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Part 1 Multiple choices

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1.She refused to be ________________ by her long illness, so

she tried to talk to her friends about the happy moments in life.

A. discouraged

B. discharged

C. disadvantaged

D. dispirited

2.It's hard to ________________ how the tiles will look in our


A. visualize

B. plan

C. vaporize

D. assume

3.Legal documents are full of ________________ jargon (术语),

so we'd better ask for help from some professionals.

A. uncomplicated

B. unbelievable

C. incomprehensible

D. incontestable

4.We were shocked by her ________________ disappearance,

and realized after a long time that we should look for her.

A. mystic

B. marvellous

C. magnificent

D. mystifying

5.Police are ________________ as to the identity of the killer,

because he seems to have the least motive to kill her.

A. threatened

B. baffled

C. wondered

D. dissatisfied

6.The tax on foreign goods is ________________ high, and a

lot of people begin to consume domestic products.

A. potentially

B. progressively

C. prominently

D. prohibitively

7.I strongly ________________ of couples living together

before marriage although it has become a more and more

popular phenomenon.

A. disagree

B. disappointed

C. disallow

D. disapprove

8.But a US recession or other factors that could lead to a loss of

confidence in the dollar poses major risks to this


A. strategy

B. stimulus

C. scheme

D. scenario

9.Even middle-class consumers in the US are beginning to kick

against the ________________ prices.

A. controllable

B. uncontrolled

C. runaway

D. runoff

10.Life is fragile enough as it is. It comes and goes

________________ as a falling star!

A. freely

B. concisely

C. fleetingly

D. shortly

11.The speaker ________________ for the right word to answer

the question, sweating heavily.

A. fumbles

B. searches

C. traces

D. follows

12.Children can react in a very matter-of-fact way, like the little

boy who, in the ________________ of his father's death,

climbs into his mother's bed in the mornings.

A. following

B. aftermath

C. result

D. consequence

13.The traditional, ________________ unemployment of

employable disabled people is far worse than it has ever


A. great

B. magnificent

C. marvellous

D. massive

14.He was told to go up to Cambridge, despite a shortfall of £60

in his funds, and that his college would do its ______ to

ensure that he could carry on with his studies.

A. greatest

B. maximum

C. utmost

D. extreme

15.I never dreamed of meeting you here. What a(n)

