仁爱英语七年级下册 看图写话 每空一词

仁爱英语七年级下册 看图写话 每空一词
仁爱英语七年级下册 看图写话 每空一词


1.He can’t ______ ______ _____

2._____ do you_____ this shirt?

3.Would you like ______ ______ _______ me.

4. Lucy wants to buy _____ ______ _____ shoes

5.I’ll ____ _____ with Tom.

6.Would you like to ____ ____ ___ ____ _____ me.

7.He wants to visit the ______ _______ 8.This is a _______.The ________work here.

9.They have ____ ______ _____. 10.Do you want to _____ _____ _____ with me?

11.She is ____ _____ _____. She works in ________ ______.


1.[maus] _________

2. ['vizit]_______

3. [flai] ________

4. [frend] ________

5. [p??] _______

6. [d??st] ________

7. [taim] _______

8. ['ju:?u?li] ________

9. [ji?] _______

10. ['?:f?n] _______ 11. [k?:l]________ 12. [i:t?]______ 13. ['h?spitl]________

1.[wait] __h__t___

2. [?u:] ___ __ o e

3. [iks'kju:z] __x__u__ __

4. [s?m] s __m___

5.['meni] m__n__

6. [wie] wi__ ___

7. ['b?tl] bo__ __ __ __

8. [t?'m?:r?u] t__m__rr__ __

9. [bai ] b__ __


中考英语一模:缺词填空(含答案) 缺词填空(共10空;每空l分,计l0分) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。在答题卡标有题 号的横线上,完整地写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词) For me, living in Canada for 25 years, China is a new world that I have longed to explore. This spring, I c 66 Yangzhou to be my first stop on a 16-month trip around China. It was like love at first sight. At 15, I bought a book of collection of p 67 about Tang Dynasty. Through it, I heard of Yangzhou for the first time. I was deeply attracted by a poem written by Li Bai –“Sailing to Yangzhou in M68 ”. Yangzhou has always been famous for its gardens. A 69 them, the Slender West Lake, one of the b 70 attractions in the city, was my first stop. The park with its fantastic landscape and lots of history has enough to keep a t 71 busy for the whole day. What a shame I simply could a 72 half a day! My next stop was He Garden, one of the best protected gardens in Yangzhou. It was once owned by the family of He Zhidao in Qing Dynasty. He Zhidao successfully brought Chinese and W 73 architectural(建筑的) features together. Yangzhou is also the starting point of the Grand Canal tour. Taking a boat along the part of the canal in Yangzhou, I was amazed at the liveliness of this ancient waterway and the c 74 history an d culture. Luckily, my two-day trip to Yangzhou was filled with p 75 and wonder. It made me hungry for more China. 66.chose 67.poems 68. March 69.Among 70.biggest/busiest/best 71. tourist/traveller 72.afford 73.Western 74.city’s/colourful 75.pleasure 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。 When you laugh, you will 61. ____________(['??p(?)n]) your mouth and your teeth. The healthier those teeth are, the happier you look. Why is that? It’s because your teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, they’ll help to take care of you. 62. ____________(强健), healthy teeth help you eat the right food to help you grow. They also help you speak clearly. You can take care of your teeth by doing like these: Brush your teeth 63. ____________([twa?s]) a day after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after 64. ____________ lunch or after eating sweet cakes. Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Take your time while brushing. Spend at 65. ____________(至少) three minutes each time. Be sure your toothbrush is soft. Ask your parent to help you get a new toothbrush 66. e___________ three month. Learn how to floss(用牙线清理) your teeth, which is a very important way to keep them healthy. It feels strange when yo u do it at first, but soon you’ll get 67. u to doing it. The floss gets rid of food that’s hidden between your teeth. Brushing and flossing 68. ____________ your teeth healthy. You also need to care about what you eat and drink. Eat 69. m fruits and vegetables and drink water 70. ____________ of(代替) drinks. 在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分) Today we're going to school by bus as usual. We normally leave home at 8 a.m., but we’re leaving e___81___ because we’re testing some new devices for this month’s report. All these devices are useful when you're travelling. So, what have we got? -


1、在某方面帮助(某人) 2、n.中心;中央 3、说英语 4、擅长于… 5、结交朋友 6、v.跳舞;n.舞蹈16、n.鼓31、 17、v.参加;加入32、 18、弹钢琴33、 19、v.教;讲授| |34、 20、v.说(某种语言);说话35、 21、(在)周末36、 adv.在今天 n.国际象棋 n.钢琴 conj.或者;也不(用于否定句) 7、v.唱;唱歌22、n.家;活动本部;adv.到家;在家37 、 n.音乐家 8、n.人;人们23、敲鼓38 、 拉小提琴 9、善于应付……的对……有办法24、n.演出;节目;v.给…看;展示39 、 adv.也;而且 10、n.俱乐部社团25、v.使成为制造 11、v.n.说话交谈26、n.故事;小说 12、v.讲述;告诉27、跟……说 13、v.画28、n.(中国)功 夫 14、v.n.游泳29、n.吉他 15、n.周末30、v.写作;写字 初中英语

1、洗淋浴18、a dv.有时35、穿上衣服 2、广播电台19、v.n.刷涮净;刷子36、n.v.行走;步行 3、prep.晚于;过(时间);adj.过去的20、起床;站起37、adj. 奇怪的;滑稽好笑的 4、要么…要么…;或者…或者… 21 、 adj.adv.最好的;最好地;最 38、adv.或者;也(用在否定词组 后) 5、v.n.工作22、v跑;奔39、adv通常地一般地 6、pron. 大量;许多23、n.电(视)台;车站40、n.pron. 一半;半数 7、n. 一刻钟;四分之一24、a dv向上41、n.工作;职业 8、adv.从不;绝不25、大量;许多42、v.n.锻炼;练习 9、n. (pl. lives /la ?/z/)生活;生命26、n um.四十 10、n .v.淋浴;淋浴器(间)27、n.(pl. teeth /ti: 0 /)牙齿 11、n.晚上;夜晚28、a dv.adj.早(的) 12、v打扫弄干净;adj.干净的29、v.n.穿衣服;连衣裙 13 、(在)周末30、n组;群 14、n.家庭作业 31 、v.有…的味道 ;品尝;n.味道;滋味 15、散步;走一走32、a dv很快地 16、int.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀33、做作业 17、adv.(表示整点).. 点钟34、n um. 五十 初中英语


中考英语语法填空经典题型带答案经典 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.He was ________ (mention) in the letter. 【答案】 mentioned 【解析】【分析】句意:他在这封信里被提到了。mention是及物动词,根据句子机构可知是被动语态,be已经给出,行为动词使用过去分词mentioned,故答案是mentioned。【点评】考查一般过去时,注意动词过去式的变化规则。 2.语法填空 Last night I went to a concert of Chinese folk music. ________ piece which was played on the echo especially moved me. I was made________(feel)sad and painful ________(strong).The piece ________(name)Erquan Yingyue, but it was one of ________(move)pieces of music that I've ever heard. The echo sounded so sad ________ I almost cried along with it as I listened. Abing, ________ was a folk musician, wrote the music. He could play many musical ________(instrument) with his father's help. By age 17, he was known ________ his musical skills. Today, Abing's Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the greatest echo masters play and praise. It ________(become)one of China's national treasures. 【答案】 The;to feel;strongly;was named;the most moving;that;who;instruments;for;has become 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者对二泉映月这首曲子的感受和了解。 (1)句意:回声中播放的那首曲子尤其打动我。根据which was played on the echo可知做piece的后置定语,故piece表示特指用定冠词,位于句首首字母大写,故填The。(2)句意:我强烈地感到悲伤和痛苦。was made to do,固定搭配,被迫做,故填to feel。 (3)句意:我强烈地感到悲伤和痛苦。副词修饰动词feel,strongly,是副词,强烈地,故填strongly。 (4)句意:这首曲子叫二泉映月,但它是我听过的最动人的乐章之一。 name和piece是被动关系,描述过去用一般过去时,主语是piece名词单数故助动词是was,故填was。(5)句意:这首曲子叫二泉映月,但它是我听过的最动人的乐章之一。one of是最高级的标志,was是系动词其后是形容词,修饰物用ing结尾的形容词,故此处是moving是多音节单词,最高级是the most+moving的形式,故填the most moving。 (6)句意:回声听起来如此悲伤,我听着几乎要哭了。so...that,固定搭配,如此……以至于,引导结果状语从句,故填that。 (7)句意:阿炳是一名民间音乐家,他创作了这首音乐。定语从句中缺少主语指代人阿炳故用who,故填who。 (8)句意:在他父亲的帮助下,他可以演奏许多乐器。many修饰名词复数,故填instruments。 (9)句意:到17岁时,他的音乐技能已经广为人知。be known for,固定搭配,因……而出名,故填for。


仁爱重点初中英语看图写话专项复习 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

看图写话(1) 看图写话(2) 看图写话(3) 看图写话(4) 看图写话(5) 看图写话(6) befondofthere,be,outside __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ collect,hobbyleavefor,yesterday __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ not,prevent,schoolbadbehavior __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 看图写话(7) so,careless,oneselfnot,toomuch __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ usually,schoolwhat,funny __________________________________________________________________ make,China __________________________________________________________________ notallow,take,here __________________________________________________________________ spaceship,control,computer ___________________________________ mean,can,park _______________________________ _______________________________ ____ guide,introduce,hero __________________________________________________________________ bebusy,housework __________________________________________________________________ oughtto,before,meal __________________________________________________________________ big,than,cat ___________________________________ robot,work,like,servant __________________________________________________________________ Indian,eat,righthand __________________________________________________________________ hadbetter,more __________________________________________________________________ when,invent __________________________________________________________________ Mary,onSundays __________________________________________________________________ Tom,often,getup __________________________________________________________________ I,want,be,future __________________________________________________________________ attract,foreigners,everyyear _______________________________ ___________________________________ travel,Canada,tomorrow __________________________________________________________________ go,hike,nextweekend __________________________________________________________________ enjoy,match,yesterday ___________________________________ take,walk,yesterday ___________________________________ usedto,listen __________________________________________________________________ watch,8:00,lastnight __________________________________________________________________ change,takeplace,China,last30ye ars __________________________________________________________________ Beijing,already,hold __________________________________________________________________ practice,speak,corner __________________________________________________________________ morningexercise,healthy __________________________________________________________________ communicate,by,chat,Internet _______________________________ _______________________________ ____ Michael,task,make __________________________________________________________________ world,over __________________________________________________________________ wrong,teenager,litter __________________________________________________________________


七年级Unit 5 Topic 1 情景交际: 根据每小题所提供的情景提示,完成下列各题。 1.你想知道Sally多久去一次图书馆,可以这样问: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ , Sally? 2.你想知道Sam通常怎样来上学,可以这么问: ,Sam? 3. 当你的朋友对你说"Happy New Year."的时候,你可以这么回答: 4. 你想知道Michael是否经常听音乐,可以这样问: ,Michael? 5. 别人夸你的新自行车好看,你可以这么回答: 看图写话:根据每题所提供的图片和提示词,写一个符合图意的句子。 4. every day 5. sister 1.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


英语缺词填空专项测试 (1) 1.food 2.tall 3.during 4.lives 5.hard 6.sit 7.still 8.try9.Perhaps10.Reaches11.become12.fat At different times in a man's life his food has different effects(影响)on his body.Among children f1is quickly changed to the power(力量)to run and play games.Most of a young man's food is spent on growing t2;We grow upwards only d3the first twenty years of our l4,not later.Working men get their strong bodies from their food; and if they work h5,they do not get fat.Office workers eat well and s6down a lot,and may begin to grow fat when s7quite young.Many older people t8to work much and walk often.P9the most difficult time is when a man r10sixty years of age.His body and mind b11restful,without much work or interest.That is when food changes quickly to f12. (2) 1.known 2.blind 3.trouble 4.finding 5.by 6.works 7.through8.things9.reaches10.able11.food12.dark Bats(蝙蝠)are the only flying"animals"in the world.It is k1to all that they cannot see very well."As b2as a bat"is often heard.Yet,they have no t3flying on the darkest nights and f4their way round very well.Why can bats fly and see at night? They fly b5"radar(雷达)".The bat's radar w6the same way as the radar on ships and planes.As a bat flies t7the air,it makes a sound.If the sounds hit t8, they will come back and the bat's ears will r9the message.In this way,the bat is a 10to know where the things are.Bats go out for f11at night.In the daytime,they hang in some d12places. (3) 1.began 2.called 3.like 4.against 5.won 6.almost 7.what 8.before 9.popular10.exciting Tennis is in its second life.Its first game b1in France.The name of the game comes from the French word"tennez".The English men c2the game"tennis"when they watched the Frenchmen play800years ago. The Englishmen liked the French game.Tennis courts were built in every park,in every city, just l3today.The two countries played a4each other.At first they played for


英语缺词填空专项测试 (1) At different times in a man's life his food has different effects (影响) on his body. Among children f 1 is quickly changed to the power(力量) to run and play games. Most of a young man's food is spent on growing t 2 ; We grow upwards only d 3 the first twenty years of our l 4 , not later. Working men get their strong bodies from their food; and if they work h 5 , they do not get fat. Office workers eat well and s 6 down a lot, and may begin to grow fat when s 7 quite young. Many older people t 8 to work much and walk often. P 9 the most difficult time is when a man r 10 sixty years of age. His body and mind b 11 restful, without much work or interest. That is when food changes quickly to f 12 . (1)1.food 2. tall 3. during 4. lives 5. hard 6. sit 7. still 8. try 9. Perhaps 10. reaches 11. become 12. fat (2) Bats(蝙蝠) are the only flying "animals" in the world. It is k 1 to all that they cannot see very well. "As b 2 as a bat" is often heard. Yet, they have no t 3 flying on the darkest nights and f 4 their way round very well. Why can bats fly and see at night? They fly b 5 "radar(雷达)". The bat's radar w 6 the same way as the radar on ships and planes. As a bat flies t 7 the air, it makes a sound. If the sounds hit t 8 , they will come back and the bat's ears will r 9 the message. In this way, the bat is a 10 to know where the things are. Bats go out for f 11 at night. In the daytime, they hang in some d 12 places. 1.known 2. blind 3.trouble 4. finding 5.by 6.works 7. through 8.things 9. reaches 10. able 11. food 12. dark (3) Tennis is in its second life. Its first game b 1 in France. The name of the game comes from the French word "tennez". The English men c 2 the game "tennis" when they watched the Frenchmen play 800 years ago. The Englishmen liked the French game. Tennis courts were built in every park, in every city, just l 3 today. The two countries played a 4 each other. At first they played for honor. Then they w 5 money. Later people began cheating(欺骗)to get money. Three hundred years ago the game was forbidden(禁止)to stop the cheating. The game a 6 disappeared. Americans found the old courts when they went to Europe 100 years ago. They


Starter 动词填空专项练习(用所给动词的适当形式填空) 1. What time _________ your father _________ (go) to work every day ? He _________ (go) to work at about eight after _________ (have) breakfast . 2. _________ they ________ (have ) lunch at school ? Yes . What ________ they _________ (have ) for lunch ? They often _________ (eat ) some rice . 3. Would you like _________ (go ) __________ ( shop) with me ? OK , I’d like ___________ (go) with you . What do you __________ (want ) __________ (buy ) ? I want __________ ( buy ) some milk . My dauthter _________ (enjoy) __________ ( drink ) milk . 4. Lily ___________ (like ) ___________ ( run ) in the morning , but she ___________ ( not like ) ____________ (run ) this morning . 5. How many students in your class often __________ ( take ) a bus to school ? Only one ___________ ( go ) to school by bus . The others _________ (ride ) bikes . 6. ___________ Nick often ___________ (do ) aome __________ (read ) in the library ? No , he ___________ ( not read ) there . 7. Can you _______ (use ) a computer ? Yes , I can _______ (use ) it ______ (look ) for things on the Internet and ________ (chat ) with my friends . 8. _________ (not shout ) in class . ________ (listen ) to the teacher carefully. 9. My parents often tell me ____________ ( not play ) computer games and ____________ ( study ) hard . 10. What about __________ (sit ) here ? OK , let me _________ (sit ) here. 11. He is a very good , let him _______ (help ) you _______(water ) the trees. 12. _____________ all the students ______________ ( get ) the books ? Yes, every student ____________( get ) a book. 13. Can he ____________( park ) his car here? No , he mustn’t __________ (park ) his car here . ___________ (look ) at the sign “ NO parkin 14. How much water ____________ (be ) there on the table ? How many bottles of orange ____________ (be) there on it? 15. He ________________ (not want ) ____________ (be ) late for school, so he ___________ (get ) up early every morning. 16. Tomorrow ___________ (be) my birthday. I want ___________ ( have ) a birthday party . Would you ___________ (come ) to my party? 17. __________ I __________ (need ) __________ (share ) it with him ? Yes, You must ___________ (share ) it with him. 18. How __________ the girl in black trousers ______________ ( feel ) today? She __________ (feel ) very happy.


海兴中学高三英语缺词填空练习(新题型) (一) A: I’m f______ up with sitting on packing cases, Joe. 1_________ . Don’t you think we should buy at least two chairs? B: Do you know how much new chairs cost? One c______ 2_________ comfortable armchair… eighty pounds. A: Yes, I know. It’s t______. But I have an idea. Why 3_________ don’t we look for chairs at a s______ market ? I’ve 4_________ a______ wanted to see one. 5________ B: All right. Which one shall we go to? A: Portobello Road, I think. There are a lot of s______ 6_________ things there. But we’ll have to go tomorrow. It’s only open on Saturdays. B: What time do you want to go? Not too e______, ok? 7________ A: The guide s______ the market is open from nine to six. 8________ It’s a very p______ market so we’d better be there when 9________ it opens. B: Right. I’ll set the a______. 10________ (二) A: I’d like to buy this h______ carpet. How much is it? 1________ B: 72 dollars. A: I didn’t e______ it to be so expensive. I haven’t 2________ got enough American c______. Could I pay by 3________ t______ checks? 4________ B: Of course. The r____ is RMB 835 yuan against $100. 5________ A: Here are two 500-yuan checks. I think it’s e______ to 6________ pay for the carpet and I’d like to c______ the rest into 7________ American dollars. B: Have you got your p______ with you? 8________ A: yes. Here it is. B: Would you please s______ the checks. … Thank you. 9________ Here are all your things. Please d______ check them. 10________ (三) A: Excuse me. Have you been w______ long? 1________ B: About ten minutes. A: Did you n______ whether the No.7 bus has gone by?2________ B: Not w______ I was standing here. 3________ A: Good. Hot today, isn't it? B: Yes. And I wish it would rain and cool o______. 4________ A: Me too. This is u______ for March. 5________ B: You were born in Florida t______. 6________ A: No. I was born in New York. B: Do you think we've m______ the bus? I've been 7________
