


1.The river smells terrible. People ____ dirty things into it.

A.must stop throw

B. must stop from throwing

C. must be stopped throw

D. must be stopped from throwing

2. --- Haven’t you seen Mr. Wilson at the lecture?

--- Yes, but he had left ___ I could ask him any questions.

A. when

B. before

C. after

D. as

3. _____ of the land in that district ___ covered with trees and grass.

A. Two fifths; is

B. Two fifth; are

C. Two fifth; is

D. Two fifths; are

4. --- Excuse me, can I park my car here?

---Yes. You can park on ____ side of the street.

A. either

B. neither

C. both

D. all

5. Nobody but Jane and Lily ____ the secret.

A. knows

B. know

C. have know

D. is known

6. --- Oh, my God! I wore the wrong dress last night.

--- You ____ what you were supposed to wear.

A.may ask

B. should ask

C. must have asked

D. should have asked

7. Yesterday he got to the village in ____ his family once lived.

A. that

B. which

C. when

D. where

8. I don’t know the homework ____ today.

A. on

B. in

C. of

D. for

9. Robert has gone to ___ city and he’ll be back in a week.

A. other

B. the other

C. another

D. any other 10. Qingdao is the most satisfactory place ____ we’re going to visit.

A. which

B. where

C. that

D. in which

11. Three quarters of cotton ______ in the north of China.

A. produces

B. products

C. is produced

D. are produced

12. I’m interested in songs _____ by Jay Chou.

A. sung

B. to sing

C. singing

D. are sung

13. --- Could you please tell me ______ tomorrow?

--- At 8 o’clock.

A. how will she come

B. where she will go

C. what time she will start

D. when she would arrive

14. He has never been to Urumqi, ______?

A. has he

B. hasn’t he

C. is he

D. isn’t he

15. ______ good care of your pet, or it will get ill easily.

A. taking

B. To take

C. Take B. Taken

16. --- Alice had nothing for breakfast this morning, ______?

--- No. She got up too late.

A. had she

B. hadn’t she

C. did she

D. didn’t she

17. Eric’s never seen a 3D movie at the cinema, ______?

A. hasn’t he

B. has he

C. isn’t he

D. is he

18. --- Don’t be nervous whenever you have a test. --- _______.

A. You’d better not

B. Please don’t

C. Yes, I’d love to

D. Well, I won’t

19. --- Don’t throw rubbish out of the classroom. It’s bad manners.

--- _______.

A. You’re welcome

B. Sorry, I won’t

C. Never mind

D. Tha t’s all right

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20. Junk food is ____ us, so we’d better ______ it.

A. good for; stay away from

B. bad for; keep away from

C. good for; keep away from

D. bad for; take away from

21. The young man _____ we met yesterday is our new English teacher.

A. what

B. whose

C. who

D. which

22. Everyone likes making friends with people ___ think more of others.

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. /

23. John is the boy _____ legs were badly hurt in the accident.

A. whose

B. that

C. who

D. which

24. --- My parents never stop going on about how I should study hard.

--- ______.

A.So my parents

B. Nor my parents

C. Nor do my parents

D. So do my parents

25. --- I’m not going swimming tomorrow morning.

---._________. I have to clean up my bedroom.

A. So am I

B. Nor am I

C. Neither I am

D. So I am.

26. --- I don’t like documentaries. ---- _____.

A. So do I

B. So I do

C. Neither do I

D. Either do I

27. The girl has little for her supper, _____?

A. doesn’t she

B. hasn’t she

C. has she

D. does she

28. What bad weather! The plane will _______ at 8:00 o’clock this evening.

A.put off

B.take off

C.turn off

D.get off

29. Trees used to be ______ for cooking by the villagers in the 1970s.

A. cut up

B. cut down

C. cut off

30. Again and again the doctor ______ the crying baby girl, but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with her.

A. looked over

B. looked after

C. looked for

D. looked out

31. —What smells terrible?

—Sorry, I’ll _______ my shoes and wash them at once.

A. put away

B. take away

C. move away

D. get away

32. In April, the weather in some places in Shanxi was really changeable. People ______still remember they have ________ four seasons in a week.

A. organized

B. experienced

C. described

33. If you want to buy this dress , you 'd better ___first to make sure it fits you .

A. pay for it.

B. take it off.

C. tidy it up .

D. try it on.

34. —I think I’ve got a bad cold, Doctor, Shall I take some medicine?

—No need. Your body itself is able to _____the virus. Just drink more water and rest.

A. catch

B. fight

C. lose

D. hide

35. — Mum, where are my socks?

— Under your bed. You should _________ your things.

A. put on

B. put down

C. put away

36. The child doesn’t need any help. He is old enough to ________ himself.

A. put on

B. wear

C. dress

D. take care

37. I will meet Jane at the station, Please______what time she will arrive.

A. count

B. choose

C. check

D. catch

38. It is helpful to ___________ a good habit of reading in language learning.

A. take

B. show

C. develop

D. match

39. —_________ excellent work you have done!

—It’s very kind of you to say so.

A.What an



40. ______ good time they had last weekend!



C.What a

D.How a

答案:1-5 DBAAA 6-10 DBDCC 11-15 CACAC 16-20 CBDBB 21-25 CAACB 26-30 CDBBA 31-35 BBDBC 36-40 CCCCC

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( ) 1.More than a month ____ since the foreign friends came here. A. has passed B. have passed C. has past D. have past ( )2. Nobody except Mr. Zhang and his children ___ to London before . A. have been B. has been C. have gone D. has gone ( )3. If you__ see her tomorrow, please ask her if she __ to work on the farm with us. A. See, goes B. will see, goes C. will see, will go D. See, will go ( ) 4. The population of the USA is much smaller than __ Of China. A. one B. those C. it D. that ( ) 5. The radio is too hard. Could you please __ it __ ? turn, up B. turn, down C. turn, on D. turn, off ( ) 6. He asked me __ during the winter holidays. where I had gone B. where I had been . C. where had I gone D. where had I been ( ) 7. I guess she taught herself Japanese, __ ? don’t I B. did she C. do I D. didn’t she ( )8. The pictures have been on show for __ hour and __ half. A. an, an B. a, a C. an, a D. a, an ( )9. There are so many kin ds of CD players in the shop that I can’t make up my mind __ to buy . A. what B. how C. which D. where ( )10. --- Would you like some coffee? --- Yes, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I prefer coffee __ milk. A. from B. with C. to D. for ( )11. This book __ Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on the book. may be B. can’t be C. must be D. mustn’t be ( )12. The woman __ the child quickly and took him to hospital. A. put on B. dressed C. had on D. was wearing ( )13. We are going to have __ holiday next month. a two weeks B. two week C. a two-week D. two weeks ( )14. If you don’t know the word, you may __ in the dictionary. A. look it up B. look up it C. look for it D. look it for ( )15. The coats are different __ size. A. from . B. of C. by D. in ( )16. --- Do you have enough men to carry these chairs? --- No, I think we need __ men another B. two others C. more two D. two more ( )17. In our class__ of the students__ girls. three fifths , are B. three fifth, are C. three fifths, is D. three fifth, is ( )18. This kind of skirt looks __ and sells __. nice , well B. nice good C. well, well D. good, nice ( )19. Do you know __ over there? what happens B. what was happened C. what is happening D. what did happen ( )20 My watch doesn’t work well, I’ll go and __ tomorrow. have repaired B. to repair C have it repaired D. have it repair


一年级数学易错题汇总学号:姓名:班级: 一、填空),5小的数有()个。1、比4小的数有( 2、比6大比10小的数有、、。 3、和19相邻的两个数是()和()。 4、()比16少1,()比10多1。 5、比19多1的数是(),比18少1的数是()。 6、()在18的前面,()在18的后面。 7、最小的两位数是(),最大的一位数是()。 8、在19、7、5、14、20、15、10、9、16这些数中,最大的数是(),最小的数是()。比11大又比18小的数是()。 9、9-()<8 10-()>5 ()+6=12-2 10-()=3+()()+5=6+()=10-()=()-2 10、计数器上,从右边起,第一位是()位,第二位是()位。 11、在10、14、13、15、18、11、19中一共有( )个数,从左边数,第4个数是( ),它左边的一个数是( ),右边有( )个数,比11大又比16小的数有:()。 12、一队小朋友排队做操,小冬前面有8个人,后面有4个人,从前面数,小冬在第( )个,从后面数他在第( )个。 12、□□□(1)○比△少(),△比○多(). ○○○○○○○(2)○比□多( ),□比△少( ). △△△△△△△△△(3)○与□合起来是( ) 13、 同样重?和几个1个14、 □□□个4个3个5

1 )( 串珠子中有13、下面32串是小红的,小红的珠子最多有)颗,最少有( 颗。 个图形, 、的左面有( )14 , 这些图形中)上面有右面有( )个,( 个, )个, )个,有( ( 有 有( )个,球有( )个。 15、共有14人,每人发一只面包,买哪两箱合适?在下面□里画“√” 7只8只5只 ?、哪一堆积木可以和16 拼成 。,在最重的□里画17、在最重的□里画“√”“○”


1.路口转弯过程中,持续开启转向灯,主要是因为什么? A、完成转弯动作前,关闭转向灯是习惯动作 B、让其他驾驶人知道您正在转弯 C、让其他驾驶人知道您正在超车 D、完成转弯动作前,关闭转向灯会对车辆造成损害 试题详解B 要让道路上的行人或者车辆,你在转弯,注意安全! 2.驾驶机动车找不到停车位时可以借人行道停放。 A、正确 B、错误 试题详解B 停车不得占用人行道。 3.车辆进入山区道路后,要特别注意“连续转弯”标志,并主动避让

车辆及行人,适时减速和提前鸣喇叭。 A、正确 B、错误 试题详解A 山区本来就是有山的地势,自然就会有坡度,以及拐弯,连续的弯路,容易影响行车的视线,所以要注意“连续转弯”的标志,以防在转弯处突然出现对向来车,为了安全,当然要适时减速和提前鸣喇叭,以提醒车辆与行人。 4.上道路行驶的机动车故意遮挡、污损、不按规定安装机动车号牌的一次记几分? A、12分 B、6分 C、3分 D、2分 试题详解A

《公安部令第123号》附件2,上道路行驶的机动车未悬挂机动车号牌的,或者故意遮挡、污损、不按规定安装机动车号牌的,一次记12分。 5.夜间驾驶机动车在没有中心隔离设施或者没有中心线的道路上行驶,以下哪种情况下应当改用近光灯? A、接近没有交通信号灯控制的交叉路口时 B、与对向机动车会车时 C、接近人行横道时 D、城市道路照明条件不良时 试题详解B 记住,只有在没有路灯或者没有照明的情况下才能用远光灯,一般都用近光灯。窄路窄桥,你若用远光灯,会让对方完全看不清,掉到桥下去的。夜间驾驶机动车遇到对向来车未关闭远光灯时,变换使用远近光灯提示。 6.驾驶机动车遇到右侧车辆强行变道,应减速慢行,让右前方车辆顺


第一部分填空 1、10个一是();10个十是()。 2、6个一和8个十是();39里有()个十和()个一。 3、读数和写数都从()起。 4、1小时=()分。 5、一个一个地数,把79前面的一个数和后面的两个数写出来。()、79、()、() 6、一十一十地数,把80前面的两个数和后面的两个数写出来。()、()、80、()、() 7、在下面的()里填数,组成得数是14的算式。 ()+()=()()+()=() ()-()=()()-()=() 8、一个两位数,个位上的数是6,十位上的数比个位上的数多2,这个数是()。 9、用一张50元,可以换成()张10元;也可以换成()张5元;还可以换成()张20元和()张10元。 10、用一张100元,可以换成()张50元;也可以换成()张20元;还可以换成()张10元。 11、6个十和3个一组成(),4个一和8个十组成()。 12、()个一是十,十里面有()个一。()个十是一百,一百里面有()个十,100里面有()个一。 13、45是( )个一和()个十组成的。80是由()个十组成的。 14、写出78前面的5个数()写出49后面的5个数()52前面的第三个数是(),87后面第四个数是() 15、最大的一位数(),最小的两位数()最大的两位数()最小的三位数() 16、最大的一位数比最小的两位数少(),最小的三位数比最大的两位数多()最小的两位数与最大的两位数相差() 17、用4和8可以组成的两位数是()或() 18、用2、5、9可以组成哪些两位数(),其中最大的数是(),最小的两位数是()从大到小排列() 19、一个两位数,个位上是8,十位上是7,这个数是(),它最接近的整十数是()。


1.路口转弯过程中,持续开启转向灯,主要是因为什么 A、完成转弯动作前,关闭转向灯是习惯动作 B、让其他驾驶人知道您正在转弯 C、让其他驾驶人知道您正在超车 D、完成转弯动作前,关闭转向灯会对车辆造成损害 试题详解 B 要让道路上的行人或者车辆,你在转弯,注意安全! 2.驾驶机动车找不到停车位时可以借人行道停放。 A正确 B、错误 试题详解 B 停车不得占用人行道。 3.车辆进入山区道路后,要特别注意“连续转弯”标志,并主动避让车辆及行人,适时减速和提前鸣喇叭。 A正确 B、错误 试题详解A

山区本来就是有山的地势,自然就会有坡度,以及拐弯,连续的弯路,容易影响行车的视线,所以要注意“连续转弯”的标志,以防在转弯处突然出现对向来车,为了安全,当然要适时减速和提前鸣喇叭,以提醒车辆与行人。 4.上道路行驶的机动车故意遮挡、污损、不按规定安装机动车号牌的 一次记几分? A、12分 B、6分 C、3分 D、2分 试题详解A 公安部令第123 号》附件2,上道路行驶的机动车未悬挂机动车号牌的,或者故意遮挡、污损、不按规定安装机动车号牌的,一次记12 分。 5.夜间驾驶机动车在没有中心隔离设施或者没有中心线的道路上行驶,以下哪种情况下应当改用近光灯? A接近没有交通信号灯控制的交叉路口时 B、与对向机动车会车时 C接近人行横道时

D城市道路照明条件不良时 试题详解 B 记住,只有在没有路灯或者没有照明的情况下才能用远光灯,用近光灯。窄路窄桥,你若用远光灯,会让对方完全看不清,掉到桥下去的。夜间驾驶机动车遇到对向来车未关闭远光灯时,变换使用远近光灯提示。 般都 6.驾驶机动车遇到右侧车辆强行变道,应减速慢行,让右前方车辆顺利变道。A正确 B、错误 试题详解 A 驾驶机动车遇到右侧车辆强行变道,应减速慢行,让右前方车辆顺利变道。 7.驾驶机动车在高速公路上遇到雨雪天气时,需要降低车速、保持安全距离的原因,以下说法错误的是什么? A能见度下降,驾驶人难以及时发现前方车辆 B、此类天气条件下的道路上,车辆的制动距离变长 C为车辆安全行驶提供足够的安全距离


中考英语强化训练题(8) I. 单项选择。 从A、B、C、D中选择能填入题中空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. These pants are too short. Show me a longer_______. A. set B. one C. pair D. copy ( )2. —I’m busy right now. Could you come back _______ time? —All right, no problem. A. another B. the other C. other D. others ( )3. Tell me_______ she will be back, in ten days or a week? A. how long B. how much time C. how soon D. how often ( )4. _______ bad weather we are havi ng! We’ve never had _______ rainy days! A. What a; such B. How; so C. What; such D. What; so ( )5. —We are going to England for a holiday _______ next month. —Have a good time. A. at times B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times ( )6. —Would you be _______ in a second-hand car? —No, I prefer a new one. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests ( )7. If the weather’s _______ next weekend, we’ll go c amping. A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. enough well ( )8. —Have they made any kites _______? —Yes. They have _______ made some. A. yet; yet B. already; already C. yet; already D. already; yet ( )9. When you get home, start your homework ______. A. just now B. right away C. just then D. all right ( )10. He should be here by now—something must have happened _______ him. A. with B. for C. to D. on ( )11. China is a country _______. A. with a much population B. with a large population C. with a little population D. with a small population ( )12. I know the mayor really well. _______, I had dinner with her last week. A. On fact B. In fact C. In the fact D. On the fact ( )13. You look tired. _______ working indoors you should go out for a walk.


单选错题锦集 ()1. The book is ___. Most of the teachers are ___in it. A.interesting, interested B. interesting ,interesting C. interested, interesting ()2. “I just finished __my last movie. ”She says. A. to make B. makeing C. making ()3. In __parts of the world ,things are different. A. other B. others C. the other one ()4. Her best friend likes to do __same things _she does. A.the ,with B. the, as C. a,to ()4. Although he is old, _____ he does exercise everyday. A but B. so C. / ()5.Don’t forget _____ bring your book school next time. A.to; in the B. in; to C. to ; to ()6. We have no time to play. We have homework to do. A. too much B. much too C. too many ()7. Emma, come here, here some orange for you. A. is B. are C. have ()8. There is “u” and ____ “s” in the word “bus”. A. an, a B. an, an C. a, an D. a, a ()9. He showed me . A. strange something B. something strange C. anything strange D. strange anything ()10. I find easy to work out the problem. A. this B. that C. it D. / ()11. he isn’t tall, he is strong. A. Although B. But C. So D. And ()12. Could you tell us to do next week? A. which B. how C. what D. that ()13. Kate was born the night of November 11th.


01 人教版一年级数学 易错题 我会填。 1、把下列各数按从小到大的顺序排列。 10 6 3 20 15 ()<()<()<()<() 2、写一写,填一填。 ()个十和()个一是() ()个十和()个一是() ()个十是() ()个十和()个一是() 3、 (1)10里面有()个一;20里面有()个一。(2)20里面有()个十,减少1个十是()。(3)10里面有()个十,添上1个十是()。

(4)1个十和8个一合起来是(),添上下1个一是()。(5)13里面有()个一;13里面有()个十和()个一。 4、 (1)一共有()只小兔,再添上()只就是10只。(2)从右数起,把第4只小兔涂黑。 (3)把左边的4只小兔圈起来。 5、用下列的数,写出不同的算式。 13 8 7 9 4 6 12 10 6、看图写出四个算式。 7、说图意,写算式。

8、看图填空。 王力在李明的(后)面,刘强在李明的()面。张永的后面是(),李明的前面是()。刘强的前面有()人,后面有()人。 9、看图填空。 10、过1小时后是几时? 11、、看图填空: (1)一共有()个图形。 (2)从右数起,把第3个图形涂黑。

02(3)把左边的4个图形圈起来。 12、 (1)13里面有()个一和()个十,添上1个一是();()个十和()个一组成18,减少1个十是()。 (2)10个一就是一个(),10里面有()个十,10添上1个十是(),20里面有()个十。 (3)15中的1表示()个(),5表示()个()。 (4)十位上的数是1,个位上的数是6,这个数是()。个位上是8,十位上是1,这个数是()。 (5)1个十和6个一合起来是();1个一和6个十合起来是()。2个十合起来是()。 (6)19前面一个数是(),后面一个数是()。 (7)与12相邻的两个数是()和()。 13、看图数一数,填一填。 看图列式。


(一)没有道路中心线的道路,城市道路为每小时30公里,公路为每小时40公里; (二)同方向只有1条机动车道的道路,城市道路为每小时50公里,公路为每小时70公里。 高速公路应当标明车道的行驶速度,最高车速不得超过每小时120公里,最低车速不得低于每小时60公里。 在高速公路上行驶的小型载客汽车最高车速不得超过每小时120公里,其他机动车不得超过每小时100公里,摩托车不得超过每小时80公里。 同方向有2条车道的,左侧车道的最低车速为每小时100公里;同方向有3条以上车道的,最左侧车道的最低车速为每小时110公里,中间车道的最低车速为每小时90公里。道路限速标志标明的车速与上述车道行驶车速的规定不一致的,按照道路限速标志标明的车速行驶。 20公里/小时_冰雪路,能见度小于50米 最高速度不能超过30的有:非机动车道、铁路道口、急弯路、窄路、窄桥、陡坡、转弯、掉头、冰雪、泥泞道路行驶,没有中心线的城市道路 40公里——没有中心线的城市道路 50公里——同方向只有1条机动车道的道路,城市道路

夜间在道路上会车时,距离对向来车多远将远光灯改用近光灯——150米以外 车辆因故障必须在高速公路停车时,应在车后方至少多少米处设置故障警告标志,夜间还需开启示廓灯和后位灯——150米

驾驶小型载客汽车在高速公路上时速超过100公里时的跟车距离——100米以上 驾驶小型载客汽车在高速公路上时速低于100公里时的最小跟车距离是多少——50米 在距急转弯路段50米以内的路段不能停放机动车 社会车辆距离消防栓或者消防队(站)门前30米以内的路段不能停车 驾驶机动车在高速公路上倒车、逆行、穿越中央分隔带掉头的一次记12分。 使用伪造、变造的驾驶证一次记12分。——驾驶故意污损号牌的机动车,酒驾,造成交通事故后逃逸,尚不构成犯罪的 上道路行驶的机动车未悬挂机动车号牌的一次记几分——12 驾驶与准驾车型不符的机动车一次记12分 驾驶人在一个记分周期内累积记分达到12分的,交通警察依法扣留驾驶证。 造成交通事故后逃逸,尚不构成犯罪的一次记12分 驾驶人有下列哪种违法行为一次记6分——违法占用应急车道行驶对驾驶拼装机动车上路行驶的驾驶人,处200以上2000元以下罚款并吊销机动车驾驶证 有下列行为之一的,由公安机关交通管理部门处200元以上2000元以下罚款: (三)造成交通事故后逃逸,尚不构成犯罪的;


初中英语常见错题集与分析.答案 中考英语易错题77道 一、名词、冠词 1.–What can I do for you? -- I’d like two _______. A. box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. boxes of apple 答案: B. (选择其它三项的同学要注意仔细看题.不要马虎, 这里box 和apple都是可数名词) 2.Help yourself to _________. A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chicken D. any chicken 答案: C (选择A的同学要注意chicken当鸡肉讲时不可数) 3..________ it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意weather不可数. 选择C和D的同学要注意weather是名词, 要用what来感叹.) 4.Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’factory 答案: A. (选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法.类似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等.) 5.This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them. A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意, 当这种概念名词当“人”讲的时候要做复数处理.类似的还有: the police are running after the thief等) 6.We will have a _________ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 答案: B (选择C的同学要注意应用two months’; 选择D的同学要注意名词之间有“—“后的组合词当作形容词来用, 因此就不用所有格形式了.) 7.________ trees are cut down in the forests every year. A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of 答案: D. (选择C的同学注意词组记忆的准确性) 8.Our sports meeting will be held ________. A. on 24, Tuesday, April B. in April 24, Tuesday C. on Tuesday, April 24 D. in April Tuesday 24 答案: C. (选B的同学是受到中文的影响,要特别注意中英文的差异) 9_________ people here are very friendly to us. A. The B. / C. A D. An 答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意这里的people是特指这里的, 因此要用定冠词the) 10..There is no enough ________ in the corner to put the table. A. place B. room C. floor D. ground 答案:B (根据句意知道,这里表示没有地方放桌子。选A的同学要注意place表示地点,是可数名词) 二、代词 11.Some people like to stay at home, but ________ like to go to the cinema.


七年级下册学生易错题集锦 班级:姓名:得分: 1. Bob can play __________ tennis but can’ t play __________ violin. A. the ; the B. /;/ C. the; / D. /; the 2.----Can you speak French? ---Yes, but only___________. 3.Maybe you can __________ our school concert. 4.He can __________, so he wants to join the __________ club. A. Swims; swim B.swims; swimming C.swimming; swim D. swim; swimming 5.---__________ your friend play the guitar? --- Yes, he __________. A. Do; do B. Is; is C. Can; can D. Can; can’ t 6.They are talking __________ my parents __________ my study. 7.__________ like to go swimming __________ summer. 8.---Can you sing__________ dance? ---I can sing. A. But B. or; C. and D. then 9.–It ’ s __________ hard work to achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies. – So it is, but we have to. A. a B. an C. the D./ 10.Tell me and I ’ ll forget. Show me and I _________not remember. Let me try and I ’ ll understand. A. can B. may C. must D. will 11. — Dad, must I finish my homework today? — No, you__________. You may do it tomorrow. A. needn ’t B. mustn ’ t C. don ’ t D. won ’ t 12. Which do you prefer to use to keep in touch with your friends, __________ WeChat? A. or B. and C. so D. but 13. my mother is good __________old people. She talks to them and makes them happy. A. at B. for C. with D. of 14. Can you play__________ guitar at eight__________ Saturday night? A. /; on B. the; in C./;/ D. the; on 15. Ben usually goes __________at 5:30 p.m. A. to home B. home C. at home D. for home 16. Don ’ t play __________ the cat anymore. It ’ s time __________ you to do the


小学一年级数学易错题汇总及详细解析 根据多年的教学经验总结了小学一年级数学最易错的10大例题,建议家长们一定要让孩子们多练练以下题型! 一、小学一年级数学易错题1: 【题目】:有3个苹果,5个梨,8个香蕉,小方可以选择两种水果,她最多能拿到()个,最少能拿到()个? 【错例】:有3个苹果,5个梨,8个香蕉,小方可以选择两种水果,她最多能拿到(16)个,最少能拿到( 3 )个。 【解析及方法指导】: 先让孩子说说什么水果最多,什么水果最少,哪两种水果比较多,哪两种水果比较少,再强调只能选择两种水果。在思考两个的问题时,试问“你不选哪种水果?”要求孩子说出理由,可以适当引导孩子生说出哪两种水果比较多,哪两种水果比较少。最后总结出解决最多能拿几个就是要从多的开始选,选两种,不选最少的水果,解决最少能拿几个就是要从少的开始选,选两种,不选最多的水果。 二、小学一年级数学易错题2: 【题目】:□-□=□-□=□-□=1 【错例】:9-8=1-8=7-6=1。 【解析及方法指导】: 让孩子认识“=”的含义,即把□-□看成是一个整体,可以在其下面画出一条横线 起到强调作用,所有这样的整体都等于1。再让孩子思考□-□=1,最后完成后可以这样来读一读深化孩子对整体的认识——5-4=1,3-2=1等。 三、小学一年级数学易错题3: 【题目】:排队时,小华前面有4人,后面有3人,一共有()人。 【错例】:排队时,小华前面有4人,后面有3人,一共有(7 )人。

【解析及方法指导】:这是非常熟悉的生活场景,可以请一位孩子来做小华,4人排在前面,3人排在后面,试问“这条队伍可以分成几部分,是哪几个部分?”孩子容易把小华遗忘,在孩子确认可以分为小华前面的、小华后面的和小华后,不难列出4+3+1的连加算式从而得出共有9人。 四、小学一年级数学易错题4: 【题目】:8个小朋友玩捉迷藏游戏,已经捉住了2个小朋友,还有()个小朋友没有捉住。 【错例】:8个小朋友玩捉迷藏游戏,已经捉住了2个小朋友,还有(6)个小朋友没有捉住。 【解析及方法指导】:先让孩子明确游戏规则,8个小朋友中有几人是捉,几人是藏,然后根据已经捉住的2个小朋友,可以结合从躲藏的小朋友总数8中去掉2剩5,从而得出5人没有被捉住。 五、小学一年级数学易错题5: 【题目】:□●○★☆■△▲ (1)从左起,□是第()个,()是第5个。 (2)▲是第一个,○是第()个,第6个是()。 【错例】:(1)从左起,□是第(8 )个,(★)是第5个。 (2)▲是第一个,○是第(3)个,第6个是(■)。 【解析及方法指导】: (1)提醒孩子根据第一句话可以确定从左向右数,先找到左面,再按照从左到右的顺序数一数,确定图形的位置和画出相应位置的图形。 (2)提醒孩子根据第一句话确定从右向左数,先找到右面,再按照从左到右的顺序数一数,确定图形的位置和画出相应位置的图形。 六、小学一年级数学易错题6: 【题目】小文看一本童话书,第1天看了16页,第2天看了20页,第3天应该从第()页开始看起。


1、行车中当车辆突然爆胎时,驾驶人切忌慌乱中急踏制动踏板,尽量采用“抢挡”的方法,利用发动机制动使车辆减速。√ 2、路中心黄色虚线属于哪一类标线属于:指示标线 3、 ?线形诱导标志 4、减速让行线 虚线可以压线,就是可以过去,边上有倒三角“让”字,所以是减速让行线 实现就是停车让行 5、在驾驶技能准考证明的有效期内,科目二和科目三道路驾驶技能考试预约次数不得超过多少次? (5次) 6、驾驶人违反交通运输管理法规发生重大事故致人死亡的处3年以上有期徒刑(错误) (1)、驾驶人因交通肇事,逃逸至他人死亡处7年以上15年以下有期徒刑; (2)、驾驶人因交通肇事,逃逸有其他特别恶劣情节的,处3年以上7年以下有期徒刑;

(3)、违法交通法规,导致重大伤亡(而没有逃逸)处3年以下有期徒刑; (4)、造成交通事故后逃逸,尚不构成犯罪的一次记12分。 8题:机动车在高速公路上发生故障时,将车上人员迅速转移到右侧路肩上或者应急车道内,并且迅速报警。 试题解释: 机动车在高速公路上发生故障时,应当依照有关规定办理;但是,警告标志应当设置在故障车来车方向150米以外,车上人员应当迅速转移到右侧路肩上或者应急车道内,并且迅速报警。机动车在高速公路上发生故障或者交通事故,无法正常行驶的,应当由救援车、清障车拖曳、牵引 9.机动车仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,提醒发动机冷却液可能不足。 正确答案: 试题解释: 发动机冷却液可能不足,所以导致发动机温度过高。 10.图中圈内白色实线是什么标线? 图片无法显示请点这里 ?A、导向车道线B、可变导向车道线C、方向引导线D、单向行驶线正确答案:A 11、驾驶车辆驶入铁路道口前减速降挡,进入道口后应怎样做? A、不能变换挡位 B、可以变换挡位 C、可换为高挡 D、停车观察(道口前) 正确答案:A试题解释:变档时容易熄火,万一熄火,火车来了不把你撞飞 ?查看试题解释 12.、牵引发生故障的机动车时,最高车速不得超过多少?


2020中考英语考前错题本(P字母篇)教学设计 The teaching design of the wrong question bo ok (P letter) before the 2020 high school entr ance examination

2020中考英语考前错题本(P字母篇)教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是初中生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 XX中考英语考前错题本(p字母篇) paper [误] please give me two letter papers. [正] please give me two sheets of letter paper. [析] paper作为纸讲为不可数名词。 [误] each student must write paper on what he learned. [正] each student must write a paper on what he learned. [析]这里的paper作为论文讲,是可数名词。paper的这种用法还可以用于证件、报纸、考卷等。 parent [误] my parents and i are both interested in


英语经典错题集锦 1、Some pears ( )on the table . Some water ( )in the cup. A are ;are B is ; are C. is ; is D are ; is 2. Jack ( ) like baseball ( ) volleyball. A. don’t ; or B. doesn’t ; or C. don’t ; and D. doesn’t ; and 3. Eric’s math is ( ),and he can play the piano very ( ). A. good ; good B. well ; well C. well ;good D: good ;well 4. Kate , let’s ( ) friends ,OK? A. do B. be C. has D. gets 5. Now , everyone , please turn to Page ( ) and look at the ( ) picture . A. Twelve ; fifth B. Twelfth ; fifth C. Twelve ; five D. Twelfth ; five 6.My Chinese friends would like to talk with me ( ) English. A. with B. on C. in D. for 7. We have English ,P.E and math_______the morning of Monday. A. in B. on C. at D. with 8.My father often watches TV for ______ hour in the evening . A. a B. an C. the D./ 9. ----__________________. ----Yes ,They are my favorite days. A.What are my favorite days? B.Do you like Saturday and Sunday. C.What about your favorite days? D.How about Saturday and Sunday. 10. I am ________now .I can help you.


一年级数学易错题集锦 一、判断题: 1.一年级数学易错题集锦。() 2. 66中两个6的意义相同,都表示6个一。() 3.三十六写作306。() 4.钟面上分针从1走到4,走了3分钟。() 5. 8时7分可以写作8:7 。() 6.现在的时间是8:50,再过15分钟是9:05。() 二、填空题: 1.以角为单位的人民币有()角、()角、()角。以分为单位的人民币有()分、()分、()分。 2.一个两位数,十位上的数比个位上的数大6,个位上的数比1小,这个两位数是()。 3.100的最高位是()位;1在()位上,表示()个()。 4.离34最近一个整十数是()。 5. 74的个位数是(),表示(),十位数是(),表示()。 6.比10大而又比20小的数有()个,其中个位数和十位数相同的数是()。 7.写出三个个位是0的两位数()()();写出三个个位是9的两位数()()()。写出三个个位数和十位数相同两位数()()()。 8.两个同样的正方体可以拼成一个()体;最少()个同样的小正方体可以拼成一个大正方体;最少()个同样的小正方形可以拼成一个大正方形。 9.钟面上时针走1大格是1(),分针走一大格是5()。 10.六十写作(),它比最大的两位数小()。

11. 39前面的一个数是(),后面的一个数是()。与99相邻的两个数是()和()。28后面第三个数是()。 12.百位的1比十位的1大()。 13.我走路靠()边走,汽车靠()边行。 14.一张正方形的纸片对折两次再展开,一共可以得到()个小正方形;一共有()个正方形。 15.最大的一位数是();最小的两位数是();最大的两位数是();最小的三位数是()。 16. 80连续减4的差分别是:()、()、()、()、 17、80前面的4个数是()、()、()、() 18.钟面上分针指着12,时针刚过5,现在的时刻是(:),也可以表示为(时分)。 19. 7.10元=()元()角;0.50元=()元()角;; 2小时=()分 20.用下面三个数字, 列四个算式.15 10 5 _____________ 21.小明做30道题,小红做34道,小华做80道。小明比( )少一些,( )比小明多得多。 22. 把48、39、73、32、55按从小到大排列在□里。□<□<□<□<□。其中比40大的有(),比50小的有(),既比40大又比60小的有() 23.一个一个地数,把79前面的一个数和后面的两个数写出来。()、79、()、() 24.一十一十地数,把80前面的两个数和后面的两个数写出来。()、()、80、()、() 25. 一个两位数,个位上的数是6,十位上的数比个位上的数多2,这个数是()。 26. 12比( )少4 78里面有( )个一和( )个十 27.按顺序填出90前面的三个数( ) ( ) ( ) 28.比11大,比15小,是一个单数()比60大,比70小,个位上是5的数()
