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2)A friend indeed will share joys and sorrows with you.
translation n 翻译 • translate vt. 翻译;解释、说明;转成 translate into: 把…翻译成…;转化为 把说的话付诸行动 Translate words into action 你能把汉语翻译成英语吗? Can you translate Chinese into English?
6.sparrow 16.sponsor
17.blank 18.compass
8.translation 19.bride
26.violinist 27.load
9.branch 20.bridegroom
10.sorrow 21.championship
translator 翻译家; 译者
• sponsor n.赞助人;主办者;倡议者 • The race organizers are trying to appeal to
sponsors. • 比赛的组织者在想方设法吸引赞助者。
• the sponsor of the new bill • 新法案的倡议者 • vt.发起;举办;倡议;资助;赞助 • She found a company to sponsor her through
2.nursey 12.librarian 22.darkness
3.diamonHale Waihona Puke Baidu 13.section
4.pattern 14.exchange 24.scholarship
5.cottage 15.diploma 25.pianist
6.sparrow 16.sponsor
• concrete adj.definite and specific
rather than general
• 具体的
• Could you supply us with concrete information about the identity of the murderer?
• 你能向我们提供关于凶手身份的确凿资料 吗?
Words marked by triangles
• poetry •n.诗(总称),诗集 • emotion •n.情感;情绪;感情
1.poetry n.[U] [总称] 诗歌,诗篇,诗集 poem n. [C] (一首)诗 poet n.[C] 诗人
Robert is a __p_o_e_t _____. I have written a p_o_e_m_______. He bought a book of__p_o_e_tr_y____
contradictory (adj.) 相互矛盾的;对立 的
contradiction (n.)矛盾,对立 contradict (vt.) 反驳; 相矛盾 contrary (adj.) (n.) 相反的,逆向的
相反地 on the contrary 1)We are faced with two contradictory statements. 2)His public speeches are in contradiction to his personal lifestyle.
17.blank 18.compass
8.translation 19.bride
26.violinist 27.load
9.branch 20.bridegroom
10.sorrow 21.championship
branch n. (1) 枝条 (2) 支流
2.nursey 12.librarian 22.darkness
3.diamond 13.section
4.pattern 14.exchange 24.scholarship
5.cottage 15.diploma 25.pianist
college. • 她找到一家愿意资助她读完大学的公司。
Adjectives and Adverbs
1.concrete 2.contradictory 3.flexible 4.salty 5.endless 6.eventually 7.bare 8.forever 9.appropriate 10.blank
appropriate adj.恰当的,合适的
vests are not appropriate for a formal wedding. 背心用于正式婚礼中是不适当的。
• Plain, simple clothes_a_re__a_p_p_r_o_p_ri_a_te__fo_r__ school wear.
• 简单、朴素的衣服适合在学校里穿着。 • It wouldn't be _a_p_p_r_o_p_r_ia_te__fo_r__m_e__ to
discuss that now. • 我现在讨论那个问题不合适。
这家银行在市内有十家分行。 The bank has ten branches in the city. 很多鸟停在树枝上。 Many birds are on the branch. 这条河有很多支流。 The river has a lot of branches.
sorrow (n.) 悲伤,悲伤事 sorrowful (adj.) 悲伤的 1)He expressed his sorrow at the news of her death.
2.emotion (n.) 情感,情绪 He lost control of his emotions. 他情绪失去了控制。
emotional (adj.) 感情的,情感的 emotional problems/needs
emotionless (adj.) 没有感情的,冷漠的