


Module 1


crayon n.__________eraser n.__________

glove n.__________wallet n.__________

watch n.__________whose pron.__________

first of all__________lose v.__________

find v.__________lost and found box__________ mine pron.__________yours pron.__________

tape n.__________purple adj.__________ n.__________ hers pron.__________careful adj.__________

be careful with__________on adv.__________

from now on__________here is/are...__________ camera n.__________phone n.__________

mobile phone__________lost and found office__________ in a hurry__________leave v.__________

plane n.__________taxi n.__________

why adv.__________airport n.__________

hundred num.__________hundreds of__________

look for__________thousand num.__________ strange adj.__________boat n.__________

duck n.__________pig n.__________

sausage n.__________

Module 1




__________n.手表__________pron. 谁

__________ 首先,第一__________v.失去

__________v.发现,找到__________ 失物招领箱

__________pron. 我的__________pron. 你(们)的

__________n.录音带__________adj. 紫色的n.紫色__________ pron. 她的__________adj. 仔细的,小心的__________ 小心(对待) ...__________adv. 从某时刻起

__________ 从现在起__________( 用于刚找到某人或某物时 )在这儿__________n.照相机__________n.电话

__________ 移动电话,手机__________ 失物招领处

__________ 匆匆忙忙__________ v. 丢下,遗忘



__________num. 百__________ 几百,成百上千

__________ 寻找__________num. 千

__________adj. 奇怪的__________ n. 船

__________ n. 鸭子__________ n. 猪

__________ n. 香肠


play v.__________tennis n.__________ piano n.__________ride v__________

club n.__________term n.__________ board n.__________would like__________

all adj.__________that ’sall__________ worry v.__________worry about__________ teach v.__________then adv.__________ monitor n.__________start v.__________

get on well with sb.__________ready adj.__________ ready to do sth.__________promise v.__________ fast adv.__________adj.__________fit adj.__________ just adv.__________ball n.__________ game n.__________team n.__________ best adj.__________score n.__________ tidy adj.__________v.__________sure adj.__________ everybody pron.__________just like__________ beautiful adj.__________fly v.__________

kite n.__________swim v.__________


__________v.演奏,弹奏__________ n.网球

__________n.钢琴__________ v 骑,乘

__________ n. 俱乐部__________ n. 学期

__________ n. 布告板__________ 想要,希望

__________ adj. 所有的,全部的__________ 仅此而已

__________ v. 焦虑,担心__________ 担心 ...

_________ v. 教,讲授__________ adv. 那么

__________ n. 班长__________v. 开始

__________ 与某人相处融洽__________adj. 乐意的

__________ 乐于做某事__________ v. 承诺,保证

__________adv. 快速地adj. 快的__________adj. 健康的

__________adv. 就,正好__________ n. 球

__________ n. 运动项目__________n. 队伍

__________adj. 最好的__________n. 得分

__________adj. 整齐的v.收拾,整理__________ adj. 确信的

__________pron. 每个人__________ 正如

__________ adj. 美的__________v. 放飞(风筝),飞行__________ n. 风筝__________v. 游泳


go over_________picnic n._________ housework n._________on prep._________ else adv._________nobody pron._________ at prep._________nothing pron._________ silly adj._________fantastic adj._________ forward adv._________look forward to_________ fan n._________make friends_________ shirt n._________cheer v._________ player n._________hope v._________

win v._________enjoy oneself_________ myself pron._________during prep._________ May n._________May Day_________

late adv./adj._________walk n._________

take a walk_________country n._________ second num._________collect v._________

litter n._________fun n._________ summer holiday_________camp n._________ Australian adj._________sightseeing n._________ go sightseeing _________beach n._________ early adv._________ adj._________


_________ 复习_________ n.野餐

_________ n. 家务劳动_________ prep. 在 ...时候_________ adv. 其他_________pron. 没有人

_________ prep. 在 ...点钟_________ pron. 没有什么_________ adj. 愚蠢的_________ adj. 极好的

_________ adv. 向前_________ 盼望

_________n. 迷,支持者_________ 交朋友

_________ n. 球衣,(男式)衬衫_________v. 为...喝彩

_________ n. 运动员_________ v. 希望

_________ v. 赢_________ 过得愉快

_________ pron. 我自己_________prep. 在... 期间_________n. 五月_________ 五一劳动节

________ adv./adj. 迟的,晚的________ n. 步行,走

________ 散步________ n. 乡下

________ num. 第二________ v. 收集

________n. 垃圾________n. 娱乐 ,乐趣

________ 暑假________ n. 营地,帐篷

________ adj. 澳大利亚的________ n. 观光,游览

________ 去观光________ n. 海滨,海滩

________adv. 早,提前adj. 早的


chalk n.________ruler n.________

carry v.________change v./n.________ everything pron.________future n.________

in the future________life n.________

need v./v.aux.________will v.aux.________

maybe adv.________ask v.________

question n.________by prep.________

level n.________able adj.________

be able to________more adv.________ adj.________ not...any more________free adj.________

air n.________land n.________

machine n.________rain n.________v.________ robot n.________sea n.________

space n.________traffic n.________

jam n.________traffic jam________

wind n.________true adj.________

come true________here is/are...________

bike n.________car n.________

cheap adj.________everywhere adv.________

not only...but also... ________into prep.________

long adj.________heavy adj.________

light adj.________easy adj.________

working adj.________hour n.________

short adj.________rise v.________

as well________


________ n. 粉笔________ n. 直尺

________ v. 拿,带________ v./n. 改变,变化

________ pron. 每件事,所有事物________ n. 未来

________ 将来________ n. 生活,生命

________ v./v.aux. 需要________v.aux. 将,将要

________ adv. 也许________ v. 询问

________ n. 问题________ prep. 乘(交通工具)________ n. 水平________ adj. 能够 ... 的

________ 能够做 ...________adv. 更加adj. 更多的________ 不再 ...________adj. 空闲的,空余的

________ n. 天空,空中________n. 陆地

________ n. 机器________ n. 雨水v.下雨

________ n. 机器人________n. 海洋

________ n. 太空________ n. 交通

________ n. 堵塞________ 交通堵塞

________ n. 风________ adj. 真的

________ (希望、梦想等)成真,实现

________ (用于介绍某人或某物)下面________ n. 自行车

________ n. 汽车________ adj. 便宜的

________ adv. 到处________ 不仅 ...而且 ...

________prep. 进入 ...里面________adj. 长的

________adj. 繁重的,沉的________ adj. 轻的

________adj. 容易的________ adj. (有关)工作的________ n. 小时________ adj. 短的,矮的

________ v. 升起,上升________ 和,又,也


market n.________supermarket n.________ biscuit n.________lemon n.________ strawberry n.________Mother ’sDay________ size n.________take v.________

may v.aux.________try v.________

try on________certainly adv.________ wait a minute________sale n.________

price n.________look v.________

fresh adj.________advantage n.________ anyone pron.________anything pron.________ anywhere adv.________compare v.________ pay v.________post n./v.________ product n.________receive v.________ safe adj.________several adj.________ online adj.________shopping n.________

way n.________one of________

almost adv.________something pron.________ later adv.________open adj.________

out adv.________go out________

over prep.________one day________

one pron.________

Module 5


________ n. 市场________ n. 超市

________n. 饼干________ n. 柠檬

________ n. 草莓________ 母亲节

________ n. 尺码,号________v. 穿(某尺寸的衣服或鞋子)________ v.aux. 可以,可能________v. 尝试

________ 试穿________adv. 当然,行

________ 别急,稍等一会________n. 降价出售

________ n. 价格________v. 看起来

________adj. 新鲜的________ n. 有利条件,优势

________ pron. 任何人________ pron. 任何东西

________ adv. 在任何地方________ v. 比较

________ v. 支付,付钱________n./v. 邮寄

________n. 产品________ v. 收到

________ adj. 安全的________adj. 几个,一些

________ adj. 在线的________ n. 购物

________n. 方式,道路________... 之一

________adv. 几乎,差不多________pron. 某事物,某种东西________ adv. 后来________ adj. 营业的,开放的

________ adv. 外出,离开________ 外出,游玩

________prep. 通过,超过________ 总有一天

________ pron. 一个


bank n.________museum n.________ along prep.________across prep.________ cross v.________opposite prep.________ tourist n.________excuse v.________ excuse me________street n.________

turn v.________third num.________ guidebook n.________bookshop n.________ Why not...________could v.aux.________ underground n.________take v.________

tour n.________square n.________ middle n.________ adj.________famous adj.________ painting n.________from prep.________ metre n.________above prep.________ river n.________clear adj.________ bridge n.________railway n.________ past prep.________church n.________ finish v.________high adj.________ post office________up prep.________ down prep.________stop n.________ horse n.________


________n. 银行________n. 博物馆

________ prep. 沿着________prep. 越过

________v. 穿过________prep. 在... 的对面________ n. 游客________ v. 原谅,谅解

________ 劳驾,对不起(用于礼貌地引起某人的注意)________ n. 街道________v. 换方向________num. 第三

________n. 导游手册________ n. 书店

________ 为什么不 ...呢?________v.aux. 可以,能

________ n. 地铁________v.搭乘,乘坐,把(某人)带往________ n. (短期的)参观,游览,旅行________ n. 广场

________n. 中部,中间 adj. 中等的,中部的________ adj. 著名的________n. 油画,绘画________prep. 从 ...出发

________n. 米________prep. 在 ...上方

________ n. 河,江________adj.( 天气 )清朗的________n. 桥________ n. 铁路

________ prep. 路过,越过________n. 教堂

________ v. 结束,完成________adj. 高的

________ 邮局________prep. 沿着 ...而去________ prep. 沿着________ n. 车站

________ n. 马


born adj._______strictadj._______friendly adj._______ primary adj._______primary school_______

town n._______US _______village n._______

nice adj._______good adj._______

difficult adj._______bathroom n._______ bedroom n._______garden n._______

living room_______east adj._______ n._______ coast n._______ago adv._______

store n._______movie theater_______

bored adj._______president n._______ comfortable adj._______lake n._______

last adj._______yesterday adv._______

Module 7


_______ adj. 出生_______adj. 严格的,严厉的

_______ adj. 友好的_______adj. 初等的,初级的

_______ 小学_______ n. 城镇

_______ 美国_______ n. 村庄

_______ adj. 友好的,亲切的_______adj. 乖的,守规矩的

_______ adj. 难对付的_______ n. 浴室

_______ n. 卧室_______ n. 花园

_______ 起居室_______adj. 东部的n.东方

_______ n. 海岸_______adv. 以前

_______n. 商店_______ 电影院

_______adj. 厌烦的_______ n. 总统

_______adj. 舒适的_______n. 湖

_______adj. (星期、月份等)最近过去的_______adv. 昨天


hair n._______gold n._______

forest n._______once adv._______ upon prep._______once upon a time_______ decide v._______go for a walk_______ basket n._______notice v._______

all alone_______dark adj._______

pick v._______pick up_______

soon adv._______lost adj._______ around prep._______little adj._______ towards prep._______knock v._______

door n._______answer v._______ push v. _______enter v._______

bowl n._______hungry adj._______ right adj._______finish v._______

either adv._______piece n._______

in pieces _______asleep adj._______ return v._______cry v._______

at first_______point v._______

point at_______shout v._______

jump v._______without prep._______ part n._______

Module 8


_______ n. 头发_______n. 金色

_______ n. 森林_______ adv. 一次

_______ prep. 在...上_______ 从前

_______ v. 决定_______ 散步

_______ n. 篮子_______ v. 注意到

_______ 独自一人_______adj. 黑暗的

_______ v. 采,摘_______ 拿起,举起

_______adv. 不久_______adj. 迷路的

_______ prep. 环绕着,围绕_______ adj. 小的

_______prep. 往,向,朝 ...方向_______ v. 敲

_______ n. 门_______v. 应门,回答

_______v.推_______ v. 进入

_______ n. 碗_______ adj. 饥饿的

_______ adj. 合适的_______v. 吃完,喝完,用尽_______ adv. 也不_______ n. 部件,一件 /个/张_______ 破碎_______ adj. 睡着的

_______v. 返回_______ v. 哭

_______ 起初,首先_______ v. 指向

_______ 指着 ..._______v. 大声喊

_______v. 跳_______prep. 无,没有

_______n. 部分,地区

Module 9


March n._______April n._______ June n._______Women ’sDay_______ National Day_______Children ’sDay_______ July n._______August n._______ September n._______October n._______ November n._______December n._______ writer n._______find out_______

real adj._______at the age of_______ newspaper n._______exact adj._______ date n._______become v._______ in the 1860s _______play n._______ poem n._______marry v._______ successful adj._______works n._______ build v._______on prep._______

fire n._______die v._______

rich adj._______language n._______ around the world _______young adj._______

Module 9


_______ n. 三月_______n. 四月

_______n. 六月_______ 妇女节

_______ 国庆节_______ 儿童节

_______n. 七月_______ n. 八月

_______ n. 九月_______n. 十月

_______ n. 十一月_______n. 十二月

_______n. 作家_______ 发现,查明,弄清_______adj. 真实的,真正的_______ 在 ...岁时

_______ n. 报纸_______adj. 准确的,确切的_______n. 日期_______v. 成为

_______ 在 19 世纪 60 年代_______n. 剧本,戏剧

_______ n. 诗歌_______v. 结婚

_______ adj. 成功的_______n. 作品,著作

_______v. 建造_______prep. 在 ...河边

_______ n. 火_______ v. 死,去世

_______ adj. 富有的_______ n. 语言

_______ 世界各地_______adj. 年轻的


Pacific adj._______guess v._______

excited adj._______arrive v._______

relax v._______world-famous adj._______ French adj._______ n._______sell v._______

top n._______till conj._______

light n._______on adv._______

wonderful adj._______palace n._______

Module 10


_______adj. 太平洋的_______v. 猜

_______adj. 激动的,兴奋的_______ v. 到达

_______ v. 放松_______adj. 举世闻名的

_______adj. 法国的,法语的n.法国人_______ v. 卖

_______n. 顶端_______ conj. 直到 ...为止

_______n. 电灯_______ adv. 在使用中,开着的_______adj. 绝妙的,了不起的_______n. 宫殿


bow v._______kiss v./n._______

shake v._______shake hands_______

smile v./n._______British adj._______ German n._______ adj._______Japanese n._______ adj._______ Russian n._______ adj._______visitor n._______

Russia_______nod v._______head n._______

hug v._______each pron._______each other_______

India _______together adv._______Maori adj._______ touch v._______nose n._______finger n._______

foot n._______knee n._______leg n._______

mouth n._______body n._______

foreign adj._______North American _______ personal adj._______arm n._______

arm and arm_______South American_______

hold v._______move v._______

Britain _______not at all_______

polite adj._______somewhere adv._______ wave v._______fact n._______

in fact_______rude adj._______bring v._______


_______ v. 鞠躬,弯腰_______ v./n. 吻

_______ v. 摇晃_______ 握手

_______v./n. 微笑_______adj. 英国的,英国人的_______n. 德国人,德语adj. 德国的,德国人的,德语的

_______ n. 日本人,日语adj. 日本的,日本人的,日语的

_______n. 俄罗斯人,俄语adj. 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人的,俄语的

_______n. 游客_______俄罗斯

_______ v. 点头_______n.头

_______ v. 拥抱_______ pron. 各个,每个

_______ 互相,彼此_______ 印度

_______adv. 一起,共同_______ adj. 毛利人的

_______v. 触摸,接触_______ n. 鼻子

_______n. 手指_______ n. 足

_______n. 膝盖_______ n. 腿

_______ n. 嘴_______n.身体

_______ adj. 外国的_______ 北美人

_______ adj. 个人的_______n. 手臂

_______ 臂挽臂地_______ 南美人

_______ v. 握着_______v. 移动

_______ 不列颠,英国_______ 一点也不

_______adj. 礼貌的_______ adv. 某处

_______ v. 挥手_______ n. 事实

_______ 事实上_______adj. 粗鲁的_______ v. 带来


新人教版七年级英语下册单词表|人教版七年级英语单词 下 单词,扩大语汇量。 新人教版的七年级英语学习需要一些方法、技巧 ,才能有效地记牢 帮助。 有所 面是小编为大家精心推荐的新人教版七年级英语下册的单词表,希望能够 对您 新人教版七年级英语下册单词表:1-4 单元 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? guitar n.吉他 sing v.唱;唱歌 swim v.游泳 dance v.跳舞;舞蹈 draw v.画 chess n.国际象棋 play chess 下国际象棋 speak v.说;说话 speak English 说英语 join v.参加;加入 club n.俱乐部;社团 be good at ?擅长于?? tell v. n 讲述;告诉 story n 故事;小说 write v.写作,写字 show n.演出;表演v.展示; or conj.或者 talk v. n 说话;谈话 talk to ?跟??说 kungfu n. 功夫 drum n.鼓 play the drums 敲鼓 piano n.钢琴 play the piano 弹钢琴 violin n. 小提琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 also adv 也;而且 people n 人;人们 home n 家,活动本部.adv 到家;在家 be good with ?善于应付??的;对??有办法 make v.使成为 ;制造 make friends 结交朋友 today adv.在今天 help with sth 在某方面帮助 center n 中心,中央 weekend. n.周末 on the weekend. 周末 teach v 教,讲授


七年级下英语单词表(人教版) Unit 1 第一单元单词及短语 1. pal n.好朋友;伙伴 2. pen pal 笔友 3. Canada加拿大 4. France 法国 5. Japan 日本 6. the United States 美国 7. Australia 澳洲;澳大利亚 8. Singapore新加坡 9. the United Kingdom 英国 10. country n. 国家 11. Sydney 悉尼 12. New York 纽约 13. Paris 巴黎 14. Toronto 多伦多 15. Tokyo 东京 16. live v.居住 17. language n.语言 18. Japanese n.日语;日本人 19. would n. 世界 20. French n.法国人;法语 21. like n.(pl.)爱好 22. dislike v.讨厌;不喜欢; n.反感;厌恶(的对象) Unit 2 第一单元单词及短语 1. post n.邮件;邮递 2. office n.办公室;事务所 3. post office 邮局 4. library n.图书馆 5. restaurant n.餐馆;饭店 6. bank n.银行 7. supermarket n.超级市场 8. St. abbr.(=street)街;街道 9. street n. 街;街道 10. pay 付钱;支付 11. pay phone n.投币式公用电话 12. park n.公园 13. ave abbr.(=avenue)大街;林荫道 14. avenue n.大街;林荫道 15. center n.中央;中心 16. bridge n.桥 17. mail n.邮件;邮政 18. there adv.在那里 19. near prep.在---附近 20. across prep.横过;在对面 21. across from 在---对面 22. next prep.紧靠---的旁边;贴近 23. next to 紧靠---的旁边;贴近;最接近 24. between 介于(两者或多者)之间 25. front 前面;前边 26. in front of 在---前面 27. behind在---之后 28. neighborhood n.附近;街区;附近地区 29. just adv.直接地;就;只;仅仅 30. straight adv.一直;直接 31. turn v.转弯;转变方向 32. left adv.﹠n.向左;左边


2016新外研版七年级下英语全册课文 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? Ms Li: Welcome back to school everyone! First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this? Lingling: Oh sorry! It’s mine. Are my crayons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons yours? Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you. Ms Li: Whose tapes are these? Daming: They’re mine. Ms Li: Here’s a purple wallet! Tony: It’s mine. Look! Here’s my name ―Tony‖! Thank you. Ms Li: You’re welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Daming? Daming: No, it isn’t. I think it’s Betty’s. Lingling: Yes, it’s hers. Ms Li: Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they? Ms Li: Let me see... Oh, they’re mine! Thank you! Unit2 Are they yours? The Lost and Found Office in New York City Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. That’s why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations. The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big. Hundreds of people come here every day. They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches,


英语七年级下册单词默写20、_______n.鼓 Unit1Can you play the guitar 1、_______n.吉他 2、_______v.唱;唱歌 3、_______v.游泳 4、_______v.跳舞;舞蹈 5、_______v.画 6、_______n.国际象棋 7、______________下国际象棋 8、_______v.说;说话 8、______________说英语 9、_______v.参加;加入 10、_______n.俱乐部;社团 11、______________擅长于…… 12、_______v.n讲述;告诉 13、_______n故事;小说 14、_______v.写作,写字 15、_______n.演出;表演v.展示; 16、_______conj.或者 17、_______v.n说话;谈话 18、_______…跟……说 19、_______n.(中国)功夫21、______________敲鼓 22、_______n.钢琴 23、______________弹钢琴 24、_______n.小提琴 25、______________拉小提琴 26、_______adv也;而且 27、_______n人;人们 28、_______n家,活动本部.adv到家;在家 29、______________善于应付……的;对……有办法 30、_______v.使成为;制造 31、_______结交朋友 32、_______adv.在今天 33、_______在某方面帮助(某人) 34、_______中心,中央 35、_______n.周末 36、______________(在)周末 37、_______v教,讲授


外研版七年级英语下册电子书七年级下册Module 1 *buy v.买 call v.打电话 drive v.开车 enjoy v. 享受 lie v. 躺下 *shop v.逛商店;购物 *take v.获得;拿;抓 take photos 拍照 *tell v.讲;告诉 *wait v.等 *for prep.为;为了 *wait for 等待;等候 *postcard n. 明信片 the Great Wall 长城 *really adv.(表语气)真的吗 a good time 美好时光 a lot 非常 anyway ad v.(转换话题、结束谈话时说)无论如何,反正 car n. 小汽车 put on 穿上 *thing n.事情;东西 leave v. 离开 work n.&v. 工作 at home 在家 pub n.洒馆 *restaurant n.饭馆 opera n.歌剧 ballet n.芭蕾舞 sleep n&v.睡觉 *wash v.洗;洗涤 dress v.穿衣服 *start n&v.开始 midday n. 正午*hot dog 热狗 coffee n.咖啡 see v.探望;看见greeting n.问候;致意 at the moment 现在,此时 look at 看…… *soon ad v.立刻;不久 *love n.&v.爱;热爱See you later 再见。 *night n.夜晚 good night 晚安(打招呼用语)*street n.街道 Module 2 festival n.节目 Spring Festival 春节 ready adj.有准箭的 get ready for 为……准备好 *clean v.打扫;弄干净 *cook v.做饭;烹饪 meal n.一餐,一顿饭 *learn v.学;学会dragon n.龙 dragon dance 舞龙 lantern n.灯笼 Lantern Festival 元宵节 sweep v.打扫 sweep away 扫去 *floor n.地板 *happen V.发生 *help v.帮助 at work 在工作 *tradition n.传统 bad adj.坏的;不好的 *luck n.运气


英语(人教版)七年级下册 (注:以下单词中不包括每章节的人名;单词表可以打印下来用于复习背诵,折叠以下,方便检查自己的背诵情况,方便易携带;下载后可自行调整字体大小等) Unit 1 guitar n.吉他 sing v.唱;唱歌 swim v. & n.游泳 dance v.跳舞n.舞蹈 draw v.画 chess n.国际象棋 play chess 下国际象棋 speak v.说(某种语言);说话 speak English 说英语 join v. 参加;加入 club n. 俱乐部;社团 be good at…擅长于…… tell v.讲述;告诉 story n.故事;小说 write v.写作;写字 show n.演出;节目v. 给……看;展示;or conj. 或者;也不(用于否定句) talk v. & n. 说话;交谈 talk to…跟……说 kung fu n.(中国)功夫 drum n.鼓 play the drums 敲鼓 piano n.钢琴 play the piano 弹钢琴 violin n. 小提琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 also adv. 也;而且 people n. 人;人们 home n. 家;活动本部adv. 到家;在家be good with…善于应付……的;对……有办法make v. 使成为;制造 make friends 结交朋友 today adv. 在今天 help (sb) with sth 在某方面帮助(某人) center n.(=centre)中心;中央 weekend n. 周末 on the weekend (在)周末 teach v教;讲授


精心整理 七年级下 Unit1Canyouplaytheguitar? guitar[g?'tɑ:]n.吉他 sing[s??]v.唱歌 swim[sw?m]v.游泳 dance[dɑ:ns]v.跳舞;舞蹈 draw[dr?:]v.画 chess[t?es]n.国际象棋 playchess下国际象棋 talkto teach[ti:t?]v教;讲授 musician[mju:'z??n]n.音乐家 Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool up[?p]adv向上 getup起床;站起 dress[dres]v.穿衣服n.连衣裙 getdressed穿上衣服 brush[br??]v.刷;刷净n.刷子 tooth[tu:θ]n.(pl.teeth)牙齿 shower['?a??]n.v淋浴;淋浴器(间) takeashower洗淋浴 usually['ju:???l?]adv.通常地;一般地

forty['f?:t?]num.四十 Wow[wa?]intery.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀never['nev?]adv从不;绝不 early['?:li]adv.adj早(的) fifty['f?fti]num.五十 job?[d??b]n.工作;职业 work[w?:k]n.&v.工作 station['ste??n]n.电(视)台;车站radiostation广播电台 o'clock[?'kl?k]adv.(表示整点)……点钟night[na?t]n.晚上;夜晚 funny['f?n?]adj奇怪的;滑稽好笑的exercise['eks?sa?z]v.n锻炼;练习 group half[hɑ past[p lotsof eighty['e?t?]num.八十 ninety['na?nt?]num.九十 hundred['h?ndr?d]num.一百 minute?['m?n?t]n.分钟 far[fɑ:]adv.&adj远;远的 kilometer['k?l?mi:t?]n.公里 new?[nju:]adj.新的;刚出现的 every['evr?]adj.每一;每个 everyday每天 by[ba?]prep.(表示方式)乘(交通工具)bybike骑自行车


2013人教版七年级下册英语各单元知识点大归纳 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? ◆短语归纳 play the guitar 弹吉他play the piano 弹钢琴play the trumpet吹喇叭 play the drums 敲鼓play chess 下象棋speak English 说英语 speak a little English 说一点英语say it in English 用英语说它 join the art club 加入艺术俱乐部join the basketball club加入篮球俱乐部 join the swimming club加入游泳俱乐部what club 什么俱乐部 play the guitar well 弹吉他弹得好be good with sb和某人相处的好 be good for···对······有益处be good at···擅长······ help sb with sth / doing sth帮助某人干某事help kids with swimming帮助孩子们游泳 do Chinese kung fu表演中国功夫be in参加,加入 call sb at + 电话号码给某人打电话拨打···号 have an e-mail address 有电子邮件的地址rock band 摇滚乐队 a little 一点(后接不可数名词)in the music room 在音乐教室里 show sth to sb = show sb sth 把某物给某人看 on the weekend/on weekends 在周末 ◆用法集萃 1. play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球 2. play the +西洋乐器弹/拉……乐器 3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好 5. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事 7. a little + 不可数名词一点儿…… 8. join the …clu b 加入…俱乐部 9. like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜欢/喜爱做某事 ◆典句必背 1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club. 3. You can join the English club. 4. Sounds good./That sounds good. 5. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 6. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. ◆话题写作 Dear Sir, I want to join your organization (组织) to help kids with sports, music and English. My name is Mike. I am 15 years old. I’m a student in No. 1 Middle school. I can play the guitar well. I can sing many songs. I can swim and speak English well, too. I think I can be good with the kids. I also do well in telling stories. I hope to get your letter soon. Yours, Mike 1


新目标人教版七年级下册英语单词表 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 1. guitar [ɡ? 'tɑ?r] n.吉他2. join [d???n] v.参加;加入 3. dance [dɑ?ns][d?ns] v.跳舞;舞蹈 4. swim [sw?m] v.游泳 5. sing [s??]v.唱;唱歌 6. chess [t?es] n.国际象棋 7. paint [peint][pent] v.画画 8. speak [spi:k][spik] v.说;说话 9. piano ['pjɑ? n??] n.钢琴 10. drum [dr?m] n.喇叭 11. violin [?va??'l?n] n.小提琴12. or [??r] conj.或者 13. musician [mju'z??n] n.音乐家 14. show [???] n.演出;表演v.展示;给..看 15.draw [dr??]v.画 16.story ['st??ri] 故事、事迹、小说 17.tell [tel] v.告诉;讲述 18.write [rait] v.书写 19.talk [t??k] 谈话、谈论 20.also ['??ls??] 也;亦;而且adv. 21.people ['pi?pl]人;人民n. 22.center ['s?nt?]中央、中心 23.home [h??m] adv.家 24.today [t?'de?] n.& adv.今天;今日

25.make [meik] 使、促使、迫使 26.weekend ['wi?kend]n.周末;星期六和星期日 27teach [ti?t?] 教、讲授28 club [kl?b] 社团;俱乐部n. 29 show [???] n.演出;表演v.展示;给..看 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 1up [?p] prep.向上 2dressed [drest] adj.打扮好的;穿着衣服的 动词dress的过去式和过去分词. 3brush [br??] v.刷 4showe['?a??(r)]v.淋浴;淋浴器 5usually ['ju??u?li] adv.通常 6forty ['f??rti] num.四十7never ['nev?(r)] adv.永不;绝不;从不;未曾 8early ['??li] adv.早adj.早 9fifty ['f?fti] num.五十 10job [d?ɑ?b]n.工作;零工;任务;职位 13o'clock(=of the clock) adv.…点钟(只用于正点) 14.station ['ste??n] n.电视台;车站 15.funny ['f?ni] adj奇怪的滑稽好笑的 16.exercise ['eks?rsa?z] v.n 锻炼;练习 17.group [ɡru?p] n.组群 18.take a shower淋浴;洗澡 19.work [w??rk] n.& v.工作


人教版英语七年级下册单词听写表Unit 1 1.吉他n. 2.唱歌v. 3.游泳v.& n. 4.跳舞、舞蹈v. n. 5.画v. 6.国际象棋n. 7.说;说话v. 8.参加;加入v. 9.俱乐部、社团n. 10.讲述;告诉v. 11.故事;小说n. 12.写作;写字v. 13.演出;节目;n.给……看; 展示 14.或者;也不conj. (用于否定句) 15.说话;交谈v.&n. 16.(中国)功夫n. 17.鼓n. 18.钢琴n. 19.小提琴n. 20.也;而且adv 21.人;人们n. 22.家;活动本部;n.到家;在 家adv. 23.使成为;制造v. 24.在今天adv. 25.中心;中央n. 26.周末n. 27.教;讲授v. 28.音乐家n. 词组 1.下国际象棋 2.说英语 3.擅长于…… 4.跟……说 5.敲鼓 6.弹钢琴 7.拉小提琴 8.善于应付……的; 对……有办法 9.结交朋友 10.在某方面帮助(某人) 11.在周末

Unit 2 1.向上adv. 2.起床;站起 3.穿衣服;连衣裙v.n 4.刷;刷净;刷子n.v. 5.牙齿n. 6.淋浴;淋浴器n.&v. 7.通常地;一般地adv. 8.四十num. 9.哇;呀interj. 10.从不;绝不adv. 11.早(的)adv.&adj 12.五十num. 13.工作;职业n. 14.工作v.&n. 15.电(视)台;车站n. 16.……点钟adv. 17.(表示整点) 18.晚上;夜晚n. 19.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的adj. 20.锻炼;练习v. 21.最好的; 22.最好地;最adj. 23.组;群n. 24.一半;半数n.&pron. 25.晚于;prep. 26.过(时间)过去的adj. 27.一刻钟;四分之一n. 28.家庭作业n. 29.跑;奔v. 30.打扫;弄干净;干净的v.&adj. 31.行走;步行n.&v. 32.很快地adv. 33.大量;许多pron. 34.大量;许多(短语) 35.有时adv. 36.有……的味道;品尝;v. 味道;滋味 n. 37.生活;生命n. 词组 1.起床;站起 2.穿上衣服 3.洗淋浴 4.广播电台 5.(在)周末 6.做作业 7.散步;走一走 8.或者;也(用在否定词组后) 9.要么……要么…… 10.或者……或者……


Unit 1 Getting ready Daily Routine Tooth Get up Sleep go to school Make one’s bed Take a shower Wash Face Lesson 1 After-noon Activity Drum Never Alone Seldom A lot of Always News Sometimes Finish Early Match Note Cinema Lesson 2 Important Fire Firefighter Dangerous Difficult Easy Interesting Safe training Later Eat Because Km=kilometer 每日的;日常的 常规;正常顺序 牙齿 起床 睡觉 去上学 整理床铺 洗淋浴 洗 脸;面孔 课外的 活动 鼓 从不;绝不 独自;单独 不常;很少 许多的;大量的 总是;一直 新闻;消息 有时;间或 完成;结束 提早,提前; 比赛;匹配;火柴; 笔记;记录;便条 电影院 重要的 火;火灾 消防员 危险的 困难的;费力的 容易的;轻易的 有趣的;有吸引力 安全的 训练;培训 以后;后来 吃 因为 千米;公里 Not...at all Rest Practice Drive Firefighting Communicate Free If Or Someone Have to Try Best Try one’s best Keep False Lesson 3 Safety Bicycle Walk Storm Travel online During Bad Lightning Stay Phone Kid Mean Point Have a point Address Smoke Bath Away Stay away from Communication Workshop Minute 一点也不...... 休息 训练;练习 驾驶;开车 消防 交流;沟通 随心所欲的 如果;假若 或者 某人 必须;不得不 试;试图;尝试; 最好的 尽某人最大努力 保持;处于 不正确(真实)的; 安全;平安 自行车 走;不行; 暴风雨 旅行;旅游 在线的;联网的 在......期间 坏的;不好的 闪电 停留;待 电话;打电话 小孩 意思是 观点;尖端,点; 有道理 地址 吸烟;烟 洗澡;洗浴 离开;去别处 离开;不接近 分钟


外研版初中英语七年级下册单词表 七年级下册 Module 1 *buy v.买 call v.打电话 drive v.开车 enjoy v. 享受 lie v. 躺下 *shop v.逛商店;购物 *take v.获得;拿;抓 take photos 拍照 *tell v.讲;告诉 *wait v.等 *for prep.为;为了 *wait for 等待;等候 *postcard n. 明信片 the Great Wall 长城 *really adv. (表语气)真的吗 a good time 美好时光 a lot 非常 anyway ad v. (转换话题、结束谈话时说)无论如何,反正 car n. 小汽车 put on 穿上 *thing n.事情;东西 leave v. 离开 work n.&v. 工作 at home 在家 pub n.洒馆 *restaurant n.饭馆 opera n.歌剧 ballet n.芭蕾舞 sleep n&v.睡觉 *wash v.洗;洗涤 dress v.穿衣服

*start n&v.开始 midday n. 正午 *hot dog 热狗 coffee n.咖啡 see v.探望;看见greeting n.问候;致意at the moment 现在,此时 look at 看…… *soon ad v.立刻;不久*love n.&v.爱;热爱See you later 再见。 *night n.夜晚 good night 晚安(打招呼用语)*street n.街道 Module 2 festival n.节目Spring Festival 春节 ready adj.有准箭的 get ready for 为……准备好 *clean v.打扫;弄干净*cook v.做饭;烹饪meal n.一餐,一顿饭 *learn v.学;学会dragon n.龙 dragon dance 舞龙 lantern n.灯笼 Lantern Festival 元宵节sweep v.打扫 sweep away 扫去 *floor n.地板 *happen V.发生 *help v.帮助 at work 在工作 *tradition n.传统


A. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. OurEnglish teacher tells us s in English. 2. I wantto t to them and play games with them. 3. He isnot at school and he is at h . 4. Can I m friends with you? 5. Lindacan play basketball on the w . B. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. Mike________(步行) to school every day. 2. Idon’t have much ________(工作)to do today. 3.Julie’s father is ________(四十)years old. 4. Daveplays the drums at seven at ________(晚上). 5. A________(四分之一) of the students in our classlike vegetables. C. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. That’sa ________(fun) story. 2. Theydo ________(they) homework at 8:00 inthe evening. 3. Bill________(clean) his room on Saturdays. 4. Myfather usually takes a ________(shower) in the morning. 5. Thesmall dog only has three ________(tooth). D. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. Thereare n studentsin the small school. Forty of them are boys and fifty are girls. 2. Bobhas a car and he d it to work every day. 3. Thereis a bus stop b thelibrary and the club. 4. Myparents are busy and I have to l with my grandparents. 5. Hethinks his dream can come t .


人教版七年级下册单词 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar guitar/ ɡ?'tɑ:(r)/ n. 吉他 sing/s??/ v.唱; 唱歌 swim/sw?m/v.& n.游泳 dance/dɑ:ns/, /d?ns/ v. 跳舞 ;n.舞蹈 draw/dr ?:/v.画 chess/t?es/n.国际象棋 play chess下国际象棋 speak/spi:k/v.说 (某种语言 );说话 speak English说英语 join/d???n/v.参加 ;加入 join in参加(活动);加入进来 club/kl ?b/n.俱乐部 ;社团 be good at?擅长于? tell/tel/ v.讲述 ;告诉 tell sb. straight 直截了当地告诉某人 story/'st?:ri/n.故事 ;小说 write/ra?t/v.写作 ;写字 show/???/n.演出 ;节目 ; v.给?看 ;展示or/?:(r)/conj.或者 ;也不 (用于否定句 ) talk/t?:k/v.&n.说话 ;交谈 talk to?跟??说 talk about谈论 kung fu/k ??'fu:/n.(中国 )功夫 drum/dr ?m/n.鼓 play the drums敲鼓 piano/pi'?n ??/ n. 钢琴 play the piano弹钢琴 violin/va ??'l?n/ n.小提琴 play the violin拉小提琴 also/' ?:ls??/adv.也 ;而且 people/'pi:pl/n.人 ;人们 home/h??m/n.家 ;活动本部 ; adv.到家 ;在家be good with?善于应付??的 ;对??有办法make/me?k/v.使成为 ;制造 make friends结交朋友 today/t?'de?/adv.在今天 help (sb) with sth在某方面帮助 (某人 )center (=centre)/'sent?(r)/ n.中心 ;中央weekend/wi:k'end/, /'wi:kend/n.周末 on the weekend(在 )周末 teach/ti:t ?/v.教; 讲授 musician/mju:'z ??n/n.音乐家 Unit 2 What time do you go to school up /?p/ adv.向上 get up起床 ;站起 dress/dres/v.&n. 穿衣服 ; 连衣裙 get dressed穿上衣服 brush/br??/v.&n. 刷 ;刷净 ;刷子 tooth/tu:θ /n.(pl. teeth /ti: θ /) 牙齿 shower/'?a??(r)/ n.&v. 淋浴 ;淋浴器 (间 ) take a shower洗淋浴 usually/'ju: ?u?li/ adv. 通常地 ;一般地 forty/'f ?:(r)ti/ num. 四十 wow/wa?/int.( 表示惊奇或敬佩 ) 哇;呀never/'nev?(r)/ adv. 从不 ; 绝不 early/'?:(r)li/adv.&adj. 早 (的 ) fifty/'f?fti/num. 五十 job /d??b/, /d?ɑ:b/ n.工作 ;职业 on the job 在职 part-time job 兼职工作 work/w ?:(r)k/v.&n. 工作 station/'ste??n/n.电 (视 )台 ;车站 radio station广播电台 o'clock"/ ?'kl ?k/, /?'kl ɑ:k/"adv.(表示整点 )?点钟night/na?t/n.晚上 ;夜晚 funny/'f?ni/adj.奇怪的 ;滑稽好笑的exercise/'eks?sa?z/v.&n. 锻炼 ;练习 on weekends(在 )周末 best/best/adj.&adv. 最好的 ;最好地 ;最group/ ɡru:p/n. 组 ; 群 half /hɑ:f/, /h?f/n.&pron. 一半 ;半数 haves half 的复数 past/pɑ:st/, /p?st/ prep. 晚于 ;过 (时间 ); adj. 过去的


外研版英语七年级下册 课文 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? Ms Li: Welcome back to school everyone! First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this Lingling: Oh sorry! It’s mine. Are my crayons there too Ms Li: Are these crayons yours Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you. Ms Li: Whose tapes are these Daming: They’re mine. Ms Li: Here’s a purple wallet! Tony: It’s mine. Look! Here’s my name ―Tony‖! Thank you. Ms Li: You’re welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Daming Daming: No, it isn’t. I think it’s Betty’s. Lingling: Yes, it’s hers. Ms Li: Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they Ms Li: Let me see... Oh, they’re mine! Thank you! Unit2 Are they yours? The Lost and Found Office in New York City Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. That’s why t here are lost and found offices at airports and stations. The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big. Hundreds of people come here every day. They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. We usually have about two thousand mobile phones and one thousand cameras. At the moment, there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and Found Office. There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat. There are also a lot of animals. This week, there are three dogs,


t i m e a n g a Unit1 Can you play the guitar 1、 guitar [g?'tɑ?] n.吉他 2、 join [d???n] v.参加;加入3、 dance [dɑ?ns] v.跳舞;舞蹈 4、 swim [sw?m] v.游泳 5、 sing [s??] v.唱;唱歌 6、 chess [t?es] n.国际象棋 7、 paint [pe?nt] v.画画 8、 speak spi?k] v.说;说话 9、 piano [p?'?n??] n.钢琴 10、drum [dr?m] n.喇叭 11、violin [va??'l?n] n.小提琴 12、or [??] conj.或者 13、musician [mju?'z??(?)n ] n.音乐家 14、show [???] n.演出;表演 v.展示; 15、draw [dr??] v.画 16、story ['st??r?] n.故事;小说 17、tell [tel] v. n.讲述;告诉 18、write [ra?t] v.写作,写字 19、talk [t??k] v. n.说话;谈话 20、also ['??ls??] ad. v.也;而且 21、people ['pi?p(?)l] n..人; 人们 22、center ['sent?] n (=cen.tre )中心,中央 ad. v..到家,在家 24、today [t?'de?] ad. v.在今天 25、make [me?k] v.使或为;制造 26、weekend. [wi?k'end] n.周末 27、teach [ti?t?] v.教,讲授 Unit 2 What time do you go to school 1、 usually ['ju?u?li] ad. v.通常 2、 up [?p] ad. v. 向上 3、 dressed ['dres?d] adj.穿着衣服 4、 forty ['f??t?] n.um 四十 5、 fifty ['f?ft?] n.um 五十 6、 never ['nev?] adv.从来;决不 7、 early ['??l?] adv.adj.早的 8、 station ['ste??(?)n] n.电视台;车站 9、 funny ['f?n?] adj.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的 10、exercise ['eks?sa?z] v.n.锻炼;练习 11、group [gru?p] n.组群 12、shower ['?a??] n. v.淋浴;淋浴器(间) 13、take a shower 淋浴;洗澡 14、o'clock (=of the clock) ad. v 点钟(只用于正点) 15、work [w??k] n.& v.工作 16、brush [br??] v.刷 17、teeth [ti?θ] n.(tooth 的复数形式)牙齿
