

英语绘本Charlotte’s web教学设计



2.通过议一议的方式了解人物名字并初步了解其特点:Wilbur, Fern, Charlotte,Templeton;

3..通过猜一猜的方式了解书中的动物名称:pig,spider,rat, goat;




1.学会说书中人物名称Wilbur, Fern, Charlotte,Templeton和动物名称pig,spider ,rat, goat;




Step1 Free talk


2.talkabout names:know each other

Step2 Pre-reading

1.OK.Doyou know the name of this book? Charolett’s Web

2.Whodo you know in this book? Wilbur,Fern,Charlotte, Templeton Game:shout their names out

3.Thereare many animals in the book,What animals do you know?(can you act)Listen andguess pig,spider,rat,goat(say and act)Talkabout:pig—lovely spider—good,nice rat—funny goat---clever

4.actand say:It’s a …

5.Thisis Charlotte.It’s a spider. Say a rhyme

6.helpfinish the mind map

7.sayabout the mind map:I’m …I’m a …

8.discuss:Inthis book, Who do you like? Why?(拓展:clever,cool,good,nice)optimize the mind map.

Step3 Reading

1.OK.I’msure you’ve know a lot about this book in Chinese.Do you want to read thispicture book in English?

2.enjoythe reading.

3.readthe picture book page by page(Tread and explain) Step4 Post reading 1.Doyou like this story?Why? Afriend in need is a friend indeed.

3.Doyou like the movie Charlotte’s Web? Let’senjoy a movie clip. Homework 1.Readthe picture book with your partner. 和伙伴一起读读英文绘本《夏洛的网》。

2.Makeyour own picture book.给自己的绘本着色。

3.Engjoythe movie .看英文版《夏洛的网》。


Can I play with you? There are many animals in the forest. They are playing happily. 在森林里有许多动物。他们玩得很开心。 Look at the picture. 看看图片 What are they playing? 他们在玩些什么? Little Elephant is naughty. 小象很淘气。 He wants to play with other animals. 他想要和其他动物们玩。 I want to play ball games! 我想玩球类游戏。 What are you doing,Little Elephant? 小象,你在干什么? Go away! 走开! Little Elephant leaves sadly. 小象伤心的离开了。 I want to play in the water! 我想在水里玩。 What are you doing,Little Elephant? 小象,你在干什么? Go away! 走开!Little Elephant leaves sadly. 小象伤心的离开。 I want to play on the swing! 我想在秋千上玩。

What are you doing,Little Elephant? 小象,你在干什么? Go away! 走开! I have no friends. I want to play with you,but I don't know how. 我没有朋友。我想要和你们玩,但是我不知道如何做。 You can play with us,but you need to ask first. Just be polite. 你可以和我们一起玩,但是请你先有礼貌的问一下。I'm sorry for my rudeness. 我为我的粗鲁道歉。 Can I play with you? 我可以和你们一起玩吗?Sure. 当然。 Can I play with you? 我可以和你们一起玩吗?Come here! 来这吧! Can I play with you? 我可以和你们一起玩吗?Of course! 当然! I have many friends now. 我现在有许多朋友了。I'm so happy. 我很开心。


表达感谢的英文句子 表达感谢的英文句子 1. thank you very much. / thank you so much. 非常感謝你。 2. thanks a lot. / thanks a bunch. 太感謝你了。 3. thanks a million. 感激不盡。 4. i appreciate your support. 我很感激你的支持。 5. i don’t know how to express my gratitude. 我不知道怎麼表達我的謝意。 6. i owe you one. 我欠你一份人情。 7. i’m much obliged to you. 我對你滿懷感激。 8. i’m grateful for your help. 我很感謝你的幫忙。 9. i’m in your eternal debt. 我欠你的一輩子都還不完。 10. thanks anyway.

無論如何,還是謝謝你。 与众不同的表达感谢的英语句子i really appreciate it. 我很感谢。 you're one in a million. 你真是个大好人。 you're the greatest. 你最棒了。 thanks to you (we made it on time.) 都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成)。 i couldn't have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到。 i'm truly grateful for your help. 我非常感激你的帮助。 your help is greatly appreciated. 非常感激您的帮助。 (很正式!) i'd like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我诚挚的谢意。 (相当正式!) 十个表达感谢的英文句子热情版的“谢谢你” 1. i really appreciate it. 我很感谢。 2. you're one in a million. 你真是个大好人。 3. you're the greatest. 你最棒了。 称赞对方功劳的“谢谢你” 4. thanks to you,we made it on time. 都要多谢你,我们才能准时完成。


感恩父母的英语作文10篇 感恩父母的英语作文(一): With a smile in all over the sky snow, winter spring scent。 People, often with a grateful heart。 Flowers gratitude the rain, because rain moisten it grow; Goshawk Thanksgiving sky because the sky to let it fly; Let him towering mountain Thanksgiving earth because the earth。 I am grateful to my parents, is they gave me life,give me a warm home, solid and warm haven to bee the place where I live。 Dad you are daughter safe and warm support in the heart, tired when lying down on it,will let my spirit one hundred times; Dad is your daughter in the heart of the vast ocean the other shore,the first onshore waiting for the daughter to return; Dad is your daughter in the heart of the sun, the shadow of the shine off the daughter in the heart。。 Is you, mom, gestation, brought me to this colorful world, is you, put up pulling me grow up,how many cold nights up to pull the quilt for my daughter, how many a hot summer day, is your roll,


Gratitude Is... 有感才有恩 Written by Macatena Lovemore 我们并不是在感恩节到来之时才懂得去关怀、爱护身边的人,只是岁月容易让人变得钝拙…… 感谢我爱的人和爱我的人,使我的生命不再孤单; 感谢生活,让我在分秒变幻的季节里感受生命的美好。 Gratitude is appreciation for people, places, and things, 感恩是一种欣赏,一种对人,对景、对物的欣赏; as well as, for ideas, qualities, and feelings 也是对想法,对品质,以及对感受的欣赏 Gratitude is thankfulness, and I use it like a key 感恩,是心存感激;我把它视作一枚钥匙 A key to inspire strangers, my friends, and me 这把钥匙鼓舞着我、我的朋友,以及素昧平生的人 A key to life that sets me free 这把钥匙让我放飞自我 A key to heal insult and injury 这把钥匙能抚平羞辱,治愈伤口 如何才能获得内心的宁静与充实,并活得轻松快乐,不妨学会每天怀有一颗感恩之心!你的人生将从此不同。 To be grateful means you are thankful for and appreciative of what you have and where you are on your path right now. Gratitude fills your heart with the joyful feeling and allows you to fully appreciate everything that arises on your path. As you strive to keep your focus on the present moment, you can experience the full wonder of “here.” There are many ways to cultivate gratitude. Here are just a few suggestions you may wish to try: 1. Imagine what your life would be like if you lost all that you had. This will most surely remind you of how much you do appreciate it. 2. Make a list each day of all that you are grateful for, so that you can stay conscious daily of your blessings.

《跟上兔子》 三年级 第2季Cat and Mouse

跟上兔子三年级第2季Cat and Mouse What’s your Chinese sign? 你的中国生肖是什么? What about your parents? 你的父母呢? Mouse/Ox/Rabbit 老鼠/牛/兔子 In the beginning,cat and mouse are good friends. 一开始,猫和老鼠是好朋友。 One day,Mouse gets great news. 有一天,老鼠得到了好消息。 “There is a party tomorrow!” “明天有一个聚会!” “Really?” “真的吗?” “Will you come with me ?” “你愿意和我一起去吗?” “Of course!” “当然!” “But they have only 12seats. We should get there early.” “但他们只有12个席位。我们应该早点到那里。” Cat looks a little sad. 猫看起来有点伤心。 “I can’t get up early in the morning.” “我早上起不来。” “Don’t worry.I’ll wake you up!” “别担心。我会叫醒你的!” However,Mouse does not do so. He goes alone. 然而,老鼠并没有这样做。他独自一人去了。 “Ha!Ha!I will be the first one there!” “哈!哈!我将是第一个到的!” Mouse tries to run fast. 老鼠试着跑得快点。But soon,he feels tired. 但很快,他觉得累了。 “It’s too far.I can’t get there on time.” “这太远了。我不能准时到那里。” Mouse sees Mr Ox.He comes up with a good idea. 老鼠看到了公牛先生,他想出了一个好主意。 “Hey,Mr OX!Are you going to the party?” “嘿,公牛先生!你是要去参加聚会吗?” “Yes!But I’m lost.” “是啊!但是我迷路了。” Mouse jumps onto Mr Ox’s back. 老鼠跳上了公牛先生的背上。 “I’ll show you the way.” “我给你指路。” Mr Ox wants to be the very first guest too. 公牛先生也想成为第一个客人。 “Ha!Ha!Foolish Ox!” “哈!哈!愚蠢的公牛!” Mouse jumps off Mr Ox’s back quickly. 老鼠迅速地从牛背上跳下来。 He gets the first chair. 他得到了第一把椅子。 Twelve animals are having a great time at the party. 十二只动物在聚会上玩得很开心。 Cat wakes up. It is too late. 猫醒了。它太迟了。 He becomes very angry. 他变得非常生气。 Because of that day,Cat and mouse are no longer friends. 因为那一天,猫和老鼠不再是朋友了。


英语表达道歉和感谢的句子 1. 对不起。Sorry about that。 A: Ouch, my foot! 哎呀,我的脚! B: Sorry about that. Are you all right? 对不起。你没事吧? 2. 实在抱歉。I’m terribly sorry。 = I’m so sorry。 = I’m really sorry。 A: I’m terribly sorry. 实在抱歉。 B: Forget it. 没事的。 3. 真抱歉,给你添麻烦了。I’m sorry to trouble you. A: I’m sorry to trouble you。 真抱歉,给你添麻烦了。 B: Think of it no more。 别再想它了。 4. 实在对不起,让您费心了。I’m sorry for troubling you。 = I’m sorry I’ve troubled you。 A: I’m sorry for troubling you。 实在对不起,让您费心了。 B: It was nothing。 这没什么。 ■“I’m sorry for + 名词/动名词”是“因为……而对不起”的意思。 5. 请原谅我。I beg your pardon。 A: I beg your pardon。 请原谅我。 B: Write it off。 这事一笔勾销吧。

● write off“注销,取消” 6. 我真蠢。That was stupid of me. A: Did you bring my novel? 把我的小说带来了吗? B: Oh, I forgot again. That was stupid of me。 哎呀,我又忘记了。我真蠢。 ■这一句是自责时的用语,类似的说法还有“Silly me。”。 7. 对不起,让你久等了。I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting. ○ I’m sorry for keeping you waiting。 8. 我向你道歉。I apologize。 ○ I do apologize about that。 我确实要为此向你道歉。 A: I apologize. 我向你道歉。 B: That’s OK. 好啦,没事。 ■这是道歉时的正式用语,有时会在 apologize 前加一个助动词“do”来表示强调。 9. 请原谅,我能跟你说会儿话吗?Excuse me, may I speak to you for a moment? A: Excuse me, may I speak to you for a moment? 请原谅,我能跟你说会儿话吗? B: Certainly. 当然可以。 10. 对不起,我一会儿就回来。Excuse me a moment. ○ Would you please excuse me for a moment? 我能告退一会儿吗? ○ May I be excused for a minute? 我能告退一会儿吗? 11. 这全怪我。I take the blame. = It’s me to blame。 A: I take the blame. 这全怪我。 B: It’s not your fault. 并不是你的错。 ● take the blame“负过失的责任” 12. 我实在不是有意的。I honestly didn’t mean it. A: I honestly didn’t mean


关于感恩英语作文优秀范文 整理的关于感恩英语作文优秀范文,欢迎阅读关注! 【篇一】关于感恩英语作文优秀范文 We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day. However, we should feel gratitude every day. God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Be grateful to others is a way to show your love. In our daily life, we often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers. Perhaps it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus. We should be thankful to them for whatever they have done. The more love you give, the more love you receive. A sense of gratitude can acknowledging our interdependent existence. You will be ready to help others if you have a thankful heart. Therefore, a thankful heart is like a magnet. Not only will we attract more things to be grateful for, but also we will attract gratitude from others. “give thanks a little and you will find a lot.” Gratitude is heaven itself. A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life. We now fall into a busy life, neglecting to be grateful for details, the beauty of nature, the comforts of modern living ,the love of parents and so on. People can notice these details and realize the friendship, love and happiness in our life with a grateful heart. 【篇二】关于感恩英语作文优秀范文 The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with us existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for. The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling


有关感恩老师的句子英语版您为花的盛开,果的成熟忙碌着,默默地垂着叶的绿荫!啊,老师,您的精神,永记我心!以下是由聘才网小编为大家整理的相关内容,欢迎阅读参考,随喜转载。 1、That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.有时候每个人都需要一只可以握住的手和一颗信任的心。 2、Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.感恩节是一年中最好的节日。 3、I’ve learned…That life is tough, but I’m tougher.生命是艰难的,而我更坚强。 4、老师,如果把您比作蚌,那末学生便是蚌里的砂粒;您用爱去舐它,磨它,浸它,洗它……经年累月,砂粒便成了一颗颗珍珠,光彩熠熠。 5、我们班有时难以管教,但我们真的敬爱您! 6、 I wouldn't want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else.我只愿和你共度感恩节。 7、愿我的祝福像朵小花,永远盛开在这温馨的收获季节,替您时时刻刻点缀出欢乐洋溢。 8、 From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving. 请接受我们诚挚的祝福:祝你们感恩节快乐! 9、 Just dig into the roast turkey. Wish you a

wonderful Thanksgiving! 10、i have faith in you./i have confidence in you.我对你有信心。 11、That I can’t choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.我不能改变我的想法,但是我可以改变我的做法。 12、Some people say, Shien mountain, because mountains Weiwei, revered. I would also like to say, Shien like the sea, because the sea is vast, beyond measure.有人说,师恩如山,因为高山巍巍,使人崇敬。我还要说,师恩似海,因为大海浩瀚,无法估量。 13、感恩生命,感谢她给予我们丰富的感情。喜怒哀乐,悲思忧惧,洒洒脱脱,原原本本,痛快淋漓,无拘无束;喜而笑,怒而吼,悲而泣,表露我们最真实的心迹,抒发我们最本真的情意。 14、I’ve learned…That it’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.就是一些生活的琐碎让生命壮丽。 15、You're the greatest.你最棒了。 16、decide to be happy every day. 下定决心开心度过每一天。 17、The teacher you are the most unforgettable


关于感恩的英语作文650字带翻译 妈妈在我心目中是一位平凡的母亲,同时也是令我十分敬佩的母亲,她像”母鸡呵护小鸡”那样关怀和爱护着我。 My mother is an ordinary mother in my mind, and also a mother I admire very much. She cares and cares for me like “hen cares for chickens”. 记得一个下着倾盆大雨的晚上,爸爸在单位值夜班,只有我和亲爱的妈妈在家。夜里,我突然感到身体不舒服躺在床上呻吟着,妈妈闻声赶来,用手摸了一下我的额头说道:”怎么热得这么烫手啊!是不是发烧了!”妈妈当时十分镇静,二话没说就心疼地抱起我到医院去。由于天黑而且下着大雨,连出租车都等不到,妈妈披了件雨披把我贴在胸怀两步并着一步”飞”到医院里。一边喘着粗气,一边对医生说:”我女儿生病了……。”医生检查后说我着凉得了重感冒,要挂吊针。当针头扎进我的血管里我是又怕又疼,浑身发抖,吓得直往妈妈怀里钻;妈妈一边用嘴对着我扎针的地方轻轻吹着,一边用手轻轻拍着我身体,一会儿我就不知不觉睡着了。第二天,我醒来后就一下子扑到妈妈的怀抱里……妈妈不仅关心我的冷暖,而且对我学习更加关心。有一次,我有道语文题不会做,问妈妈,妈妈当时也不知道。她就帮我找资料、查电脑,寻找最准确的答案。时间一分一秒很快就过去了,

我等不及就睡觉去了……第二天当我起床时爸爸小声地对我说:”轻一点,你妈妈昨晚帮你查资料到深夜12点多,让她多睡一会儿吧。”我听后心中十分激动,久久不能平静!正因为妈妈的孜孜不倦的教育,我的每次考试基本上都在90分以上,成绩在班上总是名列前茅。 I remember one night when it was raining cats and dogs, dad was on night shift at work, only my dear mother and I were at home. At night, I suddenly felt sick and groaned in bed. My mother came and touched my forehead with her hand and said, “how can it be so hot! Is it a fever! “ My mother was very calm at that time. She took me to the hospital without saying anything. Because it was dark and raining heavily, even the taxi couldn't wait. My mother put on a poncho and put me on her chest for two steps and took one step to “fly” to the hospital. Panting heavily, he said to the doctor, “my daughter is ill...” The doctor said after checking that I had a cold and had a bad cold, so I had to hang a brooch. When the needle got into my blood vessel, I was afraid and hurt. I was shaking all over, and I was scared to drill straight into my mother's arms. At the same time, my mother gently blew at the place where I put the needle with her mouth, and patted my body with her hand, and then I fell asleep unconsciously. The next day, I woke up and jumped into my mother's arms My mother is not only concerned about my temperature, but


感恩父母的英语句子 感恩父母的英语句子 感恩父母的优美句子 1、Thanksgiving just won't be the same without you.没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。 2、Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。 3、That money doesn’t buy class.金钱并不能买到社会地位。 母爱,犹如波澜壮阔的大海,一望无垠的蓝天,辽阔的草原,葱郁的森林,翻滚着,蔓延着,生长着,蓬勃着,像历史的长河奔腾喧涌,永不停息,轰轰烈烈。 4、From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。 5、Rivers pushes us to the vast sea,the dawn brings us bright morning;my dear teacher,you lead us to a magnificent life.江河把我们推向浩瀚的大海,曙光给我们带来明媚的早晨;亲爱的老师,您把我们引向壮丽的人生。 6、Dear teacher,thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life.My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。 7、That the less time I have to work with,the more things I get


关于感恩的英语作文范文一: We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day. However, we should feel gratitude every day. God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Be grateful to others is a way to show your love. In our daily life, we often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers. Perhaps it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus. We should be thankful to them for whatever they have done. The more love you give, the more love you receive. A sense of gratitude can acknowledging our interdependent existence. You will be ready to help others if you have a thankful heart. Therefore, a thankful heart is like a magnet. Not only will we attract more things to be grateful for, but also we will attract gratitude from others. “give thanks a little and you will find a lot.” Gratitude is heaven itself. A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generous and virtuous life. We now fall into a busy life, neglecting to be grateful for details, the beauty of nature, the comforts of modern living ,the love of parents and so on. People can notice these details and realize the friendship, love and happiness in our life with a grateful heart. 关于感恩的英语作文范文二: The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with us existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for. The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life! The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, and put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us. The thankful classmate and friend grow up with us and let us no longer stand alone in the itinerary of life. The thankful our country provides us with free books, dormitory and food. Whenever it is, we should keep a thankful heart towards everything existed. Only thus, can we become a useful man. 关于感恩的英语作文范文三: The poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open 。I said: Thanksgiving to the door pushed open the living. If you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.Then, as a middle school student, how Thanksgiving? First Thanksgiving their parents, because everyone%26#39;s life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.Teachers are our growth, are our friends, teachers care for us , their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should Thanksgiving teachers. Students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overcome difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and


关于感恩的英语句子 懂得了感恩,懂得感激,人就会变得善良,宽容,有爱,感恩节是国外的节日,那么用英语怎么表达感恩的心情呢?接下来在这里给大家带来感恩的英语句子,希望对你有所帮助! 1.懂得了感恩,懂得感激,人就会变得善良,宽容,有爱。Know how to be grateful, know how to be grateful, people will bee kind, tolerant and loving 2.因为有你们,才使得平凡的我,有了不平凡的生命。Because of you, it ___kes ordinary me, have extraordinary life 3.感谢天地,感谢命运,天地宽广,道路坎坷,但只要心中有爱,心存感恩,我们就会努力,我们就可以前行。Thank heaven and earth, thank fate, heaven and earth are broad, the road is rough, but as long as there is love in our hearts and gratitude in our hearts, we will work hard, we can move forward 4.那么,让我们合上双手,闭上双眼,向上天诚心的祷告,愿天下人都学会感恩"感恩"!Then, let's close our hands, eyes and

pray sin ___rely to God May everyone in the world learn to be grateful! 5.传播知识,就是播种希望,播种幸福。老师,您就是这希望与幸福的播种人!To spread knowledge is to sow hope and happiness Teacher, you are the seeder of hope and happiness! 6.生活里,有很多转瞬即逝,像在车站告别,刚刚还相互拥抱,转眼已各自天涯。In life, there are ___ny fleeting moments, such as farewell at the station, just embracing each other, in a twinkling of an eye has their own horizons 7.学会怀抱感激,才会有人生的信念,生命的动力。Learn to be grateful, then you will have faith in life, the power of life 8.感恩父母,是他们把我们带到了这个世界上,给了我们无私的爱和关怀,却不图回报。Thanksgiving parents, they brought us into the world, gave us selfless love and care, but not in return

《跟上兔子》 三年级 第1季 A red coat

跟上兔子三年级第一季A red coat ?This is Mrs Giraffe’s DIY.(do-it-yourself)work. 这是长颈鹿夫人的DIY(自己动手)工作。 ?Guess what she will make out of her old jeans? 猜猜她会用她的旧牛仔裤做什么? ?Coat外套 ?Dress衣服 ?T-shirt T恤 ?Giraffe长颈鹿 ?Scarf围巾 ?Look at my new coat! 看一看我的新大衣! ?How nice! 多么可爱! ?It is spring.现在是春天。 ?This coat is short for you,dear. 这件上衣对你来说很短,亲爱的。 ?I have a good idea,Mum. 我有个好主意,妈妈。 ?This is for you!这是给你的! ?I like it!我喜欢它! ?Thank you,my friend.谢谢你,我的朋友。 ?Look at my new dress.看我的新衣服。 ?You look great!你看起来太棒了! ?It is summer.现在是夏天。 ?This dress is too short.这件衣服太短了。 ?But I have a good idea…但我有个好主意。 ?This is for you!这是给你的! ?I love it !Thankyou,my friend. 我喜欢它!谢谢你,我的朋友。 ?I have a new T-shirt.我有一件新t恤。 ?It’s cute.它真可爱。 ?It is autumn.现在是秋天。 ?Look at your T-shirt.看看你的t恤。 ?It’s too small.太小了。 ?Oh yes!哦,是的! ?Bu I have a good idea…我有个好主意。?It’s warm.它很温暖。 ?Thank you,my friend.谢谢你,我的朋友。? ?Look at my new scarf.看我的新围巾。?It’s lovey!它真可爱! ? ?Happy Birthday!生日快乐! ?This is for you.这是给你的。 ?It’s beautiful!它真漂亮! ? ?Thank you,my friends!谢谢你,我的朋友!?My red coat comes back.Ha!Ha! 我的红色外套又回来了。哈!哈!
