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EST Reading科技英语阅读

1. Main Features of EST科技英语的主要特点

①Objectivity (客观性)






Break, break, break,

On thy cold grey stones, O sea!

And I would that my tongue could utter

The thought that arise in me.

---- A. Tennyson


A sea is smaller than an ocean, and may be more or less landlocked. As powerful agents of corrosion (侵蚀), sea

waves carrying gritty sediment (沉淀物) can cut into rock and wear down coastlines.

②Clarity (明确性)


--in a couple of days

--in two or three days (better)



There are many problems concerning the project to be discussed at the meeting. (可能产生歧义)



How to rewrite?

--将在会上讨论的计划,是有很多问题的。The project to be discussed at the meeting has many problems in it.

--关于这计划,有许多问题要在会上讨论。The project has in it many problems to be discussed at the meeting.

③A ccuracy (准确性)


--one fifth of the whole (better)

--a small part of the whole

④Formality (正式性)



…is under reconstruction (more formal)

…is being reconst ructed

The Ways to Achieve Objectivity & Formality

①The Use of Nouns and Noun Phrases (使用名词和名词短语)


--in case of the power interruption (better in an EST writing)

--in case the power is interrupted


--If the pressure is decreased, the boiling point of water will become lower.

--A decrease in pressure will bring the boiling point of water lower. (better in an EST writing)


--People are all familiar with heat causing metals to expand. (better in an EST writing)

--People are all familiar with the fact that heat causes metals to expand.

②The Use of Passive Voice (使用被动语态)


-- Madame Curie is one of the world’s greatest woman scientists and will always be remembered as the discoverer of radium. (better in an EST writing)

-- Madame Curie is one of the world’s greatest woman scientists and people will always remember her as the discoverer of radium.

③The Use of Anticipatory “it” (使用先行词it)

科技文献中常见it is…that/to do句型。

It is stated/ evident/ necessary/ natural/ inevitable/ unavoidable that…/to do …

The Ways to Achieve Accuracy:

①Using Specific Expressions (使用更为明确的表述方式)


Cf. 统计价值以数字表示

--The statistical values are given in figures.

-- The statistical values are given in numerical figures. (more specific)

(figure: 数字;图表)


--The reflected light was taken in by the transducer .

-- The reflected light was absorbed by the transducer . (more specific)




eg. hydroxide(氢氧化物),isotope (同位素),etc.

②Using Statistics and Figures (使用数据和图表)


2. Technical/ Semi-Technical Words科技、半科技专业术语

I. Technical Words:





①Highly Specialized in Meaning (意义高度专业化)
