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Topicl . China ' Developments and Achievements

No one can refuse to admit that there are many achievements of China in rece

nt decades. I know some of them, such as econo mic reform, joining to the WTO,

and successfully bidd ing to host the Olympic Games in 2008 and so on. They are

sig nifica nt and outsta nding achieveme nts.

Chin ese people ben efit a lot from these great achieveme nts. Firstly, people '

s living standards have been improved significantly over the past 10 years. A huge

number of families have a TV, a computer, a refrigerator and so on, and the most

important thing is that most families have a bright and big house. Sec on dly, peop le

' daily life becomes more colorful and meanin gful, recent years bring people a lot

of recreational activities, such as computer video games, movies, and intern et. Con

versely, 10 years ago, we still had not these abundant and colorful campaig ns.

Of course, there are still a lot of things which should be done in the n ext 10

years. We should continue to support our economic development and investment, to

protect the environment, to cut down the greenhouse gas emissi ons and to con

solidate our military and defe nse systems.

Topic2 . An unforgettable graduation ceremony

I ' like to say the graduation ceremony of my senior high school. The only

thing that I don ' forget is the speech of principal in my senior high school hall.

During the ceremony, I clearly listened to his words with great spirits for

all of us. His eyes were filled with hope, which seems like that he told us about how

to overcome so many difficulties in the future. His words really attracted all the stude

t give nts and teachers. He told us that we should n any time, because we must try our

best to do everyth ing we could.

After the graduation ceremony, I promised to myself that I should con ti nue to

study harder in order to have eno ugh experie nee and kno wledge to be a better

person who can make more contributions to the whole society.

Now, I am trying to realize what I said. I have huge con fide nee that I can turn a new leaf in my life.

Topic3. A Great Change That Is Special to You

Some changes, while ordinary or spontaneous, have some special meanings for us. Whe n it comes to me, en teri ng the uni versity whe n I was 19 can be regarded as the most sig nifica nt milest one for now.

Study ing in the uni versity means that I have the cha nee to study more. And it also means that I have more social responsibility. The status of being a college student made me feel different. Furthermore, a sense of great acco un tability seemed to tell me that I should make eno ugh preparatio ns for the competitive society .In depe ndent from pare nts and hometow n, I realized that as a grown adult, I should be responsible for my own behaviors and decisi ons.

Some pote ntial emoti ons like fear, con fide nee were sometimes in evitable

in my mind. So my first milestone appeared, that is I had more responsibilities than even before. Reading China Daily, listening to VOA and

BBC, watching English news and the will of making myself stronger and stronger changed my life. I became a more sensible man and now I still remember what I want to do and continue to make efforts to reach that point.

Topic4 . An ti-smok ing group calls for urge nt tobacco con trols

An an ti-smok ing watchdog has criticized Chin ese authorities for "maki ng little progress" on enforcing tobacco con trols despite mak ing a commitme nt to the World Health Orga ni zati on (WHO) almost a decade ago. And millio ns of lives are in jeopardy if acti on is not take n.

Each year in China, more than 1 million people die of smoking-related diseases and the country now has 350 million smokers, including 180 million teen agers, accord ing to the WHO. Without effective in terve nti on, ano ther 100
