



Show Time 秀" Snow White And Seven Dwarfs " 《白雪公主和七个小矮人》

It's a magic wishing apple.这是个能许愿的苹果。

A wishing apple? 能许愿的苹果?


One bite and all your dreams will come true.只要咬一口,你的梦想就会实现了。

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" Stunt Driving " 特技驾驶:汽车追逐,紧急转弯之类的技巧

" Car Stunts " 汽车特技:让汽车旋转起来,飞跃汽车,撞毁汽车等

Slang 俚语" Cellular " 《一线声机》

I just turned off Sunset.(片中)

" turn off " 调转方向,驶离一条街;


" turn on " 驶入另一条街


例:I turn off Changan Avenue and turn on to Wangfujing.

I really turned on by you right now,I really wanna kiss you .

You got some food in your teeth right there,I'm kind of run off by it,I don't really wanna kiss you.

Classic Clips 经典对白" Cellular " 《一线声机》

(1)Hurry,he'll go to the parents pickup spot .(片中)

" spot " 位置,地点," a popular vocation spot " 度假胜地

例:I'm sorry,I'm sitting in your spot.

" parking spots " 停车场

例:Do you see any free parking spots?

(2)This but just cut me off.(片中)

" cut me off " 并道

例:Did you see that!That guy just cut me off!

Don't cut anyone off in traffic,it's illegal.

Action DJ 动感DJ

Not Ready to Make Nice

I've paid a price

All I'll keep paying

I'm not ready to make nice

I'm not ready to back down

I'm still mad as hell and

I don't have time to go

round and round and round

It's too late to make it right

I probably wouldn't if I could

'cause I'm mad as hell

can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should


Forgive ,sounds and

Forget ,I'm not sure I could

They say time heals everything

But I'm still waiting

I'm through with doubt

There's nothing left for me to figure out

赏析:歌曲来自Dixie Chicks 她们是一个乡村摇滚乐队,出道不久,乐队在1989组建于美国德州,






Show Time 秀" Face Off "《变脸》

When did you start smoking? 你什么时候开始抽烟的?

You'll be seeing a lot of changes around here.还有很多改变够你瞧的呢

Papa's got a brand new bag.Ow! 你爸爸有了一些新的嗜好。

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" Stunt Coordinator " 特技协调

Slang 俚语" Cellular "《一线声机》

You are gonna owe me so big for this .(片中)

" owe me big " 欠某人东西,欠人情

" You now owe me a really big favor " 简略为" You owe me big "

例:Alright,I'll work with you all weekend,but you are gonna really owe me big.

Thank you so much for driving out here to pick me up so late at night.I really owe you big.

Classic Clips 经典对白" Cellular "《一线声机》

(1)Well,there you have it, a bizarre twist in today's crime spree a criminal who appears at least at moments to be honest.(片中)

" twist " 变化,转机

例:Kathy's personality took a bizarre twist when her mother got married again.

(2)Well,there you have it, a bizarre twist in today's crime spree a criminal who appears at least at moments to be honest.(片中)

" spree " 没有节制的,疯狂的行为

例:It's her pay day last Friday, Jenny went on a shopping spree.

Mark got out of jail and went on another crime spree, he was back in prison in no time at all.

Action DJ 动感DJ

Jesus Take The Wheel

Going home to see her Mama and her

Daddy with the baby in the backseat

Fifty mites to go and she was running

low on faith and gasoline

it would been a long hard year


Jesus take the wheel

Take it from my hands

'cause I can't do this on my own

I'm letting go

so give me one more chance

to save me from this road I'm on

oh,Jesus take the wheel

赏析:歌曲来自Carrie Underwood 。

最畅销的American Idol 获得者,赢得了AI 四个季的冠军,她还是唯一在第一张唱片发行当年便包揽了年度

三大音乐奖的AI.她的第一张专辑《Some Hearts》先后六次被评为白金唱片,并让她一样获得格莱美最佳新



Show Time 秀" Blade " 《刀锋战士3》

We're still trying to sort out fact from fiction when it comes to Dracula.


Turning into mist? Kinda doubt it.说他能化成一缕烟嘛,尚有疑问。

General shape shifting? Maybe 能随意变形吗?那大有可能。

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" Woman Stunt " 女特技演员

Slang 俚语" Cellular "《一线声机》

No, Mare, it's highway robbery.(片中)

" highway robbery " 敲竹杠; 漫天要价

例:That's highway robbery! There is no way I'm paying that high of price.you know I won't pay that .

I could go to any other business so they would give me a much better price than you .

Classic Clips 经典对白" Cellular "《一线声机》

(1)I haven't had a clue what I was doing all day .(片中)

" I don't have a clue " 一无所知

例:I don't have a clue as to why she's been employed.

(2)Don't take that tone of voice with me Sir.(片中)

" take that tone of voice " 不要这样和我讲话

例:I don't like your tone of voice,you'd better be nice to me.

Don't take that tone of voice with me, what happened isn't my fault. Action DJ 动感DJ

Over My Head (Cable Car )

I never knew

I never knew that everyting

was falling through

That everyone I knew was

waiting on a cue

to turn and run when all

I needed was the truth

but that's how it is not to be

it's coming down to nothing more than apathy

I'd rather than the other way than stay and see

the snoke and who's still standing when it clears

赏析:歌曲来自乐队The Fray.




Show Time 秀" 3X " 《极限特工》

Here comes the ROTC.指挥军官在此。

" ROTC " 在美国指的是一种政策,它规定大学生可以选择参军,在那里他们不算正规军人,而是接受军事化


Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" Fall Pads " 降落垫

Slang 俚语" Cellular "《一线声机》

I got carjacked, do you know what that is? (片中)

" car jacking " 抢劫汽车" car jacked " 汽车被抢,车主就在车上

" jacked " 也可以表达其他物品被抢

例:You were just car jacked.

My brother had a great new jacket well he doesn't have it any more,why not? It was jacked.

My wallet was jacked.

My bag was jacked.

Classic Clips 经典对白" Cellular " 《一线声机》

(1)He boosted the car, he tore out of the parking lot.(片中)

" boost " 偷(提升)

" boost your confidence " 增加信心

例:My cousin went to prison for boosting cars.

(2)He tore out of the parking lot.(片中)

" tore out " 飞快的离开

例:I don't know what happened,she just hung up the phone and tore out of here.

I'm going to tear out of here any minute now,Actually,I can't stand being here.

Action DJ 动感DJ

Thunder on The Mountain

I was thinking about Alicia Keys

couldn't keep from crying

when she was born in Hell's kitchen

I'm wondering where in the world

Alicia Keys could be

I been looking for her even clear

through Tennessee

Thunder on the mountain

roling to the ground

Gonna get up in the

morning walk the road down

some sweet day

I'll stand beside my king

I wouldn't betray your love or

any other thing

赏析:歌曲来自65岁的Bob Dylan。他制作了他的第44张录音室专辑,名字叫《Modern Times》这首歌曲出自这张专辑的第一首歌,也是最好听的一首Blues

是讲述关于寻找Alicia Keys 的故事!


Show Time 秀" 3X " 《极限特工》

My boss does it to me,I did it to you,it's a vicious circle.


Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" Harness " 安全背带

Slang 俚语" Cellular " 《一线声机》

We caught a break with that kid that robbed the cell phone store.(片中)

" catch a break " 得到意外的好运

例:God! I'm having the worst week,I can't catch a break.

Man,there's a terrible robbery last week,but we just can't find the thief just can't find the person who did it.

I really hope we can catch a break,because otherwise we'll never find out who it is. Classic Clips 经典对白" Cellular " 《一线声机》

(1)I think we got off on the wrong foot.(片中)

" get off on the wrong foot " 出师不利

例:I have to be well prepared for the game tomorrow,I don't want to get off on the wrong foot. (2)" Head butt " 用头冲撞...

例:Sorry to butt in. 对不起插句话

Head butting is illegal in boxing.

Action DJ 动感DJ


To the song here in my heart

A melody I start but can'tcomplete


To the sound from deep within

it's only beginning to find release

oh ,the time has come

For my dreams to be heard

They will not be pushed aside and turned

into your own,all 'cause you won't listen

赏析:歌曲来自电影" Dream Girls " 《追梦女孩》原声大碟。






Show Time 秀" The Waterboy "《茶水男孩》

Now that's what I call high-quality H2O.那就是我所说得高品质的水。

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" Rain " 雨" Rain Machine " 降雨机

" Tombstone " 《墓碑镇》

Slang 俚语" Fifty First Dates " 《初恋五十次》

You know it was just a little fling but ...(片中)

" fling " 简短的男女关系或者一段短暂的无忧无虑的享受,没有长期打算

例:You know,I've never had a fling,I only ever have had serious relationships that lasted one,two,three years.

He's really good looking and he seems like the kind of guy that just plays around,

firsts with a lot of girls,but I like him,I really hope this will turn out to be more than just a fling.

Classic Clips 经典对白" Fifty First Dates " 《初恋五十次》

(1)We have to go our separate ways now.(片中)

" go our separate ways " 分道扬镳,分手

例:No, we went our separate ways about two months ago.

I guess we have to go our separate ways now,but I'm really glad we met.

(2)You crack me up,Kamaaina(片中)

" crack somebody up " 让...笑破肚皮。狂笑不止,笑翻

例:He is an incredibly funny guy,he always cracks me up whenever I see him.

That movie was hilarious,it cracked me up the whole time.

Action DJ 动感DJ

Waiting On The World To Change

So we keep on waiting

waiting on the world to change

know we keep on waiting

waiting on the world to change

one day our generation

so we keep on waiting

waiting on the world to change

know we keep on waiting

waiting on the world to change

we keep on waiting

waiting on the world to change

waiting on the world to change

waiting on the world to change

It's hard to be persistant

whenever standing at

赏析:歌曲来自2002年最佳新进艺人,John Mayer 。



组建了John Mayer Trio 乐团。在他去年的最新专辑《Continuum》中,尝试布鲁斯,并获得了第49届

格莱美最佳流行演唱专辑奖The Best Pop Vocal Album.


Show Time 秀" Dodgeball " 《疯狂躲避球》

Here we're at Global Gym. 现在我们在环球健身馆里面。

We understand ugliness and fatness are genetic disorder.我们把丑陋,肥胖看作基因错乱。much like baldness or necrophilia 就如同秃顶和恋尸癖一样。

and it's only your fault.这一定都是你的错。

If you don't hate yourself enough to do sth about it.如果你不憎恨这种现状而尝试改变。Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" 10-1 " 我在洗手间

" your twenty " 你的位置

" eight six 86 " 开除,解雇

Slang 俚语" Fifty First Dates "《初恋50次》

I think she's a local girl,I wanted to go up to her,but I was kind of off my game.(片中)

" on my game " 全神贯注,状态极佳

" off my game " 发挥不好,不在状态


例:Man! I was really on my game,I beat that opponent so easily.

A: Hey,go talk to that cute girl over there.

B: I'm Kinda feeling off my game tonight,I don't think I'm gonna go talk to her. Classic Clips 经典对白" Fifty First Dates " 《初恋50次》

(1)That's usually my policy to make sure,I don't get tied down .(片中)

" be tied down " 被绑定,被拴住

例:I'm dating somebody but I'm not tied down,want to dance?

Mom,I'm not realy to be tied down.

(2)Father of the year strikes again.(片中)

" strikes again " ...一幕再次上演,卷土重来

例:It looks like flu season is striking again.

The Lakers strike again!

Action DJ 动感DJ


So let's make this night the

best night

It's time for second chance

Turn the beat up on repeat

and we can start to dance

sometimes when we talking words

Drowned on by the sound

let's get back to touch and we'll

get back on solid groud

let's hold hands

like a young romance

let's first kiss like the moment

we first did

can we make love

like back way in the day

Heaven only knows

Heaven only knows

赏析:歌曲来自John Legend 2006年乐坛新人


非常清新的MV等待你去欣赏,他的才华不仅仅体现在音乐方面,在社交方面也游刃有余,最近他启动了Show Me Campaign 的活动,通过这个活动,动员他的歌迷募捐,从而改善贫困国家加纳人民的生活状况。


Show Time 秀" Spiderman" 《蜘蛛侠》

You're taller than you look.你实际比看起来高

I hunch. Don't.我驼背。别在驼背了

Slang 俚语" 50 First Dates " 《初恋50次》

Are you getting drunk? Getting there. (片中)

" getting there " 成功, 达到目的

例:It's getting there,and one more page and then I'm done.

Wow,you're really getting there.I bet by tomorrow you will be able to do the flip on you own.

Hey,have you gotten over being nervous and asked her out yet?No,but I'm getting there. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to do it.

Classic Clips 经典对白" 50 First Dates " 《初恋50次》

(1)Her slate gets wiped cleanevery night while she sleeps. (片中)

" wipe a slate clean " 把过去的忘记,重新开始

例:I wish I could wipe my slate totally clean at work because I've made so many mistake.I'm sure my boss remembers every time he looks at me.

Let's just wipe the slate clean for the new year.

(2)Then we'll take her out for a spin. (片中)

" take something for a spin " 出去兜风

例:When you're old enough, I'll let you take it for a spin.

Action DJ 动感DJ

Chris Brown

Run it


Show Time 秀" Dodgeball" 《疯狂闪避球》

We're both professionals. 我们都是专业人士

Really? Professionals! 哦是吗?专业人士

Last time I heard my gym makes money. Yours doesn't.但我上次听说,我的健身馆能赚钱,你的不能

My gym's worth over $4 million. Your gym isn't worth four.


I have shareholders.Your haven't even got cupholders.


Slang 俚语" 50 First Dates " 《初恋50次》

But then I get stiffed. (片中)

" get stiffed " 被耍,被骗了

例:I got stiffed. The boss didn't give me my Christmas bonus this year.

Man, I don't know what went wrong. Everything was going great, and then I got stiffed. She didn't even kiss me.

Classic Clips 经典对白" 50 First Dates " 《初恋50次》

(1)What's gonna happen down the line? (片中)

" down the line " 将来,后来

例:We may have more work for you down the line, but for now, you will probably want to look for another job.

I definitely wanna get married one day, but that's way down the line. We just met! (2)" Stick around " 等一会儿

例:I can stick around for another hour, but then I really have to leave.

I wish I could stick around for a while, but I really need to go to sleep early tonight. Action DJ 动感DJ

Beat of My Heart

I'm up from my down

I turn it around

I'm * it back

I'm not gonna drown

I'm taking a stance

I won't miss a chance

I want to see

I'm not scared to dance

The way that you feel

could never be real

I want you to know I finished the deal

so I'm saying to you

I'll always be true

To the rhythm inside

to the beat of my heart

to the beat of my heart

it tears us apart

to the beat of my heart

赏析:看过007的系列电影吗?Hilary Duff 是个地地道道的Bond 迷!

这是一首典型的青少年流行歌曲,发表这首歌的时候,Duff 的专辑上






Show Time 秀" 3X " 《终极特工》

Sweet heart.Is there anything else you need to do?


Let us big boys have a conversation. 让我们男人之间来谈一谈

"conversation"a word with four syllabies.谈一谈,这个词有四个字

Do you want some ice before your brain overheats? Ice.


Slang 俚语" Apollo 13 " 《阿波罗13号》

I take the controls,and I steer it around..and I fly it down.adjusting it here,the attitude there.pitch,roll...for a nice,soft landing on the moon.Better than Neil armstrong.way better than Pete Conrad.(片中)

" way better than " 比...好很多

例:Man,you're a way better student than I am.Your grades are a lot better.

His dog is way bigger than mine.I just have a little Chihuahua,he's got German shepherd.

Classic Clips 经典对白" Apollo 13 " 《阿波罗13号》

(1)That's one small step for man...one giant leap for mankind.His quote was..."That's one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind." (片中)

" That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. " 这是一个人的一小步,却是全人类的一大步。

(2)This is divine inspiration,folks.It's the best part of each one of us,the belief that anything is possible.(片中)

" divine inspiration " 神来之笔、鬼斧神工

例:The Mona Lisa is one of the greatest works of art in the world.Surely it's an example of divine inspiration.

It's a beautiful sculpture.Divine inspiration really.

Action DJ 动感DJ

Love Light

Baby you're in control

Where you gonna take it ?

Don't you think that I do you right?

You know darn well that I will

And I wanna know

Baby when you're with me

Baby you turn the love light down

and I don't know

just how long I can stick around

Girl I need more

And it ain't just easy girl

赏析:Robbie Williams 是一个很成功的歌手,曾是90年代初男生团体Take That 成员,



英国所有音乐颁奖史上获奖次数最多的艺人,据估算Robbie Williams 是拉丁美洲最畅销的非



Show Time 秀" Blade: Trinity "《刀锋战士3》

Which means the fat lady should be singing .胖女人该出来唱歌了。

right ...about...now ! 就是现在。

It's not over until the fat lady sings.在胖女人出来唱歌之前,战斗还没有结束。

from The Opera 出自歌剧

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" Stunt department " 特技部门

Slang 俚语" Apollo 13 " 《阿波罗13号》

So the number 13 doesn't bother you ? only if it's a Friday, Phil.Apollo 13 lifting off at 13:00 hours and 13 minutes ...and entering the moon's gravity on April 13 ? Ken Mattingly here has been doing some scientific experiments regarding that very phenomenon, haven't you ? yes well I had a black cat . walk over a broken mirror under the lunar module ladder,it didn't seem to be a problem. 你们不忌讳13号吗?除非刚好碰到星期五,菲尔。阿波罗13 ,13点13分升空,并在4月13日进入月球引力,肯麦丁利就此做过科学实验,这是特殊现象,是吧?是的,我让我的黑猫走过登月舱阶梯底下,也没有什么问题。


Classic Clips 经典对白" Apollo 13 " 《阿波罗13号》

(1)Well,Henry Hurt was all over me .(片中)

" all over sb. " 纠缠,困扰" all over " 到处

例:I made a mistake yesterday,and my boss was all over me all the morning.

(2)I can't imagine,ever topping that .(片中)

" top " 超过,超越

例:I had the third best score on the exam last year but I think I can top that this year. Action DJ 动感DJ


Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?

Would I wanna be anywhere else

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?

Would I wanna be anywhere else

When you look with your eyes

everything seems nice

But if you look twice


you might laugh you might from

walking round London town

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?

Would I wanna be anywhere else

Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?

Would I wanna be anywhere else

when you look with your eyes

everything seems nice

But if you look twice

you can see it's all lies

life that's city life,yeah,that's

city life that city life

赏析:歌曲来自Lily Allen 大受好评的专辑。







Show Time 秀" Charlie's Angles " 《霹雳娇娃》

What do you call this? 这是什么?

Chinese fighting muffin 中国功夫小松糕。

Nothing to laugh about 没什么好笑的

A buddy of mine took a fighting muffin in the chest 我有个朋友被功夫小松糕打中

They sent him home in four Zipioc bags 结果被装成4袋送回老家

" zipioc bag " 封口塑胶袋" body bag " 裹尸袋

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" Script " 剧本

Slang 俚语" Apollo 13 " 《阿波罗13号》

It'll be a hell of a mission one for the books.(片中)

" one for the books " 历史悠久的,重要的写入史书的事件,名垂青史

例:Wow, Sharon,that's an amazing race you just down, you finished in such fast time,that's one for the books.

Wow,Josh, that dinner you cooked for me was delicious,I haven't had anything that good ever,it's one for the books .

Classic Clips 经典对白" Apollo 13 " 《阿波罗13 》

(1)What's the story here? (片中)

" what's the story = what's going on " 怎么回事?

例:Hey,you look sad,dude, what's the story ?

(2)Launch control, this is Houston ,we are go for launch.(片中)

" be go for " 做好准备(军事命令)

" go for " 想,喜欢

" go for it " 去做

例:I think you should go for the grey suit .

If you are sure you want to ,just go for it .

Action DJ 动感DJ

New York New York

Does it taste nice does it feel right

New York New York

does it taste like

when it burns like

do you know my name




Show Time 秀" 3X " 《极限特工》

Fact, I might throw in a couple extra dollars. 事实上,我还想多出点钱。

and send you to charm school.送你去礼仪学校。

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

" Inciting Incident " 引发事件


Slang 俚语" Apollo 13 " 《阿波罗13号》

We have lift off! (片中)

" lift off " 起飞,发射(宇宙飞船)" take off " (飞机起飞)

例:Hey, what time is lift off ? I really want to watch it on the television ,I heard they're going to broadcast lift off on the television .

I watched the spacecraft lift off, it was spectacular there,it was on television and I watched it ,I just watched this big space shuttle lift off !

Classic Clips 经典对白" Apollo 13 " 《阿波罗13号》

(1)We've got a couple of housekeeping procedures for you .(片中)

" housekeeping " 常规操作(家务活)

例:Don't bother the boss with all these details, this is basic housekeeping just give it to his assistant .

(2)" Houston, we have a problem. " 有大麻烦,问题严重

例:How's your exam ?

Houston, we have a problem.

Action DJ 动感DJ

7 Years and 50 Days

7 years and 50 days

now just look at me

Another girl like use to be

so damn what do you see?

7 years and 50 days

the time is passing by

Nothing in this world could be

as nice as you and I

赏析:歌曲来自Groove Coverage.


来自德国的二人组合,带有德国的Euro Tranoc 曲风,歌名

7 Years and 50 Days 这是男孩和女孩分手前在一起的时间。





高中英语 动感英语电影词典俚语第107集素材

动感英语电影词典俚语第107集 MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 super star 超级明星 have the power to bring the audience to watch the film AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 You are dumping Lin? 你把琳给甩了? dump somebody 意思是把谁踢掉,甩掉,蹬了。与其要比break up强烈 e.g. He’s been depressed the last few days as his girlfriend just dumped him. 他这些天一直很郁闷,因为他女朋友把他甩了。 He kept going out late to bars so finally his girlfriend got so fed up and dump ed him. Now she’s with somebody else. 他总是在晚上去那个酒吧,他女朋友终于受不了然后把他甩了。现在她已经有别人了。 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1.have (such) a huge flaw 意思是你犯了大错误,出了大问题。it means to have so mething significant wrong or it’s a big problem . e.g. This business plan has a huge flaw, we’re never going to make any money i f we follow it. 这个商业计划有很大的问题,如果我们照上面的做是不会赚钱的。 2.have high standards High standards 只是照对象谈男女朋友的时候眼光很高 e.g. She would never agree to go out with me. Her standards are far too high. 她是绝对不会同意和我出去的。她的要求很高。 3.completely out of someone’s league意思是指和谁不是一路人,不是一个等级的人 e.g. She works in a great job. She’s really intelligent and she’s very good l ooking. Basically she’s totally out of my league. So I don’t think I will bot her to call her. 她工作那么出色,有很聪明,也非常漂亮。基本上她和我不是一路人。我也不用去打扰她了。


中国第六代导演以及作品介绍 以“代”来划分导演群,源自对北京电影学院导演系毕业生的划分。比如,78级毕业的张艺谋、陈凯歌等人被统统归为中国导演群的第五代。这种划分大都来自评论家的需要,其本身与导演作品的风格、题材等等并无关系。沿用至今,“代”已经成为文艺界常用词语,比如新生代、晚生代等等。这里介绍的所谓“第六代”导演,并非严格意义上按照电影学院导演系毕业生的划分,而是指当今中国影坛比较年轻的一拨导演。第六代导演的主要特点是以地下独立制片起家的居多,通常他们最早的影片无法获得公映,只能小范围放映,也有一些是特意去走小范围路线,为去国外拿奖而拍摄,但这些导演的最终命运都是一一浮上主流。 路学长主要作品: 《长大成人》、《非常夏日》、《卡拉是条狗》在年轻导演中,路学长算是年龄较大的一个(出生于1964年),严格地说,把他划分在第六代中,是出于其电影风格不类似于任何一个老导演,电影历程更和大部分的非主流导演不相符合。他的电影从一开始一直处于公映状态。 贾樟柯主要作品: 《小武》、《站台》、《任逍遥》、《世界》、《三峡好人》等。在所有独立电影导演中,贾樟柯已经成为最具有市场的一个。他是中国独立电影中比较幸运的一位导演。从《小山回家》在香港获奖,到《任逍遥》入围嘎纳电影节,再到《三峡好人》获威尼斯电影节最佳影片金狮奖,得奖是这位独立电影导演唯一的生存途径,也是他连续拍出电影的保证。贾樟柯出生于山西,在他的电影里,镜头大多对准了山西的小县城。在他的电影里,《小武》是他所有电影里最具影响力的一部,这也是使他一夜成名的一部电影。一方面由于在国外获奖众多,另一方面,让更多梦想独立执导电影的年轻人看到了一种可能。可以这么说,贾樟柯可能不是第一个把镜头转向当下的导演,但他是这一领域中最具影响力的导演。 到了《站台》、《任逍遥》,我们已经能够看出贾樟柯电影里存在有一些弊病,即做的痕迹过重,难免会显得矫揉造作。一方面是由于贾樟柯身上有一


英语教研组供稿,助力梦想 ACTION ENGLISH 101 MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典 reaction shot 反应镜头 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语from no sweat it means no problem or is no trouble . 没问题,别客气。 e.g. It‘s no sweat for me to drive you to work . I‘m going in the same direction. 稍你一程不会耽误我太长时间的,我和你顺路啊。 “Thanks for helping me with my homework”. “no sweat”! 谢谢你帮我辅导功课。没关系啊! CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1. I‘ll take care of the squealing. take care of it means to take responsibility for something . 处理某事 e.g. Honey! Don‘t worry about the dishes. I‘ll take care of them. 亲爱的!你别管那些盘子了。我来刷它们。 I‘ll go buy the movie tickets. You take care of the popcorn. 我去买电影票,你来买爆米花吧。 2. pinhead it means someone who‘s stupid . 傻帽,蠢。 e.g. I‘ve told you a million times what my address is , you pinhead ! 我可告诉你N多遍我家的住址了,傻哥们儿! Don‘t listen to my litter brother.he is a pinhead! 你可别听我弟弟说的话,他就是个蠢蛋! MOVIE TUNES 原声碟from 《曼哈顿女佣》 ‘I‘m coming out‘我将一举成名 The time has come for me to break out of the shell 时机已到,我即将脱颖而出 I have to shot 我要大声呼喊 I‘m coming out . 我将一举成名 # break out of the shell 脱颖而出 ACTION ENGLISH 102 MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典 Handheld shot 手持摄影 AMERICAN SLANG美国俚语 Jerk 意思是a foolish or rude person 一般有三个意思:①笨蛋②很怪的人③不懂事,很粗鲁,很让人不舒服的人 e.g. That guy is such a jerk. He told me I was fat. 那家伙太粗鲁了,他说我胖! My boss is a jerk, he always make us work late every night and doesn‘t pay us for it. 我老板是个古怪的人,他总是让我们工作到很晚,还从来不给加班费。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1.I just couldn‘t live with myself. live with myself 意思是不感到内疚;心安理得(多用于否定句中) e.g. If I ever got kicked out of university, I wouldn‘t be able to live with mysel f.


film industry 电影工业 cinematograph 电影摄影机, 电影放映机 cinema, pictures 电影院(美作:movie theater) first-run cinema 首轮影院 second-run cinema 二轮影院 art theatre 艺术影院 continuous performance cinema 循环场电影院 film society 电影协会,电影俱乐部(美作:film club) film library 电影资料馆 premiere 首映式 film festival 电影节 distributor 发行人 Board of Censors 审查署 shooting schedule 摄制计划 censor’s certificate 审查级别 release 准予上映 banned film 禁映影片 A-certificate A级(儿童不宜) U-certificate U级 X-certificate X级(成人级) direction 导演production 制片adaptation 改编 scenario, screenplay, script 编剧scene 场景exterior 外景

lighting 灯光shooting 摄制to shoot 拍摄 dissolve 渐隐,化入,化出fade-out 淡出fade-in 淡入 special effects 特技slow motion 慢镜头editing, cutting 剪接montage 剪辑 recording, sound recording 录音 sound effects 音响效果 mix, mixing 混录 dubbing 配音 postsynchronization 后期录音合成 studio 制片厂,摄影棚 (motion)film studio 电影制片厂 set, stage, floor 场地 properties, props 道具 dolly 移动式摄影小车 spotlight 聚光灯 clapper boards 拍板 microphone 麦克风,话筒 boom 长杆话筒 scenery 布景 电影摄制filming shooting camera 摄影机 shooting angle 拍摄角度


☆★《Action English》第201期★☆ 1.Movie dictionary 电影词典 Kim Basinger 金·贝辛杰 2.American slang 美国俚语 watch it当心留神 例1:Watch it! the car almost hit you! 当心!车差点就撞到你了 例2:Babies are very sensitive. You have to watch it when you play with them. 小婴儿非常敏感的,你们陪婴儿玩的时候一定要当心 3.Classic film clips 经典对白 <1> way to go干得漂亮 例1:You got a perfect grade on your English exam! Way to go . 你这次英文考试考得真棒(几乎满分),干得漂亮 例2:Yao Ming had to great season. May to go ,Yao Ming! 姚明这个赛季真棒,干得漂亮,姚明 <2> Let's not start off by point fingers (片中) point fingers 推卸责任 例1:Children often point fingers when they don't want to get in trouble. 小时候孩子们喜欢推卸责任,因为他们不想惹麻烦 例2:A:How was Bill's party last night? 昨晚Bill的舞会怎么样? 例3:B: Oh, it was a disaster! Everybody started pointing fingers when Bill couldn't find his wallet. 嗬,很糟糕,Bill的钱包找不到了,每个人都开始推卸责任 4.Movie Tunes 原声碟 "Cuban pete" From《变相怪杰》 They call me cuban pete I'm the king of the runba beat when I play the maracas I go chick-chicky boom ☆★《Action English》第202期★☆ 1.Movie dictionary 电影词典 John Travolta 约翰特拉沃塔 2.American slang 美国俚语 cool非常好好主意 例:Cool! Your new cell phone is so small! 例:Have you seen Matrixz? 3.Classic film clips 经典对白 <1> I could use a hand我需要帮助 例:Are you busy? I could use a hand with dinner.


这篇文章将解决很多人一直以来的困惑。国内的电影经常会把演职员表写成中英文,但其中总有错误的使用演职员的译名,再加上大家对美国电影团队提出的一些组成问题,所以,在这里总结了一篇电影制作人员的正式中英文对照。电影的术语很多也很复杂,所以这里所有的翻译都是在美国的电影片场亲身了解后进行意译的,绝对没有通过翻译机器这种毫无诚意的玩意,并且还加入了对这个职位的解释。一来给所有想了解电影片场各职位中英文翻译的朋友,二来纠正一些一直以来的翻译错误。 A AdditionalCamera副摄影/副机摄影师 又被称为BCamera,副摄影一般指一位摄影机操作员,操作一台副摄像机来完成拍摄。一般在好莱坞,电影拍摄并非由一台摄影机完成,或是需要多台摄影机从不同角度拍摄,这时,除了主摄影师外,其他摄影师(摄影机操作员)均可称为AdditionalCamera。注,每一台机器除了副摄影外当然还需要副摄影助理。 Armorer枪械师 枪械师主管影片拍摄中的所有枪械,武器及冷兵器。他们的职责有挑选枪械与弹药,确保所有人安全,维护打理枪械,枪械顾问,保证所有枪械的合法性和安全。在美国,无论多大多小的电影片场(包括学生片场)都必须有枪械师在场监督。一般枪械师必须持有枪械师执照。

ArtDirector艺术总监/艺术监督 核心职位之一,艺术总监监督和管理片场所有美术部门工作人员,包括设计,建筑,制作的所有工种进行有效的工作。艺术总监听命与“美术指导”(ProductionDesigner),注意不要将二者混淆,以及不应翻译成艺术导演。这里Director是监督指导的意思。AssistantCamera摄影助理 核心职位,分为1stAssistantCamera,第一摄影助理,简称1stAC;和2ndAssistantCamera,第二摄影助理,简称2ndAC。 第一摄影助理是管理和维护他所负责的这台摄影机的所有状况。他负责管理除他之外的所有其他摄影助理进行对摄影机的管理工作,并且负责摄影机的维护和保证摄影机的正常运行。在拍摄中,他除了要进行安置摄影机的工作外(包括组装,换镜头,清理维护等等一系列工作)主要负责变焦的工作,所以在欧洲,他又被称为变焦员(focuspuller)。不过变焦员有可能是单独的另外一个人,但第一摄影助理是一台摄影机的全权负责人,他是无论多大规模拍摄中决不可或缺的。 第二摄影助理是协助第一摄影助理打理摄影机的人。在拍摄中他主要负责进行“打板”(slating)即在拍摄前举着场记板的人;填写和整理摄影报告(camerareport,在国内有时被称为场记,大同小异,如果你想知道什么是摄影报告,请看这篇文章)以及为演员的走位做记号。在拍摄前,第二摄影助理还需负责摄影机的安置,运输,保证摄影机的安全。同时,他也是负责所有关于摄影机的文稿工作。第二摄影助理有时还会有助理,他们被称为2nd2ndAssistantCamera。

动感英语 I 笔记(1-365)完整版

ACTION ENGLISH 1 MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 sound engineer, a person who make sound better 录音师AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Rumo(u)r has it that…据说……;人们都说…… 例:Rumor has it that Andy is a nice guy.人们都说安迪是个棒小伙。 Rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound engineer. 人们都说那个录音师很难相处. Rumour has it that Jean’s getting married again. 人们都说吉恩又要结婚了。 Rumors have it that there will be a change in the Cabinet. 谣传内阁将改组。 Rumour has it that he is going to resign. 据说他将辞职。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 (1)None of that matters. 无关紧要You matter to me.你对我很重要。 matter to you 对你重要. not matter to you.对你不重要 例句:Your opinion really matters to me.你的意见对我很重要 You matter to me .你对我很重要. It doesn't matter if Mark isn’t coming .Maybe he just doesn’t do hip-hop you know, so let’s go. (2)counterfeit watches genuine scars.(片中) counterfeit 假的。counterfeit money 假币 genuine 真的true真的(爱情) ,true love ; real真的(友情) real friends genuine true real 反义词: counterfeit (3)Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience, and if it hurts it's probably worth it. 只要你敞开心扉,即便是受到痛苦,也是值得的。be worth doing。。。deserving of ; giving satisfaction 值得……worth 值得 例句:Tibet is definitely worth seeing.*绝对值得一去。 This car isn't worth the money you paid for it.你买的那部车不值那么多钱. You are not worth helping 你不值得帮忙。 It is worth buying . 它值得购买。 This book is worth reading. 这本书值得一看。 ACTION ENGLISH 2 MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典 cartoon (also animated cartoon), a film made by photographing a series of drawings卡通;动画片 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Oh, Come on!说明:用强调的语气时,表示不相信。用平白的语调时,表示快点。连续说两遍的时候,表示加油。 Oh, come on, you can do better than that.(不相信) Come on , let’s get started.(快点) CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 (1)Who do we like for this? 凭以往的经验,这会是谁干的?Who do you like for…凭以往的经验,会…… 例句:Who do you like for the best actress at tomorrow’s Oscar’s? 凭以往的经验,你觉得明天的奥斯卡最佳女主角会是谁? Who do you like for the soccer game tomorrow night, Brazil or Germany?凭以往经验,你觉得明晚足球赛是巴西赢还是德国赢?(2)Oh, Gee! 表示没想到,感到惊讶!同义词:Gosh! Oh my God! Oh, no! 表示发牢骚、抱怨。Oh, oops! 在犯了个小错误的时 候说。(3)Go ahead. 请便。 例句:Do you mind if I smoke here? No, go ahead. 我可以抽烟 吗?没问题,请便吧。 Can I use the bathroom ? Go ahead. 我能用一下卫生间吗?请便。 ACTION ENGLISH 3 MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典 action movie (also action film) 动作片action! 开拍! action cutting 连续动作剪辑action photography 动作摄影 action properties 动作道具action shot 动作镜头action still 电 影剧照action-stopping shot 动作停顿镜头 AMERICAN SLANG美国俚语 (1)You just can’t get over… (you can’t forget…) 很难忘记…… 例句:The French soccer fans can’t get over the World Cup 2002. (法国的球迷很难从2002年世界杯中的失利的阴影中走出来。) I just cannot get over Liz.我就是忘不了Liz. (2)dwell on : stop thinking about…不要再想…… 例句:We shouldn’t dwell on someone’s past. 我们不该总抓住 一个人的过去不放。 Hey,Henny.It’s been five years since you lost the car,you should n’t dwell on this forever. CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白-----High Crime (1)get down蹲下/趴下freeze不许动duck把头低下去 (2)What the hell is going on? 究竟出了什么事? What the hell are you talking about? Why the hell should I go there? (3)have the right to…有权 例句:I have the right to stay here as long as I want.我有权住在 这个地方想多久就多久。 You have the right to keep silent.你有权保持沉默。 ACTION ENGLISH 4 MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典 preview, 预告片 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 (1)play chicken 错开(快碰撞时) 例句:When you drive you’d better not play chicken with bigger cars. 你开车的时候最好避开大车 (2)Don’t be a baby! 不要发牢骚不要抱怨。 Don’t be a baby. Go talk to your boss. He’s such a baby!总发牢骚的人。 CLASSIC FILM CLIPS经典对白 1)keep my edge (stay sharp)保持最好的状态反义词:lose your edge 例句:I have to speak English every day just in order to keep my edge.为了我英语一直好下去,我不得不每天念。 David Beckham is a great soccer player but if he doesn’t practice every day, he’ll lose his edge. 贝克汉姆是位伟大球员, 如果他不每天练球的话他就会失去他的战斗力。 2)honing you skills. hone 提高


影视导演基础知识 第一讲导演在影视创作中的中心职能 (一)导演中心的形成 (二)影视的本性(即影视艺术的综合性和叙述方式上的蒙太奇特性)决定了导演必然成为创作的中心 强调导演中心,并不意味着贬低剧作的作用。对一部影片来说,剧作的重要性是不言而喻的。但剧作是通过导演的再创作而成活的,导演必然用自己的思想去阐发,至少要加上许多他的主观理解和色彩。决定影片质量的关键还是导演,因为最终剧作还是要靠导演体现在银幕上。 第二讲导演的工作程序 导演拍摄一部影片时的工作程序:三个时期(八个阶段)。. 其中导演构思是导演创作中最重要、最有特点,也是必须首先完成的一项工作内容。 前期(筹备期): 第一阶段:根据文学剧本产生导演构思,即对未来影片的总计划和各种重大问题作出思考和决定。 第二阶段:写出或通过各个部门的讨论形成分镜头剧本。这是对导演构思的具体落实,或者说是未来影片的设计图。 第三阶段:选演员、选外景、商定内景的方案和确定人物造型,商定影片音乐、音响构成。 中期(实拍期): 第四阶段:写出并向摄制组宣讲“导演阐述”。 导演要把一部影片的创作意图,以及如何达到,用非常简洁、清楚的语言,写在“导演阐述”中。也就是说,“导演阐述”表达了导演创作一部影片的初衷。在好的影片中,导演阐述基本上是能够实现的。 导演阐述的内容因人而异。一般来讲,有以下几个方面:

影片主题、时代背景、人物设计、分场景设想、风格样式,以及对各部门的要求。 第五阶段:排演。 每个导演的工作方法不同,排演方式也各异。有的导演把影片中的所有的戏从头到尾串排下来,让演员适应一下未来的形象感觉;有的导演则强调电影(电视剧)表演的现场感受,根本不排戏,而是通过小品练习,在表演方法上达到一致,以便于导演将来在镜头前的调动;还有的导演在摄影机摆定以前,让演员走地位。无论导演采用什么样的方法进行排演,其目的都是通过演员的实体活动,检验自己从接到剧本到实拍以前所有的工作。排演的过程中,还可能产生新的分镜头方案。 第六阶段:实拍。 后期: 第七阶段:剪辑 第八阶段:声画合成。 包括配对白、音乐、音响效果、混录等等。这些工作结束了,一部影片才算是最后完成。 第三讲导演构思 在导演工作程序的八个阶段中,导演构思是导演创作里最重要、最有特点,也是必须首先完成的一项工作内容。 导演构思产生于第一阶段,它的酝酿、修改、落实,却贯穿于影片创作的全过程。 导演构思的任务是使剧作银幕(屏幕)形象化。通过连续不断、结构有致地出现在银幕(屏幕)上的人物和一切视觉听觉形象,阐发影片的思想内涵,达到感染观众的艺术作用。 导演构思所包括的五个方面的内容 (一)主题意念的把握(二)确定人物形象的配置和基调,安排具体的行为动作来表现性格 (三)造型形式和音响手段的选择和组织(四)叙述结构的安排(五)


动感英语电影词典俚语第23集 Movie dictionary 电影词典 make-up 化妆; make-up artist 化妆师 American slang 美国俚语 be spiked 给....下酒精或麻醉剂 When somebody is " spiked " it means that alcohol or narcotic (麻醉剂)substan ces have been added to a drink or food . Did somebody spiked your Alpo? (片中) 例:Somebody spiked your orange juice and take away your paintings. (有人在你的桔子汁里下了麻醉剂,然后把你的画偷走了?) What? Somebody spiked her coke? (你说什么?难道有人在她的可乐里放了麻醉剂吗?) Classic film clips 经典对白 (1)marked two means : 在...打记号 一眼就看出来.... 例:I marked the spot where I buried the money. I marked you as a girl-chaser the minute I saw you .(我一见到你就知道你是个*) (2)good work干的漂亮,做的好 例:Good work Boy, Good work, I 'm really proud of you. Good work Duran, That's all today (3)classic somebody某人惯用的手法 That is classic Mac (片中)


导演的英文单词 篇一:影视英语词汇大全 A a copy a 拷贝 aaaa 美国广告代理商协会 abc 美国广播公司 account executive 业务代表 account planners 业务企划人员 action photography 带动作的摄影 actors 职业演员 adat 数位式录音带 additive proccess 追加过程 aDVertisingage 《广告年代》杂志 agency commission 广告公司佣金 agenda 议程表 alternative locations 候选(备用)外景照片 american federation of musican 美国音乐家协会american federation of televis 美国广播电视演艺人员协会amsaudiofile 数位录音工作站 anachronisms 事态连贯性 analog sound mixing consoles 类比型(非数位化)混音机

animated graphics 单格动画图形 animated titles 动画式片头 animation 动画 animatic stand 动画摄制固定架 animation storyboard 仿录脚本 animators 动画家 arrangement 编曲 art director 艺术指导 asa 感光度(感光速度系数) assistant camera person 助理摄影师 assistant director 助理导演 association of independentcommercial producers.aicp 独立广告影片制作人协会aUDIO 声部 audio master 声音母带 audio mixer 混音师 audio post-production 声部后制作 audition 试镜会 authority 权威人士 B backdrops 背景布幕 backlit 后面打光


☆★《Action English》第301期★☆ I. Movie Dictionary ◆The Grapes Of Wrath 《愤怒的葡萄》 II.American Slang ◆get nailed被痛打或身体受伤害 E.g.(1)When I used to play rugby I’d get nailed almost every game . (2)Alex got nailed in a pub by a big guy because he was caught checking out the guy’s girlfriend III. Classic Movie Clips ◆get the hang of something 学会做什么 E.g.(1)I hate maths class because I can’t get the hang of geometry . (2)It only took me a couple of hours to get the hang of how to use our new computer . ◆dismissed 允许走了或开除 E.g.The teacher dismissed us all once we’d finished the exercises . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《虎豹小霸王》主题曲《Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head》 ☆★《Action English》第302期★☆ I. Movie Dictionary ◆Fantasia 《幻想曲》 II.American Slang ◆prom舞会(通常指比较正式的) E.g.(1)At the end of each year there’s always a prom right before high school graduation . (2)I’m not sure who’s going to be my date for the prom . III. Classic Movie Clips ◆turn out 发生,发展 E.g.(1)It turned out that we didn’t have our test today as the teacher was sick . (2)I didn’t like him at first but he turned out to be a really nice guy . ◆bag someone不公正的批评某人 E.g.(1)After he missed a goal ,Beckham was bagged by his coach after the match . (2)My teacher’s always bagging to my parents about my bad grades . IV. Movie Tunes 选自《我娶了个连环杀手》主题曲《Only You》 ☆★《Action English》第303期★☆ I. Movie Dictionary ◆Clark Gable 克拉克.盖博 II.American Slang ◆old man 爸爸 E.g.(1)My old man works as a lawyer . (2)The old man doesn’t like it when I get home late .


电影导演基础知识 导演艺术: 1 电影导演所追求的是如何使银幕形象具有强烈的情绪感染力,深刻的思想性和完美的 整体感。 2导演艺术的独创性,不仅在于表现技巧或形式上的新颖,更重要的在于这种创新是建 立在对生活的深入观察,感觉和理解的基础上的,因而是表现内容所需要的最恰当的表现技巧 和形式,是内容和形式相统一并为广大观众所欣赏的。 3导演十分重视电影文学剧本的质量,因为它是影片的基础。 4电影是一种集体创作的综合艺术。导演从文学剧本出发,形成他的艺术构思,并邀请 最适合完成他的艺术构思的演员,摄影,美术,音乐,录音等各方面的创作人员组成摄制组 来体现其构思。 5导演是集体创作的核心,他对影片未来的银幕形象有全面的,完整的设想,也就是艺 术上的总体构思。 6导演艺术的水平,不仅表现在个人的造诣方面,也表现在他关于激发艺术合作者们的 创作热情和创作想象方面。 7导演艺术还表现在对影片的最后剪辑中,导演要将前辑看作创造性过程的一部分,而 且是很重要的组成部分。导演构思:在导演构思中,导演首先要确定影片的主题思想及其现 实意义;影片的风格和样式;人物的性格冲突及其时代特征的所处环境;运用导演手段的基本原则;并对影片的情节线索似出总谱。导演构思并无固定模式,但它总是建立在导演对文学剧本的分析和对现实生活理解的基础上,由导演以丰富的创作想象,全面运用电影的形象思维来完成。导演手段:导演为塑造银幕形象而运用的各种具体的表现手段包括: 1 运用画面主体的动作和摄影镜头的运动,构成动的视学形象; 2 运用蒙太奇技巧来处理画面,组接镜头,以突出重点,渲染影片的节奏; 3 运用恰当的音乐,自然音响和人物的语言,与画面 有机结合,以表达思想内容,丰富并加强形象的感染力; 4 运用电影时间和电影空间灵活的伸缩性,变换场景,扩大或压缩环境的规模和过程的容量; 5 运用光影,色调,色彩,以制造影片所需要的气氛。


1、导演团队 Director 导演 Assistant Director 副导演 Casting Director 演员导演/选角导演 Clapper-Loader 场记板操作员 Location Manager 场景管理/选景导演 Post-Production Co-ordinator 后期制作导演/后制导演/执行后制总监 Post-Production Supervisor 后期制作总监/后制总监/制作监制Second Assistant Director 第二副导演/副导演 Second Second Assistant Director 副导演助理 Second Unit Director 第二组导演 Storyboard Artist 故事版绘制师 2、摄影团队 Video grapher 摄像师 Additional Camera 副摄影/副机摄影师 Assistant Camera 摄影助理 Camera Loader 胶片安装员 Camera Operator 摄影机操作员 Cinematographer 电影摄影师 Director of Photography 摄影指导

Dolly Grip 轨道操作员/轨道 First Assistant Camera 第一摄影助理 Focus Puller 跟焦员 Second Assistant Camera 第二摄影助理Steadicam Operator 斯坦尼康操作员 3、灯光团队 Best Boy 总灯光助理/机械师助理/副灯光师/副机械师Lighting Technician 灯光/灯光工 Gaffer 灯光师/灯光导演/灯光总监 4、录音团队 Boom Operator 收音器操作员 Sound Designer 音响设计 Foley Artist 拟音师 Re-recording Mixer 整合混音师 Sound Mixer 混音师 5、剪辑团队 Editor 剪辑 Assistant Editor 助理剪辑 Colorist 调色师


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