

Resume of Michael Schaap

Amstelveen, The Netherlands

Email: cv@https://www.360docs.net/doc/d68658202.html,

Date of Birth: 17 September 1968

Nationality: Dutch


I am an experienced Senior Consultant working with many different technologies. I have

worked on many projects as a Technical Team Leader, where I have been responsible for the

technical side of a project and its team. I have worked on projects at all phases of the lifecycle

from design to rollout. I enjoy working in a project based team environment.

Key Skills

? An experienced technical team leader who can help others improve their skills

? A senior applications designer and developer on high-tech complex systems

? A fast learner that can pickup and solve complex issues quickly

? Reliable team player who is a good mentor and team motivator

? An organised and lateral problem-solver.

? A wide technical knowledge and the ability to learn new technologies quickly

? Good written and verbal communication skills.

? Operating systems include: UNIX (Linux, Solaris, HP/UX), Windows (2000/NT/9x)

? Programming languages and environments include: WebLogic, WebObjects, Java, Objective C, C, Perl, HTML, JavaScript, …


1986 - 1992 Doctoraal (equiv. to Masters) in mathematics, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Summary

Job skills- Systems analysis and design, technical team leading, programming Industries worked - Internet, Banking, Computer Manufacturing, …

Languages - Java, Objective C, C, Perl, Javascript, Visual Basic, HTML, JavaScript, …

Databases- Oracle, HP Allbase, Ingres, MS Access, …

Tools and Technologies - WebLogic, Java Servlets, Enterprise Java Beans, WebObjects, … Development Environments- Various Java Environments, WebObjects, vi, …

Hardware & OS- Intel (Windows 2000/NT/9x, Linux), SUN-SPARC (Solaris), HP


Spoken languages -Dutch (first language)

English (fluent)

German (basics)

French (high school)

Interests- Digital photography, Computers (Linux, internet, adventure games), …

Professional Experience

Nov 1999 - present

Senior Consultant / Technical Team Leader

The ObjectZoo, Amsterdam, Holland The ObjectZoo is a small software consulting company based in Amsterdam and London. The main projects I worked on are described below.


iKraft is a web-based time and expense management package developed by The ObjectZoo, using WebObjects, which is in use at two locations.

In charge of deployment of iKraft on all locations and platforms (Solaris, Mac OS X Server and Windows 2000/NT), and also provided technical support to the development team.

Chello, Amsterdam, Holland

A “TV on the web” and content management project, that involved creating an in-the-browser system t o enable non-technical users to manage the content of extranet sites containing streaming video clips without knowledge of HTML or FTP.

Design and development of an automated feed system that downloads videos from various content providers such as the BBC. Technologies used are WebObjects and Perl.

Interim System Administrator

In addition to these project related tasks, also performed the role of System Administrator. maintained a Linux-based network with Linux servers running, among others, mail (sendmail), web (Apache), file (Samba), news (INN), name (bind) and database (Oracle) services, and responsible for mostly Windows based client workstations.

Mar 1999 – Oct 1999 Senior Consultant / Technical Team Leader /

Senior Developer Thaumaturgix,

New York, NY, USA I joined Thaumaturgix when it had the intention to open an Amsterdam based office in the near future. Worked based in their New York office for eight months.

I worked on two projects using Java technologies.

Bernard Hodes Advertising, New York, NY, USA

Worked on a project for the CareerMosaic job seeker web site. This project added a new area of functionality, online resume management. Technical team leader during late design and early development. In charge of the technical architecture and design of the project, and set up the development environment in an operating system and tool independent manner.

In addition, designed and developed a reusable framework for template based Java Servlets. This framework is initially used by the CareerMosaic project, but will be used by other projects in the future.

This project uses pure Java technology, using WebLogic as the application server. The front end uses Java Servlets, using the aforementioned framework, the back end uses Enterprise Java Beans.

Solbright, New York, NY, USA

Solbright is a provider of front office solutions for digital media (i.e. web advertising).

Worked on the development of the Ad Traffic Manager project, initially as a senior developer, and later taking on the technical team leader role.

This project used Java technologies, such as Java Servlets and JDBC, on a

mixed Windows NT / Solaris environment, with an Oracle database.

1993 – Feb 1999 Developer / Technical Team Leader /

Consultant Cambridge Technology Partners, Amsterdam, NL

and other locations I joined Cambridge Technology Partners (CTP) in 1993 when CTP was starting to open its first non-US office, in Amsterdam. I was one of the first six local employees, and worked for six months in the main office in Cambridge, MA, USA, after which I have been based in Amsterdam. I worked on many projects, in several European locations, starting as a junior developer, and moving up to senior developer and technical team leader. Some of these projects are described below.

Rabobank, Utrecht, NL

Senior Developer / Technical Team Leader

Package implementation of a Global Custody package (Omni IC), and design and development of several interfaces to legacy systems. Technologies used: Package: Omni IC from SunGard. Interfaces: Perl, C++ with RogueWave libraries. Database: Oracle 7.2.3.

UBS, Zürich, CH

Technical Team Leader

Design and development of an Internet Banking Application. Technologies used: Client: Java applet, running on Netscape 3/4 and Internet Explorer 3. Communication using a customised Corba implementation to C/C++ servers.

Interpay, Utrecht, NL

Technical Team Leader

Design and development of an application which replaces transfer of data - mostly credit card transactions - on tape by courier with electronic transfer. Technologies used: HP9000 with HP/UX 10.10. A package (Mlink/ACM) by Computer Associates. Pre and post processing written in Perl. Web interface using Perl / CGI. Several interfaces to external systems.

Hewlett-Packard, Amsterdam, NL, Geneva, CH, B?blingen, DE

Several projects as Senior Developer / Technical Team Leader

Design and development of an application for lookup and maintenance of first and second tier HP resellers. Design and development of an application to provide information (orders, product lists, miscellaneous documents, and more) to HP’s resellers. Support and enhancements of other, existing applications in this area.

Technologies: CTP connectivity tools, DCE, ODBC, embedded SQL. C, Perl, Lotus Notes, Visual Basic. HP Allbase, Ingres and Access databases. PGGM, Zeist, NL


User design and technical design for an application that supports the investment managers of PGGM, a Dutch pension insurance company. Mainly responsible for creating the data model, containing around 100 entities.


怎样写一份简约明快的英文简历_模板 对许多人来讲,一份简约明快的英文简历是进入外企的“敲门砖”。那么,如何写好英文简历呢? 首先,语言简练。对于求职者来讲,目的明确、语言简练是其简历行之有效的基础。如在教育背景中写相关课程,不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程一股脑儿地都写上,如体育等。这样不很有效,别人也没耐心看。 其次,个人资料部分(PERSONALDATA)。包括求职者的姓名、性别、出生年月等,与中文简历大体一致。第二部分为教育背景(EDUCA TION),必须注意的是在英文简历中,求职者受教育的时间排列顺序与中文简历中的时间排列顺序正好相反,也就是说,是从求职者的最高教育层次(学历)写起,至于低至何时,则无一定之规,可根据个人实际情况安排。 第三,社会工作。在时间排列顺序上亦遵循由后至前这一规则,即从当前的工作岗位写起,直至求职者的第一个工作岗位为止。求职者要将所服务单位的名称,自身的职位、技能写清楚。把社会工作细节放在工作经历中,这样会填补工作经验少的缺陷,例如,您在做团支书、学生会主席等社会工作时组织过什么活动,联系过什么事,参与过什么都可以一一罗列。而作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望您在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就。当然如果您有就更好了。 第四,所获奖励和作品(PRICE&PUBICA TION)。将自己所获奖项及所发表过的作品列举一二,可以从另一方面证实自己的工作能力和取得的成绩。书写上奖学金一项一行。 另外,大多数外企对英语(或其他语种)及计算机水平都有一定的要求,个人的语言水平、程度可在此单列说明。 “如何写一份简约明快的英文简历?”版权归作者所有;转载请注明出处! 求职信可以展现出您的长处,能增加获得面试的机会。只有能体现个人聪明才智的求职信,才能帮助你顺利地谋求到一份理想的工作。 写作思路求职信也是交际的一种形式,它可以反映出一个人的专业水平,从用人单位的角度出发考虑问题是使求职信产生积极效果的重要方法。求职者应该采取换位思考的方法,通过分析用人单位提出的要求,了解他们的需要,然后有针对性地向他们提供自己的背景资料,表现出自己独到的智慧与才干,使他们从你的身上看到希望,并做出对你有利的决定。 写作原则根据求职的目的来布局谋篇,把重要的内容放在篇首,对相同或相似的内容进行归类组合,段与段之间按逻辑顺序衔接,从阅信人的角度出发组织内容。信件要具个人特色、亲切且能体现出专业水平,意思表达要直接、简洁,书写要清晰、简单明了,内容、语气、用词的选择和对希望的表达要积极,充分显示出你是一个乐观、有责任心和有创造力的人。 求职信的诸多不宜不宜太长,一封求职信不能多于一页。不宜有文字上的错讹,切忌有错字、别字、病句及文理欠通顺的现象发生。不宜是履历的翻版,应与履历分开,自成一体。


优秀英文简历模板Word下载 优秀英文简历模板Word下载 优秀英文简历模板Word下载【延伸阅读】规范的英文简历怎么写 一、准备工具: 一台电脑,WORD文档。如果你熟悉使用WORD文档,那么就能轻松制作一份漂亮简约的简历;如果不是那么熟悉,可以上搜索简历模板,Microsoft 本身也带有很多模板,但注意不要选择太眼花缭乱的模板,尽量简洁干练,毕竟这是一份正式文书。本人喜欢给简历加一个边框,看起来更舒服更整齐。 二、内容和顺序: 中英文简历的区别在于内容顺序的编排上。举一个例子,就写地址而言,中文顺序是:广东省广州市荔湾区多宝路(从大地点到小地点),而英文地址则为:Duo bao Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province,China. (从小地点到大地点)。写简历也是一样的道理,什么内容先写也有讲究。首先,当然是个人基本信息,这个基本信息包括姓名,电话,邮箱。因为详细的个人信息是放到最后写的。本人喜欢把基本信息做成页眉,这样在每一页的简历上都能一目了然看到你的姓名和联系方式。然后是你的相片,尽量

选择护照规格的一寸或两寸照,不要放日常生活相片。照片一般放在右上角的位置。 三、接下来,正式进入写作步骤。 1. 你的求职目标(Objective)。用一句简单明了的话概括你想要胜任的职位。在这一句话里包含你的目标、干劲和能力。比如:Seeking challenging position in officeadministration/customer service/sales coordinator/EnglishChinese Interpretater/translatorin a dynamic organization to contribute my skills attained. 2. 工作经验(work experience)。这是简历中最重要的内容部分,直接影响招聘公司对你职业能力的判断,可以具体些。写作时要紧紧围绕你上面的求职目标来写你的相关经验,突出亮点。内容包括职位、在职时间、公司、工作职责。这里要注意的是语句一定要简单明了,避开使用描述语句像I worked in xxx company and my duty was…这不是写叙述文,一定要避繁就简。 看一个例子: Work experience Position: ChineseEnglish translator/interpreter Duration: FromMay XX to October XX Organization: xxx LLC, Dubai, UAE


简单常用的英语简历范文 制作英文简历是求职者求职过程中非常重要的一步,下面是由分享的实用的英文版求职简历范文,希望对你有用。 name Sex Male Birthday Nationality Han dynasty Nativeplace Bei __g Telephone EDUCATION --WuHan Automobile Polytechnic University (Sept xxxx-July xxxx) B.A in Automobile Major. Courses includes: Mechanical Design, Automobile Structure, Automobile Design, Computer and Business Administration etc.

--TianJin University Adult Education Department xxxx Graduated from a correspondence course of Computer SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS --PUTER operating, programing, manitaining Very familiar with DOS, WINDOWS and WINDOWS95; Programing with TC, VB, VC++;Graphic works of puter with 3DS, PhotoShop ect; Gained the National Computer Rank Examination Certificate-Grade two. (xxxx). --INTERNET operating Having pleted a Inter training course, Experience with Inter operating and creation of Hyper text Markup Language (HTML). With the Inter Operator Certificate of Landscape Inter Service Center. (May xxxx). --ENGLISH Intermediate in reading and listening. Passed College English TEST-Band six(Jan xxxx).


优秀英文简历 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

优秀英文简历模板Word下载 优秀英文简历模板Word下载 优秀英文简历模板Word下载【延伸阅读】规范的英文简历怎么写 一、准备工具: 一台电脑,WORD文档。如果你熟悉使用WORD文档,那么就能轻松制作一份漂亮简约的简历;如果不是那么熟悉,可以上搜索简历模板,Microsoft 本身也带有很多模板,但注意不要选择太眼花缭乱的模板,尽量简洁干练,毕竟这是一份正式文书。本人喜欢给简历加一个边框,看起来更舒服更整齐。 二、内容和顺序: 中英文简历的区别在于内容顺序的编排上。举一个例子,就写地址而言,中文顺序是:广东省广州市荔湾区多宝路(从大地点到小地点),而英文地址则为:Duo bao Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province,China. (从小地点到大地点)。写简历也是一样的道理,什么内容先写也有讲究。首先,当然是个人基本信息,这个基本信息包括姓名,电话,邮箱。因为详细的个人信息是放到最后写的。本人喜欢把基本信息做成页眉,这样在每一页的简历上都能一目了然看到你的姓名和

联系方式。然后是你的相片,尽量选择护照规格的一寸或两寸照,不要放日常生活相片。照片一般放在右上角的位置。 三、接下来,正式进入写作步骤。 1. 你的求职目标(Objective)。用一句简单明了的话概括你想要胜任的职位。在这一句话里包含你的目标、干劲和能力。比如:Seeking challenging position in officeadministration/customer service/sales coordinator/EnglishChinese Interpretater/translatorin a dynamic organization to contribute my skills attained. 2. 工作经验(work experience)。这是简历中最重要的内容部分,直接影响招聘公司对你职业能力的判断,可以具体些。写作时要紧紧围绕你上面的求职目标来写你的相关经验,突出亮点。内容包括职位、在职时间、公司、工作职责。这里要注意的是语句一定要简单明了,避开使用描述语句像I worked in xxx company and my duty was…这不是写叙述文,一定要避繁就简。 看一个例子: Work experience Position: ChineseEnglish translator/interpreter Duration: FromMay XX to October XX


经济学英文简历模板免费下载 一般外企都会要求投递英文简历,一份优秀的英文简历可以侧面反映出应聘者的英文书面表达能力。下面提供经济学英文简历模板免费下载,欢迎阅读! 经济学英文简历模板免费下载 面试技巧之面试时如何消除紧张感: 由于面试成功与否关系到求职者的前途,所以大学生面试时往往容易产生紧张情绪,有的大学生可能还由于过度紧张导致面试失败。所以紧张感在面试中是常见的。 紧张是应考者在考官面前精神过度集中的一种心理状态,初次参加面试的人都会有紧张感觉,慌慌张张、粗心大意、说东忘西、词不达意的情况是常见的。那么怎样才能在面试时克服、消除紧张呢? (1)要保持”平常心”。在竞争面前,人人都会紧张,这是一个普遍的规律,面试时你紧张,别人也会紧张,这是客观存在的,要接受这一客观事实。这时你不妨坦率地承认自己紧张,也许会求得理解。同时要进行自我暗示,提醒自己镇静下来,常用的方法是或大声讲话,把面对的考官当熟人对待;或掌握讲话的节奏,”慢慢道来”;或握紧双拳、闭目片刻,先听后讲;或调侃两三句等等,都有助于消除紧张。

(2)不要把成败看得太重。”胜败乃兵家常事”要这样提醒自己,如果这次不成,还有下一次机会;这个单位不聘用,还有下一个单位面试的机会等着自己;即使求职不成,也不是说你一无所获,你可以在分析这次面试过程中的失败,总结经验,得出宝贵的面试经验,以新的姿态迎接下一次的面试。在面试时不要老想着面试结果,要把注意力放在谈话和回答问题上,这样就会大大消除你的紧张感。 (3)不要把考官看得过于神秘。并非所有的考官都是经验丰富的专业人才,可能在陌生人面前也会紧张,认识到这一点就用不着对考官过于畏惧,精神也会自然放松下来。 (4)要准备充分。实践证明,面试时准备得越充分,紧张程度就越小。考官提出的问题你都会,还紧张什么?”知识就是力量”,知识也会增加胆量。面试前除了进行道德、知识、技能、心理准备外,还要了解和熟悉求职的常识、技巧、基本礼节,必要时同学之间可模拟考场,事先多次演练,互相指出不足,相互帮助、相互模仿,到面试时紧张程度就会减少。 (5)要增强自信心。面试时应聘者往往要接受多方的提问,迎接多方的目光,这是造成紧张的客观原因之一。这时你不妨将目光盯住主考官的脑门,用余光注视周围,既可增强自信心又能消除紧张感;在面试过程中,考官们可能交头接耳,小声议论,这是很正常的,不要把它当成精神负担,而应作为提高面试能力的动力,你可以想象他们的议论是对你的关注,这样你就可以增加信


[英文简历范文resume]简单的英文简历范文带翻译 【--个人简历范文】 个人最好用A4标准复印纸打印, 字体最好采用常用的宋体或楷体,尽量不要用花里呼哨的艺术字体和彩色字, 排版要简洁明快,切忌标新立异,排的象广告一样。 Name: Gender: female Age: 28 years old height: 161CM Marital status: unmarried household registration: guizhou pan county Top education: junior college experience: 3-5 years Contact address: the yunyan area of guiyang city Recently worked position: order clerk, sales internal attendance

Expected work: guizhou/guiyang city Expected position: full-time Expected position: clerk/secretary, archivist, and other civil class position Expected industry: finance (bank/insurance), property management/business center Ability to apply office software skillfully and gain experience in team work. Guizhou business school (junior college) Beginning of the month: September xx to June xx School name: guizhou business school Professional name: marketing and planning


经典优秀英文简历模板 平面设计师英文简历模板 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)456 7890. Objective Position as a senior creative graphics designer in an advertising agency. Notable Achievements 1997:Third place Graphics division award at Downtown Jacksonville Fine Arts. 1999: ADDY award for Direct Marketing along with Specialty Advertising Design. Managed three multimillion dollar advertising campaigns. Commissioned to design the front page of People's Year in Special Edition, XX. Employment History 7/98 Present Art Director Neon Corporation, Atlanta, GA Chiefly responsible for design of collateral,

direct art freelancers and photo shoots. Select clients included Springwood Psychiatric Institute, Winchester Medical Center, M T National Bank and Pepsi. 7/947/98 Graphic Artist Planet Rio Design, Atlanta, GA Responsibilities included layout/pasteup, illustration. Computer document files support service and output to RC paper and and design consulting. Program tutoring. Electronic retouching of photos. 7/92 3/94 Graphic Artist Wanted Weekly, Miami, FL Designed advertising for a national ads newspaper (typesetter machine) typeset want ads, pasted up the newspaper, shot and developed halftones, PMTs and reversals. Education MFA, Graphic Design 1995 Miami School of Art, Miami, FL , Graphic Design 1990 Brooklyn University, Brooklyn 文员英文简历模板 SKILLS:


优秀系统工程师英文简历模板 导语:当我们找工作的时候,我们都需要用到简历,那么大家是否知道应该如何做一份优秀的简历呢?今天我们就一起来看看吧! 优秀系统工程师英文简历模板 basic information name: sex don't: male born days: march 1986 years old: 26 years old body high: 183 cm body weight: 90 kilograms the highest degree: bachelor marital status: unmarried households record: in dalian political outlook: member live now: liaoning province duijie people race: han work experience: four years overseas experience: no at present monthly salary: XX-2999 yuan/month objective job types: full-time expect position: buyers/assistant, industrial engineer, sales representative/clerk, administrative

missioner/assistant, technical support/maintenance engineer hope industry: puter software and hardware/inter/it, gift/toys/craft art/collection, instrument/instrument/industrial automation/electrical, trade/import and export, printing/packaging/paper, car/motorcycle (manufacturing/maintenance/accessories/sales/service), the manufacturing of machinery/mechanical/heavy industry, wholesale/retail/materials, real estate/building/engineering/property management, service industry job site: dalian expect salary: 3000-4499 yuan/month the current situation: i'm now in a state of leaving, but instantly mount guard self assessment i prehensive ability, rich social experience, can travel, acmodation, will use erp management system, familiar with office software, and electronic business, purchasing experience 3 years, good at munication with the outside world, the industrial supplies, multiple


实习生通用英文简历模板 导语:英文简历越来越吃香,那么优秀的英文简历应该如何打造?快跟WTT一起来看看吧! 实习生通用英文简历模板 EDUCATION HARVARD LAW SCHOOL J.D. Candidate May 20XX (Expected) Activities: Harvard Law and Policy Review American Constitution Society Women"s Law Association 1L Section Events mittee UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN B.A. with High Honors in American Studies and English May 20XX Honors: Phi Beta Kappa Rapoport-King Honors Thesis Scholarship Kemp-Foreman Unrestricted Endowed Presidential Scholarship

Activities: University Democrats Blanton Museum of Art Student Guild First-Generation College Student Mentorship program, mentor Thesis: “They Aren"t Hearing Us – They"re Rich”: Consequences of Social Difference on Public Housing in New Orleans and Nationwide EXPERIENCE TENANT ADVOCACY PROJECT Fall 20XX-Present Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA Represent tenants facing eviction and other housing issues such as application denials, transfers, and reasonable acmodation in Housing Authority grievance hearings. Advise tenants of legal rights by telephone. CENTER FOR AMERICAN HISTORY Summer-Fall 20XX Austin, TX


优秀英文简历模板Word下载 导语:英文简历现在越来越吃香了,你知道怎么拟写优秀的英文简历吗?今天我们就来了解一下吧! 优秀英文简历模板Word下载 优秀英文简历模板Word下载【延伸阅读】规范的英文简历怎么写? 一、准备工具: 一台电脑,WORD文档。如果你熟悉使用WORD文档,那么就能轻松制作一份漂亮简约的简历;如果不是那么熟悉,可以网上搜索简历模板,Microsoft 本身也带有很多模板,但注意不要选择太眼花缭乱的模板,尽量简洁干练,毕竟这是一份正式文书。本人喜欢给简历加一个边框,看起来更舒服更整齐。 二、内容和顺序: 中英文简历的区别在于内容顺序的编排上。举一个例子,就写地址而言,中文顺序是:中国广东省广州市荔湾区多宝路(从大地点到小地点),而英文地址则为:Duo bao Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province,China. (从小地点到大地点)。写简历也是一样的道理,什么内容先写也有讲究。首先,当然是个人基本信息,这个基本信息包括姓名,电话,邮箱。因为详细的个人信息是放到最后写的。本人喜欢把基本信息做成页眉,这样在每一页的

简历上都能一目了然看到你的姓名和联系方式。然后是你的相片,尽量选择护照规格的一寸或两寸照,不要放日常生活相片。照片一般放在右上角的位置。 三、接下来,正式进入写作步骤。 1. 你的求职目标(Objective)。用一句简单明了的话概括你想要胜任的职位。在这一句话里包含你的目标、干劲和能力。比如:Seeking challenging position in officeadministration/customer service/sales coordinator/English-Chinese Interpretater/translatorin a dynamic organization to contribute my skills attained. 2. 工作经验(work experience)。这是简历中最重要的内容部分,直接影响招聘公司对你职业能力的判断,可以具体些。写作时要紧紧围绕你上面的求职目标来写你的相关经验,突出亮点。内容包括职位、在职时间、公司、工作职责。这里要注意的是语句一定要简单明了,避开使用描述语句像I worked in xxx company and my duty was…这不是写叙述文,一定要避繁就简。 看一个例子: Work experience Position: Chinese-English translator/interpreter Duration: FromMay 2013 to October 2014 Organization: xxx LLC, Dubai, UAE Rolesand responsibilities:


2017英语简历模板范文 简历不是很多人认为的用来填写个人的“丰功伟绩”,或者仅仅是把工作经历,学习状况罗列一下。只要你的简历没有引起招聘单位的注意,那么你的这次应聘就是失败的。 2017英语简历模板范文篇一fwdq 女 24岁湖北人 学历:本科 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资:面议 工作地点:广州 - 不限 求职意向:毕业生 自我描述 本人预备党员,本科英语专业应届毕业生,第二外语是韩语,普通话二级乙等,同时精通粤语。获得教师资格证与大学英语六级证书。在校期间获得多次奖学金和一次国家励志奖学金,同时长期担任学生干部,荣获“优秀学生干部”“优秀共青团干部”和校“十佳团员”称号。本人虚心好学,虽是应届毕业生,无工作经验,但在工作中将不断向同事学习提升自我,更好地完成自己的工作。 大学所获荣誉: 院团委第十一届宣传部部长,并荣获“优秀共青团干部”称号 第十六届校卫队队员,于2013年12月荣获“优秀校卫队员”称

号 获得乙等奖学金,荣获“优秀学生干部”称号 荣获“三好学生”称号 在湖北民族学院“青年马克思主义者培养工程”第三期大学生骨干培训班中顺利结业并有幸评为“优秀学员” 在湖北民族学院“星级文明寝室”创建活动中,被评为“优秀寝室长” 在大学生寒期社会实践活动中评为院级“优秀个人” 在湖北民族学院“携手朝阳青年心共筑美丽中国梦”暑期社会实践活动中评为校级“优秀个人” 在大学生暑期社会实践活动中评为院级“优秀个人” 在劳动周保卫工作中获得校级通报嘉奖 荣获年度国家励志奖学金 评为湖北民族学院科技学院学年度“十佳团员” 参加湖北民族学院举办的“敬畏生命”征文比赛,荣获校级三等奖 2017英语简历模板范文篇二fwdq 女 23岁湖南人 学历:本科 工作年限:应届毕业生 期望薪资: 5000-8000元 工作地点:广州 - 南沙


2020经典优秀英文简历模板 导语:简历对一个人的求职起着很大的作用,一份简历的美观度,整洁度等会影响到用人单位对其的的第一印象,那么如何能写好简历呢?今天小编就为大家整理了2020经典优秀英文简历模板,欢迎参考阅读! 公司法务英文简历模板 EDUCATION 2013.09-2020.06 Jobs University Master of Jurisprudence 2009.09-2013.06 Jobs University Bachelor of law GPA: 3.8/4.0, XX scholarship Biography: Li Ming (Title: Professor, Research Direction: Company Law) Pass the national judicial examination in 400 The Eleventh CIETAC Cup international commercial arbitration simulation arbitration court debate prize three Main Courses: Contract Law, Company Law, Insurance Law, Labor Contract Law LEGAL EXPERIENCE 2013.03-2013.06 XX Hydro Three Innings Intern Contacted businesses targeted for participation in these events Setted goals and guidelines for committee meetings 2013.02-2013.05 Jobs University Legal Aid Center Volunteer


英文简历模板(优秀应届毕业生) educate training background on september 1, XX to july 1, XX tianjin college of merce market marketing bachelor‘s degree occupation technical ability the english profession hear stronger english of the ability of read and write six classes usage and maintenance of the calculator database the nation be second class the secretary has the technical ability of secretary, assistant, masterly applied transact a software nation x-rated evaluate by one‘s own 1, more abundant advertisement plan, carry out and market marketing experience 2, stronger study ability 3, excellent organization, moderate and municate ability the work experience on august 2, XX up to now:the sea er whole kitchen department advertisement department advertisement plan manager national and large activity, start practice of plan, performance be responsible for shop front to manage a work everyday to april, XX true store of wei si long assistant in november, XX on september 1, XX to july 1, XX:college of merce market marketing knowledge in the tienjin study item experience march, XX:the sea er


如何写一份漂亮的英文简历_模板 如何写一份漂亮的英文简历 一份英文简历怎么制作?如何写的漂亮?fwsir小编来给你支招,欢迎阅读。 向美国公、私营企业或机关行号谋职时,并不需要写传统中国式求职的自传。美国法律明文禁止雇主对谋职者施行各类歧视,包括种族、性别、年龄、国别、宗教信仰等类歧视,且基于尊重**的理由,雇主也不敢要求谋职者或雇员交出会泄漏身世或家族背景的自传。对美国人来说,求职的自传就是履历表(Resume);遵从美式求职文化,本书故将两者统称为自传(Resume)。 美式自传的特点在于只需交代与个人工作、才能有关的信息,不必提个人身世或家族背景。美式自传(即履历表)与传统中式卡片型的履历表也不相同,前者对求职者的学经历、才能及过去的工作表现描述详尽,后者则由于卡片式设计,版面太小,常流于笼统、粗略。再者,不若中式履历表,美式自传不必贴照片。 什么是自传呢?自传是求职者推销自已的一名无声推销员,一纸推销自我才能的广告,也应是一个深具说服技巧的、介于主雇之间的撮合者。 既是无声的推销员,外表的庄重是唯一能引人重视的第一步。故自传的字体必须清晰易读,不能太小、太挤,也不能太单调、毫无变化,使人读之无法找出自传所强调的重点。良好的自传应善用现代文书处理器(word processor)的威力,该强调的标题、重点、重要经验与成就等部分,应采用粗体字(bold face),或加底线(under-line),或用不同的、较显眼的(eye-catching)字体,或综合以上方法加以凸显其讯息。 由于网际网络的便利,现在很多雇主接受或要求求职者以email传送自传。传送时,务必加上封面函,并以附件方式同时送上自传。传送后,三天内应该打电话给雇主以确认对方已收到了你的自传。 若采用传统邮件方式送达自传时,自传用的纸张,可能者,宜采纸质较厚重些、较贵重者,比方说,采用美国的60磅或80磅纸(80-pound paper)就比20磅纸正式。这会令读者觉得自传的主人是很认真、敬业的专业者(professional)。如此一来,雇主在未阅读你的自传前,就已先有一个良好的、敬重的态度了。 自传纸张的颜色,传统上以白色或象牙色(ivory)为主。也有求职者为吸引雇主的注意而采用其它颜色,如浅黄、浅绿、浅蓝等颜色,效果如何,仍不得而知。值得小心的是,不要使人对你的自传纸张感受到太明显的标新立异的印象,而起反感。 推销员除了良好的外观外,还要有优雅的谈吐,有条不紊的销售辞(sales talk)及令人信服的产品(即你本身)的好处与优点。所以自传的格式与内容,亦应朝这个方向做,即:(1)要优雅。用字遣词必须适当,应避免太乖僻生涩的字句或太多令经理阶层,即雇用之决策者,无法了解的专门术语(jargons)及简称(acronyms),也应避免太青少年气息的(juvenile)或低俗的语气。前者令雇主觉得你在故弄玄虚或炫耀(showoff)所学,后者令人觉得你不成熟,难担当重任。 (2)要有条不紊。自传的格式应如本章所示的范文,将你的姓名、地址、电话、教育背景、工作经验、个人值得提供的资料等,逐项标示清楚,有系统地一一载明。教育背景应先列最高学历,再往以前列记。工作经验亦应将最近的经验先列明,再逐一上溯。这是因为,越近的经历越应受重视之故。 (3)要提出令人信服的好处与专长。因此有关个人的过去工作成就、专业贡献或社会成就,都是雇主想要获得的资产(asset),一定要在自传中撰写清楚,并将之凸显出来。 如果你能将以上要点,充分的在自传中发挥出来的话,那么你的自传无疑地,将会成为


优秀的英文简历模板 一份优秀的英文简历是否对路决定着外企个人求职者能不能得到面试的机会。下面是小雅WTT带来的关于优秀的英文简历模板的内容,欢迎阅读! 优秀的英文简历模板(一) name: sex: male age: 23 years education: vocational professionals: the use and maintenance of motor vehicles job search intention: treatment of job-seekers: tel: work experience: october XX -XX in hainan in june cheung瑞奇瑞repair service learning; june XX -XX in the country in november in hainan to engage in奇奇瑞service parts management; may XX -XX in hainan in august in hong sing chery unhung service charge duties as accessories.

i am thinking the hard-working, modest progress, seriously, a strong sense of responsibility, his sincerity, discipline, wide in others, there are more independent and strong learning ability, have a good teamwork spirit. cheerful personality, willing to municate with people, so make a lot of friends, with good adaptability and proficiency in munication skills, to assist the leadership of the work pleted, work on several occasions during the recognition by the leadership. low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, and i look forward to your pany as a staff member! thank you for your interest! wait for your good news!优秀的英文简历模板(二) name: nationality: china at present location: guangzhou national: han seat of registered permanent residence: hubei figure: 167 cm 52 kg marital status: single age: 22 years old address: email: the telephone number: xxxxxxxx1 family telephone: hand machine: xxxxxxxx) qq number: objective


References Winner of the "Caring for China - the Google China Social Innovation Cup " – TEDxYUE (2010.08); The Best Actress of the English Drama Competition "The Dreamer" (2010.05); The winning prize of the 7th English Debate Competition in GDUFS (2011.04). Honors&Awards 2011/05-Present shanhai XXXXX Co.,LTD. Future Professional 2011/05-2011/08 shanhai XXXX Co.,LTD. Build Yourself as a Brand Training Experience 2009/09-2010/08 shanhai XXXXX Co.,LTD. Executive Assistant in Lecture group A volunteer project in which outstanding graduates help students with the vocational planning; Responsible for the lecture " Visibility of State-owned Enterprises ", leading the functional departments’ w dork, creatively made GIF promotion figure, network investigation questionnaire Student Experience 2009/09-Present XXXX university School of Economics Candidate for Bachelor degree in Economics, Majored in Taxation, expected July, 2013; GPA: Overall GPA of 3.45/4.0, GPA on Specialized Courses of 3.54/4.0 Language: Native Mandarin, Excellent English (CET-6) Computer: Skilled user of Microsoft ? office 2012/01-2012/02 XXXXXuniversity Intern Auditor Received audit training, learned audit procedures, software, profession prudence cooperation habits and spirits. Participated in auditing 29 branches of S.F. Express in Guangxi, Jiangxi Provinces, independently responsible for 9 working papers in 2 weeks (Efficiency is about twice as many other interns). Education Mobile:123 456 XXXX Address:dongfang road, pudong new area, Shanghai E-mail: XXXXXX@https://www.360docs.net/doc/d68658202.html, MEIMEI Keishi Jing Co-organizer of TEDxGDUFS, senior majored in French in GDUFS +86-150******** Anson An Former co-organizer of TEDxGDUFS, now working in P&G,ER Dept. +86-136******** Fresh Zheng Former leader of Share&Grow Program,now working in QiHan Technology +86-1353757875
