中国饮食文化的报告 英文

中国饮食文化的报告 英文
中国饮食文化的报告 英文

A Report on Chinese Food



I. Characteristics of cuisines in southern part of China---------------2 II. Characteristics of cuisines in northern part of China -------------4 III.Historical elements influencing Chinese food culture-------------9 IV. Connotation of Chinese Food Culture-------------------------------10 广东外语外贸大学GDUFS

Group One members:






1.Characteristics of cuisines in southern part of China

Chinese cuisine has a number of different genres, but the most influential and typical known by the public are the 'Eight Cuisines'. These are as follows: Shandong Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine and Anhui Cuisine. Cuisines from different regions are so distinctive that sometimes despite the fact that two areas are geographical neighbors their styles are completely alien.

We have roughly separated Chinese cuisine into two genres. They are Cuisines of the north part and the southern part. The essential factors that establish the form of a genre are complex and include history, cooking features, geography, climate, resources and life styles.

Cuisines of the southern part of China are really featured. They have various differences with northern cuisine.

Firstly, abundant rain drops and sunlight in South China provide favorable conditions for the growth of millet and rice. Compared with people in North China who have to spend much time in cold weather, people in South China are less preferable to meat diet, which contains lots of fat and protein. Southern Chinese prefer plant diet quite a lot. Many people are accustomed to drink soup both before and after the meal.

Guangdong Soup(老火靓汤)

Secondly, South China is one of the most developed areas in China. It welcomes people from the entire world. As a result, Sothern Cuisine, especially Guangdong Cuisine, emphasizes a flavor which is clear but not light, refreshing but not common, tender but not crude. In summer and autumn it pursues clarity and in winter and spring, a little more substance.

Pork Rips(排骨) Penaeus orientalis(对虾

However, cuisines in Southwest China are quite different. Take Hunan Cuisine as an example, it lays a stress on the use of oil, dense color, and techniques that produce crispness, softness and tenderness as well as the savory flavors and spices. Stewed fins, fried fresh cabbage with chestnuts, Dong Anzi chicken, immortal chicken with five elements, are of the highest reputation.

Spicy-hot Fish(麻辣鱼)Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)(麻婆豆腐)

Thirdly, racial culture is influential to food culture. People in South China tend to be more careful and sensitive than northern people. As a result, their dishes as well as appearance are really cute and attractive. Just like dim sum, which means “touch the heart”, is one of the most famous Cantonese meal. It consists of a variety of delicacies and is usually served for breakfast or dinner.

Dim Sum(点心)

Another distinguished Southern Cuisine is Fujian Cuisine.

Fujian cuisine has four distinctive features, that is, fine cutting techniques, alternative soups, unique seasonings, and exquisite cooking. Chefs can always cut the thin jellyfish into three pieces and into very thin thread. And thanks to the abundant resources of marine products, the soup of

this cuisine genre has its freshness and keeps its own savor with ease. The seasonings add sweet and sour flavors to the dishes. To add to its appeal the food is served in or on elegant bowls or plates.

2.Characteristics of cuisines in northern part of China

The development of agricultural and civilizations in the north part of China was more advanced than any other part of China in Chinese history, which made the north part of China's play

a crucial and pioneering role in Chinese cuisines. Cuisines of the north part of China have several characteristics.

First, people in the north tend to eat cooked wheaten food. Or in other words, people eat more food made of flour. This is because the climate here is temperate continental climate, which means there are less rain drops and sunlight. And this climate provides favorable conditions for the growth of wheat.

When it comes to cooked wheaten food, there is a place many people are familiar with. That is Shanxi(山西). As the saying goes, “east or west, Shanxi cooked wheaten food is best”. Shanxi is famous for its diverse and delicious cooked wheaten food. With a history of 2000years, Shanxi cooked wheaten food is gaining more and more popularity at home and even abroad.

Cooked wheaten food in Shanxi, in accordance with the producing process, can be divided into three categories, namely, steamed food, Cooked and boiled food. Statistically, there are round 280 kinds of cooked wheaten food, among which the sliced noodles is the most renowned one.

Apart from the sliced noodles, boiled food also includes hand-pulled noodles, He lao, Tijian, Maoerduo, Jiupian ,which are all delicious and tasty.

sliced noodles(刀削面)

Hand-pulled noodles(拉面) The process of cooking Helao(饸饹)

Tijian(剔尖) Mao er duo(猫耳朵)

Jiu pian(揪片)

As for the cooked food, it includes fried cake(炸糕)、Yi wo su(一窝酥)、fried dough twist(麻花),Shuai bing(甩饼) and so on.

fried cake(炸糕)

fried dough twist(麻花)


Other steamed wheaten food includes steamed bun、You mian kao lao(莜面栲栳)、Gao liang mian yu(高粱面鱼).

Gao liang mian yu(高粱面鱼)You mian kao lao(莜面栲栳)

steamed bun

Second, food in the north is often more salty and greasy than that in the south. Because people like to add more ingredient to dishes even the soup. Some scientists also say that’s probably the reason why people in the north are more likely to suffer from high-blood pressure and heart diseases. Look at the following pictures you will find the difference.

Peking roast duck Roast duck in south

It’s known to us all that dishes in south are small and exquisite. However, it is not the same case in the south.

Dongbei dish Cantonese dish

Shandong cuisine and Beijing cuisines are two famous cuisines of the eight cuisines in china. And they are also representatives of the northern cuisines. Beijing cuisine is famous for its Beijing roast duck and instant-boiled mutton. Shandong food is always pure, fresh, tender, salty and crisp. If you think only Cantonese are good at making soup, then you are wrong. People in Shandong are also thrive in making soup. The soup they cook is fresh and tasty. In addition, they excel in making milk soup.

instant-boiled mutton milk soup

3. Historical elements influencing Chinese food culture

As a Chinese old saying goes:”mountaineers rely on mountains, just like those by the waterside profit from water.” People in different regions choose the food mainly by the m aterials they have.

For instance, in southeastern coastal areas, people are fond of fish and shrimp, which are not accepted by the local people in the northwest area. In addition, politics, economic and technology are main factors which contribute to the area differentiation of Chinese food. Beijing ,an important city from very early time in Chinese history, attracts a lot of famous cooks, which makes different food habits from the whole country affect each other and mingle. The development of economic also performs a role. For example, the northeast China had been relayed on gathering-----fishing, hunting and nomadism. However, as more and more Han Chinese person moved in and reclaim, the agriculture in the central China has already take root there.

Let’s make it more concrete.

I’d like to divide the north China into northeast and northwest.

First talk about the northeast. This area includes Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia, in which, the soil is rich without large population nor frost period. The economic there is made up of farming, hunting, fishing and gathering. Compared with the food in the middle or lower reaches of the Yellow River and Yangtze River valley, the food in northeast consist of more animal albumen. Furthermore, because of the low temperature, people there like frozen food specially. The frozen food in northeast China being a large number of kinds and quantity, as well as a long eating period, is a big characteristic of northeastern food. Such as ,frozen meat, frozen fish, especially the frozen tofu. Because of a short nonfrost period, the fresh vegetable is in short supply. As a result, people like to stock a large number of them for the winter.

Then about the northwest. This food circle in made up of Shanxi, Gansu, Jiangxi and so on. From Qin dynasty on, this area is fine for the growth of grain and wheat. So until now, the wheaten food is popular there, especially in Shanxi and Jiangxi. Because the agriculture’s prior place, animal husbandry is not very advanced.

Food in south China presents another view.

The Yangtze River alley consists of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Shanghai. This area is the important cradle land of rice. Centuries ago, it already had an advanced technology of growing rice and other food materials. And until period in spring and autumn and warring states, the “a land of milk and honey” pattern had taken shape. Anhui food promoted with the development of Huizhou merchants and spread to the whole country. In Ming and Qing dynasty, Jiangsu was a reliable taxpaying province. And some books published that time such as (童氏食规) push the polarization of Jiangsu food. The northeast area includes Fujian, Guangdong, Taiwan and places surrounded where Vegetables and fruits, seafood and poultry are abundant. From the end of Qing dynasty, the evasion of western countries result in the change of food habit here. Western food made a great influence on the food culture of south of the Five ridges. Commercial advantages, tradition and atmosphere make the food culture commercial.

4. Connotation of Chinese Food Culture

Chinese food culture has a long history. After development of thousands of years, it embraces extensive and profound connotations, making itself one of the fine cultural heritages of the Chinese people. Chinese food, along with French cuisine and Turkish cooking, is considered as the three major cooking system in the world.

Connotations of Chinese food can be generalized into four words: delicacy, refinement, affection and ceremony. These four words reflected the four characteristics of Chinese food, namely, strict procedures to ensure the quality of food, special aesthetic appeal, deep affection involved, and great social functions. Those special cultural implications involving in Chinese food culture demonstrated the close connection between Chinese food culture and the traditional culture of China.

4.1Strict procedures in food-making to guarantee the quality of Chinese food

Chinese cuisines have to undergo several procedures before they were made.

The first procedure is, carefully selecting raw materials for cooking. Regardless of regional differences in cuisine, a primary consideration in food preparation is freshness. Others include complementarities or opposition of taste, contrast of textures, and overall appearance, including color harmony and accent.

Fresh raw materials

The second procedure is, promoting the awareness of creating excellent cuisines. Now that cooking is more an art than an art craft in Chinese food culture, people tend to pay special attention to cooking. One of the manifestations is that, unlike most western dishes, we tend to cut the materials into pieces which are in appropriate size, so that we don’t need to cut them when we are eating.

What’s more, there are many ways of cooking in Chinese food culture, steam food, fried food, boiled food, stewed food, simmered food, etc.

Different way of Chinese cooking

4.2Aesthetic appeal and deep affection involved in Chinese food culture

Chinese cooking has traditionally placed a great deal of emphasis on the aesthetic appeal of the individual dish as well as on the role the individual dish plays in the totality of the dining experience. Inherent in this sentiment is the attention paid to the harmony and balance of the ingredients of an individual dish - the dish's texture, color, aroma, and flavor - as well as the part played by the taste, appearance, etc., of the individual dish in comparison to the tastes, appearances, etc., of all of the dishes being served.

Art of cooking

This emphasis on aesthetic appeal extends also to the particulars of the tableware, the aim being to create a harmonious balance not only with respect to the makeup of the individual dish and with respect to the complementarities between the types of dishes being served, but also with respect to the setting in which the dining experience is to occur. Part and parcel of this emphasis is also on the sequence and rhythm in which dishes are served, and even concerns the naming of individual dishes, as there exists a long tradition in Chinese society for naming things - from garden ponds to mountain vistas - either after the highbrow (eg., after a famous literary passage) or after a nickname that appeals to everyman (such as the dish Red Lion's Head(Fried Meatballs in Brown Sauce) or the dish Beggar's Chicken(Roasted Chicken in thick yellow gravy).

Fried Meatballs in Brown Sauce Roasted Chicken in thick yellow gravy

4.3 Chinese food embraces social functions

Chinese people pay much attention to eating, not just to fulfill our basic needs, but deep within, it contains the measures Chinese people take to understand things. For example, when

a child was born, relatives and friends would eat eggs painted in red color to celebrate. Eggs

symbolize new lives, eating red eggs embodies the high expectations of the Chinese to carry on the family line. We have feasts in the weddings; we celebrate our birthdays with gatherings and delicious food; we gather with our friends or families to eat, which is a good way to enhance our intimacy.

People gathering to celebrate with big feasts

In sum, Chinese food culture has gained much popularity throughout the world, and in the modern era, the popularity still thrives. Food culture, which has great influence to Chinese people’s personalities, has already become one of the fine traditional cultures in China. With the enhancement of the globalization, Chinese food culture would become better known across the world.


Chinese Food Culture 1.Characteristics of cuisines in southern part of China Chinese cuisine has a number of different genres, but the most influential and typical known by the public are the 'Eight Cuisines'. These are as follows: Shandong Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine and Anhui Cuisine. We have roughly separated Chinese cuisine into two genres. They are Cuisines of the north part and the southern part. Cuisines of the southern part of China are really featured. They have various differences with northern cuisine. Firstly, abundant rain drops and sunlight in South China provide favorable conditions for the growth of millet and rice. Compared with people in North China who have to spend much time in cold weather, people in South China are less preferable to meat diet, which contains lots of fat and protein. Southern Chinese prefer plant diet quite a lot. Many people are accustomed to drink soup both before and after the meal. Guangdong Soup(老火靓汤) Secondly, South China is one of the most developed areas in China. It welcomes people from the entire world. As a result, Southern Cuisine, especially Guangdong Cuisine, emphasizes a flavor which is clear but not light, refreshing but not common, tender but not crude. Thirdly,People in South China tend to be more careful and sensitive than northern people. As a result, their dishes as well as appearance are really cute and attractive. Just like dim sum(点心), which means “touch the heart”, is one of the most famous Cantonese meal. It consists of a variety of delicacies and is usually served for breakfast or dinner. Spicy-hot Fish麻辣鱼Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)麻婆豆腐Pork Rips排骨)Penaeus orientalis对虾 2.Characteristics of cuisines in northern part of China Cuisines of the north part of China have several characteristics. people in the north tend to eat cooked wheaten food. Or in other words, people eat more food made of flour. This is because the climate here is temperate continental climate, which means there are less rain drops and sunlight. And this climate provides favorable conditions for the growth of wheat. First,When it comes to cooked wheaten food, there is a place many people are familiar with. That is Shanxi(山西). As the saying goes, “east or west, Shanxi cooked wheaten food is best”. Shanxi is famous for its diverse and delicious cooked wheaten food. With a history of 2000years, Shanxi cooked wheaten food is gaining more and more popularity at home and even abroad. Cooked wheaten food in Shanxi,there are round 280 kinds of cooked wheaten food, among which the sliced noodles is the most renowned one. Apart from the sliced noodles刀削面, boiled food also includes hand-pulled noodles拉面, He lao饸饹)Tijian,剔尖Maoerduo猫耳朵, Jiupian(揪片) ,which are all delicious and tasty. As for the cooked food, it includes fried cake(炸糕)、Yi wo su(一窝酥)、fried dough twist (麻花),Shuai bing(甩饼) and so on. Other steamed wheaten food includes steamed bun、You mian kao lao(莜面栲栳)、Gao liang mian yu(高粱面鱼). Second, food in the north is often more salty and greasy than that in the south.


中西方饮食文化差异和中餐菜单的翻译 本文从中西方饮食文化在观念、烹饪方式、菜式命名上的差异入手,探讨了中餐菜单的翻译原则,提出了中餐菜单的翻译方法。 关键词:饮食文化;差异;菜单;翻译 饮食文化是民族文化的一个重要组成部分。中国饮食文化历史悠久,内容丰富。中国人的方方面面都与吃是紧密相连的,见面打招呼“吃饭了吗?”,赞美好的作品为“脍炙人口”,吃的心满意足为“吃香喝辣”,凡此等等,不一而足。西方的饮食文化不够发达,烹饪没有中国讲究,但是他们的用餐礼仪和用餐器具是丰富多彩的,所以比较中西方饮食文化的差异以及探究这些差异产生的内在原因,有助于从理论和实践两个方面来研究中餐菜单的英译问题,从而更好的进行跨文化交际。 饮食与文化密切相关,不同的民族和国家缔造了不同的饮食文化,所以饮食文化具有浓郁的民族性和多样性的特点。中国与英美等西方国家对饮食的观念、宴会礼仪、烹饪方式以

1 中国是一种美性的饮食观念,从来都是把追求美味奉为进食的首要目的。在中国的烹调术中,对美味的追求几乎达到极致,想尽一切办法,使尽一切手段,将食品的味道弄出名堂 ,弄出特色来,这点是西方人望尘莫及的。西方是一种理性的饮食观念,西方人在摄取食物的时候,基本上是从营养的角度理解事物的。强调采用新鲜原料,强调在烹调过程中保持原有的营养成分和原有的味道,蔬菜基本上都是生吃。所以说西方饮食之中营养是带有普遍性的。在宴席上,可以讲究餐具,讲究用料,讲究服务,讲究菜肴原料的形和色等方面的搭配 ,但是在滋味上各种原料都互不相干,各是各的味,注重营养的 2 中国饮食之所以有独特的魅力,关键就在于它的味。中国烹饪讲究的调和之美,是中国烹饪艺术的精要之处。西方人于饮食强调科学与营养,故烹调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事。再者,规范化的烹调要求调料的添加量精确到克,烹调时间精确到秒。此外,在原料的粗加工上也是有区别的,中餐加工完的形状多种多样,有块、片、卷、条、段、丁、末、汁等,而西餐的原料处理完,一般只有片、块、丁等几 3


中国饮食文化英文介绍 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:中国饮食文化——英文版 China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China’s local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,

还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东菜系注重


谈中国饮食文化翻译 【摘要】中国人向来“以食为天”,无论是基本的生存需要:衣食住行,还是进一步的生活需求:吃喝玩乐,都离不开“食”与“吃”。中国的饮食文化源远流长,博大精深,是跨文化交际的一项重要内容。因此,在跨文化翻译中,饮食文化翻译是翻译中的一个重要部分,它具有跨文化性质以及传播文化的历史性意义。本文以饮食文化翻译的本质为基础,总结在饮食文化翻译中常见的问题,探讨翻译的优化策略,最后归纳出针对这方面的有效方法。 【关键词】文化跨文化饮食文化传播文化翻译 一、中华饮食文化与翻译 饮食是一种文化现象,它具有文化的共性。语言是文化的载体,翻译是文化的传通。对于翻译,传统观念认为,就是两种语言间的转换,而忽视了翻译的文化问题。事实上,在跨文化交际中,交际者遇到的最大困难不是语言,而恰恰是文化。翻译本身就是不同文化间交流的产物,是跨文化传通。20世纪下半叶,翻译的研究出现文化转向,目前,在翻译研究界,人们把对翻译的意义和作用推向了另一个新的研究方向——文化交流与传播。人们把目光投向了翻译承载的使命,把翻译置于各民族文化交流的大背景中进行考察。因此,饮食文化的翻译研究也应置于中国与世界接轨的大背景下进行。 经历了五千多年历史的中华饮食文化,博大精深,是中国人民的光荣与自豪。目前,文化与翻译的研究大多着眼于宏观,而专门讨论文化某一领域翻译比较少。据悉,北京为了迎接2008奥运,针对菜单翻译问题,向社会各界征集对《中文菜单英文译法》的意见,,收录了2700多条菜单及酒水的英文,另外,还专门组织了专家研究讨论有关菜名的翻译,旨在让国外旅客更方便地了解中国饮食文化。菜名实际上是一国文化的体现,老外对中华饮食文化的了解很大一部份就是从中国菜中体现出来的,如果外国人能明白我们的一些菜名的寓意,或是把这些菜名弄明白,实在是在学习一门艺术,他们定会因此而更了解和喜欢中国。 二、饮食翻译中的文化身份问题 基于文化研究的广阔视野来探讨华夏饮食文化的翻译,就不能不涉及到其文化身份问题。文化身份通常被看作是某一特定文化的特有,同时也是某一具体的民族与生俱来的一系列特征(蒋红红,2007)。无论对于一般意义上的文化还是某一特殊领域里的文化,在翻译中识别文化身份可以强化本民族的文化特点和文化特性。不同的国家和民族的饮食文化存在着明显的差异,这种差异就是文化个性或民族特性,构成着独特的民族特色文化,形成了世界文化的多元性。中华饮食文化形成其固有的文化身份,是文化中最珍贵的部分,是译者在翻译过程中应予以最大限度的保留并有效传播的部分。 具有五千多年悠久历史的中华饮食文化博大精深,是中国特有的文化,是中华民族的宝贵财富。在文化饮食翻译中,要求译者必须对中西文化都有充分把握,用西方人最喜欢的方式去翻译中国的文化内容。笔者认为,汉英翻译的目的之一在于让世界了解中国,促进中华走向世界。但不断交流与融合的世界文化使人类共性的认识逐渐扩大,随着经济政治的全球化,各民族间的差异不断在缩少,而中华自身的文化身份却变得模糊。正如A.L克鲁伯所说“每一种文化都会接纳新的东西,不论是外来的,还是产自本土的,都要依照自己的文化模式,将这些新的东西加以重新塑造。”当我们自豪地看到伟大的中华文化被广泛传到世界各地时,我们要注意中国也在不断受到外来文化的冲出和影响。笔者认为,在世界全球化和文化的趋同过程中保持中华饮食文化固有的个性和特征,保证中华饮食文化身份的清晰度,显得尤为迫切与重要。 要保持中华文化身份,使之有效地得以传播,首要的是保护文化的核心价值不受到损坏


英语知识 【摘要】中国人向来“以食为天”,无论是基本的生存需要:衣食住行,还是进一步的生活需求:吃喝玩乐,都离不开“食”与“吃”。中国的饮食文化源远流长,博大精深,是跨文化交际的一项重要内容。因此,在跨文化翻译中,饮食文化翻译是翻译中的一个重要部分,它具有跨文化性质以及传播文化的历史性意义。本文以饮食文化翻译的本质为基础,总结在饮食文化翻译中常见的问题,探讨翻译的优化策略,最后归纳出针对这方面的有效方法。 【关键词】文化跨文化饮食文化传播文化翻译 一、中华饮食文化与翻译 饮食是一种文化现象,它具有文化的共性。语言是文化的载体,翻译是文化的传通。对于翻译,传统观念认为,就是两种语言间的转换,而忽视了翻译的文化问题。事实上,在跨文化交际中,交际者遇到的最大困难不是语言,而恰恰是文化。翻译本身就是不同文化间交流的产物,是跨文化传通。20世纪下半叶,翻译的研究出现文化转向,目前,在翻译研究界,人们把对翻译的意义和作用推向了另一个新的研究方向——文化交流与传播。人们把目光投向了翻译承载的使命,把翻译置于各民族文化交流的大背景中进行考察。因此,饮食文化的翻译研究也应置于中国与世界接轨的大背景下进行。 经历了五千多年历史的中华饮食文化,博大精深,是中国人民的光荣与自豪。目前,文化与翻译的研究大多着眼于宏观,而专门讨论文化某一领域翻译比较少。据悉,北京为了迎接2008奥运,针对菜单翻译问题,向社会各界征集对《中文菜单英文译法》的意见,,收录了2700多条菜单及酒水的英文,另外,还专门组织了专家研究讨论有关菜名的翻译,旨在让国外

旅客更方便地了解中国饮食文化。菜名实际上是一国文化的体现,老外对中华饮食文化的了解很大一部份就是从中国菜中体现出来的,如果外国人能明白我们的一些菜名的寓意,或是把这些菜名弄明白,实在是在学习一门艺术,他们定会因此而更了解和喜欢中国。 二、饮食翻译中的文化身份问题 基于文化研究的广阔视野来探讨华夏饮食文化的翻译,就不能不涉及到其文化身份问题。文化身份通常被看作是某一特定文化的特有,同时也是某一具体的民族与生俱来的一系列特征(蒋红红,2007)。无论对于一般意义上的文化还是某一特殊领域里的文化,在翻译中识别文化身份可以强化本民族的文化特点和文化特性。不同的国家和民族的饮食文化存在着明显的差异,这种差异就是文化个性或民族特性,构成着独特的民族特色文化,形成了世界文化的多元性。中华饮食文化形成其固有的文化身份,是文化中最珍贵的部分,是译者在翻译过程中应予以最大限度的保留并有效传播的部分。 具有五千多年悠久历史的中华饮食文化博大精深,是中国特有的文化,是中华民族的宝贵财富。在文化饮食翻译中,要求译者必须对中西文化都有充分把握,用西方人最喜欢的方式去翻译中国的文化内容。笔者认为,汉英翻译的目的之一在于让世界了解中国,促进中华走向世界。但不断交流与融合的世界文化使人类共性的认识逐渐扩大,随着经济政治的全球化,各民族间的差异不断在缩少,而中华自身的文化身份却变得模糊。正如A.L克鲁伯所说“每一种文化都会接纳新的东西,不论是外来的,还是产自本土的,都要依照自己的文化模式,将这些新的东西加以重新塑造。”当我们自豪地看到伟大的中华文化被广泛传到世界各地时,我们要注意中国也在不断受到外来


China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China's local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,还有其他很多着名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东菜系注重汤品。清汤清澈新鲜,而油汤外观厚重,味道浓重。济南菜系擅长炸,烤,煎,炒,而胶东菜系则以其烹饪海鲜的鲜淡而闻名。Shandong is the birthplace of many famous ancient scholars such as Confucious and Mencius. And much of Shandong cuisine's history is as old as Confucious himself, making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China. But don't expect to gain more wisdom from a fortune cookie at a Shandong restaurant in the West since fortune cookies aren't even indigenous to China. 山东是许多着名学者的故乡,例如孔夫子和孟子。许多山东菜的历史和孔夫子一样悠久,使得山东菜系成为中国现存的最古老的主要菜系之一。但是不要期望在西方国家的山东菜馆里从签饼(中国餐馆的折叠形小饼,内藏有预测运气话语的纸条)获得更多的好运气,因为签饼在中国也不是本土的。 Shandong is a large peninsula surrounded by the sea to the East and the Yellow River meandering through the center. As a result, seafood is a major component of Shandong cuisine. Shandong's most famous dish is the Sweat and Sour Carp. A truly authentic Sweet and Sour Carp must come from the Yellow River. But with the current amount of pollution in the Yellow River, you would be better off if the carp was from elsewhere. Shandong dishes are mainly quick-fried, roasted, stir-fried or deep-fried. The dishes are mainly clear, fresh and fatty, perfect with Shandong's own famous beer, Qingdao Beer 山东是个巨大的被向东流去的大海环绕的半岛,黄河曲折的流经其中部。因此海鲜是山东菜系的主要构成。山东最着名的菜肴是糖醋鲤鱼。正宗的糖醋鲤鱼必须打捞自黄河。但是因为现在黄河的众多污染,其他地方的鲤鱼更好一些。山东菜主要是速炸,烧烤,炒或深炸。菜肴清新肥美,搭配山东本地的着名啤酒——青岛啤酒就完美了。 Sichuan Cuisine 四川菜系 Sichuan Cuisine, known often in the West as Szechuan Cuisine, is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, Sichuan cuisine, prolific of tastes, emphasizes on the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash also never fail to accompany, producing typical exciting tastes. Besides, garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and animals are usually chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil,

中美在饮食文化方面的差异 英语论文

淮阴工学院课程论文(2010-2011学年第二学期) 论文题目: 跨文化交际中的饮食文化差异——以中美饮食文化为例 课程名称:跨文化交际英语任课老师:余洪虹 姓名: 植云 班级: 艺术1093 学号: 1092202325

跨文化交际中的饮食文化差异 ——以中美饮食文化为例 摘要:饮食是一种文化,而不同的文化背景孕育着不同的饮食文化,中国饮食以食表意,其博大精深不可言喻,而美国的饮食则是吃什么就是什么。在中西方文化互相交融的今天,美国文化有值得我们学习和借鉴的地方,同时中华饮食文化的优点也要继承,本文着重从中美饮食文化进行比较,从而用客观的视角去审视中西方饮食文化。 关键词:饮食文化,中国饮食,美国饮食,文化差异 1中国饮食文化的特点 中国的历史悠久,文明源远流长,具有上下五千年的文化,因此饮食文化也比较丰富,它也是祖国丰富文化宝库中的一朵奇葩。中国从原始社会开始都是以大杂居为主,远古时期以部落为单位,后来一直演变,直到现代社会都是以家庭为单位,团团圆圆一直是中国人的愿望,中国人的集体意识形成了中国饮食文化的一大特点就是—一家人都是吃一桌菜,并且大多数家庭是以圆桌为主,一家人围在一起,表示家人和和睦睦、团团圆圆。中国人的饮食很讲究色、香、味原则,三者缺一不可,为使食物色美,通常是在青、绿、红、黄、白、黑、酱等色中取三至五色调配,也就是选用适当的荤素菜料,包括一种主料和二、三种不同颜色的配料,使用适当的烹法与调味,就能使得菜色美观。食物香喷,可以激发食欲,其方法即为加入适当的香料,如葱、姜、蒜、辣、酒、八角、桂皮、胡椒、麻油、香菇等,使烹煮的食物气味芬芳。烹调各种食物时,必须注重鲜味与原味的保留,尽量去除腥膻味;譬如烹调海鲜时,中国人则爱用葱姜。因此适量的使用如酱油、糖、醋、香料等各种调味品,可以使得嗜浓味者不觉其淡,嗜淡味者不嫌其浓,个人根据自己的口味选择。 因为中国自古以来地大物博、人口稠密,所以中国人的饮食从先秦开始,就是以谷物为主,肉少粮多,辅以菜蔬,这就是典型的饭菜结构。其中饭是主食,而菜则是为了下饭,即助饭下咽。因为主食并不可口,必须有一种物质来辅助它使人们能够吃下去。当然菜的功能和盐的功能有共同点,但是不等同于盐。因为主食的单一性,所以,只有在菜上面花功夫,因此,中国的菜大都比较注重口味,


一、官方译名的翻译原则 中餐菜单的翻译涉及内容颇多。不仅要考虑菜品的原料、烹饪方法,还要照顾到人名、地名和一些特有品名的叫法。北京市外办 公布的官方菜单译名中,对中文菜单的英译都采用了什么样的翻译原则呢? 以主料为主,配料或配汁为辅的翻译原则 1. 菜肴的主料和配料主料(名称/形状)+ with + 配料如:松仁香菇Chinese Mushrooms with Pine Nuts 2. 菜肴的主料和配汁主料+ with / in + 汤汁(Sauce) 如:冰梅凉瓜Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce 以烹制方法为主,原料为辅的翻译原则 1. 菜肴的做法和主料做法(动词过去分词)+ 主料(名称/形状) 如:拌双耳Tossed Black and White Fungus 2. 菜肴的做法、主料和配料做法(动词过去分词) + 主料(名称/形状)+ 配料如:豌豆辣牛肉Sautéed Spicy Beef and Green Peas 3. 菜肴的做法、主料和汤汁做法(动词过去分词) + 主料(名称/形状)+ with / in + 汤汁如:川北凉粉Tossed Clear Noodles with Chili Sauce 以形状、口感为主,原料为辅的翻译原则 1. 菜肴形状或口感以及主配料 形状/口感+ 主料如:玉兔馒头Rabbit-Shaped Mantou 2. 菜肴的做法、形状或口感、做法以及主配料 做法(动词过去分词)+ 形状/口感+ 主料+ 配料如:小炒黑山羊Sautéed Sliced Lamb with Pepper and Parsley 以人名、地名为主,原料为辅的翻译原则 1. 菜肴的创始人(发源地)和主料 人名(地名)+ 主料如:麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu (Sautéed Tofu in Hot and Spicy Sauce) 2. 介绍菜肴的创始人(发源地)、主配料及做法


摘要 中国饮食文化博大精深、源远流长是来华外宾了解中国文化的一个重要窗口。菜铺上的菜名对人们有着很好的指示作用,它传神的表达出菜本身的特点和美好寓意。与此同时,随着我国日益与国际接轨,中国菜越来越受外国友人的亲睐。特别是2008奥运会的举办成功,有一次以最震撼最夺目的方式把中国推向世界。 但由于中国饮食烹饪方式多样,文化内涵丰富,相关专业性强,因而容易导致中国菜名的英译错误。中国菜名的英译错误不仅不能准确的表达出菜本身的特点,还给人留下不好的印象,闹出了国际笑话。因此,如果我们在翻译的时候把握翻译原则,注意灵活运用相关的翻译方法,中国菜名的翻译不至于成为翻译的“拦路虎”。 关键词:中国菜名; 翻译原则;翻译方法 注意:关键词应是3至5个名词

Abstract Chinese diet culture, with a long history, is rich and profound, which has become an important window for the foreign guests to get acquainted with Chinese culture. Chinese dish names on the menu have a good indication for people. It vividly expresses the characteristics of the food and good moral. At the same time, as our country increasingly has interfaced with international, Chinese dishes are becoming more and more popular among foreigners. Because of 2008 Olympic Games in China, it is one of the most brilliant ways to show China to the whole world. However, different Chinese food cooking ways, rich food culture and professional strong bring about difficulties for translation. Chinese dishes translation error can’t express the characteristics of the food and give people a bad impression. Therefore, we should grasp the translation principles and note the flexible use of relevant translation method. Keywords: Chinese dish names; translation principles; translation methods (注意:中英文Abstract摘要标题用小二号黑体)(内容用小四号)


中西方饮食文化差异与中餐菜单翻译方法 国经济与贸易5班黄淑真2014405140506 一、中西方文化差异的具体表现 中西方饮食文化的差异性取决于各自文化母体的特性,特别是文化创造者的思维特性。总体而言,中西饮食文化的差异主要体现在饮食文化基本观念的差异和饮食文化技术体系的差异。具体而言,中西饮食文化的差异性突出表现在美食观念、审美标准、原料选用、饮食功能、切割工艺、餐桌类型、进餐形式、进餐用具、进餐速度和食物温度等十个方面。 1.美食观念的差异——情理不同 中国人传统思维方式表现为具有较早的主体意识和浓厚的情感因素,长于直觉思维和内心体验而弱于抽象形式的逻辑推理,重视形象思维并善于将形象思维与抽象思维融会贯通。中国人对客观事物的认识是以情(情感性和艺术性)为主导,趋向于价值选择而非真假的判断。中国人讲吃,不仅仅是一日三餐,它往往蕴含着中国人认识事物和理解事物的哲理。可以说,吃的问题贯穿于人生的各个领域,它不仅是人们生活的一个重要内容,而且不同程度地影响着人们的心理、情感和行为,从而构成了一系列耐人寻味的饮食文化现象。因此,中国人的饮食侧重于“情”,认为饮食就是感受一种心情。 西方人长于抽象形式的逻辑推理,重视理性分析,注重借助于实验条件、实验设备、实验数据等,其对客观事物的认识是以理性为主导,趋向于真假判断而非价值取舍。因此,西方人的饮食侧重于“理”,认为饮食就是满足人体的生理需求。 2.审美标准的差异——味养不同 中国人对于美食的评价标准以“味”为核心,认为饮食就是食物内在之味和情境心理体味的综合审美过程。中国人自古以来就把味觉纳入了审美的范畴,甚至认为美感起源于味觉。视、听、嗅、味、触五官感觉的整合与联觉所引起的审美愉快,广泛地涉及到精神和物质等各个领域。味觉的审美功能已经在物质与精神、生理与心理、灵与肉的结合上形成为中华民族一种特有的文化现象。在中国人的美食文化中,人们的饮食观念以“味”为核心。这种味是由饮食的滋味和饮食的意味共同组成的复合味,其中,饮食的滋味是指食物的内在之味(味觉审美),饮食的意味是指食物的味外之味(心理审美)。对许多中国人来说,饮食在裹腹充饥之时,也是内心的一种情感体验。 3.中西方中美饮食文化食材差异 中国饮食文化主要起源于农耕文化,农耕文化决定了中国饮食结构以农作物为主,肉类为辅。而且中国地域广阔,土地肥沃,种植技术较高,自然粮食作物产量多和种类丰富,相反动物的养殖较少,故食粮食较多。中国人的膳食结构就是以粮、豆、蔬、果、谷类等植物性食料为基础,主、副食界线分明.主食是五谷,副食是蔬菜,外加少量的肉食.因此中国人在备餐时,饮食是以植物为主、动物为辅.主食主要是大米和面食,饮料主要是茶和酒水。 西方饮食文化主要起源于畜牧文化,畜牧文化决定了西方饮食结构尤其偏重于肉类与乳制品。西方国家因气候因素不适合农作物的种植.故以畜牧业为主,农业为辅。动物的养殖技术较高,肉类产量较多,农业产品主要是小麦,葡萄等,故饮食以动物为主。西方人的饮食结构上,也以动物类菜品居多,主要是牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉、羊肉和鱼等,具有“三高(高


文学界.. 作者简介:梁艳红(1973-)女,湖北枣阳人,研究生,湖北第二师范学院讲师,研究方向:语言学 中国饮食文化翻译初探 梁艳红 (湖北第二师范学院外语学院,湖北武汉430205) 摘要:中国自古以来以食为天,在历史发展的进程中,中国培育出了源远流长、博大精深的饮食文化,在世界饮食文化之林都享有盛誉。随着对外交流的不断加强,饮食文化的翻译地位日益重要,因为它具有跨文化性质以及传播文化的历史性意义。本文在总结了饮食文化对外翻译中常见的问题的基础上,分析了优化饮食文化翻译的可行性,给出了自己的建议。 关键词:饮食文化;传播文化;翻译中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2111(2011)07-0105-02 1中华饮食文化与翻译 中华民族的饮食文化历来以历史悠久、特征鲜明、百味百格而著称于世,随着中国对外开放与交流的加强,中华民族的饮食文化也逐步走出国门,吸引了越来越多的外国朋友的关注并得到他们的青睐。 饮食文化是民族文化的一种,因而对于饮食文化的翻译应该置于文化交流的背景之下,也就是说,通过翻译,传递出中国饮食文化的内涵以及博大精深,而不应该仅仅是语言的转换。 目前,在翻译界对于文化的研究与实践大多是在宏观的领域内进行,很少有人专门进行某一分支的研讨。以饮食文化为例,通过翻译让更多的外国人了解中国饮食文化,进而深入了解中国的传统文化。菜名是饮食文化的符号,饮食文化要走出国门进行传播,菜名的翻译不可小觑。 2东西方餐饮业中饮食文化差异及中餐菜名特点 由于饮食文化的差异,东西方的饮食文化符号存在很大的区别,这表现在菜名命名方式的不同。在西式菜单中,菜名简单,在菜名旁往往有简单的主料、辅料以及烹调方式的说明,看上去素朴、鲜明。而在中式菜单中,菜名丰富,令人眼花缭乱。并且和西式菜单不同的是,中式菜名内涵丰富,取名讲究。除去用写实的手法命名的菜名之外,还有大量的用浪漫主义的方式所取的菜名,这些菜名蕴含了丰富的传统文化特征,不仅仅表明了菜肴的主料、刀工、烹调方式等等,而且还携带了很多与菜肴相关的文化信息,比如:菜肴的由来、菜肴的创始人、菜肴的象征含义、菜肴产生的历史文化背景。通过这样的命名方式,菜名朗朗上口、美妙动听,并且寓意吉祥,追求喜庆,充满了浓厚的民族风情及地域特征。虽然这些菜名即使是对于中国人来说有时都令人费解,但是它们却因为名称的美丽动听而能很好的迎合了食客的心,反映了中华民族特有的饮食文化特征。 3存在问题 3.1翻译错误 在饮食文化翻译的过程中,最常见也最易被忽视的一个问题就是菜单的翻译错误百出、拼写混乱。比如桂花拉糕的正确翻译为Sweet Osmanthus Cake ,可是即使是一家百年老店也将这道菜肴错误地翻译成Sweet Osmanthns Cake ,这还仅仅是其中的一个例子,在打开菜单选择菜肴时,很多海外游客对此莫名其妙、一头雾水,不知是选还是不选,这种情况的存在很大程度上影响了中国饮食文化的向外传播。 3.2误用大小写 对于英语这种语言来说非常注重大小写,一般来说示义词的开头字母需要大写。但是在中国饮食文化翻译的过程中,违反这一规则的例子比比皆是。比如黑椒牛仔骨的正确译法应该是 Beef Ribs with Black Pepper ,而现实中即使是涉外酒店,这道菜的翻译也会出现大小写的错误而译成Beef ribs with black pep -per 。再比如名菜松鼠桂鱼的正确译法是Fried Yellow Croaker with Preserved Vegetables,可是在一些酒店的菜单上这道菜竟被 译成FriedYellow Crocker With Presemed Vegetables ,短短的一个翻译竟然出现三处明显的错误,实在不该。不管这些错误的成因是什么,其实在翻译的过程只要细心一些,应该是鞥挂钩避免的。 3.3语义模糊 因为中式菜肴本身蕴含的浓重的文化气息,导致在翻译的过程中译者往往拘泥于字面意思,而没有深入考虑到文化的传达,从而翻译后的菜名意思僵硬,甚至不知所云。比如椒盐排骨往往被译成Deep Fried Salty Pork Ribs ,而在这道名菜中重要的调味料就是椒盐,可是翻译后的椒盐意思并不完整,所以会影响海外食客对于此菜的了解程度,因而应该译成Salt and Pepper Pork Ribs 才更为恰当。 4饮食文化与菜肴英译的技巧 第一,用直译法来突出菜肴的原材料以及烹调方式。对于突出原材料以及烹调方式的菜肴应该用直译的方式来进行翻译。比如红烧全鱼可以直译成Fish with Brown Sauce ,清蒸甲鱼可以翻译成Steamed Turtle 等。这是因为这样的翻译方法可以让海外食客通过菜名来了解中国的饮食文化,了解他们在日常生活中从未接触到的饮食原料以及独特的烹调方式。 第二,对于体现地域特色以及风味的菜肴在翻译是注意突出本土文化印象 1)直译地名原料。比如广东香肠翻译成Guangdong Sausage 。2)二是菜名反映地方风味时,在翻译时在地名后加style(风 语言研究 105


中西方饮食文化差异与中餐菜单的英译 摘要:由于地域、政治、经济、技术等诸多因素的 影响,中西方文化呈现出风格迥异的姿态,同时,中西方文化的差异也造就了中西方饮食文化的差异。地域特征、气候环境、民俗风情等条件都潜移默化地左右着中西方饮食文化的发展,使其在原料选取、口味偏好、烹调方式、饮食习惯等方面呈现不同程度的差异。本文着眼于中西方饮食文化在饮食观念、饮食内容、烹饪方式、进餐方式、菜单命名等方面的差异,分析中西菜单翻译面临的问题与瓶颈,提炼出更为精准适宜的翻译原则与翻译方法,使中国菜单更科学合理地被西方友人理解接受。 关键词:饮食文化;文化差异;中餐菜名;翻译手法 一脉相承、历久弥新的中国饮食文化是中华文明的重要组成部分,它不仅与人们日常生活息息相关,也是博大精深中华文化的载体。随着国家博物馆对外交流活动的不断增加,国博餐厅成为展示中国饮食文化的首要窗口。长期以来,许多到中国畅游的外国游客都以能享受到正宗地道的中国美 食为主要目的,中餐已成为中外文化交流的重要媒介。合理准确的菜名翻译不仅可以使国外友人正确理解菜单所要传 达的信息,而且还能使中华美食在他们心中留下美好印象,

进一步促进中华饮食文化传播。然而,由于中西方的饮食文化存在巨大的差异,中餐菜单的英译会产生一些问题。为了更好地向西方用餐人士传播中国饮食文化,如何更精准传神地翻译中餐菜单,避免不必要的误解便成为亟需解决的问题。因此,只有熟悉中西方饮食文化的差异,了解中式菜肴的内涵,灵活运用相应的翻译方法,才能使外国客人更好地了解中国的饮食文化。 一、中西方饮食文化的差异 饮食文化是人类不断开拓食源和制造食品的各生产领 域和从饮食实践中展开的各种社会生活,以及反映这二者的多种意识形态的总称。(林乃焱:《中国古代饮食文化》)饮 食文化也是一种广谱文化,反映着人类生存与发展现状,是一种日常可见可闻的身边文化。中西方文化的差异衍生出不同的饮食文化,使其具有浓郁的地域性和民族性。比较中西方饮食文化的差异以及探究这些差异所产生的内在渊源,有助于从理论和实践两个方面来研究中餐菜单的英译问题,从而使西方友人更便捷直接地理解并接受中餐菜名。首先,本文主要从饮食观念、饮食内容、烹饪方式、进餐方式和菜式命名等几个方面浅释中西两种饮食文化的差异。 (一)饮食观念不同 西方的饮食观念偏重理性与科学,他们在意每餐食物的营养价值,力求通过一日三餐摄取足够的蛋白质、脂肪、热
