







Arabs 1 it extremely bad manners to start talking business immediately. 2 the

busiest government official or executive always takes 3 time to be polite and offer refreshments

(点心). No matter how busy you are, you should make time for this hospitality.

The "conference visit" is a way of doing business throughout the Arab world. Frequently, you

will have to discuss your business 4 strangers, who may or may not have anything to do with

your business. Do not be surprised if your meeting is 5 several times by people 6 come

into the room unannounced, 7 or speak softly to the person with whom y ou are talking, and

leave . Act 8 you do not hear, and never show displeasure at being interrupted.

Making decisions 9 is not an Arab custom. There is a vagueness(not clearly expressed)in

doing business in the Middle East that 10 a newcomer. Give yourself lots of time and ask lots

of questions. 11 is an important quality. You may have to wait two or three days to see

high-level government officials as they are very busy. Give yourself enough time. Personal

relationships are very important. They are the key to doing business in Arab countries. Try to 12

the decision-ma ker regarding your product service immediately and get to know him on a friend

basis. Do your 13 . Be prepared to discuss details of your product or proposal. Be ready to

answer technical questions. Familiarize yourself with the Moslem and national holidays. 14 a

visit during Ramadan(斋月), the Moslem month of fasting. Most Arab countries have six-day

workweek form ,Saturday through Thursday. When matched with the Monday to Friday practice

in most Western countries, it leaves only three and a half workdays shared. Remember this in


15 your appointments. Moslems do not eat pork. Some are strict about the religion’s

against alcoholic drinks. If you are not sure, wait for your 16 to sugges t the proper thing to

17 .

When an Arab says yes, he may mean " 18 ". When he says maybe, he probably means

"no". You seldom get a direct "no" from an Arab because it is considered 19 . Als o, he does

not want to close his options. Instead of “no”, he will say “inshallah”, which means,

20 the other hand, "yes" does not always mean "yes". A smile and a slow nod might


seem like an agreement, but in fact, your host is being polite. An Arab considers it impolite to

disagree with a guest.

1. A. consider B. assume C. imagine D. admit

2. A. So B.But C.Even D. However

3. A. extra B. little C. few D. no

4. A. at the mention of B. in the presence of

C. on behalf of

D. with the help of

5. A. honored B. hosted C. interrupted D. interpreted

6. A. who B. where C.which D. whom

7. A. sneeze B. signal C. wave D. whisper

8. A. as though B. if only C. even if D. so that

9. A. carefully B. finally C. quickly D. unwillingly

10. A. encourages B. greets C. puzzles D. discourages

11. A. Bravery B. Courage C. Diligence D. Patience

12. A. admire B. identify C. respect D. thank

13. A. experiment B. homework C. pray D. business

14. A. Avoid B. Pay C. Reject D. Request

15.A.rejecting B.planning C. agreeing D. designing

16. A. boss B. friend C. host D. official

17. A. eat B. play C.taste D. drink

18. A. yes B. no C. maybe D. inshallah

19. A. direct B. informal C.friendly D. impolite

20.A. In B.At C. For D. On



Harvard University named historian Drew Gilpin Faust as its first female president on Sunday,

ending a lengthy and secretive search to find a successor(a person who follows next in order) to

Lawrence Summers .

The seven-member Harvard Corporation elected Faust, a distinguished scholar on History of

Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, as the

the American South and head of Harvard’s

university’s 28th president.

James R. Houghton, chairman of the “This is a great day, and a historic day for Harvard.” 

ew Faust is an inspiring and accomplished

presidential search committee, said in a statement. “Dr

leader, a superb scholar, a devoted teacher, and a wonderful human being.”

Her selection is noteworthy given the heated debates over Summers’ comments that genetic differences between the sexes might help explain the lack of women in top science jobs. Faust

has been head of Radcliffe since 2001, two years after the former women’s college was combined into the university as a research center with a mission to study gender issues(性别问题).

Some professors have quietly groused that the 371-year-old university is appointing a fifth

president who is not a scientist. No scientist has had the top job since James Bryant Conant

retired in 1953; its last four have come from the fields of classics, law, literature and economics.

Faust is the first Harvard president who did not receive a degree from the university since

Charles Chauncy, a graduate of Cambridge University, who died in office in 1762. She attended

the University of Pennsylvania.

said Sheldon Hackney, a former president of the “Teaching staff turned to her constantly,” 

University of Pennsylvania and historian who worked closely with Faust. “She’s very clear. S

a sense of humor, but s he’s very strong-minded. You come to trust in her because she’s so solid.” 

21. Which might be the best title for the passage?

A. Harvard named its 1st female president.

B. History of Harvard University changed.

C. Debates on female equality ended.

D. Drew Gilpin Faust, a famous woman historian.

22. Lawrence Summers held the view that ________.

A. women cannot achieve as much as men in management

B. women cannot hold important positions in society

C. women can match men in science jobs

D. few women make top scientists owing to genes

5th paragraph means ________.

23. The underlined word “groused” in the

A. approved

B. commented

C. complained

D. indicated

24. This passage probably appears in a ________.

A. biography

B. personal letter

C. research paper

D. newspaper report


Dan Bilsker PhD

(Lead Author)

Dan is a clinical (临床)psychologist who works at Vancouver General Hospital and consults to a mental health research group at the University of British Columbia.

Merv Gilbert PhD


Children’s Hospital and in priva Merv is a clinical psychologist working at British Columbia’s

practice in Vancouver.

David Worling PhD

David is a clinical psychologist working in private practice in Vancouver.

E. Jane Garland

M.D., F.R.C.P.(C)

Jane is a psychiatrist with a Mood/Anxiety Disorders Clinic who does research at

the University of British Columbia on the treatment of mood problems.

*** *** ***

Dealing with Depression is based on the experience of the authors and on scientific research about which strategies(策略) work best in overcoming depression. Also, because strateg ies useful for adults may not be useful for teens, depressed and non-depressed teens helped in the development of this guide.

Dealing with Depression is intended for:

* teens with depressed mood

* concerned adults who want to help a depressed teen

* other teens who want to help a friend or family member

This guide is meant to provide teens with accurate information about depression. It is not a psychological or medical treatment, and is not a replacement for treatment where this is needed.

If expert assistance or treatment is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

Funding for this guide is provided by the Mental Health Evaluation & Community Consultation

Unit (MHECCU) of The University of British Columbia through a grant by the Ministry of Children

and Family Development, as part of the provincial Child and Youth Mental Health Plan.

25. According to the passage, Dealing with Depression is targeted at .

A. researches o n depression

B. clinical psychologists giving treatment

C. adults with depressed mood

D. people concerned with mood problems

26. The four cartoon figures are .

A. professionals at universities

B. natives of British Columbia

C. clinical psychologists

D. co-authors led by Dan Bilsker

27. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Depressed teens provide accurate information about depression.

B. Competent professionals will come to provide services if needed.

C. Dealing with Depression receives government financial support.

D. Dealing with Depression offers expert assistance and treatment.


Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness, happiness, goodness, and self-respect? The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized(分类) as “honor” help you

create this life of good feelings.

Here’s an example to show how honorable actions make happiness.

Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item. If we keep silent, and benefit from the clerk’s mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky(偷偷)excitement. Later we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune. On the other hand, if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be thankful to our honesty. We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.

Then , what is it to do with our sense of happiness?

In the first case, where we don’t tell the clerk, a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief. In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect. We would also demonstrate that we cannot be trusted, since we advertise

our dishonor by telling our family and friends. We damage our own reputations by telling others.

In contrast, bringing the error to the clerk’s attention causes different things to happen. Immediately the clerk knows us to be honorable. Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and

our self-respect is increased. Whenever we take honorable action we gain the deep inner rewards

of goodness and a sense of nobility.

There is a beautiful positive cycle that is made by living a life of honorable actions.

Honorable thoughts contribute to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier life. And it is easy to think and act honorably again when we are happy. While the positive cycle can

be difficult to start, once it’s started, it is easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind, which is important for our happiness.

28. Based on the passage, the positive action in the example contributes to our________.

A. self-respect

B. financial rewards

C. advertising ability

D. friendly relationship

29. The writer thinks that keeping silent about the uncharged item is similar to ________.

A. lying

B. stealing

C. cheating

D. advertising

30. What’s our feeling if we make the clerk know her mistake?

A. We’ll be very excited.

B. We’ll feel unlucky.

C. We’ll have a sense of honor.

D. We’ll feel sorry for the clerk.


Every boy and every girl expects their parents to give them more pocket money. Why do

their parents just give them a certain amount? 31

The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. 32 Some children get weekly pocket money. Others get monthly pocket money.

First of all, children are expected to make a choice between spending and saving. Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money. At first,some young children may spend all of the money soon after they receive it. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until it is the right time. 33

In order to encourage their children to do some housework,some parents give pocket money if the children help around the home. Some experts think it not wise to pay the children for doing that. 34

Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with the money. They can spend it by giving it to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want. 35 Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice. Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing for children.

A. They can save it for future use.

B. Timing is another consideration.

C. As helping at home is a normal part of family life.

D. Some children are not good at managing their pocket money.

E. Learning how to get money is very important for every child.

F. One main purpose is to let kids learn how to manage their own money.

G. By doing so, these children will learn that spending must be done with a budget.


36. I was about to give up when it suddenly o________ to me that I should try to solve the

problem in another way.

37.You have made outstanding contributions to the company — I am sure you are b____ to

get promoted this year.

38. Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus

c_______ a stable environment.

39. I've been writing this report ________(偶尔) for the last two weeks, but it has to be

handed in tomorrow.

40. In the reading room, we found her seated at a desk, with her attention ____(盯着)

on a book.

41. R______ of where they are and what they are doing, they want access to the Net.

42. Our former teacher has changed so much that she is out of our ________(认出).

43. He never ________(犹豫)to help those in trouble because he was a kind-hearted man.

44. All the effort has gone into resc uing the mine workers in the past five days, but now hopes

of finding the workers alive seem to be f________ away.

45. ________(假如)that we can't get the appropriate equipment, we will have to give up

the experiment.

46. Although he is very young, he is much more experienced than others in t______ of

working ability.

47. As Tom wouldn't accept the salary I could offer, I had no a________ but to give the job to

someone else.

48.His s_____ sank when he heard the news that an earthquake had happened in his


49.Public statements from the various groups involved should not _____(必要)be taken

at face value.

50.Many people a______dark clouds with depression and sorrow.



Revolutionary TV Ears

TV Ears has 51 (help)thousands of people with various degrees of hearing loss hear the television 52 (clear) without turning up the volume(音量) and now it’s 53 (good) and more affordable than ever! With TV Ears wireless technology, you set your own headset volume,

54 (comfort) for them. while other TV listeners hear the television at a v olume level that’s

You can even listen through the headset only and put the TV on mute(静音) if the situation calls for a quiet environment —maybe the baby 55 (sleep). Or perhaps you are the only one who is interested in 56 (listen) to the ballgame.

TV Ears 57 (patent) technology includes a revolutionary noise reduction car tip, not used

in any other commercially available headset. This tip reduces outside noise so that television

dialogue is clear and understandable. Get the technology 58 has proven to help 59 most

听demanding customers. That’s why TV Ears has earned the trust and confidence of audiologists(觉学家) nationwide as well 60 world-famous doctors.






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


36. _______________ 37. _______________ 38. _____________ 39. ________________

40. _______________ 41. _______________ 42. _____________ 43. ________________

44. _______________ 45. _______________ 46. _____________ 47. ________________

48. _______________ 49. _______________ 50. _____________


51. _______________ 52. _______________ 53. _____________ 54. ________________

55. _______________ 56. _______________ 57. _____________ 58. ________________

59. _______________ 60. _______________



In my first morning in Toronto, I woke up early. Looked through the mist, I could just see the maple trees nearly the hotel entrance. The frost from the recent cold autumn nights were

starting to turn the leaves bright red. Before Liu Qian woke up, we went looking for restaurant nearby. We find a small place that it had a buffet with all kinds of great breakfast food. We seated ourselves in a small booth to eat, enjoying the amazing mixture of people around us and the different topic of conversation .We learned a lot about Canada just by watch and listening to people at breakfast.



信息,写一篇题为“Being a Popular Student”








Being a popular student

We all hope to be popular with our classmates and teachers.To enjoy popularity, we ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________



【解析】根据下文“the busiest government official or executive always takes _____time to be polite and offer refreshments(点心).”

可知阿拉伯人认为立刻开始谈生意是不礼貌的。consider 认为。故选A。




可知这是额外的时间。extra额外【解析】根据下文“you should make time for this hospitality.”



【解析】句意:你将不得不经常在陌生人面前讨论生意。in the presence of 在……面前。故选B。


可知如果会议被打断几次【解析】根据下文“and never show displeasure at being interrupted.”



【解析】使用定语从句,先行词是people ,定语从句缺少主语用who引导。故选A。



【解析】根据下文“speak softly”


【解析】句意:表现地好像你没有听见,不要因为被打断表现出不高兴。as though好像。故选A。


可知快速做决定不是阿【解析】根据下文“Give yourself lots of time and ask lots of questions.”



【解析】根据上文“There is a vaguene ss(not clearly expressed)in doing business in the Middle East”可知模糊不清会让新来的人困惑(puzzle)。故选C。


【解析】根据下文“You may have to wait two or three days to see high-level government officials as they are very busy.”



可知要快速识别关于你产品的决策者。【解析】根据下文“get to know him on a friend basis.”



【解析】根据下文“Be prepared to discuss details of your product or proposal.”




【解析】根据上文“Familiarize yourself with the Moslem and national holidays.”







【解析】根据上文“Some are strict about the religion’s ban against alcoholic drinks.”





【解析】根据下文“When he says maybe, he probably means "no".”



【解析】根据上文“You seldom get a direct "no" from an Arab”




【解析】词组:On the other hand另一方面。故选D。




【解析】主旨大意题。根据第一段的句子“Harvard University named historian Drew Gilpin Faust as its first female president on Sunday, ending a lengthy and secretive search to find a successor(a person who follows next in order)to Lawrence Summers .”




【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段的句子“Her selection is noteworthy given the heated debates over Summers’ comments that genetic differences between the sexes might help explain the lack

可知Lawrence Summers 认为因为基因上的原因,几乎没有女

of women in top science jobs.”



【解析】词义猜测题。根据第五段的句子“No scientist has had the top job since James Bryant Conant retired in 1953;”










下面的内容,可知【解析】细节理解题。根据文章“Dealing with Depression is intended for:”

Dealing with Depression的目标读者是和情绪问题有关的人。故选D。


【解析】细节理解题。根据文章的句子“Dealing with Depression is based on the experience of 及文章对四位人物的介绍可知四个卡通人物是Dan Bilsker领导的四位作

the authors and …”



【解析】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的句子“Funding for this guide is provided by the Mental Health Evaluation & Community Consultation Unit (MHECCU) of The University of

British Columbia”

可知Dealing with Depression受到政府的经济支持。故选C。

【备注】文章介绍由几位作家合著的一本书Dealing with Depression,这本书的目的是帮助



【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor


that we might never share with another soul.”



【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第五段的“Deep down inside we would know our selves as a type of thief.”



【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段的句子“We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor

that we might never share with another soul.”






【解析】根据上文“Why do their parents just give them a certain amount?”



【解析】根据下文“Some children get weekly pocket money. Others get monthly pocket money.”中“weekly”、“monthly”可知这里是:时间是另外的一个考虑。故填B。


【解析】根据上文“At first,some young children may spend all of the money soon after they

receive it. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until it is the right time.可知这里




【解析】根据上文“Some experts think it not wise to pay the children for doing that.”




【解析】根据下文“Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice.”是:他们可以节省钱供未来使用。故填A。


36.occurred 【解析】无



38.creating 【解析】无

39.occasionally 【解析】无











45.Assuming/Supposing/ Suppose 【解析】无














【解析】修饰动词短语hear the television用副词,故填clearly。


【解析】和than ever搭配用比较级,故填better。



55.is sleeping

【解析】根据上文“if the situatio n calls for a quiet environment,”可知如果需要一个安静的环境,破折号后面是举例,根据句意推测,应该是宝宝正在睡觉,所以用现在进行时,故填is sleeping。


【解析】be interested in doing sth对做某事感兴趣。故填listening。



58.that /which

【解析】这个空引导定语从句,先行词是the technology,定语从句中缺少主语,故填that /which。


【解析】最高级most demanding前用定冠词,故填the。


高二英语下册期末考试卷 命题:泉州一中考试命题中心 (考试时间120分钟,试卷总分150分) 第一卷(选择题,共115分) …… 一、听力 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When will the concert bigin ? A. At 7:30. B. At 7:40 C. At 7:50 2. What does the woman want ? A. A radio. B. Some pens. C. Some batteries. 3. Where does this conversation take place ? A. On a train. B. In a classroom C. In a bar. 4. What is the woman doing ? A. Asking for information. B. Asking for an apology. C. Asking for help. 5. Why did the woman stop typing ? A. She has two more days and isn’t worried. B. She finished typing her paper. C. She has sore hands. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. Where do they offer the man the job ? A. At a restaurant. B. At a company. C. At a hotel 7. What does the man think of the job ? A. He thinks it uninteresting. B. He thinks it is good. C. He thinks it is a hard job. 8. How much will the man be paid if he accepts the job ? A. $ 116 a week. B. $ 160 a week. C. $ 150 a week.

2017-2018学年甘肃省兰州市兰州一中高二上学期文科数学期末试卷 - 学生版

2017-2018学年甘肃省兰州一中高二(上)期末数学试卷(文科) 注意事项: 1.全卷共150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.考生必须将姓名、准考证号、考场、座位号等个人信息填(涂)写在答题卡上。 3.考生务必将答案直接填(涂)写在答题卡的相应位置上。 4.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共23小题,共150分,考试时间120分钟. 一、第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小5题分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.(5分)设复数12z i =-,则z =( ) A .5 B .5 C .2 D .2 2.(5分)与命题“能被6整除的整数,一定能被3整除”等价的命题是( ) A .能被3整除的整数,一定能被6整除 B .不能被3整除的整数,一定不能被6整除 C .不能被6整除的整数,一定不能被3整除 D .不能被6整除的整数,不一定能被3整除 3.(5分)抛物线216y x =的准线方程是( ) A.4x = B.4x =- C.1 64 y = D.164 y =- 4.(5分)若双曲线22 221x y a b -=的一条渐近线经过点()3,4-,则此双曲线的离心率为( ) A. 7 B. 54 C. 45 D. 53 5.(5分)“1<m <3”是“方程+ =1表示椭圆”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 6.(5分)如图是抛物线形拱桥,当水面在l 位置时,拱顶离水面2米,水面宽4米,则水位下降2米后(水足够深),水面宽( )米.


兰州一中2017-2018-2学期 高二年级期末英语试卷 说明:本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间100分钟。答案写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡。 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分30分) 第一节(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A We’re a nation— a globe, in fact — obsessed with our hair. Analysts estimate the global hair product industry to be worth €22.6 billion, growing at a rate of up to seven percent a year. There seems to be no limit on what we’ll spend to avoid a bad hair day. But for devotees of an underground beauty movement, the secret lies in throwing away the shampoo, in fact all the hair products, for good. The “no—poo”method, which involves using natural substitutes or just water in place of shampoo and conditioner, is supported by several circles. Beauty insiders, including writers for women’s magazines and professional hairdressers, speak highly of how hair becomes thicker, fuller, softer and brighter. And environmentalists who are mindful of money feel great joy at the lack of chemicals in and on their bodies—not to mention the impact on their budgets. Now one devotee is hoping to take it mainstream. Lucy Aitken Read, whose book Happy Hair: The definitive guide to giving up shampoo was released last week, hasn’t used shampoo for two years and her glowing brown hair is visibly in perfect condition. For her, the motivation came after reading a study that claimed women put 515 chemicals on their bodies daily. “I initially thought ‘Ha! They didn’t research me!’,” Aitken Read says. “Then I looked at the back of my shampoo bottle and realized there were loads of chemical components I didn’t recognize in the slightest.” Strangely it’s oily hair that could benefit the most from giving up shampoo. The theory behind the “no—poo” method is that shampoo removes the hair from its natural oils, which causes the scalp (头皮) to generate more oils to replace them. This results in oil overload — oily hair—which


2018高二英语期末考试题 Ⅰ 第一部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分) 阅读下列短文,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Friends and Buddies This program is planned for teenagers who have special needs with the goal of meeting within a community with other peers(同龄人). The purpose of the program is that it will lead to a better understanding of friendships. Gym, Swim, Surprise Guest, and Pizza are included. Ages 12-18, numbers of members are limited. Contact: Gloria Bass. This progra m is held 2 Fridays per month. Fees: $65/$85 Club Saturday Swim This program is available to anyone aged 5-14 who is challenged by mental, physical, or emotional trouble. The program will be held each Saturday afternoon, 12:00-12:30 pm or 12:30-1:00 pm. Fees: $136/$260 Sibshops (Ages 10-13) Sibshops is a program for siblings(兄弟姊妹) of children with challenges. It includes group activities and talk treatment ways with the focus on improving sibling relationships and whole family happiness. Location: Hope Church, Wilton CT. Wednesday: 4:00-5:00 p m. Fees: $50/$65


河南省郑州市2017-2018学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小題1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In an office. B. In a restaurant. C. In a theatre. 2. How old is the man now? A. About 20 years old. B. Nearly 40 years old. C. Over 60 years old. 3. What will the man do next? A. Go to the information center. B. Check the price of the ticket. C. Take a train to leave New York. 4. What can we learn about the man? A. He gave up his job. B. He has two job offers. C. He is doing a part-time job. 5. What does Mr. Anderson do? A. A teacher. B. A librarian. C. A repairman. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


梅州中学2005?2006学年第二学期期末考试题 (2006.7) 高二英语 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)。共150分,考试时间120分钟。 第一卷(三部分,共115分) 说明: 1. 答题前,学生务必将自己的姓名、班级、座号用钢笔或墨水笔写在答题卷上。 2 . 每小题选岀的答案后,请写在答题卷对应题目的位置上,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净。答案不能答在 试卷上。 3. 考试结束,学生可只交答题卷。 一、听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音结束后,你将试卷上的答案写到答题卷上。 第一节:听对话或独白(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读每个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白 读两遍。 请听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题。 1. What 'the possible relatio nship betwee n the two speakers? A. Teacher and stude nt. B. Classmates. C. Headmaster and teacher. 2. What has Bill don e? A. he 'done some wash ing. B. He ' touched the wet paint. C. He's draw n someth ing. 3. What do we know about the floor? B. The workme n has forgotte n to pain t it. A. It ' just bee n pain ted. C. Bill has just walked across it.


一单项选择: 1、The Indian Ocean tsunami at the end of 2004 is believed _____ more than 160,000 people and made millions homeless, ______ it perhaps the most destroying tsunami in history. A. to kill ; making B. to have killed ; making C. having killed ; to make D. killing ; made 2、Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure . A. stick to B. attend to C. contribute to D. devote to 3、“Neal, listen ,” she said , looking straight at him . “ I ask you not to get _______ in this kind of matter . It’s none of your business.” A. caught B. involved C. attached D. connected 4、The quality of the food is ________ health for people. A. a matter of B. the matter of C. no matter that D. for the matter 5、—- My uncle advised I ________ abroad . —- I would rather you ________ at home . A. go ; stay B. went ; stayed C. go ; stayed D. went ; stay 6、________ you find either his add ress or his telephone number , you can’t get in touch with him. A. Although B. Even though C. Unless D. If 7、Mr Jones holds strong views against video games and ____ the closing of all recreation facilities for such games. A. assists B. acknowledges C. advocates D. admits 8、Li Yuchun’s career began to __________ after she won the Super Girls’ match . A. speed up B. fly away C. give away D. take off


甘肃兰州一中2013—2014学年度下学期期末考试 高二英语试题 【试卷综评】本试卷以新课标为指导,从学什么,考什么的原则出发,遵循“题在书中”,既重基础又注重综合能力的提高。围绕书本内容设计基础能力题,旨在考查教师平时在该部分教学执行情况,特别是语法填空、短文改错和单词拼写等都考查了学生的基础知识的理解和运用情况。阅读理解选材具有时代性,紧密联系生活实际,选项设计灵活合理,注重考查学生的阅读理解能力。书面表达是关于人们工作方式的议论文,学生对此类话题很感兴趣,因此他们会有话可说、可写,考查了学生的基础知识应用能力。总之,本次期末试卷难度适中,是一份质量较高的试卷。 说明:本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,满分100分,考试时间100分钟。答案写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡。 一.单项选择(每题1分,共15分) 1. In the eyes of _____ local people, the young soldier is _____ second to none, for he managed to save _____ old lady at the risk of his life. A. /; /; the B. the; the; the C. the; /; an D. /; a; an 知识点:冠词 解析:选C,第一空是特指,当地的人们;第二空不需要冠词,second to none举世无双,首屈一指;第三个空是不定代词,表示“一位”。故选C。 技巧点拨:牢记冠词用法。 典型总结:不定冠词的用法:1) 表示某一类人或某事物中的任何一个,经常用在第一次提到某人或某物时,用不定冠词起介绍作用,表示一个。如:I gave him a book yesterday. 我昨天给了他一本书。2) 表示人或事物的某一种类, 强调整体, 即以其中的一个代表一类。如:A horse is useful to mankind. 马对人类有用。3) 不定冠词用在事物的"单位"前,如时间, 速度, 价格等意义的名词之前,表示"每一"。如:We often go to school two times a day. 我们常常一天两次去学校。4)用在序数词前表示“再一”、“又一”。如:I want to go there a second time 我想再一次去那里。5)不定冠词用来指某人某物,但不具体说明任何人或任何物。如:A boy came to see you a moment ago. 刚才有一个小孩来找你。 2. By the time you have finished this book, your meal ____ cold. A. gets B. has got C. will get D. is getting 知识点:时态 解析:选C,by the time引导的是时间状语从句,主句应用将来时,故选C。 技巧点拨:读题意,找关键,定时态。 3. The origin of Chinese culture ____ more than 5,000 years ago. A. is dated back to B. dates back to C. is dated from D. dates back 知识点:时态和语态 解析:选B,题干中缺少谓语动词,date back to追溯到,date为不及物动词,不用被动语态,故选B。 技巧点拨:读题意,找关键,定时态。 4. Studying Wendy’s menu, I found that many of the items are similar to ____ of McDonald’s. A. ones B. those C. any D. that 知识点:代词


圆梦教育中心高二年级上学期考试试卷 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. Dave wanted to study till ________ midnight, but sleepiness got_____ best of him. A. 不填; the B. 不填; 不填 C. the; the D. the; 不填 22. At times, worrying is a normal________ to a difficult event or situation—a loved one being_______ in an accident, for example. A. response; injured B. reaction; wounded C. reply; hurt D. reflection; died 23. If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when yo u fell, you_______ now. A. wouldn’t be smiling B. couldn’t have smiled C. didn’t smile D. won’t smile 24. ________ the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems. A. When B. If C. While D. As 25. _______ today, he would get there by Saturday. A. If he leaves B. Was he leaving C. Would he leave D. Were he to leave 26. After he retired from office, Rogers _______ painting for a while, but soon lost interest. A. saved up B. kept up C. took up D. drew up 27. When he was young, he used to ________ hard at his lessons. A. devote to working B. devote himself to work C. be devoted to work D. be devoted to working 28. At assembly, our monitor made a speech, swearing to try our best to study well______ us students. A. in memory of B. on behalf of C. in honor of D. in favor of 29. They swear they will push ahead with the experiment whatever _____they might meet with. A. disadvantages B. shortcomings C. troubles D. hardships 30. He told me how he had given me shelter and protection, without which I ______of hunger. A. would be died B. would have died C. would die D. will die 31. ________ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. A. Faced B. Having faced C. To face D. Facing 32.Though you may hate some customs in other countries, ______ , you must remember “Do in Rome as Rome does”. A. likewise B. therefore C. otherwise D. anyway 33. What the leader referred to in the report was really something _______. A. worthy of considering B. worth to be considered C. worthy to be considered D. worth being considered 34. Generally speaking, ______ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken 35. If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it ______ all day. A. rained B. rains C. has rained D. is raining


第二学期期中考试 高二英语试题 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What kind of poems does the man dislike? A. Realistic poems. B. Romantic poems. C. Humorous poems. 2. What is the woman doing? A. Enjoying her music. B. Preparing for a contest. C. Looking for her earphones. 3. Where are the speakers? A. In a post office. B. In a hotel. C. In a taxi. 4. What time is it now? A. 1010. B.1030. C. 1100. 5. What does the woman mean? A. She wants to practice French with the man. B. She will move to the quiet section. C. She won’t do what the man asks. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听 完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。 6. Which place is the woman looking for? A.A hotel. B. A street. C. A park. 7. Where will the woman turn right? A. On the next block. B. At the second street. C. At the very end of the street. 听第 7 段材料,回答第8-9题。 8. How did the man intend to change his appointment? A. By cancelling it. B. By changing it to another day. C. By making it earlier that day. 9. When did the man decide to see Dr. Benjamin in the end? A. At 300 p.m. on Wednesday. B. At 430 p.m. on Wednesday. C. At 1000 a.m. on Thursday. 听第 8 段材料,回答第10-12题。 10. Where is the woman going for her vacation? A. To New ealand. B. To Australia. C. To Spain. 11. How long did the woman’s mother travel with the man in Spain? A. For two months. B. For two weeks. C. For six months. 12. Who might Terri be? A. The woman’s mother. B. The man’s aunt. C. The man’s wife. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13-16 题。


兰州一中2014-2015-2学期期末考试 高二英语 说明:本试题共六大题,满分100分,考试时间100分钟。请将答案写在答题纸上,交卷时只交答题纸。 祝考试顺利 一、完形填空(每小题1分,共20分) Arabs 1 it extremely bad manners to start talking business immediately. 2 the busiest government official or executive always takes 3 time to be polite and offer refreshments (点心). No matter how busy you are, you should make time for this hospitality. The "conference visit" is a way of doing business throughout the Arab world. Frequently, you will have to discuss your business 4 strangers, who may or may not have anything to do with your business. Do not be surprised if your meeting is 5 several times by people 6 come into the room unannounced, 7 or speak softly to the person with whom y ou are talking, and leave . Act 8 you do not hear, and never show displeasure at being interrupted. Making decisions 9 is not an Arab custom. There is a vagueness(not clearly expressed)in doing business in the Middle East that 10 a newcomer. Give yourself lots of time and ask lots of questions. 11 is an important quality. You may have to wait two or three days to see high-level government officials as they are very busy. Give yourself enough time. Personal relationships are very important. They are the key to doing business in Arab countries. Try to 12 the decision-ma ker regarding your product service immediately and get to know him on a friend basis. Do your 13 . Be prepared to discuss details of your product or proposal. Be ready to answer technical questions. Familiarize yourself with the Moslem and national holidays. 14 a visit during Ramadan(斋月), the Moslem month of fasting. Most Arab countries have six-day workweek form ,Saturday through Thursday. When matched with the Monday to Friday practice in most Western countries, it leaves only three and a half workdays shared. Remember this in 15 your appointments. Moslems do not eat pork. Some are strict about the religion’s ban against alcoholic drinks. If you are not sure, wait for your 16 to sugges t the proper thing to 17 . When an Arab says yes, he may mean " 18 ". When he says maybe, he probably means "no". You seldom get a direct "no" from an Arab because it is considered 19 . Als o, he does not want to close his options. Instead of “no”, he will say “inshallah”, which means, “if God is willing”. 20 the other hand, "yes" does not always mean "yes". A smile and a slow nod might seem like an agreement, but in fact, your host is being polite. An Arab considers it impolite to

甘肃省兰州2019-2020学年高二上学期期末考试生物(理)试题 含答案

兰州一中2016-2017-1学期期末考试试题 高二生物(理科) 说明:本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,满分100分,考试时间100分钟。答案写在答题卡上,交卷只交答题卡。 第Ⅰ卷(共50分) 单项选择题(四个选项中,只有一个选项最符合题意,每小题2分,共50分)1.下列有关细胞生命历程与蛋白质的关系叙述中,正确的是 A.细胞癌变后细胞膜上糖蛋白增多是其在体内易扩散的重要原因 B.健康人年老后黑色素细胞因缺乏酪氨酸酶将导致头发变白 C.人体神经元与肌细胞的差异与所含蛋白质种类完全不同有关 D.细胞不同生命历程中蛋白质种类差异与核基因差异表达有关 2.下列现象中属于细胞编程性死亡的是 A. 噬菌体裂解细菌的过程 B. 因创伤引起的细胞坏死 C. 造血干细胞产生红细胞的过程 D. 蝌蚪发育成青蛙过程中尾部细胞的死亡3.下列有关证实“DNA是遗传物质”的实验的叙述中,不正确的是 A.噬菌体侵染细菌的实验比细菌转化实验更具有说服力 B.R型细菌转化为S型细菌属于基因重组 C.对S型细菌的物质进行提纯鉴定后,才能加到培养R型细菌的培养基中 D.噬菌体侵染细菌的实验中,离心的目的是使吸附在细菌上的噬菌体与细菌分离 4.下列有关DNA分子的叙述中,正确的是 A.有丝分裂中期细胞内染色体数与DNA总数之比小于1:2 B.有丝分裂间期和减数第一次分裂前期均进行核DNA的复制 C.沃森与克里克通过构建数学模型提出DNA的双螺旋结构 D.每个脱氧核糖通过磷酸二酯键与2个磷酸相连 5.下列关于遗传物质的叙述中,不正确的是 A.真核生物的遗传物质是DNA B.某生物细胞核和细胞质中的遗传物质分别是DNA和RNA C.绝大多数生物的遗传物质是DNA D.除部分病毒外,生物的遗传物质都是DNA


高二年级第一学期期末测试----英语 单项选择(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. The film _______ him _______ what he had seen in China. A. reminded; to B. remembered; of C. recalled; with D. reminded; of 2. I sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus and went directly there. A. lost B caught C. looked D. took 3. He asked us to him ______ carrying through their plan. A. assist; with B. help; to C. assist; in D. help; with 4. His report was so exciting that it was interrupted by applause(掌声). A. constantly B. constant C. seldom D. never 5. _______ in a friendly way, their quarrel came to an end. A. Being settled B. Settled C. Settling D. Having settled 6. A driver should __ the road when . A. concentrate on; drive B. concentrate in; driving C. concentrate to; drove D. concentrate on; driving 7. We must work hard to a good knowledge of English. A. take B. acquire C. catch D. hold 8. Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to 9. Not until the early years of the 19th century ________ what heat was. A. man did know B. did man knew C. didn't man know D. did man know 10. The stone bridge __ _ last year is very beautiful. A. built B. was built C. being built D .to be built 11.The poor man , ________,ran out of the dark cave. A. tiring and frightened B. tired and frightened C. tired and frightening D. tiring and frightening 12. Don’t be discouraged. ______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life. A. Taking B. To take C. Take D. Taken 13. These articles are written in simple language, _____ makes it easy to read. A. that B. this C. which D. it 14. After the war, a new school building was put up __________there used to be a theatre. A. that B. where C. which D. when 15. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ______ didn’t help. A. he B. which C. she D. it 16. Along with the letter was his promise _______ he would visit me this coming Christmas. A. which B. that C. what D. whether 17. Victor apologized for __________ to inform me of the change in the plan.
