






1. Our ______ catalogue will give you details of the model. ( )

A. illustrated

B. illustrating

C. illustrate

D. to illustrate

2. The global economic crisis results ______ an increase in unemployment. ( )

A. in

B. from

C. for

D. to

3. Please instruct your bank to amend the L/C as ______. ( )

A. follow

B. follows

C. following

D. followed

4. If we still haven’t received the relevant L/C by the end of this month, the ______ of the contract will be delayed. ( )

A. negotiation

B. conclusion

C. execution

D. position

5. The ______ will take delivery of the goods at the port of destination. ( )

A. consignor

B. consignee

C. bank

D. shipper

6. ______ account of lack of direct steamer, please allow transshipment in yo ur L/C. ( )

A. On

B. For

C. With

D. In

7. We are pleased t o accept your Order No.AH43 ______ 500 sets of “Forev er” brand bicycles for July shipment. ( )

A. selling

B. shipping

C. paying

D. covering

8. Our order is subject to ______ the import license. ( )

A. obtain

B. be obtained

C. us obtain

D. our obtaining

9. It is ______ our long-standing business relationship that we accept your co unter offer. ( )

A. in view of

B. in the view of

C. with view of

D. with the view of

10. The ______ balance of the contract should be transferred by te letransmissi on to the Seller’s bank in one week. ( )

A. standing

B. understanding

C. upstanding

D. outstanding

11. As you can not supply your products from stock, we regret to have to tu rn ______ your offer. ( )

A. down

B. off

C. away

D. out

12. The terms of the L/C should strictly ______ the stipulations set forth in t he sales contract. ( )

A. accord to

B. conform to

C. same as

D. like

13. Owing to the increasing cost of raw materials, we find it difficult to mai ntain the current price level, ______ to lower our prices. ( )

A. let alone

B. only

C. more than

D. despite

14. The exporter should ______ a draft on us at 30days’ sight. ( )

A. open

B. issue

C. draw

D. establish

15. We lodge a claim ______ the manufacturer______ the shortweight. ( )

A. with, against

B. against, for

C. with, with

D. against, to

16. ______ being the case, we are compelled to decline your order. ( )

A. This

B. So much

C. Such

D. Which

17. If your business with us had been carried on to our satisfaction, we ____ __ to renew the agency agreement. ( )

A. had agreed

B. should have agreed

C. shall agree

D. already agreed

18. We shall do our best to ______ your requirements. ( )

A. answer

B. reply

C. supply

D. meet

19. The relative L/C should be established through a third country bank ____ __ the sellers. ( )

A. available by

B. available to

C. acceptable by

D. acceptable to

20. The term CIF should be followed by ______. ( )

A. port of destination

B. port of shipment

C. port of loading

D. port of inland



21. We should appreciate ____________ if you would quote us your lowest p rice.

22. You may refer ____________ the catalogue ____________ complete detail s of our mobile phone.

23. The buyer will only accept a clean and shipped Bill of Lading made out ____________ order.

24. Any delay ____________ delivery will cause us much inconvenience.

25. Our garments should be packed ____________ special water-proof cases.

26. Our quotation ____________ groundnuts is valid ____________ five days.

27. The S.S “Haihe” is scheduled to sail ____________ Shanghai __________ __ the port of destination about April 10th.

28. We are sending you herewith the required invoice ____________ triplicat


29. The premium varies ____________ the scope of insurance, and extra pre mium will be ____________ your account.

30. We are glad to inform you that the goods ____________ Contract N0.673 2 have arrived here ____________ good condition.

31. You are not supposed to duplicate our design ____________ our written approval.

32. If any of the items in the booklet are ____________ interest to you, plea se let us have your specific enquiry.

33. The goods have been ready ____________shipment ____________ a long time, but we still haven’t received your L/C.

34. The insurance will be responsible ____________ the claim as far as it is ____________ the scope of cover.

35. ____________ examination, we have found that some of the cases are se verely damaged.

36. We would like to pay you a commission ____________ 5% ___________ _ the net values of all shipments to Africa.

37. We can not make you an offer as the goods are ____________ of stock.


38. We are enclosing our pro-forma invoice in triplicate for your applying for the necessary import license.

39. The manufacturers insist that there is no valid ground for your complaint.

40. The depressed market results in the stagnation of trade.

41. FPA coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature, please extend it to include TPND.

42. Provided you fulfill the terms of the credit we will accept and pay on m aturity the draft presented to us under this credit.

43. Please inform us one week before the shipment of the name of the vesse l, ETA and loading capacity.

44. You may be assured that we will carefully and seriously carry out your order sheet to your entire satisfaction.

45. The remittance is in payment of all commissions due to you up to date.

46. The goods are to be shipped in two lots of 100 metric tons each on sep arate Bill of Lading.

47. When doing business with foreign dealers, we adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.


48. 请寄我一份贵公司目前可供出口的各式微波炉的最新价目单。

49. 由于最近原材料成本的上涨,我们无法降低价格。

50. 除非你们找一家有信誉的公司担保,否则我们不接受用承兑交单付款。

51. 我们认为供应商要对短量负责,因为破包是由于包装不良引起的。

52. 根据合同规定,唛头应由买方选定。










2002 年4 月全国高教自考外贸函电试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20 小题,每小题1 分,共20 分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有 一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to packing.( ) A. inferior B. superior C. faulty D. mistake 2. We trust you will do your best to have this matter right away.( ) A. settle B. to settle C. settling D. settled 3. By joint efforts we can both friendship and business.( ) A. increase B .promoted C .expand D. extend 4. We you for the special offer you send us.( ) A. thank B. appreciate C. be grateful D. beindebted 5. We are looking forward to your L/C for Order No 123.( ) A .receive B. receiveing C. be received D. be receiving 6. This is our best price, which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( ) A. on B. for C. by D. at 7. As it involves only a small , we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.( ) A. quality B .figure C. quantity D. number


全国2011年7月自学考试写作试题 课程代码:00506 一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.用标题揭示文章内容的对象、范围和性质的是( ) A.冯骥才的《珍珠鸟》 B.鲁迅的《无花的蔷薇》 C.冰心的《小品二章》 D.孙梨的《菜花》 2.从“第一次学游泳、第一次试讲、第一次打工”的材料中,提炼出“第一次意味着变革与创新”的主题,体现了确定主题的( ) A.明确 B.贴切 C.集中 D.深刻 3.经过作者筛选、加工、组合,写到文章中用以表现主题的材料是( ) A.原始材料 B.材料 C.题材 D.素材 4.《史记·信陵君列传》的题旨是赞扬魏无忌的礼贤下士、顾全大局和机智通变,于是详尽叙述他礼遇侯生、窃符救赵、结交毛薛等事迹,而对他晚年见疑魏王、死于酒色等则一笔带过。这体现了使用材料的( ) A.改造 B.组合 C.详略 D.生动 5.文章作者谋篇布局的写作行为或行为过程叫做( ) A.线索 B.结构 C.体验 D.照应 6.下列作品中,属于时空异常式类型结构的是( ) A.王蒙的《春之声》 B.鲁迅的《祝福》 C.徐怀中的《西线轶事》 D.刘义庆的《世说新语》 7.把某一对象的状貌、情态,生动、具体、形象地再现给读者的写作手法是( ) A.抒情 B.叙述 C.描写 D.说明 8.孔子说:“辞达而已矣。”是指( ) A.语言要准确 B.语言要准确流畅 C.语言要合逻辑 D.语言要达到一定的要求 第 1 页

9.对语言文字的敏锐的感觉是( ) A.得体 B.语感 C.适体 D.通感 10.用较完整的句子,把文章各部分的内容要点概括出来。这种编写提纲的形式是( ) A.标题式 B.词语式 C.提要式 D.图表式 11.运思中选择文章体裁的具体类型和样式的是( ) A.选材 B.理序 C.择体 D.定向 12.下面哪一个不是 ..通讯的主要特点?( ) A.新闻性 B.评论性 C.典型性 D.文学性 13.被称为“看不出艺术的艺术”的文学样式是( ) A.诗歌 B.小说 C.戏剧 D.散文 14.关于已经发生或正在发生的国内外重大事件的报道是( ) A.综合消息 B.经验性消息 C.动态消息 D.简讯 15.明代旅行家徐宏祖所著的《徐霞客游记》中的一些内容,与现代地质学考察相对照,几乎完全符合。这体现了游记的( ) A.文学性 B.科学性 C.时代性 D.记实性 16.把评论、鉴赏活动纯粹看作是评论者个人的“灵魂冒险”,违背了文艺评论( ) A.实事求是的要求 B.尊重艺术的规律 C.知人论世的要求 D.拓宽审美视野的要求 17.下列作品中属于读后感的是( ) A.欧阳修的《五代史伶官传序》 B.三毛的《永恒的母亲》 C.鲁迅的《我怎么做起小说来》 D.《伊索语言》 18.下列内容不属于 ...学术论文基本结构的是( ) A.绪论 B.本论 C.评论 D.结论 19.人们之所以看说明书,主要是为了要知道如何正确掌握和使用被说明的对象。这体现了说明书的( ) A.生活性 B.科学性 第 2 页


2011年7月外贸函电自考试题 全国2011年7月自考 外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. Our ______ catalogue will give you details of the model. () A. illustrated B. illustrating C. illustrate D. to illustrate 2. The global economic crisis results ______ an increase in unemployment. () A. in B. from C. for D. to 3. Please instruct your bank to amend the L/C as ______. () A. follow B. follows C. following D. followed 4. If we still haven’t received the relevant L/C by the end of this month, the ______ of the contract will be delayed. () A. negotiation B. conclusion C. execution D. position

5. The ______ will take delivery of the goods at the port of destination. () A. consignor B. consignee C. bank D. shipper 6. ______ account of lack of direct steamer, please allow transshipment in your L/C. () A. On B. For C. With D. In 7. We are pleased to accept your Order No.AH43 ______ 500 sets of “Forever” brand bicycles for July shipment. () A. selling B. shipping C. paying D. covering 8. Our order is subject to ______ the import license. () A. obtain B. be obtained C. us obtain D. our obtaining 9. It is ______ our long-standing business relationship that we accept your counter offer. () A. in view of B. in the view of C. with view of D. with the view of 10. The ______ balance of the contract should be transferred by teletransmission to the Seller’s bank in one week. ()A. standing B. understanding

自考外贸函电历年真题 并附问题详解

2002年4月全国高教自考外贸函电试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to _____ packing.( ) A. inferior B. superior C. faulty D. mistake 2. We trust you will do your best to have this matter _____ right away.( ) A. settle B. to settle C. settling D. settled 3. By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.( ) A. increase B .promoted C .expand D. extend 4. We _____ you for the special offer you send us.( ) A. thank B. appreciate C. be grateful D. beindebted 5. We are looking forward to _____ your L/C for Order No 123.( ) A .receive B. receiveing C. be received D. be receiving 6. This is our best price, _____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( ) A. on B. for C. by D. at 7. As it involves only a small _____, we hope you will have no


浙江省2018年7月高等教育自学考试 外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填 在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共20分) 1. ( ) the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipment from July 11th to August 12th. A. Owing to B. According to C. In order to D. So as to 2. The buyer made a bid ( ) $600 per ton for peanut meat. A. in B. at C. for D. with 3. So far we ( ) business relations with the firms in more than one hundred countries in the world. A. are established B. have established C. had established D. shall establish 4. ( ) the goods under Contract No.1986 are ready for shipment, please rush your L/C with the least possible delay. A. If B. Unless C. Although D. As 5. Under separate cover, we have already sent you samples of ( ) sizes of shoes. A. varying B. various C. variable D. variant 6. We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools on ( ). A. reply B. order C. request D. call 7. We wish to ( ) that this is the best price we can quote, and therefore any counteroffer from you cannot be considered. A. point at B. point to C. point of D. point out 8. We find your price is rather on the high side. We wonder ( ) you can do better in the near future. A. if B. why C. what D. as 9. All the cases are strongly packed ____compliance _____ your request.( ) A. for...with B. in...with C. for...in D. in...for 10. Please ( ) that the letters of credit are established with the least possible delay. A. see to them B. see them C. see it D. see 11. Can you offer us machine tools with the following ( ). A. informations B. messages


全国2011年7月自学考试英语翻译试题 课程代码:00087 I.Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each) A.Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1.Ignoring the chair offered him, Chu The stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior. ( ) A.朱德顾不得拉过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十岁的青年面前。 B.顾不得拉过来的椅子,朱德端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十岁的青年面前。 C.端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十岁的青年面前,朱德顾不得拉过来的椅子。 D.朱德站在这个比他年轻十岁的青年面前,端端正正地,顾不得拉过来的椅子。 2.Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals, and they characterize all the Industrial Revolution.( ) A.在修建英国的运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而他们也正是整个工业革命的特点。 B.在修建英国的运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,也正是这两点使整个工业革命具有了特点。 C.在英国的运河网的创造中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点也正是整个工业革命的特点。 D.在修建英国的运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点也正是整个工业革命的特点。 3.Their galabias and turbans stained by the sweat and dirt of a long day’s work, they sat in front of a wayside shop, enjoyin g the best things in life along the Nile.( ) A.袍子和头巾上又是汗,又是土,他们干了一天活儿。这时候,他们坐在路旁一家商店门口,享受尼罗河沿岸人们生活里最大的乐事。 B.他们干了一天活儿,袍子和头巾上又是汗,又是土。这时候,他们坐在一家商店门口的路旁,享受尼罗河沿岸人们生活里最大的乐事。 C.他们干了一天活儿,袍子和头巾被汗和土玷污。这时候,他们坐在路旁一家商店门口,享受尼罗河沿岸人们生活里最大的乐事。 D.他们干了一天活儿,袍子和头巾上又是汗,又是土。这时候,他们坐在路旁一家商店门口,享受尼罗河沿岸人们生活里最大的乐事。 4.Per capita GNP has grown at an average rate of 7.6% from 1980-1992.( ) A.从1980到1992年,人均国民生产总值平均增长率为7.6%。 B.1980和1992年,人均国民生产总值平均增长为7.6%。 C.从1980到1992年,人均国民生产总值平均增长到7.6%。 D.从1980到1992年,人均国民生产总值平均增长率超过7.6%。 5.A powerful indictment of America’s disregard of ecology, Silent Spring was aimed chiefly at the wholesale use of chemical pesticides, especially DDT.( ) A.一个对美国之忽视生态的有力控诉,《沉默的春天》主要是针对大规模使用农药——特别是滴滴涕。 第 1 页


自考外贸函电复习重点 1. bid 在国际贸易中,一般由卖方发盘或报盘,但有时,出于策略上的考虑,如卖方的商品供不应求,看涨,或是对当前的市场情况还不清楚,或是不知买方是否有诚意购买,常常要求买方先出盘,,以便集中对比,然后决定与谁成交。这种买方出的盘叫递盘(bid)。Bid也是一种报盘。 Bid 做名词时,常与动词make连用,基本结构是make ab a bid at a price for sth.。They made a bid at US$2,500 for Walnut-meat.他们对核桃仁曾按单价2,500美元递价。 Bid做动词用的常用句型为bid a price for sth. Last week we bid US$…… per metric ton for Green Tea.上星期我们对绿茶递价每公吨……美元。 另外bid也可做“投标”解。 2. 重要表达式 (1)to make you firm offers for both Groundnuts and Walnut meat CFR Copenhagen报花生和核桃仁两货CFR哥本哈根实盘 (2)Hand-picked,Shelled and Ungraded Groundnuts 手拣去壳不分级花生 (3)European Main Port 欧洲主要口岸 (4)This offer is firm,subject to your reply reaching us within one week此确盘一周内复到有效 (5)the best price we can quote这是我们能报的最好价 (6)As regards walnut meat关于核桃仁 (7)to be under offer elsewhere已向别处报盘 (8)to make us an acceptable bid给一个合适的(可接受的)递盘 (9)there has been a large demand for the above commodities对上述两商品的需求甚殷 (10)result in increased price结果导致价格上涨 (11)avail yourselves of the advantage of this strengthening market 可以得到这方面的好处。 (12)to be well connected with major dealers in the line of textiles与主要纺织品经营商有良好联系 (13)to be of good quality and competitive in price品质优良,价格又有竞争性 (14)best firm offer最优惠实盘 (15)to rush us samples by airmail立即以航邮将样品寄来 (16)If your shirts agree with the taste of our market,we feel confident of placing a trial order with you. 如你方的衬衫符合我地市场需要,我们有信心向你方试订 (17)By 100% confirmed,irrevocable letter of credit 100%保兑的、不可撤销的信用证(18)in our favour 以我方为受益人 (19)by draft at sight凭即期汇票支付 (20)to reach the sellers one month before shipment 在装运前一个月开到卖方 (21)remain valid for negotiation in China till the 15th day after shipment装船后15天内在中国议付有效



全国4月高等教育自学考试 外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. We __________ your quoting us your competitive prices on a CIF basis for the following. A.appreciate B.are appreciated C.appreciate it D.Will be appreciated 2. Under the __________, it is impossible to decline our price again. A.circumstance B.circumstances C.case D.Cases 3. Please see to __________ that goods should be delivered in 3 equal lots. A.us B.it C.the L/C D.them

4.We regret having to remind you that 20% of the freight is still ______ ____. A.owned B.owning C.standing D.Outstanding adj. 优秀的, 突出的, 未支付的, 未完成 5. Marketing is __________,we have received a crowd of enquires from o ur customers. A.declining B.advancing C.weak D.Going 6. Through our joint efforts, we have successfully concluded a __________ with your company. A.business B.order C.trade D.deal 7. The __________ creates a power of acceptance, permitting the offer by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual o bligation. A.free offer B.firm offer


一、外贸函电的写作要领:completeness(完整)、concreteness(具体)、clarity(清楚)、conciseness(简洁)、courtesy (礼貌)、consideration(体谅)以及correctness(正确)。 二、信息可以分为四大类:肯定信息(positive message)、中性信息(neutral message)、否定信息(negative message, 也称负面信息)和说服信息(persuasive message). 三、布局可以分为平铺直叙法(Direct Plan or Approach)和曲折迂回法(Indirect Plan or Indirect Approach)。 四、书信的组成部分 (必备部分)(可选部分) 1.信头(The Heading)8、事由( The Subject Heading Or Caption) 2.日期(Date Line)9、经办人(Attention line) 3.封内地址(The Inside Address)10、附件(The Enclosure)简写Encl. or Enc. 4.称呼(The Salutation)11、抄送(Carbon Copy)简写C.C. 5.信的正文(The Body of the Letter)12、再启(The Postscript)简写P.S. 6.结束语(The Complimentary Close) 7.签名(The Signature) 五、打信格式 1.缩行式:封内地址和其需要分行的地址的后一行,都比前一行缩进两格或三格;信的正文,每一段的开始一 行都缩进若干格(一般与称呼末一字母取齐)。 2.平头式:需要分段的地方,及每段的开始一行都与前一行取齐,一律不缩行。平头式各段之间要用double space 以示分段。 3.混合式:封内地址和称呼采用平头式(从左边的空白边缘打起),其他部分采用缩行式,两种格式的混合采 用所以称之为混合式。 八、撰写询函的理由通常包括: (1)获取信息(如价格和技术数据) (2)获得印刷品(如商品目录本、说明书、公司介绍等) (3)索取样品 (4)取得帮助(如得到特别允许,帮助或建议等) 九、询函的回复分几种情况,有肯定的答复,有否定的答复,也有部分肯定、部分否定的答复。如果答复是肯定的,则采用平铺直叙的结构,答复开门见山,先说最紧要的。如果答复是否定的,或者是部分肯定,部分否定,回复九要采用曲折迂回的布局。在部分否定的答复中,肯定的那一部分内容正好可以充当缓冲垫。 十、报盘(Offer)又称发盘。卖方的Offer称为Selling Offer,Offer to sell。买方的Offer,称为Buying Offer,Offer to buy 或Bid。 十一、报盘有实盘(Firm Offer)和虚盘(Non-firm Offer)两种形式。实盘又称“不可撤销的发盘”,指由发盘人向受盘人提出完整、明确、肯定的交易条件,并愿在一定期限内按所提条件与受盘人达成交易的一种肯定表示。 虚盘是卖方所作的非承诺性表示。往往附有保留条件,买方接受后卖方仍然可以改变注意。 报盘属于中性信息,布局采用平铺直叙法。 We are now ___c____ your inquiry of October 12th。 a. on receipt of b. upon receipt of c. in receipt of d. in reception of I want to acquaint myself ____b__ the supply position of steel products. a. of b. with c. for d. about Our new low-cost solutions may be ____d_____ particular interest to you. a. in b. with c. for d. of ___c___ we would like to close the business with you , we find your bid unacceptable. a. Much b. However much c. Much as d. Despite ___a___ your counteroffer, we regret that we can’t accept it . a. As regards b. In regards to c. With regards d.In regards


全国2011年7月自学考试美学试题 课程代码:00037 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.真正将崇高作为一个审美范畴进行研究的美学家是( ) A.劳鲍特里 B.布瓦洛 C.爱迪生 D.博克 2.从联想的类型来看,杜甫的诗句“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”属于( ) A.相似联想 B.对比联想 C.接近联想 D.类比联想 3.艺术品的直接性物质存在是( ) A.形式符号层 B.意境超验层 C.物质实在层 D.意象世界层 4.在各种艺术意象中,以“天然”和“隐蔽”为主要特点的是( ) A.抽象 B.喻象 C.兴象 D.仿象 5.艺术的首要功能是( ) A.认识 B.感化 C.审美 D.启蒙 6.美学研究的核心方法是( ) A.哲学方法 B.心理学方法 C.艺术学方法 D.人类学方法 7.黑格尔美学思想的哲学基础是( ) A.先验主体论 B.理念论 C.绝对精神论 D.现象学的基本本体论 8.贯穿美学始终的理论基石是( ) A.审美对象 B.审美形态 C.审美经验 D.审美活动 9.曾将艺术形象称之为“幻象”的美学家是( ) A.苏珊·朗格 B.英伽登 C.杜夫海纳 D.阿恩海姆 10.我国的史前绘画最早见于( ) 第 1 页

A.旧石器时代晚期 B.旧石器时代中期 C.新石器时代 D.旧石器时代早期 11.西方早期的审美形态的实质是( ) A.诗性与雕塑性的 B.戏剧性与雕塑性的 C.诗性与音乐性的 D.音乐性与戏剧性的 12.体现了西方人在丑面前的无奈的审美形态是( ) A.悲剧 B.喜剧 C.荒诞 D.崇高 13.认为崇高是“伟大心灵的回声”的美学家是( ) A.柏拉图 B.朗吉弩斯 C.康德 D.博克 14.西方美学史上真正奠定了悲剧理论基础的美学家是( ) A.马克思 B.席勒 C.康德 D.亚里士多德 15.自然主义美学的代表人物是( ) A.哈奇生 B.乔治·桑塔亚那 C.夏夫玆博里 D.狄尔泰 16.在审美经验中起着主导作用的五官感觉是( ) A.味觉和嗅觉 B.听觉和触觉 C.视觉和味觉 D.视觉和听觉 17.在审美经验的呈现阶段起着关键作用的是( ) A.审美知觉 B.审美想象 C.审美情感 D.审美理解 18.模仿说的最高发展阶段是( ) A.现代主义文艺 B.现实主义文艺 C.浪漫主义文艺 D.后现代主义文艺 19.“载道说”的完善者是( ) A.孔子 B.孟子 C.韩愈 D.朱熹 20.在意象生成过程中起着巨大作用的是( ) A.意象和知觉 B.理智和情感 C.体验和感受 D.意向和想象 二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选、 第 2 页


全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试外贸函 电试题 全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试外贸函电试题 湖北自考网8月20日整理 课程代码:00094 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. We __________ your quoting us your competitive prices on a CIF basis for the following. A. appreciate B. are appreciated C. appreciate it D. will be appreciated 2. Under the __________, it is impossible to decline our price again. A. circumstance B. circumstances C. case D. cases 3. Please see to __________ that goods should be delivered in 3 equal lots. A. us B. it C. the L/C D. them

4. We regret having to remind you that 20% of the freight is still __________. A. owned B. owning C. standing D. outstanding 5. Marketing is __________, we have received a crowd of enquires from our customers. A. declining B. advancing C. weak D. going 6. Through our joint efforts, we have successfully concluded a __________ with your company. A. business B. order C. trade D. deal 7. The __________ creates a power of acceptance, permitting the offer by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual obligation. A. free offer B. firm offer C. non-firm offer D. offeree 8. Our __________ catalogue and price list are sent together with the letter for your reference. A. illustrated B. illustrating C. be illustrated D. that illustrated 9. The stipulations in the relevant L/C should strictly


2011年母婴保健适宜技术培训试题 单位_______________姓名___________分数_______ 1、关于胎儿附属物的说法,下列哪项是错误的() A 胎儿附属物是指胎儿以外的组织,包括胎盘,胎膜,脐带和羊水 B 胎盘由羊膜、叶状绒毛膜和底蜕膜组成C正常足月妊娠羊水量为1000ml D 叶状绒毛膜:构成胎盘的母体部分,是胎盘的主要部分E胎膜是由绒毛膜和羊膜组成 2、对于艾滋病的临床表现,哪项是恰当的 A、前驱期有发热、消瘦及淋巴结增大的症状,极易诊断 B、潜伏期短,一般为2个月 C、发病前少数病人有前驱期症状 D、胸腹腔及四肢皮肤有典型的玫瑰疹 E、其特点为细胞免疫功能严重低下,为各种严重的条件性感染创造机会,如卡波肉瘤及肺包子虫病 3、有关产科腹部检查,下列哪项说法是错误的() A 妊娠满12周,子宫位于耻骨联合上2—3横指 B 妊娠满20周,子宫位于脐下1横指 C 妊娠满28周,子宫位于脐上3横指 D 妊娠满32周,子宫位于脐与剑突之间 E 妊娠满36周,子宫位于剑突下3横指 4、下列说法不对的是() A 妊娠满28周及以后的胎儿及其附属物,从临产发动至从母体全部娩出的过程,称为分娩 B 妊娠满37周至不满42足周间分娩,称为足月C妊娠满42周及其后分娩,称为过期产D妊娠满28周至不满37足周间分娩,称早产 E 妊娠42周后分娩,称为过期产 5、在分娩过程中,有关产程护理不妥的是() A 血压应每4小时测一次,若血压≥140/90mmHg,应警惕待产妇发生抽搐的可能 B 灌肠后要观察子宫收缩,勤听胎心C让胎头最好在宫缩时,缓慢娩出 D第二产程,指导待产妇在宫缩时屏气用力,增加腹压 E 助产士切忌在胎盘尚未完全剥离之前,用手按揉、下压宫底或牵拉脐带 6、关于产褥期妇女的护理,下列说法不妥的是() A 产妇产后3—4日,均有泌乳热 B 产后宫缩痛经产妇更明显 C 血性恶露色鲜红,含大量血液,有少量胎膜及坏死蜕膜组织 D 于分娩后7—10天可温水坐浴,但恶露量多且颜色鲜红者应禁止坐浴 E 分娩后6周进行产后复查 7、产后出血的原因不包括() A.宫缩乏力 B.软产道损伤 C.胎盘因素 D.凝血功能障碍 E.胎头不能入盆 8、胎膜早破的护理不妥的是() A.孕妇卧床休息 B.每日测体温.,监测白细胞及分类 C.每日用消毒液冲洗会阴 D.观察羊水性状.气味 E.破膜24小时仍未临产,给有效的抗生素预防感染 9、子宫收缩乏力性产后出血,可以采取的治疗措施错误的是 A. 注射催产素 B. 双手刺激耻骨联合上方 C. 结扎盆腔血管止血


全国2011年7月高等教育自学考试 管理经济学试题 课程代码:02628 一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.可用于企业决策的基础是( ) A.会计利润 B.经济利润 C.正常利润 D.最大利润 2.某机器原来生产产品A,利润为500元,现在改生产产品B,所花材料费为800元,则生产产品B的机会成本为( ) A.300元 B.500元 C.800元 D.1 300元 3.一种产品价格的大幅度提高,导致另一种产品需求量的减少,这两种产品属于( ) A.低档品 B.互补品 C.替代品 D.独立品 4.不影响供给量的因素是( ) A.产品价格 B.产品成本 C.生产者对未来价格的预期 D.消费者对未来价格的预期 5.下列价格变动中,能使销售收入增加的变动是( ) A.当需求是弹性时,价格下降 B.当需求是弹性时,价格上升 C.当需求是单元弹性,价格下降 D.当需求是非弹性时,价格下降

6.提价1倍后,对需求量不会有很大影响的商品是( ) A.液晶彩电 B.高级手表 C.大米 D.高档服装 7.在管理经济学中,短期成本和长期成本的区别在于( ) A.前者是短期(5年以下)计划中用的成本,后者是长期(5年以上)计划中用的成本 B.前者是当前的成本,后者是将来的成本 C.前者在成本组成中,有些成本是固定的,后者的所有成本都是可以变动的 D.前者是指经营费用,后者是指投资费用 8.等产量曲线( ) A.说明了为生产一个给定的产出量而可能的各种投入要素的组合 B.除非得到所有要素的价格,否则不能划出该曲线 C.表明了投入与产出的关系 D.表示了无论投入数量怎样变化,产出量都是一定的 9.当市场价格等于平均成本时,称为盈亏平衡点,此时企业( ) A.会计利润为零 B.获得正常利润 C.经济利润小于零 D.退出该行业 10.卡特尔是寡头垄断厂商之间的一个协议,以便它们( ) A.集体增加产量,降低价格 B.对同一种产品向不同的消费者索取不同的价格 C.协调它们的决策,使联合利润最大化 D.对不同产品向同类消费者索取相同的价格 11.下面哪一条不是差别定价的必要条件?( ) A.企业对价格要有一定控制能力 B.不同市场的边际收入必须不同 C.企业的市场必须是被分割的 D.不同市场的价格弹性不同 12.资本的债务成本等于( ) A.企业的债券或借款的税后利率 B.企业的债券或借款的税前利率


Chapter 1: (一)英汉翻译: 1.We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with a view to building up business relations with you. 我方有幸自荐,以期与贵方建立贸易关系。 2.We intend that an enquiry for bicycles shall be sent to the manufactures in Britain. 我们打算给英国制造厂商寄送一份自行车询价单。 3.As you know, it is our foreign trade policy to trade with the people of other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 如你方所知,我方外贸政策是在平等互利基础上与各国人民做贸易。 4.It will be highly appreciated if you will reply to our enquiry Note No.2346 regarding Walnutmeat immediately. 如能立即对我方关于核桃仁第2346号询价单作出答复,我方将十分感激。 5.Specializing in the export of “Fly Pigeon” Brand Bicycle, we express our desire to trade with you in the line. 我方专门出口“飞鸽牌”自行车,愿与贵方进行交易。 6.We are in receipt of your letter of March 10th, and as requested, are making you an offer as follows. 我方已收到你方3月10日来函,现按你方要求报盘如下。 7.If you accept our offer, please cable us for our confirmation. 若你方接受我方报盘,请电报告知我方以便确认。 8.We are pleased to note from your letter of March 22nd that you are interested in our sewing machines. 从贵方3月22日的信中我方高兴地得悉贵方对我方缝纫机感兴趣。 9.In conformity with your request, we are sending you by air a catalogue for your reference. 按你方要求,我方航空寄去目录一本供你方参考。 10.Our leather produce of “Rose”range are selling fast in western European countries. 我方的“玫瑰”系列皮革产品在西欧国家很畅销。 (二)汉英翻译: 1.据中国国际贸易促进委员会介绍,得知贵公司的名称和地址。 Your name and address has been given to us by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. 2.我方对你方最近在广交会上展列的机械玩具感兴趣。 We are interested in the mechanical toys demonstrated at the recent Guangzhou Trade Fair.
