


Unit 13 Isolation and Infection Control

1 what are the isolation practices?

The aims of isolation practices are an attempt to prevent the spread of infection by breaking the chain of infection at the source, host or in the method of transmission.

2 The aim of strict isolation is to prevent extremely contagious

infections transmitted by air or by contact.

3 The purpose of respiratory isolation is to prevent transmission in

short distances in the air.

4 The purpose of contact isolation is to prevent transmission from

direct or close contact but not requiring strict isolation.

5 The aim of enteric precautions is to prevent transmission of

infections by contact with fecal matter. When nurses take care of patients with viral hepatitis A ,gastroenteritis of various causes ,clostridium difficile, and enterovirus-caused meningitis or endocarditis.

6 The aim of blood/body fluid precautions is used to prevent

transmission of infection by contact with infected blood or body fluid .

7 The aim of AFB tuberculosis is to prevent transmission of AFB

droplet nuclei.

8 The measurements of isolation are handwashing, gloves, masks,

2 and gowns.

9 Wearing gowns cab prevent contamination of clothing, thereby

decreasing transmission of organisms between patients.

10 Masks can prevent airborne transmission, direct contact with

mucous membranes and inhalation of infection microoganisms in either large or small droplet.

11 wash hand?

Unit 14 Medication

1.State the significance of medication administration.

Medication treatment is a very important medical means, through which many diseases can be cured or stopped when the administered medication take effect.

2.list the route for medication administration.

The common routes used in clinic nursing are oral administration, inhalation, administration by injection, vaginal administration, rectal administration and so on.

3.What are the things expected to be done by nurse before medication?

The nurse is expected to have a knowledge basis of drugs, including

drug name ,classification, preparation, and effects and adverse effects of drug, as well as physiologic factors that affect drug action.


4.What are the common routes of parenteral medication administration?

The common routes of parenteral medication administration are intradermal injection, subcutaneous injection, intramuscular injection, and intravenous injection.

5.Describe the contents of the nursing assessment for medication administration.

The assessment include taking a medication history , communicating with health care team, taking a physiologic assessment, recording psychosocial factors.

6.What are the key points of nursing care on medication administration for a discharged patient?

The nurse should make a medication schedule that fits medication’s frequency and patient’s li fe style; let the patient know the drug name, dosage, frequency, route of administration and desired effects and possible adverse effects. stress the importance of taking medicines as prescribed and for as long as prescribed.

Unit15 Injection

1.what requires in the nursing responsibilities in administration?


Nursing responsibility requires dexterity, sterile technique, a knowledge of the actions, usual dosage, desired effects, potential side effects, how and where to give the drug.

2. wh at’s the main diagnosis for nurse to keep in mind ?

The main nursing diagnosis is High Risk for Injury, the patients can be injured by the wrong dosage ,time , route and site and wrong medication. The other diagnosis is Knowledge Deficient.

3. What should be prepared before any injection?

We need to prepare a syringe, a needle, a swab and disinfectant to clean the skin, and medication needed.

4. Describe the purposes of each injection and the requirements for selecting sites for each of them .

1)Intradermal injection is used for diagnosis purpose. Sites commonly used are the inner surface of the forearm, dorsal aspect of the upper arm, and the upper arm ,and the upper back;

2)Subcutaneous injection is ensure slow absorption, and the sites include outer aspect of the upper arm, anterior of the thigh, lower abdominal wall and upper back;

3) Intramuscular injection is for quick absorption, the sites include dorsogluteal site, deltoid muscle site, femoral quadriceps site.

4) Percutaneous injection is for withdrawing blood, giving direct intravenous medication , fluid ,nutrient and blood. The sites include the


dorsum of the hands and inner sides of the elbows and arms.

5.list the common procedures of injections .

The common procedures of injections include

1) confi rm the physician’s order.

2) Prepare equipment

3) Identify(confirm) the patient

4) Explain the procedures to patient and place him in appropriate


5) Wash your hand

6) Follow the principle of aseptic (sterile) technique

7) Draw the medication from syringe and eliminate the air from it

8) Choose the site without excessive pigment, nodules, lesions, and hair

9) Sterilize the area

10) Dart the needle into tissue quickly at a required angle

11) Aspirate by pulling on barrel, assessing for blood return

12) Inject the drug after judging no blood

13) Remove the needle quickly

14) Press the site with a swab

15) Assist the patient to a comfort position

16) Wash your hands

17) Record the administration of the medication

18) Observe and evaluate the response of the patient to the medication


Unit 16 Blood transfusion

1. Q: What does whole blood transfusion be most commonly used


A: Whole blood transfusion is most commonly used in instance of acute massive blood loss or for total blood exchange in neonates.

2. Q: Why whole blood is not indicated when blood volume is

normal or increased?

A: Because blood products give the only needed elements to the recipient, this practice makes it possible to provide more needs with fewer donations and to decrease the risk of complication, such as blood carried disease and circulatory overload, to the recipient.

3. Q: Because the red blood cells provide the same

oxygen-carrying capacity as whole blood but in smaller volume. What kinds of situations do they be used in?

A: They may be used in situations in which the patient is at risk for circulatory overload but has the need of hemoglobin for its oxygen-carrying capacity.


4. Q: What is needed before the use of red blood cells?

A: Typing and crossmatching is needed before the use of red blood cells.

5. Q: What do platelets be only indicated for?

A: They are only indicated for treatment of life-threatening hemorrhage.

6. Q: When does plasma protein fraction use?

A: It is used when the replacement of intravascular volume is necessary.

7. Q: What does human serum albumin treat for? Why?

A: Because human serum albumin increases the colloidal osmotic pressure of the blood and is usually recommended as a treatment for shock, burns, and hypoproteinemia.

8. Q: What are the common blood products including?

A: Common blood products including packed red blood cells; platelets; plasma; human serum albumin; cryoprecipitate.

9. Q: What determines the rate of blood administration?

A: Factors including the blood product being used, the patient ’s age, and clinical condition determines the rate of blood administration.

10. Q : Why should not the blood be kept at room temperature

longer than 4-6 hours?

8 A: In order to avoid the danger of bacteria proliferation and red blood cells hemolysis.

11. Q : What are the purposes of administrating blood and blood


A: Administrating blood and blood products is an effective treatment to restore blood volume, replace clotting factors, and improve oxygen carrying capacity.

12. Q : What are the characteristics of the blood products?


13. Q : What are the indication for whole blood transfusion?


Unit 17


1. Q: What is wound?

A: When skin barrier is pierced, the inflammatory process of the individual ’s immune response is enacted to get rid of the foreign material, if possible, and to prepare the injured body area for healing. This injured body area, whether internal or external, is called a wound.

2. Q: What does wounds are often described according to how

they are acquired?

A: Wounds are often described according to how they are


acquired: incised, contused, abraded, punctured, or lacerated.

3. Q: According to the likelihood and degree of wound

contamination, what can wounds be further described?

A: clean wounds, clean-contaminated wounds, contaminated wounds, dirty or infected wounds.

4. Q: What is a clean wounds?

A: Clean wounds are uninfected wounds in which there is no inflammation and the respiratory,alimentary,genital, and urinary tracts are not entered.

5. Q: What is a clean-contaminated wounds?

A: Clean-contaminated wounds are surgical wounds in which the respiratory, alimentary, genital, or urinary tracts have been entered.

6. Q: What are the three stages does primary intension healing


A: The defensive stage, the reconstructive stage, and the mature stage.

7. Q: What does wound healing takes place by?

A: Healing takes place by primary or secondary intension.

8. Q: What are the main differences between the primary

intension healing and second intension healing?

A: Secondary intension healing differs from primary intension


healing in three ways: longer repair time; greater scar; and more prone to be infected.

9. Q: What factors will affect the wound healing?

A: Both internal and external factors can affect wound healing, ether positively or negatively. External factors include preoperative stays, preoperative preparation, and intraoperative elements. Internal factors include vasculature, immune status, nutrition, obesity, and stress.

10. Q : What ways are recommended to control the external factors

that affect wound healing?

A: Some ways are recommended to control the external factors that affect wound healing, which include treating bacterial infections before surgery, shortening preoperative hospital stay, administering enteral or parenteral nutrition preoperatively to the malnourished clients if the surgery is not urgent, and bathing with an antimicrobial soap the night before surgery when clients having elective surgery.

11. Q : What are the three main complications of wound healing?

A: hemorrhage; dehiscence with possible evisceration; infection.

12. Q : What does the Center for Disease Control recommend for

preventing wound infection? (P66)

A: 1).Wash hand before and after touching surgical wound.

11 2).Touch an open or fresh surgical wound only when wearing sterile gloves or using sterile forceps. After the wound is sealed, sterile gloves are no longer required. 3).Remove or change the dressing over open and closed wounds when it becomes wet.

4).Take a specimen of any drainage from the wound that is suspected of being infected. Send the specimen to the laboratory for culture an Gram stain.

13. Q : What is the purpose of wound healing?


14. Q : What are the emphases when assessing the drainages?


15. Q : What are the important in promoting healimg?


Unit 18 Intubation


Q: What kinds of patients may undergo intubation?

A :Patients with a full stomach, protecting against aspiration of regurgitated gastric contents, patients with prone position, making maintenance of the airway difficult, and patients in whom the airway cannot be satisfactorily maintained by any other technique may undergo intubation.


2. Q: During cardiopulmonary resuscitation, what does intubation


A: During cardiopulmonary resuscitation, intubation allows:

ventilation with 100% oxygen without leaks, suction clearance of inhaled debris, and a route for administration.

3. Q: What is the essential device for intubation?

A: Laryngoscope with a curved blade and functioning light is the essential device for intubation.

4. Q: What is the lightly lubricated length for males and females of

tracheal tubes?

A:For males: 22-24cm in length, 8.0-9.0mm internal diameter; and for females:20-22cm in length, 7.5-8.5mm internal diameter.

5. Q :The tracheal tube is connected the anesthetic system or

ventilator tubing by what?

A: The tracheal tube is connected the anesthetic system or ventilator tubing by catheter mounts or “elbow ”.(导管的接口)

6. Q: What does oral intubation requires?

A:Oral intubation requires abolition of the laryngeal reflexes and appropriate monitoring of the patients.

7. Q: What does the requirements for the patients ’ neck, head and

mouth, when does the oral intubation?


A:The patient should be positioned with the neck flexed and the head extend at the atlantooccipital joint. This is the so-called ‘sniffing the morning air ’ position. The patient ’s mouth is fully opened by the index finger and thumb of the right hand in a scissors action.

8. Q: When do nasotracheal intubation, how to avoid damage to the


A: When do nasotracheal intubation, a well-lubricated tube is introduced usually through the right nostril along the floor of the nose with bevel pointing medially to avoid damage to the turbinates.

9. Q: What are the common complications in intubation?

A: Hypoxia, trauma, and reflex activity are the common complications in intubation.

10. Q : There are how many types of intubation?


11. Q : When detect Hypoxia, what are the less reliable signs?

A: Less reliable signs are ’burping ’ sounds as gas escapes, diminished breath sounds on auscultation, decreased chest movement on ventilation, and gurgling sounds over the epigastrium.

12. Q : When does Hypoxia happen during intubation?


A: Hypoxia happening during intubation can deteriorate the impaired respiratory conditions.

13. Q : What is the best way to detect hypoxia in oesophageal


A: Measuring the carbon dioxide in expired gas is the best way to detect hypoxia in oesophageal intubation.

14. Q : What are the most common reasons for failed intubation and

inability to ventilate?

A: Abnormal anatomy or airway pathology are the most common reasons for failed intubation and inability to ventilate.

15. Q : What reasons can induce hypoxia except intubation?

A: Hypoxia is also induced by regurgitated gastric contents which can cause blockage of the airways directly or secondary to laryngeal spasm and bronchospasm.

16. Q : What are the three aspects of reflex activities during


A: Firstly, hypertension and arrhythmias; Secondly, vomiting; Finally, laryngeal spasm.

17. Q : What are the indications for intubation?



Unit 19 Suction

1. Development of suction: doctor’s order→nursing decision;

2. Indications: 1)patients with critical oxygenation level; 2)the patency

of the patient’s airway is threatened ;

3. Harm :1)increase the accumulation of secretions; 2)increase a

degree of hypoxia ;

4. Nurse’s caution: 1)identify whether the patient needs a short period

of hyperventilation with a high concentration of oxygen before suctioning; 2)be familiar with the equipment available and details of the procedure.

5. Preparation: 1)wash hands; 2)choose appropriate equipment; 3)

be sure wall suction connecter or portable machine is available; 4)tongue depressor; 5)eyeglasses ; 6)mask; 7) suction tract.

6. Procedure: 1) to be sure that you are performing on the right patient;

2) explain what you are going to do; 3) explaining the necessity and process of the procedure; 4) tell the patient that you are doing to insert a catheter gently and ask the patient to relax ; 5)inform the patient that coughing maybe induced but it is all right; 6) secure adequate room lighting; 7) place the patient in semi-Flower’s position;

8) place a clean tower across the patient’s chest; 9) do prior oxygenation if need; 10) open the suction kit; 11) use the wrapper as a sterile field; 12) check the kit; 13) put on sterile gloves; 14) reserve


the gloves on dominant hand for suction catheter; 15) pick up the catheter; 16) test the wall unit.

7. Insert the catheter through 3 routes:

1) Mouth: use a tongue blade; slide along the side of the mouth to the oropharynx.

2) the nostrils: slide along the floor of an unobstructed nostril to the nasopharynx; do not applying suction while you are inserting catheter; a catheter only for a single route; a good practice is to hold your breath during suction; suction carefully in cheeks; withdraw catheter with a rotating motion; flush the catheter with sterile water.

3) The tracheostomy : switch the nondominant, cleaned gloved hand to the suction tubing and control button; using the dominant, sterile-gloved hand on the catheter; insert the catheter 4-5 inches into the tracheostomy without occluding the port; suction at this time.

8. Indication to stop: 1)tracheal spasm; 2)patient’s breathing sounds

clear; 3)suction more than 3 times; 4)not successful in reaching the secretions; 5)the patient is actively resistant to the procedure.

9. Final steps: 1)grasp the cuff of the sterile glove and put it downward

over the used catheter with nondominant hand; 2)detach the catheter from the tubing and dispose of it safely in a receptacle; 3)reposition the patient in comfort; 4)wash hands ; 5)offer oral hygiene; 6)record the procedure on the chart.


Unit 20 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

1. Cardiac arrest /failure: is the sudden loss of cardiac output which

is potentially reversible with prompt restoration of circulation and oxygen delivery.

2. Development: BLS (including: recognition of cadiac arrest;

ventilation; circulation )→ACLS (including: BLS; ECG monitoring; rhythm identification; restoration of hemodynamic stabiliy through intubation; defibrillation; pharmacologic therapy. ) →modern CPR (including: closed chest compression ; mouth-to-mouth breathing; external defibrillation.)

3. Nurse’s responsibility: carry out CPR efficiently; perform the

procedure as a member of team or alone of all ages.

4. Function of CPR: restores hemodynamic stability; return of

spontaneous circulation.

5. Limits of CPR : prolonged survival is obviously lower.

6. detail introduction of CPR: ABC

1) Airway( 3 steps):(1)determine unresponsiveness; (2) position the

person on the back on a firm, flat surface; (3) tilt the person’s head back by placing the palm of on hand on the forehead and applying firm backward pressure.


2) Breathing ( 3 steps): determine breathlessness by look listen feel;

keeping the airway open; mouth to mouth

3) Circulation (5 steps): (1)kneel at the level of the patient’s

shoulders; (2)locate the lower margin of the patient’s rib cage;

(3)place the heel of your other hand just above those fingers; (4)remove your fingers from the indentation and place that hand on the top of the one already in position; (5)with shoulder directly above the chest, compress downward keeping arms straight. ( ratio: 15 compression to 2 breaths at a rate of 100 compression per minute.)

Unit 22 Shock

1. Shock: is a life threatening condition that occurs when intravascular is

unable to meet the oxygen and nutritional needs of the body’s cells and is usually reflected by a sudden drop in blood pressure.

2. 3 factors of insufficient blood pressure: 1) inadequate cardiac output

due to heart failure; 2) sudden loss of blood volume due to hemorrhage ;3) sudden decrease in peripheral vascular resistance due to anaphylaxis.

3. Severe conditions after prolonged shock: ARDS; DIC; MSOF;

4. 4 forms of shock: 1) hypovolemic shock; 2) cardiogenic shock; 3)

19 extracardiac obstructive shock; 4) distributive shock.

5. Symptoms of shock: 1) low blood pressure; 2) anxiety or agitation;3)

pale, cool, clammy skin; 4) low or no urine output; 5) bluish lips and fingernails; 6) dizziness, light-headedness, or faintness; 7) profuse sweating, moist skin; 8) rapid but weak pulse; 9) shallow but rapid breathing; 10) chest pain; 11) unconsciousness.

6. Assessment and Treatment: 1)regular observation; 2)check for any fall in blood pressure and changes in heart rates and the strength of the pulse; 3)ideally monitor the patient; 4)assess the patient’s conscious level; 5)measure the respiratory rate; 6)measure pulse oximetry and blood gases; 7)mechanical ventilation if needs; 8)keep the patient warm; 9)insert central venous catheter; 10)fluid losses and input should be recorded; 11)insert urinary catheter.


Lesson2 Exercises 1. Put the following into Chinese. (1)Ohm’s law states that the voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the resistor. The constant of proportionality is the resistance value of the resistor in ohms. 流过电路里电阻的电流,与加在电阻两端的电压成正比,与电阻的阻值成反比。这就是欧姆定律。 (2)Many materials, however, closely approximate an ideal linear resistor over a desired operating region. 不过,许多材料在规定的工作范围内非常接近理想线性电阻。 (3)It should be noted that an ideal voltage source (dependent or independent ) will produce any current required to ensure that the terminal voltage is as stated, whereas an ideal current source will produce the necessary voltage to ensure the stated current flow. 应该注意:一个理想电压源(独立或受控)可向电路提供任意电流以保证其端电压为规定值,而电流源可向电路提供任意电压以保证其规定电流。 (4)A different class of relationship occurs because of the restriction that some specific type of network element places on the variables. Still another class of relationship is one between several variable of the same type which occurs as the result of the network configuration, i. e., the manner in which the various element of the network are interconnected. 一种不同类型的关系是由于网络元件的某种特定类型的连接对变量的约束。另一类关系由于网络结构,即网络的不同元件互相连接的方式所产生的相同形式的一些变量间的关系。 (5)The thermal conductivity of metals is as much as several hundred times that of glass. 金属的导热率比玻璃高几百倍。 (6)Magnetic line of force will,whenever passible, travel through iron or other magnetic materials. 磁力线只要有可能就会通过铁或其它磁性材料。 (7)Actually, 0 o C is indeed the lower limit to temperatures capable of being attained. 事实上绝对零度确是所能达到的温度的最低限度。 2. Translate the following into English. (1)电路元件吸收或释放的功率为元件两端的电压与流过该元件电流的乘积。 The power absorbed or supplied by a circuit element is the product of the voltage across the element and the current through it. (2)理想独立电源是一个有源元件,它所提供的电压或电流不依赖于电路中其他变量。 An ideal independent source is an active element that provides a specified voltage or current that is completely independent of other circuit variables. (3)受控电源是一个有源元件,它所提供的电压或电流受电路中某部分电压或电流控制。 An ideal dependent (or controlled) source is an active element in which the source quantity is controlled by another voltage or current. (4)叠加定理为:线性电路中,任一电压或电流都是电路中各个独立电源单独作用时,在该处产生的电压或电流的叠加。 The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or current through) that element due to each independent source acting alone. (5)计算机可分为模拟计算机和数字计算机两种。Computers may be classfied as analog and digital.(6)新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了三分之二。The switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened three times. (7)超导体在电气应用上的重要性不能被估计过高。The importance of superconductor in the uses of electricity cannot be overestimated.


心理学专业英语总结——HXY 随意传阅·顺颂试安 注释:1.“*”在书上是黑体字,但感觉不重要背了也没什么卵用 2.“”背景色项表示答案恰好有三项,可能出选择 3. 人名已加黑,可能连线或选择 4. 每章节的末尾有方便记忆的单词表(只包括这篇总结中出现的关键单词) 5. 方便理解记忆,已在各项下方注明中文释义 6.“,”大部分都是作为点之间的分割,类似于逗号,前后不连成句子 Chapter 1——Perspectives in psychology 心理学纵览 Section 1: Approaches to psychology 心理学入门 ●What is psychology? 心理学是什么 Definitions: The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. 定义:对行为和心理过程的科学研究 Psychology come from: ①philosophy, ②biology ③physics. 心理学来源于:哲学、生物学和医学 When: 1879 as a separate scientific discipline. 形成于:1879年,作为独立学科 History (develop): structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitive psychology, humanistic approach, biological approach. 历史发展:结构主义,机能主义,精神分析,行为主义,认知,人本主义,生理。 ●The psychoanalytic approach to psychology 精神分析理论 Origins & history: Sigmund Freud, unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders, built up an theory. 历史来源:弗洛伊德提出潜意识心理动机,把它视为心理疾病的原因,并建立理论。 Assumptions: unconscious processes, psychic determinism, hydraulic drives, psychodynamic conflict, stages of development. 假设:潜意识过程,精神决定论,驱力(攻击、性),心理动力冲突,发展阶段 Methods of investigation: case study (method), free association (tech), dream analysis (tech). 研究方法:个案研究方法,自由联想技术,梦的解析技术 *Areas of explanation: personality development, moral/gender development, aggression, abnormality, memory. 可解释领域:人格发展,道德/性别发展,攻击性,异常,记忆 *Weaknesses: unrefutable, theoretically unscientific. 缺点:不可被其他事件驳斥,因此理论不具科学性 ●The behaviourist approach to psychology 行为主义理论 Origins & history: John Watson, empiricism, learning. 历史来源:华生,经验主义,学习 Assumptions: behaviour is learned from the environment, only observable behaviour should be studied. 假设:行为来源于环境,研究可观察的行为 *Areas of explanation: language acquisition, moral development, attraction, abnormality.


Unit1 Warm-up Tasks Task 1: True or False Statements 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F Task 2: Sentence Completion 1. primary care specialists 2. choosing to become specialists 3. alleviate those problems 4. remain a team effort 5. fewer and fewer new doctors ?Study & Practice I. Reading Comprehension Questions 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A II. Words to Practice 1. unique 6. sterile 2. unitary 7. established 3. adaptive 8. vary 4. expands 9. distinct from 5. prescribe 10. supervise III. Translation A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.高级临床专科护士是接受了高等教育和培训的注册护士,大部分都有护理硕士 或博士学位。她们在不同的场所工作,包括医院、疗养院、企业、私人诊所、学校以及社区中心。有些高级临床专科护士自己开业,但大部分都是与医生合作开业。许多高级临床专科护士有开具处方的权利。 2.护理的初衷是保持人们健康以及为病人提供舒适、照顾和保障。虽然护理的总 体目标历经几个世纪基本未变,但科学的进步和社会需求的变化对护理实践产生了巨大的影响。护理逐渐发展成一门现代职业。 B. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics for a patient with pneumonia. 2. In China, graduates from whatever nursing programs cannot enter into clinical practice until they get licensures. 3. The demand for nurses has been increasing in European and American countries in recent years. 4. In the past, the major role and functions of nurses were to provide care and comfort for the clients. 5. With the development of science and technology as well as the improvement of people’s living standards, nursing practice scopes will be expanding gradually. IV. Audio Tasks Task 1: Short -answer Questions 1. Cough and children’s ear infections. 2. Rash and anaphylactic shock.


平凉机电工程学校 二○一○——二○一一学年第二学期期末考试 09 级各专业《英语》试题(卷) 一.语音(10分)找出与其它三个单词划线部分读音不同的选项。 1. A. hate B. brave C.have D.escape 2. A. warm B. waring C. quarter D. regular 3. A. fever B. hero C. zero D. period 4. A. wear B. earth C. research D. heard 5. A. foolish B. blood C. choose D. shoot 6. A. picture B. future C. failure D. temperature 7. A. excellent B. exact C. example D. exist 8. A. nation B. station C. education D. question 9. A. expression B. television C. decision D. conclusion 10. A. knocked B. helped C. laughed D. planned 二.单项选择。(30分) 11. Do you mind my smoking here? A. No, thanks. B. No, good idea. C. Yes, please D. Yes, better not 12. What a beautiful picture you’ve drawn! A. Not at all B. Thank you C. You’re great D. I’m proud of you 13. How about going to the cinema? A. Good idea. B. It’s too small C. No problem D. With pleasure 14. If you need any help, just let me know. I will. A. Thank you B. Not at all C. All right D. Excuse me 15.()The more you practice, better you draw. A. the B. / C. then D. and 16.Lily is 8—year—old girl. A. / B. a C. an D. the 17.I bought my mother some flowers on Mother’s Day. A. a B. an C. the D. / 18.What’s matter with you ? A. a B. an C. the D. / 19.There is U and S in word BUS. A. an; a; the B.a; an; the C. an; an; the D.the; the; the 20.We often go for walk after supper. A.a; the B.a; / C./; / D./; the 21.It’s very nice _________ invite me. A. that you B. for you to C. of you to D. by you to


学习专业英语的心得总结范例 随着英语教育的重要性日益凸显,学英语专业的同学越来越多了。下面是小编为大家整理的学习专业英语的心得总结,供你参考! 学习专业英语的心得总结篇1 努力目标: 掌握大量的计算机英语术语和缩略语;熟练掌握计算机英语中语法和惯用法的表达方式和功能;能阅读英文文档和技术资料,阅读熟读在100词/分钟以上;能借助字典翻译专业技术图书;能和别人用英语交流;能流利的表达自己的观点;能使用英文编写简单的技术文档和程序注释。 努力方式: 1选一本适合自己的计算机英语教材:一本国外的计算机入门读物《computingEssentials》被许多大学选用为计算机英语教材,效果极佳。这本书现在已经由高等教育出版社影印发行,书名是《计算机专业英语》。该书的特点是:时效性强,新颖实用,编排活泼。但对于中高级英语水平的专业开发人员未免有点太浅。一本非常适合于软件开发人员的《计算机英语》,该书已经由机械工业出版社出版,是该社”重点大学计算机教材”系列中的一本。需要说明的是该书最适合的读者对象为英语达到cET4的程序员,因为该书的选材直接来自国外计算机教材和出版物、技术文档和专业论文、IT精英的言论以及

计算机方面的大百科全书。 在日常工作中大量阅读英文书籍和资料是提高计算机英语水平的最佳途径。保证一年至少读1-2本原版影印的计算机书,并坚持读完。目前市场上大量的计算机原版影印图书为我们提供了绝好的机会。阅读英文计算机图书一开始是”啃”的感觉,比较费时费力,对于不太好读的地方,不妨拿起笔来逐行逐字翻译出来,这样对提高英语水平很有帮助。对于有经验的程序员可以利用自己的专业背景知识和上下文进行大胆推测,这样有利于提高阅读速度。即使是不求甚解,也不要紧,你可以通过多读同类书来弥补。原版计算机书读多了,你会发现一些很有规律的东西和一些常用的词汇,这些来自实践的经验非常宝贵,并让你终生受益。一般在完整阅读2-3本原版书以后,你就能发现读原版书的乐趣。值得一提的是读原版书的真正乐趣并非只是在于提高英语水平,而更是在于获得一种和西方人一致的思维方式,这种思维方式对学习计算机技术极为有益,因为计算机技术甚至现代科学体系都是建立在这种思维方式的基础之上的。坚持阅读英文计算机图书可以达到”品”的感觉,这种感觉是指在阅读时无需将英文转换为中文,而是直接用英文和作者在同一个水平线上进行思考和交流。至此,我们获得的不仅是英语水平的突破,更是计算机水平的突破。这也是许多计算机高手成功的秘密。 学习专业英语的心得总结篇2 因为下学期要忙这实习和毕业的事情,所以就选择在这学期把专业选修的学分修满。由于大部分同学只差一门课的学分了,再又是大


护理专业英语课后答案习题(3) 1. lots of time and even some support 2. the first six months of life 3. before the baby is born 4. 10 or 12 times 5. aids in milk transfer Study Practice I. Reading Comprehension 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D II. Words to Practice 1. manifest 6. inferiority 2. cognitive 7. apathetic 3. Cohesion 8. Mutilation 4. somatic 9. catheter 5. rationalization 10. detachment III.Translation A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. 护士应提供启发式的合理解释来应对儿童不切实际的恐惧,并进行干预,从使恐惧造成的损伤降到最小(比如可在操作中鼓励父母陪伴,或尽可能让儿童自己作决定)。 2. 治疗性游戏应该在无威胁的环境中进行,时间也应该有所保证。指导游戏的工作人员应该接受儿童游戏中的行为,避免表示赞成或不赞成。 B. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Superficial phlebitis is a common complication of continuous intravenous injection. 2. Without communication, the nurse is unable to determine whether implementation of nursing intervention is successful. 3. Even in his irritability he was gentle, for his wife was pregnant. 4. Please do not drink hot tea after eating fruit to avoid diarrhea. 5. Contracture of muscle or scar tissues may result in distortion or deformity, especially in joints of the body. IV. Audio Tasks


b--吡啶pyridine 巴比妥酸:barbituric acid比电导conductance 不规则的:irregular 崩解剂disintegrant c--萃取extraction 成团:agglomeration 测量仪measurement 肠液:intestinal fluid d--胆固醇cholestero 对映体:enantiomer 电极electrode 代谢:metabolism f--反相渗透reverse osmosis 分布:disposition g--构象:conformation 固化:solidize j--甲苯toluene 静脉注:intravenous injection 挤压:compress 聚集:aggregate 胶囊capsule l--粒子:particle 立体选择性:stereoselectivity 利用率:availability m--灭菌产品sterile products n--粘合剂adhesive p--偏振光:polarized light 片剂tablet 配剂elixir 排泄:excretion q--起始原料starting materials(raw materials) q醛aldehyde r--溶解度:solubility 乳剂emulsion 润滑剂lubricant s--释放:release 渗液solution 生物膜:biologic membrane 生物碱alkaloid, t---糖浆syrup 甜味剂sweetener w--丸剂pill 微生物microorganism 胃液:gastric fluid 稳定态:steady-state x--旋光异构现象:optical isomerism 悬浮液suspension 香味剂flavor 稀释剂diluent 形状:shape 吸收:absorption 消除:elimination y--胰岛素insulin 压片:tablet compression z--中间体intermediate 重结晶recrystallization 左旋:levorotation 蒸馏distillation 组织tissue a--asymmetric carbon不对称碳absorption吸收action动作adhesive粘合剂c--contamination污染chirality:手性compress压缩composite合成的compressibility:可压缩性compaction:压紧contamination specialize特殊污染conductivity电导率control:控制clinical:临床的 d--design:设计dry:干燥delivery:传送 e-- extend:延长epoxide:环氧化物 f-- formulation:制剂fluidity:流动性f unction:功能 g--geometric isomerism:几何异构 h-- hormone激素hydrolysis diastereoisomer:水解非对映异构体 heterogeneous catalyst多相催化剂, i--irrigating冲洗 m-- metabolite代谢物medication药物治疗medicine内服药mill:研磨measure尺寸mix:混合microorganisms微生物 o--ophthalmic眼药 p-- polysaccharide多糖peptide肽plasma血浆penicillin青霉素,precursor:前体partition coefficient:狭义分配系数pharmaceutical制药的parenteral注射药物pycogens热源procedure:程序 q-- quality性质quantity数量 s-- steroid甾类steric effect:空间效应stereoselectivity:立体选择性screening:过筛sustain :维持 t-- treat治疗therapy:治疗 u--uniformity目标v--vaccine疫苗


专业英语课程总结 《计算机专业英语》是综合计算机知识和英语运用能力的一门课程,它涵盖了计算机基础知识、计算机软件知识、计算机硬件知识、计算机网络基础知识等。它注意与计算机专业课的协调性;注重实践性和实用性。 通过这门课的学习,我收获颇多,下面就我个人看法,谈谈如何学好这门课。 还记得高中的时候学英语吗?每天都是语法、时态、句型、阅读等等,这样的教学模式导致我们只是能够应对考试,却无法将学到的应用到生活当中,对于专业英语,我们要做到的不仅仅是能够考试,我们要做到真正的理解与运用,那个样对我们以后的工作才有帮助。 众所周知,学英语无非四个方面:听、说、读和写,专业英语亦是如此。 多听一些专业的单词,它与我们四六级接触的词汇不同,这些词汇都是我们在计算机领域中经常见到的,比如:Bandwidth、Broadband、Client等等,多接触这些单词。当我们见到磁盘的时候,我们知道它的英文名字叫Diskette。 对于我们计算机人员而言,说的机会是相当少的,所以我们就要寄希望于读,把文章读出声来。 你能听懂不代表你知道它怎么用,多读一些计算机相关的文章,并不是要你读出声,二是默读,通过这个角度,我们可以了解单词的用法,知道一句话怎么去解释,知道不同语境下代表的不同意思。 最后一步就是写了,我认为,一个优秀的计算机人才,要具有较强的英语书写能力,尤其是编程人员,我们在开发一个项目的时候会考虑到项目的国际化,那么,我们在定义变量名、方法明的时候就会考虑用英语,那样能够很好的应高我们程序的规范性。 学好专业英语,对我们后面的工作有什么好处呢?据我了解,很多应用开发的官方文档都是英文的,eclipse API虽然有中文,但也只是部分,没有英语的支撑还是看不懂,而ios开发官方文档几乎是全英文。在我们平时的开发过程中,很多时候是要查阅这些文档的。 由此可见,学好专业英语,不仅仅可以让我们通过考试,更多的好处是给我们后面的学习和工作提供了很大的便利,让我们在专业领域走的更加顺利。


护理多采用WHO对健康的定义:“健康不仅是没有疾病或虚弱,它是一种生理、心理、社会适应的完全良好状态。” Nurses agree the definition from WHO, that is “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. 疾病是健康连续过程的中断,通过机体各部分、器官和系统的异常和紊乱表现出来Disease is an interruption in the continuous process of health, manifested by abnormalities or disturbance in the structure and function of body parts, organs or systems. 健康促进是一个促使更好的控制和改善其健康状况的过程,其主要目的在于挖掘健康潜力,维持身体的平衡。 Positive health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their own health, aimed primarily at improving health potential and maintaining health balance. 护理程序是组织护理活动的一种方法,包括脑力和体力的活动 The nursing process is a method for organizing nursing actions involving both intellectual and physical activities. 护理程度具有系统性,要求护士具备解决问题、批判性思维、决策制定的能力,以及识别病人健康状况的基本的护理知识。 The n2ursing process is a systematic process and requires problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making , and a substantial knowledge basis to identify the status of client. 护理诊断是陈述护士确立的并有能力解决的有关病人现存的或潜在的健康问题 Nursing diagnosis is a statement of an actual or potential health problem that a nurse is licensed and competent to treat. 病人的健康状况会随着时间的变化而有所变化。所以护理计划和护理措施也必须进行相应的调整 The client’s health status may change with time. So it is necessary to revise the nursing plan and nursing intervention accordingly. 健康的定义既包含了健康定性的方面有包含了其定量的方面;即健康既可以用数字测量,又可用生活满意度、希望、个人和社会目标等因素进行测量 This definition of health is both qualitative and quantitative; health is measured both in numbers and by factors such as satisfaction with life, hope, and personal and social goals. 健康教育是一个集知识、心理和社会各方面因素为一体的过程,通过一系列的活动,以提高人们做出有利于个人、家庭和社区健康有关活动的决策能力。 Health education is a holistic process with intellectual, psychological, and social dimensions relating to activities that increase the abilities of people to make informed decisions that affect their personal, family, and community well-being. 健康教育的目的是实现许多健康目标,包括个体及家庭的发展、康复、知情同意、应对和自我护理。 The purposes of health education are to reach a number of health goals, including individual and family development, rehabilitation, informed consent, coping, and self-care. 康复是一个动态过程,它有计划地适应生活方式的改变,是对疾病或外伤事故所致的意外改变的反应 Rehabilitation is a dynamic process of adaptive change in lifestyle in response to unplanned change imposed on the individual by disease or traumatic incident. 影响压力源强度的因素有:压力源本身的强度、压力源的持续时间、个体应对压力的经验、个体对压力源重要性的感知,已经十分还存在其他的压力。


Key to Exercise Unit 1 Chemical Industries 1.the Industrial Revolution https://www.360docs.net/doc/ce14961385.html,anic chemicals 3.the contact process 4.the Haber process 5.synthetic polymers 6.intermediates 7.artificial fertilizers 8.pesticides (crop protection chemicals) 9.synthetic fibers 10.pharmaceutical 11.research and development 12.petrochemical https://www.360docs.net/doc/ce14961385.html,puters(automatic control equipment) 14.capital intensive Some Chemicals Used In Our Daily Life Unit 2 Research and Development 1.R&D 2.ideas and knowledge 3.process and products 4.fundamental 5.applied 6.product development 7.existing product 8.pilot plant 9.profitbility 10.environmental impact 11.energy cost 12.technical support 13.process improvement 14.effluent treatment 15.pharmaceutical 16.sufficiently pure 17.Reaction 18.unreacted material 19.by-products 20.the product specification 21.Product storage




金属切削 metal cutting 机床 machine tool 金属工艺学 technology of me tals 刀具 cotter 摩擦 friction 联结 link 传动 drive/transmission 轴 shaft 弹性 elasticity 频率特性 frequency characte ristic 误差 error 响应 response 定位 allocation

机床夹具 jig 动力学 dynamic 运动学 kinematics 静力学 static 分析力学 analyze mechanics 拉伸 pulling 压缩 hitting 剪切 shear 扭转 twist 弯曲应力 bending stress 强度 intensity 三相交流电 three-phase AC 磁路 magnetic circles 变压器 transformer 异步电动机 asynchronous mot

or 几何形状 geometrical 精度 precision 正弦形的 sinusoid 交流电路 AC circuit 机械加工余量 machining allo wance 变形力 deforming force 变形 deformation 应力 stress 硬度 rigidity 热处理 heat treatment 退火 anneal 正火 normalizing 脱碳 decarburization


1.two-terminal element 二端口元件 2.associated reference direction 关联参考方向 3.Ohm’s Law 欧姆定律 4.electric field 电场 5.displacement current 转移电流 6.short circuit 短路 7.magnetic field 磁场 8.conduction current 传导电流 1.capacitance 2.capacitor 3.resistance 4.resistor 5.Inductance 6.Inductor We can make two important observations here.在此,我们可以得到两条重要的结论:第一,如果电流是常数,理想电感器的端电压为0,这样电感器在恒量或直流中可以当作短路;第二,在电感器中电流不能瞬时变化,也就是说,在0时间内电流不能以有限量改变。 2 1.能量转换energy conversion 2.正极positive terminal 3串联电路series circuit 4.电路化简方法circuit simplification technique 5.电路分析方法circuit analysis technique 6.阻性电路resistive circuit 7.戴维南和诺顿等效电路Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuit 8.节点电压法node-voltage method 9.网孔电流法mesh-current method 10.参考节点reference node We can use those approaches for all circuits,对于所有的电路都可以使用这些方法,但是当电路结构更复杂、引入更多元件的时候,这种直接求解的方法很快就变得麻烦了。此时,可以使用两种常规的分析方法。 3 1. amplify current 放大电流 2. electronic component 电子元器件 3. complex circuit 复杂电路 4. vacuum tube 真空管 5. hand-held calculator便携式计算机 6. integrated circuit chip集成电路芯片 7. semiconductor material 半导体材料 8. microprocessor 微处理器 Bardeen和Brattain认为问题在于液体,所以他们用本质是锗锈的氧化锗来代替液体。Gibney准备了一块特殊的锗片,锗片的一面上有一层绿色的氧化层。12月12日Brattain开始插入接触点。


护理专业常用英语词汇 一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) Nursing processes Assessment Nursing diagnosis Planning Intervention (implementation, management) Evaluation Daily care of the patient Morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care Bedmaking Oral hygiene (mouth care) Brushing the teeth Flossing the teeth Denture care Bathing Cleanliness and skin car Perineal care Hair care Shaving Care of nails and feet Changing hospital gowns Massage Bedsore care 褥疮护理 Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征Taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature Taking a radial pulse Counting respirations Measuring (taking) blood pressure Catheterization Cardiac catheterization Laryngeal catheterization; intubation Retro-urethral catheterization Urethral catheterization 护理过程 估计 护理诊断 计划 措施(实施、管理) 评价 对病人的日常护理 晨(晚)间护理 整理床铺 口腔卫生 刷牙 清牙垢 清洗假牙 洗澡 清洁与皮肤护理 会阴部护理 梳头 刮脸 指甲修剪和洗脚 更换住院服装 按摩 褥疮护理 测量生命体征 测量口腔(直肠、腋下)温度测量桡动脉脉搏 计呼吸次数 测量血压 导管插入术 心导管插入术 喉插管术 逆行导尿管插入术 尿道导管插入术
