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Robert Paul Wolff 著, Mentor Books, New York: 1969

Robert Paul Wolff赋予自己一项令人望而生畏的任务:试图校阅并浓缩十部最棒的哲学作品。这些作品包括柏拉图、亚里士多德、圣·安塞姆、阿奎纳、笛卡尔、休谟、康德、密尔与威廉·詹姆士的著述。通过Wolff的努力,该书为读者介绍了奠定当今学术相当大基础的著作的基本内容。的确,通过对如此奠基式著作的再现,作者阐明了在西方发展史中哲学家的遗产,这些遗产来自哲学立基的型谱,以及科学思想的根源。该书的每个部分都专注于一部特定的作品,正如作者意图所达到的,每部作品都展示出我们的现代世界与古代和中世纪世界的关联性,因为每部人类的哲学反思都是“人类本性延续”的证据。因此,《十大哲学名著》这本书是一部导读书,介绍每个阶段哲学思想的里程碑,并展现了从激进怀疑论到教条唯理论哲学观的一一问世。


给读者的介绍性评论 p.vii
第1章 柏拉图:《申辩论》 p.11
《克里托》与苏格拉底之死(内容来自《斐多》) p.35
第2章 亚里士多德:《诗论》 p.63
第3章 圣·安塞姆与圣·托马斯·阿奎纳:上帝存在的证据
圣·安塞姆本体论上的证据(内容来自《证道篇》) p.97
圣·托马斯:上帝存在的证据(内容来自《神学大全》) p.102
第4章 雷内·笛卡尔:《对第一哲学的沉思》 p.109
第5章 大卫·休谟:《关于人类理解力的研究》 p.173
第6章 伊曼纽尔·康德:《对未来任何形而上学的序言》 p.297
第7章 约翰·斯图亚特·密尔:《功利主义》 p.403
第8章 威廉·詹姆士:《信仰的意志》 p.463

In an attempt to collate and condense the top ten ‘great’ works of philosophers, Robert Paul Wolff set himself a daunting task. Including the works of Plato, Aristotle, St. Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Mill and William James, however, allows Wolff to introduce the reader to the fundamental tracts that underpin much academia today. Indeed, through reproductions of such groundbreaking works, the author illustrates the legacy that philosophers spanning the history of western development have built- from creating a spectrum of philosophical positions, to the roots of scientific thought. Each section is dedicated to a specific writing, and as the author intended, each writing demonstrates the link between our modern world and the ancient and medieval worlds, as each philosophical reflection of humankind is evidence of “the continuity in man’s nature”. Thus, the Ten Great Works of Philosophy is an introductory book to

the major milestones in philosophical thinking and reveals the emergence of philosophical positions from radical skepticism to dogmatic rationalism.


Introductory remarks to the reader p.vii
Chapter 1 Plato: Apology p.11
Crito and the Death of Socrates, from Phaedo p.35
Chapter 2 Aristotle: Poetics p.63
Chapter 3 St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas: Proofs for the Existence of God
The Ontological Proof of St. Anselm, from Proslogium p.97
St. Thomas; Proofs of God’s Existence, from The Summa Theologica p.102
Chapter 4 Rene Descartes: Meditations on the First Philosophy p.109
Chapter 5 David Hume: An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding p.173
Chapter 6 Immanuel Kant: Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics p.297
Chapter 7 John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism p.403
Chapter 8 William James: The Will to Believe p.463
