



( ) 1. A. say B. swing C. song

( ) 2. A. ski B. start C. skate

( ) 3. A. walk B. wall C. work

( ) 4. A. large B. laugh C. lantern

( ) 5. A. floor B. follow C. flower

( ) 6. A. rectangle B. triangle C. diamond


( ) 1. A. Thank you. B. Its not nice. C. That’s OK.

( ) 2. A. I have some candles.

B. We need some candles.

C. They need some candles.

( ) 3. A. There are some magazines.

B. Yes, they’r e magazines.

C. They’re on the desk.

( ) 4. A. They’re five squares.

B. There are five squares.

C. I can see some squares.

( ) 5. A. Yes, I do. B. I like ducks. C. We have ducks.

( ) 6. A. We like playing with marbles.

B. We are playing with marbles.

C. We can play with marbles.


1. Our new _____________ is _____________ the garden.

2. Mrs Brown is _____________ _____________ Mike.

are some ______________ in the vase.

4. What _____________ is the ______________


一,判断划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的写S,不同的写D .(10分)

( ) 1, after class ( ) 2, dance cat

( ) 3, skate face ( ) 4, father fat

( ) 5, basketball plane ( ) 6, can and

( ) 7, beside nine ( ) 8, milk behind

( ) 9, clock song ( ) 10,some hot


( ) 1. She is ________ a picture in the study.

A. writing

B. drawing

C. looking

( ) 2. This is ________ bear. That is ________ elephant.

A. a; an

B. an; a

C. a; a

( ) 3. Tom ________ a toy car. Tom’s parents ________ two cars.

A. have; has

B. have; have

C. has; have

( ) 4. -Are there ________ swings in the garden

-Yes, there are.

A. a

B. any

C. one

( ) 5. Please show ________ how to make the kite.

A. we

B. us

C. our

( ) 6. - ________ a pumpkin on the desk

-No, there isn’t.

A. Is there

B. Are there

C. There is

( ) 7. Wang Bing is looking ________ his book.

A. at

B. for

C. to

( ) 8. -What ________ she have

-She has a violin.

A. do

B. does

C. has

( ) 9. -What ________ I doing? Guess!

-You ________ playing the guitar.

A. am; /

B. /; are

C. am; are

( ) 10. -________ are they singing

-They’re singing in the music room.

A. What

B. Where

C. Who


1,做一个飞机模型________________ 6,the new term__________________

2,洗衣服________________________ 7,fly a kite_____________________

3,下棋__________________________ 8,ride a horse___________________

4,一间体育活动房________________ 9,a camping site_________________

5,在沙发和床之间________________ 10,listen to music________________


1. Look! The bus is ____________.(come)

2. My sister _________(have) a red skirt.

3. Can you _______ (put) the apple on your head

4. What ________ (do) he have

5. Id like ________ (draw) a picture.

6. There _______ (be) a desk, a computer and some pictures in my study.

7. The Music room is on the __________ (one) floor.

8. The boys is learning how ____________(read) English.

9. I have some ______ (tin) of chicken and fish.

10. There aren’t _______ (some) pictures on the wall.


Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesn’t know how to read or write. But her sister Joan is a schoolgirl. She is ten. She knows how to read and write.

One day, Joan sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. “What are you writing, Mary?” She asks. “I’m writing to my friend, Rose..” But “You don’t know how to write.” Says her sister. Mary says, “Well, i t doesn’t matter. Rose doesn’t know how to read, either.”

( )1. Is Mary a schoolgirl

A. Yes, she is.

B. No, she isn’t.

C. We don’t know.

( )2. Who can read and write

A. Mary

B. Rose

C. Joan

( )3. What’s in Mary’s hand

A. There’s a pen.

B. There’s a pencil.

C. There’s a crayon.

( )4. What’s Mary doing

A. She’s drawing.

B. She’s writing to her friend.

C. She’s singing.

( )5. Can Rose read and write

A. No, she can’t.

B. Yes, she can.

C. We don’t know.

It is Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday (生日) today. All their friends are in their home. They are having a birthday party together.

All: Happy birthday to you, Su Hai and Su Yang. These presents (礼物) are for you.

Su Hai and Su Yang: Thank you very much.

Su Hai: Which box is for me This one or that one

Mike: The red one.

Su Hai: What is in it Let me open it and see. Oh, a music box! How nice! I like it very much. Ill put it on my desk.

Su Yang: So, the green box is for me. Let me have a look.

Yang Ling: Wait a moment (等一下). Please guess (猜).

Su Yang: All right.

Yang Ling: It is fat and lovely. It has two black eyes and two black ears. It looks like (看起来像) a bear. We all like it very much. What is it

Su Yang: I know! Its a toy panda!

Yang Ling: You’re right. Hope (希望) you will like it.

Su Yang: Sure, I will.

Su Hai: Its time to have the cake. Come on (来啊), everyone!

Nancy: All right. Let’s sing the song Happy Birthday together now.

All: Good idea. Happy birthday to you. …

( ) 1. The children are ________.

A. in the classroom

B. in the park

C. in Su Hai’s home

( ) 2. Which box is for Su Yang

A. The red one.

B. The green one.

C. The blue one.

( ) 3. Where will Su Hai put her present

A. In the desk.

B. On the desk.

C. Beside the desk.

( ) 4. What is Su Hai’s present

A. A music box.

B. A toy panda.

C. A toy bear.

( ) 5. Su Hai and Su Yang ________.

A. want some presents

B. like their presents

C. give some presents




二,1. Your coat is very nice.

2. What do you need

3. What’s on the sofa

4. How many squares are there in the picture

5. What do you like

6. What are you doing

三,1. Our new house is beside the garden.

2. Mrs Brown is looking for Mike.

3. There are some flowers in the vase.

4. What shape is the tent



一,B, C, C, B, C, B, A, A

二,A, B, A, B, B, B

三,1. house, beside 2. looking for 3. There, flowers 4. shape, tent


一,S D S D D S S D S D

二,B A C B B A B B C B

三,1,make a model plane 2,wash clothes 3,play chess 4,a sports hall 5,between the sofa and the bed

6,新学期7,放风筝8,骑马9,野营营地10,听音乐四,1,coming 2,has 3,put 4,does 5,drawing

6,is 7,first 8,to read 9,tins 10,any

五,B C B B A C B B A B


五年级英语上册期末试卷 一、单词辨音。找出下面每组单词中划线部分发音不同的单词,并将其字母编号在答题卡上涂黑。(5 分) ( )1.A. son ( )2.A. tea B.hope B.clean C. coke C. bread ( )3. A.bun B. put C. run ( )4. A.hot B. hobby C. hour ( )5.A. ice B.can C. cat 二、单词拼写。看图或根据中文提示,在答题卡相应的位置上写出单词所缺的字母。(8 分) 5. a big h 6. aw day 7. a s 8. at them 1.例 如f e 2.大量的p o 3.迅速地走w q 4.在午餐时间atl 1. make as 2. ab ofj 3. Children’s P 4. a niced

三、单项选择。选择最佳答案,并把其英文字母编号写在括号内。 ( )1. Jiamin eatstoomuch every day. So he isheavy. A.vegetables B. tea C. chocolate ( ) 2. I don’t likeswimming.I goswimming. A. always B.seldom https://www.360docs.net/doc/db5848223.html,ually ( ) 3. Sam’s parents arealwaysbusy weekdays. A.at B. on C. in ( ) 4. Mike lovesEnglishfoods sandwiches andchips. A. like B. are C.is ( )5.Janetloveschildrenandshe’sgoodatusingnumbers.Shewants to be . A. afactoryworker B. anartteacher C. a mathsteacher ( ) 6. It’s cold outside.Iwant do drink. A.somethinghot B.somethingcold C. hotsomething ( )7.Look!Theskyturnsdark(黑)。I thinkitwillbe . A. rainy B.warm C.sunny ( )8. Everything good. I really enjoy themeal. A.taste B. tastes C.are ( ) 9. Western people usually havemealswith 。 A. a knifeandfork B. forksandbowls C. chopsticks and bowls ( ) 10.A:What’sthe now? B:It’s 28℃。 A.weather B.temperature C.date ( ) 11.A:is Xiaoling? B: Maybe she’s in her study now. A.Where B.When C.What ( ) 12.A:the fruits? B:Very fresh. A. Doyouwant B. Wouldyou like C. What do you think of


2019学年度下学期单元自测题五年级下册数学期中测试 班级 姓名 等级 一、我会填。 1. 长方体和正方体都有( )个面,( )条棱,( )个顶点。 2.一个数的倍数的个数是( ),一个数的因数的个数是( )。 3. 72.5m 2=( )dm 2 3.05dm 3 =( )ml 3.5L =( )dm 3 =( )cm 3 4.在括号里填上合适的单位。 一瓶可乐的容积是1.25( );一个粉笔盒的体积约为1( ) 一辆小轿车油箱的容积约为40( ); 一间教室的面积是52 ( ) 5.两个质数的和为18,积是65,这两个质数分别是( )和( )。 6.用60dm 的铁丝焊成一个正方体(接口处不计),它的表面积是( ),体积是 ( )。 7.三个连续偶数的和是24,这三个偶数是( )、( )和( )。 8.把两个棱长是4cm 的正方体粘合成一个长方体,这个长方体的表面积是( ),体 积是( )。 9. 一个沙坑长4m ,宽1.5m ,深0.5m ,这个沙坑占地( )m 2 ,这个沙坑的容积是( ) m 3 。 10. 有一个长方体木料长3cm 、宽3cm 、高2cm 。把它切成棱长1cm 3 的小正方体木块能够 切成( )块。 11. 一段长方体木材长2m ,把它横截成三段后,表面积增加了8dm 2 ,这段长方体木材原 来的体积是( )dm 3 。 二、我会判。(对的打“√”,错的打“╳”)。 1.所有的奇数都是质数。 ( ) 2. 一个自然数不是质数,就是合数。 ( ) 3. 除了2以外,其余的质数都是奇数。 ( ) 4. 一个数最小的倍数应该是这个数本身。 ( ) 5. 个位是5的倍数的最小三位数与2的最小倍数的积是200。 ( ) 6. 一个数既是2的倍数又是3的倍数,它一定是6的倍数。 ( ) 7.一个油桶最多能盛500ml 油,其体积就是500ml 。 ( ) 8. 长方体的长、宽、高分别是 3 cm 、4 cm 和 4 cm ,其中有两个相对的面是正方形。 ( ) 9. 等底面积等高的长方体和正方体的体积一定相等。 ( ) 10.棱长6m 的正方体,表面积与体积相等。 ( ) 三、我会选。(将准确答案的序号写在括号里) 1. 如下图,小兰从左边看到的是( )。 2.一袋牛奶大约有250( )。 A.l B.cm 2 C.m 3 D.ml 3.同时是2,3,5的倍数的三位数中,最小的一个是( )。 A.120 B.210 C.150 4. 两个奇数的和( )。 A.一定是奇数 B.一定是偶数 C.一定是质数 D.一定是合数 5. 4和7都是28的( )。 A.奇数 B.偶数 C.因数 D.倍数 6. 一个长方体有四个面的面积相等,其他两个面是( ) A .长方形 B .正方形 C .不能确定 7. 一个棱长是6cm 的正方体,棱长总和是( )cm A .72 B .24 C .144 D.48 8. 一个数,它既是18的倍数,又是18的因数,这个数是( )。 A.36 B. 54 C. 18 D.1 9. 把一个长8cm 、宽6cm 、高4cm 的长方体,切成两个长方体,下图中( )的切法增加的表面积最多。 A . B . C . 10. 一个长2m 、宽2m 、高3m 木箱平放在地面上,占地面积至少是( )。 A .6m 2 B.6m 3 C.4m 2 D.4m 3 四、计算下面立体图形的表面积和体积。(单位:cm ) 五、解决问题。 1.小卖部要给一个长220cm ,宽40cm ,高80cm 的玻璃柜台各边都安上角铁,这个柜台 需要多少m 角铁? 10 4 5 4.5 4.5 4.5


初一下学期期末测试卷 二、选择填空25分 1. Hello, can I help you What are you looking _____ A. At B. after C. for D. out of 2. She _____ to Gaoyou Restaurant. A. Prefer to go B. prefer going C. prefer goes D. prefers to go 3. Daniel wants _____ to stay with _____ today. A. A. us, he B. us, him C. we, he D. we, him 4. Jim, a boy _____ you at the school gate right now A. A. is waiting for B. is waiting C. waits for D. waits 5. He often borrows money _____ his father to buy CDs. A. to B. from C. with D. on 6. There are some girls _____ under the tree over there. A. A. Sing B. singing C. sings D. are singing 7. There _____ some water in the glass. A. is B. has C. are D. have 8. My favourite T-shirt _____ me about 100 yuan. A. uses B. costs C. spends D. pays 9. The Class Two students _____ a fashion show yesterday. A. took B. gave C. showed D. got 10. Tomorrow he will give us a talk _____ the English names. A. of B. with C. at D. on 11. -You look very cool today, Amy. -_____ . A. Oh, I don’t look it B. Th ank you C. No. I am not cool at all D. The same you 12. The new shoes fit me very _____ . A. good B. much C. well D. nice 13. - How _____ do you sleep every night - More than 8 hours. A. often B. much C. long D. many 14. - When _____ Simon _____ school yesterday - About 5:30 A. , leave B. did, leave C. did, left D. was, leave 15. - What does _____ come from - It’s from sheep. A. silk B. cotton C. leather D. wool 16. – When did you start to go to school


五年级英语期末考试卷一 班级:姓名:学号:成绩: 听力部分(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍,10分) ( ) 1. A. quarter B. quietly C. quick ( ) 2. A. left B. lift C. let ( ) 3. A. dragonfly B. butterfly C. firefly ( ) 4.A. take B. talk C. make ( ) 5. A. toothache B. headache C. backache ( ) 6. A. 2:15 B. 1:45 C. 2:45 ( ) 7 A. SaturdayB. Thursday C. Tuesday ( ) 8. A. stay at home B. stay in bed C. stay at school ( ) 9. A. head and hand B. hand and head C. head and shoulder ( ) 10. A. a bad cough B. a bad cold C. a high fever 二、听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍,10分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he can. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 2. A. I’m from French. B. We’re from France. C. They’re from China. ( ) 3. A. I feel cold. B. I’ve got a fever. C. I feel cough. ( ) 4.A. She like Maths. B. She likes Social science. C. She likes Art. ( ) 5.A. He usually surfs the Internet. B. She usually reads the newspaper. C. They’re having a PE lesson. 三、听录音,将短文补充完整。(听三遍,10分) Amy lives in a big ________ in___________. She


M3--M4 期中复习5A M3U1 1. outdoor _______ (activity) 2. How do I get _______ the Century Park? = ______________________________________________? 3. walk along ... 4. turn left/right _______ the _______ (three) crossing 5. cross the road = walk ________ the road 6. zebra crossing 7. next to ... = beside ... 8. -Thank you a lot. -You're welcome. 9. That's right. That's all right. All right. 10. go to the cinema = ______________________ = ______________________ 11. bake-baker-bakery 12. get on -- get off 13. take the underground ______ the Park Street Station

14. be in hospital 15. want ______ (see) different _________ (animal) 16. Tom __________ (look) at a map ______ the zoo now. 17. John like _________ (crocodile). 18. We can see some _________ (monkey) on ______ (we) right. 19. a visit _______ Ocean World 20. It is Sunday. _____________________________ 21. We are going ________ (play) tennis this afternoon. ____________________________________________________________ 21. Alice doesn't like sharks.(肯定句) ____________________________________________ 22. The children see some dolphins.(单数,疑问,划线) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 23. be cute and clever 24. It's twelve fifteen.(同义句,划线) __________________________________ __________________________________ 25. look for ... 26. _________ (there be) some restaurants near here?


人教版五年级数学下册期末测试卷 时间: 40分钟 满分:100 第一部分我能行 孩子,别紧张!其实这些题并不难。只要你细心审题,认真思考,耐心检查,老师相信你一定行! 一、学海拾贝:填一填.(每空1分,共27分) 1、全世界约有200个国家,其中缺水的国家有100多个,严重缺水的国家有40多个,缺水的国家约占全世界国家总数的 ()() ;严重缺水的国家约占全世界国家总数的 ()() ;看到这个材料,你的提议是( ). 2、 36的因数有( ),它最小的倍数是( ). 12和18的所有公因数有( ). 3、100以内是3的倍数,又是5的倍数的最大奇数是( ). 4、能同时被2、3、5整除的最小的两位数是( ). 5、填上最简分数: 8.63平方米=( )平方分米 3040亳升=( )升 2090立方分米=( )立方米 220分=( )小时 6、 )() ( 15)( 2416 )(8 5== ÷==←填小数. 7、一堆煤运走了3吨,还剩4吨,运走的占这堆煤的( ). 8、长方体有( )个面,( )条棱,( )个顶点. 9、一个正方体的棱长总和是24厘米,它的体积是( )立方厘米. 10、一根长2米的长方体钢材,沿横截面截成两段后,表面积增加0.8平方分米,这段长方体钢材的体积是( )立方分米. 11、在下面每组数的○中填上“>、<、=” 4 13○3.25 509○209 1211○169 65○0.825 1立方米○1升 二、火眼金睛判对错.(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”)(5分) 1、12和30的最小公倍数是12. ( ) 2、约分和通分只改变分数分子和分母的大小,没有改变分数值的大小.( ) 3、一个容器的容积就是它的体积.( ) 4、做一个零件,甲用了 2 1 小时,乙用了31小时,甲的效率高.( ) 5、至少要8个小正方体才能拼成一个大正方体.( ) 三、慧眼识珠:选择正确答案的序号填在括号里.(5分) 1、把一张长方形的纸对折三次,其中每份是这张纸的( ). A 、 21 B 、6 1 C 、81 D 、91 2、一瓶蓝墨水的容积是60( ). A 、立方分米 B 、升 C 、亳升 D 、立方毫米 3、当a 为任意一个自然数时,下列三种说法不对的是( ). A 、一定是整数 B 、不是奇数就是偶数 C 、不是质数就是合数 4、下面各数不能化成有限小数的是( ). A 、163 B 、15 6 C 、94 5、一个长方体被挖掉一小块(如图)下面说法完全正确的是( ). A 、体积减少 ,表面积也减少 B 、体积减少, 表面积增加 C 、体积减少, 表面积不变 四、神机妙算.(24分) 1.直接写得数.(6分) 103+10 7 = 83+83= 118-115= 1- 125= 1310-13 4= 1-83-81 = 2.脱式计算.(6分 )


**学校2017学年第一学期七年级期终考试 英语试卷85% Part 1Listening(听力)(共23分) Ⅰ.Listen and choose theright picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(5分) A B C D E F 1._________ 2._________3._________ 4._________ 5._________ Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue and choose thebest answerto the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分) ( )6.A. Bybike. B.By car. C.On foot D. Byferry.

()7.A.Yes,theyare. B.Yes,theydo. C.No, theyaren’t. D. No, they don’t.( )8. A.In a restaurant.B.In a bank. C. Ina post office.? D.Atasupermarket. ()9. A.They are writing a letter.B.They are doing their homework. C.Theyare having a meeting. ?D.They aremaking a phone call. ()10. A. At 5:30 p.m.B. At6:00p.m. C. At6:30 p.m. D.At7:00 p.m. ()11. A. Ten.?B.Fifteen.? C.Twenty??? D. Thirty. ( )12. A. A puppy. B. Hot dogs. C. Dogs. D. A pubby and hotdog s. ()13. A. Sugar. ? B.Icing sugar. C. Chocolate.??D. Eggs. Ⅲ. Listen tothe passageand tell whether thefollowing statementsaretrueor false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(5分) ( )14.Peter’sfather’s birthday iscoming. ( )15. Peterhas bought her mothera beautiful present. ()16. Peterhas enough money to buya radio. ( )17.Peter doesn’tknow whatsize of shoeshis motherwears. ( )18.Loveis themost expensive presentinthe worldand eve ryone is happy to get it.. Ⅳ. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词):(5分) 19. Themanfeels very______. 20. The man would like to _______some soya milk.


龙池附小2017年上学期 五 年级 期末 测试卷 ( 科目:英语 ) 时间:60分钟 分值:100分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 得分 听力部分(30分) 一. 选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ( )1.A.inside B.outside C. on D.behind ( )2.A.chair B.bag C.flat D.head ( )3.A.umbrella B.glass C.books D.bag ( )4.A.quiet B.loud C.awake D.noisy ( )5.A.long B.short C.round D.square ( )6.A.pencils B.ice-cream C.bottles D.cakes ( )7.A.soft B.fluffy C.shiny D.warm ( )8.A.nose B.eyes C.hands D.tongue ( )9.A.left B.right C.up D.down ( )10.A.rain B.rainy C.wind D.windy 二. 选出你所听到的句子。(10分) ( )1.A.It ’s not mine. B.It ’s not hers. C.It ’s not theirs. 答 作 要 不 内 线 封 密 : 号 考 准 : 名 姓 : 级 班 : 校学 座位号

( )2.A.The bird was in the cage. B.The bird was in the tree. C.The bird was under the bench. ( )3.A.It’s a brown tadpole. B.It’s a green frog C.It’s a blue butterfly. ( )4.A.I like all the areoplanes. B.I like both bicycles. C.I like all the dolls. ( )5.A.What colour is the small dinosaur. B.What colour is the big dinosaur? C.What colour are the pandas? 三.根据问句选择答句。 ( )1. A.Both the cars are the black. B.Both the cars are too big. ( )2.A.They eat 50 kilos of fish. B.They eat hay. ( )3.A.One boy has a computer. B.I’ve got a bicycle. ( )4.A.I like apples best. B.I like dogs best. ( )5.A.It’s under the bench. B.The door is open.


五年级下册期末测试题 I. Read and choose. 选择正确的字母组合,把单词补充完整。( ) 1. w kend A. ee B. ea C. ei ( ) 2. bec se A. au B. ua C. ur ( ) 3. w k A. ir B. or C. er ( ) 4. s son A. ee B. ea C. ei ( ) 5. n th A. or B. er C. ur ( ) 6. sw A. inf B. iny C. ing ( ) 7. f t A. igh B. ihg C. ghe ( ) 8. ther A. ai B. ei C. ie II. Read and choose. 我会选,单项选择。 ( ) 1. He swimming every Saturday. A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 2. What time you get up every day? ---At six o’clock. A. does B. do C. are ( ) 3. I live on second floor. A. with B. an C. the ( ) 4. Who a birthday in October? A. have B. has C. having ( ) 5. Look, Jack is a new sweater today. A. having B. putting C. wearing ( ) 6. My birthday is May. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 7. What you on the weekend? A. do; do B. do; does C. does; does ( ) 8. My birthday is the 4th of January. A. at B. in C. on ( ) 9. I would like a cake with lots of grapes. A. have B. to have C. eat ( ) 10. big nature park! A. What a B. What C. How a III. Read and write. 根据句意和已给出的首字母,完成所缺的单词。 1. I like English. It’s i . 2. What’s the d today? 3. My birthday is in S . 4. He u reads magazines after school. 5. What’s the w like in spring?


5B期末小测试 姓名班级得分 听力部分(20) 一、听录音,选出你的听到的单词(10) A B C ()1. grow brown down ()2.ready wrong write ()3.France French Frenchman ()4.at 1:40 at 1:30 at 1:20 ()5.Internet interesting English ()6.love stove monkey ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/db5848223.html,e usually uncle ()8.lift left leg ()9.match wash watch ()10.help here half 二、听录音,完成下列对话,每空一词(10) 1. A:Excuse me, what time is it ? B:It’s . A:I’m now, and you? B: , too. A:Do you want to play football? B:No, I don’t. I want to cartoons. A: a good idea. Let’s watch together. 2. A:Ben, what day is it today? B:It’s . A:What do you have in the moning? B:We have . English. PE and . 笔试部分(80) 一、根据要求写单词(10) 1、one(序数词) 2、tooth(复数) 3、wrong(反义词) 4、do(第三人称单数) 5、yes(反义词) 二、中英互译(20) 1、集邮 2、在周末 3、值日 4、打乒乓球 5、在两点半 6、上下 7、讲英语8、听音乐 11.from Monday to Friday 12.the same hobby 13.a quarter past four 14.a busy day 15.catch insects 16.Be quick. 17.go to the park 18.play the piano 19.get a cold 20.Nice to meet you. 三、选择(20)


Part 2 Writing (阅读部分) 60% 一、找出不同类的词5% ( ) 1. A. drum B. violin C. music D. piano ( ) 2. A. am B. were C. are D. is ( ) 3. A. cloudy B. cloud C. cold D. rainy ( ) 4. A. theirs B. your C. our D. my ( ) 5. A. plums B. pears C. durians D. chocolates 二、仿照例词写单词5% Model say says said come __________ __________ do __________ __________ cut __________ __________ play__________ __________ like __________ __________ 三、为下列单词找出相应的音标词8% shadow climb down same shelf farmer where summer /klaIm / __________ /daJn / __________ /seIm / __________ /Felf / __________ /5fB:mE / __________ /weE/ __________ /5sQmE / __________ /5FAdEJ / __________ 四、选词填空10% 1.选择合适的词完成句子5% a.It’s six o’clock. I’m up. (get , getting) b.Do you like the green ones __________ red ones? (and , or) c.I smell with my __________. (nose , ears) d.Is this bird Mr Wang’s? Yes, it’s . (his , hers) e.Be quiet. The baby is ___________. (asleep, awake) 2.用疑问词(How, When, Whose, Which, What colour )填空5% a.__________ strawberries do you want? The soft and sweet ones. b.__________ screwdriver is that? It’s Peter’s father’s. c.__________are the beans? They are green. d.__________ do you feed the parrots? At six o’clock. e.__________ do you go to the Country Park? By car. 五、选择填空10% ( ) 1. Here’s the weather ________ Friday, the first ________June.


一、选择题 ) A. 0.8x+2 B. 2x=6 C. 5+9=14 2.一个半圆形花坛的直径是4m,则这个花坛的周长是( )m。 A. 12.56 B. 6.28 C. 10.28 D. 25.12 3.下面的算式中,得数大于1的是()。 A. B. C. 4.分数单位是1 9 的最简真分数一共有()个. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 5.如果一个圆的直径增加1厘米,那么它的周长就增加多少厘米?() A. 3.14厘米 B. 6.28厘米 C. 9.42厘米 6.做同样的飞机模型,小军用了1.1小时,小明用了6 5 小时,小亮用了 5 4 小时, ()的速度最快. A. 小军 B. 小明 C. 小亮 7.3 4 的分子加上12,要使分数的大小不变,分母应加上() A. 16 B. 9 C. 12 8.小明做24道数学题,已完成了16道,还需完成全部题目的() A. 1 3 B. 1 2 C. 2 3 二、填空题(题型注释) 9.分数单位是 8 的最小假分数是______,它再添上______个这样的分数单位就是最小 的素数. 10.小兰家养了x只公鸡,养的母鸡只数是公鸡的4倍.公鸡与母鸡共有______只. 11. 20 25 = () 30 =() 16 =12÷= (小数) 12.在横线里填上最简分数 90秒=______分 60公顷=______平方千米 18平方分米=______平方米. 13.把3米长的铁丝剪成相等的5段,每段是这根铁丝的(____),每段长(____)米。 14.若a是b的因数,则a与b的最小公倍数是______. 15.如图,在一个边长8厘米的正方形中画4个圆,每个圆的直径是______厘米,周长 是______厘米,面积是______平方厘米. 16.根据数量关系列出方程(不求解). ①一个长方形的面积是5.6平方米,长是x米,宽是1.6米.______ ②一幢16层高的大楼高52.5米,一楼大厅高4.5米,其余15层每层都是x 米.______ ③小丽和小明同时从相距960米的两地相对走来,小丽每分钟走58米,小明每分钟 走x米,经过8分钟两人相遇.______ 17.一根粗细均匀的木头长2米,要锯成每段长4分米的木棍,每锯一次要3分钟,锯 完一次休息2分钟,全部锯完要用______分钟. 18.如图,摆4个六边形要______根小棒;摆n个六边形要______根小棒. 三、计算题(题型注释)


初一英语期末模拟试卷 一、听力(20 分) 第一部分听对话回答问题(计10分) 1. What does the girl’s father like doing? 2. What are they doing? 3. Where are they going? 4. Which would the woman buy? 5. What is the girl’s skirt made of? A. Silk. B. Wool. C. Cotton. 6. What will Lucy get? A. A wallet. B. A Hair clip. C. A sticker. 7. How much money does the woman give back to the man? A. One hundred yuan. B.Forty yuan. C. Eighty-four yuan. 8. When will the man go back? A. This Friday. B. Next Friday. C. Next Sunday. 9. What’s Tom’s father like? A. Fat. B. Short. C.Thin. 10. How is Tim feeling now?

A. Excited. B. Hungry. C. Hot. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计10 分) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第11 -12 小题。 11. Who is talking to Ann? A. Her father. B.Her classmate. C. Her teacher. 12. Why does Ann wear a red blouse? A. To join a fashion show. B. To have a meeting. C.To join a party. 听第二段对话,回答第13-15 小题。 13. Where are the two speakers? A. In a restaurant. B.In a post office. C. In a hotel(旅馆). 14. How much should the woman pay? A. $50. B. $100. C.$$150. 15. What time does the woman want to get up? A. At 6:00 a.m. B. At7:00 a.m. C. At10:00 a.m. 听一篇短文,回答第16-20 小题。 16. What does Mrs King like? A. Cats only. B.Birds only. C. Cats and dogs. 17. Why do they go to a restaurant? A. They are hungry. B. They want to show their lovely dog to the waiter. C. They want their dog to play there. 18. What does the waiter think Mrs King want to do? A. She wants something to eat. B. She wants him to give her dog something to eat. C. She wants to eat the dog. 19. Which of these sentences is TRUE? A.The waiter cooks the dog because he hates dogs very much. B.Mrs King loves dogs. C. Mrs King likes to eat dog meat. 20. What does Mrs King want to do with(对待) the little dog? A. She wants to bring it to England. B.She wants to eat it. C. She wants the cook to cook it. 二、单项选择。(计15 分) ( ) 21. Amy lives ______ the second floor and Elsa lives two floors______ her. A. on; before B.in;above C. in; below D. on; above ( ) 22. September is ______ month of the year. A.the nine B.nine C. ninth D. the ninth ( ) 23. The girl is_______ . She sits next _____ me. A. 1.45 meter tall;with B. 1.45 meters tall; to C. 1.45-meter-tall;by D. 1.45-meter-tall; 不填 ( ) 24. The song sounds ________. It sounds _________ Jay’s music.


《牛津小学英语5B》期末测试题 五年级下学期英语期 末考试卷 班级姓名学号成绩 听力部分( 30 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,读两 遍。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. card B. catch C. cartoon ( ) 2. A. let B. lesson C. listen ( ) 3. A. wash B. watch C. which ( ) 4. A. butterfly B. dragonfly C. fi refly ( ) 5. A. white B. write C. bright ( ) 6. A. 6:15 B. 7:15 C. 6:45 ( ) 7. A. toothache B. backache C. hea dache

( ) 8. A. walk carefully B. sit quietl y C. sing loudly ( ) 9. A. carry big things B. glow at night C. dance in the flowers

( ) 10. A. touch your knees B. lift up your right leg. C. put your feet togethe r 二、根据你所听到的问句,选出正确答句,读两遍。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Not yet. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I ' m Tom speaking. B. Y es, sp eaking. C. Yes, I ' m Tom. ( ) 3. A. About half past eight. B. At a quarter to seven. C. They ' re seven. ( ) 4. A. I have PE and Chinese. B. We like Maths. C. I don ' t like Chinese. ( ) 5. A. We often cook food. B. They are watching TV. C. They often do housewo rk. 三、听录音,完成短文,读三遍。(10 分) 1 、We are from different countries. I m from . He ' s from
