestions from Mrs. Janes. B.The woman is available all through next week. C.The man is only available next Tuesday to meet Mrs. Janes. D.The man wants to talk to Mrs. Janes about his exam grade. 7.A. She thought Jane and Peter split up. B. She wanted to make it up for Jane and Peter. C. She wanted to have a quarrel with Jane. D. She was happy about Jane and Peter. 8.A. Her mood is changeable. B. She doesn’t like Michael. C. She is worried about her father. D. She envies Michael having a new house. 9.A. Teacher and students. B. Policewoman and thief. C. Mother and son. D. Employer and employee. 10.A. He is not sure what course to take. B. He may not meet the graduation requirements. C. The math course is too short. D. The graduation date has been changed.
