





1. What do we learn from the conversation?

A. Jane is sure that she will gain more by taking the job.

B. Jane doesn' t want to stay home and take care of their child.

C. Jane is thinking about taking a job.

2. How did the woman read the book?

A. She read it slowly.

B. She read it selectively.

C. She went over it chapter by chapter.

3. What happened to John?

A. He was slightly injured in a traffic accident.

B. He was kept in hospital for a long time.

C. He was fined for speeding.

4. What does the woman suggest doing?

A. Moving on to the next item.

B. Having a break.

C. Waiting a little longer.

5. What does the woman mean?

A. She does not agree with Jack.

B. Jack' s performance is disappointing.

C.She shares Jack’s opinion.




6. When did the woman go to see Kate?

A. Two days ago.

B. A week ago.

C. Two weeks ago.

7. What do we know about Kate?

A. She is so busy working that she fell ill.

B. She hasn’t got well though she' s seen a doctor.

C. The doctor’s advice does her no good.

8. What will the man do?

A. Go to see Kate in hospital with the woman.

B. Ask the doctor about it.

C. Visit Kate alone.


9. What kind of job does the man want?

A. Cooking.

B. Computer programmer.

C. Cameraman.

10. Where does the man work?

A. In a restaurant.

B. At a school.

C. In a computer company.

11. Why does the man want a new job?

A. He doesn’ t like his boss.

B. He stopped his work.

C. He wants to earn more money.


12. Who is the woman probably calling?

A. A policeman.

B. Her neighbor.

C. Her friend.

13. Where does the woman live?

A. 44 Spring Valley.

B. 14 Spring Vale.

C. 16 Spring Avenue.

14. What will the woman do before leaving for the seaside?

A. She will put off the milk and papers.

B. She will leave a ladder about.

C. She will tell her neighbor that she will leave.


15. What is the woman?

A. A waitress.

B. A tour guide.

C. An air clerk.

16. What will the man do when he checks in?

A. Check in his hand luggage first.

B. See if his luggage is more than 25 kilograms.

C. Show his ticket and passport and weigh his luggage.

17. When should the man pay the departure tax?

A. When he buys the ticket.

B. When he checks in.

C. When he boards the plane.


18. How did the speaker feel when his father asked him to help cut the grass?

A. Inspired and confident.

B. Proud and excited.

C. Anxious and worried.

19. What did the father do when the speaker missed cutting some


A. His father made him do the cutting again.

B. His father took the six dollars.

C. His father punished him publicly.

20. What did the speaker want to tell us in the passage?

A. Teenagers need to be careful.

B. One can benefit a lot from working with his father.

C. One should always do his job seriously.


21、She was the first woman ________to such a post.

A. being

B. electing

C. to have elected

D. to have been elected

22、-Excuse me ,but I want to use your computer to type a report.

-You ______have my computer if you don’t take care of it.

A. shan’t

B. might not

C. needn’t

D. shouldn’t

23. ________as animals, the children came on the stage and started to


A. Dress

B. Dressing

C. Dressed

D. To dress

24. Judy works part-time in a KFC; she ______paid by the hour.

A. was

B. has

C. becomes

D. gets

25. Be carefull with your driving; showers and thunderstorms are______this


A. probably

B. possibly

C. certainly

D. likely

26. The dishes taste nice; help yourself to _____you want.

A. all what

B. whatever

C. all of which

D. no matter what

27. That _____be Jessie -she’s away in Tokyo.

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. won’t

28. The universities have got bigger in size, ________many more people the

chance of higher education.

A. so allowing

B. thus allowing

C. so to allow

D. thus to allow

29. Don’t _______call me if you need any help .

A. think of

B. remember to

C. try to

D. hesitate to

30.-Do you know anything about a famous singer Dao Lang?

-Yes. He has sold millions of his first record.

I’m afraid it couldn’t be __________.

A. the best

B. any better

C. any worse

D. the worst

31. In ______summer of 1963 Martin Luther King, Jr gave a speech to

thousands of ____black people.

A. a; the

B. the; /

C. / ; the

D. / ; a

32. We demanded that every student who took part in the demonstration


A. not to arrest

B. not be arrested

C. not to be arrested

D. hadn’t been arrested

33. It was in 1963______King gave the speech“I Have a Dream”,

________inspired people of all races to fight for equality.

A. when, that

B. that, when

C. that, which

D. which ,when

34. -How often do you eat out ?

-________,but usually once a week.

A. Have no idea

B. It depends

C. As usual

D. Generally

35.-Excuse me ,could you tell me where I could make a call?

-sorry ,I’m a stranger here.


A .Thanks a lot B. That’s a pity

C. thanks anyway C. I’m sorry to hear it.



London——life for Cathy Hagner and her three children is set to permanent.

Their 36 school day and her job as a lawyer's assistant are busy enough. 37 Hagner also has to take the two boys to soccer or hockey or basketball while dropping off her 38 at piano lessons or Girl Scout Club.

39_,the exhausted (筋疲力尽的)family doesn't get home until 7p. m. There is just time for a quick 40 before homework.

In today's world, middle-class American and British parents treat their children 41 they were competitors 42 for some finishing line.

Parents take their children from activity to activity to make their future 43 . It seems that raising a genius (英才)has become a more 44 goal than raising a happy and well-balanced child.

“45 across the country are reporting a growing number of 46 from stomachaches and headaches 47 exhaustion and stress. "says child expert William Doherty of the University of Minnesta.

Teachers are 48 exhausted kids in the classroom. It's a very serious problem. Many children attend 49 clubs by necessity. But competitive pressures also 50 an explosion of activities. They 51 sports, language, music and maths classes for children as 52 as four.

“There is a new parenting trend (趋势) under way which says you have to tap all your child's potential (潜能) at a young age, 53 you will let them down”, says Terry Apter, a Cambridge-based child and adolescent psychiatrist (青少年精神病专家.)

It isn’n entirely 54 : there have always been pushy parents, but what was seen as strange behaviour before is now well 55 ."

36. A. half B. part C. full D. whole

37. A.And B. So C. But D. For

38. A. daughter B. sons C. girls D. kids

39. A. Often B. However C. Though D. Seldom

40. A. lunch B. supper C. breakfast D. tea

41. A. even if B. as if C. now that D. in case

42. A. hoping B. caring C. calling D. racing

43. A. equal B. smooth C. excited D. bright

44. A. exact B. excellent C. difficult D. important

45. A. Doctors B. Lawyers C. Engineers D. Businessmen

46. A. dying B. preventing C. suffering D. learning

47. A. due to B. so as to C. according to D. referring to

48. A. dealing with B. playing with

C. going on with

D. getting on with

49. A. grown-up B. bodybuilding

C. after-school

D. night

50. A. grow B. reduce C. stop D. create

51. A. have B. enjoy C. teach D. include

52. A. old B. young C. many D. much

53. A. except that B. therefore C. otherwise D. unless

54. A. old B. new C. wrong D. right

55. A. respected B. accepted C. refused D. managed




I came to study in the United States a year ago. Yet I did not know the real American society until I was injured in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor and go to court (法庭).

After the accident, my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful and determined to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $ 200 for what he had done. I was astonished. He had good reason to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my injury, I'd have to have a good lawyer. And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer. Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him.

But every time I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $ 115 each time. The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $215.

My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided seeing me at all. He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited to collect his money. He was so irresponsible that I decided to dismiss (解雇)him. And he made me pay him $770.

Now I had to act as my own lawyer. Due to my inexperience,I told the insurance company the date I was leaving America. Knowing that, they played for time,…and I left without getting a cent.

My experiences taught me two things about America: firstly, in a country like America money is everything. It is more important than friendship, honour or professional morality (职业道德) . Secondly, foreigners are still being unfairly treated. So when we talk about America, we should see both its good and bad sides.

56. The author's roommate offered to help him because______.

A. he felt sorry for the author

B. he thought it was a chance to make some money

C. he knew the doctor was a very good one

D. he wanted the author to have a good lawyer

57. Both the doctor and the lawyer in this passage are very

A. friendly

B. greedy

C. professional

D. busy

58. What conclusion can you draw from the story?

A. Going to court is something very common in America.

B. One must be very careful while driving a car.

C. There are more bad sides in America than good sides

D. Money is more important than other things in the US.



Sydney is one of the world's biggest cities and has something for everyone when it comes to shopping. You will find excellent Australian products alongside the best that the world has to offer. At the bottom of Sydney Tower, you can shop in 160 of Sydney's favorite stores including 16 jewellery stores and many gift and fashion shops. It's all at Westfield Centrepoint.

Tel: 9231 9300.


This prize-winning living museum is where Australia's history comes alive! Visit daily or stay for the night and experience life of the Gold Rush days. A wonderful nightly sound and light show, "Blood on the Southern Cross" tells the story of the famous Eureka Uprising. Enjoy shopping along with real life character and entertainment. 4-star hotel and breakfast.

Tel:5331 1944


Come and enjoy our delicious Cantonese seafood right on the water's edge in the historic fishing port of Williamstown with views of the city centre across Port Phillip Bay.

Open 7 days a week

Lunch: Sunday to Friday

11:00 am—2:00 pm

Dinner: Monday to Saturday

5:00 pm—10:30 pm

Tel :9397 6270 or 9397 7799


Built by James and Grace Cook, parents of Captain James Cook, Cook's Cottage stands proud in the Fitzroy Gardens as a reminder of life in the eighteenth century, and as a celebration and commemoration of the life and travels of Captain James Cook.

Open 9 :00 am-5:00 pm daily, and until 5 :30 pm during the summer. Information :9419 4677.

59. Where can you spend the night in a tour?

A. Cook's Cottage.

B. Westfield Centrepoint.

C. Sydney Tower.

D. Sovereign Hill.

60. What is the time that Cook's Cottage is open on Saturday in the summer?

A 11.00 am-2:00 pm. B. 5 -.00 pm-10:30 pm.

C. 9:00 am-5:30 pm.

D. 9 -.00 am-5:00 pm.

61. The Anchorage Restaurant is————

A in Williamstown B. in the centre of the city

C. in Anchorage

D. in a Cantonese fishing port

62. If you want to buy the best products in Australia, you may call______


B. 9231 9300

C. 5331 1944

D. 9419 4677


Sometimes, something that is considered to be negative turns out to be an advantage on the job. Though he is only 18 years old and blind, Suleyman Gokyigit is among the top computer technicians and programmers at InteliData Technologies Corp, a large software company with several offices across the United States.

“After our company united with another one last October, two different computer networks were driving us crazy," recalls Douglas Braun,the Inteli Data president. "We couldn't even send e-male to each other. " In three weeks Mr. Gokyigit created the software needed to connect the two networks. " None of the company's 350 other employees could have done the job in three months," says Mr. Braun. " Suleyman can' see' into the heart of the computer. "

Mr. Gokyigit's gift, as Mr. Braun calls it, is an unusual ability to form an

idea of the inside of a machine. " The computer permits me to reach out into the world and do almost anything I want to do," says Mr. Gokyigit.

The young programmer is at home with hardware as well, thanks partly to a highly developed sense of touch. Mitzi Nowakows-ki,an office manager at Inteli Data, remembers how he easily disconnected and reconnected their computer systems during a move last year. "Through feel, Suleyman can find the position of connectors, pins and wires much faster than most other people with sight " he says.

Much of the student programmer's speed comes from his ability not to be interrupted while at the computer. When typing, he listens carefully to the synthesizer(合成器). His long, thin fingers fly over keyboard. "Nothing seems to shake his attention," says Mrs. Nowa-kowski, his boss.

Mr. G.okyigit is the only company employee who is available 24 hours a day. "We consider him our top problem solver, "says Mr. Braun.

63. According to Mr. Braun, Suleyman _____.

A. can work wonders on computer

B. is the best technician in the world

C. has done a hard job in three months

D. has united Inteli Date Technologies Corp. with another computer company

64. The underlined part" is at home with hardware" (paragraph 4) means _____.

A. is good at dealing with computer hardware

B. is fond of computer hardware

C. works with computer hardware at home

D. feels comfortable when working with computer hardware

65. Suleyman was quick while at the computer mostly because of

A. his blindness

B. his attention on the synthesizer

C. his long, thin fingers

D. his ability not to be interrupted

66. What does the text mainly tell us ?

A. Computer technicians are more likely to be gifted.

B. One's disadvantages may prove to be advantages.

C. The disabled can also play an important role in society.

D. Top computer scientists have unusual abilities to form ideas of computers.


Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929 in Brussels, Belgium. Her father was a wealthy English banker. After her parents divorced , Audrey went to

London with her mother where She went to a private girls school. While vacationing with her mother in Holland, Hitler's army suddenly took over the town. It was here that she fell on hard times during the Nazi occupation. After the liberation, Audrey went to a ballet school in London on a scholarship and later began a modeling career. As a model, she was graceful and, it seemed, she had found her niche(位置.) in life —until the film producers came calling. After being spotted modeling by a producer, she was signed to a bit part in the European film “Nederlands in 7 lessen” in 1948. Later, she headed to America to try her luck there.

Audrey gained immediate prominence in the US with her role in “Roman Holiday ”in 1953. This film turned out to be a big success as she won an Oscar as Best Actress. This gained her enormous popularity and more plum roles. “Roman Holiday” was followed by another similarly wonderful performance in the 1957 classic “Funny Face”(l957). In 1959,she received yet another nomination (提名) for her role in “Nun's Story”. Audrey reached the top of her career when she played Holly Golightly in the film “Breakfast at Tiffany's” in 1961. For this she received another nomination. One of Audrey's most radiant (辉煌的) roles was in the fine production of “My Fair Lady”in 1964. Her co-star Rex Harrison once was asked to identify his favorite leading lady. Without hesitation, he replied, " Audrey Hepbum in MY FAIR LADY".

By the end of the sixties, after her divorce from actor Mel Ferrer, Audrey decided to retire while she was on top. Later she married Dr Andrea Dotti. In 1988 .Audrey became a special ambassador to the United Nations UNICEF fund helping children in Latin America and Africa, a position she retained until 1993. She was named to People's magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. Audrey Hepburn died on January 20,1993 in Switzerland. She had made a total 31 high quality movies.

67. Where did Audrey Hepburn become famous?

A. England.

B. America.

C. Switzerland.

D. Belgium.

68. We can infer that Audrey Hepburn ____

A. was a learned woman

B. was satisfied with her marriage

C. was a woman with sympathy

D. was very popular as a model

69 Which is the right order about the life of Audrey Hepburn?

a. Audrey began a modeling career.

b. Audrey went to London with her mother.

c. Audrey became popular in the film “Roman Holiday”.

d. Audrey became a special ambassador to the United Nations UNICEF f


e. Hitler's army suddenly took over the town.

f. Audrey married Dr Andrea




C. c,a,b,f,e,d

D. b,e,f,c,a,d

70. The underlined word "spotted "can be replaced by____.

A. seen

B. shot

C. small mark

D. dropped


Both warm-blooded and cold-blooded desert animals have ways to escape the desert heat. Warm-blooded desert animals, such as rats and mice, rest during the day, often staying in cool underground burrows. At night they search for food. Animals that are out during the day, such as cold-blooded lizards and snakes, are active only for short periods. As their body temperature rises, these reptiles move into the shade in order to cool down. In the early evening , when the sun grows weaker, the reptiles become more active and begin their search for food again.

Getting enough water to survive is a major problem for all desert animals. Some desert animals, like desert birds, manage to find water holes. Other desert animals, such as the kangaroo rat and the related jerboa, get water only from the food that they eat. Because these animals eat mainly dry seeds, they must survive on a tiny amount of water.

Most deserts have only a small number of frogs and toads because these animals must be near water to survive. Yet even these creatures have adapted(适应) to desert conditions. When small amounts of water collect in temporary streams, the desert-living frogs and toads become active. After a rainfall, they lay their eggs. The eggs grow into tadpoles in a few days and into adults in just four weeks, when the puddles( 水坑) dry up, the adult frogs or toads dig into the ground. Their metabolism(新陈代谢)slows, and they stay beneath the ground until the next rain, which may be as good as a year away. Until then, their bodily activities continue at a reduced rate.

The camel—often called the ship of the desert—is one of the most successful desert animals. Camels can go for long periods without water, but eventually they must drink. When water becomes available to them after a long drought, they may drink 95 liters of water or more. When water is not available,

what helps camels survive the desert heat is the fat stored in their humps(驼峰).

A camel's hump contains about 12 kilograms of fat. Fat is rich in hydrogen. As the fat is digested, hydrogen from the fat combines with oxygen in the air that the camel breathes. The result is H20, or water. Each kilogram of fat that a camel digests produces about a liter of water.

71. Desert animals are usually more active at night because ____.

A. it is cooler at night

B. it is easier to find water

C. they like the dark

D. they are less likely to be attacked at night

72. Which of the following desert animals can get water only from the food?

A. The camel.

B. The .kangaroo.

C. The frog.

D. The rat.

73. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the desert animals rest during the day.

B. All the desert animals don't rest during the day.

C. Cold-blooded desert animals are out most of the day.

D. None of the cold-blooded desert animals go out during the day.

74. The title for this passage could probably be ____.

A. Hot Deserts

B. Desert Animals

C. How Desert Animals Get Water

D. Ways To Escape the Desert Heat

75. The underlined word" burrows" in the first paragraph can be replaced by ____.

A. holes

B. caves

C. rooms

D. openings








76.Robin is a cold –blooded killer; he has ___(谋杀)a lot of people. 76.____

77.The worst part of the divorce was the ______(分离)from his

three children. He wanted to be with them. 77.____ 78.The show had a very large audience, _____(变动)

from children to grandparents. 78.____ 79. Do you think the teaching in ______(私人的) schools

is better than in state schools? 79.____ 80. Your plan sounds good; if you raise the plan at the meeting

I’ll _______(支持)you. 80.____ 81.The car accident has caused _________(永久的)damage to Mary’s eyesight; she will not be able to see things for the rest of her life. 81.____ 82. Hand _____(行李)is the small bags that you carry with you when

you are travelling on a plane. 82.____ 83. The boy was happy to see many colourful _____(气球)

go up into the sky. 83.____

84. We must_______(分析)the causes of success and failure. 84.____

85. _______(安排)have been made to give the foreign

guests a warm welcome. 85.____ 第二节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)




In the past my hometown used to be a beautiful place. 86._____ Thick trees and green grass can be seen everywhere. In 87. _____ order to build houses and grow up more crops, people cut down 88. _____ more and more trees. With time went on, the whole forest was 89. _____ almost destroyed. Gradually the green hills have been changed into 90. _____ wasteland. As a result, sandstorms struck us now and then, from 91. _____ that we suffer a lot. So, I do hope all the people should 92 _____ realize the terribly result of not caring about our environment. 93 _____ What's more, they should take good care the forests and plant 94. _____

trees instead of cutting them down to improve our living condition. 95. _____ 第三节书面表达















1-5 CBABA 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 CABCB

16-20 CABAC 21-25 DACDD 26-30 BABDB

31-35 BBCBC 36-40 CCAAB 41-45 BDDDA

46-50 CAACD 51-55 DBCBB 56-60 BBDDC

61-65 ABAAD 66-70 BBCBA 71-75 ABBBA


76、murdered 77.separation 78. ranging

79. private 80. support 81. permanent

82. luggage 83.balloons 84.analyse



86. 正确87. can→could 88.去掉up

89.went→going/With→As 90. 去掉been 91.struck→strike

92. that→which 93. terribly→terrible 94. care→care of

95. condition→conditions


Recenly I’ve had an interview with some experts and university students about their opinions on job choosing.

The students have different opinions. Most of them want to find a well-paid job while a few of them want to be self-employed\start their own businesss. However, some of them are not in a hurry to hunt for jobs but waitimg for better chance. Toward this point of view, the experts warm that it might be more difficult to find a satisfactory job next year. They advise the graduates to find a regular, full-time job as quickly as possible so they can earn money to support themselves\to earn a living and get working experience, which will help to find a better position later.


2016年云南省初中学业水平模拟考试 英语试题卷(2015年听力) (全卷四个部分,共8页;满分120分,考试用时120分钟) 第一部分听力(共四节,满分30分) 第一节听句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相关的图画。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C.

第二节听句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 6. A. That’s right. B. It’s a pleasure. C. The same to you. 7. A. Sure, go ahead. B. Oh, I know. C. Sorry, I can’t. 8. A. I played soccer. B. I like basketball. C. It was great. 9. A. You’re welcome. B. Thank you all the same. C. I t’s very kind of you. 10. A. Well done. B. Have a good time. C. Best wishes. 第三节听对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答问题的正确选项。每段对话听两遍。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。 11. Where did Jim go yesterday? A. To a zoo. B. To a farm. C. To a village. 12. What did Jim do there? A. He fed chickens. B. He milked a cow. C. He rode a horse. 听第二段对话,回答第13~15小题。 13. What exercise does Alice do? A. Dancing. B. Playing badminton. C. Singing. 14. Why does the man become a little fat? A. Because he does little exercise. B. Because he eats too much. C. Because he doesn’t think exercise is important. 15. What time will they meet in the afternoon? A. At 4:00. B. At 4:30. C. At 5:00. 第四节听短文,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能完成下列信息表格的正确选项。短文听两遍。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 16. A. On March 16th B. On April 16th C. On May 16th 17. A. playing basketball B. having picnics C. picking fruits 18. A. Football games B. V olleyball games C. Basketball games 19. A. pictures B. food C. games 20. A. A sports meeting B. A school meeting C. A school day


扬州中学教育集团树人学校九年级模拟考试 英语试卷 说明: 1.本试卷共8页,包含选择题(第1题~第45题,共45题)、非选择题(第46题~第81题, 共36题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间为100分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,同时务必在试卷的装 订线内将本人的姓名、准考证号、毕业学校填写好,在试卷第4页的右下角填写好座位号。3.所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上作答,选择题用2B铅笔作答、非选择题在指定位置用 0.5毫米黑色水笔作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) 在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he found _________. A. it B. that C. one D. the one ( )2. I knock at the door several times but ____answered, so I left. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody ( )3. —_____ did your family spend the New Year? —In our hometown. A. Why B. When C. Where D. How ( )4. — How long will it be ________ the Stock Market returns to normal? — At least one year, I guess. A. before B. when C. until D. that ( )5. You are not ______ to smoke here. It’s dangerous. A. supposed B. suggested C. used D. allowing ( )6. — What took you so long? — I got lost. I have no _________ of direction. A. feeling B. ability C. knowledge D. sense ( )7. The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ______ healthy eating habits. A. find B. develop C. shape D. prepare ( )8. My computer began to return to the ______ running state after I killed the virus by newly-updated Kill 3000. A. ordinary B. normal C. average D. common ( )9. People _________ are bored are more likely to turn to unhealthy habits like smoking. A. which B. whom C. whose D. who ( )10. Their car broke down while they ________in the desert. A. drove B. were driving C. are driving D. will drive ( )11. Please pass the glasses, my dear. I can __________ read the words in the newspaper. A. hardly B. really C. rather D. clearly ( )12. The computer system _____suddenly while he was surfing the Internet.


试卷类型 A 【人教版新目标】2015年初中英语中考模拟试题 (总分120分考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1、本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题,75分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,45分;共120分。 2、答题前务必认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项,试题答案必须填涂或填写在答题卡上相应位置。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共75分) 一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分;每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Don’t worry. B. I agree with you. C. Please help them. 2. A. Good idea. B. Sorry, I can’t. C. Yes, please. 3. A. Two hours. B. Once a week. C. Three times. 4. A. Sure. B. Not at all. C. Thank you. 5. A. Yes, I know. B. That’s great. C. I’m sorry to hear that. (二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 6. Where are they talking? A. At home. B. At a shop. C. At a restaurant. 7. What is the girl doing? A. Taking pictures. B. Choosing a gift. C. Talking with her father. 8. How is Jim going to spend his summer holiday? A. Reading. B. Seeing movies. C. Doing a part-time job. 9. How long does Tom usually stay in the library every day? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. 10. When will the concert start? A. At half past six. B. At half past seven. C. In thirty minutes. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有40秒钟的读题时间) 11. What’s the matter with Peter? A. He’s unhappy. B. He failed the test. C. His teacher can’t help him. 12. How does Peter like Chinese?


初中英语中考模拟试题及答案(1) I.单项选择(共15分,每题1分) ( )1.What about _______ an English song? A.singing B.sing C.to sing ( )2.I spend a lot of time ______ basketball. A.playing B.to play C.play ( )3.My parents prefer to stay at home rather than_____ to parties. A.going B.go C.to go ( ) 4.The factory ________ since the March of 2013. A.has been open B.has opened C.was open ( ) 5.Could you tell me ________? A.where does he work B.where he works C.where he worked ( ) 6.Mr Black encouraged his children _____ the library as often as possible. A.go to B.to go to C.going to ( )7.—Jim.How________is it from your home to school? 一My home isn’t far from my school.It’s about a______walk. A.1ong,five minutes' B. far,five-minutes' C.far,five-minute ( )8.---Look! Ii’t raining heavily._______ take a raincoat with you? ---Well,I’ll take one right now. A.Why not B.Why don’t C.Would you mind ( ) 9. I have never seen ______ picture before. A.such a beautiful B.so beautiful a C.a such beautiful ( )10.—Are you sure if Lucy_____ for dinner tomorrow? 一I’m not sure.If she______ we will ask Lily instead. n’n’ ( )11.一There will be a sports meeting tomorrow.What will the weather be like? 一I have no idea.Why not_____ the radio and listen? A.Turn off B.turn down C.turn on ( )12.Our parents always worry we talk instead of _____ homework. A.do B.doing C.to do ( )13. Neither I nor Jane and Mary ______ interested in science. A.is B,are C.am ( )14.He used to _____ much meat, but now he’s used to ______ fruits and vegetables. A.eat;eating B.eating; eat C.eat; eat ( )15.Would you mind ______ to movies? I want ______ tennis with you. A.not go, to play B.not going , to play C.don’t go , to play ( )16.The shoes are much too small for him.They ______ be his. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t ( )17.---Tom likes playing basketball. ---_______________. A.So did I B.So was I C.So do I ( )18.I like music _______ I can sing along with. A.that B.who C.where ( )19.---It’s sunny today.Let’s go mountain climbing,_________? A.shall we B.will you C.won’t you


初三中考模拟试卷 听力部分(20分) 一、听对话回答问题(共5小题,计10分) 听下面一段对话,回答第1和第2两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两题。 1. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A birthday party. B. A new bike. C. Lucy's parents. 2. What did Lucy ask Mike to do at the end of the conversation? A. Try her new bike. B. Join her in the party. C. Say thanks to his parents. 听下面一段对话,回答第3至第5个小题。现在,你有15秒种的时间阅读这三题。 3. Who is going to buy a car? A. John. B. Stella. C. Dick. 4.How much did John want for his car? A. 500 dollars. B. 1,000 dollars. C. 1,500 dollars. 5. What did the man speaker decide to buy at last? A. A second-hand car. B. A new car. C. A toy car. 二、听短文,选答案。 根据短文的意思,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。 6. What happens to Jack one day ? A. He feels ill . B. A car hits him . C. His ball is missing . 7. What is Jack’s problem ? A. He can’t get to sleep . B. He can’t sleep well . C. He can’t wake up . 8. Who brings Cody to the hospital ? A. Jack’s parents . B. The nurses . C. Jack himself . 9. Who wakes up Jack at last ? A. His father . B. The doctor . C. His dog . 10. How long does Jack stay in hospital ? A. Seven days . B. Seven weeks . C. Seven months . 三、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 11. —Can I help you, sir? —cup of tea, please. A. A B. An C. The D. Some 12. —What’s your favourite colour?—. A. Beef B. Physics C. Green D. Panda 13. —How’s your mother?—She’s. A. very well B. over there C. a doctor D. fifty 14. —Which picture is more beautiful? —The one the left, I think. A. in B. on C. at D. to


初中英语中考模拟试卷 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡的相应位置上;并认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号是否与本人的相符合。 2.答客观题必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的准确选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.答主观题必须用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(客观题共50 分) 一、单项填空在A 、B、C、 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共14 分,每小题1 分) ( )1. —I hear there’ll be talk on teenage problems next Monday. —Do you mean talk our teacher asked us to listen to? A. a; the B. a; a C. the; the D. the; a ( )2 ---- What is the people in the village ? ----I am sorry. I don’t know. I only know that people like living in village. A. the number of , the number of B. a number of , the number of C. the number of , a number of D. a number of , a number of ( )3. You could hardly imagine amazing the Great Wall was you saw it with your own eyes. A. how, unless B. what, unless C. how, if D. what, until ( )4. The research he had devoted all his life to be a perfect success. A. to proved B. proved C. to prove D. to proving ( )5. —You won’t follow his example, will you? —. I don’t think he is right. A. No, I won’t B. Yes, I will C. No, I will D. Yes, I won’t ( )6. —How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night? —. But the male singer was perfect. A. I couldn’t agree more B. I don’t think much of it C. I was crazy about it D. I really like it ( )7. Look, the students are discussing . A. about which super star to vote for B. to vote for which super star C. about to vote for which super star D. which super star to vote for ( )8. --Let’s fly kites if it this weekend. -- But nobody knows if it . A. is fine, rain B. will be fine, rains C. will be fine, will rain D. is fine, will rain


模拟试题(三) 一、语音知识及单词拼写 A)语音知识下面每小题中有一个词的加点部分的读音不同于其它两个, 找出这个词。 (1) A. dad B. land C. grade ( ) (2) A. live B. life C. time ( ) (3) A. over B. shop C. coat ( ) (4) A. farm B. warm C. park ( ) (5) A. reads B. gets C. writes ( ) B)单词拼写,在每小题A、B、C三个选项中,找出可以填入单词空格中使 单词完整正确的选项。 (6) str_ng A. a B. e C. o ( ) (7) b_n A. or B. ir C. er ( ) (8) sn_ A. ew B. aw C. ow ( ) (9) _pty A. am B. em C. im ( ) (10) tea_ A. sh B. ch C. th ( ) 二、选择填空 A)在A、B、C三个选项中,找出和句中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。 (11) A: What a nice girl! Thanks a lot. B: You are welcome.

A. The same to you. B. All right. C. Not at all. ( ) (12) There's much wind today. A. a lot B. a lot of C. a lots of ( ) (13) Some Australians are on a visit to our school. A. are working at school B. are visiting our school C. visit our school at times ( ) (14) Mary received a letter from Mike yesterday. A. took a message to B. heard of C. heard from ( ) (15) Could you ask him to call me,please? A. ring me up B. ring my bell C. call my name ( ) (16) Lin Tao thinks this is the most important problem, but I don't agree to it. A. I don't think so. B. I don't like it. C. I don't think it's a good idea. ( ) (17) Wang Mei went shopping last Sunday afternoon,and I went shopping, too. A. so was I B. so I did C. so did I ( ) (18) My friend got to Guangzhou last night. A. reached B. arrived C. arrived at ( ) (19) Tom is interested in playing football. A. is good at playing football B. can play football C. likes playing football. ( ) (20) Mabel likes maths best of all.



初中英语中考模拟试题 一、单项填空(共15小题,计15分) 11.Jack is university student. He is honest boy. A.a; an B.an; a C.a; a D.an; an 12.. ---Look!The farmers are still working ______ the heavy rain. ---They are so great. A. with B. without C. under D. in 13.--- Jack hasn’t paid for the school things,has he? 一________ .His father will pay for him. A. Yes,he has B. No,he hasn't C. Yes,he did D. No,he didn’t 14.---How long have you ---Just two minutes.. A.get up B.got up C.been up D.been got up 15.---Do you like tea or coffee? --- , I really don’t mind. A.None B.Both C.Either D.Neither 16.If you go to the park tomorrow morning, _______ . A. so will he B. so he will C. so he does D. so does he 17.---Could you tell me , please? ---Certainly. It is on the side of the street. A.where the bookshop is B.where the bookshop was C.where is the bookshop D.where was the bookshop 18.---Did you have anyone ______ the trees? ---Yes,I had the trees _______. A. to water,water B. to water,watered C. water,to be watered D. water,watered 19.Many Americans love Yao Ming comes from China. A.whom B.which C.where D.who 20.---I’m going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend.


初三英语中考模拟试题(一) Ⅰ.词汇(15分) A.根据所给汉语意思,完成句子(5分) 1.I was _____(惊奇的) to see that he was badly hurt in the accident. 2.I don’t like eating apples _____(和) oranges. 3.“Help yourselves to some bananas.”Mother said to the _____(孩子). 4.What is the _____ (天气)like today? 5.There are _____(百)of people in the hall. B.用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.The TV play is so _____(interest) that I want to see it again. 2.Look! How _____(happy) the children are dancing! 3.Many _____(travel) have visited the Great Wall of China. 4.The room next to mine is always _____(noise). 5.Don't open your books.Please keep them _____(close). 6.The dictionary is very _____(help) to my study. 7.Mr.Read learns Chinese as his _____(two) language. 8.In our class about two _____(three) of the students are boys. 9.English is spoken by the _____(large) number of people in the world. 10.I hear Tom is good at _____ (surf). Ⅱ.选择(15分) 1.Which of the following signs is often found in a doctor’s waiting room? 2.Meimei is not here.She _____ to the school library. A.is going B.will go C.has gone D.has been 3.—_____ is your school? —It's about ten minutes' walk. A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How far 4.Lin Tao jumped _____ than Bill at the sports meeting. A.higher B.high C.highest D.the highest 5.This box is _____heavy_____ I can't carry it. A.too; to B.so; that C.too; that D.very; that 6.If I _____ free next Sunday, I _____ to the farm with you. A.will be; will go B.am; will go C.am; go D.will be; go 7.I don't feel very well.Mother asked me _____.


2018英语中考模拟测试卷 一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 1. The Presidents of China and the USA had_________interview a short time ago. And it was_________great success. A. an; / B. the; a C. an; a D. the; / 2. --- Could you please move over a little and make some _________ for me? --- Sure, please A. place B. seat C. room D. ground 3. --- When will he come back to China? ---__________ a month. A. In B. After C. Before D. For 4. ---Tony, have you stopped smoking? ---Yes, I have to because I can___________breathe when I run. A. often B. never C. hardly D. almost 5. It will be easier for people to realize their dreams if they _______ highly _______. A. have; educated B. will; educate C. are; educated D. were; educated 6.---Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad? ---No, you____________. You’re free to make your own decision. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 7. ---- Will Jenny come tomorrow? ---- I’m not sure. She ______ an hour ago without saying anything. A. has left B. left C. leave D. will leave 8. On those foggy days, you could hardly see anything around you___________ it was at noon. A. and B. because C. though D. but 9. ---- Do you mind my _______ here? ---- _________. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking”. A. to smoke; Of course not B. smoking; You’d better not C. to smoke; No, I don’t D. smoking; Never mind 10.---- What did the woman ask you just now? --- She asked___________. A. who was I waiting for B. whether could I help her to find the post office C. how she can get to the post office D. which was the way to the library 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) One of my best childhood memories is of going to the river and sitting quietly on the bank. There I would _____11____ the peace and quiet, watching the bamboo trees bend in the wind and then return to their original positions ____12____ the wind had died down. When I think about the bamboo tree’s ____13_____ to come back to its original position, the word resilience (顺应力)comes to my ____14____. When we use the word to talk about a person, it ___15___ the ability to easily recover from shock, sadness or any other____16___ situation. Have you ever felt like you are about to snap (垮掉)? Have you ever felt like you are _____17____ your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived (坚持过来)the experience to live to talk about ___18_____. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The ___19____ time you are experiencing one of those unhappy moments that take you ____20____


2007—2008年度中考模拟试卷 英语试卷(一) 考生注意:本试卷分卷Ⅰ和卷Ⅱ两部分;卷Ⅰ为选择题,卷Ⅱ为非选择题. 本试卷考试时间为120分钟.满分为120分. 卷I (选择题,共95分) 听力部分(第一节) I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) ()1.A.smiles B.sells C.smells ()2.A.tookatrip B.tookaship C.madeacake ()3.A.We ’llstayuptonight. B.We ’llhaveatesttomorrow. C.Weusedtostayuplate. ()4.A.He doesn’thave enoughmoneytobuythesweater.B.Hedoesn ’tlikethesweater. C.Hedoesn ’twanttobuytheexpensivesweater. ()5.A.Hehadanaccident. B.Hewascareless. C.Hewasill. II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) ()6.A.I ’mgladtohearthat. B.I’mgladyouenjoyedit! C.Ineedtodobetter. ()7.A.Withpleasure. B.Thankyouallthesame. C.I’mafraidnot. ()8.A.That ’sagoodidea. B.That ’sright. C.That ’sallright. ()9.A.Fortwoyears. B.No,Iwon ’t. C.No,never. ()10.A.Longer?I ’mbusy. B.I ’mafraidnot,butIhavetogo.C.No,thankyou. III.听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) ()11.Whatwillthegirlprobablydo? A.Walktothezoo. B.Getonthebus. C.Crossthestreettowaitforthebus. ()12.Howdoestheboyfeel? A.Hefeelsworried. B.Hefeelshappy. C.Hefeelsconfident. ()13.Whatdoesthegirlsuggest? A.Takingsummerclasses. B.Findingasummerjob. C.Workingandstudying. ()14.WhatwillPeterbuy? ABC ()15.Whatdidtheboydointheafternoon? ABC IV.听对话、短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) ()16.HowdoesJimgotoSusan ’shouse? A.Bybus. B.Bybike. C.Onfoot. ()17.WhereisSusan ’shouse? A.It ’stheseventhhousefromthecorneronhisright. B.It ’stheseventeenthhousefromthecornertohisleft. C.It ’stheseventeenthhousefromthecorneronhisright. ()18.What ’swrongwithBill? A.Hecaughtabadcold. B.Hehadatrafficaccident. C.Hehurthisleg. ()19.WhyisBillsad? A.Becausehisteamwasweak. B.Becausehisteamlostthegame. C.Becausehecan ’tplayfortheteam. ()20.WhatwillthewritersendAndy? ’sfootballshirts.B.Somephotos.C.Afootball. 笔试部分 V.单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ()21.IlikeChinatown.It ’s________goodplacetodosomeshoppinganddining.
