第六章 灾难恢复与业务连续性计划

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C6-1 During an audit, an IS auditor notes that an organization's business continuity plan (BCP) does not adequately address information confidentiality during a recovery process. The IS auditor should recommend that the plan be modified to include:

A .the level of information security required when business recovery procedures are invoked.

B. information security roles and responsibilities in the crisis management structure.

C. information security resource requirements.

D. change management procedures for information security that could affect business continuity arrangements.

6-1 在审计中,一个IS审计师注意到一个组织的业务持续计划不能适当解决恢复过程中的信息机密性。这个IS审计师应该推荐计划被修改:





A Business should consider whether information security levels required during recovery should be the same, lower or higher than when business is operating normally. In particular, any special rules for access to confidential data during a crisis need to be identified. The other choices do not directly address the information confidentiality issue.


C6-2 During a disaster recovery test, an IS auditor observes that the performance of the disaster recovery site's server is slow. To find the root cause of this, the IS auditor should FIRST review the:

A. event error log generated at the disaster recovery site.

B. disaster recovery test plan.

C. disaster recovery plan (DRP).

D. configurations and alignment of the primary and disaster recovery sites.

6-2 在灾难恢复测试中,一个IS审计师发现灾难恢复站点的服务器缓慢,为了找出根本原因,信息系统审计师应该首先审查:





D Since the configuration of the system is the most probable cause, the IS auditor should review that first. If the issue cannot be clarified, the IS auditor should then review the event error log. The disaster recovery test plan and the disaster recovery plan (DRP) would not contain information about the system configuration.

答案D 解析:.既然系统配置是最可能的原因,IS审计师因为首先检查。如果问题不能被澄清,IS审计师检查事件错误日志。灾备测试计划灾备计划不应该包含系统配置的信息。

C6-3 Which of the following is the GREA TEST risk when storage growth in a critical file server is not managed properly?

A. Backup time would steadily increase

B. Backup operational cost would significantly increase

C. Storage operational cost would significantly increase

D. Server recovery work may not meet the recovery time objective (RTO)

6-3 当一个关键的文件服务器存储量增长没有被合理的管理,哪个是最大的风险?





D In case of a crash, recovering a server with an extensive amount of data could require a significant amount of time. If the recovery cannot meet the recovery time objective (RTO), there will be a discrepancy in IT strategies. It's important to ensure that server restoration can meet the RTO. Incremental backup would only take the backup of the daily differential, thus a steady increase in backup time is not always true. The backup and storage costs issues are not as significant as not meeting the RTO.

答案D解析:.如果发生故障,恢复具有一些数据的服务器将会需要一个明显的时间点。如果恢复不能满足目标恢复时间,将会在IT策略上产生差异。保证服务器恢复符合R TO非常重要。增量备份将只备份每天的差异,这样一个稳固的备份时间增长是不正确的。备份和存储成本并不象不符合RTO那样重要。

C6-4 An organization has a recovery time objective (RTO) equal to zero and a recovery point
