


1、Tangible Assets有形资产

Value is based on physical properties

Intangible Assets无形资产

Claim to future income


The one who makes future cash payments

Investor 投资者

The owner of the financial asset

Debt Instrument债务工具

Fixed dollar payments

6、Equity Instrument 权益工具

Dollar payment is based on earnings

Fixed-income instruments 固定收益证券

an equity instrument that entitles the investor to receive a fixed dollar amount. . Both debt and preferred stock that pay fixed dollar amounts are called fixed-income instruments.

Price discovery process价格发现过程

The interactions of buyers and sellers in a financial market determine the price of the traded asset.

Liquidity 流动性

whether the circumstances either force or motivate an investor to sell in financial market.

Spot market or cash market即期市场和现货市场

The market in which a financial asset trades for immediate delivery is called the spot market or cash market.

Search costs搜索成本

e.g. the mone y spent to advertise one’s intention to sell or

purchase a financial asset;the value of time spent in locating a counterparty

11、 derivative instrument衍生品工具

A derivative instrument is a financial asset whose value derives from the value of some other asset . The contract holder has either the obligation or the choice to buy or sell a financial asset at some future time.

futures/forward contracts 期货/远期合约

Futures/forward contracts are obligations that must be fulfilled at maturity, it is a contract that exchanges an asset or commodity at a fixed price in the future.

13、 Options contracts期权合约

Options contracts are rights, not obligations, to either buy or sell a financial asset at a specified price. The buyer of the contract must pay the seller a fee, which is called the option price.

14、Call option看涨期权

The option grants the owner of the option the right to buy a financial asset from the other party.

15、Put option看跌期权

The option grants the owner of the option the right to sell a financial asset from the other party.

16、Disclosure regulation信息披露监管

It requires issuers of securities to make public a large amount of financial information to actual and potential investors.

17、Financial activity regulation金融行为(活动监管)

It consists of rules about traders of securities and trading on financial markets.

18、Regulation of financial institutions金融机构监管

It is the form of governmental monitoring that restricts these institutions’ activities in the vital areas of lending, borrowing,

and funding.

19、Regulation of foreign participants外国参与者监管

It is the form of governmental activity that limits the roles foreign firms can have in domestic markets and their ownership or control of financial institutions.

20、Banking and monetary regulation银行与货币监管

Authorities use it to try to control cha nges in a country’s money supply, which is thought to control the level of economic activity.

21、Asymmetric information信息不对称

Investors and managers have uneven access to or uneven possession of information.

23、Agency problem代理问题

The firm’s managers who act as agents for investors, may act in their own interests to the disadvantage of the investors.


1、Financial intermediaries 金融中介

A special and important type of financial institution

Transforming financial assets acquired through the market and constituting 组合them into a different, and more widely preferable, type of asset, which becomes their liability.

1 Depository institutions存款机构

Acquire the bulk of their funds by offering their liabilities to the public mostly in the form of deposits.

2 Direct investments直接投资

Intermediaries obtain funds from market participants and invest these funds

3 Indirect investments间接投资

Market participants who give their funds to the intermediaries and who thereby hold claims on these institutions

4、commercial bank商业银行

accepts deposits and uses the proceeds to lend funds to consumers and businesses.

5、Investment company投资公司

It pools the funds of market participants and uses those funds to buy a portfolio of securities such as stocks and bonds.

6、Maturity intermediation期限中介

The investor (depositor) often wants only a short-term claim, which the intermediary can turn into a claim on long-term assets. This function of a financial intermediary is called maturity intermediation


Transforming more risky assets into less risky ones.

8、Information processing costs信息处理成本

e.g. the opportunity cost of the time to process the information about the financial assets and its issuer, and the cost of acquiring that information.

9、Contracting costs签约成本

The costs of writing loan contracts or the costs of enforcing the terms of the loan agreement.

9、Payment mechanisms支付机制

The methods for making payments are provided by certain financial intermediaries


It means the amount and time of the cash outlays that must be made to satisfy the contractual terms of the obligations issued

11、Asset/Liability management资产/负债管理

The nature of the liabilities dictates the investment strategy

a financial institution will pursue

12、Guaranteed investment contract (GIC)保障收益合同

Both amounts of cash outflows and timing are known (Type I )

The obligation of the life insurance company under this contract is that, for a sum of money (called a premium), it will guarantee an interest rate up to some specified maturity date

13、certificates of deposit定期存单

Cash outflows are not known, but timing is known (Type II


It has a stated maturity, the interest rate paid need not be fixed over the life of the deposit but may fluctuate

14、Credit risk信用风险

It is the risk that the obligor of a financial instrument held by a financial institution will fail to fulfill its obligation on the due date or at any time thereafter

15、Settlement risk交割风险

It is the risk that when there is a settlement of a trade or obligation, the transfer fails to take place as expected.

It consists of counterparty risk and a form of liquidity risk.

16、Counterparty risk交易对手违约风险

It is the risk that a counterparty in a trade fails to satisfy its obligation

17、Liquidity risk流动性风险

In the context of settlement risk, it means that the counterparty can eventually meet its obligations, but not at the due date.

In addition to being a part of settlement risk, it has two forms: market liquidity risk and funding liquidity risk.

18、Market liquidity risk 市场流动性风险

It is the risk that a financial institution is unable to transact in a financial instrument at a price near its market value

19、Funding liquidity risk融资流动性风险 (资金流动性风险)

It is the risk that the financial institution will be unable to obtain funding to obtain cash flow necessary to satisfy its obligations

20、Market risk市场风险

It is the risk to a financial institution’s economic well being that results from an adverse movement in the market price of the asset it owns or the level or the volatility of market prices. There are measures that can be used to gauge this risk.


It is one of measures that can be used to gauge market risk

A measure of the potential loss in a financial institution’s financial position associated with an adverse price movement of

a given probability over a specified time horizon

22、Operational risk操作风险

It is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events Classified by the cause of the loss event: employees, business process, relationships, technology, and external factors

23、legal risk法律风险

This is the risk of loss resulting from failure to comply with laws as well as prudent ethical standards and contractual obligations

24、Incentive fee激励费

It is a share of the positive return which performance-based compensation in the management fee structure for hedge funds

25、Absolute return绝对收益

It is simply the return realized

26、Relative return相对收益

It is the difference between the absolute return and the

return on some benchmark or index

27、Market directional hedge fund市场导向型对冲基金

It is one in which the asset manager retains some exposure to systemic risk

28、Corporate restructuring hedge fund公司重组型对冲基金

It is one in which the asset manager positions the portfolio to capitalize on the anticipated impact of a signifi

cant corporate event. These events include a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy

29、Convergence trading hedge fund收敛交易型对冲基金

It uses a strategy to take advantage of misalignment of prices or yields, an arbitrage strategy.technically, arbitrage means riskless profit. Some strategies used by hedge funds do not really involve no risk, but instead low risk strategies of price misalignments误差

30、Opportunistic hedge fund机会主义型对冲基金

It has the broadest mandate of all of the four hedge fund categories. Asset managers of hedge funds can make specific bets on stocks or currencies or they could have well-diversified portfolios. These include fund of funds, and global macro hedge funds that invest opportunistically based on macroeconomic considerations in any world market.


1、Spread income利差收入


It should allow the depository institution to meet operating expenses and earn a fair profit on its capital

2、Regulatory risk监管风险

It is the risk that regulators will change the rules so as to adversely impact the earnings of the institution

3、Secondary reserves次级储备

Securities held for the purpose of satisfying net withdrawals and customer loan demands

4、Individual Banking个人银行业务

It encompasses residential mortgage lending, consumer installment loans, credit card financing, brokerage services, student loans,

5、Institutional banking企业银行业务

It includes commercial real estate financing, leasing activities, and factoring, etc.

5、Global banking国际业务

It includes corporate financing, capital market and foreign exchange products and services.

Most global banking activities generate fee income rather than interest income.

5、Demand deposits活期存款

Checking accounts

pay no interest and can be withdrawn upon demand

6、Savings deposits储蓄存款

pay interest, typically below market interest rates, do not have a specific maturity, and usually can be withdrawn upon demand

7、Time deposits定期存款

also called certificates of deposit, have a fixed maturity date and pay either a fixed or floating interest rate

8、Reserve ratio准备金率

It is the specified percentage of deposits in a non-interest-bearing account at one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks that a bank must maintain

It is established by the Federal Reserve Board

9、Required reserve法定准备金

The dollar amount based on the reserve ratio that are required to be kept on deposit at a Federal Reserve Bank

10、deposit computation period存款计算周期

To compute the required reserve, the Federal Reserve has established a two-week period

11、excess reserves超额准备金

The difference is that actual reserves exceed required reserves

12、Federal funds market联邦基金市场

Banks temporarily short of their required reserves can borrow reserves from banks that have excess reserves The market where banks can borrow or lend reserves is called the

federal funds market

13、Federal funds rate联邦基金利率

The interest rate charged to borrow funds in the federal funds market

14、Discount window贴现窗口

The Federal Reserve Bank is the bank of last resort. Banks temporarily short of funds can borrow from the Fed at its discount window.Collateral is necessary to borrow, but not just any collateral will do, and the Fed sets the criteria for collateral quality

15、Discount rate贴现率

The interest rate that the Fed charges to borrow funds at the discount window

16、Money center banks货币中央银行

The banks that raise most of their funds from the domestic and international money markets, relying less on depositors for


17、Regional bank区域性银行

It is one that relies primarily on deposits for funding, and makes less use of the money markets to obtain funds

18、Superregional banks超级区域性银行

Larger regional banks have been merging with other regional banks to form Superregional banks

19、Core Capital核心资本金

Tier 1 Capital

It consists of common stockholders’ equity, certain types of preferred stock, and minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries

20、Supplementary Capital补充资本金

Tier 2 capital

It includes loan-loss reserve, certain types of preferred stock, perpetual debt, hybrid capital instruments, equity contract notes, and subordinated debt

21、Natural person credit unions自然人信用合作社

Federal and state chartered credit unions are called natural person credit unions

Provide financial services to qualifying members of the general public

22、Corporate credit unions 公司信用合作社

Provide a variety of investment services, as well as payment systems, only to natural person credit unions



Insurance companies sell insurance policies, which are legally

binding contracts for which the policyholder pays insurance premiums

2、Risk bearers 风险承担者

According to the insurance contract, insurance companies promise to pay specified sums contingent on the occurrence of future events, such as death or an automobile accident. For insurance companies, they accept or underwrite给...保险;承诺支付the risk in return for an insurance premium

2、Underwriting process销售过程

It is deciding which applications for insurance they should accept and which ones they should reject, and if they accept, determining how much they should charge for the insurance

3、Life Insurance人寿保险

For life insurance, the risk insured against is the death of the “insured”.

4、Health insurance健康保险

In the case of health insurance, the risk insured is medical treatment of the insured.

5、Property and casualty insurance财产与意外伤害保险

The risk insured by Property and casualty (P&C) insurance companies is damage to various types of property. Specifically, it is insurance against financial loss caused by damage, destruction, or loss to

property as the result of an identifiable event that is sudden, unexpected, or unusual.

6、Liability Insurance责任保险

The risk insured against is litigation, or the risk of lawsuits against the insured due to actions by the insured or others.

7、Disability Insurance伤残险

It insures against the inability of employed persons to earn

an income

8、Long-Term Care Insurance长期护理保险

It provides custodial care for the aged who are no longer able to care for themselves


It is often described as a mutual fund in an insurance wrapper. It is treated as an insurance product and as a result receives a preferential tax treatment. Specifically, the income and realized gains are not taxable if not withdrawn from the annuity product. It can be either fixed, or variable.

10、Bankassurance 银行保险

Insurance companies are attracted by commercial bank customer contacts. As a result, commercial bank distribution of insurance company products has grown considerably.

11、Stock Insurance Company股份保险公司

It is similar in structure to any corporation or public company. Shares (of ownership) are owned by independent shareholders and are traded publicly. The shareholders care only about the performance of their shares, that is, the stock appreciation and the dividends. The insurance policies are simply the products or business of the company.

11、Reinsure 再保险

Some insurance companies may reinsure some or all of the liabilities they incur in providing insurance. According to the reinsurance transaction, the initial insurer 保险公司,承保人transfers the risk of the insurance to another company,。

reinsurer再保险人, who accept the risk incurred by the primary insurance company.

12、Term life insurance定期人寿保险

It is pure life insurance. If the insured dies while the policy is

intact, the beneficiary of the policy receives the death benefit. If the insured does not die within the period, the policy is invalid and has no value. There is no cash value or investment value for a term insurance policy. In addition, the policyholder cannot borrow against the policy.

13、Whole life insurance终身险

In addition to providing pure life insurance, it builds up a cash value or investment value inside the policy. This cash value can be withdrawn and can also be borrowed against by the owner of the policy. If the owner wishes to let the policy lapse, he or she can withdraw the cash value.

14、Survivorship (Second to Die) Insurance 最后生存者寿险

An added dimension of the whole life policies is that two people are jointly insured and the policy pays the death benefit not when the first person dies, but when the second person dies. This is called survivorship insurance or second-to-die insurance.

15、General account products一般账户产品

The general account of an insurance company refers to the investment portfolio of the overall company. Insurance companies must supp

ort the guaranteed performance of their general account products to the extent of their solvency.

16、Separate account products 独立账户产品

Other types of insurance products receive no guarantee from the insurance company’s general account, and their performance is not based on the performance of the insurance company’s general account but solely on the perfor mance of an account separate from the general account of the insurance company, often an account selected by the policyholder. These products are called separate account products.


1、Open-End Funds 开放式基金

More popularly known as mutual funds.

They are portfolios of securities, mainly stocks, bonds, and money market instruments.

The number of shares of these funds increases or decreases as investors increase their investment or liquidate shares.

2、Closed-End Funds 封闭式基金

The shares of a closed-end fund are very similar to the shares of common stock of a corporation.

The new shares of a closed-end fund are initially issued by an underwriter for the fund.

3、Unit trust 单位信托

It is similar to a closed-end fund in that the number of unit certificates is fixed.

It typically invests in bonds.

4、Net asset value (NAV)资产净值

The value or price of each share of the portfolio of open-end funds.

It equals the market value of the portfolio minus the liabilities of the mutual fund divided by the number of shares owned by the mutual fund investors.

5、Sales charge销售费用

shareholders fee

This cost is a “one-time” charge debited to the investor for a specific transaction, such as a purchase, redemption, or exchange. This type of charge is related to the way the fund is sold or distributed.

6、Expense ratio运行费率

It is the annual fund operating expense, which covers the

fund's expenses, the largest of which is for investing managements. This charge is imposed annually.

It is debited annually from the investor’s fund balance by the fund sponsor. Operating expenses are deducted扣除from NAV and therefore reduce the reported return. The three main categories of annual operating expenses are the management fee, distribution fee and other expenses.

7、Investment advisory fee投资顾问费

Management fee

It is the fee charged by the investment advisor for managing

a fund’s portfolio.

8、no-load mutual funds 无销售费用共同基金

Sales charges on mutual funds are related to their method of distribution. The two types of distribution were sales force (or wholesale批发销售) and direct. Sales force distribution occurs via an intermediary or an agent. Direct distribution takes place without sales agent and, therefore, there is no need for a sales charge. Funds with no sales charges are called no-load mutual funds.

8、Front-end load前端费用

There is a quid pro quo, for the service provided in the sales force distribution method. The quid pro quo is a sales charge borne by the customer

and paid to the agent. The traditional type of sales charge for the agent- distribution fund is called a front-end load, since the load is deducted initially or “up front.”

9、Back-end load后端费用

It is imposed at the time fund shares are sold or redeemed.

It is a Contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC). This approach imposes a gradually declining load on withdrawal.

10、Level load水平费用

It is imposed uniformly each year.


The sales charge for a fund applies to most, even very small, investments. For large investment, however, the sales charge may be reduced. The amount of investment needed to obtain a reduction in the sales charge is called a breakpoint.

12、Board of directors董事会

The role of board of directors is to represent the fund shareholders. The board is composed of both “interested” (or “inside”) directors who are affiliated with the investment company (current or previous management) and “independent” (or “outside”) directors who have no affiliation with the investment company. A majority of the board must be outside directors.

13、Exchange-traded funds交易所交易基金

An investment that embodies a combination of the desirable aspects of mutual funds (open-end funds) and closed-end funds is the exchange-traded fund (ETF).

14、Authorized participants拥有许可权的投资者

For ETCs, individuals do not deal directly with the provider of the ETF. That privilege is reserved for a few very large investors called authorized participants (AP) who are arbitragers.

15、Creation/redemption units认购/赎回单位交易

Authorized participants are mainly large institutional traders who have contractual agreements with ETF funds.They are the only investors who may create or redeem shares of an ETF with the ETF sponsor and then only in large, specified quantities called creation/redemption units.

16、Separately managed account (SMA)独立管理账户

Many high-net worth people object to using mutual funds because of the individual investor’s lack of control over taxes, their lack of any input into investment decisions, and the absence of “high-touch” service.The use of separately managed accounts responds to all these limitations of mutual funds. They are, however, more expensive.


1、Pension funds养老基金

It exists in some form in all developed economies, are major institutional investors and participants in the financial markets.

2、Pension Plans养老金计划

A fund established for the eventual payment of retirement benefits.

Pension plan sponsors

The entities that establish pension plans

3、Defined benefit plan固定收益计划

In a defined benefit plan, the plan sponsor agrees to make specified dollar payments annually to qualifying employees beginning at retirement.These payments typically occur monthly. The pension obligations are effectively a debt obligation of the plan sponsor, who assumes the risk o

f havin

g insufficient funds to meet contractual payments that must be made to retired employees.

4、Insured benefit plans保险收益计划

A plan sponsor establishing a defined-benefit plan can use

the payments made into the fund to purchase an annuity policy from a life insurance company. Defined-benefit plans that are guaranteed by life insurance products are called insured benefit plans.

5、Defined contribution plan固定缴费计划

In a defined contribution plan, the plan sponsor is responsible only for making specified contributions into the plan on behalf of qualifying participants, not specified payments to the employee after retirement. Retirement benefit payments are determined by the investment performance of the funds in which the assets are invested and are not guaranteed by the plan sponsor

6、Hybrid pension plans混合养老金计划

It is combinations of defined benefit and defined contribution plans. It includes pension equity, floor-offset, and others, the most common hybrid form is the cash balance plan.

7、Cash balance plan现金余额计划

A cash balance plan is basically a defined benefit that has some of the features of a defined contribution plan. It defines future pension benefits, not employer contributions.Each participant in a cash balance plan has an account that is credited 贷方with a dollar amount that resembles an employer contribution and is generally determined as a percentage of pay. The plan usually provides benefits in the form of a lump-sum付清distribution in an annuity. Interest is credited to the employee’s account at a rate specified


1.adverse selection: The problem created by asymmetric information before a transaction occurs : the people who are the most undesirable from the other party’s point of view are the ones who are most likely to want to engage in the financial transaction. 逆向交易:在交易发生之前与信息不对称引起的问题:从交易对手的视角看最不受欢迎的人是最有可能积极参与金融交易的人。 2.asymmetric information : The inequality of knowledge that each party to a transaction has about the other party. 信息不对称:交易各方对彼此情况的掌握程度存在不对等的现象。 3.behavioral finance : The field of study that applies concept from other social sciences,such as anthropology, sociology, and particularly psychology, to understand the behavior of securities prices. 行为金融学:该项研究借用其他社会科学的概念,如人类学,社会学,特别是心理学的概念来解释证券价格的表现。 4.credit-rating agencies: Investment advisory firms that rate the quality of corporate and municipal bonds in terms of the probability of default. 信用评级机构:一种根据违约概率来划分公司和市政债券质量等级的投资咨询公司。 5.credit rationing : A lender’s refusing to make loans even though borrowers are willing to pay the stated interest rate or even a higher rate or restricting the size of loans to less than the amount being sought. 信贷配给:即使借款人愿意支付既定利率甚至更高的利率水平,贷款人也拒绝向其发放贷款,或者限制贷款规模使其小于借款人希望得到的数量。 6.debt deflation : A situation in which substantial decline in the price level sets in , leading to a further deterioration in firms’ net worth because of the increased burden of indebtedness. 债务收缩:在价格水平急剧下降的情况下,因公司债务负担加剧,导致公司净值进一步恶化。 7.efficient market hypothesis: The hypothesis that prices of securities in financial market fully reflect all available information. 有效市场假说:假设金融市场中证券的价格完全反应了所有可以得到的信息。 8.financial intermediaries : Institutions (such as banks, insurance companies ,mutual funds, pension funds, and finance companies) that borrow funds from people who have saved and then make loans to others. 金融中介:从储蓄人手中借入资金然后向其他人发放贷款的机构。(例如银行,保险公司,共同基金,养老基金和财务公司) 9. financial intermediation: The process of indirect finance whereby financial intermediaries link lender-savers and borrower spenders. 金融媒介:金融中介将贷款人-储蓄者和借款人-支出者连接在一起的间接融资过程。


金融外汇买卖相关英语词汇翻译 accepted 承兑 accrued interest累计利息 advance 放款 american style 美式选择权 appreciation 升值 arbitrage 套利交易 asset allocation 资产分配原则 asset swap 就持有的资产利息进行交换asset/liability management 资产负债管理assets liquidity 资产的流动性 assets safety 资产安全 assets yield 资产的获利性 at the money (atm) 价平 auction 标售 authority letter 授权书 banker’s acceptance银行承兑汇票 basis swap (floating -against floating irs) bear call spread 买权看空价差 bear put spread 卖权看空价差 bearer form 持有人形式 best order 最佳价格交易指示单 bid rate 借入利率(或买入价格,汇率) big figure 大数(交易时忽略不报的前几位数)book entry form 无实体形式 break-even exchange rate 两平点汇率bretton woods system 布莱登国际货币制度broken date 畸零天期(见odd date) bull call spread 买权看多价差

bull put spread 卖权看多价差 buy call 买入买权 buy or sell forward 买卖远期 buy or sell spot 买卖即期 buy put 买入卖权 buyer 买方 calendar spread 水平式价差策略 call option 买权 calling customer 询价者 calling party 询价者 cash flow book 现金流量登记薄 cash flow gap 现金流量缺口 cash flow gap 资金缺口 cash flow projection现金流量之预期 cash 当日交割 cd(certificate of deposit) 存单 chain method 联算法 chief money dealer首席货币交易员 clearing house 清算所 commercial hedge 进出口商避险 commercial paper商业本票 commodity futures trading commission 美国期货交易委员会competitive bid 竞标 contract date 定约日 contract limit 契约额度 contract risk 契约风险 counter party 交易对手 country limit 国家额度 coupon rate 票面利率 coupon swap (fixed-against floating irs)


金融专业英语词汇 American Style Option:美式选择权 自选择权契约成立之日起,至到期日之前,买方可以在此期间以事先约定的价格,随时要求选择权的卖方履行契约。亦即,要求选择权的卖方依契约条件买入或卖出交易标的物。 Appreciation: 升值来源:考试大网 在外汇市场中,升值使指一种货币相对于另一种货币的价值增加。 Arbitrage: 套利考试大(www.Examda。com) 在金融市场从事交易时,利用市场的失衡状况来进行交易,以获取利润的操作方式。其主要操作方法有两种:一为利用同一产品,在不同市场的价格差异;一为利用在同一市场中各种产品的价格差异来操作。 不论是采用何种方法来进行套利交易,其产品或市场的风险程度必须是相等的。 Asset Allocation: 资产分配原则 基于风险分散原则,资金经理在评估其资金需求,经营绩效与风险程度之后,将所持有的资产分散投资于各类型的金融产品中。如股票、外汇、债券、贵金属、房地产、放款、定存等项,以求得收益与风险均衡的最适当资产组合(Optimum Assets Components). Asset/Liability Management(ALM): 资产负债管理 由于金融机构的资产为各种放款及投资,而负债主要为各种存款,费用收入、或投资人委托之资金。因此资产负债管理的目的,即在于使银行以有限的资金,在兼顾安全性(Safty)、流动性(Liquidity)、获利性(Profitability)及分散性(Diversification)的情况下,进行最适当的资产与负债的分配(Asset Allocation)。 At The Money: 评价 选择权交易中,履行价格等于远期价格时称之为评价。 Bear Market: 空头市场(熊市)来源:考试大的美女编辑们 在金融市场中,若投资人认为交易标的物价格会下降,便会进行卖出该交易标的物的操作策略。因交易者在卖出补回前,其手中并未持有任何交易标的物,故称为:“空头”。所谓空头市场就是代表大部分的市场参与者皆不看好后市的一种市场状态。 Best Order: 最佳价格交易指示单 此类型的交易指示单是顾客指示交易员或经纪中介商以可能的最好价格,在市场上交易。 Bid Rate: 承接买入价格 以报价者的角色来看,报价者愿意买入被报价币(卖出报价币)的最高价格一旦高于bid,则报价者不愿意买入。对询价者而言,Bid代表其在市场可卖出被报价币(买入报价币)的最高价格。 在一般金融市场,Bid代表报价者愿意买入该金融产品的最高价格。价格一旦高于Bid,则报价者不愿意买入该产品。 在货币拆放市场中,Bid就是报价银行愿意拆入资金的最高利率。 Big Amount: 大额 在金融产品的交易中,其交易金额比市场的一般交易金额为大。大额交易的成交条件通常会比较好,以合乎大型投资者的需求。 Big Figure:大数 在汇率的报价中,大数通常是指报价中的前三位数。就一般情况而言,交易员在报价的过程中,不会把大数报出,以节省报价时间,因为在短短的报价与交易过程中,汇率的波动幅度通常不会太大。 Broker:经纪中介商来源:考试大 市场交易双方的中介者。在金融市场中,中介商为交易双方提供一个适当的渠道,使双方可以在最短的时间内完成交易。这种渠道不但包含各种金融产品的价格、数量,而且充斥各式各样的消息,以利交易的进行。


ODI :ODI is investment of domestic assets into foreign countries, is not investment in the stock markets or in the equity of firms, is composed of M&A and investment. 向外直接投资:向外直接投资是国内固定资产投资到国外,是不是在股票市场或在公司的股权,为M&A和投资组成的投资。 T/T: cable transfer or wire transfer——is the equivalent of a cash payment that can be credited directly to the seller?s account. (telegraphic transfer)电汇:电汇或银行转帐- 是现金支付,可以直接存入卖家的帐户相同。 B/L: waybill or consignment note, and receipt (in postal or courier delivery) are collectively known as the transport documents. 提单(bill of lading):提单或运单,及收据(在邮局或快递公司送达)被统称为运输单证。 L/C: It is the buyer who initiates the making of payment, by instructing his bank to issue a documentary credit in favor of the seller. 信用证(Letter of Credit):我是谁发起的买方支付的制作通过指示其银行开出以卖方受益人的跟单信用证。 The foreign exchange market:It is a place to trade foreign exchange currency and for the transaction of all foreign currency 外汇市场:它是一个地方外汇交易货币和所有外国货币交易 Commercial banks: is a type of financial intermediary.It offers both commercial and investment banking services for individual and business, such as deposits, credit cards, loans, trusts, mutual funds, treasury bills, insurances and so on. 商业银行:是一种金融中介机构的类型。它为个人和企业的商业和投资银行服务,如存款,信用卡,贷款,信托,互惠基金,国库券,保险等。 Savings account:A savings account typically refers to an account in which one places money to earn a small amount of interest. 储蓄帐户:储蓄帐户通常是指一个帐户,其中一个地方的钱赚取少量的兴趣。 Checking accounts: A checking account is convenience; it can be used in place of cash to make payments as ATM cards or each electronic debit cards. 支票帐户:支票存款帐户是方便,它可用于现金的地方,使每一个在ATM卡或电子借记卡付款。 Bankers? acceptances: A bankers' acceptance (or BA) is a short-term credit investment created by a non-financial firm and guaranteed by a bank to make payment in a foreign trade. 银行承兑汇票:一个银行家的接受(或BA)是一个短期的信贷投入创造了一个非金融公司和银行担保,使在外国贸易支付。 Commercial paper: Commercial papers are unsecured, short-term loans.Only high credit rating and credit worthiness corporations have credit to issue commercial papers. 商业票据:商业本票为无抵押,短期贷款。只有高信用评级和信用企业的信贷发行商业票据。 Repos:Repos (also known as repurchase agreements or Sale and Repurchase Agreement) are a form of overnight borrowing backed by government securities. 回购:回购协议(也称为回购协议或出售和回购协议称)是一种由政府担保隔夜拆借证券形式。 A balance sheet: In financial accounting, a balance sheet (or statement of financial position) is a summary of a person…s or organization’s balances 资产负债表:财务会计,资产负债表(或财务状况表)是一个人或组织的结余摘要The income statement:shows revenues and expenses of a company for a given period of time。 损益表:显示收入和一个特定的时间内对公司的开支。 简答: 1) What do you understand by “open account business”? In an open account trade arrangement, the goods are shipped to a buyer without guarantee of payment. Quite often, the buyer does not pay the agreed time. Unless the buyer?s integrity is unquestionable, this trade arrangement is risky to the seller. 1)你是怎样理解的“开户业务”? 在一个开放的帐户贸易安排,将货物运到买方不付款的保证。很多时候,买方不支付约定的时间。除非买方的诚信是不容置疑的,这种贸易安排是有风险的卖方。 2) Benefits and costs of FDI 1 Host-country benefits The main benefits of inward FDI for a host country arise from resource-transfer effects, employment effects, and balance-of-payments effects. 2 Host-country costs These costs of FDI concern host countries. They arise from possible adverse effects on competition within the host nation, adverse effects on the balance of payments, and the perceived loss of national sovereignty and autonomy. 3 Home-country benefits The benefits of FDI to the home country arise from three sources. First, t he home country?s balance of payments benefits from the inward flow of foreign earnings. Second, benefits to the home country from outward FDI arise from employment effects. As with the balance of payments, positive employment effects arise when the foreign subsidiary creates demand for home-country exports. Third, benefits arise when the home-country MNE learns valuable skills from its exposure to foreign markets that can subsequently be transferred back to the home country. This amounts to a reverse resource-transfer effect. 4 Home-country costs Against these benefits must be set the apparent costs of FDI for the home country. The most important concerns center on the balance-of-payments and employment effects of outward FDI. First, the balance of payments suffers from the initial capital outflow required to finance the FDI. Second, the current account of the balance of payments suffers if the purpose of the foreign investment is to serve the home market from a low-cost production location. Third, the current account of the balance of payments suffers if the FDI is a substitute for direct exports. 2)外国直接投资的成本效益与 1东道国福利 外来直接投资对东道国的主要好处源于资源转移效应,就业效应,平衡国际收支的影响。 2东道国成本 外国直接投资的关注东道国这些费用。他们对竞争产生的不利影响可能在主办国,在国际收支,以及国家主权和自主权丧失知觉的不利影响。 3母国利益 外国直接投资的好处本国来自三个来源。首先,母国的利益平衡国际收支的外汇收入来自外来流动。 其次,从对外直接投资的好处来自本国就业的影响。作为与国际收支的平衡,积极的就业影响时出现的外国子公司创造了母国出口的需求。 第三,福利问题时的母国从跨国公司学习,可以接触到后来调回本国国外市场有用的技能。这相当于一个反向资源转移效应。


金融英语词语解释全部版 第一章 1、Tangible Assets有形资产 Value is based on physical properties Intangible Assets无形资产 Claim to future income Issuer发行者 The one who makes future cash payments Investor 投资者 The owner of the financial asset Debt Instrument债务工具 Fixed dollar payments 6、Equity Instrument 权益工具 Dollar payment is based on earnings Fixed-income instruments 固定收益证券 an equity instrument that entitles the investor to receive a fixed dollar amount. . Both debt and preferred stock that pay fixed dollar amounts are called fixed-income instruments. Price discovery process价格发现过程 The interactions of buyers and sellers in a financial market determine the price of the traded asset. Liquidity 流动性 whether the circumstances either force or motivate an investor to sell in financial market. Spot market or cash market即期市场和现货市场 The market in which a financial asset trades for immediate delivery is called the spot market or cash market. Search costs搜索成本 e.g. the mone y spent to advertise one’s intention to sell or


常用金融英语词汇 常用金融英语词汇 英语学习是一个艰苦奋斗的过程,只有策略、技巧和方法是不够的,还必须有刻苦学习的恒心和毅力。下面我们就一起来看看小编整理的'常用金融英语词汇相关资料吧,欢迎大家阅读! 常用金融英语词汇及翻译 acquiring company 收购公司 bad loan 呆帐 chart of cash flow 现金流量表 clearly-established ownership 产权清晰 debt to equity 债转股 diversity of equities 股权多元化 economy of scale 规模经济 emerging economies 新兴经济 exchange-rate regime 汇率机制 fund and financing 筹资融资 global financial architecture 全球金融体系 global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化 go public 上市 growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长 have one's "two commas" 百万富翁 hedge against 套期保值 housing mortgage 住房按揭 holdings 控股,所持股份 holding company 控股公司 initial offerings 原始股 initial public offerings 首次公募 innovative business 创新企业 intellectual capital 智力资本

inter-bank lending 拆借 internet customer 网上客户 investment payoff period 投资回收期 joint-stock 参股 mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人 means of production 生产要素 (the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 大病医疗费用社会统筹 mergers and acquisitions 并购 mobile-phone banking 移动电话银行业 moods 人气 net potato 网虫 non-store seling 直销 offering 新股 online-banking 网上银行业 online-finance 在线金融 online client (银行的)网上客户 paper profit 帐面收益 physical assets 有形资产 project fund system 项目资本金制度 pyramid sale 传销 recapitalize 资产重组 regional corrency blocks 地区货币集团 regulate 调控 sell off 变现 share(stock) option 期权,股票认购权 slash prices 杀价 spare capacity 闲置的生产能力 strong growth 强劲的增长势头 switch trade 转手贸易


经济与金融英语词汇大全 Abstract: 本文旨在提供一份经济与金融英语词汇大全,旨在帮助读者扩展自己的金融英语词汇量,以更好地理解并应用于经济和金融领域。本词汇大全涵盖了各个方面的经济与金融术语,并提供了简明的解释和示例,以确保读者能够准确有效地使用这些词汇。 1. 宏观经济学 (Macroeconomics) 宏观经济学是研究整体经济的学科,涉及国民收入、就业、通货膨胀等方面的研究。 - Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 国内生产总值,衡量一国某一特定时期内所生产的所有最终产品和服务的市场价值。 - Unemployment Rate: 失业率,衡量劳动力中无工作而愿意就业的人的比例。 2. 微观经济学 (Microeconomics) 微观经济学是研究个体经济单位(如家庭、公司)的学科,涉及供求、价格等方面的研究。 - Supply and Demand: 供求关系,在市场经济中决定产品和服务的价格和数量。 - Price Elasticity: 价格弹性,衡量供求关系对价格变化的敏感程度。

3. 财政学 (Public Finance) 财政学是研究政府财政活动的学科,涉及税收、开支等方面的研究。 - Budget Deficit: 预算赤字,政府在一定时期内支出大于收入的情况。 - Taxation: 税收,政府向个人和企业征收的款项。 4. 国际贸易 (International Trade) 国际贸易是国家之间商品和服务交流的过程,涉及进出口、贸易政 策等方面的研究。 - Tariff: 关税,国家对进口商品征收的额外费用。 - Free Trade: 自由贸易,国家之间以最低限度或无限制地交换商品 和服务。 5. 银行与金融机构 (Banking and Financial Institutions) 银行与金融机构提供各种金融服务,如存款、贷款、投资等。 - Commercial Bank: 商业银行,从公众存款中募集资金,提供贷款 和其他金融服务。 - Investment Bank: 投资银行,为公司和政府提供筹资、并购等金融 服务。 6. 股市与证券 (Stock Market and Securities) 股市与证券市场是股票、债券等交易的场所,涉及证券行情、交易 等方面的研究。


常用金融英语词汇翻译 不景气slump (衰退recession) 二板市场the second board market 中国创业板China Growth Enterprise Market 首次上市IPOs (initial public offering) 市场资本总额market capitalization 法人股institutional shares 内部股(非上市招股)private company shares 牛市bull market 法律风险legal risk 风险管理risk management 坚持严格的贷款标准maintain strong underwriting standards 六大风险risks in 6 key areas (U.S. Federal Reserve criterion) 信用风险credit risk 供给学派supply-side economist 第一产业(农业)agriculture (primary industry) 第二产业(工业)manufacturing industry (secondary industry) 第三产业(服务业)service industry (tertiary industry) 主要经济指标major economic indicators 国内生产总值GDP gross domestic product (商品和劳务币值总和,不包括海外收入支出)国民生产总值GNP gross national product(商品和劳务币值总和,包括海外收入支出) 人均国内生产总值GDP per capita 宏观经济macro economy 互助基金mutual fund 扩大内需expand domestic demand 改善居民心理预期inspire the general public's confidence in the future needs 鼓励增加即期消费encourage more immediate consumption 长期国债long-term treasury bonds 支付国债利息to service treasury bonds 财政赤字和债务deficits and the national debt 按原口径计算calculate on the base line 按不变价格计算calculate at constant price 按可比价格计算calculate at comparable price 列入财政预算支出listed in the fiscal budget 结售汇制度the system of exchange, settlement and sales 经常项目顺差favorable balance of current account, surplus of current account 开办人民币业务engage in Renminbi (RMB) business 出口退税制度the system of refunding taxes on exported goods 保证金台帐制度Deposit account system for processing trade 分期付款pay by installment 保值储蓄inflation-proof bank savings 抵押贷款collateralised loans 住房抵押贷款residential mortgage loan 货币主义者monetarist


金融专业名词翻译(十一十二) 学金融专业的同学们可能不知道相关专业的英语单词怎么读吧,下面是小编为您收集整理的金融专业名词翻译,供大家参考! 金融专业名词翻译(十一) 代收股息/债券利息服务费 dividend and debt securities interest collection service fee 代履行权责服务费 corporate actions service fee 代客买卖 agency trade 代客买卖户口 agency account 代表委任表格 proxy form 代理人 agent 代理人户口 nominee account 代理户口 agency account 代价 consideration 代价股份 consideration share 代价发行 consideration issue 代办股份转让系统(中国内地) Agency Share Transfer System(Mainland China) 以先旧后新方式配售

placing and top-up;top up placing 以披露为本 disclosure-based 以物易物的虚晃交易 banner barter transaction 以股代息 dividend inspecie;scrip dividend 以股换股 share exchange 以信息披露为重 disclosure-based 以按金形式缴付的期权金 margined premium 以现金折算的息股证 cash settled ELI 以责务变更的方式进行净额结算netting by novation 以最佳价格/条件执行交易的原则principle of best execution 以报价/开盘带动 quote-driven 以买卖盘带动 order-driven 金融专业名词翻译(十二) 文件风险 document ation risk 日本中央银行 Bank of Japan 日本公社债研究所 Japan Bond Research Institute(JBRI)


刘菁蓉版金融英语名词解释 Purchase Acquisition 购股接管 合并收购项目采用的会计方法,买方将目标公司当作投资,将目标公司的资产根据公平市场价值加入本身的资产 Purchasing Power 购买力 购买货品及服务的能力,或一个单位资金可以买到的货品及服务数量 Pure Play 单一业务 专门经营一种业务的公司,或股价与一种投资主题或策略的表现有密切关系的公司 Put 出售权 1. 一种期权合约,给与持有人以特定的价格在特定的时间内出售特定数量相关证券的权力(但并非义务) 2. 行使出售期权的行动 Put Bond 可卖回债券 债券的一种,条款规定发行人必须在到期前的特定日期回购证券。回购价格在发行时设定,一般相等于票值 Put-Call Parity 买入-出售价差 对同一种证券、到期日相同的出售期权价格与买入期权价格之间的关系 Put-Call Ratio 买入-出售比率 出售期权与买入期权交易量的比率,用作评估市场的投资气氛 Put Warrant 出售认股权证 一种认股权证,给与持有人以协定价格、在特定日期或之前出售相关股票的权力 Qualified Institutional Buyer (QIB) 合资格机构投资者主要指管理最少1亿美元证券的机构,包括银行、存款及贷款公司、保险公司、投资公司、员工福利计划或合资格投资者全资拥有的股本,也包括拥有或可自主投资1000万美元证券的注册经纪人 Qualitative Analysis 定性分析 根据非财务信息,例如管理质量、行业周期性、研发实力及劳工关系,利用主观判断评估证券的分析方法 Quality of Earnings 盈利质量


Chapter 12 Balance of payments accounting : 国际收支平衡账户 A detailed record of the composition of the current account balance and of the many transactions that finace it . 国际收支账户是对经常项目的组成以及相关金融业务的详细记录。 Capital account: 资本项目 It recorded other activities resulting in transfers of wealth between countries . 记录其他导致财富在国家间进行转移的活动。 Capital inflow: 资本流入 An increase in a nation's liabilities to the sales of goods and services to foreigners . 向外国人销售商品或服务导致的金融项目贷方增加。 Capital outflow : 资本流出 An increase in a nation's assets obtained from the purchase of goods and services from foreigners . 向外国人购买商品或服务导致的金融项目借方增加。 Current account balance : 经常项目余额 The difference between exports of goods and services and imports of goods and services. 进出口商品或服务的差额。 Financial account : 金融项目 It records all international purchases or sales of financial assets . 记录所有金融资产的国际买卖状况的账户。 Official foreign cxchange intervention : 官方外汇干预 The official transactions that central banks buy or sell international reserves in private asset markets to affect macroeconomic conditions in their economies . 中央银行在私人外汇市场上买卖国际储备以改变经济的宏观环境的交易。 Official international reserves : 官方国际储备 They are foreign assets held by central banks as a cushion against national economic misfortune. 中央银行持有的外国资产,可以作为国民经济情况不利情况时的缓冲器。 Official settlements balance (or balance of payments) : 官方结算余额(国际收支平衡) The bookkeeping offset to the balance of official reserve transactions . 在会计上登记用来抵消官方储备交易余额的部分。

国际金融 名词解释(英语)

国际金融名词解释 (英语) ------------------------------------------作者xxxx ------------------------------------------日期xxxx

1.balance of payments(国际收支平衡表):the set of accounts recording all flows of value between a nation's residents and the residents of the rest of the world during a period of time. 2.credit item:(贷方项目) is an item for which the country must be paid. 3.debit item(借方项目)is an item for which the country must pay. 4.If we add up all the items for exports and imports of goods and services,we get the goods and services balance. 5.the net value of flows of goods, services, income, and unilateral transfers is the current account balance. 6.The net value of flows of financial assets and similar claims(including official international reserve asset flows ) is the private financial account balance. 7.Official international reserve assets are money–like assets that are held by governments and that are recognized by governments as fully acceptable for payments between them. 8.the country's current account balance must equal net foreign investment. 9.The overall balance should indicate whether a country's balance of payments has achieved an overall pattern that is sustainable over time. 10.The official settlements balance measures the sum of the current account balance plus the (nonofficial) financial account balance. https://www.360docs.net/doc/d619192235.html,plementing the balance of payments accounts(which record flows of transactions) is a balance sheet called the international investment position,a statement of stocks of a nation's international assets and foreign liabilities at a point in time ,usually the end of a year. 12.foreign exchange :the act of trading different nations' moneys. 13.exchange rate:the price of one nation’s money in terms of another nation’s money. 14.spot exchange rate:the price for "immediate"exchange. 15.forward exchange rate:the price set now for an exchange that will take place something in future. 16.Arbitrage:the process of buying and selling to make a (nearly) riskless pure profit ensures that rates in different locations are essentially the same ,and that rates,and cross-rates are relates and consistent among themselves. 17.triangular arbitrage:an opportunity to make a riskless profit by arbitraging through the three rate—a process called triangular arbitrage . 18.exchange-rate risk:if the value of the person’s income,wealth,or net worth changes when exchange rates change unpredictably in the future. 19.Hedging:a position exposed to rate risk,here exchange-rating risk the act of reducing a eliminating a net asset or a net liability position in the foreign currency 20.speculating:act of taking a net asset position(long)or a net liability position(short)in some asset is a foreign c urrency. 21.forward foreign exchange contract:an agreement to exchange one currency for another on some date in the f uture at a price set 22.covered international investmen t:her pound liability in the forward contract matches her pound asset position,so she has hedged her exposure to exchange-rate risk. 23.uncovered international investment:she does not know for sure what this future spot exchange rate will be,so her investment is exposed to exchange-rate risk 24.covered interest differential(CD):CD=(1+iuk)*f/e-(1+ius) CD=F+(iuk-ius) F=(f-e)/e CD>0 国内投资CD<0国外投资 25.covered interest parity:the opportunities to make arbitrage profits would be self-eliminating because rates would adjust so that the covered interest differential were driven to zero.1.A currency is at a forward premium(discount)by as much as its interest rate is lower (higher)than the interest rate in the other country 2.The overall covered return on a foreign-currency investment equals the return on a comparable domestic-currency investment expected uncovered interest differential(EUD):EUD=(1+iuk)*e∧ex/e-(1+ius) 26.uncovered interest parity:1.A currency is expected to appreciate(depreciate)by as much as its interest rate is lower(higher)than the interest rate in the other country (for instance,expected appreciation of the pound=ius-iuk)2.The expected overall uncovered return on the foreign-currency investment equals the return on the domestic-currency investment(expected appreciation+iuk=ius) 27.The asset market approach to exchange rates emphasizes the role of portfolio repositioning by international financial investors. As demand for and supply of financial assets denominated in different currencies shift around, these shifts place pressure on the exchange rates among the currencies. 28.The exchange-rate value of a foreign currency (e) is raised in the short run by the following changes: A rise in
