



巴黎圣母院简介The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris is a church building in the heart of Paris, France, on the island of Sidi, and the cathedral of the Catholic Diocese of Paris. Notre Dame built in the period from 1163 to 1250, is a Gothic architectural form, is the French island of Gothic church group inside, very important representative of a. Was built in 1163 years, is the Archbishop of Paris, Morris de Souley decided to build, the whole church was built in 1345, which lasted 180 years.

巴黎圣母院建筑概况【Chinese name】Notre Dame de Paris [The seat of the church] Paris, France, Cedi (Cite) southeast [Architect] Jean de Chelles

Pierre de Montreuil (Pierre de Montreuil)

Jean Ravy

Viollet-le-Duc (Viollet-le-Duc)

【Introduction】Notre Dame is a Gothic style Christian

church, is a symbol of ancient Paris. It stands on the banks of the Seine, in the center of the city of Paris. Its status, historical value is unparalleled, is one of the most glorious buildings in history. The church is famous for its sculptures and paintings of Gothic architectural style, altars, cloisters, doors and windows, and a large number of art treasures of the 13th to 17th centuries. Although this is a religious building, but it shines the wisdom of the French people, reflecting the people's pursuit of a better life and longing.

巴黎圣母院历史沿革Notre Dame of the Notre Dame "Notre Dame" intentionally "our lady", the lady does not mean someone else, it means Jesus' mother of the Virgin Mary. Notre Dame Cathedral is not the first religious building on its address, according to some of the cultural relics excavated under the church base, which is used as a religious use history, can be traced back to Rome's Tiberius (Emperor Tiberius ), In the eastern half of the island may be built with a sacrifice to Rome and Gaul God only the temple.

As for the first Christian church to be built at this address, the site of Notre Dame has a twists and turns of history. In the 4th century was a Christian church used to worship St. Stephen

and became a Roman church in the 6th century , And this church has 12 cornerstone from the original site of the Roman temple. It is also argued that the cathedral was reconstructed on the basis of the previously existing churches in the year 528 when Childebert I of the Mérovingiens (Mérovingiens).

In the 12th century Louis VII, the original Romanesque church has been damaged, in 1160 was elected bishop of Paris, Maurice de Sully (Maurice de Sully) decided to build a place in this place and St. Tani The cathedral (the Cathedral of St. Etienne) comparable to the magnificent church. There are also historical data show that there have been two churches, one is the St. Tenny Cathedral, the other is the Virgin Mary Church. St. Tenny Cathedral as early as the 10th century, has become a Paris, or the entire French religious center. However, it is precisely because of this importance, people began to find the original St. Stephen's Church and its commitment to the task does not match, coupled with the original church has been with the time and old, and began to think about re-building the church.

The Notre Dame de Paris was built in 1163 and was built in 1345. The church was once the place where the whole

European artisan organization and educational organization rally. Because of these historical origins, the most famous Sorbonne in Paris is located here. At the end of the French Revolution in the late 18th century, most of the treasures of the church were destroyed or plundered, and the images of the displaced carved and the head were cut off, and the only big bell was spoiled without being destroyed. Soak a hundred holes. After the church to rational temple, and later became a wine warehouse, until 1804 Napoleon in power, it will be used for religious purposes.

Victor Hugo, a famous French writer, has done his poetic design of Notre Dame in his novel "Notre Dame de Paris". This novel is written in the romantic era of French literature. After the publication of the 1831 book, it caused a great reverberation, and many people wanted to build the old-fashioned Notre Dame, and launched a fundraising program. But also caused the then authorities on the construction of the Notre Dame's concern. The restoration plan began in 1844 and was chaired by the historian and architect Eugene Viollet-le-Duc to reproduce the glory of Notre Dame. In 1845, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Lassus, 1807-1857 and Viollet-le-Duc were responsible for the

complete renovation of the church, which lasted for 23 years, Holy hall, so today we see the Notre Dame de Paris, there are many elements that are reinterpreted by them.

Today, the Notre Dame is still the masterpiece of the French Gothic architecture, and almost maintained the original original style. Notre Dame also shows the history of the Gothic cathedral.

Construction process

In 1160, the bishop of Paris, Maurice de Sully (Maurice de Sully) initiated the church reconstruction plan, Pope Alexander III (Pope Alexander III) in 1163 personally lay the foundation (also said that the bishop of Sullivan), opened The construction of the French Gothic architecture masterpiece.

1182 years from the beginning of the construction of the singing hall, after the start of the construction of the church is very fast, so in 1182, when the Pope's angel gave a new altar, the basic function of Notre Dame is roughly formed. Until this stage, the workers began to dismantle the old church (in ancient times, the old church and the new church will not be built early to remove the church to continue the daily religious operation). In the construction plan of Notre Dame, the new building was moved eastward than the original

building in order to free up a square that could serve as a parade in front of the church. In order to achieve this, the Bishop of the Pleiades will be an isolated island in the east of the island of Xidai Island and the island connected to the way to fill the building can be used to build the church. In addition, he built a lot of houses, so that we can lay a new street "Rue Neuve Notre-Dame" (Rue Neuve Notre-Dame), this six-meter-wide street is the largest medieval street in Paris The As for the bishop mansion and the church attached to the hospital (the main palace hospital), because the island is not enough land, forced to migrate to the south bank of the Seine.

Then built the temple in 1208. Between 1225 and 1250, the west side of the Notre Dame was built and the minaret was built, and during the period from 1235 to 1250, many chapels were added in the main hall. Jean de Chelles and Pierre de Montreuil were responsible for the expansion of the facade of the cross of the church. In 1296 - 1330, Pierre de Chelles (Jean Ravy) completed a semicircular apse, where Xie Ye changed the door niche to see the appearance of today, and Kazakhstan Dimension completed the choir screen. The façade of the church's twin towers went to the

13th century and started in the hands of the third architect, Harvey, and in the 1220s, by the fourth architect, Duke and the roof part of the joint, together to complete. Through the French several generations of all kinds of handicrafts master: masons division, carpenters, blacksmiths, sculptors, glass carvings and so on and so on to the followers, Notre Dame finally completed in 1345, took nearly two centuries. [2] Historical events

In 1239 King St. Louis placed the thorns corpses at Notre Dame.

1302 Philips - Lebel (Philippe le Bel) in Notre Dame opened the first time the Royal State convened the General Assembly. Then all kinds of rituals: grace ceremonies, weddings, coronation, baptism, funerals and so on

1430 years of the young King Henry IV coronation ceremony

1455 Violence Against Joan of Arc. National heroine Joan of Arc for the French leader of the war victory, but later sold, was executed by fire. Many years after the Church of Notre Dame to be rehabilitated, held a rehabilitated ceremony, in the courtyard erected Joan of Arc statue, from the future known as "Joan of Arc".

In 1572 Margurerite of Valois married Henry of Navarre.

1687 held the funeral of the Grand Duke.

In 1708 Louis XIV was in accordance with the wishes of his father to modify the altar to glorify the Virgin.

December 2, 1804 Pope VII Pie VII (Pie VII) to come to the crowned Napoleon emperor.

In 1811 the emperor of Rome accepted the baptism ceremony.

August 26, 1944 in the Notre Dame held in Paris liberation ceremony.

1945 read the second world war victory hymns

On November 12, 1970, the residence of General de Gaulle was held.

May 31, 1980 Pope Paul II held an extraordinary prayer party here.



《巴黎圣母院》简介 作者简介 维克多·雨果 (1802~1885),法国19世纪伟大的诗人、剧作家、小说家、散文家,浪漫主义文学运动领袖,人道主义的代表人物,被称为“法兰西的莎士比亚”,在法国和世界文学史上享有举足轻重的地位。雨果一生写过多部诗歌、小说、剧本、各种散文和文艺评论及政论文章,创作历程超过60年,作品合计达79卷之多,给法国文学和人类文化宝库留下了辉煌的文化遗产。其代表作有:长篇小说《巴黎圣母院》、《悲惨世界》、《海上劳工》、《笑面人》、《九三年》,诗集《光与影》,短篇小说《“诺曼底”号遇难记》。1830年,28岁的维克多·雨果开始奋笔疾书他的“命运三部曲”之一《巴黎圣母院》,这部小说被誉为“法国浪漫主义历史小说的杰作”和“浪漫主义文学的里程碑”,为他跻身法国以至欧洲最重要的作家行列奠定了坚实的基础。 写作背景 《巴黎圣母院》这部小说,是在1830年法国“七月革命”爆发,封建复辟王朝被推翻的影响下创作的。作品表现了反封建的现实主题,深切谴责了给卡西莫多和爱斯美拉达带来深重苦难的社会。作者雨果与巴黎圣母院渊源极深。少年时代的他就对哥特建筑艺术有浓厚的兴趣,到青年时期,他更是屡次进入圣母院,广泛阅读有关资料,并假托曾在巍峨高耸的钟楼的黑暗角落,发现墙上有一个中世纪人物手刻的希腊词:命运!这个词无所不在的宿命寓意深深打动了作者,处于激动中的雨果便以巴黎圣母院为背景,展开大胆想象,为世人塑造出了善良纯真的吉普赛女郎,外表丑陋而内心善良的敲钟人,道貌岸然却满腹淫欲的弗雷洛等经典人物形象。而《巴黎圣母院》确是为了叙说“命运”而写的。雨果这位伟大的人道主义者,寻求的是命运的真实内涵。无论是克洛德,还是卡西莫多,他们归根到底是社会的人,他们内心的分裂和冲突,反映的是他们那个时代神权与人权、愚昧与求知之间,庞大沉重的黑暗制度与挣扎着的脆弱个人之间的分裂与冲突,这终于导致小说的悲惨结局。小说揭露了宗教的虚伪,宣告禁欲主义的破产,歌颂了下层劳动人民的善良、友爱、舍己为人,反映了雨果的人道主义思想。 地位与影响 《巴黎圣母院》是雨果第一部引起轰动效应的浪漫派小说,它的文学价值和对社会深刻的意义,使它在经历了将近两个世纪的时间之后,在今天仍然被一遍遍的翻印和重版。在阅读这本书的过程中可以感受到了强烈的“美丑对比”。书中的人物和事件,即使源于现实生活,也被大大夸张和强化了,在作家的浓墨重彩之下,构成了一幅幅绚丽而奇异的画面,形成尖锐的、甚至是难以置信的善与恶、美与丑的对比。它的发表,打破了伪古典主义的桎梏,标志着浪漫主义的彻底胜利。小说以引人入胜的生花妙笔,描述了吉卜赛女郎爱斯梅拉达、敲钟人卡西莫多、道貌岸然的副主教等几个主要人物命运间的纠葛、冲突、毁灭,讲述了一个发生在1482年法国巴黎的富于传奇色彩的悲剧性故事,艺术性地再现了法王路易十一统治时期的法国历史现实。小说中的反叛者吉卜赛女郎爱斯美拉达和面容丑陋的残疾人卡西莫多是作为真正的美的化身展现在读者面前的,而人们在副主教弗罗洛和贵族军人弗比思身上看到的则是残酷、空虚的心灵和罪恶的情欲。作者将可歌可泣的故事和生动丰富的戏剧性场面有机地连缀起来,使这部小说具有很强的可读性。在沙皇尼古拉一世统治时期的俄国. 这部书一度遭禁,因为雨果思想活跃,既有资产阶级自由主义倾向,又同情刚刚兴起的无产阶级的革命,因此保守顽固的沙皇下令在俄国禁止出版雨果的所有的作品。小说的发表,使雨果的更加名声远扬。 故事概要 巴黎圣母院副主教弗雷洛·克洛德,道貌岸然,残忍虚伪,他对街头跳舞卖艺的吉普赛姑娘爱斯美拉达动了淫念,便指使自己的养子——外表畸形的敲钟人卡西莫多——趁夜劫持少女,不料被英俊风流的卫队长弗比斯所救。爱斯梅拉达爱上了弗比斯,满怀嫉妒的


巴黎圣母院英文名句 1、丑在美的旁边,畸形靠近优美,丑怪藏在崇高背后,美与丑并存,光明与黑暗相共。 Uglyisnexttobeauty,deformityisclosetobeauty,uglinesshidesbe hindsublime,beautyanduglinesscoexist,lightanddarknesscoexis t. 2、是的,爱情犹如树木能够自生自长,深深扎根于我们的周身,在一颗心的废墟上还是枝繁叶茂。 Yes,loveislikeatreegrowingonitsown,deeplyrootedinallofus,an dstillflourishingontheruinsofaheart. 3、友谊就像兄妹俩,就像两颗灵魂,相互接触,却不合在一起,又像手上的两根指头。

Friendshipislikebrothersandsisters,liketwosouls,touchingeac hother,butnottogether,andliketwofingersonthehand. 4、无法又无天,无家又无业,王不管,天不怜。 Thereisnolaw,nohomeandnojob.Nomatterwhatthekingdoes,heavenh asnopity. 5、人处于什么情况,都不如身上一文不名这样富于冒险精神。 Peopleinanysituationarenotasadventurousasbeingpenniless. 6、小树往往辜负园丁的苦心,固执地朝空气和阳光的方向伸展。 Treesoftenfailtoliveuptothegardener'spainsandstubbornlystre tchinthedirectionofairandsunshine. 7、安抚观众最好的办法,就是让他们知道戏即将开始。


傲慢与偏见读后感500字5篇 在《傲慢与偏见》里,西达是从一开始到最后都很让我欣赏的男人。尽管刚出场的他很傲慢,却是种让我极其欣赏的傲慢,男人就该这样,只接受自己喜欢的。下面是精心为大家精心精选的傲慢与偏见读后感500字,欢迎阅读。 傲慢与偏见读后感500字(一) 傲慢与偏见无论是曲折的爱情还是丰富的人物性格都让我意犹未尽。 傲慢、偏见,是我们很常见的弱点和毛病。每一个人其实很容易被自己的主观印象所驱使,因而容易对别的人下不正确的注解,进而造成了彼此之间的误会。 就好像故事中女主角伊丽莎白对男主达西的看法一样,这是个曲折但也美丽的爱情故事。 主人公伊丽莎白是个勇于追求爱情、漂亮聪明、坚强可爱的中产阶级女子。故事主要以她对达西先生从一开始的厌恶到尊敬,再到爱慕为线索,也穿插了在几个发生在她身边的幸福或不幸的婚姻,揭示了作者对那个时代的女人生活与爱情的理想与期望。故事中女主角伊丽莎白第一眼看到男主角达西就是不顺眼的,加上男主角个性的傲慢,继而对他有了偏见。

达西代表着”傲慢”,伊丽莎白代表着”偏见”,他们一开始都被自己的情绪所牵引。接着一连串对达西不利的流言,更让伊丽莎白对达西反感。达西没有为了讨好伊丽莎白,而改变他的傲慢性情。伊丽莎白也表现了很真实的自己,彼此都不刻意去营造给人的印象,表现出了最真实的一面。而开始的时候,伊丽莎白一直活在自己的偏见之下,而忽略思考事实的真相,经过达西的解释和自己的判断,才最终找到幸福的归宿。 傲慢与偏见读后感500字 (二) 这是一部含有简·奥斯汀自传性质的电影,不过她和她的达西却没能在一起,他们也深深爱着对方,但简·奥斯汀为了让她的达西的家人过的好些,不必因为她而让他们陷入穷困潦倒的境地,故放弃了和达西的私奔,终身一人。 当初,别人向我推荐这部电影的时候,我还很排斥,将她拒之门外,却在一个很巧合的场合,无意间看到了她的画面,听到了里面缓缓流淌的音乐,瞬间对她充满了好感,以至于看了一遍又一遍,却不会对她产生厌烦的感情。 影片多处运用长镜头表现,在介绍伊丽莎白的家人时,在伊丽莎白和达西跳舞时,等等,这些长镜头不会让人感到冗长,烦闷,反而觉得很有趣,画面很美,几乎截取每一帧都可以作为桌面壁纸;长镜头的拍摄难度很高,需要专业很强的摄像师和有明确逻辑思维、调配能力的导演的配合才能很好的完成,通过长镜头是可以看出这个创作团队的综合素质的。

六年级英语 作文 《巴黎圣母院》英语读后感

《巴黎圣母院》英语读后感 《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes . I take advantage of this summer vacation free time, read this great work. Notre Dame cathedral's story, actually was one at that time social epic poem,since brimmed with really. Friendly. Beautiful, also the flow selfish desire and is false. Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada ,or has the ugly semblance,Cacimodo with one pure mind, they represent the great amount the lower level populace which suppresses; Perhaps is sinister Coloud, he is appears by the theocracy face,all load bearing one kind of author's ponder.The author in this work, for with the clown, was beautifully friendly and wickedly does the best annotation, or take above three people as the example, the rebel Asmelada has the beautiful semblance and the chaste good mind, as well as pitiful destiny, but Cacimodo, he withstood destiny deceive nicely, the innermost feelings is his misery is graver, but Coloud maintained the benighted social rights and interests, he had brutally. Void mind and evil passion. Good person physique hateful, but the evil person actually says the appearance shore however, bright set off, social unfair manifest. But the article result also is when the opposition society until criticism:All beautiful is good all swallows by the might and the evil, the lower level people's weak strength in under the king power rule, in the benighted society, only can be reduced to ashes. Was palatial Notre Dame cathedral, how many world tragedy testimony once, in Hugo the novel, he as if had the life breath, he sheltered Asmelada ,exposed Coloud the crime, regret the populace attack the magnificent feat which dark actually heroically devoted…… Another the question which is worth pondering is: Who is the hero? Asmelada or Cacimodo? I think all is not, but is in the article by the Louis 11 rank smell of blood suppression rather for sacreficed the populace gate, Asmelada with Cacimodo is not in them the representative, Asmelada is loves with the beautiful symbol,Cacimodo not many represents is unfortunate and the pain. But they, all suffer a tragic middle ages ignorant evil forces devastate, one each one painful soul is bleeding, flows the tear. Merely is Notre Dame cathedral's above engraves " the destiny "? They are in middle ages France, despotism sacrificial victim. The entire story rich tragic color, the plot intense is moving, exciting. Author Hugo through " Notre Dame cathedral " this story, but also disclosed at that time the dark society's essence to the people. This fascinating story likes that Ccimodo clocks sound equally shocks several generation of readers' minds.


My Report and Comments on the Above Book 《Notre Dame cathedral》is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes .This is the name of a man who describes the beauty of humanity, and the story takes place in a medieval April fool's day.That day, the wandering ugly deaf Quasimodo in the square to sing and dance, esmeralda was a gypsy girl attracted people, she looks beautiful dance is also very beautiful. At this time, the facade of the Paris Notre Dame, the deputy Lord of the house, crod?Frollo was suddenly fascinated by the beautiful mera, who was burning with passion and madly in love with her.So he ordered the ugly, ugly casimodo to rob esmeralda.On the way, the French king's arch-captain, who was not, saved esmeralda and seized Quasimodo.He took the ringman to the square and whipped, and the good gipsy, without the enemy, gave the water to Quasimodo.He was very grateful to esmeralda and fell in love with her.The naive esmeralda fell in love at the sight of her, and when they dated, frolow quietly followed, out of jealousy, he stabbed him with a knife and ran away.Ezra da was sentenced to death for being framed by the ferrero. Execution, Quasimodo esmeralda from out the gallows, hidden in the Notre Dame in Paris, a beggar people into the church, to save the esmeralda and Quasimodo war, esmeralda was led by crowder forces stormed the virgin institutes, finally Quasimodo angrily crowder from church attic fell under the ground, finally Quasimodo caressed esmeralda's body double suicide. Every lavish church building in the book is memorable,The book's gypsy girl, esmeralda, is very popular.She is beautiful, charming, pure, kind, versatile, good at


《巴黎圣母院》英语读后感800字 《巴黎圣母院》英语读后感800字 《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes . I take advantage of this summer vacation free time, read this great work. Notre Dame cathedral’s story, actually was one at that time social epic poem, since brimmed with really. Friendly. Beautiful,also the flow selfish desire and is false. Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada ,or has the ugly semblance, Cacimodo with one pure mind, they represent the great amount the lower level populace which suppresses;Perhaps is sinister Coloud, he is appears by the theocracy face, all load bearing one kind of author’s ponder.The author in this work, for with the clown, was beautifully friendly and wickedly does the best annotation, or take above three people as the example, the rebel Asmelada has the beautiful semblance and the chaste good mind, as well as pitiful destiny,but Cacimodo,he withstood destiny deceive nicely,the innermost feelings is his misery is graver,but Coloud


《巴黎圣母院》读后感想 导读:本文《巴黎圣母院》读后感想,来源互联网,仅供读者阅读参考. 《巴黎圣母院》读后感想(一)善良纯洁的艾丝美拉达,面恶心善的卡西莫多,人面兽心的副主教,轻薄负心的福玻斯……故事发生在十五世纪路易十一统治下的巴黎,围绕着巴黎圣母院展开。 敲钟人卡西莫多的形象是《巴黎圣母院》一书的写作特色,他的整个形体简直就是一副怪相:大脑袋上竖着棕红色头发;双肩之间高耸着驼背,与前胸的鸡胸趋于平衡;从跨部到小腿,整个下肢完全错位,只有双膝还能勉强接触;从正面看,两条腿犹如两把弯曲的镰刀,只有手柄尽头合在一起;双脚又宽又大,双手大得出奇。这整个畸形却头出难以表述的可怖的强壮﹑敏捷和勇气,可以说是一种奇特的例外,违反了“力和美皆来自和谐”这一永恒法则。然而,卡西莫多在受到上帝那么多不幸之后,也被赐予了一种美,一种隐含的内在美,他的内心是高尚的。他的“丑”与他的“美”表里不一。然而,世人却与他恰恰相反,金玉其外,败絮其中。 吉卜赛少女艾丝美拉达是一个苦命人,自小就“没有”了父母,与一只山羊佳利在街头卖艺,吸引了一个虔诚于宗教,以禁欲制约自己生活,有着学者风度的副主教弗罗洛。副主教指使养子劫持她,却被军官福玻斯救走。艾丝美拉达爱上了这个无情无义的花花公子福玻斯,正当她沉醉在快乐中时,邪恶的副主教竟杀了福玻斯。福玻斯明知她没有杀自己,却不愿为她出堂作证。在她被卡西莫多劫持后仍能以一颗善心把水送到他嘴边,用她的行为感动了卡西莫多。因为她的这一善举,卡西莫多把她救出,放到了巴黎圣母院里避难。巴黎下层社会的乞丐和流浪人为了营救艾丝美拉达,围攻圣母院。艾丝美拉达是真善美的化身,美


巴黎圣母院 维克多·雨果 长篇小说《巴黎圣母院》的作者维克多·雨果(1802-1885)是19世纪法国著名的诗人、小说家、文学评论家和政论家,也是诗歌的革新者、浪漫派戏剧的创建者,法国人民最喜爱的作家之一。雨果一生著作甚多,遍及文学的各种体裁,包括诗歌、戏剧、小说、文艺理论、政论等,整个作品充满人道主义激情。 小说《巴黎圣母院》艺术地再现了四百多年前法王路易十一统治时期的历史真实,宫廷与教会如何狼狈为奸压迫人民群众,人民群众怎样同两股势力英勇斗争。小说中的反叛者吉卜赛女郎爱斯梅拉达和面容丑陋的残疾人加西莫多是作为真正的美的化身展现在读者面前的,而人们在副主教富洛娄和贵族军人弗比思身上看到的则是残酷、空虚的心灵和罪恶的情欲。作者将可歌可泣的故事和生动丰富的戏剧性场面有机地连缀起来,使这部小说具有很强的可读性。小说浪漫主义色彩浓烈,且运用了对比的写作手法,它是运用浪漫主义对照原则的艺术范本。小说的发表,使雨果的名声更加远扬。 1月6日是西文传统的愚人节。1482年的这一天,整个巴黎城沉浸在欢乐的气氛中,人们从四面八方向旧城区涌去。聚集在通往司法宫的几条路上的群众尤其多,这里正在进行“愚人之王”的选举,选举的规则是谁长得最丑陋、谁笑得最怪最难看谁就有望当选。 当大家把幸运的愚人之王带出来时,惊奇和赞赏到了最高点。只见他长着四面体的鼻子,马蹄形的嘴,独眼,驼背,跛子,身体的高度和宽度差不多,下部是方方的,两腿从前面看,好象是两把镰刀,刀柄同刀柄相连起来。在他的种种畸形里,却有一种不容怀疑的坚定、严肃、勇敢的态度,他就是巴黎圣母院的敲钟人加西莫多,人们给他穿戴上用硬纸板做的王冠和道袍,把他抬上绘有花纹的轿子向格雷弗时广场走去。 在格雷弗广场上,靠街头卖艺为生的吉卜赛女郎爱斯梅拉达带着小羊加里的精彩表演吸引了不少围观的群众,不时赢得人们的掌声和叫好声,爱斯梅拉达正在一张随便铺在她脚下的波斯地毯上跳舞,她轻捷、飘逸、快乐,所有围观的人都目不转睛,大张着嘴,被眼前灿烂的景象迷住了。在密集的人群中,有一个中年人虽不引人注目但与众不同。他一双贪婪的眼睛直盯着爱斯梅拉达,嘴里却在发出冷漠的几乎无人能听得见的咒语,那神情着实令人望而生畏。此人就是巴黎圣母院的副主教克格德·富洛娄。富洛娄向来清心寡欲,回避一切世俗的享乐。但今晚看到翩翩起舞的爱斯梅拉达,却立即为她那无双的姿色所倾倒。他身上潜伏的淫欲像一头沉睡多年的野兽突然猛醒使他完全失去了自制力。虽然他懂得若不加以收敛必将陷入极其可怕的深渊,但欲望似乎是无法抗拒的。他分明看到眼前摆着两条路供他选择:或者不惜一切代价占有她:或者置她于死地,以求自己灵魂的安宁。此时,第一种选择占了上风。


Book Report 1, The information of the book: Notre-Dame de Paris, published by YILI PEOPLE’S PRESS in 2001, written by Victor Hugo in 1831. 2, The introduction of the author: Victor Hugo (born May 22, 1885 and died on February 26, 1802) is a poet, novelist, and dramatist and is the representative of French romantic writers. When Hugo was 9 years old, he began to write poetry. When he was 15 years old, the joy of learning written by him won the French Academy Award degree. At the age of 20, he published books of poetry, Songs and Carols. In 1827, Victor Hugo published the script Cromwell. Although the script failed to perform, but it was considered as a landmark document into literary history and had an effect on French romanticism preamble. 1830, Hugo’s script Hernani was put on in Grand Theater. From then on, romantic established a dominant position in French literary circles. In July 1830, France had "July Revolution". Hugo warmly praised the revolution and wrote poems mourning those who died in the revolution. In 1831 Victor Hugo wrote Notre-Dame de Paris, one of the most romantic novels. However, Hugo became a republican. And then he suffered persecution and lived abroad. During this period of time, he wrote les Contemplations,les Miserables and L’Homme qui Rit. It was not until 1870 that Victor Hugo went back to Paris. In 1885, he died in Paris. In order to memorize him, he was laid to rest in le Pantheon. Though he is regarded in France as one of that country’s greatest poets, he is famous for such novels as Notre-Dame de Paris (1831) and Les Miserables (1862). He is the leader of 19th century romantic literature movement, a representative of humanitarian and is also called as “Shakespeare of France”. 3,The main content of this book: 《Notre-Dame de Paris》was written in 1831. The story begins

译文unit 1:从能力到奉献

从能力到奉献 恩斯特·博伊艾 当代大学生不清楚他们在这个世界上应起的作用。他们将精力致力于对其而言最为真实的东西:追求安全感,积累物质财富。他们在努力证明自己的实力,但同时也承认自己的迷茫:在这个变幻莫测的时代,他们应该置自己的信仰于何处呢?大学生们在寻求价值认同与生活的意义,并且正如我们其他人一样,令他们深感苦恼的是如何面对一方面是服务他人的理想主义,另一方面是遁入一个永远停留在自我利益的小圈子中的诱惑。 最终,本科教育的质量将由毕业生参与社会与公民活动的主动性来衡量。雷霍德·尼布尔曾经写道:“人只有承担义务才能了解自我,只有找到一个超越自我以外的中心,才能发现自我。”最理想的本科教育应该反映在真正的超越自我之中。即使在这样一个锐不可挡、竞争激烈的时代,期待大学生接受正直、礼貌、甚至同情心是不是要求过高?希望毕业生在文科教育中学到的知识能在处理与他人的人际关系之中发挥作用,这种做法得体吗? 显而易见,大学毕业生要履行公民义务,这就迫切需要美国教育帮助填补公众政策与公众理解之间危险的、并在不断变宽的鸿沟。建设性思考政府议程所必备的知识似乎正日益超越我{门的理解能力,许多人认为通过公众参与来解决复杂的公众问题已经不再可能。他们问,非专业人员在不懂得专业语言的情况下,怎么能探讨重大政策的选择呢? 核能利用是该扩大还是该削减?能否保证足够的水供应?如何控制军备竞赛?大气污染的安全指数是多少?甚至连一个人什么时候出生、什么时候死亡这类部分需要依据抽象推理的问题也被提上了政府议程。 公民们带着类似的困惑试图理解有关星球大战的讨论,弄懂威慑与反威慑的高科技术语。甚至那些曾经理所当然地被认为属于地方性的事务—区域划分法规、废除学校种族隔禺、下水道问题、公共交通问题、互相竞争的有线电视公司之间申请许可证等—都要求专家参与,他们讨论技术细节,但常常不仅没有阐明问题,反而把问题弄得一团糟。因而,正是公民生活的这种复杂性要求提供更多的信息量,要求公民更多地参与,而不是相反。 对那些关心“民治”政府的人来说,他们对于公众在理解方面出现的滑坡这一事实不能置之不理。在人类生存吉凶难卜的危急时刻,无知不是可接受的选择,让洞察力有限的专家来完全控制政策的做法同样不能令人容忍。作为公民,如果我们不能找到教育自己更好的方法,如果不能提出难题并提供令人满意的答案,那么,洲门做的任何关键性的决定都是在冒险,因为这些决定不是基于我们所知道的,而是基于我们对一批批所谓的专家们的盲目信任。 今天我们所需要的是大批消息灵通、关心他人的人士。作为公民,他们能团结一致、齐心协力、互相学习、积极参与到民主进程之中。 我们需要关心公众事务的人,他们能参与调查,知道如何提出合适的问题,了解公民政策制定的程序,并时刻准备着就影响未来的问题做出有根据的、敏锐的判断。显然,社会上没有任何一个单独机构能够提供我们所要求的领导阶层,但是我们确信,如果民治的政府要想长期存在的话,大学也许比其它任何机构更应该提供我们国家所急需的、开明的领导人。 要完成这一迫切任务,要求看问题的视角不仅要着眼于国内,还应放眼全球。当代大学生必须了解其他国家的人民与文化。自从人类进入太空后,更加清楚地

巴黎圣母院il est beau comme le soleil

Esmeralda: Il est beau comme le soleil Est-ce un prince un fils de roi Je sens l'amour qui s'éveille Au fond de moi Plus fort que moi Il est beau comme le soleil C'est un prince, un fils de roi De roi... je crois Fleur-de-Lys (en aparté): Il est beau comme le soleil C'est un voyou, un soldat Quand il me serre contre lui Je voudrais fuir mais je ne puis est beau comme le soleil C'est un voyou, un soldat Soldat... du roi Les deux: Il est beau comme le soleil Ma merveille, mon homme à moi Il me prendra dans ses bras Et pour la vie, il m'aimera Il est beau comme le soleil Ma merveille, mon homme à moi Il est beau comme le soleil Beau comme le soleil 他灿烂如太阳 难道是位王子吗? 我感觉爱意滋生 爱的感觉胜过我的生命 从我心底涌出 他灿烂如太阳 是一位的王子太阳之子 我深信他是的 他灿烂如太阳 既是军官又像流氓 当他紧紧拥抱我 我想逃脱但却无法抵抗 他灿烂如太阳 既是军官又像流氓 他是国王的军官 他灿烂如太阳 我的奇遇我的至爱 他拥我入怀 他将会爱我终生不渝 他灿烂如太阳 我的奇遇我的至爱 他灿烂如太阳 灿烂如太阳


The research of the vision of love in Notre Dame de Paris Written by Yu He chuan Supervised by lecturer Zhang Ni A Thesis Submitted to Lanzhou University of Technology in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English Education Foreign Languages College, Lanzhou University of Technology June2013

CONTENTS Abstract …………………………………………………………………………….....II 摘要………………………………………………………………………………..…II 1 Introduction (1) 1.1 The Writing background of Notre Dame DE Paris (1) 1.2 The Writing background of Notre Dame DE Paris (1) 1.3 The main content of the novel (2) 2 Different kinds of love in Notre Dame DE Paris and the c omment on Esmeralda’s vision of love (2) 2.1 Different kinds of love in Notre Dame DE Paris (2) 2.1.1 The cowardly love (2) 2.1.2 The selfish and superficial love (3) 2.1.3 The extreme and abnormal love (4) 2.1.4The menial love (5) 2.5 The pitiful and painful love (5) 2.2 The Comment on Esmeralda’s character and vision of love (7) 2.2.1 Esmeralda’s ignoran ce and humbleness (7) 2.2.2 Superficial love (9) 3 Conclusion (10) Bibliography (11)


Notre Dame Cathedral Notre Dame Cathedral is a world famous masterpiece. In my eyes, the high reputation of it probably because the protagonist, Quasimodo. A badly ugly bell-ringer, growing up in a church, following Dom Claude Rollo the Archdeacon completely submit the Archdeacon. At the beginning, I thought Quasimodo didn’t have the sense of right and wrong. There was a period of time when my aversion to Quasimodo was increasing rapidly. However, I gradually find that he is so much innocent and pure. At the last part of the opus, Quasimodo unexpectedly found that the Archdeacon he following also fall into deep love with the gipsy-girl. To avoid others getting the girl, the Archdeacon attempted to kill the knight but didn’t succeed. The Archdeacon thought it should be destroyed if he can’t own himself. Finally, the Archdeacon cruelly killed the charming girl. Meanwhile, Quasimodo pushed the Archdeacon into abyss. What moved me most is the last few of paragraphs. When people found the corpse of the girl, they discovered another one, a malformed man corpse. He held the girl so tightly that he turned into powder when they were separated.


一篇读后感 篇一:一篇读后感 暑假,老师给我们布置了一篇读后感的作业,一个月里我读了几本书分别是《爱的教育》,《钢铁是怎样练成的》……给我印象最深的是《淘气包埃米尔》。 下面让我来介绍一下《淘气包埃米尔》里面的主人翁。埃米尔就是哪,他长了一对圆圆的蓝眼睛,红扑扑的脸蛋,卷曲的头发,这一切都给人一种听话的印象。但,他却是个不折不扣的淘气包。有人说是顽皮,有人说是勇敢……大家说的都是对的,我给大家介绍一下埃米尔为什么有这么多性格。埃米尔是那么顽皮,把自己的妹妹当国旗升到旗杆顶,把猪血扣爸爸头上,把青蛙放进送咖啡的篮子里,他是那么勇敢帮助长胡子女士捉住了横行乡里的盗贼“麻雀”;他又是那么富有正义感,为孤寡老人准备了丰盛的圣诞晚宴,并惩罚了济贫院女领班,哦,他还是个善良的天使,像母亲一样照顾快要死去的一只小猪……

埃米尔长大后当了社区委员会主席,这使我们都不敢相信虽然有点淘气,但只要努力就会成功,我们要学习埃米尔但不要学习他的淘气。篇二:一篇读后感 最近,我读了一本美国女作家弗。霍。伯内特写的书,书名叫《小公主》。 这本书写的是一个名叫萨拉。克鲁的英国女孩,她很富有,想要什么就有什么。在她七岁那年,她不得不离开父亲去了女童培育院。父亲把她交给了势利的校长。校长并不喜欢萨拉,但她很看重她的那份财产。萨拉因此成了学校的特权阶级,校长处处抬高萨拉的地位,事事夸奖萨拉。然而,因为父亲的一笔生意的失败,导致破产,父亲死了,而且分文不剩。萨拉也因此从那个大家喜欢、校长夸奖、穿漂亮衣服、住豪华套间的小公主变成了无依无靠的女仆。后来,学校隔壁来了位印度绅士,在印度绅士的悄悄帮助下,萨拉的处境有一些好转。最后,印度绅士发现她就是他苦寻多时的好友的遗孤。萨拉终于继承了爸爸的遗产,过上了幸福的生活。


关于巴黎圣母院 巴黎圣母院是一座哥特式风格天主教教堂,是古老巴黎的象征。它开创了欧洲建筑史的先河。哥特式建筑的特点是尖塔高耸、尖形拱门、大窗户及绘有圣经故事的花窗玻璃,而圣母院最闻名的就是它突破了以往传统教堂建筑的外形粗笨、呆板的束缚,采用了华丽的建筑外形和精美的雕塑装饰,增加了外观艺术装饰。同时,教堂内部也做了很大的改进。传统教堂的内部昏暗、窄小,而巴黎圣母院扩大了内在空间。它矗立在塞纳河中西岱岛的东南端,位于整个巴黎城的中心。教堂的第一颗基石是1163年奠下的,它是由巴黎大主教莫里斯·德·苏利决定兴建的,在之后建造过程中一共更换了四位姓名不可考的建筑师。它的地位、历史价值无与伦比,是历史上最为辉煌的建筑之一。该教堂以其哥特式的建筑风格,祭坛、回廊、门窗等处的雕刻和绘画艺术,以及堂内所藏的13~17世纪的大量艺术珍品而闻名于世。虽然这是一幢宗教建筑,但它闪烁着法国人民的智慧,反映了人们对美好生活的追求与向往。 巴黎圣母院建造于1163年到1345年。圣母院的法文原名“我们的女士”,这位女士不是指别人,正是意指耶稣的母亲圣母玛丽亚。根据教堂地底下挖掘出来的一些文物,巴黎圣母院大教堂并不是在它位址上的第一栋宗教性建筑。该地点被作为宗教用途的历史,可以回溯到罗马的提庇留大帝时代,在西堤岛的东半部上可能建有一座用来祭祀罗马与高卢神祇的神殿。圣母院的

旧址有着曲折的历史,4世纪时是一座用来祭拜圣史蒂芬的基督教教堂,6世纪时又成为一座罗马式教堂,而这座教堂有12块基石取自原先罗马神殿的遗址。也有说法认为大教堂是在墨洛温王朝的希尔德贝尔特一世。在528年时,以先前已经存在的教堂为基础进一步改建。到了12世纪路易七世时期,原有的罗马式教堂已经毁损不堪,1160年被选任为巴黎主教的莫里斯·德·苏利决定在这个地方建造一座可以和圣坦尼大教堂媲美的宏伟教堂。也有史料显示,在这里曾有两个教堂,一个是圣坦尼大教堂,另一个是圣母玛丽亚教堂。圣坦尼大教堂早在10世纪时,就已经成为巴黎、或整个法国的宗教中心。但是,也正因为这样的重要性,人们开始发现原有的圣史蒂芬教堂与其所承担的重任不相符,再加上原本的教堂已经随着时间而老旧,于是开始思索重新修筑教堂。 巴黎圣母院的建造全部采用石材,其特点是高耸挺拔,辉煌壮丽,整个建筑庄严和谐。雨果在《巴黎圣母院》比喻它为“石头的交响乐”。站在塞纳河畔,远眺高高矗立的圣母院,巨大的门四周布满了雕像,一层接着一层,石像越往里层越小。所有的柱子都挺拔修长,与上部尖尖的拱券连成一气。中庭又窄又高又长。从外面仰望教堂,那高峻的形体加上顶部耸立的钟塔和尖塔,使人感到一种向蓝天升腾的雄姿。巴黎圣母院的主立面是世界上哥特式建筑中最美妙、最和谐的,水平与竖直的比例近乎黄金比1∶0.618,立柱和装饰带把立面分为9块小的黄金比矩形,十分
