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Translation A

There were about ten survivors from our boat, but even then our troubles weren't over. We found a farmhouse农场住宅;农家, but it was deserted. When the people read the newspapers, and knew that we were coming, they were terrified. They took all their animals and all their food, and ran away into the hills. Of course, there were no proper适当的,正式的roads in those days. Well, we went into the house and tried to light a fire, but we couldn't even do that. We always kept matches in our trousers' pockets, so naturally they were all soaked. We couldn't find anything to eat, except one tin罐头of cat food. We were so hungry, we broke it open with our knives, and ate it. We found a tap, but the water was frozen. In the end we drank rainwater雨水from the tin. We sat very close together and tried to keep warm. We could hear wolves but we didn't have any weapons, because our guns were full of seawater海水. By the morning, the storm was over. We went on to the beach and found what was left of the boat. We managed to find some food, and we hoped there was some wine too, but when we opened the box,all the bottles were broken.

We waited. Finally another boat came and took us away, and we joined the other soldiers. I remember going into the camp露营地,阵营, and getting a hot meal, and clean clothes. It was wonderful. We were given our pay, too. I remember the date on the coins, 50 BC(Before Christ 公元前). It was an exciting time.

Terrify vt.(-fied) 使恐怖,吓唬,威胁。You terrify me! 吓我一跳! be terrified at [by, of, with] 给…吓一跳。be terrified out of one's senses (wits) 吓得魂不附体。terrify (sb.) into doing 威胁(某人)做某事。

Light火花,点火物。a box of lights 〔英国〕一盒火柴。put a light to the fire 点火。strike a light 擦火柴。Will you give me a light 借个火儿。light a cigarette 点着香烟。

Soak1.浸,泡;弄湿,使湿透。2.沉浸在(工作,学习中)〔用反身代词〕。soak oneself in 沉浸在,埋头于,专心(研究)。soak out 浸泡掉,吸出。

Match 1.(一根)火柴;〔古语〕(从前大炮发火用的)火绳,导火线。light [strike] a match 擦火柴。a safety match 安全火柴。。2.比赛,竞赛。3. 对手,敌手;伙伴,(很相配的)一对,一副。4. 一对中的一方。They are right matches. 他们正是好配偶。be a match for 可以和…相匹敌;是某人的对手,和…很相配[协调]。be more than a match for 胜过,强过(He is more than a match for me. 他比我强)。be no match for 敌不过;不是…对手。find [meet] one's match 遇到对手,棋逢敌手(He never met his match. 他从来没有败过)。make a good match 找到好对象。make a match 作媒。make a match of it 结婚。play a match 比赛。play off a match (平局后)再赛以决胜负。

Remember I remember seeing him once.=I remember that I saw him once. 我记得见过他一次。remember sb. in one's will 在遗嘱中把一部分财产赠给某人。remember oneself 醒悟,反省,检查自己过失;想起;记起。
