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Gina is from Australia.

She often goes to the movies.

The classroom is very clean.

To teach them English is my job.

→It is my job to teach them English.


(主语是Gina, She, The classroom, To teach them English )


We are both quiet.

He has a toothache.

She looks well.

We study hard.

We have finished the job.

He can speak English.

(谓语是are quiet; has a toothache; looks well; study; have finished; can speak)


Her mother is a bank clerk.

Are you ready?

Our country is getting stronger.

You look younger than before.

My book is on the desk.

Everybody is here.

(表语:a bank clerk; ready; getting stronger; younger; on the desk; here)


All of us like him.

He’s playing soccer.

Can I ask some questions?

She is playing the piano now.

He often helps me.

Lucy likes to sleep in the open air.

We enjoy living in China.

(宾语是him; soccer; questions; the piano; me; to sleep; living)

有些动词后面需要跟有双宾语,间接宾语指人,直接宾语指物。这类动词常见的有:give, buy, lend,pass ,show, tell, sent, leave等。如:

He bought me a book.

Pass me the ball,will you?



I have something to do.

What’s your name, please ?

She’s a good basketball player.

The girl behind the tree is my sister.

The little boy gave me a big apple.

The black bike is mine.

They made paper flower.

(to do; your; good; behind the tree; little, big; black; paper)


(1) 时间状语

I often get up at 5:30 in the morning. 我常常在早上5:30起床。

Hearing the news, they felt very excited. 听到这个消息,他们感到很兴奋。

Go along this street until you reach the end. 沿着这条街走直到到达尽头为止。

(2) 地点状语

Pandas only live in China. 熊猫仅生活在中国。

You should put the book where it was. 你应该把这本书放回原来的地方。

(3) 程度状语

I have quite a lot of work to do. 我有相当多的工作要做。

(4) 目的状语

We’ll go to the beach for a picnic this Sunday. 这个星期天我们将去沙滩野炊。

He took some change from his pocket to buy a newspaper. 他从口袋里掏出一些零钱来买报

She got up early so that she could catch the first bus. 她早早地起床以便能赶上这辆早车。


We usually go to school on foot. 我们通常步行去上学。

Please do it as I told you. 请按我告诉你的去做。


She came in with a dictionary in her hand.

(7) 让步状语

Though she has a lot of money, she is unhappy. 虽然她很有钱,而她并不幸福。

No matter what happens, I will never lose heart. 无论发生什么,我将决不失去信心。

(8) 条件状语

If you don’t work hard, you’ll fall behind the others. 假如你不努力学习你将落后于别人。

(9) 结果状语

He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.

