

英国Unit 3

1 What kind of institution(部门) is the House of Lords(上议院)? What role dose it play in British government?

A: It consists of the Lords Spiritual(神职议员)who are the Archbishops(大主教) and most prominent(杰出的、卓越的)bishops(主教)of the church of England ;and the Lords Temporal(世俗议员),which refers to everyone else。②They inherited(继承) the seat from their forefathers or been appointed by the sovereign(郡主、最高统治者).In parliament(议会)they speak and vote as individuals(个人),not as representatives(代表)of the greater interests of the country. They do not receive salaries and many do not attend Parliament at all.


3.What are the three main areas in national ecnomies?Describe the development of each of the three areas in the UK economy.


National economies can be broken down into three main areas,”primary” industries,such as agriculture,fishing,and mining,”secondary”industries,which manufacture complex goods from those primary produets;and tertiary industuies.often descriibed as services,such as banking,insuranc,tourism,and the selling of goods.

Britan’s agricultural sector is small(producing 1.4%of the national wealth)but efficient,producing 58% of the UK’s food needs with only 2%of its workforce.Three quarters of Britain’s land is used for agriculture.with about a quarter of that under crops-wheat and barley are the two commmnest.The rest is grazing for animals,including cattle (both dariy and beef),

The fishing industy provides 55%of the UK demand for fish Sconish ports land the majortiy of the fish caught.

In the secondary sector of the economy.manufacturing industry remains important,producing 22% of national wealth.British companies are are active in all major fields of manufacturing industry,but are particulary strong in pharmaceuticals(the British company Glaxo-Wellcrme is the biggest drug company in the world),chemicals([C]is the second largest paint manufacture in the world),aerospace(overall the UK industry is third in size in the world)and food drink (Scotch whisky being a major export).


1. What are the purposes of the British education system?please comment on these purposes.what are the main purposes of the Chinese education system?Are there any differences or similarities in the education of the two nations?

Answer: 第一问

The purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society,But the purpose of the British education system is also to socialise children


Education in the People's Republic of China is a state-run system of public education run by the Ministry of Education. All citizens must attend school for at least nine years.

The government provides primary education for six years, starting at age six or seven, followed by six years of secondary education for ages 12 to 18. Some provinces may have five years of primary school but four years for middle school.

There are three years of middle school and three years of high school. The Ministry of Education reported a 99 percent attendance rate for primary school and an 80 percent rate for both primary and middle schools.

In 1985, the government abolished tax-funded higher education, requiring university applicants to compete for scholarships based on academic ability. In the early 1980s the government allowed the establishment of the first private schools.

China has had a major expansion in education, increasing the number of undergraduates and people who hold doctoral degrees fivefold in 10 years.[3]In 2003 China supported 1,552 institutions of higher learning (colleges and universities) and their 725,000 professors and 11 million students. There are over 100 National Key Universities, including Beijing University and Tsinghua University. Chinese spending has grown by 20% per year since 1999, now reaching over $100bn, and as many as 1.5 million science and engineering students graduated from Chinese universities in 2006. China published 184,080 papers as of 2008.

Laws regulating the system of education include the Regulation on Academic Degrees, the Compulsory Education Law, the Teachers Law, the Education Law, the Law on Vocational Education, and the Law on Higher Education.


Chinese parents only expect their children to get straight A+'s and straight A's on their report cards, whereas the American education system does not do that as much.

The American education system is more relaxed than the Asian culture when it comes to education and their parents don't push them hard as much to get straight A+'s

and straight A's in school so that makes a big difference out the two education systems.

The Chinese race of people in China, America, and all over the world push and force their children to get straight A+'s and straight A's all through school and college all through their lives and they are very strict about education and about them getting straight A+'s and straight A's all through school and college all through their lives.

3.what are the major changes that have taken place since World war 2? Is British education moving towards more progress or more equality?Pick up some examples from the text to illustrate your points.


Other major changes to the British education system were caused by world war Ⅱ。


This time,the new system would emphasise equality.

In the 1960s,comprehensive schools were introduced all over the country,which ended the division between grammar schools----where the most academically capable pupils were sent to be prepared for university----and vocational school where less successful pupils were sent to learn allowed to let children "compete"for places.


Text 英国可以说是世界上最古老的代表的民主国家,可以在1000年追查根源。其他国家也有长期的政治历史,但这些历史是由突发期显着,而经常是暴力,改变。虽然英国也拥有了政治不稳定的时期相比,说,法国,美国,还是中国的国家建设进程一直是一个进化,而不是革命。这种长期,不间断的历史仍然十分明显,在英国目前的政治体制和政治文化。 The Monarchy 政府机构,是最古老的君主(由国王规则)。这可以追溯到撒克逊人谁的,直到1066年诺曼征服公元5世纪的统治。本女王伊丽莎白二世,是国王的直系后裔埃格伯特,谁团结在他的829统治英格兰。 君主的权力,主要是来自国王的“神权古代学说”。有人认为,主权来自他从上帝的权威,不能从他的臣民。由于这种神圣的权利,尽管有不同的家庭之间,有时谁坚持战斗,他们以合法的王位继承人,君主制的实际存在,很少受到质疑。对于1000年英国有世袭的国王或女王作为国家元首,但有一个短暂的例外。在17世纪有一个在英格兰与共和党的“圆颅内战”(即所谓的,因为男人不顾流行时尚和头顶的头发很短)由奥利弗克伦威尔,谁想要废除君主制,并要求领导保皇党谁它继续。在罢黜国王查理一世在1642年,成功地圆颅党和公正十八年前的君主统治恢复。

虽然在理论上国王对他的球队的上帝在实践中,即使在中世纪,人们认为他不应该行使绝对的权力。相反,主权应该愿意接受著名男性的意见。国王是否愿意做领导之间的国王和教会一样强大,拥有土地的封建贵族,其他强大的集团的许多战役。 这是一个封建贵族和教会的反对约翰王(1199年至1216年的一些帮派)的政策。这种反对如此强烈,国王最终给予了他们的自由和政治权利宪章,但其中世纪的大宪章拉丁名称命名。大宪章放在国王的能力,他的皇室权力滥用的一些限制。这仍然被视为英国的官方对公民权利的重要体现。 The Parliament 这个词的“议会”的动词“来到往下谈”,即,讨论或交谈。这个词是第一次使用在1236年正式描述封建贵族和县和偶尔的国王召见城镇代表聚会,如果他想筹集资金。传统上,中世纪国王本应继续以自己的财富,他们自己的王室开支。如果需要额外的资源-例如,如果一个国王要发动一场战争,他经常做-他将试图说服大议会,是一种收集领先,富有贵族几次开会一年,让他提供了一些额外的钱。到了13世纪,国王发现,他们不能入不敷出的要钱此相当小,所以他们大议会扩大到包括县,市,镇的代表,让他们协助他的项目。正是在

英语国家社会与文化 复习资料

2013届《英语国家社会与文化》期末复习题 I. Explain the following terms: 1. Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States of America. He participated in writing the Declaration of Independence and making the US Constitution. 2. King Arthur It is said that he was the King of England in the 15th century and united the British and drove the Saxons back with his magical sword, Excalibur. His real existence is in doubt. He is the central figure of many legends II. Choose the best answer. 1. The first inhabitants in Britain were _____. A. the Normans B. the Celts C. the Iberians D. the Anglo-Saxons 2. The largest lake in Britain is _____. A. the Lough Neage B. Windermere Water C. Coniston Water D. the Lake District 3. Which part of Britain is always fighting? A. England B . Scotland C. Wales D. Northem Ireland 4. The Tories were the forerunners of _______ , which still bears the nickname today. A. the Labour Party B. the Liberal Party


判断题 第一单元 1、Britain is no longer an imperial(帝国)country(T) 2、The Commonwealth(英联邦)of Nations includes all European countries(F) 3、1 in 10 of the British population are of non-European ethnicity(种族)(F) 4、The stereotype(刻板印象)of the English gentleman never applied to the majority of the British people(T) 5、When people outside the UK talk about England, they mistake it as Britain sometimes(T) 6、The Scots and Welsh(苏格兰和威尔士)have a strong sense of being British(F) 7、Scotland(苏格兰)was never conquered by the Romans(罗马人)(T) 8、Most people in Scotland speak the Celtic(凯尔特)language, called “Gaelic” (F) 9、Scotland was unified with England through peaceful means(T) 10、Wales(威尔士)is rich in coal(煤炭)deposits(存款)(T) 11、Cardiff(卡迪夫), the capital of Wales, is a large city(F) 12、The title of Prince(王子)of Wales is held by a held by a Welsh according to tradition(F) 第二单元 1、Ireland is part of Great Britain(F) 2、“Ulster(阿尔斯特)”, referring to Northern Ireland, was once an ancient Irish Kingdom(王国)(T) 3、The capital of Belfast(贝尔法斯特)is a large city with half a million people(F) 4、Northern Ireland is significant(重要的)because of its manufacturing(制造业)industry(F) 5、The majority of Irish people were descendants(后代)of the original Celtic(凯尔特)people who inhabited British Isles(群岛)before the Romans arrived 2000 years ago(T) 6、Most British people are Protestants(新教徒)while most Irish people are Catholics(天主教徒)(T) 7、The British government does not have direct rule from London over Northern Ireland(T) 8、Sinn Fein(新芬党)is a legal political party in Northern Ireland(T) 9、The Anglo-Irish(岗格鲁-爱尔兰)Agreement of 1985 guaranteed the loyalist (政府军)Protestant community(社区)their to decide their future in Northern Ireland(T) 10、The Good Friday Agreement(协议)was approved on 10 April 1998(T) 11、Northern Ireland today is governed by separate jurisdictions(司法管辖区): thatf Republic(共和国)of Ireland that of Great Britain(F) 第三单元 1、It is no doubt that Britain is the oldest representative democracy(民主)in the world(F) 2、In Britain, the process of state-building(国家建设)has been one of evolution rather than revolution, contrast to France and the US(与法国和美国相比)(T)


The Geography of Britain and China When it comes to Britain, what do you think first? For me, the first thing is that Britain is an European country. Most people will choose the geography as their first topic to introduce a country because it is an important symbol. Britain, whose full name is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lies in Europe but is separated from the European Continents, in another words, it is an island country. It is crossed by the Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea and the English Channel. Lying to the north of France and the west of the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway, the south of the Republic of Ireland, the Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and a lot of coastal islands. The total area of the country is 244,820 square kilometers and the total coastline is 11,450 kilometers. And for the longitude and latitude, it is approximately from 50°N to 58°N and 2°E to 7°W. Though Great Britain isn’t big, the terrain is varied from the flatland in the south and east to mountains of Scotland and Wales. The chief mountain ranges are the Pennines in the middle, the Cambrians in the west and the Grampians in the north. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the UK and is about 1343meters. Many rivers also flow past this country. The main river is the River Severn, the longest river in the UK which is westward flowing streams reach the Atlantic. Its about 354 kilometers long and drainage are is about 11,266 square kilometers. The Clyde in Scotland, the Eden and the Mersey in northwest England, and the Welsh Dee and Teifi are the only significant rivers. And the most famous river is the Thames in London which is a popular scenery in the UK. It flows through Eton, the Oxford, Windsor and so on in the upriver, and finally joins the North Sea. Through the English Channel, Britain is linked with France by the tunnel. Though, Britain is an island country, it is fertile and rich in resources. It has coal mine and iron mine, and because of this, British had so much power sources during the first industrial revolution. Thanks to its position which is around by the sea, the fishery and shipbuilding are also developed. And temperate marine climate is dominant the whole country because it is around by the sea and some ocean currents


A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom 该国,我们正在研究的全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。这是一个什么在许多方面 是一个复杂的国家复杂的名字。大多数人都知道做些什么,因为它的庞大的海外帝国给它一个重要的国际作用,只是来到一个在未来数年年底,之后第二次世界大战。然而,一些市民对英国知道(他们可能会呼吁干脆英国或错误,英格兰)可能不大如何最真实的英国人今天过自己的生活。 一方面,帝国的日子已经足够长的时间以前,只有老人记得他们的任何东西是生活中的 重要性。英国不再是一个帝国的国家,尽管其帝国的影响可能常常在遇到的各种方式,而不是在与50或更多曾是这个帝国的一部分,和国家之间的密切关系,至少它通过一个松散的 维持(自愿)组织的联系称为英联邦国家。但更重要的英国国际关系今天是欧洲联盟,其中英国1973年以来的成员,这是在考虑更有用现代英国强调它的作用作为一个欧洲国家,而 不是其英联邦成员资格。它仍然是一个相对富裕的国家,是7国集团成员的大型发达经济体。另外一个旧帝国的作用明显成效在于弥补的英国人口本身。从这些英联邦国家,这在20世纪50年代和60年代鼓励一些移民,已制作了其中1人在20个非欧洲种族。他们自己或其父母或祖父母,出生在印度或巴基斯坦,加勒比国家,这些只是最常见的。 这将引入什么是对英国的章节关键主题:因为是大多数情况下,或所有,国家是不可能 总结了一些简单的对话英国人民。英国认为谁,很多人认为的英国绅士。但是,这仅仅是一个旧有的从未适用于英国绝大多数人来说,没有什么真正的有效性今天。英国是一个国家,一个单一的护照,和一个政府及对其所有的主权,但作为国家的大力顾名思义,它是由不同的元素组成。它包括4一个国家内的部分国家:大不列颠岛是由英格兰,苏格兰和威尔士,北爱尔兰,一份关于爱尔兰邻近的岛屿省份,完成设置。因此,在讨论英国和英国的一些考虑,必须使这些分歧,例如:一个来自苏格兰的女人不会高兴,如果我们打电话给她的英国绅士?她是苏格兰和女性,并认为她的身份从不同的男人和不同的英语。 但是,这4个组成部分之间的区别的国家只有一个,也许是最简单的,不同的是分裂联 合王国。有人已经指出,英国现在是一个多种族社会,这些移民是最近才集团带来了自己的文化,这与他们并肩坐在一起,与生活更加传统的英国方式方方面,例如,许多穆斯林,而大多数(名英国人至少)是基督教徒。并明确在我的苏格兰妇女的例子涉及的是事实,男人和女人没有生活在英国同样的经历。此外,英国经济分为:它是一个阶级结构的社会。很可能夸大了这个阶级的重要性,因为结构的过程中,大多数国家有一些一流的一种制度,但它确实可以说,对英国社会的阶级结构是比较明显的。一名工厂工人,他的父亲是工厂的工人很可能会从股票经纪,父亲是一名股票经纪人,不同的文化:他们将倾向于读不同的报纸,看不同的电视节目,用不同的说话口音,在做不同的事情他们的自由时间,对自己的孩子有不同的期望。 另一个不同之处,这标志着英国社会就是区域。即使在四个国家,每个地区的不同:高 地之间的差异和低地苏格兰有着悠久的历史意义,例如:北部和南部英格兰队也被认为是文化不同,但它们之间的边界上没有标记任何地图,只存在一个比较笼统的精神风貌。然而,有一些是在经济方面的区别的基础,南部平均较富裕的北方。 部分之间的北部和南部的另一个区别,这标志着英国社会,一个可以看到在许多社会中, 但有可能尤其明显,在英国,也就是资本之间的区别和不同的经济差别的原因找到了省份。伦敦是在该国南部,并在英国占主导地位的各种方式。这是迄今为止该国最大的城市,约占全国人口的七分之一,它是政府的所在地,它是文化中心,这里是所有的主要报纸,电视台,与遥遥领先的最广泛选择画廊,剧院和博物馆。此外它是商业中心,在英国大公司总部的绝大多数,是国家的金融中心,三个主要的国际金融中心之一。因此,它结合了北京,上海,广州,还是纽约,华盛顿和洛杉矶的职能,在一个城市。并鉴于其长期在英国的历史作用,也许西安呢!伦敦是英国的经济和文化生活的巨大影响力,并在一定程度上在其阴影的国家


英语国家社会与文化入门期末考试复习资料 D. They represented the aristocrats as well as the communities. 英语国家社会与文化入门期末考试复习资料 8. Under whose reign was the Bill of Rights passed? Test paper 1 A. James II B. William of Orange C. Oliver Cromwell D. George I 1. Tick the correct answer in each of the following: 9. Which of the following is NOT true about the Constitution? 1. Which is the largest city in Scotland? A. It is a document which lists out the basic principles for government. A. Cardiff B. Edinburgh C. Glasgow D. Manchester B. It is the foundation of British government today. 2. Why did the Scottish Kings decide to form an independent singular Scottish state in the C. Conventions and Laws passed by Parliament are part of the Constitution. ninth century? D. The common laws are part of the Constitution. A. They needed a unified independent nation to fight against Viking raids. 10. How many seats in the House of Commons should a party hold at least in order to win B. They felt it necessary to develop their own industry. the election? C. They were threatened by the Anglo-Saxons' invasion. A. 651 B. 326 C. 626 D. 351 D. They had to do it in order to resist the English. 11. Which of the following party adopts a "fatherly" sense of obligation to the

英语国家社会与文化 课程标准

《英美概况》教学大纲 一、课程说明. 1. 课程代码:107013841 2. 课程中文名称:英美概况 3. 课程英文名称:The Society and Culture of Major English Speaking Countries — an Introduction 4. 课程总学时数:32 5. 课程学分数:2 6. 授课对象: 英语专业二年级学生 7.本课程的性质、地位和作用 《英美概况》是英语专业本科的一门专业任选课。本课程以英语为媒介,比较系统地向学生阐述世界主要英语国家的社会与文化背景,如地理、历史、政治、经济、社会生活和文化传统等方面的基本知识。它是英语专业学生学习英语专业其它语言基础课和在高年级阶段学习英语文学和翻译等课程的基础。本课程的教学可以提高学生在跨文化语言运用过程中对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,从而改善学生的跨文化语言运用能力。 二、教学基本要求 1.本课程的目的、任务 本课程的教学目的在于让英语专业学生了解和熟悉主要英语国家的社会与文化概貌,掌握其地理、历史、政治、经济、社会生活与文化传统等方面的基本知识,扩大知识面,丰富文化修修养,加深对英语国家语言、文化和文学的理解,提高分析判断能力。 2.本课程的教学要求 本课程的基本要求是让学生掌握英美两个典型英语语言国家的历史与社会文化背景、民族特点、当前现状及发展前景。通过本课程的学习,学生除掌握有关英美两国的社会基本构成、文化传统、经济科技发展等基本知识外,同时也提高自身对英文社科类书籍的阅读能力,从而进一步提高自己的英语水平。 在课程的教学过程中,教师也可适当向学生推荐一些反映英美国家文化的优


U3 American Beginnings I 1. The question “ What is an American? ” was first asked by J. Hector ST. John de Crevecoeur. ( T) 2. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. ( T) 7. By the early 1760s, the 13 English colonies in North America were ready to separate themselves from Europe. ( T) 8. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln were regarded as the founding fathers of the United States of America. ( F) π 1. Which of the following statements was correct around the time of the American Revolution? ( A. The American had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants. ) 3. The following were the main Reformation leaders except. ( B. Martin Luther King. ) 7. The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except. ( C. William Penn. ) 10. ”No taxation without representation ” was the rallying cry of. (D. the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution .) In 1. In 1782, the Frenchman who settled in Pennsylvania first asked the question “ what is an American ” in his book ( letters from An American Farmer ) 2. The New World of America was peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the first one from (Asia ) and the second from (Europe ) and ( Africa ). 3. American Indians had developed three brilliant civilizations before the Europeans arriver. These three civilizations were ( The Aztecs ),(the Incas )


Unit 1 1.The full name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 2.The UK is made up of England , Scotland ,Wales and Northern Ireland. Q: What are the three most descriptive words you associate most with British people? Reserved ,modest ,humorous Unit 2 1. Queen Elizabeth Ⅱis “Defender of the faith”, because she is the supreme governor of Church of England and defends the freedom of the faith.她是英国教会的最高统治者,扞卫信仰自由 2. The executive power is in the hands of Prime Minister. 3. Nicknames of the kings or queens: Mary Ⅰ, ElizabethⅠ, Richard Ⅰ, Edward Ⅰ, William Ⅰ Mary Ⅰ--------- Bloody Mary (Because of the numbers of protestants executives) ElizabethⅠ----- Virgin Queen (Because she never married.) Richard Ⅰ-------the “lion heart”(Because he was famous for his exploits in the third Crusade.) Edward Ⅰ-------long shanks(because he had long legs) William Ⅰ-------the conqueror(he?was?the?victor?at?the?Battle?of?Hasting) Q: What are the queen’s state functions? ①The Queen approves the appointment of Ministers and the formation of a cabinet.女王 批准任命部长,并组建内阁 ②The Queen summons Parliament and introduces the session with a speech from the Throne in which she summarizes the government’s program.女王召唤议会并用一场演讲介绍政府计划 ③The Queen gives her assent to Bills before they become law.法案成为法律之前要得到 女王的同意 ④The Queen concludes treaties and declares war , makes appointments to all offices of State and Church , dismiss Parliament when the government has been defeated or has reached the end of its term , and chooses a new Prime Minister.宣布战争 ⑤The Queen is informed and consulted on every aspect of national life.关心国民生活


英语国家社会与文化入门期末考试复习资料Test paper 1 1. Tick the correct answer in each of the following: 1. Which is the largest city in Scotland? A. Cardiff B. Edinburgh C. Glasgow D. Manchester 2. Why did the Scottish Kings decide to form an independent singular Scottish state in the ninth century? A. They needed a unified independent nation to fight against Viking raids. B. They felt it necessary to develop their own industry. C. They were threatened by the Anglo-Saxons' invasion. D. They had to do it in order to resist the English. 3. Where do the majority of people in Scotland live? A. in the Highlands B. in the Lowlands C. in the Uplands D. in the west of Scotland

4. Faced with conflicting demands the British government chose a compromise and organized a partition of Ireland, because A. the British government wouldn't be able to control Ireland any longer by force. B. the British government intended to satisfy both sides ----- Catholics as well as Protestants. C. Catholics in Ireland demanded a partition of Ireland. D. Protestants welcomed the idea of partition. 5. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Sinn Fein is the legal political Party in Northern Ireland. B. Those who want to unite Northern Ireland with Britain are called Unionists. C. Social Democratic and Labor Party is a very important political Party in Britain. D. Those who show their loyalty to the British Crown are called Loyalists. 6. In the early 1970s, the IRA A. killed many Protestants and Catholics. B. burned down the houses of Catholics. C. murdered individuals at random.


PEP小学英语文化知识汇总 一、饮食文化 1、西餐礼仪 the knife is on the right . 刀放置于右边 the fork is on the left. 叉置于左边 The spoon is beside the knife. 勺子置于刀的旁边 The plate is in the middle.盘子放在中间 2、饭后甜点dessert 的介绍 It's something sweet, like pudding, fruit or ice-cream…饭后吃一些甜食,比如布丁、水果、冰激凌等等 3、Traditional Chinese food中国传统食品 sweet dumplings汤圆zongzi粽子mooncake月饼dumplings饺子 二、节日文化 1、Women's Day妇女节 2、Children's Day儿童节 3、Christmas 圣诞节 Merry Christmas圣诞快乐 Father Christmas圣诞老人 Christmas Tree 圣诞树turkey火鸡gifts礼物 4、西方节日 Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May.母亲节在五月份第二个星期天 Father's Day is the third Sunday in June.父亲节在六月份第三个星期天 In America Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. 在美国,感恩节在十一月份的第四个星期四 In Canada Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October. 在加拿大,感恩节在十月份的第二个星期一 三、生活常识及日常标志的认识 1、出口、入口和卫生间标志: entrance入口exit出口women's女卫生间men's男卫生间 2、不同国家的紧急求救码emergency number 3、水零度结冰膨胀


Text 什么是美国的?这已经成为一个经典的问题不仅是美国访问的外国人,更是美国人常常问自己。当美国人感到困惑,或者当他们在危机时,他们问他们是谁,并试图找出什么是美国人的手段。事实上,这个著名的问题时,首先问一个法国人称为J.海克特圣约翰日克雷弗克谁定居在宾夕法尼亚州的18世纪。在1782年,这个法国农民在伦敦出版了一本书,从美国的农民,他所提出的问题,并回答了自己提出的信:“那么,什么是美国,这个新好男人?他要么是欧洲,或子孙欧洲,因此,随着血液中奇妙的混合在一起,你会发现在没有其他国家。我可以向你指出,一个家庭,其祖父是英国人,他的妻子是一位荷兰人,他的儿子娶了一位法国妇女,其目前有4个儿子现在4个不同国家的妻子。他是美国人,谁在他身后留下他的所有古老的偏见和方式,收到他的生活已经接受,他的新政府遵循的新模式新,而新职,他认为。···在这里个人的所有国家都成为一个男人,他们的劳动力和子孙后代新一轮融化总有一天会导致世界。 美国是一个新好男人,原则的行为后,新的巨大变化,他因此必须招待新的想法,和形式·新意见·这是一个美国人。据克雷弗克,在那些日子里,美国有没有考虑到欧洲人的或其后代混血儿,如美洲印第安人和黑人其他民族。今天,美国情况较为复杂。在美国家庭中,有可能是儿子,儿媳或女儿女婿与欧洲后裔或非裔美国人和亚裔移民尽管这些白人混血与其他黑人或亚洲人的家庭占少数。为了理解这一点,美国,让我们回到美国的过去。 A New Land 美国大陆的人居住,作为两个结果长期持续的移民运动,第一个来自亚洲,欧洲和非洲的第二位。第一乐章开始大概25 000年前,当西伯利亚部落,在新的狩猎区或从追求寻求避难的敌人,在越过白令海峡到达阿拉斯加。到1492年,超过10-20万人,误称为居住克里斯托弗哥伦布在美洲,印第安人。他们发展了自己的原住民文化,从原始的部落那些从简单到复杂不等的阿兹特克人,印加人,玛雅人和灿烂的文明。但他们的技术发展已经落后于欧洲和亚洲。 第二迁移到美洲开始与欧洲在16世纪的现代时期的开始扩张。1492年,哥伦布说服西班牙国王和王后为了资助他的航程。他认为,欧洲的帆船从西,他可以达到远东。他没有成功,而是他降落在巴哈马群岛的一个在加勒比海和“发现”新大陆。根据哥伦布发现,西班牙国王可以要求在美洲地区,后来西班牙征服了新的土地,并建立了一个庞大帝国,抓住了印度人的巨大财富。在1497年,另一家意大利水手,谁是约翰卡博特在英国国王的服务在今天抵达加拿大,和英国国王声称,在整个北美地区属于英国。执行这项索赔,英国人开始建立由17世纪初在北美的永久定居点。 Europe in the 16th and 17th


u n i t7 1 (1)What are the purposes of the British education system (2)Please comment on these purposes. (3)What are the main purposes of the Chinese education system (4)Are there any differences or similarities in the education of the two nations 答:(1)The purpose of the British education system is to teach children practical skills and socialize them. (2)Children learn practical skills, and the rules and values they need to become good citizens, to participate in the community, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy. (3)The purpose of the Chinese education is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society. (4) In china, people think school is just about teaching children what are often called” the three R’s---“reading, writing and ‘arithmetic”(reading, writing and arithmetic). 2. How does the British education reflect social class British education reflect the deeper divisions in British society in which social class is still very important: class inequality can be erased or continued according to education policy. What’s more, the enduring feature of British education is the continuing debate over how “equal” educational opportunity should be. In British, the accent you speak with, the clothes you wear, and the schools you attend are all markers that identify your social class. The school (or college)tie is a clear marker of social class. Even on informal occasions you will sometimes see men wearing their school ties as belts to hold up their trousers –proudly displaying their attendance at a certain school. In Britain, where you are educated is very important to you future. 3 what are the major changes that have taken place since World war 2 Is British education moving towards more progress or more equality Pick up some examples from the text to illustrate your points. Other major changes to the British education system were caused by world war Ⅱ。This time, the new system would emphasize equality. The result was the 1944 Education Act which made entry to secondary schools and universities”meritocratic”. Children would be abilities they displayed. All children were given the right to a free secondary education and the main concern was to make sure more children had access to a good education. In the 1960s,comprehensive schools were introduced all over the country, which ended the division between grammar schools----where the most academically capable pupils were sent to be prepared for university----and vocational school where less successful pupils were sent to learn allowed to let children "compete" for places. 4. Why does the author say that universities in Britain have been rather elitist 答:Most students were from the middle classes, attended good schools, performed well in their A-levels and received a fully-funded place in a university. In recent years, great efforts have been made to increase the numbers of and kinds of people that pursue higher education. Access for mature students and students without traditional A-level qualifications is widening. 5. (1) what is the Open University in Britain (2)What do you think of this system (1)The Open University offers a non-traditional route for people to take university level courses and receive a university degree. People can follow university courses through textbooks, TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence, videos, residential schools and a network of study centre. (2)It was the Open University which provided the inspiration for the founding of China’s TV and Radio University. Unit 8 British Foreign Relations 1.What and how did the British empire end How did the British react to this reality How did the end of British imperialism influence the psychology of the British and the making of Britain's foreign policy (1) The end of the great British empire was surprisingly rapid. In 1946, Jordan, in the Middle East, was granted independence. The following year, India and Pakistan followed suit. In 1948, Burma and Ceylon
