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摘要:[目的]进一步深化优质护理内涵,提高骨科病人和护士双方的满意率㊂[方法]将2013年1月 12月收治的骨科病人作为观察组,采用医护合作形式,依据病人日常生活活动能力(ADL)采用Barthel指数进行评分,根据评分值和病情细化分级护理等级,同时细化不同等级护理病人的基础护理项目和基础护理执行人及执行时间,并制定质量检查标准,将护士参加基础护理的数量㊁质量与优质护理专项奖励基金挂钩;将2012年同期收治的骨科病人作为对照组,遵医嘱按常规实施等级护理㊂[结果]两组基础护理合格率㊁病人满意率㊁护士满意度㊁护理不良事件发生率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)㊂[结论]医护合作依据病情和ADL评分细化骨科分级护理等级,落实基础护理,可进一步深入㊁持久㊁扎实地推进优质护理工作㊂


Probe into p ractice of refinin g of ortho p edics classification nursin g based on ADL score

Lai Hon g mei,Han Lu,Zhen g Wei,et al(No.94Hos p ital of PLA,Jian g xi330002China)

Abstract Ob j ective:To further dee p en the connotation of q ualit y nursin g care,im p rove the satisfaction rate on both sides of p atient and nurse in de p artment of ortho p edics.Methods:Patients in de p artment of ortho p edics in 2013Januar y December were as the observation g rou p,with forms of medical coo p eration,based on dail y life activities abilit y of p atients(ADL),usin g the Barthel index score,based on the score value and the illness refine-ment of g radin g nursin g level,and refinin g basic nursin g p ro j ect,and basic nursin g execution and execution time of different g rades p atient care,and formulates q ualit y ins p ection standards,and the q uantit y,the q ualit y of basic nursin g nurse j oined hook with nursin g q ualit y s p ecial incentive fund;p atients in De p artment of ortho p edics in 2012the same p eriod admitted as the control g rou p,Follow the doctor s advice,accordin g to the conventional im p lementation of g radin g nursin g.Results:Com p are the q ualified rate of two g rou p s of basic nursin g,satisfac-tion of p atients and their families,satisfaction of nurses,occurrence rate of nursin g adverse events,the differ-ence have statistical si g nificance(P<0.05).Conclusion:The medical coo p eration based on the illness and ADL score refinement of de p artment of ortho p edics g radin g nursin g level and im p lementation of basic nursin g,can further in de p th,lastin g,solidl y to p romote the q ualit y of nursin g work.

Ke y words de p artment of ortho p edics;activities of dail y livin g;g radin g nursin g;q ualit y of nursin g;basic nursin g 中图分类号:R197.323文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.10096493.2015.05.011文章编号:10096493(2015)02B054603


㊃645㊃CHINESE NURSING RESEARCH Februar y,2015Vol.29No.2B
