



Cities usually have a good reason for being where they are, like a nearby port or river. People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade. New York City, for example, is near a large harbour at the mouth of the Hudson River. Over 300 years its population grew gradually from 800 people to 8 million. But not all cities develop slowly over a long period of time. Boom towns grow from nothing almost overnight. In 1896, Dawson, Canada, was unmapped wilderness(荒野). But gold was discovered there in 1897, and two years later, it was one of the largest cities in the West, with a population of 30,000.

Dawson did not have any of the natural conveniences of cities like London or Paris. People went there for gold. They travelled over snow-covered mountains and sailed hundreds of miles up icy rivers. The path to Dawson was covered with thirty feet of wet snow that could fall without warming. An avalanche(雪崩) once closed the path, killing 63 people. For many who made it to Dawson, however, the rewards were worth the difficult trip. Of the first 20,000 people who dug for gold, 4,000 got rich. About 100 of these stayed rich men for the rest of their lives.

But no matter how rich they were, Dawson was never comfortable. Necessities like food and wood were very expensive. But soon, the gold that Dawson depended on had all been found. The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down, and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska, they left Dawson City as quickly as they had come. Today, people still come and go — to see where the Canadian gold rush happened. Tourism is now the chief industry of Dawson City — its present population is 762. (1)What attracted the early settlers to New York City?

A. Its business culture.

B. Its small population.

C. Its geographical position.

D. Its favourable climate.

(2)What do we know about those who first dug for gold in Dawson?

A. Two-thirds of them stayed there.

B. One out of five people got rich.

C. Almost everyone gave up.

D. Half of them died.

(3)What was the main reason for many people to leave Dawson?

A. They found the city too crowded.

B. They wanted to try their luck elsewhere.

C. They were unable to stand the winter.

D. They were short of food.

(4)What is the text mainly about?

A. The rise and fall of a city.

B. The gold rush in Canada.

C. Journeys into the wilderness.

D. Tourism in Dawson.








(1)细节理解。由题目中的New York City可以在文章的第一段第二、三句定位:人们在这些地方定居是因为这些地方容易到达,并合适交流和贸易,纽约就是因为在哈德逊河口的一个大海港附近,所以吸引人们


(2)细节理解。根据题目中的first dug for gold in Dawson可知答案在第二段最后Of the first 20,000 people who dug for gold, 4,000 got rich,可知在第一批挖金子的2万人中有4千人变富了,也就是五分之一的人致富,故答案为B。

(3)细节理解。人们离开Dawson的原因,通过leave在最后一段第四句后半部分 when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska, they left Dawson City as quickly as they had come可知人们离开Dawson的


(4)主旨大意。本文首先提到城市兴起的普遍原因,然后话锋一转,在第一段用了But not all cities develop slowly over a long period of time,在接下来的文字中讲述加拿大城市Dawson的兴衰过程,可知本文主要是




My First Marathon(马拉松)

A month before my first marathon, one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks, leaving me only two weeks to train. Yet, I was determined to go ahead.

I remember back to my 7th year in school. In my first P.E. class, the teacher required us to run laps and then hit

a softball. I didn't do either well. He later informed me that I was "not athletic".

The idea that I was "not athletic"stuck with me for years. When I started running in my 30s, I realized running was a battle against myself, not about competition or whether or not I was athletic. It was all about the battle against my own body and mind. A test of wills!

The night before my marathon, I dreamt that I couldn't even find the finish line. I woke up sweating and nervous, but ready to prove something to myself.

Shortly after crossing the start line, my shoe laces(鞋带) became untied. So I stopped to readjust. Not the start

I wanted!

At mile 3, I passed a sign: "GO FOR IT, RUNNERS!"

By mile 17, I became out of breath and the once injured ankle hurt badly. Despite the pain, I stayed the course walking a bit and then running again.

By mile 21, I was starving!

As I approached mile 23, I could see my wife waving a sign. She is my biggest fan. She never minded the alarm clock sounding at 4 a.m. or questioned my expenses on running.

I was one of the final runners to finish. But I finished! And I got a medal. In fact, I got the same medal as the

one that the guy who came in first place had.

Determined to be myself, move forward, free of shame and worldly labels(世俗标签), I can now call myself a "marathon winner".

(1)A month before the marathon, the author ____________.

A. was well trained

B. felt scared

C. made up his mind to run

D. lost hope

(2)Why did the author mention the P.E. class in his 7th year?

A. To acknowledge the support of his teacher.

B. To amuse the readers with a funny story.

C. To show he was not talented in sports.

D. To share a precious memory.

(3)How was the author's first marathon?

A. He made it.

B. He quit halfway.

C. He got the first prize.

D. He walked to the end.

(4)What does the story mainly tell us?

A. A man owes his success to his family support.

B. A winner is one with a great effort of will.

C. Failure is the mother of success.

D. One is never too old to learn.








⑴细节理解。根据题干中的a month before the marathon可知答案在第一段,由最后一句Yet, I was determined to go ahead可知作者决定参加比赛,故答案为C。

⑵细节理解。将题干中的P.E. class in his 7th year定位在第二段,作者自己在7年纪的时候做得不是很好,

后来被老师认为不是一个擅长运动的人,并且第三段提到老师的not athletic一直影响着他,故答案为C。

⑶细节理解。从文章倒数第二段I was one of the final runners to finish. But I finished! And I got a medal可知


⑷主旨大意。这是一篇记叙文,在最后一段点题:Determined to be myself, move forward, free of shame and worldly labels(世俗标签), I can now call myself a "marathon winner"可知,作者是一个意志坚定,通过不懈努力,最终获得了成功的胜利者,故答案为B。




When I was 17, I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay, once the home of a watercolorist named Marian McNay. She had requested the community to tum it into a museum upon her death. On a sunny Saturday, Sally and I drove over to the museum. She asked, "Do you have the address? ""No, but I'll recognize it, there was a picture in the magazine. "

"Oh, stop. There it is!"

The museum was free. We entered, excited. A group of people sitting in the hall stopped talking and stared at us.

"May I help you?" a man asked. "No," I said. "We're fine." Tour guides got on my nerves. What if they talked a long time about a painting you weren't that interested in? Sally had gone upstairs. The people in the hall seemed very nosy(爱窥探的), keeping their eyes on me with curiosity. What was their problem? I saw some nice sculptures in one room. Suddenly I sensed a man standing behind me. "Where do you think you are?" he asked. I turned sharply. "The McNay Art Museum!" He smiled, shaking his head. "Sorry, the McNay is on New Braunfels Street." "What's this place?" I asked, still confused. "Well, it's our home." My heart jolted(震颤). I raced to the staircase and called out, "Sally! Come down immediately! "

"There's some really good stuff(艺术作品)up there."She stepped down, looking confused. I pushed her toward the front door, waving at the family, saying, "Sorry, please forgive us, you have a really nice place." Outside, when I told Sally what happened, she covered her mouth, laughing. She couldn't believe how long they let us look around without saying anything.

The real McNay was splendid, but we felt nervous the whole time we were there. Van Gogh, Picasso. This time, we stayed together, in case anything else unusual happened.

Thirty years later, a woman approached me in a public place. "Excuse me, did you ever enter a residence, long ago, thinking it was the McNay Museum?"

"Yes. But how do you know? We never told anyone. "

"That was my home. I was a teenager sitting in the hall. Before you came over, I never realized what a beautiful place I lived in. I never felt lucky before. You thought it was a museum. My feelings about my home changed after that. I've always wanted to thank you."

(1)What do we know about Marian McNay?

A. She was a painter.

B. She was a community leader.

C. She was a museum director.

D. She was a journalist.

(2)Why did the author refuse the help from the man in the house?

A. She disliked people who were nosy.

B. She felt nervous when talking to strangers.

C. She knew more about art than the man.

D. She mistook him for a tour guide.

(3)How did the author feel about being stared at by the people in the hall?

A. Puzzled.

B. Concerned.

C. Frightened.

D. Delighted.

(4)Why did the author describe the real McNay museum in just a few words?

A. The real museum lacked enough artwork to interest her.

B. She was too upset to spend much time at the real museum.

C. The McNay was disappointing compared with the house.

D. The event happening in the house was more significant.

(5)What could we learn from the last paragraph?

A. People should have good taste to enjoy life.

B. People should spend more time with their family.

C. People tend to be blind to the beauty around them.

D. People tend to educate teenagers at a museum. 【答案】(1)A






【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者和朋友原想参观McNay博物馆,却误将一个私人住宅当成McNay 博物馆。30年后,一位女士认出误撞入自己住宅的作者,指出正是因为作者的误撞入才让她意识到自己住的地方有多么美丽。

⑴考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“When I was 17, I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay, once the home of a watercolorist named Marian McNay.”可知,Marian McNay是一名水彩画家。故选A。

⑵考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“‘May I help you?’ a man asked. ‘No’ I said. ‘We're fine.’ Tour guides got on my nerves.”可知,导游令作者心烦,作者误认为屋子里的男人是位导游。故选D。

⑶考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“The people in the hall seemed very nosy(爱窥探的), keeping their eyes on me with curiosity. What was their problem? ”大厅的人看起来都非常爱窥探的,眼睛不停的好奇的看着我。他们有什么问题?,可以推断出,作者当时感到困惑不解。故选A。


⑸考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Before you came over, I never realized what a beautiful place I lived in.”可知,在作者未造访她家之前,这位女士从未意识到自己住的地方多么美丽,从而可以推断出,人们往往对周围的美而不见。故选C。





Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, tightly knit(联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other. Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them.

Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries, trade, industrialisation, the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappear, and dominant languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over.

At present, the world has about 6,800 languages. The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven. The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages, often spoken by many people, while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. Europe has only around 200 languages; the Americas about 1,000; Africa 2,400; and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200, of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800. The median number (中位数)of speakers is a mere 6,000, which means that half the world's languages are spoken by fewer people than that.

Already well over 400 of the total of 6,800 languages are close to extinction (消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at random, Busuu in Cameroon (eight remaining speakers), Chiapaneco in Mexico (150), Lipan Apache in the United States (two or three) or Wadjigu in Australia (one, with a question-mark): none of these seems to have much chance of survival.

(1)What can we infer about languages in hunter-gatherer times?

A. They developed very fast.

B. They were large in number.

C. They had similar patterns.

D. They were closely connected.

(2)Which of the following best explains "dominant" underlined in paragraph 2?

A. Complex.

B. Advanced

C. Powerful.

D. Modern.

(3)How many languages are spoken by less than 6,000 people at present?

A. About 6,800.

B. About 3,400.

C. About 2,400.

D. About 1,200.

(4)What is the main idea of the text?

A. New languages will be created.

B. People's lifestyles are reflected in languages.

C. Human development results in fewer languages.

D. Geography determines language evolution.







⑴B 推理判断。第一段第二三句When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small ,tightly knit groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other。故答案为B。

⑵C 词义猜测。根据第二段划线部分句子句中的such as English Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over 可知,强大的语言如英语,西班牙语和汉语正在快速地接管,与前一句许多语言消失形成对比。故


⑶B 细节计算。根据倒数第二段第一句知现在世界语言种类总数有6800,及最后一句half of the total world languages可知6800的一半即3400,故答案为B。

⑷C 主旨大意。第一段讲述了多年来语言的发展有新的语言产生也有一些语言消失,在人类以打猎为生的时代,语言种类很多;第二段主要描述了随着人类过上定居生活,语言的种类就逐渐减少,特别是近几十年来商业化,工业化及全球化的发展导致许多小语种消亡,许多语言被强大的英语汉语等取代;第三段介绍了世界6800多种语言的地理分布情况最后讲述了400多种语言正面临消亡。故答案为C



We may think we're a culture that gets rid of our worn technology at the first sight of something shiny and new, but a new study shows that we keep using our old devices (装置) well after they go out of style. That's bad news for the environment – and our wallets – as these outdated devices consume much more energy than the newer ones that do the same things.

To figure out how much power these devices are using, Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life – from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device. This method provided a readout for how home energy use evolved since the early 1990s. Devices were grouped by generation. Desktop computers, basic mobile phones, and box-set TVs defined 1992. Digital cameras arrived on the scene in 1997. And MP3 players, smart phones, and LCD TVs entered homes in 2002, before tablets and e-readers showed up in 2007.

As we accumulated more devices, however, we didn't throw out our old ones."The Living-room television is replaced and gets planted in the kid's room, and suddenly one day, you have a TV in every room of the house," said one researcher. The average number of electronic devices rose from four per household in 1992 to 13 in 2007. We're not just keeping these old devices-we continue to use them. According to the analysis of Babbitt's team, old desktop monitors and box TV's with cathode ray tubes are the worst devices with their energy consumption and contribution to greenhouse gas emissions(排放) more than doubling during the 1992 to 2007 window.

So what's the solution(解决方案)?The team's data only went up to 2007, but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers replaced old products with new electronics that serve more than one function, such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing. They found that more on-demand entertainment viewing on tables instead of TVs and desktop computers could cut energy consumption by 44%.

(1)What does the author think of new devices?

A. They are environment-friendly.

B. They are no better than the old.

C. They cost more to use at home.

D. They go out of style quickly.

(2)Why did Babbitt's team conduct the research?

A. To reduce the cost of minerals.

B. To test the life cycle of a product.

C. To update consumers on new technology.

D. To find out electricity consumption of the devices.

(3)Which of the following uses the least energy?

A. The box-set TV.

B. The tablet.

C. The LCD TV.

D. The desktop computer.

(4)What does the text suggest people do about old electronic devices?

A. Stop using them.

B. Take them apart.

C. Upgrade them.

D. Recycle them.







⑴A 推理判断。根据第1段最后一句…as these outdated devices consume much more energy than the newer ones that do the same things.这些过时的装置比新装置消耗更多的能量,因而判断新装置消耗的能量少,所以环保。故答案为A。

⑵D 细节理解。根据第2段第一句To figure out how much power these devices are using, …故选D,为了查明这些装置的电消耗量。

⑶B 细节理解。由整个文章的最后一句They found that more on-demand entertainment viewing on tablets instead of TVs and desktop computers cut energy consumption by 44%.可知在tablets(平板电脑)而不是电视和台式电脑上观看娱乐节目能够减少44%的能源消耗。故平板电脑使用最少的能源,选B。

⑷A 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句…but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers replaced old products with new electronics…及最后一句They found that more on-demand entertainment viewing on tablets instead of TVs and desktop computers cut energy consumption by 44%.研究者们探索用新电器代替旧产品,结果发现新的装置能够减少44%的能源消耗。故选A。



Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun, according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday.

While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children's lives, and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading.

According to the report's key findings, "the proportion (比例) who say they 'hardly ever' read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today."

The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children, ages2-8, remain largely the same. But the amount of time spent in reading each session has declined, from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session.

When it comes to technology and reading, the report does little to counsel(建议)parenst looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic

reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.

The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading. Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently, compared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home, more books purchased for them, parents who read more often, and parents who set aside time for them to read.

As the end of school approaches, and school vacation reading lists loom(逼近)ahead, parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore. (1)What is the Common Sense Media report probably about?

A. Children's reading habits.

B. Quality of children's books.

C. Children's after-class activities.

D. Parent-child relationships.

(2)Where can you find the data that best supports "children are reading a lot less for fun"?

A. In paragraph 2.

B. In paragraph 3.

C. In paragraph 4.

D. In paragraph 5.

(3)Why do many parents limit electronic reading?

A. E-books are of poor quality.

B. It could be waste of time.

C. It may harm children's health.

D. E-readers are expensive.

(4)How should parents encourage their children to read more?

A. Act as role models for them.

B. Ask then to write book reports.

C. Set up reading groups for them.

D. Talk with their reading class teachers.








⑵B细节理解题根据第三段句子The proportion who says they ‘ hardly ever 'read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today可知答案为B。

⑶C 推理题根据倒数第三段最后一句It does point out that...,mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.知父母限制孩子电子阅读是因为电子阅读时间长了会对孩子健康有害,故答案为C。

⑷A细节理解文中倒数第二段第一句The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their children when it comes to reading 及最后一句Data shows that kids and teens..., parents who read more often可知父母鼓励孩子多阅读应该自己多读书,为孩子树立榜样,以行的方式带动孩子阅读,故答案为A。




Many of us love July because it's the month when nature's berries and stone fruits are in abundance. These colourful and sweet jewels from British Columbia's fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection.

Of the common berries, strawberries are highest in vitamin C, although, because of their seeds, raspberries contain a little more protein (蛋白质), iron and zinc (not that fruits have much protein). Blueberries are particularly high in antioxidants (抗氧化物质). The yellow and orange stone fruits such as peaches are high in the carotenoids we turn into vitamin A and which are antioxidants. As for cherries (樱桃), they are so delicious who cares? However, they are rich in vitamin C.

When combined with berries or slices of other fruits, frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick, cooling fruit shakes and low fat "ice cream". For this purpose, select ripe bananas for freezing as they are much sweeter. Remove the skin and place them in plastic bags or containers and freeze. If you like, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice on the bananas will prevent them turning brown. Frozen bananas will last several weeks, depending on their ripeness and the temperature of the freezer.

If you have a juicer, you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit. Out comes a "soft-serve" creamy dessert, to be eaten right away. This makes a fun activity for a children's party; they love feeding the fruit and frozen bananas into the top of the machine and watching the ice cream come out below. (1)What does the author seem to like about cherries?

A. They contain protein.

B. They are high in vitamin A

C. They have a pleasant taste.

D. They are rich in antioxidants.

(2)Why is fresh lemon juice used in freezing bananas?

A. To make them smell better.

B. To keep their colour.

C. To speed up their ripening.

D. To improve their nutrition.

(3)What is "a juicer" in the last paragraph?

A. A dessert.

B. A drink.

C. A container.

D. A machine.

(4)From which is the text probably taken?

A. A biology textbook.

B. A health magazine.

C. A research paper.

D. A travel brochure.







⑴C 细节推理。根据第二段中As for cherries,they are so delicious who cares?可知作者说樱桃很好吃,谁又在乎他们的营养成分呢?所以作者喜欢樱桃的是在于它们的美味,故答案为C。
