

题型有:1. V ocabulary 2. Proofreading 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Writing

V ocabulary

1.His natural______ saved him from being spoilt by fame and success.






解析:词义辨析。句意:他天生谦逊,不因名望和成就而骄傲。modesty谦逊;质朴;稳重。honesty诚实,正直。simplicity朴素;天真;愚蠢。morality 道德;品行,美德。

2.Patriotism was the army captain’s______when he spoke at our school assembly.







3.A modern ship has its______in the hollowed log used by primitive peoples.






解析:近形词辨析。句意:原始人使用的中间挖空的木头是现代船只的原型。prototype原型;标准,模范。proton质子。pattern模式;图案;样品。predecessor 前任,前辈。

4.You should______the wheels of your bicycle to reduce the friction.






5.A person ought to conform the______of behaviour.






解析:固定词组。句意:一个人应该遵守一定的行为规范。norm有“规范,基准”的意思,norms of behaviour行为规范。model模型;模范;样式。mode 模式;方式;风格。

6.Travel can be an excellent______to one’s education.






解析:近形词辨析。句意:旅行对于一个人的教育来说是个绝好的补充。complement补足物;补语;余角。completion完成,实现。component成分;组件。competitor竞争者,对手。component强调的是构成某物的成分或部分,a component of sth.某物的一个组成部分。

7.The______to the contract must be signed by two witnesses.






解析:近形词辨析。句意:合同附件需有两位见证人签字。attachment附件;依恋。assign—ment分配;任务。assessment评定;估价。alignment队列;校准;结盟。attachment tothe contract合同附件。

8.He accepted______for the damage done to the car.





解析:近形词辨析。句意:他为车子造成的损坏承担责任。liability责任;债务;可能性。liberty自由;许可;冒失。license执照,许可证。likelihood可能性,可能。accept liability承担责任,负责。

9.If the main power line fails, the hospital will use its______generator.






解析:词义辨析。句意:主电力线路一旦出现故障,医院将使用辅助发电机发电。auxiliary辅助的;副的;附加的。auxiliary generator辅助发电机。residual 剩余的;残留的。subordinate从属的;次要的。obedient顺从的,服从的;孝顺的。

10.The big searchlight______a spot a mile away.






解析:词义辨析。句意:那盏大型探照灯照射着一英里之遥的地方.illuminate 照亮;阐明,说明。ignite点燃;使燃烧;使激动。stimulate起刺激作用;起促进作用。illus—trate阐明,举例说明。

11.His newly published novel enjoys great______.






解析:固定词组。句意:他新出版的那本小说广受欢迎。enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉,广受欢迎。enjoy great attention深受关注。相比之下,C项更加符合题意。controversy争论;论战;辩论。

12.The young mother looked at her sleeping baby with a(an)______smile.





解析:近形词辨析。句意:年轻的母亲满脸微笑地看着她熟睡的孩子。radiant 辐射的;容光焕发的;光芒四射的。a radiant smile“灿烂的微笑,满脸微笑”,形容母亲看着自己孩子满心的欣喜。earnest认真的,热心的。an earnest smile“诚挚的微笑”,相比之下,与本句中描述的情景不太符合,因此排除。elegant高雅的,优雅的;讲究的。radical激进的;根本的;彻底的。

13.Always tell your neighbours when you are going, as a______against burglary.






解析:词义辨析。句意:外出时一定要告诉邻居一声,以防止盗窃。safeguard 保护;保卫;保护措施。a safeguard against sth.防止某事发生。hindrance障碍;妨碍;阻碍物。sacrifice牺牲;祭品;供奉。violation违反;违背;妨碍。

14.The plate dropped on the floor and______into little pieces.







15.Having rooms in which to study will not______, we must also have the time to use them.






16.Their______fault was a failure to recognize all the factors involved.







17.Marilyn came back from her vacation with______arms and face.






解析:词义辨析。句意:度假回来,玛丽莲的胳膊还有脸都晒黑了。tan意思为“黄褐色;晒黑的肤色”,符合题意,因此选A项。tame驯服的;乏味的;顺从的。blackened为blacken的过去分词,意思为“变黑的;被损坏的”。freshened 为freshen的过去分词,意思为“变得新鲜的”。

18.The wagon trains had to______Indian territory to reach California.






解析:近形词辨析。句意:马车队必须穿过印第安保留区才能到达加利福尼亚。traverse穿过,横越(某地区);在……来回移动。transfer使转移;调任。transport 运输,运送。transverse不能作动词,作形容词时意思为“横向的;横断的”。

19.The propeller began to______, and the small plane started down the runway.







20.The government’s recent statement of the unemployment does not______with the facts.






解析:词义辨析。句意:政府关于失业的最新声明与实际情况不符。accord with“同……相符合;与……一致”常用于否定句,这里表示与实际情况不符,故A选项为正确答案。conform with也可以表示“符合,与……一致”,但它多表示符合相关规定或观点。commence开始;着手。consent同意;赞成;答应。

21.They planned to______in the middle of the night, when the guards were asleep.

A.go off

B.run out

C.break off

D.break out


解析:固定词组。句意:他们打算等到半夜守卫熟睡时逃出去。break out(使)脱逃,(使)逃走;爆发。因此D项符合题意。go off离开;变质;睡去。run out 用完,耗尽;跑出。break off折断;突然停止,暂停。

22.It’s pretty windy. You’d better______your hat.

A.add up to

B.lend itself to

C.hold on to

D.stand up to


解析:固定词组。句意:风很大,你最好抓紧你的帽子。hold on to紧紧抓住,抓牢。C项符合题意。add up to总计达,总共。lend itself to适宜于,适用于。stand up to经得起;抵抗;勇敢地面对。

23.She’s playing so well this year that people expect her to______all the big prizes again.

A.carry on

B.carry off

C.carry out

D.take off


解析:固定词组。今年她打得很好,大家都期盼她能再次夺得所有奖项。carry off夺去;获得;成功地处理。carry on继续;参与。carry out执行,实行;贯彻。take off脱下(衣帽、鞋子等);起飞;离开。

24.When he arrived, he found______the aged and the sick at home.

A.nothing but

B.none other than

C.none but

D.no other than


解析:固定词组。句意:他回来时,发现只有老人和病人仍然留在家里。none but只有;仅。nothing but除了……以外什么也没有;只有,不过。题干中指人,所以排除A项,C项为正确答案。none/no other than意思为“不是别的,正是……”。

25.As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think______.

A.have to be said

B.must say

C.ought to be said

D.need to say


解析:名词性从句。句意:作为老师,我们要关心的不是学生应该说什么,而是他们说了什么。分析句子结构,with后面接what引导的两个并列的名词性从句做宾语。根据句意判断,空格部分的名词性从句中,what与say为被动关系,应该使用被动语态,因此排除B项和D项。通过前面的what is said可知,A项的have to应该改为has to,而且have to do sth.意思是“必须/不得不做某事”强调的是客观条件,在此处意思不恰当。ought to do sth.“应该/理应做某事”,符合题意。因此选C项。

26.______, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.

A.Other things to be equal

B.Were other things equal

C.To be equal to other things

D.Other things being equal



27.I am sure he is up to the job______he would give his mind to it.

A.in case


C.if only



解析:连词。句意:只要他把心思放正,我敢肯定他能胜任这份工作。if only 只要;要是……多好。in case万一;假使。until……以前;直到……时。unless 除非,如果不。

28.If tap water were as dangerous as some people think, ______would be getting sick.

A.a lot of more us

B.a lot more of us

C.more a lot of us

D.a lot of us more


解析:比较级的用法。句意:如果自来水真的像有些人想的那么危险,那么我们当中就会有更多的人生病。a lot在该结构中是程度副词,与比较级more连用时需要放在其前面进行修饰。

29.Our modern civilization must not be thought of as______in a short period of time.

A.being created

B.to have been created

C.having been created

D.to be created



30.Most of the people who______two world wars are strongly against arms


A.have lived out

B.have lived through

C.have lived on

D.have lived with


解析:固定词组。句意:大多数历经了两次世界大战的人都强烈反对军备竞赛。livethrough度过;经受过。live out住在外面;活过(某一段时间)。live on继续生活,以……为主食,靠……生活。live with寄宿在……家;忍受(不愉快的事)。

31.An Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, approximately______from Marathon to Athens.


B.is the distance

C.the distance

D.the distance is


解析:句子结构。句意:奥林匹克马拉松赛道长26英里385码,大致是从马拉松到雅典的距离。分析句子结构,逗号前面的句子结构完整,也就是说空格部分不能出现独立的谓语成分,因此B项和D项排除。空格部分成分为名词性短语做宾语补足语,由于该距离特指前面提到的马拉松赛道的距离,因此distance 需要使用定冠词the。C项为正确答案。

32.Scientists say it may be five or ten years______it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.







33.I walked too much yesterday and ______are still aching now.

A.my leg’s muscles

B.my muscles of leg

C.my leg muscles

D.my muscles of the leg


解析:名词作定语。句意:昨天走了太多的路,我的腿部肌肉现在还疼。此处leg为名词作定语,修饰muscles,指腿部肌肉。a woman doctor“女医生”也属于名词作定语的用法。所有格强调的是归属或所有关系,此处不符合题意。

34.Sir Denis, who is 78, has made it known that much of his collection______to the nation.

A.has left

B.is to leave


D.is to be left


解析:时态语态。句意:78岁的丹尼斯爵士已经公开宣布要把他的大部分收藏奉献给国家。分析句子结构,that后面接从句,具体说明丹尼斯爵士公布的事情。从句表示的是将来的事情,因此A项和C项均不符合题意。B项和D项均使用不定式表将来。much of his collection和leave属于被动关系,需要使用被动语态,因此选D项。

35.Jean doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if she______a job she probably wouldn’t be able to see her friends very often.

A.has to get

B.were to get

C.had got

D.could have got


解析:虚拟语气。句意:Jean不想马上工作,因为她认为如果有了工作,她很可能就不能经常见到朋友了。此处if后面使用were to do sth.表示对将来情况的虚拟,因此后面使用了would(not)do的结构。

36.The world’s supplies of copper______.

A.have been gradually being exhausted

B.has gradually exhausted

C.are gradually exhausted

D.are being gradually exhausted



37.Hitler______in his room.

A.committed suicide

B.got committed suicide

C.was committed suicide

D.was suicide


解析:语态。句意:希特勒在自己的房间里自杀。commit suicide意为“自杀”,commit与Hitleer之间属于主动关系,不需要使用被动语态,只有A项符合。D项中suicide可以直接作不及物动词接在主语后面,不需要使用was。

38.Bill got up and made a motion that the meeting______.

A.be adjourned

B.should cancel

C.be going to cancel

D.is to adjourn


解析:虚拟语气。句意:比尔起身提议会议应该延迟。分析句子结构,that 后面引导同位语从句修饰a motion(动议,会议中临时提出建议),说明a motion 代表的具体含义。对于表示建议、命令等意思的词如suggestion、proposal、recommendation、order、no—tion(动议),其同位语从句需要使用“(should)+动词原形”的形式表示虚拟。因此本题选A项。B项中cancel应该使用被动语态。

39.It is no good______persuade me.

A.for you to try to

B.trying to

C.of you to

D.of you to try to


解析:固定搭配。句意:说服我没有益处。It is no good/use doing sth.做某事无益/无用。

40.The main trouble is______enough knowledge.

A.their not having

B.them not having

C.theirs not having

D.for them to not have


解析:动名词复合结构。句意:主要的麻烦是他们的知识不够。带有逻辑主语的动名词叫做“动名词复合结构”。本题中not having enough knowledge的主语为they,因此使用动名词的复合结构,把they变成形容词性物主代词their,后面接动名词。


Before 1973, abortion was illegal in America unless the woman’s health was threatened. In March of 1970, Jame Roe, a single woman, instituted this federal action against the District attorney of the county. The original idea was that women who truly did not want a baby should not have to have it. 【M1】______ Since pregnancy may be a blessed act when planned or wanted, 【M2】______forced pregnancy, like any forced bodily invasion, is anathema toAmerican values and traditions. As legalized abortion has become aneveryday part of American life, a different side to it has emerged out. 【M3】______ Where women once were aborting because they did not want achild, the reasons being given now were becoming very different. 【M4】______ Abortion has turned into something that women are being coercedfrom boyfriends/husbands unwilling to be fathers, out of fear 【M5】______of the financial pressure, out of panic from losing their jobs, out ofpanic from having to quit the school, or becoming homeless, or out【M6】______of fear of their parents kicking them out into the street. Abortion for these reasons can lead to problems which developwhen a woman is unable to get round her emotional responses resul- 【M7】______ting from the trauma of an abortion. There are women who abort anddo so completely of her own free will. These women have no regrets, 【M8】______no remorse, but are happy they had this choice available. But 【M9】______a growing number of women are speaking up about how abortioneffected them adversely. 【M10】______



解析:(作代词时,it通常用于特指,one通常用于类指。此处指代前文的a baby,是类指,而不是特指某一个婴儿,所以应该用one。)



解析:(分析该句子,前后两个分句“pregnancy may be a blessed act”和“forced pregnancy…is a—nathema”构成对比,所以应该使用表示对比的连词while。注意大写。)









解析:(coerce somebody into something意思是“胁迫某人做某事”。本句中指妇女被他们的男朋友或者丈夫胁迫去堕胎。)



解析:(quit school“辍学”,school不是特指,前面不需要定冠词the。)



解析:(本句句意:当女性无法克服由于堕胎带来的情感创伤时,此类堕胎导致的问题就会出现。get round意思为“说服;(消息)传开来;走动”,不符合题意,需使用get through,意思为“度过(经济,感情等的)难关”。)










Reading Comprehension

In developing a model of cognition, we must recognize that perception of the external world does not always remain independent of motivation. While progress

toward maturity is positively correlated with differentiation between motivation and cognition, tension will, even in the mature adult, militate towards a narrowing of the range of perception and in the lessening of the objectivity of perception. Cognition can be seen as the first step in the sequence of events leading from the external stimulus to the behavior of the individual. The child develops from belief that all things are an extension of its own body to the recognition that objects exist independent of his perception. He begins to demonstrate awareness of people and things which are removed from his sensory apparatus and initiates goal directed behaviors. He may, however, refuse to recognize the existence of barriers to the attainment of his goals, despite the fact that his cognition of these objects has been previously demonstrated. In the primitive being, goal-directed behavior can be very simply motivated. The presence of an attractive object will cause an infant to reach for it; its removal will result in the cessation of that action. Studies have shown no evidence of the infant’s frustration; rather, it appears that the infant ceases to desire the object when he cannot see it. Further indications are that the infant’s attention to the attractive object increases as a result of its not being in his grasp. In fact, if he holds a toy and another is presented, he is likely to drop the first in order to clutch the second. Often, once he has the one desired in his hands, he loses attention and turns to something else. In adult life, mere cognition can be similarly motivational, although the visible presence of the opportunity is not required as the instigator of response. The mature adult modifies his reaction by obtaining information, interpreting it, and examining consequences. He formulates a hypothesis and attempts to test it. He searches out implicit relationships, examines all factors, and differentiates among them. Just as the trained artist can separate the values of colour, composition, and technique , while taking in and evaluating the whole work, so, too, the mature person brings his cognitive learning strengths to bear in appraising a situation. Understanding that cognition is separate from action, his reactions are only minimally guided from conditioning, and take into consideration anticipatable events. The impact of the socialization process, particularly which of parental and social group ideology , may reduce cognitively directed behavior. The tension thus produced, as for instance the stress of fear, anger, or extreme emotion, will often be the overriding influence. The evolutionary process of development from body schema through to cognitive learning is similarly manifested in the process of language acquisition. Auditing and speaking develop first, reading and writing much later on. Not only is this evident in the development of the individual human being from infancy on, but also in the development of language for humankind. Every normal infant has the physiological equipment necessary to produce sound, but the child must first master their use for sucking, biting, and chewing before he can control his equipment for use in producing the sounds of language. The babble and chatter of the infant are precursors to intelligible vocal communication. From the earliest times, it is clear that language and human thought have been intimately connected. Sending or receiving messages, from primitive warnings of danger to explaining creative or reflective thinking, this aspect of cognitive development is also firmly linked to the needs and aspirations of society.

51.It can be inferred from this passage that the author would support the attitude towards art appreciation that______.

A.a work of art should not be analyzed

B.analysis of a work of art makes for greater understanding of it

C.understanding the life of the artist helps us to understand his work

D.all mature people can understand art equally well


解析:根据第四段开头两句,对于成人,纯粹的认知也是一种动机。成人通过获取信息并进行解释评估,可以修正其反应。接着本段通过与艺术家评价作品做类比,最终总结到,“the mature person brings his cognitive learning strengths to bear in appraising a sit—uation.”,也就是说人们像艺术评价作品一样去认知,就能发挥认知优势。也就是说通过分析作品,可以加深对作品的了解。因此选B 项。

52.The statement which is neither implied nor stated in this passage is______.

A.The child is concerned only with his own body

B.The child learns to act in a way that will serve his desires

C.The infant’s attention can be distracted from an object by simply concealing it D.The infant finds it difficult to focus attention on more than one object at a time


解析:第三段开头便提到,最初的生命,目的引导性行为动机很简单。接着列举了一系列婴儿因为自己的动机而做出不同行为的例子,也就是说婴儿行为的出发点为他的动机,这与B项相符,因此B项排除。第三段第三句提到,研究表明当婴儿看不到物品时,就会终止愿望,而不是感到沮丧,这与C项“简单的隐藏物品就能分散婴儿对该物品的注意力”相符,因此排除C项。第三段最后两句提到,当婴儿被另外的物品吸引时,会丢下第一件去拿第二件(drop the first in order to clutch the second),这暗示了婴儿的注意力难以一次集中到多件事情上。因此D项排除。本段明确提到孩子对于身体以外的物品的愿望,A项明显与原文不符,因此选A项。

53.It may be inferred from the passage that the effects of society on learning may be______.

A.to enhance the individual’s motivation to learn as quickly as possible

B.too deter learning by reason of anxiety about possible conflict with ideology C.to bring man’s knowledge within the scope of all

D.to keep all learning at the same stage of development


解析:第六段提到了“The impact of the socialization process…may reduce

cognitively directedbehavior”,即社会化的程序能削弱认知,本段还提到了社会群体的意识形态(socialgroup ideology)及他们之间可能会产生冲突(The tension thus produced)。B项符合原文,因此选B项。

54.The passage implies that______.

A.speech is acquired through direct teaching

B.the infant should be taught not to babble

C.infants who do not chatter will never learn to speak

D.infants are born with the ability to speak but the ability to do so depends upon development of physical functions through non-verbal activities


解析:倒数第二段提到,正常婴儿都有发出声音的身体器官(physiological equipment),但是在掌握语言之前需要学会一系列与语言无关的活动,如sucking,biting,and chewing等。也就是说,婴儿天生就有说话的能力,但是这一能力依存于其他非语言的活动。D项正确,因此选D项。C项过于绝对,与原文不符,排除。

55.It would appear from the passage that it would be useful for the parent of the newborn to______.

A.give the infant what he needs before he cries

B.teach the infant how to speak as quickly as possible

C.model speech sounds and encourage the infant to produce them

D.refuse the infant’s demands until he makes them clear



In a reaction against a too-rigid, overrefined classical curriculum, some educational philosophers have swung sharply to an espousal of “life experience”as the sole source of learning. Using their narrow interpretation of John Dewey’s theories as a base for support, they conclude that only through “doing” can learning take place. Spouting such phrases as, “Teach the child, not the subject. “ they demand, without sensing its absurdity, and end to rigorous study as a means of opening the way to learning. While not all adherents to this approach would totally eliminate a study of great books, the influence of this philosophy has been felt in the public school curricula, as evidenced by the gradual subordination of great literature. What is the purpose of literature? Why read, if life alone is to be our teacher? James Joyce states that the artist reveals the human situation by recreating life out of life; Aristotle that art presents universal truths because its form is taken from nature. Thus, consciously or otherwise, the great writer reveals the human situation most tellingly, extending our understanding of ourselves and our world. We can soar with the

writer to the heights of man’s aspirations, or plummet with him to tragic despair. The works of Steinbeck, Anderson, and Salinger; the poetry of Whitman, Sandburg, and Frost; the plays of Ibsen, Miller, and O’Neil: all present starkly realistic portrayals of life’s problems. Reality? Yes! But how much wider is the understanding we gain than that attained by viewing life through the keyhole of our single existence. Can we measure the richness gained by the young reader venturing down the Mississippi with Tom and Huck, or cheering Ivanhoe as he battles the Black Knight; the deepening understanding of the mature reader of the tragic South of William Faulkner and Tennessee Williams, of the awesome determination—and frailty—of Patrick White’s Australian pioneers? This function of literature, the enlarging of our own life sphere, is of itself of major importance. Additionally, however, it has been suggested that solutions of social problems may be suggested in the study of literature. The overweening ambitions of political leaders—and their sneering contempt for the law —did not appear for the first time in the writings of Bernstein and Woodward; the problems, and the consequent actions, of the guilt-ridden did not await the appearance of the bearded psychoanalyst of the twentieth century. Federal Judge Learned Hand has written, “ I venture to believe that it is as important to a judge called upon to pass on a question of constitutional law, to have at least a bowing acquaintance with Thucydides, Gibbon, and Carlyle, with Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, and Milton, with Montaigne and Rabelais, with Plato, Bacon, Hume, and Kant, as with the books which have been specifically written on the subject. For in such matters everything turns upon the spirit in which he approaches the questions before him. “But what of our dissenters? Can we overcome the disapproval of their “ life experience classroom”theory of learning? We must start with the field of agreement—that education should serve to improve the individual and society. We must educate them to the understanding that the voice of human experience should stretch our human faculties, and opens us to learning. We must convince them—in their own personal language perhaps—of the “ togetherness” of life and art; we must prove to them that far from being separate, literature is that part of life which illumines life.

56.According to the passage, the end goal of great literature is______.

A.the recounting of dramatic and exciting stories, and the creation of characters B.to create anew a synthesis of life that illumines the human condition

C.the teaching of morality and ethical behavior

D.to write about tragedy and despair


解析:第二段开头便设问文学作品的目的是什么?接着本段通过乔伊斯与亚里士多德的观点揭示了答案,并且在最后总结到伟大的作家能够“reveals the human situation…ex—tending our understanding of ourselves and our world”,B项符合原文,因此选B项。

57.In the author’s opinion, as seen in this passage one outcome of the influence

of the “ life experience” adherents has been______.

A.the gradual subordination of the study of great literature in the schools

B.a narrowed interpretation of the theories of John Dewey

C.a sharp swing over to “learning through doing”

D.an end to rigorous study as a way of learning


解析:根据第一段最后一句“虽然并不是所有这一理论的支持者都要完全抹杀对书本的学习,但是在公共学校的课程表中能够感受到这一理论的影响,伟大的文学作品的地位正在逐渐下降(the gradual subordination of great literature)”,由此可知,正确答案为A项。

58.As the author sees it, one of the most important gains from the study of great literature is______.

A.enrichment of our understanding of the past

B.broadening of our approaches to social problems

C.that it gives us a bowing acquaintance with great figures of the past

D.that it provides us with vicarious experiences which provide a much broader experience than we can get from experiences of simply our own lives alone


解析:根据第五段第一句“书本扩大我们生活领域(the enlarging of our own life sphere)的这一作用本身就具有巨大的重要性”。而通过第二、三和四段可知,这里的the enlarging of our own life sphere指的就是可以通过书中的人物经历来了解到许多他们一生都不可能经历的事情。D项符合题意,因此选D项。

59.The author’s purpose in this passage is to______.

A.list those writers who make up the back bone of a great literature curriculum B.compare the young reader’s experience with literature to that of the mature reader

C.advocate the adoption of the “life experience” approach to teaching

D.plead for the retention of great literature as a fundamental part of the curriculum


解析:分析全文,文章首段首先提到“life experience”这种方法的狭隘性,使得公共学校课程中的文学作品地位下降。紧接着作者开始论证伟大作品的目的及重要作用,并且在最后一段中提到,需要通过教育来了解伟大作品,克服“经验说”理论。由此可见,本文目的实际上是在呼吁保留文学课程,因此选D项。

60.The author’s reason for quoting Judge Hand is to______.

A.call attention to the writing of Thucydides and Carlyle

B.support the thesis of the author that literature broadens our understanding and stretches our faculties

C.point out that constitutional law is a part of the great literature of our past

D.show that everyone, including judges, enjoys reading


解析:文章第五段第二句提到,伟大作品中可能会涉及到社会问题的解决之道,接着文章开始对此进行论证,并在第六段引用Federal Judge Learned Hand 的话指出,即使对于法官,了解一些伟大作家及其书籍也是必不可少的,因为很多问题都会通过这些书籍展现出来。由此可知,引用Judge Hand的话原因在于证明伟大作品有利于拓展我们的理解,提高我们的能力。因此B项为正确答案。A项和C项只是Judge Hand的观点,并不是作者举例的原因。

It has always been difficult for the philosopher or scientist to fit time into his view of the universe. Prior to Einsteinian physics, there was no truly adequate formulation of the relationship of time to the other forces in the universe, even though some empirical equations included time quantities. However, even the Einsteinian formulation is not perhaps totally adequate to the job of fitting time into the proper relationship with the other dimensions, as they are called, of space. The primary problem arises in relation to things which might be going faster than the speed of light, or have other strange properties. Examination of the Lorentz-Fitzgerald formulas yields the interesting speculation that if something did actually exceed the speed of light it would have its mass expressed as an imaginary number and would seem to be going backwards in time. The barrier to exceeding the speed of light is the apparent need to have an infinite quantity of mass moved at exactly the speed of light. If this situation could be leaped over in a large quantum jump—which seems highly unlikely for masses that are large in normal circumstances—then the other side may be achievable. The idea of going backwards in time is derived from the existence of a time vector that is negative , although just what this might mean to our senses in the unlikely circumstance of our experiencing this state cannot be conjectured. There have been, in fact, some observations of particle chambers which have led some scientists to speculate that a particle called the tachyon may exist with the trans-light properties we have just discussed. The difficulties of imagining and coping with these potential implications of our mathematical models points out the importance of studying alternative methods of notation for advanced physics. Professor Zuckerkandl, in his book Sound and Symbol, hypothesizes that it might be better to express the relationships found in quantum mechanics through the use of a notation derived from musical notations. To oversimplify greatly, he argues that music has always given time a special relationship to other factors or parameters or dimensions. Therefore, it might be a more useful language in which to express the relationships in physics where time again has a special role to play, and cannot be treated as just another dimension. The point of this, or any other alternative to the current methods of describing basic physical processes, is that time does not appear—either by common experience or sophisticated scientific understanding—to be the same sort of dimension or parameter as physical dimensions, and is deserving of completely special treatment, in a system of notation designed to accomplish that goal. One

approach would be to consider time to be a field effect governed by the application of energy to mass—that is to say, by the interaction of different forms of energy, if you wish to keep in mind the equivalence of mass and energy. The movement of any normal sort of mass is bound to produce a field effect that we call positive time. An imaginary mass would produce a negative time field effect. This is not at variance with Einstein’s theories, since the “faster” a given mass moves the more energy was applied to it and the greater would be the field effect. The time effects predicted by Einstein and confirmed by experience are, it seems, consonant with this concept.

61.The “sound”of Professor Zuckerkandl’s book title probably refers to ______.

A.the music of the spheres

B.music in the abstract

C.musical notation

D.the seemingly musical sounds produced by tachyons


解析:第五段中关于Sound and Symbol一书,作者Professor Zuckerkandl提出使用乐谱中的记谱法来进行标记,来表示量子力学中发现的关系。通过上文可知,量子力学中发现的关系涉及到宇宙中的时间维度。由此推测,本书中的sound 指的可能是宇宙中的音乐。因此选A项。B项和C项均没有与宇宙联系起来,因此排除。D项范同太过狭窄,tachyons只是涉及到的一种物质,属于个别案例。

62.The passage supports the inference that______.

A.Einstein’s theory of relativity is wrong

B.the Lorentz-Fitzgerald formulas contradict Einstein’s theories

C.time travel is clearly possible

D.it is impossible to travel at precisely the speed of light


解析:根据第二段最后两句,超越光速的最大障碍就是需要有一个无限大的质量物体以光速运动。但是作者接着指出,要实现量子论中这种情况,可能性是很小的。因此选D项。文中提到Einsteinian formulation并不能充分解决时间关系的问题,但并没有说其不正确或者与Lorentz—Fitzgerald formulas存在冲突,A项和B项属于无中生有,因此排除。根据第三段可知,时间旅行目前不太可能,因此C项错误。

63.The tone of the passage is______.

A.critical but hopeful

B.hopeful but suspicious

C.suspicious but speculative

D.speculative but hopeful


2015年考研英语二阅读Text1真题详解 整篇文章的主题是与我们生活息息相关的内容,文章的难度不大,相比2014年英语二的阅读来说,难度稳定,这是在我们预料之中的。 第21题According to Paragraph 1,most previous surveys found that home___(根据第一段可知,之前的调查中认为家是一个____地方)。[A] offered greater relaxation than the workplace [B] was an ideal place for stress measurement [C] generated more stress than the workplace [D] was an unrealistic place for relaxation题目中明确给出范围,所以我们只要在第一段中找答案,且要注意题目中的关键词是previous。回归第一段,不难发现文章的首句便是答案出处:A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys, people are actually more stressed at home than at work.(新的研究显示不同于以往的绝大多数调查,人们在家比工作时的压力更大)。这句话中new、contrary to most surveys是提示词,与题目中的previous study相对应的,不难做出正确答案是[A] 第22题According to Damaske, who are likely to be the happiest at home?(Damaske 认为,谁可能是最家里最快乐的?)读完题目,回到文章第二段找Damaske的观点:It is men, not women, who report being happier at home than at work.在家男性比女性更快乐,Another surprise is that findings hold true for both those with children and without, but more so for nonparents.这句话的关键词是more,它与题目中的happiest最高级是相对应的,所以解这道题的关键便是nonparents.但是对于很多同学来说,nonparents是个生词,不认识。其实大家只要上过中公考研的英语词汇课,学习过词根词缀法,这个单词就变的很简单。nonparents是由否定前缀non-+parents构成的,non-这个否定前缀表示“不无非”,所以整个单词可以译为不是父母。四个选项[A] Childless wives [B] Working mothers [C] Childless husbands [D] Working fathers,我们可以轻易选出答案C,没有孩子且是丈夫。 第23题,The blurring of working women's roles refers to the fact that__。回归第三段中,找到With the blurring of roles,发现前面的句子正是对这种现象的解释:for women who work outside the home, they often are playing catch-up-with-household tasks.以及后面的the home front lags well behind the workplace a making adjustments for working women,指的便是女性不仅得工作赚钱,而且还得在家得忙家务,所以她们的身份是双重的。所以选[D] they are both bread winners and housewives. 第24题,The word“ moola”(Line4,Para4)most probably means__这是一道词义推测题,它与前文中的marking money是近义词,答案选[C] earnings收入。 第25题The home front differs from the workplace in that__。文章第5段there are inadequate rewards for most of them. Your home colleagues-your family-have no clear rewards for their labor;家务劳动不会像工作一样得到足够的奖励,而且分工也是不明确的。答案对应选项[A] division of labor at home is seldom clear-cut. 虽然有突破口、也有规律可循,但这并不意味着我们可以一劳永逸、高枕无忧,要知道,


2015年考研英语(一)深度解析:完型 1. [A] what 【解析】此题考查疑问代词辨析:题干中过去分词短语published from the University of California and Yale University…作后置定语,修饰study,而真正的句子主干是That is 1 a study has 2 .简化后的句子可以让我们清晰地看出第一题要说的是研究study的具体内容是what,不是方式how,也不是原因why,更不是时间when。 2. [B] concluded 【解析】此题考查动词辨析:同第一题一样,根据简化的句子That is what a study has 2 来解题。题目选择的动词是说明study怎样才有了上面what表示的内容。所以此题选择concluded“推断;得出结论”。其他的动词据不符合要求。 3. [D] on 【解析】此题考查介词辨析:根据题干The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted 3 1932 unique subjects的要求,所选择的介词能用在conduct“实施;进行”之后,又得和subject 搭配,所以这个题目应该选择on,构成on some subjects“关于某类主题”。 4. [C] compared 【解析】此题考查动词辨析:通过观察题干,我们发现第4题位于which引导的定语从句之内,作从句的谓语动词。Which修饰主句的主语study“研究”,如此补全定语从句就是: The study 4 pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers…所以正确答案选择C。该项研究是对比所选择的两个样本。其他选项都不符合题意。 5. [C] samples 【解析】此题考查名词辨析:The same people were used in both 5 .通过观察题干,我们发现第5题空前的单词是both,表示“两者都…”。而上文中提到两者的只有“unrelated friends”和“unrelated strangers”,即这项研究的两个样本,所以答案选择C. samples“样本”。 6.[A] insignificant 【解析】此题考查形容词辨析和让步关系:题干While 1% may seem 6 , it is not so to a geneticist句首的While引导让步状语从句,同时提示我们逗号后和逗号前的内容形成一定程度上的对立关系,而且作者的表达重点位于逗号之后,1%的数量对于基因研究者来说影响程度很大。那么对于普通人而言这个数据就显得微不足道了。正确答案只能选择A。 7. [C] know 【解析】此题考查动词辨析和转折关系:题干Most people do not even 7 their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who 8 our kin中说“大多数人甚至不他们的第四代表亲,但是尽量选择和亲属人作为朋友”。even“甚至”这一个词就提示我们应该本题只能选择know“了解,认识”,其他选项都不符合题目要求。 8. [D] resemble


2015年北京第二外国语学院翻译硕士考研真题解析 各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上北京第二外国语学院翻译硕士,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。 百科知识部分 第六章学术思想 1. 构成中国文化核心的东西是历代哲人们的(哲学思想)和(学说)。 2. 孔孟之道:算得上是中国文化史上的第一学说,代表人物孔子和孟子。 孔子所创立的学说称为“儒学”,后经孟子、荀子等人继承和发展,成为春秋战国时期影响最大的思想流派。讲的是“入世之学”,讲的是政治教化,其作用偏重于社会,就个人来说,偏重于人的品格修养。 3. 老庄思想:是影响中国文化发展的第二大学说,先秦时代的代表人物是老子和庄子。 讲的是“出世之学”,主要讲的是宇宙人生,其作用偏重于个人,而且偏重于个人的精神层面。 4. 墨家学说:在战国时代与儒学并称为两大“显学”,代表人物墨子。 墨家思想更多地代表了下层劳动者的利益和要求。 思想理论方面:墨子提出了“兼爱、非攻、尚贤、尚同、节葬、节用、非乐、非命、尊天、明鬼”等十大主张。 形式逻辑方面:提出了以“名、辞、说”为思维的三种基本形式 自然科学方面:几何学、力学方面都有突出成就。

5.(儒学)和(墨家学说)在战国时代并称为两大显学。 6. 法家学说:战国时代后起的学派,代表人物韩非将“法、术、势”合为一体,集法家之大成。法家思想实际上是后世封建统治者维护集权统治的理论基石。 “法”即君主的法令,君主治国必须有明确的法令,赏罚必须严明; “术”即君主驾驭群臣的心术和权术,君主应知人用人,听言察实; “势”即君主的权势地位,君主必须牢牢掌握权柄不放。 7. 经学:由先秦进入汉代,因汉武帝独尊儒术而兴起两汉学术思想的主流——“经学”,它是研究和阐发儒家经典的宗旨及其方法的一门学问。 其内容极为广泛,几乎涵盖了中国古代文化的一切领域,涉及到中国传统社会的政治、经济、伦理、道德、哲学、礼仪、教育、文学、艺术、史学、法律、宗教及民间习俗等。 8. 六艺:《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《易》、《春秋》等六部先秦时的著作,在《庄子》一书中被称为“六经”,这六部经典经过孔子删订,成为向弟子讲授的教材,因此也称为“六艺”。 9. 今文经:到汉武帝设立“太学”时,经书大都没有先秦时的旧本,而是由战国时代的学者师徒之间口头传授,后来才采用汉代当时流行的隶体文字书写而成的,因此称为“今文经”。 10. 古文经:使用“古?文字”写成的先秦旧本,是从孔子旧宅的壁缝里发现和从民间获得的古文经书。 11. 今文经学家西汉以(董仲舒)为代表,尊(孔子)为经学之祖,注重阐述经文的(微言大义)。


2015年学位英语考试真题及答案解析(1) 时间:2017-11-04 22:13:52 来源:湖南自考生网作者:湖南自考生网 真题部分 第1卷(选择题,共70分) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自已的姓名和准考证号用黑色签字笔填写在试卷和答题卡指定位置。 2.每小题选出答案后,用28铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试卷上无效。 3.考试结束时,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 Part I Vocabulary and Structure(20 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C, and D.Choose the One answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. ()means the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. A. Creativity


深度解析2015英语一真题阅读Text1 2015考研英语已在今天下午落下帷幕,今年英语一考题的传统阅读部分在文章选取和选项设置方面均难于往年。下面笔者就阅读第一篇进行深度解析。 第一篇阅读选自2014年6月4日the guardian发表的名为“Is the writing on the wall for all European royals?”的文章,就题材来说属于文教史哲类,主要内容是讨论当下欧洲君王制度所存在的问题。 文章后五道考题中三道细节题,一道推理题,一道主旨题。其比例与往年第一篇相比,将猜词题的考查换成了主旨题,在难度上略有增加。 首先第21题是一道细节题,考查了考生对文章前两段中对于西班牙胡安·卡洛斯一世描述的细节把握,该题的解题关键在于读懂首段But之后句子的意思。这也是我们在钻石卡vip课程中多次强调的转折处常设考题。根据题干要求,定位到文章前两段。而文章第一段的第二句话提到“But embarrassing scandals and the popularity of the republican left in the recent Euro-elections have forced him to eat his words and stand down.”(在最近的欧洲选举中,令人尴尬的丑闻和受欢迎的共和党,均迫使Carlos收回前言并退位)。D选项中“stand down”是“end reign”的同义置换,且“embarrassment”与导致Carlos卸任的原因“embarrassing scandals”是相呼应的。故D是正确答案。A项“过去常常享有很高的公众支持”、B项“在欧洲皇室不受欢迎”、C项“缓和他与对手的关系”在原文中均未提及,属于无中生有。 第22题也是一道细节题,考查了考生对文章第三段最后一句话的理解。这也是我们在暑期强化班课程中多次强调的因果处常设考点。第三段的最后一句话“...most royal families have survived because they allow voters to avoid the difficult search for a non-controversial but respected public figure.”(大多数的王室幸存下来是由于他们让选民可以避免去寻找一个不受争议且受尊敬的公众人物的困难)其中“non-controversial but respected public figure”正是A选项中“undoubted and respectable status”的同义置换。故A是正确答案。B项“实现传统和现实的平衡”原文中未提及,属于无中生有。C项“给选民更多的公众人物去检查”,但原文是“避免去寻找一个不受争议且受尊敬的公众人物的困难”,并未提到“检查”,故C项属于偷换概念。D 项“由于他们永久的政治体现”中的“everlasting(永久的)”偷换了原文中的“transcendence (卓越的)”,故错误。 第23题是一道推理题,考查了考生对文章第四段最后一句长难句的理解。这也是我们在暑期强化班中给大家讲到的长难句处常设考点。根据对该句的分析,可知离奇的是,富有的贵族竟然仍是现代民主国家的象征核心。纵观各选项,原文中“the symbolic heart of modern democratic states”是B项中“the role of the nobility in modern democracies”的同义置换,故B项正确。A项“贵族过度依赖继承的财产”,C项“贵族家庭简单的生活方式”,D项“名人坚持他们的特权”在原文中并未提及,故错误。 第24题是一道细节题,考查了考生对最后一段具体细节信息的理解。最后一段指出“危险源自于查尔斯,他生活奢靡,等级观念显著;并且他没有意识到君王的幸存很大程度上取


2015年武汉大学翻译硕士MTI考研真题解析 Shanghai Free Trade Area, bank balance, host university, current account, cash drain, National City Bank of New York, general consulate pay by installment, OPEC, 埃博拉病毒, 丝路基金, 失联, 微信, 海外追逃, 反垄断调查, 权力寻租腐败, 潜规则, 苏格兰独立公投, 亚太自贸区, 食品安全, 科研经费, 依法治国, 反恐情报中心, 段落翻译E–C关于文学作品的作用和意义;C–E是于季羡林的,主要意思是说季羡林为人处事十分认真,然后举了一个例子说他如何认真负责,全文到处都是“季老”,还提到了萧乾。 总的来说,两篇都是文学翻译,特别是中翻英不好翻,很多词汇不知道怎么翻比较好,只能自己发挥,往年喜欢考的《秘密花园》《青鸟》都没有考,悲! 1、考试准备的时间问题 对于专业课的复习时间没有一个具体的指标,对于专业课基础较好的同学,专业课的复习时间可能会短些,而对于那些基础弱的同学,尤其是跨专业考试的同学,专业课的复习时间必然要长些,但是不管怎么样,每个学科必定是需要一段时间才能掌握透彻,但是在短时间内,经过高强度的复习和科学的指导,也可以取得很好的成绩。一般而言,专业课复习最好能保留有3个月的复习时间。

2、考试资料的选择 不同的学校,考试难度和风格不一样,所以考试的资料难以统一,但是有一些基本的教材,可以由浅入深地引导同学们了解和掌握经济学的基础知识。这样,复习起来就会事倍功半,比较有效率。由于目前国内研究生考试的难度水平大致还是处于中初级水平,因此基本上还是可以列出一个有效的资料清单: (1) 报考学校的指定书目(必备) (2) 历年的考试题目 历年题是专业课的关键,而融会贯通则是关键中的关键。考研的专业课考题大体有两种类型,一种是认知性质的考题,另一种是理解与应用型的,而且以后一种居多。因此,同学们在复习时绝不能死记硬背条条框框,而应该看清条条框框背后所包含的东西,并且加以灵活运用。在复习时,首先要把基本概念、基本理论弄懂,然后要把它们串起来,多角度、多层次地进行思维和理解。由于专业的各门功课之间有着内在的相关性,如果能够做到融会贯通,无论对于理解还是记忆,都有事半功倍的效果。考生完全可以根据历年的考题,在专业课本中划出历年涉及的重点,有针对性、有侧重点地进行复习。 真题是以前的考试题,是专业课的第一手资料,它更是法宝中的法宝。对于真题,不能只满足于看上去会做,而是应该去整体分析,分析其中的出题规律和出题范围。万事万物,必有规律可循,试题也不例外。因此要尽量去弄到的试题,最好能够搜集全最近五年的实考题。经过严密地分析和研究,以下规律浮出水面: 1.五年之内,论述题一般不会重复,这是出题人出题的主体思路;


2015年湖南大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷(题 后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 填空题 3. 名词解释 5. 应用文写作8. 命题作文 单项选择题 1.下面哪一位用《大学》“致知在格物”的命题,探讨认识领域中的理论问题,强调格物才能穷其理,知先行后,行重知轻?( ) A.朱熹 B.谭嗣同 C.康有为 D.严复 正确答案:A 解析:朱熹用《大学》“致知在格物”的命题,探讨认识领域中的理论问题。在认识来源问题上,朱熹既讲人生而有知的先验论,也不否认见闻之知。他强调穷理离不得格物,即探究物才能穷其理。朱熹探讨了知行关系。他认为知先行后,行重知轻。从知识来源上说,知在先;从社会效果上看,知轻行重。而且知行互发,“知之愈明,则行之愈笃;则知之益明”。 2.下列关于《战国策》的说法正确的是( )。 A.《战国策》是我国第一部比较完备的编年体史书 B.《战国策》是我国第一部国别体史书 C.分叙周、鲁、齐、晋、郑、楚、吴、越八国之事,反映了各国的社会政治大轮廓 D.以记言为主,重于记载谋臣策士游说诸侯的事迹 正确答案:B 解析:《战国策》是我国第一部国别体史书,展示了战国时代的历史特点和社会风貌,是研究战国历史的重要典籍。该书记载了西周、东周及秦、齐、楚、赵、魏、韩、燕、宋、卫、中山各国之事,记事年代起于战国初年,止于秦灭六国,约有240年的历史,书中记述了战国时期的游说之士的政治主张和言行策略,也可说是游说之士的实战演习手册。 3.玄奘提出了著名的“五不翻”理论,“五不翻”指的是( ) A.不翻译 B.按意思翻译成汉语 C.保持原语语音的汉字写法,即音译 D.提倡意译


2020-2021年武汉大学英语专业考研真题、参考书、 复录比、考研经验分享 2019年武汉大学招生目录考试科目 英语语言文学 考试科目: ①101思想政治理论 ②243二外俄语或244二外日语或245二外法语或246二外德语 ③611基础英语 ④801英语综合(语言学、文学) 参考书: 张培基、俞云根等编:《英汉翻译教程》,上海外语教育出版社 章振邦:《新编英语语法教程》(修订本),上海外语教育出版社 H.H.Stern:《语言教学的基本概念》,上海外语教育出版社1999年版 张伯香编:《英国文学教程》(修订本上下册),武汉大学出版社 吴定柏:《美国文学大纲》,上海外语教育出版社 郭著章、李庆生编:《英汉互译实用教程》,武汉大学出版社 推荐资料: 《2019武汉大学611基础英语考研复习精编》 《2019武汉大学611基础英语考研冲刺宝典》 《2019武汉大学801英语综合考研复习精编》 《2019武汉大学801英语综合考研冲刺宝典》 英语翻译

考试科目: ①101思想政治理论 ②211翻译硕士英语 ③357英语翻译基础 ④448汉语写作与百科知识 2018年翻译硕士(英语)题型分析(记忆) 211翻译硕士英语 40道选择题,还好,难度中等,gre词汇还是要背一背 改错题有点难, 今年阅读比较简单,有一篇是专八练习的原题,讲star alliance 兼并的,作文是human activity makes the world a better place or harms it ? 357英语翻译基础 词条英汉互译各15个,今年热词考的比较多 英译汉: 1.Party Constitution; 2.CPC national congress; 3.oblique translation; 4.BRICS; 5.European Bank for reconstruction and development;


2015年北京第二外国语学院翻译硕士考研真题答案解析 各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上北京第二外国语学院翻译硕士,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。 百科知识部分 论述题 1、答:佛教自东汉传入中国,逐渐本土化,并对中国的文化发生了巨大的影响,文学也概莫能外,而作为中国文学的正宗的诗歌更是蒙受其沾溉,其对中国诗歌创作的影响有如下几点: A,对格律诗的形成起了作用。佛教传入后,由于其佛经诵读梵呗之声,使得中国人发现了汉语四声的特点,经过永明体作者的努力,汉语四声的特点终于成为诗歌艺术zhog 极为重要的一环。汉语诗歌在文人手中,脱离了音乐,但诗歌本质上要求要有规律,于是,通过文字本身的特点来体现韵律成为诗歌的当务之急,而四声的发现则满足了这一要求。于是,人们理清了汉字的平仄关系后,格律诗也就呼之欲出了。 B,扩大了中国古代诗歌的意境创造空间。印度人士最富于想象力的民族,尤其是在佛教中有关地狱与西方极乐世界的想象力令人惊叹。而中华民族一直是关注现实的民族,在玄想方面要有所欠缺。佛教的传入丰富了中华民族的想象力,使得中华艺术中,掺进了一些光怪陆离的想象,这得益于佛教不少。而诗歌的意境创造也自魏晋以来,得益于佛教不少,甚至到了后世,中国化了的佛教支派禅宗对中国诗歌的思维方式还有更有更为重要的影响。

C,扩大了诗作者的范围。纵观中国古代诗歌史,诗僧是一个大量的存在,他们以他们独特的双重身份,写出了不少独具特色的诗歌作品来。 D,扩大了诗歌描写的题材范围。古代诗歌的题材范围并不时在一开始就无所不包的,而是在历史诗人开创性的创造后逐渐蔚为大观的。而自从有了佛教的传入,他们便带来了一整套的文化,而面对这些,古代的诗人们写出了大量优秀的作品。比如大量吟咏寺庙或与僧人交往酬答的作品。 E,为诗歌创作提供了更多可以使用的典故。使用典故是中国古典诗歌的主要特点。这可以扩大诗作的信息量,以简约的语言表达丰富的情思。中国诗歌主要的典故来源多是儒家经典与历史著作,而自从佛教典籍本土化后,使用佛典入诗也成为了一个值得注意的趋向。 2、答:科举考试时中国古代的一种选官制度,它萌芽于隋,成熟于唐,此后,历宋元明清,虽代有沿革,然而也历千余年而不衰,最终在清光绪三十年(1904)因时移事变加上其本身积弊丛生而被废除。 在中国历史上,科举考试的功是显而易见的: A,科举考试实行后,大批下层士人通过考试进入了国家机器,这事实上在很大程度上保了统治集团内部的活力以及其统治力量的相对制衡。这对于中国古代的政治是有积极作用的,改变了隋唐以前普通士人无法跻身于政治的中心。 B,科举的实行,也缓解了下层人民与上层统治者间的矛盾冲突,在一定程度上起到了平定社会心理的作用,“朝为田舍郎,暮登天子堂”对每个士人都是一种诱惑,而且有实现的途径,于是,对于统治者的不满情绪便会在一定程度得到消解。


2015年考研英语(二)翻译原文 What a simple cognitive bias teaches about how to live our lives. Here’s a common experience for motorists: you are driving somewhere new and you’re late. As you drive down unfamiliar roads it seems that everything is conspiring against you: other cars, the road-layout, the traffic lights and even suicidal cyclists. You know it’s only a few more miles, but it seems to be taking for-e-e-e-e-e-ever. Psychologically there are all sorts of things going on to make the journey seem longer than it really is, but let’s just isolate one of those: the unfamiliarity of the route. Unknown routes peak our curiosity; they are filled with new names, landscapes and landmarks, all of which attract the interest. The fact that our attention is engaged with all this newness has a subtle effect on how much time we think has passed. To see why, let’s take the opposite perspective for a moment. Think about driving a route that’s very familiar. It could be your commute to work, a trip into town or the way home. Whichever it is, you know every twist and turn like the back of your hand. On these sorts of trips it’s easy to zone out from the actual (真题中改写为lose concentration on the)driving and pay little attention to the passing scenery. The consequence is that you perceive that the trip has taken less time than it actually has. This is the well-travelled road effect: people tend to underestimate the time it takes to travel a familiar route. The corollary is that unfamiliar routes seem to take longer. The effect is caused by the way we allocate our attention. When we travel down a well-known route , because we don’t have to concentrate much, time seems to flow more quickly. And afterwards, when we come to think back on it, we can’t remember the journey well because we didn’t pay much attention to it. So we assume it was proportionately shorter. 虽然有突破口、也有规律可循,但这并不意味着我们可以一劳永逸、高枕无忧,要知道,想要精通世界上任何一门语言,除非有天生的语言天分,否则偷不得半分懒,只能勤勤恳恳反复练习。一遍不懂读两遍,默念不行就大声念出来,遇到不认识的单词就查,不懂的句子就静下心来拆分结构。总之,读书百遍、其义自现,英语学习之路上没有笨蛋,只有懒人。


完型填空题 1 .C signal 2 .D much 3. C plugged 4. A message 5. C behind 6. A misinterpreted 7. B judged 8. D unfamiliar 9. B anxious 10. D turn 11.A dangerous 12. A hurt 13.B conversation 14. D passengers 15.C predict 16. D ride 17.A went through 18.C in fact 19.B since 20 B simple Section II Reading Comprehension Part A Text 1 21、【答案】[A] offered greater relaxation than the workplace 【解析】事实细节题。该题干问:之前的研究认为家是……。根据题干,该题答案定位在首段首句。首句大致意思为“一项新的研究表明,与绝大部分研究相反,实际上,人们在家里的压力要大于工作。”由此可知,以往的研究正好跟最新研究相反,即人们在家里的压力小于工作。纵观各选项,选项A意为:与工作场所相比,能提供更多的休闲;与文章表述一致,为正确答案。 22、【答案】[C ] childless husbands 【解析】事实细节题。文章第二段第三句和第四句提到“It is men not women, who report being happier at home than at work…, but more so for nonparents.”即“研究发现是男人,而不是女人,在家比在工作中更高兴。更令人吃惊的是,研究发现,这种情况对于有孩子和没有孩子都是这样,尤其是对于没有孩子的。”所以综合对比后,选择C。 23、【答案】[D] they are both bread winners and housewives


武汉大学翻译硕士(MTI)基础科目英汉 互译真题 1.APEC 亚太经合组织 2.CAT 计算机辅助翻译(Computer Aided Translation) ; (结合:CAD 计算机辅助设计) 3.NATO 北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 4.FIT 国外个人旅行(Foreign Independent Tour) 5.GPS 全球定位系统(Global Position System); 6.IMF 国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund) 7.subtitling 字幕 8.Morse code 摩尔斯电码 9.Translation studies 翻译研究 10.Jerusalem 耶路撒冷 11.General Assembly 联合国大会 12.Gallup poll盖洛普民意测验 13.money order汇款单 14.Think-Aloud Protocols有声思维 15.translation norms翻译规范 汉译英: 16.双赢Win-win 17.三国Three Kingdoms 18.直译Literal translation 19.信达雅faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance 20.民族政策Ethnic policies 21.科学发展观Scientific Outlook on Development; 22.节约型社会conservation-oriented society 23.节能减排Energy conservation and emission reduction 24.次贷危机Sub-prime mortgage crisis 25.服务型政府Service-oriented government 26.扫黄打非Eliminate pornography and illegal publications 27.灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system 28.和谐社会harmonious society 29.职业翻译者professional translator 30.国际关系民主化practice democracy in international relations 1 ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 2 CPI:消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index); 3 EQ:情商(Emotional Quotient)


2015年武汉大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷(题 后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 5. 应用文写作8. 命题作文 单项选择题 1.“水则载舟,水则覆舟”是我国古代思想史上( )提出的著名论点。 A.老子 B.孟子 C.荀子 D.墨子 正确答案:C 解析:“水则载舟,水则覆舟”出自《荀子·王制》。“传日:‘君者舟也,庶人者水也,水则载舟,水则覆舟。’此之谓也。”比喻民可拥护君主,也能推翻君主。荀子,字卿,战国时期人,著名思想家、文学家、政治家,儒家代表人物之一,时人尊称“荀卿”。荀子提出“性恶论”。 2.中国第一个全国性的统一的资产阶级革命政党是( )。 A.兴中会 B.同盟会 C.国民党 D.文学社 正确答案:B 解析:本题考查对同盟会成立史实的认识。1905年,孙中山在日本的东京成立了中国同盟会,会上确立了“驱除鞑虏,恢复中华,创立民国,平均地权”的十六字纲领,后来发展成为三民主义。中国同盟会是第一个全国规模的资产阶级革命政党。同盟会的成立,标志着中国的资产阶级民主革命进入一个新阶段。 3.雨果曾愤怒地谴责道:“两个强盗走向圆明园:一个抢了东西,一个放了火……”这两个强盗是( )。 A.英国和法国 B.英国和美国 C.美国和俄国 D.法国和俄国 正确答案:A 解析:题干中雨果所描述的是第二次鸦片战争期间英法联军攻进北京,火烧圆明园的情形,故本题选A项。本题难度较小,主要考查学生对历史知识的识记能力。

4.根茨勒在其《当代翻译理论》一书中对翻译流派的划分不包括( )。 A.翻译科学学派 B.美国翻译培训学派 C.解构主义学派 D.描写翻译学派 正确答案:D 解析:埃德温.根茨勒(Edward Gentzler)在其专著《当代翻译理论》(1993)中依据各流派采用的研究方法和依据的理论来源,将当代译论划分为五大流派,分别是:美国翻译培训派、翻译科学派、早期翻译研究派、多元体系派、解构主义派。故本题答案为D项。 5.在我国历史上,( )第一次把“教”与“育”两个字连用,以“得天下英才而教育之”为君子三乐之一。 A.孔子 B.孟子 C.荀子 D.庄子 正确答案:B 解析:“得天下英才而教育之,三乐也。”出自《孟子.尽心上》。 6.司马迁的父亲司马谈在《论六家要旨》中,将百家首次划分为( )。 A.儒、释、墨、法、道、阴阳六家 B.儒、释、道、兵、法、墨家六家 C.法、农、阴阳、名、刑、墨家六家 D.儒、墨、名、法、道、阴阳六家 正确答案:D 解析:传统上,关于百家的划分,最早源于司马迁的父亲司马谈。他在《论六家要旨》中,将百家首次划分为“阴阳、儒、墨、名、法、道”六家。后来,刘歆在《七略》中,又在司马谈划分的基础上,增“纵横、杂、农、小说”为十家。班固在《汉书.艺文志》中袭刘歆的观点,并认为:“诸子十家,其可观者九家而已。”后来,人们去“小说家”,将剩下的九家称为“九流”。 7.董仲舒认为,哲学所要讨论的一个重要问题就是所谓“天人相与之际”。他所宣扬的天人感应论的理论基础是( )。 A.天副人数 B.以德配天 C.天人同类 D.天人之际 正确答案:D


翻译硕士英语词汇专项强化真题试卷20(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 1.Fluoride deters tooth decay by reducing the growth of bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. A.facilitates B.overwhelms C.inhibits D.loosens 正确答案:C 解析:本题考查动词的词义辨析。根据句中的tooth decay(蛀牙)和reducing the growth of bacteria(减少细菌生长)判断,画线词deters应表示“阻止”。四个选项中,inhibit意为“阻止,妨碍;抑制”。facilitate意为“使变得(更)容易,使便利”。overwhelm意为“(感情上)使受不了,使不知所措;征服,制服”。loosen意为“解开,放松;松弛”。 2.What most______the magazine’s critics is the manner in which its editorial opinions are expressed too often as if only an idiot could see things any other way. A.belies B.impedes C.riles D.placates 正确答案:C 解析:本题考查动词辨析。分析句子结构可知,in which引导的定语从句修饰先行词the manner,从句中说明了编者表达观点的频率太频繁,就好像只有白痴才有其他的见解一样,这种方式应是激怒该杂志评论员的原因,故答案为[C]rile(激怒,使非常生气)。belie意为“掩饰,遮掩;显示……不真实”。impede 意为“阻碍,妨碍,阻止”;placate意为“使平静,安抚,抚慰”。 3.______over everything whenever we want to make a decision, many people believe, and we will have less chance of making mistakes. A.Think B.To think C.Thinking D.Thought 正确答案:A 解析:本题考查固定结构。“祈使句+and/then/or/before+陈述句”是固定用法。many people believe为插入语。


2015年华南理工大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 词语翻译 2. 英汉互译 词语翻译 英译汉 1.It’s been a nail-biting couple of weeks waiting for my results. 正确答案:等结果的这几个星期,我坐卧不安。 2.Dear me, those girls were even as nervous as brick. 正确答案:我的天哪,那些姑娘们居然一点儿也不紧张。 3.These constant changes in the weather beat me. 正确答案:我适应不了变化无常的天气。 4.He gave up the sword for the plough. 正确答案:他解甲归田了。 5.I could have laughed to read her thoughts. 正确答案:看出了她的心思,我差点笑出声来。 6.It is essential that the mechanic or technician understand well the characteristics of battery circuits and the proper methods for connecting batteries or cells. 正确答案:重要的是,技术人员要深入了解电池电路的特性和连接电池的正确方法。 7.They were understandably reluctant to join the battle. 正确答案:他们不愿意参战,这是可以理解的。 8.The curtain has parted; the mystery is being dispelled. 正确答案:帷幕已经拉开,谜团正逐渐被解开。
