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建立贸易关系establishment of business relations

询盘enquiry 实盘firm offer

虚盘non-firm offer 还盘-offer

催证urging the establishment of L/C 信用证展期限extension of L/C

装运和包装shipment and packing 保险insurance

目录,价格表catalogue 得到的,可得到的available

汇款remittance 设立,建立,确立establishment

确定,确认comfirmation 修改,修正amendment

(期限等的)延长,延期extension 小册子brochure pamphlet

提供furnish 附上attach 或enclose

报价quotation 纺织品textile

出口export 进口import

高级代表senior representative 向某人提供….. to provide sb to (for) sb 交付,交货delivery 不要可撤销的irrevocable

已确认的confirmed 其它条款和条件Other terms and conditions 信用情况credit standing 有效期……valid for a period of 60 days

可行的价格workable / acceptable/ reasonable / favourable price

买卖,经营deal in 以…..为条件,视….而定subject to

营业额,总量,产量turnover 佣金commisson

代理agent 后期,下旬the latter part of July

装箱单packing list 综合险All-Risks

保险金额value to be insured 投保cover

合资企业joint venture 以….为条件(为准)subject to

代为….问候,转达extend my greetings to sb 库存无货out of stock

与某人建立业务关系to enter into business relation with sb

与…..进行交易to deal with ……

建议某人去做某事to recommend sb to do sth

如果某人能够….,我们将会十分感激we shall would appreciate it if sb .will….

告知某人某事,告知某人可以得到….. to let sb. Have/know sth

告知某人某事to inform/sb.of sth ./that

以我方最后的确认为准/为有效subject to our comfirmation

向某人订购货物to place an order with sb. for sth

给某人百分之几的佣金折扣to give/offer sb a commission /discount of….%on sth

向某人保证……to assure sb of sth /that

提及in regard to / referring to

请某人参阅,请某人询问to refer sb to sth /to doing sth


To open /establish an L/C in sb`s favor for an amount with/throung a bank

在…..地方转船to be transshipped at

分批装运to make a partial shipment

报盘make/ send /give /fax/offer for

例如,以下as follows= as what follows ,无论什么情况都要用follows

值得的good value for money=worthy of the money

充分利用take advtantage of = make use of sth properly



We are looking forword to your early reply


We will appreciate if you offer us the lowest quotation


We enclose the catalogues for your reference


Now we write to introduce ourselves to you as a stated-owned company from China ,dealing with the light industrial product


Once we receive your inquiry, we will send you the quotation


Our quotation will be sterling,FOB,U.K.ports,packing included


We look forward to building a friendly relations with your company.


Our company is the leading importer of electric goods of Lagos


Please quote us the lowest price CIF Lagos for 1000 sets 24``electric fans


We look forward to receiving the specific enquiry price list


We enclose the price list and brochure for your reference


If you agree our proposal,please tell us your best payment terms and bank reference 13.随函寄去的目录所列全部项目现有存货,可以即期装运

All the items list on the catalogue are in stock and available for shipment

14.请通过一家美国银行按合同金额开立以我公司为受益人的商业信用证,用以支付货款Please open the commercial L/C in our favor for the payment ofr the contracted amount 15.请告知大量订购你方给什么折扣

Please inform us the discount you allow if we place a larege order .


We will allow you a trade discount of 3% if 100 dozen or more than 100 dozen are ordered. 17.关于第312号货,请参阅我们6月5日第218号函

About article NO.312,please refer to our letter of NO.218 of June 5.


The enclosed literature describes the superior features of each model

19.We wish to inform you that我们在北京电器行业联系广泛

We are well connected with dealers in the line of BeiJing electric association
