

I. Please convert the headlines into complete sentences. (20 points, 2 for each)


II. Give FULL names to the following acronyms. (20 points, 2 for each)


III.Translate the following words into English. (5 points, 1 for each)

IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (25 points, 5 for each)

V. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (30 points)

II. Give FULL names to the following acronyms. (20 points, 2 for each)


III. T ranslate the following words into Chinese or English. (5 points, 1 for each)

1. BAGHDAD, Nov. 26 (Reuters):

2. 证人,目击者:

3. 消息灵通人士:

4. 重要消息灵通人士:

5. 消息可靠人士:





10.LONDON, Nov. 22 (UPI):

IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (25 points,

5 for each)

1.The economic expansion will most likely continue at a modest pace,

turning into one of the longest ever in peacetime, but growth could slow to a crawl.

2.Most shares closed at their best levels of the day.

3.Australia’s exports increased by 17 percent, while its imports

increased by 20 percent in the first seven months, compared with the same period last year.

4.Heavy artillery bombardment killed four people and wounded 10 in

the nearby villages as fighting between the two rival forces raged across the area, the local news agency said.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d710078499.html,ernment troops overran three rebel bases on the east of the island,

a military spokesman said yesterday.

6.The radio said two air force jets were shot down over eastern part of

the city during raids on the area which caused severe damage.

7.It was a day of high drama in which diplomatic jargon gave way to

bitter emotional charges among the belligerents.

8.At least 26 people were killed at the weekend in a new army offensive

in which the army fired rockets, artillery and mortars at targets in around the town as air force made repeated strikes.

9.The price of gold surged ahead on Friday, but dropped back when

business resumed on Monday.

10.A bout 1.86 million new jobs were created—a net increase in the

employed labour force of 24%. Even so, the job creation in the US could not keep pace with the surge in the labour force.

V. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (30 points)

City devotes more resources to tourism

BY ZHONG HUI& GUO MENGJIE, Zhejiang Weekly International tourism promotion for Hangzhou and its pristine West Lake has expanded further in Europe to taxis and public buses, as the city hopes to introduce more people to the city’s charms.

Chen Bin, the director of tourist promotion center of the Hangzhou Tourist Commission, said that Hangzhou tourism advertisements are displayed on 150 taxis and three buses in London.

Hangzhou automobile advertisements will cover certain bus routes in North America, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan to attract international tourists.

Chen explained with the upcoming London Olympics and 40 years of diplomatic relations between China and Germany, Hangzhou will run advertisements on CNN, SKY TV and ZDF and on European automobiles. In addition, during the period of signing communication cooperation memorandum with Venice, Hangzhou participatedin the International Tourism Exchange Berlin (ITB) to introduce West Lake to Europe.

Representatives from Hangzhou brought Chinese traditional programs, such as calligraphy, tea competition and Chinese folk music; introduced Hangzhou tourismlocations, such as West Lake, Xixi Wetland Park and Grand Canel culture; and reached many agreements.

Zhang Jianting, deputy major of Hangzhou said that as an internationally

influential tourist city, Hangzhou features beautiful natural scenery, a long history, rich culture, harmonious human settlement and strong public services. Especially after the launch of direct flightsbetween Hangzhou and Amsterdam, Hangzhou has become more attractive to Europe.

Last year, the West Lake was inscribed on theWorld Heritage List, and Hangzhou was voted one of 41 places to visit in the world by the New York Times. Last year, Hangzhou received 3.06 million international tourists and 71.8 million domestic tourists, with more European tourists discovering Hangzhou.

This year is the year of diplomatic relations for China and other countries, and also is the year for Hangzhou to promote urban internationalization. Hangzhou will engage international tourism marketing strategy actively based on the European and North American tourism markets.

Luxury retailers on the prowl for strong sales people

By YIN WEINA AND AN MINGHAO, Zhejiang Weekly Demand for sales people in luxury retail stores that are proficient in English and interested in art has become urgent in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province, as an increasing number of undergraduates and job-seekers who have overseas educations have entered the profitable industry.

More than 100 sales peopleof luxury goods are needed in the next six months in Hangzhou, according to market speculation.

Sales of luxury goods remains high in more inland, second-tier cities, but Hangzhou dwarfs other cities and has attracted more investment by luxury brands in the past few years. International brands, such as Prada and YSL, have done very well in the capital of China’s most entrepreneurial province.

Some experienced sales people have developed their own techniques.

―Generally, two attitudes are used in sales –one is patient, the other is jolly," said a woman who goes by Luna and has worked in sales for about one year. ―If a brand focuses on VIP customers, the second attitude is favorable. But for tourists, we are usually patient.‖

However, not all sales people can master the skills of persuasion, and most of the time, personality decides how they will perform in this field.

―Different persons fit for different brands, and we can’t set a standard,‖said Thomas Lindemann, the global director of human resources of Richemont Groups. ―Nevertheless, the attitude toward the work is the first requirement and adjustments within the team ranks second.‖

RichemonGroup requires one to threeyears of working experience and a 2011 graduation. Successful candidates then go on to a 9-week training.

―Seventy percent of sales skills are mastered through practice, 20 percent by self-training, and the remaining 10 percent learned in clas s,‖ said Lindemann.―If a salesperson can stick to this allocation of learning for six months, I can assure a dramatic improvement after that.‖

Apart from the perseverance and self-promotion, enthusiasm in art, culture and crafts is a must.

―We prefer those who are service-oriented and stronger in right-mind thinking, which means not only good at lineal logical thinking, a salesperson should do well in graphic thinking and show greater interest in art. And only this can propel them to go far in the luxury industry,‖he added.


1分钟短篇英语新闻[英语新闻报道短篇] 中至少包括其中三个要素:who,what和when,这些是新闻报道中最具价值的三要素. (二) 倒金字塔结构所谓倒金字塔结构,也称为倒叙法,即按新闻事实重要程度由要点到细节逐步扩展,安排全文.倒金字塔结构 英语考试的时候,最让我们的同学们头疼的事情就是短文阅读了.我们要想在英语考试中拿到一个比较高的分数,我们就需要在阅读方面尽可能的不要失分.所以,为了帮助大家能够得到更高的分数,为大家了做阅读的一些技巧,大家自己看看. (一)整体阅读,预测主旨通过预测文章的主旨,学生能迅速有效地整体理解全文,教学中我们要帮助学生学会运用不同的策略预测文章主旨.学生可以借助修辞图式来顺利地完成预测主旨的任务,因为一般阅读材料文章体裁、篇章结构都有一定的规律可循.例如有标题文章,学生要学会从标题入手进行预测.新闻报道文章大多有标题,标题又常常是全文的中心、主题,是文章内容的高度浓缩的精华,学生可通过阅读 8 题,每小题 1 分,对话长度不变. 5. 短文理解 ( 3 段 ) 题型不变,分值由原来的每小题 1 分调整为每小题 2 分.6. 考试时间由原来的 35 分钟减为 25 分钟. 二、新闻听力解题技巧新闻听力为六级听力考试新加题型,本部分新闻内容一般 voa、bbc 或 n 等国外知名传媒节目中为学生所熟悉的新闻报道或短评等,题材多样化,涉

及文化、教育、体育、人物、经济、自然、科技、生活等方面.考生在备考时,可以有针对性地拓宽自己的知识面和新闻敏感度. 新题型的加入增加了听力的难度,很多学生反应听不懂,其实,不管题型如何变,考查的知识点还是一样的,还是那句话,听力就是要多听多练,没有一定的量,很难有质的变化,所以,对于新题型同学们只有选择尽快适应,加紧练习. 对于要考四级的小伙伴们来说,了解出题的类型是很重要的.下面是我为大家准备的关于大学英语四级考试新闻听力的两大命题特点,希望可以帮到你们. 大学英语四级考试改革以后,在听力部分删除了短对话,增加了3篇新闻听力,而这3篇新闻短文一般国外知名传媒节目,一般新闻题材十分多样,涉及政治、经济、文化、教育、体育、灾难、自然、科技等方方面面.对考生的知识面和词汇的要求很高.因此建议广大考生,在备考时,可以有针对性地拓宽自己的知识面和新闻敏感度,在最后的冲刺阶段,每天坚持精听两到三篇新闻报道,多坚持多积累一些新闻词汇. (一)从题材上看,“坏事”考得尤其多.往往不好的事件更容易引起人们的关注,所以 .特别是对于一些常见的词汇要做到记准记牢,而对于一些词组要充分了解其使用要求和准确的含义,确保在考试过程中不出现歧 义.(3)要注重文化背景的学习,掌握西方文化的基本知识,在考试过程中能够有的放矢.特别是在新闻听力部分的考试中,要掌握西方文


2016-2017学年第一学期新闻听力练习 Unit 1: 事故灾难篇 News items News item 1 1. A. Category 3. B. Category 4. C. Category 5 D. Category 6. 2. A. Cooler ocean temperatures. B. Warmer ocean temperatures. C. Large ocean waves. D. Strong ocean currents. News item 2 3. A. Eighteen. B. Forty-five. C. More than eighty. D. At least one hundred and forty. 4. A. It was snowy. B. It was foggy. C. It was rainy. D. It was shiny. 5. A. 10 to 12 B. 60 to 70. C. 80 to 90. D. 140 to 150. Intensive Training No.1 1. A. On a northern island of Japan. B. On a southern island of Japan. C. On Japan’s southernmost main island of Kyushu. D. Off the east coast of Japan. 2. A. It would delay the plant’s restarting for a few months. B. It would lead to the cancellation of the plant’s restarting plan. C. It was not immediately clear if it would affect the plant’s restarting plan. D. It would incur more safety hurdles for the plant. No.2 3.A. Eleven. B. Thirteen. C. Twenty-six. D. Fifty. 4. A. The Greek coast guard. B. The International Organization for Migration. C. The Italian coast guard and Navy. D. The Greek Navy. No.3 5.A. Because traffic on the road was light when the quake occurred. B. Because the city’s buildings and highways were made more resistant to quakes. C. Because the city’s residents were well educated about earthquakes. D. Bothe A and B. 6. A. Steel and other strong metals. B. Steel and rubber. C. Steel and some special alloys(合金). D. Various metals and plastics. 7. A. Counterbalancing and earthquake’s action on the building. B. Predicting the coming of an earthquake with accuracy.

英语新闻听力教程Unit 5原文及答案

Unit 5 Disasters and Calamities Section A warming up 1. snowfalls blizzards disputed 2. worsening drought 3. struck aftershocks 4. collapsed 5. debris trapped crushed 6. relief supplies devastating 7. tornado forecasters 8. locusts 9. tropical storm hurricane 10. battling toxic spill spill Section B 1. C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A Tapescript: 1.An Air France passenger plane has skidded off the runway and burst into flames on landing at Pearson Airport in Toronto, Canada. 2.In Nigeria at least 12 people were reported drowned after an overcrowded dugout canoe capsized in a remote creek in the oil-producing Niger Delta. 3.A full-scale relief operation is underway on Indonesia’s Java Islan d where a tsunami hit Monday, killing at least 340 people. 4.The bodies of 10 New Jersey senior citizens killed in this week’s tour bus crash in the mountains of northern Chile are being flown home. 5.Hurricane John has been downgraded to a tropical storm after hitting the Baja California Peninsula on the west coast of Mexico. The storm struck the tourist port city of Lepas, bringing down trees and power lines and flooding streets. It had earlier inundated the seaside resort of Los Cabos. Section C Item 1 1—(H) 2—(G) 3—(D,F) 4---B 5---(J) Tapescript: Iraqi police say more than 640 people have been killed in a stampede that broke out today near a Shiite shrine in Baghdad. Authorities say some 300 were hurt in ths stampede that erupted on a Tigris River bridge when thousands of people crushed a railing and plunged into the river. Officials say bodies are still being recovered from the river and that the final death toll could rise. The incident occurred when a rumor spread that a suicide bomber was in the crowd. Item 2 Task 1 1. T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T


英语新闻词汇大全 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报

【精编范文】英语新闻导语范例-实用word文档 (12页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 英语新闻导语范例 篇一:灾难性新闻报道中英语标题导语特点分析 灾难性新闻报道中英语标题导语特点分析 摘要本文是借201X年4月20日四川雅安地震事件,着重分析在灾难性新闻报道中,主流英文媒体的新闻标题和导语特点,一方面能够从语言角度上总结英语新闻写作的,尤其是灾难性新闻报道的实用方法,另一方面,从理论上丰富语言的艺术对于不同题材的新闻报道所起到的作用。 关键词灾难性新闻报道;标题特点;导语特点 北京时间201X年4月20日8时02分四川省雅安市芦山县(北纬30.3,东经103.0)发生7.0级地震。据中国地震局消息,截至20日2时,地震已造成157人死亡,4人失踪,仅雅安市受伤人数就达到5500人左右。灾难发生后,党中央作出重要指示,要把抢救生命作为首要任务,最大限度减少伤亡。 灾难事件因其突发性、时效性以及重要性成为全国乃至国际新闻媒体关注和报道的对象。这类新闻事实往往因其不可预测性、影响广泛性而受到众多读者的关注,日益成为各种媒体的常客。“作为新闻的眼睛,“标题被视为‘一瞥的艺术’,在‘第一观’的刹那间就把读者抓住,带有导读的动力”。而新闻导语,是就以简要的文句,突出最重要、最新鲜或最富有个性特点的事实,提示新闻要旨,吸引读者阅读全文的消息的开头部分。在新闻报道中,新闻标题和新闻导语起着至关重要的作用,尤其是在海量信息充斥的网络时代。当然,新闻标题和新闻导语的”抓眼球“作用在灾难性新闻报道中的作用就更毋庸置疑了。 所以本文拟从4.20四川雅安地震为例,着重分析在灾难性新闻报道中,主流英文媒体的新闻标题和导语特点,一方面能够从语言角度上总结英语新闻写作的,尤其是灾难性新闻报道的实用方法,另一方面,从理论上丰富语言的艺术对于不同题材的新闻报道所起到的作用。 1 灾难性新闻报道的标题特点 1.1总体词语的使用偏好:用短词和小词


I. Give definition to the following jargons on Journalism. (5’ X 4 = 20’) 1. banner 通栏标题 2. jump 跳远 3. cutline 插图说明 4. tabloid 小报;小型画报 II. Write down the following column names in English. ( 5 X 2’= 10’) 1.国际新闻World News 2. 简明新闻NEWS BRIEF 3. 社论EDITORIAL PAGE 4. 体育版sports page 5. 一周回顾Weekly Review III. Answer the following questions briefly. (15’ X 2= 30’) 1. What are the advantage and disadvantage of a summary lead? a summary lead can outline the main point of the entire text. catch the main idea of the text . readers can have a proper and general idea of what the article contained on the short time through the summary. but the disadvantage is that we will not know the details about the article.Besides, a summary lead is A bstract and lack of lively.so, some


Upside-down house to open 德颠倒房屋将迎客(图) Updated: 2010-03-16 11:01 Upside-down house to open 德颠倒房屋将迎客(图) A bizarre upside-down house created on the grounds of a German zoo will be open to the public on March 30, the Daily Mail reported. The crazy house stands on a pointed roof and is supported by steel beams in the attic (see photo). Inside the front door, it has an upside-down kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom. It was also built on a slight incline to challenge the viewer's perspective still further. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,德国一家动物园内有一座"颠倒房屋",将于3月30日对公众开放。整座"颠倒房屋"由尖屋顶和阁楼里的钢梁支撑(见图)。房屋不仅外部颠倒,屋内的厨房、浴室、客厅和卧室都是倒置的。房屋甚至微微倾斜,进一步挑战参观者的感官体验。

Zebra puts head in hippo mouth 斑马帮河马清牙齿(图) Updated: 2010-03-16 11:01 Zebra puts head in hippo mouth 斑马帮河马清牙齿(图) An extraordinary spectacle was captured by a photographer at the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland when a zebra leaned into the gaping mouth of a hippopotamus (see photo), the Daily Mail reported Thursday. The zebra seems unaware of his precarious position. Despite appearing to be just seconds away from imminent death, the striped creature escaped unharmed. Much to the surprise of zoo visitors, the animal was merely cleaning the hippo's teeth. 据英国《每日邮报》11日报道,摄影师在瑞士苏黎世动物园拍摄到惊险一幕,一匹斑马竟将头伸进河马嘴里(见图)。但是,斑马似乎完全没有意识到危险。在看似离死亡只有一步之遥时,斑马毫发无损的逃脱了。事后,动物园游客们才明白,斑马是在帮河马清理牙齿。


Unit I Shopping and Banking Online Spot dictation. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Listen to a news report. Supply the missing information. Consumers who want to shop online are suggested to bear the following things in mind: Evaluate the site. Always buy goods from well-known and trustworthy companies. Deal with companies which offer customer service, a complaints procedure and have a refund policy. Talk to merchant. E-mail and wait for responses. Take down the addresses and phone numbers of those companies and make sure they are real by calling them up before buying any products and services. Ensure secure connection. Since buyers must submit personal information like number and


Listen to the BBC news recording and complete the following exercises. Item 1. Listen to the news recording and decide whether the statements are True or False. 1.David Cameron said the United Kingdom takes this irresponsible action extremely seriously. 2.Iranian offices in Tehran were smashed and flags torn down in the attacks. 3.The Iranian foreign ministry described the incident as the unacceptable behaviour of a small group of protesters. Item 2. Listen to the news recording and fill in the blanks. The US doctor 1 ending the life of Michael Jackson has been given the 2 of four years in jail. The judge said Doctor Conrad Murray had 3 and was caught in a cycle of 4 that violated 5 as a doctor. He was found guilty earlier this month of 6 . Listen to the news recording and choose the right answer to each question. 41. Who read a statement to the court? a. a lawyer of the Jackson family b. a friend of the Jackson family c. the Jackson family d. a lawyer and friend of the Jackson family 42. Conrad Murray is NOT convicted of _____________. a. providing a dangerous drug to a vulnerable man b. not caring for him once he stopped breathing c. not caring for him after his death d. trying to cover up what he'd done Item 3. Listen to the news recording and choose the right answer to each question. 43. Laurent Gbagbo is on a plane heading for ____________. a. Ivory Coast b. Korhogo c. the Hague d. Abidjan 44. ____________ has been keen for Mr Gbagbo to be sent to the International Criminal Court. a. The former president b. The government of President Alassane Ouattara c. Pro-Gbagbo armed groups d. the International Criminal Court 45. presence on Ivorian soil caused tension. a. President Alassane Ouattara’s b. Pro-Gbagbo armed groups’ c. T he country's national prosecutor’s d. Laurent Gbagbo’s 46. Around 3,000 people died in . a. April b. National Assembly elections c. a post-election crisis d. the International Criminal Court Item 5. Listen to the news recording and fill in the blanks. The measure: Purpose of the measure: President’s demand: Item 6. Listen to the news recording and decide whether the statements are True or False. 47. Two psychiatrists spent 36 hours talking to Anders Breivik and checking his diaries and police

China daily 新闻 中英对照 突发事件2

>Two mine managers died of asphyxiation in a copper mine in Nanning, Guangxi Wednesday when the head of the mine and 2 managers were underground inspecting a shaft, Xinhua reported Thursday. 据新华社报道,13日,广西南宁市某铜矿广一名矿长带领两名管理人员下到矿井查看设备时,发生窒息事故造,成两人死亡。 >The aluminium plant responsible for a huge toxic spill in Hungary will resume production by Friday, according to government officials. The government says a new dam is now ready in case of a 2nd spill. 匈牙利官员表示,该国一家发生有毒废水泄漏事故的铝厂将于当地时间15日恢复生产。政府表示已经新造了一座大坝以防止毒水再次泄漏。 >Australian federal police seized 464 kg of cocaine worth AU$160m from a yacht in a Brisbane marina Tuesday, the Australian Broadcasting Corp reported Thursday. 据澳大利亚广播公司14日报道,澳大利亚联邦警察于12日在布里斯班码头一小艇上截获464公斤可卡因,价值1.6亿澳元。 【Highlights】 >Civil servant exam tougher 国考'千里挑一'岗位现身 >Stars face jail for fake ads 虚假广告明星或究刑责 >British spies apply to ASIS 英军情六处遭澳挖墙脚 >Prince Harry in love again 曝哈里王子恋上'卡米拉' >Groom delivered to bride 新郎把自己快递给新娘 >Venice plans tourist tax 威尼斯计划开征'进城税' 【Cover Story】 >Megi to hit South China Sea 超级台风'鲇鱼'即将登陆 Super typhoon Megi is expected to enter the South China Sea Tuesday, meteorological authorities said Monday. Fishing vessels in the area have been returning to harbors for shelter. Torrential rains have already forced the evacuation of almost 140,000 people in Hainan. Megi made landfall in the northern Philippines at 11:25 am Monday local time and caused landslides, Reuters reported. 中央气象台18日预计,超级台风"鲇鱼"将在19日进入中国南海海面,当地渔船已开始回港避风。连日暴雨已经迫使海南近14万人转移。据路透社报道,"鲇鱼"于当地时间18日11时25分在菲律宾北部地区登陆,并引发山体滑坡。 >The final death toll from a gas leak in a pit in Yuzhou, Henan, which is owned by locally based Pingyu Coal & Electric Co, has risen to 37, after the bodies of the last 5 miners trapped underground were found, rescuers said Tuesday.


UNIT 4 Statements and Comments Section A concern remarks charges warned for accused troubled baseless the importance Section B 1. The Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper has announced the construction of two military faci lities in the Arctic and a move to assert his country’s sovereignty over the contested region, which is estimated to contain billions of dollars of oil and gas deposits. 2. A speaker purporting to be al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is accusing the US and the European Union of backing a war against Islam. 3. The former president of Iran Mohammad Khatami says American attempts to impose western-style democracy on the Middle East are flawed because democracy is not something that can be exported. 4. The Pentagon has issued a memo to rebut the criticism from several retired generals who called for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to resign. 5. British Prime Minister Tony Blair says his country is taking tough new measures to figh t extremism following last month’s deadly terrorist attacks in London. Answer:3A 4D 5C Section C Item 1Russian President Vladimir Putin says his country is prepared to help Kyrgyzstan’s new leaders establish stability in the wake of a pol itical upheaval. Mr. Putin made these comments today following a telephone discussion with Kyrgyzstan’s opposition leader Kurmanbek Bakiyev who was appointed by parliament to lead an interim government. Kyrgyzstan’s new leaders are trying to restore order after two days of massive looting and street violence that left at least three people dead and injured many more. Answer:1-(B,D) 2-(A,D) 3-(G) 4-(E) Item 2 British officials in Iran have denied allegations of any British involvement in violence in the southwestern province of Khuzestan where at least four people were killed in two bomb attacks on Saturday. The British embassy in Tehran condemned the attacks and said Britain rejected allegations linking it to terrorist outrages. Several Iranian officials have made statements implicating British troops stationed across the border inside southern Iraq in the bombings and in previous attacks earlier this year which killed 10 people. Answer:Task1:1F 2F 3F 4T 5F Task2: rejected linking to officials implicating bombings previous attacks Item 3 For the first time, President Bush has said it could be accurate to compare the recent escalation of violence in Iraq to the 1968 Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive marked a strong downturn in public support for both the Vietnam War and then-President Lyndon Johnson. Mr. Bush spoke in an ABC TV interview in which he addressed increased violence in Iraq. The comparison of the insurgency in Iraq to the Tet Offensive in Vietnam was made in a column by Tom Friedman in the New York Times.


汉英新闻编译 New Writing in English Based on Information in Chinese 新闻:新近发生的事实的报道(时效性,客观性) 对外新闻:中国新闻机构发布的以国外读者为对象的有关中国的新闻 特点:①明确的针对性和目的性 ②采用西方读者的思维方式和写作方法 ③国家主导 汉英新闻编译:按照既定的编辑方针,以中文稿件(信息)为基础,集英语新闻写作、翻译、编辑于一体 翻译:信、达、简、雅 写作:西方新闻写作模式(“倒金字塔”、直接引语、段落句子短、一段一个意群) 编辑:确定主题①、事实取舍→符合外交政策和对外宣传方针 导语②、选取材料③(支持主题,避免重复) 提供背景介绍、解释或起过渡性作用的字词句段④ 选题:按新闻报道规律:有关、有用、有趣(冲击力、冲突性、显要度、时效性) 按党的宣传方针:有利于国家的正面形象、有利于营造良好的国际舆论环境 按外国读者的需要:我国政治、经济大局,环境、灾祸、民族宗教问题…… 选材:强有力的支持主题 导语分类:直接披露新闻人物 延后披露新闻人物 总结性 多成分 第二人称导语 编译:遵循主题;包含新闻要素;SVO结构;“今天”相关;言简意赅;提供来源主体编译:

引语:新闻中记述的人的言论 分类:直接引语——引号内的忠实于讲话人语言和思想的话 现场感、真实性 间接引语——没有引号,新闻人物所讲的主要意思 节省文字和篇幅 部分引语——直接引语+间接引语 用词:said(可反复使用),added,went on,continued 头衔:党政双重身份使用行政职务;优先采用技术专家的言论再考虑行政职务高者的言论 背景和解释:涉及新闻中why和how的问题 新闻标题:对新闻内容与中心思想富有特色的浓缩和概括 特点:①新闻的重要组成部分 ②标题表达编辑的方针主张与政治倾向 ③用语凝练,言简意赅,涵义深邃 英文标题:①简短,明显的政治宣传 ②一行,有时两行(主题+副题;引题+主题),注重虚词(系助动词、连接词、冠词)的省略 ③现在式表过去,不定式表将来,动名词表进行 编译原则:主动语态、用词准确简单语义丰富、SVO结构避免重复、符合主题、慎重缩写、注意标点(英文标题单引号,中文标题双引号) 优秀编译稿件的八项标准 1.标题简短,一语中的,能提示全文,启示读者,吸引受众 2.导语言简意赅(<30words)提示全文,有实质内容,有新闻来源,引人入胜 3.“倒金字塔”体例。主体部分新闻事实扎实丰富,材料紧扣主题。写作层次分明,重要的新闻事实排在前面,转折过渡自然得当 4.必要的背景和解释 5.用事实说话。记者编译者不在新闻中阐发个人见解 6.新闻中要有“人”,要善于使用直接引语,三种方式引语混合使用。 7.篇幅、句子、段落较短,一句一段,一段一意。SVO结构,多动作动词,少用副词形容词。多用短的简单词汇。 8.立意清新,朴实无华,给读者美的享受。


新闻写作试题库(共287题) 一、填空题:(56题) 1、狭义的新闻指(消息)。 2、广义的新闻包括(消息、通讯、述评及其所属品种)。 3、没有(事实)就没有新闻。 4、(真实)是新闻的生命。 5、(言之无物)是写新闻的大忌。 6、新闻写作的原则是(用事实说话)。 7、新闻写作的要求是(真、短、快、活、强)。 8、新闻的快应以(新闻的新鲜和真实的事实)为前提。 9、新闻报道要快的表现是一(及时)、二(适时); 10、新闻的思想性是指(一条新闻在思想上给读者教育、影响和启迪)。 12、新闻写作要求强的(思想性强、政策性强、针对性强)。 13、“新闻是新近发生的事实的报道”这个实义的作者是(陆定一)。 14、新闻六要素是(何时、何地、何人、何事、何因、何果)。 15、新闻的要素说的是(构成新闻不可缺少的事实材料)。 16、新闻背景从内容分为(人物、历史、地理、事件背景)。 17、新闻背景从作用分为(对比性、说明性、注释性); 18、背景材料可用于(新闻的导语、正文、结尾)三个不同部分。 19 、新闻的主题应从(新闻事实挖掘)中来。 20、提炼新闻主题应注意两点:一是(一条新闻一个主题);二是(新闻主题一定要从新闻事实中挖掘、提炼出来)。 21、选择最佳角度是表现(新闻主题)的好办法。 22、几家新闻单位同时报道同一新闻应注意(错开角度)。 23、新闻语言的特点是(具体形象、准确鲜明、简练生动、通俗易懂)。 24、动态新闻(叙述)为主. 25通讯重于(叙述、描写); 26述评新闻兼有(新闻和评论)两种作用。 27、新闻和消息的结构一般由(导语、正文、结尾和标题)组成。 28、新闻通常有金字塔(倒金字塔、倒正混合结构)三种结构形式。 29、倒金字塔结构的特点是(把高潮或结局排在开头,把最不重要的材料排在后面)。 30、金字塔结构的特点是(将事实的结果、最重要的材料安排到最后一段)。 31、倒金字塔结构的开头部分称(导语)。 32、倒、正混合结构的特点是(有一个好的新闻导语和有一个重要的新闻结尾)。 33、新闻导语的“导”字有(开始、启发、引导)三个涵义。 34、新闻正文是(导语之后的展开部分),对新闻事实作充分的具体的报道和说明。 35、简明新闻是新闻报道中(最简练、最短小)的一种新闻体裁。 36、消息一般分为(简明新闻、动态新闻、综合新闻、述评新闻)。 37、综合新闻有两种,一是(横断面综合报道) ,二是(纵深度的综合报道)。 38、通讯《中国的西北角》的作者是(范长江)。 39、通讯《谁是最可爱的人》的作者是(魏巍)。 40、通讯《西行漫记》的作者是(埃德加·斯诺特)。
