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II. Translation

A:1.its special geographic location

2.is located on

3.has a history of

4.witness to the friendship and cultural exchange

5.are characterized


1.Zhengcheng lou ,popularly called Bagua lou ,is a circular tulou built.

2.The tourit flow ebbs at sunset ,which bring the former quietness back to this small village.

3.Nanjing country boasts its tulou ,one the UNSESCO world Heritage Sites.

4.The twin pagodas standing west and east of Kaiyuan Temple ,measuring over 40 meters ,are

symbols of Quanzzhou city.

5.Qingjing Mosque in Quanzhou was made by more famous by the TV play Journey to the

west,which was once shot here.

Unit 2

II. Translation

A:1. the world’s leading financial center s

2. escape from the real world

3. lead a traditional fishing lifestyle

4. can be traced back to

5. recreational facilities


1. The local delicacies are really irresistible to many visitors all over the world.

2. A virtual trip through the Ocean Park is more than enough to keep everyone interested for a full day.

3. The film is very successful and popular because many traditional Chinese elements are anchored in it.

4. Formerly Zhangzhou Teacher’s College, Minnan Normal University is a comprehensive normal university with a long history.

5. It is an excellent natural harbor which can provide shelter for thousands of fishing boats during storms.

Unit 3

II. Translation


1.gets through his holiday in one piece

2.The highlight of my day used to be

3.will stop on a dime.

4.the breathtaking power of science

5.entice customers away from other stores


1.The news of victory elated the whole nation.

2.The story of Snorks unfolded as the cruise diary got public. javascript:;

3.This professor has a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative.

4.Tom would have been well advised to heed the old saying "Never bite the hand that feeds you."

5.It is quite baffling that he left without a word.

Unit 4

II. Translation

A.Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese

given in brackets.

1. stem from the potential financial burden

2. "mark up" the food

3. range from small to medium

4. opt for less common names

5. turned his back on me and refused to lend me any money

B. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. But he said he would prefer to be visiting museums.

2. Chinese people will remain an explosive force in global tourism.

3. She likes shopping and takes pride in being a bargain hunter.

4. So many pupils rushed for the bus that I could hardly get off.

5. Among the outbound tours, independent travelers still make up a minority of Chinese tourists. Unit 5

II. Translation


1.mainstream of liberalism

2.were charged with

3.involved with

n expedition

5.High quality mineral water


1.The earliest recorded was by Andre Jacques Garnerin in 1797 .

2.There is no room for mistakes or accidents for jumpers in short distance Base jumping.

3.The term WHO is an acronym for World Health Organization.

4.The excitement of rock climbing comes from its inherent dangers.

5.The rafts wed for drifting can be customized according to the requirements of customers. Unit 6

II. Translation


1.all we got in compensation

2.in advance

3.the continual disturbance from street noise

4.has had a bumpy ride

5. a big mistake on her part


1. All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.

2. I really learned it the hard way when I got sunburned last year on vacation.

3. In brief, every effort should be made to lessen the hassle.

4. It’s necessary for you to take a bag with toiletries during your travels.
