




2.全卷共六大题, 总分120分.

I. Listening (本题共20分, Part One ﹑Part Four 每小题1分, Part Two ﹑Part Three 每小题1.5分) Part One Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.

( ) 1.What kind of person can’t the man stand?

A. B. C.

( ) 2.What pets does the woman think are better for a twelve-year-old boy?

A. B. C.

( ) 3.Where did Tom come back from?

A. B. C.

Part Two Match the best choice from A to F according to the passage you hear.

( ) 1.Mike

( ) 2.Mike’s mother

( ) 3.Mike’s father

( ) 4.Mike’s family

Part Three Choose the right answer according to the

passage you hear.

( ) 1. What was Emma doing when Bill came in?

A. Reading a book.

B. Doing her homework.

C. Reading a newspaper. ( ) 2.What did Bill ask Emma to take away?

A. Her backpack.

B. Her books.

C. Her newspaper.

( ) 3. Why did Emma feel uncomfortable?

A. Bill read her newspaper.

B. Bill sat very close to her.

C. Bill and Emma read together.

( ) 4. Why couldn’t Emma stand?

A. Because Bill read her newspaper.

B. Because Bill kept talking to her while she was reading.

C. Because Bill borrowed her things.

Part Four Fill in each blank with one word according to what you hear.

II. Multiple choice(本题共15分, 每小题1分)

Choose the best choice from A B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.

( ) 1. —He was tired he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

—Oh, we can go out and let him have a good rest.

A. too, to

B. so, that

C. such, that

( ) 2. —Which would you like to have, tea or juice?

—is OK. I’m really thirsty.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. Both

( ) 3. —Hello, may I speak to your father, please?

—Sorry, my father to Shanghai. He went there this morning.

A. goes

B. has gone

C. has been

( ) 4. —You watched the fashion show last night, didn’t you?

— Yes, I missed the beginning.

A. so

B. and

C. but

( ) 5. you read, you will feel in J.K Rowling’s books.

A. More, more interesting

B. The more, the more interesting

C. The more, the more interested

( ) 6. If it tomorrow, I hiking in the mountains.

A. rains, will go

B. won’t rain, will go

C. doesn’t rain, will go

( ) 7. Everyone except Bill and Jim there when the meeting began.

A. was

B. is

C. were

( ) 8. The old man has collected over 100 different kinds of kites the year 2000.

A. since

B. by

C. from

( ) 9. Traveling by train is cheaper and enjoyable than by car.

A. more, much more

B. much, even more

C. quite, much too

( ) 10. Do you know at this time yesterday?

A. what she was cooking

B. what she is cooking

C. what was she cooking

( ) 11. My aunt played the light music to make the baby crying.

A. stopped

B. to stop

C. stop

( ) 12. I am vary thirsty now. But there is little water in the glass, ?

A. is there

B. isn’t there

C. isn’t it

( ) 13. —Oh, Mrs. King, your dress looks nice. Is it new?

—No, I it since two years ago.

A. bought

B. have had

C. have bought

( ) 14. —It’s too hot. Would you mind my the window?

— . Do it as you like, please!

A. open, Good idea

B. closing, Of course

C. opening, Certainly not

( ) 15. —May I put my car here?

—Sorry, you mustn’t. Please look at the sign. It says “”.




III. Cloze test (本题共15分, 每小题1分)

Have you ever seen advertisements saying “Learn a foreign language in 6 weeks, or yo ur money back?” Of course, it never happens like that. It is easy to learn the mother language. And just think how much practice is given for that. Before the Second World War people usually learned

a foreign language in order to 1 the literature (文学) of the country. Now 2

the foreign language is 3 most people want. Every year millions of people start learning

4 . How do they do it?

Some people try at home, 5 books and radios; some 6 computers or TV programmes; others go to evening classes. 7 they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will 8 a long time, like language learning at school. 9 people try to learn a language 10 by studying for 6 or more hours a day. It is clearly easier to 11

the language in the country because it 12 there. But most people don’t have a 13 to do this.

Machines and good books will 14 you, but they cannot do the student’s work. Whatever the language is learned quickly or slowly, it is 15 work.

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

( ) 1. A. see B. read C. watch

( ) 2. A. saying B. telling C. speaking

( ) 3. A, what B. that C. which

( ) 4. A. that B. it C. one

( ) 5. A. with B. without C. by

( ) 6. A. listen to B. watch C. use

( ) 7. A. When B. If C. Until

( ) 8. A. spent B. cost C. take

( ) 9. A. Few B. A few C. No

( ) 10. A. fast B. happily C. slowly

( ) 11. A. learn B. teach C. use

( ) 12. A. was spoken B. will be spoken C. is spoken

( ) 13.A. chance B. place C. time

( ) 14. A. use B. need C. help

( ) 15. A. nice B. hard C. great.

IV. Communication (本题共15分, A题每小题1分, B题每小题2分)

(A) Choose the best response from A to F in the box according to the sentence given.

( ) 1. What were you doing when the big fire broke out?

( ) 2. What did your math teacher say?

( ) 3. How long have you been swimming?

( ) 4. Why don’t you buy him a digital camera?

(B) Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.

A: I haven’t seen you these days. What’s happened to you?

B: My grandma is ill in hospital.

A: (1) . What’s wrong with her?

B: Her leg has been hurt for a long time. She had to see a doctor. The doctor said there was something wrong with it.

A: (2) ?

B: A little better. She was operated on yesterday.

A: (3) ?

B: I looked after Grandma there.

A: But the nurses could do it, I think.

B: (4) . She’s taken good care of me since I was a baby. I should do something for her, too.

A: I see. (5) ?

B: Nothing, thanks. See you.

A: See you.

第三部分阅读理解 (共计40分)

V. Reading comprehension (本题共40分, A.B题每小题1分,C﹑D﹑E题每小题2分)


( ) 1. Put a sausage in a bun (面包) and what have you got? A hot dog, of course!

( ) 2. Americans eat a lot of hot dogs. Around seven billion(十亿) hot dogs will be eaten in July alone this year. People living in the city of Los Angeles eat more hot dogs than those in any other US city.

( ) 3. Some people like hot dogs better than hamburgers because they’re easier to eat. This is because the bun is thin and long and the sausage cannot fall out easily.

( ) 4. Americans like to eat hot dogs at baseball matches and other sports events. But they also buy them in the street and eat them as they walk along!

( ) 5. Most Americans like mustard (芥末) on their hot dogs. America’s President (总统), George W. Bush’s favorite topping (蛋糕上的奶油等) is mustard with relish. Kids like ketchup (番茄酱) much better. Lemonade and iced tea are the best drinks to have with hot dogs.

Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.


French doctors and American scientists have reported doing an operation (手术)in which the doctor was outside the operating room. This kind of operation is known as robots operation.

Doctor Marescaux did the operation in an office in New York City last month, while a sixty-eight-year-old woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France.

A doctor in Strasbourg got the patient ready. He placed medical tools and a small video camera in her stomach (腹部). Doctor Marescaux in New York City watched the patient in a video screen. Then he used the computer to send messages to the robot machine.

The robot moved the tools that cut the woman’s gallbladder (胆囊) away. The woman got well soon after the operation and left the hospital two days later.

Experts say the main problem with such a robotic operation is based on high-speed telecommunications (通讯系统) between the doctor and the robot. Technology must be able to send a doctor’s order to a robot to move the tool quickly.

Experts also say a successful robotic operation will improve an operation. For example, the robot can make much smaller movement than a person can. A robot machine can turn tools in ways that a doctor’s hand cannot.

Doctor say such a robotic operation will make safer and better operations possible in the future. They say it will improve doctor training. It’ll also mean that doctors could do an operation on people in dangerous places far away. And it could mean that people could have operations done by top doctors without having travel to the city where the doctors work. Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F).

( ) 1. “Robotic operation” means an operation done with the help of a robot.

( ) 2. We use the robot in the operation because it can make the operation safer and better. ( ) 3. If we want to use the robot in the operation, we must solve the problem of high-speed telecommunications.

( ) 4. If the smaller movement can’t be done by doctors in the operations, we may use a video camera to solve it.

( ) 5. The robot is used to watch the patient clearly.


There are some easy things you can do to protect the environment and the earth. Choose ideas from the list or come up with a few of your own.

●Plant flowers, grass or trees.

●Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there—keep rubbish in a

bag until you can put it in a dustbin.

●Turn off the lights, TV sets when you leave the room. This saves a lot of electricity


●Turn off the tap (水龙头) when you brush your teeth. You can save some water by not letting

it run. Also, use a glass cup instead of a paper cup because this saves paper.

●Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep warm air in.

●Give your old books and magazines to a library instead of throwing them away.

●Give your old clothes to poor children you know instead of throwing them away.

●Use both sides of paper.

●Stop pouring dirty water into the rivers or lakes nearby.

●Encourage all your friends to do the same things you do to help protect the earth.

You don’t have to wait until Earth Day to do these things. Make every day Earth Day.

If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much

more beautiful.

Choose the best Choice from AB or C according to the passage above.

( ) 1. From the passage above, we know that this is .

A. a sign

B. a proposal (倡议书)

C. an advertisement ( ) 2. The writer tells us .

A. to throw rubbish into a dustbin

B. to pour dirty water into the rivers

C. to save water by not letting it run while brushing our teeth

( ) 3. We can to save paper.

A. use a paper cup

B. use both sides of paper

C. give old books to a library

( ) 4. Which of the following is wrong according to the writer?

A. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.

B. Close the doors and windows in winter.

C. Use a paper cup when you brush your teeth.

( ) 5. What’s the best title (标题) of the passage?

A. Protect the Earth.

B. Save Water and Electricity

C. Make Better Use of Old Things


There was a boy called Dick. He had no father or mother and he had no friends to help him. He was very poor. One day he heard some one saying, “London is a very big. In the streets there is gold here and there. Everyone in London is very rich.” Then Dick wanted to go to London. When he got to London, Dick cannot see any gold in the streets. But he couldn’t go back home. He had no money. Dick was walking in the street. It was snowing. He was so cold. He had no house to go to. He had no food to eat. Night came. Dick saw a light in the window of a house. He went there and sat down near the door. Just then the door opened and came out a servant. She saw Dick sitting there and said, “Go away! What are you doing here?” Dick was so hungry and so cold. He couldn’t stand up. The bad woman threw some cold water over Dick. Dick thought he was almost dying of cold and hunger.

Fill in the blanks according to the passage you read. Only one word for each blank.

Dick was a homeless poor boy. He had no (1) or even a good friend. One day Dick wanted to go to London to look for gold when he (2) that there was gold everywhere. But when he got th ere, he couldn’t see a piece of gold but white (3)______ in the street. Dick had to go up and down in London. He had nothing to eat. He had no (4) to live in. he was cold and (5) . He thought he would die.

Answer the questions according to what you read above.

1. Where may you go if you like walking?

2. What number may you dial if you want to know more about the youth club?

3. Where can we go bringing our dog with us?

4. Where can we buy books?

5. Where can we have a great time with animals?

第四部分书面表达 (共计15分)

VI. Writing (本题共15分, A题5分, B题10分)

(A) 母亲是伟大的,母爱是无私的。现在就让我们来给我们的母亲写封信,感谢她对你多年的生活照


(B) 假设你是班主任,针对现在学生进网吧成风的现象,你在下周班会上,要谈论这个话题。请你根据





Hello! My dear friends,

As we know, a computer is one of the most useful inventions in the world.


I. Part One 1—3 BAC

Part Two 1—4 BCAE

Part Three 1—4 CABCB

Part Four 1.two 2. two 3. plays 4. sixteen 5 programmes

II. 1—5 BABCC 6—10 CAABA 11—15 CABCB

III. 1—5 BCACA 6—10 CBCBA 11—15 ACACB

IV. (A) 1—5 FGBDC

(B) 1.I’m sorry to hear that

2. How is she feeling now

3. What did you do in the hospital/ Who looked after her

4. You’re right/ That’s right

5. What can I do for you

V. (A) 1—5BFEDC

(B) 1—5 TTTFF

(C) 1—5 BABCA

(D) 1. parents 2. heard 3. snow 4. house/room 5. hungry

(E) 1. I may go to Ramblers’ Club.

2. I may dial 324788.

3. To Ramblers’ Club we can bring our dog with us.

4. We can buy books at World Craft Fair.

5. We can have a great time with animals in Deeside Animal Park.

VI. One possible version:

(A) To Dear Mother,

I may be saying this every day, but I want to thank you for doing everything for me,

and most importantly, for the wonderful person that you are, and for the most working-hard person in our family. I would like to say “I love you, mum!”

From your loving daughter Alice

(B) Hello, my dear friends,

As we know, computer is one of the most useful inventions in the world. As the computer

goes into more and more families, many of you begin to use it and begin to get on line.

Internet is very convenient for us. For example, we can learn more knowledge, we can read the news and we can know better about the world on it. But some of you haven’t used it very well. You have spent too much time in playing games. Or you make net friends online, and chat with them all night. It has taken you too much time. And you do worse and worse in your lessons. Can you listen to my opinions? I think you’d better not spend too much time on school days. And you’d better do something useful and healthy online. I hope all of you will learn a lot from the Internet.

That’s all. Thank you.


Part One

Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.

No.1 W: What kind of man can’t you stand?

M: I can’t stand the man who is talking for a long time on the phone. What about you?

W: I can’t stand the man smoking in the roo m.

Q: What kind of person can’t the man stand?

No.2 W: What do you think is the best pet for a twelve-year-old boy?

M: Dogs are the most popular pets for kids, I think.

W: But I think birds are better.

Q: What pets does the woman think are better for a twelve-year-old boy?

No.3 M: Tom came back from Sydney, didn’t he?

W: No, he came back from Italy.

M: Ha, he changed his idea later.

Q: Where did Tom come back from?

Part Two

Match the best choice from A to F according to the passage you hear.

W: Hi, Mike. Have you ever been to the new park in Beijing?

M: No, my mother has. But I have been to the new museum.

W: Who have you been there with?

M: My father. He said it was very interesting. But I don’t think so.

W: Where are you going during the vacation?

M: I’m going to fly to Hong Kong. You know it’s a wonderful place for traveling.

W: Oh, have you ever been there before?

M: Yes, this is the third time. But my father is there now. He is waiting for my mother and me.

And we will be there for three weeks and will be back together. My mother is preparing for her first vacation there.

Part Three

Choose the right answer according to the passage you hear.

M: Excuse me. Would you mind my sitting here, Emma?

W: Not at all. Sit down, please.

M: Would you mind taking away your backpack?

W: OK, I’ll do it right away.

M: Is there anything new in today’s newspaper?

W: Yes, look at this article.

M: Yeah! Exciting news! Let’s read together.

W: OK, but I think you are sitting very close to me. I’m feeling uncomfortable.

M: Oh, sorry. Do you mind giving me a piece of paper?

W: Here you are.

M: Could you please pass me your pen? Mine doesn’t work.

W: Sure.

M: Thanks. Here’s another wonderful article. I really want to read the most wonderful part.

Would you mind listening to me?

W: Oh, I can’t stand! Bill. Would you please not talk to me? I can’t read at all.

Part Four

Fill in each blank with one word according to what you hear.

I asked children about their TV watching habits in three different groups-from four to six, from seven to twelve and from thirteen to sixteen. The children in the first group watch TV for an average of two hours in the day and an average of one hour at night. The children in the second group watch it for an average of two and a half hours at night. The children in the third group watch it for an average of one and a half hours at night.

Cartoons are the favorite shows of the first group. The favorite shows of the second group are TV plays and the favorite shows of the third group are quiz programmes.


柴门中学2017-2018学年下学期冀教版八年级英语期末试题 Class: Name: Marks:(满分100分) 一. 单项选择(15分) ( ) 1. —What’s the of your country, Tim? — More than thirty-five million. A. value B. name C. advantage D. population ( ) 2. —Why not consider the Internet for interesting information? — Good idea! A. search B. searches C. searched D. searching ( ) 3. It was of you to fight against the robber (抢劫者) just now. We’re all proud of you. A. brave B. foolish C. crazy D. pleasant ( ) 4. The writer in translating this book into Chinese last month. A. succeeded B. created C. divided D. appeared ( ) 5. Tina has lived in China for two years, and she knows Chinese. A. a little of B. a little C. a bit of D. both B and C ( ) 6. Mark didn’t wake up his friend called him this morning. A. before B. while C. until D. after ( ) 7. Jack the empty bottle on the floor and threw it into the dustbin. A. opened up B. picked up C. rang up D. moved up ( ) 8. Jenny I believe Tom’s words, because he always tells lies. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Both; and D. Not only; but also ( ) 9. The boy’s parents since he was three years old. He has to live with his grandparents. A. died B. dead C. were dying D. have been dead ( )10. It’s difficult the poor man that new house. A. for; afford B. of; afford C. for; to afford D. of; to afford ( )11. Judy seldom goes to the history museum, she? A. is B. isn’t C. does D. doesn’t ( )12. My friend told me that she for Shanghai on June 5th. A. leave B. leaves C. will leave D. would leave ( )13. — Where is your mother, Kim? —She Hangzhou. She’ll come back this weekend. A. goes to B. has gone to C. will go to D. has been to ( )14. If you drive too fast on the road, it an accident. A. cause B. causes C. caused D. will cause ( )15. —Do you know , Li Ming? — Of course! In 2012. A. where were the 30th Olympic Games held B. when London hosted the 30th Olympic Games C. which record was broken at the Olympic Games D. how many medals did they get at the Olympic Games


成都初二年级英语科试卷 听力部分(20分) I. 听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语,句子读两遍。(5 分) 1. A. Yes, I have. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I will. 2. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Ok. I’ll do it right now. C. Sorry, I can’t do that. 3. A. I forgot to do my homework. B. I was watching TV. C. I’m really happy about that. 4. A. Twice a month. B. In three months. C. For two weeks. 5. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I don’t. C. I’m not sure about it. II. 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5分) 6.What was the girl doing when the earthquake happened? A. Practicing the piano. B. Watching a film. C. Sleeping. 7.Why doesn’t the boy buy the black coat? A.Because he doesn’t have enough mon ey. B.Because he doesn’t like it. C.Because it doesn’t fit him. 8.What will the weather be like on Friday? A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy. 9.Where is Jim now? A. In the hospital. B. At school. C. In the street. 10.What does the boy tell the girl to do? A.He tells her to read more books. B.He tells her to be brave. C.He tells her to practise English often. III. 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5分) 11.When did Janet go to Europe? A. Last summer. B. Last week. C. Last month. 12.Whom did she go there with? A. Her father. B. Her mother. C. Her parents. 13.Where did she visit first? A. Britain. B. Spain. C. America. 14.How long did she stay in France? A. For two days. B. For three days. C. For five days. 15.What was the weather like there? A.Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. IV. 听短文,根据所听内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分) 16.Students in Hope Language School have two English lessons in the morning. 17.Students can have lunch at school at noon. 18.Students must have one French lesson and one speaking lesson in the afternoon. 19.Students are free to do what they like in the evening.


八年级英语期末试卷 22 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两卷,满分100,考试时间100分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共59分) 一、听力(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (1)听对话回答问题,本部分共有5道小题,每道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择正确答案。在听到嘀的信号后,进入下一小题。 1.How does the woman keep fit? A. B. C. 2.What is the speed limit in this town? A. B. C. 3.When is the boy’s birthday? A.December 29. B.December 30. C.December 28. 4.How is the weather in Lushan? A.It often rains and it’s hot. B.It never rains and it’s pleasant. C.It sometimes rains but it’s pleasant. 5.What are they going to do next? A.They are going to go down the hill. B.They are going to have a picnic right now. C.They are going to climb up to the top of the hill. (2)听对话和短文回答问题你将听到一段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟时间选择正确答案。 听一段对话,回答第6-7小题。答题完毕,请等待嘀的信号,进入第一篇短文。 6.What is the man doing? A.He’s playing computer games. B.He’s writing an e-mail. C.He’s having an online tour. 7.Whom did the woman buy the computer for? A.The man’s daughter. B.The woman’s mother. C.The woman’s daughter Tan Dun


2012学年初二期末英语试卷及答案 本卷共五大题,满分100分。 一、单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. ---Which ball game do you like better, basketball or baseball? --- _______. I love table tennis. A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. Each ( ) 2. —I am allowed to hang out with friends on weekends. —_____. A. So should I B. So can I C. So am I D. So do I ( ) 3. --- Could you tell me you’ll be away ? --- Only one week. A. how much B. how soon C. how often D. how long ( ) 4. Do you know ? A.how old is Jack B. Where does he live C. when was Jack born D. Who cleaned the room ( ) 5. ______nice weather we have today ! ----Let’s go hiking . A. How a B. What a C. How D . What ( ) 6. Tom never smiles , dose he ? ----- _______. He is always serious . A. Yes , he does B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he doesn’t D. No , he does ( ) 7. —I think we teenagers _____ to make every decision by ourselves. —I disagree, we are still young and need our parents’ and teachers’ help. A. should allow B. must allow C. should be allowed D. may be allowed ( ) 8. The old man______since two years ago. A. died B. had died C. has been dead D. had been died ( ) 9. My grandpa often feels _____ at noon, so he will have a rest at that time every day. A. asleep B. sleepy C. awake D. energetic ( ) 10 ---It seems that my friends don’t understand me. --- Don’t worry. I’m sure you will _____ them if you are friendly to them. A. get along well with B. catch up with C. agree with D. end up with 二、完型填空。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分。) 阅读下面短文,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers. “I know how ___ (11) you have all worked to prepare for this test,” he said. “And because I know you can do it well, I am willing to offer a B to anyone who would ___ (12) not to take the test.


一、单项填空(共20分,每小题1分) 从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I’m going to give _______ interview on Starsearch. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Jack was ______ angry when he heard the words. A. a bit of B. a little of C. a few D. a bit 3. I’m learning English, but I still can’t speak it ________. A.really B. properly C. nearly D. hardly 4. With the ________ of color TV set down by 50%, the company had a very hard time. A. prices B. prizes C. report D. results 5 The teacher told us to finish our homework ______. A. on ourselves B. by us C. lonely D. on our own 6. Bill is my best friend. He does a lot of sports every day to keep ________. A. famous B. confident C. lonely D. healthy 7.---I’m afraid that the plane might crash. ---____________ A. Don’t be silly B. Have a safe trip C. there it is D. that’s ok 8. --Shall we call a taxi ? ---OK , let me ____ the phone number in Yellow Pages . A look at B look for C look up D look after 9. It was ______ difficult work ______ nobody can do it well.


初二英语期末试卷 (答题时间:90分钟) 听力测试(共 I. 听句子,根据句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。每小题读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) ()1. What sport does the man like best? ()2. Which country is Ling Ling from? ()3. What gift did the boy get from his father? ()4. Where does the woman work? ()5. What is the man talking about? II. 听对话,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话读 两遍。 ()6. A. It’s a windy day. B. It’s a cold day. C. It’s a sunny day. ()7. A. She’s waiting for her sister. B. She’s washing her shoes. C. She’s reading newspapers. ()8. A. He had supper at home. B. He had supper in the hotel. C. He had supper in his office. ()9. A. Twelve. B. Thirteen. C. Fourteen.

()10. A. She wanted the man to have some pictures of America. B. She gave the man a book with many pictures in it. C. She had a lot of beautiful pictures to give the man. III. 听对话,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以回答问题的最佳答案。对话读两遍。 ()11. What are they going to see in the City of New York? A. The museums. B. The jazz concerts. C. The big apples. ()12. What does The Big Apple mean? A. A Jazz band. B. A big city. C. New York City. IV. 听短文,根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写A,错误的写B。 ()13. It’s Wednesday today. ()14. Alan Silverman is speaking. ()15. Special English is a program to teach English. V. 听短文和短文后面的问题,根据短文内容从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。 ()16. How did Mr. Black go to work every day? A. By train. B. By bus. C. On foot. ()17. Where was the poor man? A. In the man’s office. B. Near the bridge. C. At the station. ()18. What did Mr. Black always do when he passed the poor man? A. He bought some matches from him. B. He gave him some money. C. He gave a sad look at him. ()19. What time does the train always leave? A. The train always leaves at 6:05. B. The train always leaves at 5:50. C. The train always leaves at 6:10. ()What is true according to the story? A. Mr. Black was not really kind. B. The poor man was really blind. C. The poor man’s dog was blind. 第二部分笔试 一. 单项选择,选择最佳答案。(共15分,每题1分) ()21. -You’re Ben’s brother, ________? -Yes, I am. My name is Jay. A. are you B. aren’t you C. isn’t he D. is he ()22. -Where’s Mike? -He _______ the library. He’ll be back in two hours. A. has gone to B. has been in C. has gone in D. has been to ()23. -Will it rain tomorrow?

八年级下英语期末测试卷 人教版附答案

八年级英语下册期末测试及答案 二、单项选择(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 21 . Mr Black broke his leg and he got _________ X-ray just now. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )22.—I should know what to do next. —Yeah,It’s time to make a _________. A. decision B. risk C. mistake D. difference ( )23.—Do you have lots of good friends, Mary? —No,I only have______.But all of them are kind to me. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )24.—What did mother say just now? —Sorry. I ______ to the weather report on TV. A. listen B. listened C. was listening D. have listened ( )25.—I’d like a latest English Weekly,please! —There is only one left.Would you like to have________? A. one B. this C. that D. it ( ) 26. This is ______ music I’ve ever heard. I enjoy it very much. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. the least beautiful ( ) 27. The Greens have ______ here for three years. A. came B. got C. lived D. left ( )28.—________ have you had the habit of watching English movies every week? —Since I was 12. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How old ( ) 29. It rained _____ heavily yesterday that I had to stay at home. A. too B. very C. quite D. so ( )30The school bus safety has become a hot topic. It receives________ Internet hits (点击)a day. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand


初二下册英语期末测试题 姓名:分数: Ⅰ. 单项选择。(20分) ( )1. It’s not polite to speak in public. A. loud B. loudly C. louder ( )2.Your bike is my sister’s. A. same as B. as the same C. the same as ( )3. I’m in any book. A. interested; interesting B. interesting; interested C. interests; interest ( )4. Our teachers always encourage us aloud in English class. A. to read B. read C. reading ( )5. He asked his father . A. where it happens B. what was happen C. how it happened ( )6. I don’t know he will come tomorrow, he come, I will tell you. A. if; whether B. whether; whether C. whether; if ( )7. ——will you stay in America? ——About two months. A. How many B. How often C. How long ( )8. He found very interesting to ride a horse on the farm. A. this B. that C. it ( )9. His parents make her at night. A. stay at home B. stags at home C. to stay at home ( )10. Which do you like , Jeans or cheongsam? A. good B. better C. well ( )11. The policeman told the students in the road. A. not play B. to not play C. not to play. ( )12. What she did us surprised. A. to make B. made C. making ( )13. ——Did Jack come to our party yesterday? ——No, he . A. wasn’t invited B. isn’t invited C. didn’t invite ( )14. You worry about him. He will get well soon. A. needn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t ( )15. Will you please drive ? The train is leaving soon. A. quick B. faster C. more slowly ( )16. ——terrible weather it is? ——It is said that it will get later.


初二下册英语期末试题及答案精选 Ⅰ. 词汇 根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词 1. There is one child left a______in the room. 2. When the t______lights are red, you must stop and wait. 3. Look! It’s raining outside. You’d better put on your raincoat or take an u______ . 4. —It’s fine t oday. —I think so. At l______it’s warm. 5. There were so many nice things here,so I couldn’t decide which one to c ______ as a birthday gift for my mom. 6. N______Li Lei nor Liu Mei is in the classroom now. 7. The old man q______likes collecting coins. 8. When did you r______from Australia? 9. Did you r______her letter the day before yesterday? 10. We must keep our classroom c______every day. B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空? 1. We all know that France is a______(Europe) country. 2. There are different food cultures between China and______(west) countries. 3. Several______(Russia) came to our school last week. 4. “Excuse me, can I take this seat?” he said to the young woman______ (polite). 5. At______(one) I didn’t like him, but now I do. 6. I want to make______(friend) with you. 7. What are those______(child) doing over there? 8. Let’s listen to his______(suggest). 9. There are a lot of______(mouse) in the old house. 10. The young man fell______(sleep) as soon as he lay down. C) 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空? take away, run out of, be interested in, in order to, more than, wait in line, at last, take care, put out, get annoyed 1. Mr Johnson______Beijing Opera very much. 2. You must______ when you go shopping. 3. When did the firemen______ the fire? 4. There are______ two hundred people present at the meeting. 5. We can’t buy that doll because we have______ money.


八年级英语期末测试卷 注意事项: 1.本试卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.请用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。 一、 单项选择(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其标号填 入 题前括号内。 ( )1.Those terrible things happened _______ me again. A.to B.in C.on D.with ( )2. ---Have you ever been back to place where you were born,Ma Yun? --- No, It ’s shame, but I ’m too busy with my work all the time. A. a;a B.a;the C.the;a D.the;an ( )3.How ________the result is! We can ’t believe it. A.amazing B.interested C.difficult D.annoyed ( )4.________ of them is good at English,but they both do well in Chinese. A.Both B.Neither C.Each D.All ( )5.We must work harder next term. There will be ________ subjects, so we will_______ time for each subject. A.less;more B.less;less C.more;less D.more;fewer ( )6.Those boys broke Mr Read ’s window.When they saw Mr Read get


玄武区2014~2015学年度第一学期期末调研试卷 八年级英语 第Ⅰ卷选择题(50分) 一、听力部分(15分) I.听对话选择图片(每小题1分, 共5分) 本部分共有5道小题,每道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。( ) 1. What kind of animal are they talking about? A. B. C. ( A. B. C. ( ) 3. Where will the man go the coming holiday? A. C. ( ) 4. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What are the children doing? A. B. C. —1 —

II. 听对话或短文回答问题(每小题1分, 共10分) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答6-7小题。 ( )6. Where are the speakers? A. By the lake. B. On the road. C. In the lake. ( )7.What will the man do in the end? A. Jump into the lake. B. Call the nearest hospital. C. Find someone for help. ( )11. Who did Betty go to the farm with? A. Her father. B. Her mother. C. Her cousin. ( )12. What fruit did betty like picking? A. Strawberries. B. Apples. C. Pears. ( )13. What was the weather like? A. Cold. B. Warm. C. Hot. ( )14. When did betty get home? A. At about 9:00 a.m. B. At about 11:00 a.m. C. At about 1:00 p.m. ( )15. Why didn’t Betty feel hungry? A. Because she was very tired in the afternoon. B. Because she ate a lot and had some cold drinks on the farm. C. Because she was happy to tell her father about their work. 二、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) ( )16. ---What a heavy rain it was last night! ---Yes, but I love ______ air after the rain. It smells so fresh. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )17. Every year, _________ visitors go to the wetland park to watch the birds. A. thousand of B. thousands of C. two thousands D. two thousands of ( )18. It’s foggy now. You should drive the car as_________ as possible. A. careful B. more careful C. carefully D. more carefully ( )19. You had better ask the children ________ with water in the garden. —2 —


人教版八年级下册英语期末测试卷 ( 满分100分,时间80分钟) Name_____________ Class_________________ Score_______________ Ⅰ、单项选择题(20分)。 ( ) 1.He _____ when the UFO arrived. A. was sleeping B. were sleeping C. has slept D. is asleep ( ) 2.I have been skating _______ nine o’clock. A. for B. since C. at D. from ( ) 3.---He’s never been to an aquarium. ---_______. A. Neither have I B. Neither do I C. I never too D. I don’t too ( ) 4.It’s really cold today, ______? A. does it B. doesn’t it C. isn’t it D. is it ( ) 5._____ have you been swimming? For five years. A. How many times B. How long C. How often D. How much ( ) 6.--Could you please _____ in the room? --Oh, I’m sorry. A. not smoking B. not smoke C. not to smoke D. don’t smoke ( ) 7.---Could we buy a piano, Jack? ---I’m afraid there ______ enough room for one in the house. A. aren’t B. are C. isn’t D. is ( ) 8.I got home _____ they were having dinner. A. as soon as B. while C. because D. after ( ) 9. We got mad ______ the team for losing the match. A. at B. in C. on D. about ( ) 10.She _______ a lot of money on clothes. A. takes B. costs C. spends D. buys ( ) 11.I will stay at home and read books if it _______ tomorrow. A. is raining B. rains C. rain D. will rain ( ) 12. ______ weather it is today! Let’s go to play soccer! A. How a good B. What a good C. How good D. What good ( ) 13. You may go to the 24-hour shop _____ you want A. whenever B. wherever C. however D. whatever


八年级英语下册期末考试题及答案(人教版) 一、单项选择: ( ) 1. Mo Yan is one of most popular writers in the world. He was honest boy when he was child. A. a; a B. a; an C. the; a D. the; an ( ) 2.I’m a teenager and I don’t play with soft toys any longer. A. no longer; / B. no; longer C. / ; no longer D. no; any longer ( ) 3. ---How long your uncle this personal computer ? --- Since ten years ago. He wants to buy a new one. A. have; had B. has; bought C. have ; bought D. has; had ( ) 4. Hurry up! The piano concert for five minutes. A. had begun B. has been on C. has begun D. began ( ) 5. --- Long time no see your father! Where has he ? --- He has Beijing for a month. He’ll be back next week. A. been; been in B. gone; been C. been; been to D. gone; gone to ( ) 6. My mother used to the song “Where’s time going?” . Now she is used to it. A. hating; listen B. hated; listened to C. hate; listening to D. hating; listening ( ) 7. The cleaner in Zhengzhou said, “ things we do, environment we’ll have” . A. More; better B. The more; the better C. Fewer ; The less D. The fewer; better ( ) 8. Yu Gong didn’t need to move the mountains, He could think of ways to solve his problem . A. other B. another C. others D. else ( ) 9. Mr Green isn’t here, He with his family home in England . A. have been B.has been C.has gone back D.have gone ( ) 10. Kate was ill last week . But she is to go to school today. A. good enough B.enough well C.well enough D.enough good
