


Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?






Where would you like to visit ?

I’d like to go somewhere relaxing.

I hope to go to France some day.

I’d love to visit Mexico.


掌握“would you to” “hope to”句型,通过练习和运用加以巩固





1) Would like to do sth. = would love to do sth.

I’d like to go somewhere relaxing = I’d love to go somewhere relaxing.

2) You’d better… = You had better …

You’d better not be late for school.

= You had better not be late for school.

3) hope to do sth. 不能说hope doing sth.

I hope to go to France some day.

不能说hope sb. to do sth. 可以说wish sb. to do sth.

不能说I hope you to see him again.

可以说I hope that you will see him again.

4) I love places where the people are really friendly.

I like places where the weather is always warm.

This is the house where he lived last year.

This is the house that he visited last year.


1. I’d like to go somewhere relaxing.

2. I hope to go to France some day.

3. I’d love to visit mexico.



第一课时:Section A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, Grammar focus

第二课时:Section A 3a, 3b, 4

第三课时:Section B 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a

第一课时:Section B 3b, 4 and Self Check

Unit 7 第一课时

Teaching aims


Where would you like to visit ?

I’d like to visit some where relaxing.



thrilling, fascinating, peaceful, tiring, educational, exotic, boring, fun Teaching of new lesson

1. 展示一张世界地图

T: What kind of countries do you know in the map ?

S: China, the U.S.A., the U.K., Canada, Australian, France, Germany, Mexico……

T: What kind do cities do you know ?

S: Beijing, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Paris……

T: What do you think about the countries and cities ?

让学生们一个一个地说出描述性的形容词thrilling, fascinating, peaceful, tiring, educational, exotic, boring, fun.

2. 教学Where would you like to visit ? I would like to visit U.S.A. Because it is beautiful.

Presentation and practice.

T: Where would you like to visit ?(板书,突出动词的形式)

S:I would like to visit U.S.A.

T: Why would you like to visit U.S.A

S: Because it is beautiful.

(让学生给出不同的回答,强调I would like to =I’d like to 和其它动词的搭配)

I’d call for help. I’d hold the rock.

1) A: Would you like to visit ……?

B: I’d like to visit ……

2) A: Where would you like to visit ?

B: I’d like to visit ……

3. Practice 1a. 1c. 2c.

让学生根据图片内容对话,引出take it easy, trek through the jungle, explore the historic sites并用刚刚学到的目标句型来操练。

4. 教学1b, 2a, 2b.

首先,帮助学生明确本题的要求。接着,听力练习,学生根据录音内容完成1b, 2a and 2b.


5. Consolidation and Extension.


假设你有个朋友想去Hawaii, Mexico, Niagara Falls游览,但不知去哪更好,请就此事展开讨论,并做出最后决定。

A: Where would you like to visit ?

B: I would like to visit Hawaii. Would you be interested in going there ?

A: it’s wonderful, but ……




Unit 7 第二课时

Teaching aims




4、能运用句型:For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Singapore? There are many things to do.

5、掌握词汇及短语: consider doing, plan on doing, be allowed, get around, decide to, all year round.

Teaching of new lesson

1. Ask the students to work in pairs using the target language.

A: Where would you like to go?

B: I would like to go ( to )……

A: Why would you like to go ?

B: Because it’s …… and it has ……

Hawaii, Mexico, Niagara Falls, somewhere warm, Brazil, Japan, Florida, Kunming, Singapore.

Interesting, fascinating, thrilling, peaceful, wonderful galleries, museums, fantastic beaches.

2. These activities provide listening and speaking practice.

1)2a. Listen and show the correct order.

2) 2b. Listen and match each place with the reason for not going.

3) 2c. Read the instructions and then work in pairs using the target language.

A: I hope to visit …… some day.

B: I do, too, I like places whe re ……

4) 3a. Ask the students to read the article and express the reasons for going and not going. Using the target language.

For going:

For not going:

5) 3b. Ask the students to practice the conversation then work in pairs with the information below.

A: Where would you like to go ?

B: I’d like to visit ……

A: Isn’t it supposed to be very …… ?

B: Yes. But it’s ……and it has ……

3. Explain the grammar focus in this lesson.

1)go somewhere relaxing / exciting, warm.

2)Hope to do …… some day (but not sure)

3)Would like to do = want to do

4) I want to go somewhere ( that is ) relaxing.

I want to do something ( that is ) exciting.

I love places where the people are very friendly.

Pay attention to the uses of “that” and “where”








Unit 7 第三课时

Teaching aims


What are important to you when you go on vacation.

The weather is the most important thing, I like to go somewhere warm.



take a trip, in/on/to the east of, mind doing, need to do, save money by, stay at, be away.

Teaching of new lesson

1. Warm – up.

T: what are important to you when you go on vacation ?

S: The weather is the most important thing, I like to go somewhere warm.

S: I hope it is near the ocean.

S: I hope the things there won’t be so expensive.


Weather. Price. Hotel. Shopping, transportation……

2. Presentation




教学2a, 2b.

1) Ask the students to practice talking with other using the following the target language.

A: Where would you like to go ?

B: I’d like to visit……

A: Isn’t it supposed to be ……

B: Yes, it is. But it’s …… and it has ……

2) The following activities provide practicing listening, speaking, and writing using the target language.

a. Ask the students to spend some minutes writing down a list of things when

you go on vacation.

b. Ask some students to read their lists to the class.

c. 听力前的brainstorm.

First, let students describe the three picture of 2a.

Explain “somewhere warm, go on a nature tour”.

d. T: Jeff has a summer job at a travel agency. Three customers call to ask for information about the vacations. Listen to their conversation carefully and check the questions customers ask then listen again, and fill in the blanks.

e. 2a. Ask the students to make travel plans or vacation, a travel agency is an office that can help you. Using the target language.

Take messages, would like some information on vacation, where, somewhere warm and a nature tour, Los Angeles, Kunming.




Unit 7 第四课时

Teaching aims




Teaching of new lesson

1. Revision: Check homework

T: You are planning to travel somewhere, but you don’t know where is suitable for you. Now please tell the travel agency about your requirements.


For example: warm place, cheap hotel, near the sea, good shoppi ng place……

2. Ask the students to work in pairs using the target language.

A: I’d like to go to ……

B: Why go to …… ?

A: It’s …… and has …….

3. Self Check. The following activities provide the students to practice listening speaking and writing.

1)Ask the students to fill in the blanks on their own.

2)Check the answers and ask the students to make their own sentences with

the following words: provide, cook, save, pack, hope.

3)Ask the students to say their sentences.

4)Ask the students to identify the four places in the pictures.

Eiffel Tower in Pairs Big Ben in London

The Sydney Opera House

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

5)Ask the students “Where would they like to go first and why would they

like to go first”.

6)Just for Fun. Ask the students what is funny about the cartoon.

4. Ask the students to read “I’d love to sail across the Pacific”.

5. Ask the students to ask and answer each other.

1)why do some students want to start work as soon as possible?

2)What is important to students about the work they do?

3)What example is given of an impossible dream?

6. Then ask the students to talk about their own hopes and dreams.

1.Ask the students to write down dreams they have and share their thoughts

to their classmates.

2.Ask the students to discuss who has the best dream and how he/she could

achieve their dream.


1、以“My Ideal place for a trip”为题,写一篇作文。


1. Have you ever been to Niagara ____________ ( fall ) ?

2. Hawaii is a _________ place, every year many _________ (tourist) go there for their vacation.

3. There are many things __________(do) in Singapore.

4. Hongkong is a wonderful place for ________ (shop)




九年级Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks. 教学设计和反思


《英语课程标准》中提出要激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力; 培养学生爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础.Go for it 是一套画面内容生动有趣, 学习内容贴近生活, 语言运用更为交际化的教材.教材突出语言使用能力的培养,通过听、说、读、写的全面训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力,旨在培养学生的综合语言

应用能力.这就要求教师根据新教材形式活泼,图文并茂等特点创造性地运用教材,同时遵循新课程理念,从重视‘教法’转变到重视学法。九年级Unit8 I’ll hel p clean up the city parks.第一课时运用动词词组围绕“volunteer”展开话题,前半部分围绕“ways of offering people”,后半部分围绕“ways of telling people about the Clean-Up Day ”。在熟悉和操练各个动词词组的基础上通过各种各样活动的开展培养学生的综合语言应用能力。对于九年级的学生可能已经不像七年级、



根据教材的内容和学生的实际情况,发现Unit8第一课时的课文内容和Unit7有联系,同时题目是“Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks”既然是city parks刚好跟我们宁波这个城市可以联系起来。所以就围绕“我爱宁波,我要成为宁波志愿者的一员,我帮助宁波打扫城市公园,帮助宁波需要帮助的人”这一在中心思想来开展一系列教学活动。在培养学生听、说、读、写能力的基础上,培养学生爱家乡,爱宁波,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。




Step1 Warming – up

1. Greetings

T: There goes the bell. Let’s begin our class.

Good afternoon, boys and girls… Today, there are so many teachers here. Are you stressed out?

Ss: Yes/No

把学生可能正面临的问题提出来, 主要是考虑到那天听课老师之多是学生从来没有遇到过的,担心学生会紧张,想通过一系列鼓励来使学生放松,慢慢进入学习状态.其实在上课之前的几分钟,我已发觉许多学生还是比较紧张,所以课前我一直精神饱满,满怀信心地鼓励学生, “ Are you stressed out? Take it easy. You are the best. You can do it…”这样可以缓解部分学生过于紧张的状态,使其慢慢放松.

2. Encouragement

T: Some of you may feel a little bit stressed out. Just take it easy and I will help you…The whole class, would you please stand up and just follow me “ I can do it…”

本想通过这个小小的鼓励活动,使学生克服胆怯,增加信心,活跃气氛.但是没想到在Greetings时,学生既然异口同声说”NO” 这个是我没有想到的, 或许是课前的鼓

励措施相当奏效吧.当然这个Encouragement也就没有必要了. 我灵机一动就来了一句, “No? great! You are better than me. Now I’m a little bit stressed out. So let’s talk about sth relaxing---National Day.这样就自然地过渡到Lead-in 环节了。





Step2 Lead- in

Free talk

1.T: As we know, National Day is coming…Where would y ou like to go on vacation?

Wenzhou? Hangzhou? Shanghai? Ningbo?...


我以国庆休息为题,询问学生准备去哪里度假,慢慢引申到宁波这个城市,总有学生说想呆在宁波的,这样既复习了九年级Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? 又慢慢过渡到“我爱宁波”这一话题。

2.T: All right. How many Ss will stay in Ningbo? Hands up…

Do you love Ningbo? Do you want to know more about Ningbo?

Ok! Let’s appreciate an episode of Ningbo and see what kind of city it is…


3.T: From this episode, we know that Ningbo is a beautiful and lively city. As Ningboners, do you want to make Ningbo much more beautiful?

Do you want to help people who are in need of help in Ningbo?

Ok! Let’s be volunteers… and see what we could do in Ningbo…

视频过后,通过几个疑问句比较自然地从“我爱宁波”过渡到想成为宁波的志愿者“volunteer” 这一主题,接下来就可以很顺利地过渡到presentation.


Step2的优点:通过学生熟悉的句型Where would you like to go on vacation?导入(一对一的提问方式),同时附上一段与“我爱宁波”有关联的视频,再进行追问的形式(一对多的提问方式)。既复习了Unit7的内容,增加了学生学习的积极性,又可以更直观地培养学生爱家乡的情操,从而自然地从“我爱宁波”过渡到“volunteer”。


Step2的反思:要多多学习,多多设计,特别是lead-in部分,希望寻找出一条与众不同又极具效果的 lead-in 路线。俗话说:好的开始是成功的一半。

Step3 Presentation and Review


1.T:Let’ look at the first picture. If the city parks in Ningbo are not clean. What could we do?

Ss: We could help clean up the city parks.

通过语言描绘,图片引导的方法,使学生在情景中学习新词汇和动词词组: clean up, set up, establish, cheer up, homeless, help …with…,volunteer…


2.T: Well done! Let’s see who has the best memory…

这一环节主要是让学生巩固presentation的一些动词词组,首先采取集体回答的形式(给学生做一个心理上的准备),然后开始一对一的比赛,看哪个组成员的memory 更好,成功回答出的成员为其组添加一颗红心…其次也是为下面的听力做一点铺垫。总结:




Step4 Listening and Pairwork


T: Listen! There is a boy and a girl talking about several ways of helping people. Let’s walk there and see what they are talking about. Presentation是关于ways of offering help。Listening也是关于ways of offering help。这样的话,只需一个简单的过度就可以达成目标,而且不会使学生感到突然。

2. Pairwork

T: Now we’ve learnt the ways of offering help. I think it’s time for us to practice…

A: It’s volunteer today. What would you like to do?

B: I’d like to work outside, but I don’t know what to do?

A: you could clean up the city parks.

B: Good idea. Would you like to go with me?

A: Sure, I’d love to.

这是教学的第4个步骤,主要是对前面学过的一些语法点的一个总结,学生通过词汇的习得,复习,听力,对于这个活动应该是比较简单了。本来设计的是”Survey and Report” 但是考虑到时间的关系,改成了pairwork. 因为后面的内容还有很多,比现在的更难,所花的时间会更多。





Step5 Presentation and Groupwork

T: Did a great job! We’ve helped people who are in need of help. Are you happy?

Ss; Yes.

T: Being volunteers is great. To help others is to help ourselves. Now, we are planning a City Parks Clean-up Day. We have to talk about ways to tell people about the Clean-Up Day. Let’s see what we could do… for example: call up others, put up sighs…

T:Now,We are ready to tell people about the City Parks Clean-up Day. Let’s discuss with your groups…

关于SectionA第2部分的导入,我想了很长时间,首先发现这个导入有点难,不知道怎么样入手,因为跟sectionA第1部分的联系好像不是很大。其次如果正常导入后不见得学生能够理解,如果学生不能理解会直接影响下面的听力部分(因为听力速度很快,难度较大)所以我决定把这个导入简单化并自己先举几个例子,其次再通过Groupwork使学生巩固“ways of telling people about the City Parks Clean-up Day”。从而最大程度地为听力扫清障碍。




Step6 Listening

T:We’ve arranged about the City Parks Clean-up Day. There is another group talking about it, let’s see what they are talking about…

这部分涉及到2a和2b听力,前面的presentation和groupwork基本已经为2a扫清了障碍,只是有少部分同学需要听第2遍, 2遍过后基本都没问题(虽然听力的语速很快),但是2b因为语速很快在第一编听完后还有很多同学写不下来,这时我及时把选项打了出来,这样就弥补了由于听力过快而造成学生反应不过来。2遍过后,大部分学生都完成了2b.

Step7 Talk Show

T: Thanks for your help. With your help, Ningbo has become more and more beautiful and lively, and it has attracted lots of famous stars, like kobe, Andy lau and so on. Let’s see who they are.(Show stars’pictures).They’ve been in Ningbo, and are coming to today’s talk show. Let’s see what it is…教学的第7步是运用所学的知识,模仿各位明星和主持人做一个”talk show”,活动有四个人组成,一个模仿主持人,另外3个模仿自己喜欢的明星,主持人至少问每个明星3个问题(问题和答案都是之前学习过的知识点),共计至少6个问题。在讨论过程中,首先主持人问,明星答,然后再写下来,最后到讲台这边表演出来,这个活动在实际操作中并不困难。设计这个活动的目的在于以学生感兴趣的活动为载体,全面复习前面出现过的知识点,在调动学生的学习积极性的同时巧妙地锻炼学生的听,说,读,写能力。




Step8 Summary


Step9 Homework

Choose a volunteer job you like to do and draw a poster of it.







Unit 9 When was it invented? (Section A)





西塔庄初级中学英语学科教案 (2014——2015)年度第一学期 年级:九年级 学科:英语 姓名:张雪艳 时间2014年9月 Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world? 教学设计 课型Listening and speaking 教材分析This unit aims to review the learnt tenses so far and help students to be able to present some important and creative ideas about writing a school magazine. 教学目标To learn and understand the topic words through talking and listening. To know something about the pyramids and the Grand Canyon. To understand the conversation about starting a school magazine involving different tenses.

知识与能力 1. Vocabulary and expressions: ancient, club, composition, pupil, meeting, call, event, listen up. That’s news to me. Anyone else? 2. To enable the Ss to express in different tenses according to the set situations. 3. To learn to give ideas on writing a school magazine. 过程与方法 1. Top-down approach, enabling Ss to understand and talk about writing a school magazine. 2. To learn by listening, speaking and discussing. 情感、态度与价值观To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world and help to know more about writing a school magazine of their own. 教学过程 教学步骤教师活动学生活动活动目的 Step 1 Lead-in Start the lesson by showing groups of pictures about the wonders of the world on the screen including the ancient pyramids. Ask students to talk about the picture on Page 2. T: Where can you see the pictures and the brief introduction probably? (Newspaper / the Internet / Magazine…) T: Yes, magazines like Crazy English / National Geography… Who started…? Learn the new vocabulary. (ancient, pyramid, review, wonder…) Have a talk about the picture using the words in Activity 1. Learn a bit about magazines. Get the Ss to be attentive and focus on the theme of the lesson. (Magazine) Step 2 Listening & Vocabulary Play the tape and check the words. Listen to the tape again. Make up possible questions according to the answers. Give examples. Listen and check the words. Make up questions according to the given answers. ( Wh-questions) Practise listening and get specific information. Check their understanding by making questions. Step 3. Listen & read Play the tape for the 1st time. Ask Ss questions. T: What are the children doing? Is there a school magazine in Da Ming’s school? Listen to the tape and get the answers. Listen to get a general idea for the 1st time. Play the tape again and ask students to decide T OR F. ① Crazy feet is a band. ② Becky Wang started a school magazine. ③ Da Ming watched the interview on TV yesterday ④ Tony is writing a composition. Listen more carefully for the 2nd time. Decide whether they are true or false. Check the answers with the class. Listen for the specific information and understand the details of the conversation.

新目标九年级英语 7单元知识点

Unit7 Where would you like to visit?知识点 Section A 1.would like to do sth= want to do sth 想要做某事 2.go on a vacation 去度假 3.take it easy 从容,轻松,放轻松 ◆They decided to take it easy on this weekend. 4.Niagara Falls 尼亚加大瀑布 5.Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 6.Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院 7.Amazon jungle 亚马逊丛林 8.go trekking 去徒步旅行 9.trek through the jungle 徒步穿过热带雨林 10.go/walk through the park 穿过公园 11.relax on a beach 在海滩度假 12.beautiful views 漂亮的风景 13.interests of places 名胜古迹 14.travel spotlights 旅游胜地 15.be stressed out 过度紧张的,压力太大的 ◆I’m stressed out because of the coming tests.因为这即将到来的考试我感到压力太大了。 16.pay for 付钱(作为货物、服务等的费用) ◆How much did you pay for your house?你买房花了多少钱? 18.some day (also someday)= one day 总有一天,有朝一日(注one day还可指过去时间的“有一天”) 20.Why not + do sth? 为什么不、、、、、?= Why don’t you do sth? 21.consider doing sth 考虑做某事 ◆If you want to go on a vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? 如果你想去度假,为什么不考虑去巴黎呢?


单元综合检测 (满分120 分,时间100 分钟) 第一部分第二部分第三部分总分题号 ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅠⅡⅢⅣⅠⅡⅢ得分 第一部分听力(25 分) Ⅰ.听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅱ.听句子,选择与所听句子意思相近的选项。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)( )6.A.Tom is a student. B.Tom is a teacher. C.Tom likes school. ( )7.A.He saw a film yesterday. B.He didn’t see the film. C.He had a good time. ( )8.A.She works hard. B.She teaches well. C.She is a good woman. ( )9.A.School ended a little earlier. B.School ended as early as usual. C.School didn’t end so early as usual. ( )10.A.Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic, but I like it. B.I don’t like the heavy traffic, but Tom likes it. C.Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic. I don’t like it, either. Ⅲ.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )11.A.Yes, they have. B.No, she hasn’t. C.Yes, he did. ( )12.A.Of course not. B.No, never. C.Yes, I do. ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75598990.html,st year. B.Before 3 years. C.Since 3 years ago. ( )14.A.I’ve no idea. B.Can I have some fish? C.Yes, you can. ( )15.A.It is tall. B.They are wide. C.She is in the office. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) ( )16.What did Jack want to do one day? A.To borrow some books from Jim. B.To play with Jim. C.To buy some books. ( )17.Where did Jack want to read the books? A.In the reading room. B.At Jim’s home. C.At his own home. ( )18.How long did Jack want to borrow Jim’s books? A.Two weeks. B.Less than two weeks. C.More than two weeks. ( )19.Why didn’t Jack want to lend the brush to Jim? A.Because his brush is broken.

人教版九年级英语上册【全册】教案 汇总

(151页)人教版九年级上册(全册)教案汇总 Unit 1How can we become good learners? Section A (1a-2d) 1.重点单词:textbook,conversation,aloud,pronunciation,sentence 2.重点短语:make word cards,work with friends,ask the teacher for help,listen to tapes,speaking skills,word by word,be patient 3.重点句式: How can we become good learners? —How do you study for a test? —I study by working with a group. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? It's too hard to understand spoken English. —Have you ever studied with a group? —Yes,I have.I've learned a lot that way. Try to guess a word's meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day. The more you read,the faster you'll be.

人教版九年级英语Unit1 教案

Unit 1How can we become good learners? 单元话题Talk about how to study, in this unit, students learn to talk about how to study for a test and give advice to those who have difficulties in studying. 单元语法By +sth./doing sth. 教学目标 1.语言目标:理解重点句子,掌握学习英语的方法。介词by引导的方式状语的合理运用。 2.技能目标:正确运用动名词谈论学习中的问题。 3.情感目标:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操,让学生树立终身学习的道德素养。 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) 自主学习案 翻译下列词组。 1.通过制作生词卡________________________________ 2.通过听录音带___________________________________ 3.向某人寻求帮助__________________________________ 4 大声读来练习发音___________________________________ 5.小组合作学习___________________________________ 6.和朋友练习对话___________________________________ 7.逐个单词___________________________________ 8.作报告___________________________________ 9.意群___________________________________ 10.慢慢来___________________________________ 11.口语技能___________________________________ 12 英语口语___________________________________ §课堂导学案 Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) Lead-in with a free talk(自由对话导入新课)(2分钟) Greeting with the students:Hello, everyone.Welcome back to school.I'm very happy to see you again.Most of you got good grades last term ! Of course, don't lose your heart if you didn't get good grades. OK.Today, let's talk about how to study for a test and how to learn English well. T: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways? (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do you study English? S: I study English by ________. working with friends making word cards asking the teacher for help reading the textbook working with a group listening to tapes Step 2 呈现与输入(Presentation) 1.要求学生翻开课本P1,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务。(1分钟)


Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 单元练习 一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分) 听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 一、听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。 1. A. I don't think so. B. It's exciting. C. I'm lucky. 2. A. I'd rather stay at home. B. Have a good time. C. Don't mention it. 3. A. It's my pleasure. B. Of course not, go ahead. C. Yes, a little please. 4. A. Enjoy yourselves. B. Never mind. C. See you later. 5. A. It doesn't matter. B. I have no idea. C. Yes, it is. 二、听五段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。你将有20秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。 6. Who is using the ruler now? A. John. B. Gina. C. Lucy. 7. Where are the two speakers? A. In a restaurant. B. In a bank. C. In a classroom. 8. What will Mary go to buy? A. Salt. B. Sugar. C. Butter. 9. Why was the man late? A. The traffic is too busy. B. It was raining. C. He missed the bus. 10. How will the woman get to London? A. By car. B. By train. C. By air. 三、听两段长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。你将有10秒钟的时间阅读对应的3个小题。 听第一段对话,回答11至13小题。 11. What day is it today? A. Monday. B. Thursday. C. Tuesday. 12. What does the man want to do with the CD player? A. Return it. B. Change it. C. Repair it.


九年级英语上册单元训 练 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

九年级英语上册 Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?单元训练 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1、Usually, the air is f________ in the morning. 2、The new store has e________ to carry customers from one floor to another. 3、Do you know which d________ he is in for shopping? 4、Sam and his family live on a quiet b________. 5、He is going to perform m________ at the party. 6、The frozen river makes a good s________. 7、Let’s d________ up and go out to the theatre. 8、They put a new product on the m________. 9、I acted as a c________ at the play. 10、We need an o________ party. 11、I w________ whether you like the new room. 12、Would you please l________ me your pencil? 13、Remember not to o________ others when talking. 14、I think that ________ (引导) me to the real point. 15、Excuse me,could you tell me where to ________ (停车) my car? 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、We decided ________ (leave) her alone. 2、My watch has stopped. Could you please ________ (tell) me the time? 3、He could not decide what ________ (do) next. 4、I don’t like ________ (crowd) cities. 5、The restaurant is a good place ________ (eat) in our city. 6、Little Tom spent all his spare time ________ (practice) playing the piano. 7、Do you enjoy ________ (read) English in the morning? 8、The police ________ (be) maintaining public order now. 9、We will visit the world’s ________ (large) zoo and see many different kinds of animals. 10、It’s a good book for children ________ (read). 11、I don’t think it’s good ________ (sleep) in class.


仁爱版英语九年级上册教案 Unit 1 The Developing World Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly. Section A The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and useful expressions: cruel, proper, by the way, bell, chairwoman, yet, grandson 2. Learn the present perfect tense: You have just come back from your hometown. Where have you been, Jane? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. By the way, where’s Maria? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer… 3. Learn some functional sentences: I felt sorry for them. There goes the bell. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/童工图片/小黑板/多媒体图片或幻灯片/学生的旅游纪念照 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:12分钟)

英语:Unit2 全单元教案 (人教版九年级)

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 教学目标: 1语言目标:掌握本单元词汇,听懂、掌握谈论中外不同国家文化的语言材料。 2 技能目标:能听懂语言材料,掌握听的技巧;能读懂介绍中外不同文化的文章。 3 情感目标:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操。 教学重点: (1) 短语: Section A 1 the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, watch the races, a little crowded, like best, go…for one’s vacation, enjoy doing sth., eat out, five meals a day, put on, in two weeks, sound like, from…to…, be similar to, throw water at each other, wash away, have good luck, in the new year Section A 2 celebrate Middle-Autumn Festival, the shape of, carry …to…, shoot down, plan to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth., fly up, so…that…,call out, lay out, start the tradition of Section A 3 one…, the other…, give…to…,take out, more and more popular Section B 1 dress up, care about, make money, used to, end up, warn sb. to do sth., expect sb. to do sth., wake up, find out, decide to do sth., promise to do sth., in need, Section B 2 introduce sb., make sb. do sth., give birth to life, not only…but also… (2) 句子: Section A 1 Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. Bill wonders whether they’ll have the sweet rice dumplings again next year. What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?


九年级英语上册第1-5单元复习要点 一、短语。 1. by making flashcards 通过做单词抽认卡 2. ask…for help向某人求助 3. read aloud 朗读 4. that way (=in that way) 通过那种方式 5. improve my speaking skills 提高我的会话技巧 6. for example 例如 7. have fun doing sth 玩得高兴8.have conversations with friends 与朋友对话 9. get excited about为…高兴,激动 10.end up speaking in Chinese 以说汉语结束对话 11.do a survey about…做有关…的调查12.keep an English notebook 记英语笔记 13.spoken English (= oral English) 英语口语14.make mistakes in sth 在… 犯错误 15.get the pronunciation right 使发音准确16.practise speaking English练习说英语 17.first of all 首先18.begin with 以…开始https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75598990.html,ter on 随后 20.in class 在课堂上https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75598990.html,ugh at 嘲笑22.take notes 记笔记 23.enjoy doing 喜欢干…24.write down 写下,记下 25.look up (v + adv) 查找,查询26.native speakers 说本族话的人 27.make up 编造,虚构,化妆,打扮28.around the world 全世界 29.deal with对待,处理,解决30.worry about (be worried about) 担心,担忧 31.be angry with 生某人的气32.stay angry 生气33.go by 消逝 34. regard…as…把…当做…https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75598990.html,plain about/of 抱怨 36. with the help of 在…的帮助下https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75598990.html,pare…to (with)… 把…和…作比较 38.think of (think about) 想起,想到41.not…at a ll 根本不,全然不 39.physical problems 身体上的问题40.break off 中断,突然终止 42.make complete sentences 做完整的句子 43.join 加入某团体并成为其中一员;join in与take part in指参加到某项活动中去。 44.be afraid of 害怕be afraid to 害怕45.have trouble in doing sth 做..有困难 46.study for a te 为考试用功47. make vocabulary lists 做单词表 48. too …to…太…而以致于不能做49.watch English-language TV 看英语电视 50. to begin with首先51.take a lot of grammar notes 记大量的语法笔记 52.look up the words in a dictionary 查字(词)典53.this kind of paper 这种纸 54.spend …on … 在…上花费(时间、金钱) 55.speak English as a second language 把英语当做第二语言来说 56.give up 放弃57.in the future 在将来 二、句型。 1. How do you study for a test? 你怎样为考试做准备? 2. I have learned a lot that way. 用那种方法,我已经学到了很多东西。 3. It’s too hard to understand the voice. 听懂那些声音太难了。 4. Memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.记流行歌曲的词也起作用。 5. Wei Ming feels differently. 卫明有不同的感受。 6.He finds watching movies frustrating. 他觉得看电影让人感到沮丧. 7. She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. 她又说和朋友对话根本没用。 8.I don’t have a partner to practice English with. 我没有搭档一起练习英语。 9. Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word.随后,我认识到听不懂每个词并没有关系。 10.It’s amazing how much this helped.我惊异于这些方法竟如此有用。


人教版九年级英语上册全册教案 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标 基本词汇:restroom, stamp, bookstore, postcard, pardon, washroom, bathroom, normal, rush, suggest, staff, grape, central, mail, east, fascinating, convenient, mall, clerk, corner, polite, politely, speaker, request, direction, correct, direct, whom, address, underground 基本句型:Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine? Sure. There’s a superm arket down the street. Could you please tell me how to get to the post office? Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there. I wonder where we should go next. Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening? You should try that new ride over there. 2. 技能目标: (1)能用宾语从句礼貌的寻求帮助。 (2)能用正确的方法指路。 3. 情感目标: 培养学生尊重他人,对人有礼貌,热爱生活。 二、教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:(1)礼貌的向他人寻求帮助。 (2)正确使用宾语从句。 2. 教学难点:运用宾语从句礼貌的寻求帮助。 三、教学步骤: Section A 1 (1a-2d) Step 1 Warming –up Greeting Step 2 Presentation (1)Guessing game Show pictures to the whole class, one student explains the places in English and another one who doesn’t look at the blackboard guesses what place it is. For example, one student say: We can save money or exchange money in this place, another one guess it is a bank. Get students to guess the places like bank, post office, bookstore, museum, bathroom, washroom, mall and so on. (2)Show some stamps to students and present the new sentences: Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps? Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Do you know where I can get some magazines? Step 3 Practice 1) Match each thing with a place in the picture in 1a. 2) Read the phrases.


Unit 7综合测试 (时间120分钟,满分120分) 题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分) ( A )21.My brother is good ________ playing basketball.He is now ________ the shool basketball team. A.at;on B.for;on C.at;at D.for;at ( C )22.—Can I use the dictionary in the library? —Yes,but it can't ________. A.take away B.taken away C.be taken away D.be taking away ( A )23.Lily wants to be s singer.Can you imagine what will happen ________ she doesn't succeed? A.if B.unless C.while D.though ( B )24.I'm not kidding.I'm very serious ________ writing. A.for B.about C.with D.at ( D )25.I can't help smiling when I ________ my childhood. A.think over B.come back to C.give back to D.think back to ( D )26.—Why didn't you go to Susan's birthday party yesterday evening,Jim? —Oh,because I ________. A.don't invite B.isn't invited


九年级上册英语第一单元知识点 【篇一】九年级上册英语第一单元知识点 I.重点词汇Test----exam words----vocabulary Excited----exciting amazing----surprising sometimes----sometime----some times----some time for example----such as----like begin with----to begin with maybe----perhaps----probably affect----influence problem----question II.重点词组 1.ask…for… 2.speaking skills 3.ask…about… 4.not…at all 5.get excited about 6.end up 7.make mistakes 8.first of all 9.to begin with https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75598990.html,ter on 11.be afraid of https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75598990.html,ugh at 13.make sentences 14.take notes 15.write down 16.make sure 17.deal with 18.look up 19.make up 20.worry about 21.be angry with 22.go by 23.each other 24.solve a problem 25.regard…as… https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75598990.html,plain about 27.change…into… 28.try one’s best 29.with the help of https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75598990.html,pare…to… 31.think about 32.break off III.重点句子 1.I learn by studying with a group. 2.It’s too hard to understand the voices. 3.He finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly. 4.We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. 5.Why don’t you join an English club to practice English. https://www.360docs.net/doc/d75598990.html,st year my English class


Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 It's more than 2,000 years old. 【教学目标】 【教学思路】 本单元的教学内容是第一模块中的第一单元,通过提供必要的图片、背景等为学生创造一个全新的语言氛围。首先,学生们刚刚假期归来,通过询问他们“假期去过哪里?”“在那儿做过什么?”和“新学期的打算是什么?”导入新课。以学生感兴趣的话题开篇,重点在于培养学生的学习兴趣。因此,教师并未对书上的图片进行讨论,而是从自然景观和人造景观谈起,帮助学生为第一部分的听力做了充分的准备,使得他们在听时能快速地抓住细节成为可能。 【教学准备】 黑板,录音机,单词卡片,教学图片,多媒体,配套的资料,配套的巩固练习册等。 【教学过程】 Step 1 Warming up & Leading in 1.师生问候。 2.师生对话,谈论假期生活。如: 新学期开始,学生又见面了。教师给几分钟的时间让他们谈论假期的生活和对新学期的展望。

T:Boys and girls,new term is coming.What did you do during the summer vacation?Where did you go?Let's talk about them. The teacher asks some students to talk about their summer vacations and gives some help if necessary. T:OK.Everyone had a good time on vacation.What are your new term's resolutions? (引导学生回答:I'm going to get good grades.) 活动小结:新学期开始,教师通过让学生自由谈论假期生活和新学期的计划导入新课,活跃了课堂气氛,也能让学生比较迅速地进入到课堂状态中,调动他们的学习积极性,从而消除了第一节课的紧张感。 Step 2 Presentation & Practice 1.Listening and vocabulary(1—2) (1)教师首先向学生提问,让学生说说关于中国的伟大奇观,引出The Great Wall,The Terracotta Army,The Three Gorges Dam等等。教师依次出示关于这些伟大奇观的图片或者播放视频,让学生感受这些奇观的伟大之处,感受祖国的大好河山。 (2)最后让学生对以上的伟大奇观进行分类,并提出分类的标准:natural,man-made,ancient,modern。 (3)教师对于涉及的单词和词组进行讲解和操练。 ①army军队;陆军;团体;野战军,复数形式为armies。 ②natural形容词,意为“自然的”,名词形式为nature。 ③man-made作形容词用,就是“人造的(非自然的)”意思,man为名词,修饰后面的made(形容词),要用连字符“-”。 ④ancient,modern两个词互为反义词,均为形容词,ancient古代的;modern现代的。 ⑤wonder adj.奇妙的;钦佩的;远超过预期的 n.惊奇;奇观;奇人;奇迹 vt.对……感到好奇;惊奇;感到诧异;想弄明白 (4)教师分别拿出关于The Terracotta Army,The Three Gorges Dam,The Giant's Causeway,Victoria Falls的图片,让学生辨认,说出英文名字,对这些中外的伟大奇迹进行认识巩固。最后让学生完成活动1。 (5)教师让学生看教材上活动1、2中的图片,完成活动2的问题。
