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Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

ⅢT r a n s l a t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e s i n t o C h i n e s e(20%)(1)He is best known for coining the term fractal to describe phenomena (such as coastlines, snowflakes, mountains and trees) whose patterns repeat themselves at smaller and smaller scales.

(2) To explain these puzzling findings, some scientists have revived an old idea of Einstein’s that had been discarded as false: that the vacuum of space has energy in it that acts repulsively and accelerates the expansion of the universe.

(3) New language that seemed to assert Facebook’s “irrevocable” right to retain and use a member’s personal information, even after the member had closed his or her Facebook account, deserved a little more editing.

(4) The tenor of our time appears to regard history as having ended, with pronouncements from many techno-pundits claiming that the Internet is revolutionary and changes everything.

(5) As a by-product of an industry that exists all over the world-the stalks that remain after grain has been harvested-straw also helpfully soaks up carbon from the atmosphere and locks it in, so long as it is not allowed to decompose.

Ⅲ Translate the following sentences into Chinese(20%)

(1)The problem in the paradox, he reasoned, is that we are confusing a description of sets of numbers with a description of sets of sets of numbers.

(2)Now the cosmological constant is one of the leading theories of why the universe is blowing up like a balloon at ever-increasing speed.

(3)That’s not because Facebook is hell-bent on stripping away privacy protections, but because the popularity of Facebook and other social networking sites has promoted the sharing of all things personal, dissolving the line that separates the private from the public.

(4)Although it’s unclear if the capacity for remote operation will justify the QB’s US$15,000 price tag, Anybots believes its technology will appeal to a new generation of workers who expect to be in contact at all times and in all places. (5)As a by-product of an industry that exists all over the world-the stalks that remain after grain has been harvested-straw also helpfully soaks up carbon from the atmosphere and locks it in, so long as it is not allowed to decompose.

Ⅲ Translate the following sen tences into Chinese (20%)

(1)But Russell ( and independently, Ernst Zermelo ) noticed that x = {a: a is not in a} leads to a contradiction in the same way as the description of the collection of barbers.

(2)An analogy is the siren of an ambulance that changes pitch as it moves toward you, then passes you and heads the other way — its waves are first compressed, then stretched.
