




我是材料出身,搞的是催化,文章的第一步要有图,也就是说首先把图做的漂漂亮亮的,不管是SEM,TEM,Uv-vis,FTIR,还是催化效果图。、图片放到你的文章里就是你的思路,图片放好了你的思路就出来了,这是就关键的过程,放图的过程中你要考你怎么写,你的文章新的地方在哪?;图做好了也放好了,就是写文章了,写文章也很快了,因为思路有了你的文章也构思好了。我在这里给出我写文章时的程序。对于文章主体部分,我觉得先写Results and

discussion,写完了根据其内容下个Conclusion,然后根据Conclusion写Abstract(因为它们俩有些许的类似),而后补充Experimental。最后也是最难写的地方Introduction,这个让审稿人一看就能知道你的文章的水平,所以写好Introduction是关乎论文是否收录的关键所在。我和外国审稿人专家关于审稿交流过意见,他们也是这样认为,他们也认为Introduction是整个文章的脸面,这是他们主要审的地方,在这里能看到你的创新点,创新点不够直接refuse;Introduction写的还可以的话,就看Results and discussion,这部分其实主要看的是图,你的图的清晰度质量,以及性能图。我审过一篇Journal of Hazardous Materials上面的文章,我也是这样审的。当然是咱们国内某名牌大学的文章,做的是催化,我也是做这个的不知为什么编辑发来让我审,我也感觉很莫名。后来编辑告诉我和我的文章有些类似还称我是专家,教授……


1. 前言部分

1.1 如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性


However, little information...

little attention has been devoted to…

little work...

little data / little research

or few studies / investigations / few attempts have been don on…

or none of these studies

has (have) been less

done on ... / focused on / attempted to

conducted / investigated / studied

(with respect to)

OR To the author's knowledge... There is little information available in literature about...

Until recently, there is some lack of knowledge about... Previous research (studies, records) has (have)

failed to consider



neglected to

overestimated, underestimated


thus, these previous results are

inconclusive / misleading…

unsatisfactory / questionable /controversial.. Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist ...


所以文章不要出现非常negative的评价,比如Their results are wrong, very questionable, have no

commonsense, etc.


Their studies may be more reasonable if they had considered this situation.

Their results could be better convinced if they ...

Or Their conclusion may remain some uncertainties.



However, data is still scarce


less accurate

there is still dearth of

We need to / aim to / have to

provide more documents / data / records / studies

increase the dataset

Further studies are still necessary... / essential...


前介绍自己研究问题的反方面,另一方面等等, 比如:1)时间问题







虽然前人对这一问题研究很多,但是目前有两种或者更多种的观点,这种uncertanties, ambiguities,值得进一步澄清


如果自己的研究完全是新的,没有前人的工作进行对比,在这种情况下,你可以自信地说,根据提出的过程,存在这种可能的结果,本文就是要证实这种结果。We aim to test the feasibility (reliability) of the ...

It is hoped that the question will be resolved (fall away)

with our proposed method (approach).

1.3. 如何提出自己的观点

We aim to…

This paper reports on…

provides results..

extends the method…

focus on..

The purpose of this paper is to..

Furthermore, Moreover, In addition,, we will also discuss...

1.4. 圈定自己的研究范围




We preliminarily focus on the older (younger)...

或者有两种时间尺度的问题(long-term and short term),你可以说两者都重要,但是本文只涉及其中一种

2) 研究区域的问题


1.5. 最后的原场


或者说,further studies on ... will be summarized in our next study (or elsewhere)


2. 怎样提出观点



We confirm that...


We believe that...

3)在更通常的情况下,由数据推断出一定的结论,用,Results indicate, infer, suggest, imply that...

4) 在及其特别的情况才可以用We put forward (discover, observe..) .. "for the first time".


5) 如果自己对所提出的观点不完全肯定,可用

We tentatively put forward (interpret this to..)

Or The results may be due to (caused by)/ attributed to / resulted from..

Or It seems that .. can account for (interpret) this..


3. 连接词与逻辑




also, in addition, afterwards, moreover, Furthermore, further,

However, although, unlike, in contrast, Unfortunately, Similarly, alternatively, parallel results, Compared with other results,

In order to, despite, For example

consequently, thus, therefore...



最早的文献可用AA advocated it for the first time.

接下来,可用Then BB further demonstrated that..

再接下来,可用Afterwards, CC..

如果还有,可用More recent studies by DD..


AA put forward that........ In contrast, BB believe

or Unlike AA, BB suggest…

or On the contrary (表明前面的观点错误,如果只是表明两种对立的观点,用in contrast),BB..


AA suggest ….. Similarly ( alternatively), BB..

Or Also, BB…

or BB also does …

表示因果或者前后关系,可用Consequently, therefore, as a result,

表明递进关系,可用furthermore, further, moreover, in addition,


2) 段落的整体逻辑


首先第一段要明确告诉读者你要讨论几个部份...Therefore, there are three aspects of this problem have to be addressed.

The first question involves...

The second problem relates to …

The third aspect deals with...


Or, 可以直接用First, Second, Third..... Finally,..

当然,Furthermore, in addition等可以用来补充说明。

4. 正文部份的整体结构





5. 关于abbreviation

如果文章用了很多的Abbreviation, 两种方法加以解决1) 在文章最好加上个Appendix,把所有Abbreviation 列表

2) 在不同的页面上,不时地给出Abbreviation的含义,用来提醒读者。


5. Discussion 部分

5. 1时态

(a) 指出结果在哪些图表中列出,常用一般现在时。如:Figure 2 shows the variation in the temperature of the samples over time.

(b) 叙述或总结研究结果的内容为关于过去的事实,

所以通常采用过去时。如:After flights of less than two hours, 11% of the army pilots and 33% of the civilian pilots reported back pain.

(c) 对研究结果进行说明或由其得出一般性推论时,多用现在时。如:The higher incidence of back pain in civilian pilots may be due to their greater accumulated flying time.

(d) 不同结果之间或实验数据与理论模型之间进行比较时,多采一般现在时(这种比较关系多为不受时间影响的逻辑上的事实)。如:These results agree well with the findings of Smith, et al.

6. 讨论部份包括什么内容?

6.1 主要内容

1) 主要数据特征的总结

2) 主要结论以及与前人观点的对比

3) 本文的不足



a) 研究的问题有点片面


It should be noted that this study has examined only…We concentrate (focus) on only...

We have to point out that we do not…

Some limitations of this study are...

b) 结论有些不足

The results do not imply…

The results can not be used to determine…

be taken as evidence of…Unfortunately, we can not determine this from this data…

Our results are lack of ...

但是,在指出这些不足之后,随后一定要再一次加强本文的重要性以及可能采取的手段来解决这些不足,为别人或者自己的下一步研究打下浮笔。Notwithstanding its limitation, this study does suggest…However, these problems could be solved if we consider…

Despite its preliminary character, this study can clearly




坚信观点的真实性:prove, demonstrate


表示推测: imply,suggest

6.2 关于结论中的时态:

(1) 回顾研究目的时,通常使用过去时。如:In this study, the effects of two different learning methods were investigated.

(2) 如果所概述结果的有效性只是针对本次特定的研究,需用过去时;如果具有普遍的意义,则用现在时。如:In the first series of trials, the experimental values were all lower than the theoretical predictions. The experimental and theoretical values for the yields agree


(3) 阐述由结果得出的推论时,通常使用现在时。如:The data reported here suggest (These findings support the hypothesis, Our data provide evidence) that the reaction rate may be determined by the amount of oxygen available.

Some points of style

(摘自一个老外的Writing a Paper, 第一点和最后一点


Do not use nouns as adjectives (不要把名词当作形容词用)

Not: ATP formation; reaction product

But: Formation of ATP; product of the reaction

The word “this” mu st always be followed by a noun, so that its reference is explicit.

(This 后面必须跟一个


Not: This is a fast reaction; This leads us to conclude.., But: This reaction is fast; This observation leads us to conclude…

Describe experimental results in the past

tense. (试验结果用过去时)

Not: Addition of water gives product.

But: Addition of water gave product.

Use the active voice whenever possible. (尽可能使用主动语态)

Not: It was observed that the solution turned red.

But: The solution turned red.

OR We observed that the solution turned red.

Complete all comparisons. (使用完整的比较形式 A is higher than B)

Not: The yield was higher using bromine.

But: The yield was higher using bromine than chlorine. 近期整理了一些论文的写作句式,放在了80-84楼,相信认真看完的人多少会有些收获!

all the samples were ultrasonically cleaned for 20 min 超声清洗

Prior to platelet adhesion, the samples were sterilized by γ-irradiation.


……and the corresponding contact angles were measured subsequently


Kinetic clotting time was carried out to describe the blood coagulation by intrinsic pathway of these materials.


the O.D. values were plotted versus the blood contact time


XPS analysis is undertaken to provide more information on the chemical composition of the surface


XPS full survey spectra


which is common for polished metal surfaces


The nitrogen content of the surface is in accordance with that of the bulk.


It is revealed that the nitrogen atoms carry an effective negative electric charge


the nickel-free high nitrogen stainless steel (HNS) being more hydrophilic than 317L stainless steel.


From the present results, it can be presumed that


are displayed in Figs. 3, 4 and 5, respectively,


indicating that HNS possesses better thrombin-resistant property compared with 317L stainless steel

HNS surfaces have a higher polar component with respect to 317L stainless steel which has a lower polar component



在这篇文章中,我们说明(介绍)了一种……方法 In this work ,we address the problem of +doing sth In this paper , we propose the ... 在这一章节,我们介绍…… In this section , we present ... We demonstrate out algorithm on two tasks : A被认为是B A can be regarded as B 为了这个目的,我们提出了A To this end ,we propose A. 在样本的……和……上都很有效 make effective use of both ...and ...among samples. 当应用到……中的时候When applied to... 通过将……和……结合起来,…… By combining ...and ... , .... A是B中的一个基本问题之一A is one of the fundamental problems in B 目的在于…… Its goal is to do ... We aim at doing... Our target is ... Our basic notion is to do... 为了达到……的目的To achieve ... To achieve this , 因为……,做什么是困难的 As .... , it is very difficult to do .... As..., ir is usually hard to ... Due to ... e.g.:As the variance of object shape and color within an object class can be large,it is very difficult to obtain class-specific features that can describe the object class accurately. 就这点而言,…… In this regard, ... 一方面来说,……,另一方面来说,……On the one hand , ... , on the other hand , ... 1

高考英语get it 65个写作常用句型

2019年高考英语get it 65个写作常用句型 一、议论文常用句型 1. It is a fact that….…..是一个事实 2. It is well-known that….众所周知…… 3.There is no doubt that….毫无疑问…… 4. I think that….我认为...... 5. Contrary to the popular thought, I prefer….与流行的想法相反,我更喜欢...... 6. Some people say/believe/claim that….有人说/相信/声称...... 7. It is generally believed that….人们普遍认为...... 8. It is widely accepted that….这是被广泛接受的 9. It is argued/held that….有人认为/认为...... 10. While it is commonly believed that…, I believe….虽然人们普遍认为……,我相信...... 11. It can be concluded that….可以得出结论 12. People’s views vary from person to person.......人们的观点因人而异 二、图表型常用句型 1.The table/diagram/bar chart/pie graph/tree diagram/curve graph/column chart shows/illustrates/reveals/describes/depicts/reflects that/how….表显示/ 反映/如何


英文论文写作常用词汇和短语 这几年看文献和写论文的时候整理了一些写作常用词汇和短语,希望大家也能用得上: 差别gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference No statistically significant differences in survival were found for MMC or MPMA. Although MMC and MPMA decreased with increasing nuclear grade and TNM stage, this difference failed to achieve statistical significance. 存在,出现occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, handful 方法approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率Incidence, frequency, prevalence In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. 发现,阐明,报道,证实verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening ,isolation 改变change, alteration, 高,增加high, enhanced, elevated, increased, forced 各种,多种in multiple types of neoplasia, in various types of apoptosis, in a variety of tumors 关系,相关,参与closely involved in, associated, 广泛的in an extensive survey 进行conducte, perform, carry out, 降,少,缺decrease, reduction, reduced, diminish, loss, suppression, deficient, low, weak, faint, light, absence, absent, undetectable, lack ,defective, negative,poor,impaired, greatly reduced or completely absent, frequently lost or down-expressed, presented discontinuous and weaker


英语议论文写作常用句型中英文对照模版 (一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2.俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。There is an old saying______. It’s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3.现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是…… 。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4.现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays, it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______.Besides,______. 5.任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6.关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People's opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7.人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 8.……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 9.……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重 的问题。 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has


长期整理的英文论文写作常用词汇和短语 这几年看文献和写论文的时候整理了一些写作常用词汇和短语,希望大家也能用得上: 差别 gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference No statistically significant differences in survival were found for MMC or MPMA. Although MMC and MPMA decreased with increasing nuclear grade and TNM stage, this difference failed to achieve statistical significance. 存在,出现 occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数 the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, handful 方法 approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率 Incidence, frequency, prevalence In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. 发现,阐明,报道,证实 verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening ,isolation


英语学术论文常用句型 Beginning 1. In this paper, we focus on the need for 2. This paper proceeds as follow. 3. The structure of the paper is as follows. 4. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts 5. To begin with we will provide a brief background on the Introduction 1. This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined. 2. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections. 3. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered. Review 1. This review is followed by an introduction. 2. A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2. 3. In the next section, a brief review of the .... is given. 4. In the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard to ... 5. Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx. 6. Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivation for a methodology of action, while 1.2 looks at the difficulties posed by the complexity of systems and outlines the need for development of possibility methods. Body 1. Section 1 defines the notion of robustness, and argues for its importance. 2. Section 1 devoted to the basic aspects of the FLC decision making logic. 3. Section 2 gives the background of the problem which includes xxx 4. Section 2 discusses some problems with and approaches to, natural language understanding.


英文论文写作常用的句型 1.xx 的特征在于: xx is characterized by… 2.xx 的2 个重要特征是:Two critical characteristics of xx are … 3.爱因斯坦指出xx 的特征如下:Einstein identified the following characteristics of xx… 4.Generally, … 一般来讲,原则上 … 千万不要用in principle,此原则非彼原 则也。 5.已经采用了:have adopted … 6.近年来:in recent years 7.over/during the past 10 years. 比如我们说SC 过去10 年间发展很快,用over,over 是一段时间的事儿;during 是事情发生在什么期间,有时间点的意思。 8.出于各种原因:for a variety of reasons 9.此外,另外:moreover, in addition 10.即: “…, namely …” 11.A 与B 的区别在于:A and B differ in the terms of … 12.谈及,关于:In terms of… 13.这些区别是因为:some of the difference stem from… 14.为了让:In order for xx to … 15.很大程度上依赖于rely heavily on … 16.基于… is based on… 17.不是…而是… not …, but rather … 18.这方面的例子有… “…, exemplified by …” 19.严格限制:impose the stringent restrictions on …; 受到这些限制:be subject to the restrictions. 20.产生这个问题的原因与… 有关:The problem arises in part from … [Tip]:多用although, however, while, moreover, in addition 这样的词儿,句子之间的逻辑关系显得很清楚,读paper 的人会觉得你的论文很清爽。


Ⅰ. Gone up → increased set up → established Put up with → tolerate looking into → investigating Figure out → determine put into practice → implement Come up with → developed make up → constitute Get rid of → eliminate keep up → maintain Gone down → decrease thinking → considering Ⅱ. Structure of Data Commentary Data commentaries usually has these elements in the following order. 1.location elements and/or summary statements 2.highlighting statements 3.discussions of implications,problems,exceptions,recommendations,or other interesting aspects of the data 可能涉及到排序题,有例如下: ①A computer virus is a program that is specifically and maliciously designed to attack a computer system,destroying data.②As business have become inceasingly dependent on computers,e-mail,and the Internet,concern over the potential destructiveness of such viruses has also grown.③Table X shows the most common sources of infection for U.S. businesses.④As can be seen, in a great majority of cases,the entry point of the virus infection can be detected,with e-mail attachments being responsible for nearly 9 out of 10 viruses.⑤This very high percentage is increasingly alarming,especially since with a certain amount of caution such infections are largely preventable.⑥In consequence,e-mail users should be wary of all attachments,even thoes from a trusted colleague or a known sender.⑦In addition,all computers used for e-mail need to have a current version of a good antivirus progarm whose virus definitions are updated regularly.⑧While it may be possible to lessen the likelihood of downloading an infected file,businesses are still vulnerable to computer virus problems because of human error and the threat of new,quickly spreading viruses that cannot be identified by antivvirus software. ①②→Theory and common beliefs. ③→The start ④⑤⑥⑦⑧→Implications Ⅲ.信息性摘要 An informative abstract,as its name implies,summarizes the key points in the RP.It is an overview that briefly state the purpose,methods,results and conclutions with quantitative information. 信息性摘要主要报道论文的研究目的、研究方法、研究结果与结论。它是论文全文的高度浓缩,相当于论文的简介或概要,但它又不是简单对原文篇幅进行按比例的缩减,而是要进行深入加工。 比较流行的信息性摘要架构有: ①Objective→Methodology→Results→Conclusions ②Background→Purpose and aim→Methods→Results→Conclusions


Beginning 1. In this paper, we focus on the need for 2. This paper proceeds as follow. 3. The structure of the paper is as follows. 4. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts 5. To begin with we will provide a brief background on the Introduction 1. This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined. 2. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections. 3. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered. 4. In the earliest study of the ….., ……mainly concentrate on the study of…….. In practice, ……. Review 1. This review is followed by an introduction. 2. A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2. 3. In the next section, a brief review of the .... is given. 4. In the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard to ... 5. Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx. 6. Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivation for a methodology of action, while 1.2 looks at the difficulties posed by the complexity of systems and outlines the need for development of possibility methods. Body 1. Section 1 defines the notion of robustness, and argues for its importance.


议论文常用写作句式句型 一.段首:良好的开端等于成功的一半.在写作文时,通常以最简单也最常用的方式---开门见山法。例如: 1.提出议题 A. Just as every coin has two sides, ...... have both advantages and disadvantages. B. There is a public debate today that ... C. When it comes to...... different people have different points of view. some people think they have brought us a lot of convenience. However, others... D. Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of ...... E. As is known to all/ As we all know....... F. Recently the problem has been brought into focus. 2.提出观点: A. Now there is a growing awareness that... In my opinion...... B. It is time we explore the truth of ... C. I hold the truth to be self-evident that.... 3.进一步提出观点: A. ....... but that is only part of the history. B. Another equally important aspect is ... C...... is but one of the many effects. Another is ... D. Besides, other reasons are... 二、段中 4.提出假想例子 A.Suppose that... B. B. Just imagine what would be like if... C. It is reasonable to expect... D. It is not surprising that... 5.举普通例子: A.For example(instance),... B.B.... such as A,B,C and so on (so forth) C. A good case in point is... D. A particular example for this is...


SCI 论文写作不得不说的万能句型(二) 2016-09-13 生物学霸 上次给大家整理的万能句型挺受大家欢迎,这么有用的我们继续给大家整理。内容还是按照论文不同主体部分,不同的 参考文献:相关文献概览 1. A considerable amount of literature has been published on X. These studies ...... 2. There is a large volume of published studies describing the role of ...... 3. The first serious discussions and analyses of X emerged during the 1970s with ...... 4. The generalisability of much published research on this issue is problematic. 5. What we know about X is largely based upon empirical studies that investigate how ...... 6. During the past 30 years much more information has become available on ...... 7. In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature on ....... 8. A large and growing body of literature has investigated ...... 参考文献:以往研究或学术活动相关文献 1. Many historians have argued that ...... (eg. Jones, 1987; Johnson, 1990; Smith, 1994) 2. Numerous studies have attempted to explain ..... (for example, Smith , 1996; Kelly, 1998; Johnson, 2002) ?3. Recent evidence suggests that ....... (Smith, 1996; Jones 1999; Johnson, 2001) 4. Recently, in vitro studies have shown that T.thermophylus EFTu can ...... (Patel et al., 1997;Jones et al., 1998). 5. Surveys such as that conducted by Smith (1988) have shown that ...... 6. Several attempts have been made to ....... (Smith, 1996; Jones 1999; Johnson, 2001) 7. Several studies have revealed that it is not just X that acts on ...... (Smith, 1996; Jones ....... 8. Several biographies of Harris have been published. Smith presents an ........ account, whilst Jones ..... 9. Several studies investigating X have been carried out on ...... 10. Data from several sources have identified the increased morbidity and mortality associated with obesity 11. Previous studies have reported ...... (Smith, 1985; Jones, 1987; Johnson, 1992). 12. Previous research findings into X have been inconsistent and contradictory (Smith, 1996; Jones 1999, ...... 13. A number of studies have found that ...... (Smith , 2003; Jones, 2004). 14. Twenty cohort study analyses have examined the relationship between ....... 15. At least 152 case-control studies worldwide have examined the relationship between...... 16. Other studies have considered the relationship ...... 17. The relationship between X and Y has been widely investigated (Smith, 1985; Jones, 1987, ....... 18. The causes of X have been widely investigated (Jones, 1987; Johnson, 1990; Smith, 1994). 19. The geology of X has been addressed in several smallscale investigations and ....... 20. Xs have been identified as major contributing factors for the decline of many species (1).


杨跃,实用科技英语翻译研究,西安:西安交通大学出版社,2008 所谓“通顺”,就是在确切理解和掌握原文的基础上,汉语译文必须规范化,用词造句应符合汉语表达习惯,力求通顺易懂。要摆脱原文形式的束缚,不要逐词死译,生搬硬套,选用符合汉语习惯的表达方式,把愿意清楚明白的再现出来。科技译文的通顺还要符合专业表达的习惯,采用规范的专业语言,只在形式上忠实于原文,还不算是好的译文。 在EST翻译中,陆殿杨提出一条原则:“Translate literally, if possible, or appear to f ree translation.”(能直译就尽量直译,不能直译就采取意译。) 译好科技英语需要具备的三个条件: 对英语要比较精通(Good command of English); 汉语水平要比较高(Good command of Chinese); 对有关的科技内容要比较熟悉,即知识水平(Familiarity with Knowledge of Science and Technology) 一般来说,从事科技翻译工作,最好是通晓外语的本行专家,由熟悉本行业的行家翻译出来的东西,远比精通外语的门外汉要强得多。 严复翻译的三字标准“信、达、雅”。求其信,已大难矣!故信矣,不达,虽译,犹不译也,则达尚焉。易曰修辞立诚,子曰词达而已,又曰言之无文,行之不远。三者乃文章正轨,亦即为译事楷模,故信达而外,求其尔雅。此不仅期以行远已耳,实则经理微言。用汉以前字法句法,以为达易;用近世利俗文字,以求达雅,往往意义就词,毫厘千里。审择于斯二者之间,夫固有所不得已也。(《天演论》译例言,1898) 林语堂:忠实、通顺、美 傅雷:神似 钱钟书:化境 对于“美(雅)”,尚有争议。但“忠实”和“通顺”已成公认标准。


大学英语四级作文万能句:文章开头结尾句型 1、Nowadays,it is generally/commonly believed that..., but I wonder that... 2、“如同硬币的正反面,...也有积极的一面和消极的一面。” Like a coin has two sides, there is a positive aspect and a negative aspect to... 3、“近来,...的问题已经成为人们注目的焦点。” Currently, the issue of ...has been brought to public attention. 4、“随着...的快速增长,...在日常生活中已经变得越来越重要。” Along with the rapid growth of ……,……has become increasingly important in our daily life. 5、“由汽车引起的空气和噪音污染对我们的健康造成了危害。” Air pollution and noise pollution caused by automobiles do harm to our health. 文章结尾句型 1、“所以,不难得出结论...” Accordingly/Consequently/As a result,it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that... 2、“综上所述,我们能得出如下结论……” From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that...


英文学术论文写作技巧(常用句型) 用英语写学术论文的目的主要有两个,一是参加国际学术会议,在会议上宣讲,促进学术交流;二是在国际学术刊物上发表,使国外同行了解自己的研究成果,同样也是出于学术交流的目的。不同的学科或领域、不同的刊物对论文的格式有不同的要求,但各个领域的研究论文在文体和语言特点上都有许多共性。了解了这些语言共性,便会起到触类旁通的作用。 对我国青年学者或学生来说,用英语写作的难点不是没有写作材料,不是不熟悉专业词汇,也不是没有打下良好的英语基础。用英语写论文难,是因为不太了解学术英语的语言特点。关于学术英语写作的语言技巧,我们已在第一部分作了较详细的介绍。此部分讨论学术论文写作的方法,包括学术论文写作中常用的句型结构,我们都在此作较详细介绍,以便读者模仿练习,将写作工作化难为易。 一般来说,一篇完整规范的学术论文由以下各部分构成: Title(标题) Abstract(摘要) Keywords(关键词) Table of contents(目录) Nomenclature(术语表) Introduction(引言) Method(方法) Results(结果) Discussion(讨论) Conclusion(结论) Acknowledgement(致谢) Reference(参考文献) Appendix(附录) 其中Title,Abstract,Introduction,Method,Result,Discussion,

Conclusion,Reference等八项内容是必不可少的(其他内容根据具体需要而定)。在这八项内容中,读者最多的是Title,Abstract和Introduction部分,读者会根据这些内容来决定是否阅读全文。也就是说,一篇研究论文赢得读者的多少,在很大程度上取决于Title,Abstract和Introduction写得好坏。因此这三项内容将各分章详细加以讲述。 学术论文的正文一般包括Method,Result,Discussion三个部分。这三部分主要描述研究课题的具体内容、方法,研究过程中所使用的设备、仪器、条件,并如实公布有关数据和研究结果等。Conclusion是对全文内容或有关研究课题进行的总体性讨论。它具有严密的科学性和客观性,反映一个研究课题的价值,同时提出以后的研究方向。 标题的写法 论文标题是全文内容的缩影。读者通过标题便能够预测论文的主要内容和作者的意图,从而决定是否阅读全文。因此,为了使文章赢得有关领域里众多的读者,论文的标题必须用最精炼的语言恰如其分地体现全文的主题和核心。本章主要探讨英语学术论文标题的语言特点及写法。 6.1 标题的长度 标题单词总数名词数介词数形容词等 1) Fire Resistant Steels for Construction: Design, Properties and Microchemistry 9 6 1 2 2) Damping Capacity of Shape Memory Alloy 6 5 1 0 3) Microelectronic Assembly and Packaging Technology: Barriers and Needs 8 5 0 3 14) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell: A Survey 6 4 0 2 5) Progress on Fuel Cell and Its Materials 7 4 1 2 6) Computer Simulation and Experimental Study on Cold Shut During Mold Filling 11 5 2 4 英语科技论文中,标题不宜过长,大多为8—12个单词左右。表6.1和表6.2 列出了一些学术论文的标题的字数及词性统计资料。 表6.1 学术论文标题中字数及词性统计(一) 标题单词总数名词数介词数形容词等
