







这一部分时,可以采用以下步骤:1.通读全文,对文章内容有整体理解,包括文章的主题、写作的目的、毎一段的大意等; 2.阅读空格所在段落,尤其是空格前后句,判断空格处需填入句子的功能,并根据据后句的内容基本确定需填入句子的内容;3.阅读所给的六个句子,从中选择符合文章内容及行文逻辑的句子;4.



1. 1.利用句子中心实词解题


例1:_______ Ask yourself what problem the audience wants to solve, and talk about

that problem first. “Then and only then, talk about what you are good at as the solution to that problem,” says Morgan. “Audiences start off by asking why. Why am I here? Why should I care? If you answer those questions early, then they’ll ask how. Your job is to answ er the why question first and then address the how.”



例2:It is possible they are, but they are not the most civilized. Animals fight, so do savages; so to be good at fighting is to be good in the way an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized. ____68_______. People fight to settle quarrels. Fighting means killing, and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some ways of settling their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off greater number of the other side, and then saying that the side which has killed most has won.



2. 利用代词指代关系解题



例1:It doesn’t matter which productivity bird represents your work style.

(70)_______ It depends on your environment and energy levels. Do you have the drive to get up early or stay up late? While others are dreaming, make your dreams real.

B. Many believe being night owls is better.

E. They both can work.


解析:本题根据前文所说,空格70 的上句已提出It doesn’t matter.所以they指代前面的不管哪一种高效的鸟指代你的工作风格,他们都是有用的,这里they 指代不管哪种方式。

例2:You have the same amount of time each day as everyone else. If you want to reach your goals and dreams you have to be willing to pay the price.

(67)______Sometimes it is your time. Sometimes it is money. And sometimes it is sleep. One of the best times to get ahead and be”in the zone”is when everyone else is sleeping. Get up early. Or stay up late. Those are your choices.


解析:本题是需考虑前句的pay the price可以得知后面的that就是指代前面需要付出的代价而且后面指示三种不同情况的三个分句,有时是时间,有时是金钱还有时是价格,说明这种代价因人而异。



表并列:and; also; first, second, third; firstly, secondly, thirdly; first, next, then; in the first place, in the second place; for one thing, for another thing; to begin with, to conclude; either…or…; neither…nor…; not only…but also

表递进:further, furthermore; moreover; what’ s more; in addition

表因果:so; therefore; thus; hence; accordingly; consequently; as a result

表转折与让步:however; nevertheless; though; yet; in spite of; despite; on the contrary; otherwise; while; rather than; even if/though; fortunately

例1:Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow- worker and accomplice.___2___But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible (细微的)fineness, from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. C. How can we get the deepest and widest pleasure from what we read?

F. If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.


解析:因为but,所以所填的句子内容需要与后文不同或相反。But之后是指出拓展思维后,读书能带来的好处。与之相反的就是F选项中的hang back,reserve 和criticize。

例2:A generation ago in the US, if you heard a friend talking about having a gig, chances were that your friend was a musician. ___67___ Self-employment, contract or freelance work, temporary jobs- just about anything that isn't full-time- can be

described as a gig.

B. These temporary workers cannot be categorized into gig workers.

C. But the phrase has now evolved to describe different methods of short-term work.

D. Most of the gig workers treasure the golden opportunity and regard it as a lifetime job.


解析:几个有迷惑性的选项是都出现了gig这个关键词。但前一句内容表明gig 以前是用来形容音乐家的,后一句内容指出现在指各类非全职的工作。两句话的内容是完全不同的,所以中间需要表转折的句子来承上启下,从而发现C中的but。同时evolve也符合前后句中表示转变过程的内容。

gig: (1)现场演出;(2)临时工作



例1:Self Expression

___5___There are many ways to express thoughts and ideas—music, acting, drawing building, photography. You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another

C. We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.

G. Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.


解析:本文为说明文,说明了帮助孩子全面发展的方法。利用小标题self expression,加上空在段首的位置,所以需要一句与表达能力有关的主题句。同时,后文的express和communicate意思相近,故选G。

例2:Self-esteem is the measurement or the value of how a person knows his worth and its effects are life-changing and dramatic, since it makes up a person’s attitude and outlook towards life. ___67___ But when self-esteem is low, you can either sulk and be sad or be afraid to try out new things or take risks and chances with your love-life, career, relationships and self-improvement.

A. Simply put, self-esteem is the fuel that makes you feel important or loved by others.

E. When your self-esteem is high, you are less likely to be affected by these situations.


解析:空的位置在段中,所以首先判断应该是一句细节句。前一句是用一句话解释了self-esteem的意思,后一句是说明了self-esteem的作用,所以整段都是围绕self-esteem的定义展开。C是将抽象的定义具体化来对self-esteem进行解释。这是一道十分有迷惑性的题目。很多学生一看后文的But when self-esteem is low就会直接选择E,错误的原因是其中的these situations在前文并没有出现。


No matter what the reason, though, juggling more than one job is guaranteed to be a crash course in time management. If you're not careful, the word"crash"could become more than figurative.

We all know that well have to figure out a time management system when we take on a second job. Equally obvious is the fact that what works for one person (and their jobs) probably won't work for anyone else. 67 . There are a few tricks, though, that can help.

68 Even if you are the boss on your second job----you're working for yourself----you have an obligation to keep that work separate from you day job. Focus on what’s in front of you. There’s actually a benefit to punching a clock when you work for more than one supervisor. When you're on the clock for Company A, you know exactly which projects you or this time, you should be theirs, heart and soul, at least until you clock out.

Good records can also help. I'm not just talking about the calendars and task lists most of us rely on, either. Making sure that you have any contact information available no matter whether you're at Job A, Job B or home can take some extra effort, but it's worth it. 69 .

I know plenty of people who bring their work to their primary job. It seems to be

a favorite tactic of folks starting up a freelancing career or small business. I don’t think that's the best way to manage a packed schedule. If you don’t have your primary employers permission, the best advice is to just keep things quiet. Give preference to the employer who is paying you for this specific chunk of time.

Some companies don t want you to work anywhere else. They want you to put in your eight hours, go home, sleep well and come back rested. Others consider employees who go looking for other projects as its benefits-such employees have a jump start on networking and have a wider variety of experiences.

70 . Because it can be very hard to figure out your boss's attitude, the general rule seems to be that you keep quiet on your extracurricular activities. I wouldn’t talk about Job A at Job B, although, if my boss was to bring up the matter, I'd be entirely truthful.

【答案】67-70 CEBF


67.上文提到每个人都有自己不同的time management system,因此你要做的就是找到一个是个自己的system并坚持下去。

68.由下文“you have an obligation to keep that work separate from you day job”可知,你要在不同的工作之间保持严格的分工。


70.Unfortunately, most supervisors do not come with a label which variety they are.刚好呼应下一句:it can be very hard to figure out your boss's attitude


Adolescents refer to boys and girls at high-school level--more specifically the second,third and forth years of high schools.In dealing with students at this level,we must bear in mind that to some degree they are at the difficult stage,generally called adolescence.

Students at this level are likely to be confused mentally. They usually find it hard to concentrate on what they intend to do and often have romantic dreams._________77_______ They lack frankness and are usually very easily affected by their own emotions but hate to admit it. They are driven either by greater ambition,probably beyond their capability,or by extreme laziness caused by the fear of not succeeding or achieving objectives._________78_________.They are willing to work,but they hate to work without obtaining the result they think they should obtain.

Regarding school issues,although they seldom say so,they really want to be consulted and given an opportunity to direct their own affairs,but they need a good amount of guidance.They seldom admit that they need this guidance and they frequently rebel against it. But if it its intelligently offered they accept it with enthusiasm.As to personal beliefs,most of adolescents are trying to form political ideals and they have a tendency to be sometimes extremely idealistic,and at other times conventional,blindly accepting what their fathers and grandfathers believed in._______79________.On the one hand they are too modest and on the other hand unreasonably boastful.They tend to be influenced more by a strong character than by great intelligence.

__________80_________.Having a better understanding of the characteristics and needs of young people at this age is a task that falls both on educators and other people involved.It may also help the young go through this difficult and critical stage of life in a more constructive manner.



77.空位于句中,因此需要理解上下文的内容。空后展开表述了青春期孩子不够坦白同时又容易被自己的情感影响并且不愿意承认,从中可以看出这些都是青春期孩子的一些性格特点,因此前面应该是对这种特点的总结。所以答案选D 78.同样位于句中。空后面讲述了青春期孩子们希望能够忙一点,但是又不想要白忙活,希望自己的付出能够得到相应的回报。而在选项中只有F选项说到了这一点因此选F

79.空位于句中,后面的“on one hand”和“on the other hand ”是很好的提示。后面内容涵盖了两个方面,一方面他们过于腼腆另一方面又过于自信。这是两个极端刚好与B选项内容符合。因此这里选B



Getting dressed for the office

It’s clear that business wear has changed in the last few years--for both men and women. Even traditional business such as law companies have altered their dress codes from “smart”to “smart-casual”. (67)______. What is less clear, however, is what “smart-casual” actually means. I hope to give you a few basic tips here. There are many factors involved: for example, the particular industry you work in, how much contact you have with the public and your position in the company. The seasons even have a part to play--what is acceptable in the summer might not be in the autumn or winter.

So, does “smart-casual”mean you can come to work in tracksuit bottoms and sandals, or does it just mean that you don’t have to wear a tie? (68)______. Fashionable colors for suits for both men and women this season are still the traditional grey, dark blue and black. You see someone wearing grey and it indicates a conservative, professional image; dark blue says you’re trustworthy; and black always looks smart and classy. These colors don’t have to look boring, however. Try wearing a shirt or blouse with a splash of color. Pale blue, pink or lilac are better than loud colors like bright pink and dark red.

(69)______. Men can go for a sports-type jacket, with a shirt or smart jumper. You can wear well-cut trousers made of wool, or a good pair of chinos. Women can wear trouser suits or skirt suits. You can also wear more fashionable trousers and a

blouse, or a skirt and top. But be careful; avoid wearing baggy, loose clothes, very short skirts and lots of logos and patterns. If in doubt, go back to the suit. You need a similar attitude to jewellery, bags and other accessories; you should try to resist large earrings and huge, colorful bags. (70)______.

Keys:67-70: DFAC




70.总结句,对前文作出总结,in short可以直接看出。


2020年上海高考英语六选四专题练习 (名师总结解题技巧,值得下载练习) 一、六选四考察要求概述 选句填空"(俗称"六选四")是2017年上海高考英语试卷中启用的题型。根据题目要求,学生需从所给的六个选项中选取四个填入文中的空格处,使文章从内容、语言、结构上都符合逻辑。考生在备考这一部分时,需意识到以下几点: 1.虽然每一小题都要求选择正确的句子填入文中,但在文中不同的地方挖空,考査的能力要求也 会有所不同。如果空格处需填入主题句,考査的是对文本或段落的概括能力,如果空格处需填入能使上下文叙述连贯的细节,考査的则是对文章基本内容的理解能力。因此,针对不同的空格,考生需要调整自己的思维方式,选择合适的策略; 2.虽然本部分属于阅读理解这一大题,同样也考查考生的阅读理解能力,但是要注意这一题型与 阅读选择题的差异。选择题通过题干告诉考生考点在哪里,考査目标是什么,考生就可以据此选择合适的策略来答题,而"选句填空"则要求考生在理解文章内容和行文逻辑的基础上,自行判断空格处需填入句子的功能,再进一步选择合适的策略来答题。基于以上分析,建议考生在完成"选句填空"这一部分时,可以采用以下步骤:1.通读全文,对文章内容有整体理解,包括文章的主题、写作的目的、毎一段的大意等; 2.阅读空格所在段落,尤其是空格前后句,判断空格处需填入句子的功能,并根据据后句的内容基本确定需填入句子的内容;3.阅读所给的六个句子,从中选择符合文章内容及行文逻辑的句子;4.通读填入句子后的文章,再次确认文章内容、语言、结构上是否符合逻辑。 二、六选四做题技巧指导 1.利用句子中心实词解题

句子中心实词是指在一个句子表达中需要占据句子主干或者中心意思的一类实词。和代词一样,当一个句子中出现了表达某一特点概念的中心实词时,该句上下文就应该围绕这样的中心来展开,也就是说正确选项中不能呈现上下文没有交代的一个中心实词,因此我们可以利用这一现象来帮助我们找到正常选项或者排除错误选项。 例1:_______ Ask yourself what problem the audience wants to solve, and talk about that problem first. “Then and only then, talk about what you are good at as the solution to that problem,” says Morgan. “Audiences start off by asking why. Why am I here? Why should I care? If you answer those questions early, then they’ll ask how. Your job is to answer the why question first and then address the how.” 答案:A 解析:空格所在位置揭示这是段落的中心词audience,总结后文可见应该考虑读者需求。而且接下来的几句话都是围绕这个中心词来的。 例2:It is possible they are, but they are not the most civilized. Animals fight, so do savages; so to be good at fighting is to be good in the way an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized. ____68_______. People fight to settle quarrels. Fighting means killing, and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some ways of settling their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off greater number of the other side, and then saying that the side which has killed most has won. 答案:A 解析:这里容易受到干扰是C因为原文后面说人们打斗去解决争吵。但是这一段中心词是civilized。根


2018--2019学年高三英语一模六选四汇编 One【虹口区】 Section C Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. Self-Care Strategies for College Students Most college students don’t put self-care at the top of their to do lists. When you’re caught up in the whirlwind(旋风) of classes, extra-curricular, wor k, friendships, and final exams, it’s easy to ignore a task that doesn’t come with a deadline (even if that task is simply “taking care of yourself”). Embrace the excitement and intensity of college life, but remember that maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health is essential to your success and well-being. (67)_________ Instead, take time out to take care of yourself with some of these self-care strategies. Get Away for some Alone Time. If you live with roommates, privacy can be hard to come by, so make it your mission to find a peaceful place on campus to call your own. (68)_________. Take a Mindful Walk Around Campus.When you’re strolling to class, try this mindfulness exercise to center yourself and destress. (69)__________ Feel free to people-watch, but pay attention to sensory details too, like the smell of a nearby barbecue or the sensation of pavement under your shoes. Take note of at least five beautiful or intriguing things you notice along your route. You might find yourself feeling a little calmer by the time you reach your destination. Stage a Sleep Intervention.How much sleep do you really get each night? (70)__________ By doing that, you’ll begin the process of repaying your sleep debt and establishing healthy new sleep habits. Don’t buy into the myth that the less you’re sleeping, the harder you’re working. Your mind and body need consistent sleep to operate at optimum levels--you simply can’t do your best work without it. Download a New Podcast. Take a break from the books, grab your headphones, and listen to some immersive mysteries, compelling interviews, or laugh-out-loud comedy. There are thousands of podcasts covering almost every subject imaginable, so you’re sure to find something that interests you. 【答案】67 D, 68 E, 69 A, 70 C


上海高考英语题型训练:选句填空 Section C Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. Self-Care Strategies for College Students Most college students don’t put self-care at the top of their to do lists. When you’re caught up in the whirlwind(旋风) of classes, extra-curricular, work, friendships, and final exams, it’s easy to ignore a task that doesn’t come with a deadline (even if that task is simply “taking care of yourself”). Embrace the excitement and intensity of college life, but remember that maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health is essential to your success and well-being. (67)_________ Instead, take time out to take care of yourself with some of these self-care strategies. Get Away for some Alone Time. If you live with roommates, privacy can be hard to come by, so make it your mission to find a peaceful place on campus to call your own. (68)_________. Take a Mindful Walk Around Campus. When you’re strolling to class, try this mindfulness exercise to center yourself and destress. (69)__________ Feel free to people-watch, but pay attention to sensory details too, like the smell of a nearby barbecue or the sensation of pavement under your shoes. Take note of at least five beautiful or intriguing things you notice along your route. You might find yourself feeling a little calmer by the time you reach your destination. Stage a Sleep Intervention. How much sleep do you really get each night? (70)__________ By doing that, you’ll begin the process of repaying your sleep debt and establishing healthy new sleep habits. Don’t buy into the myth that the less you’re sleeping, the harder you’re working. Your mind and body need consistent sleep to operate at optimum levels--you simply can’t do your best work without it. Download a New Podcast. Take a break from the books, grab your headphones, and listen to some immersive mysteries, compelling interviews, or laugh-out-loud comedy. There are thousands of podcasts covering almost every subject imaginable, so you’re sure to find something that interests you. 67-70 D EAC


Stage fright Imagine that you are an actor performing in a play for the first time. You have learned all your lines and you know where to walk on stage. Waiting behind the closed curtain, you can hear the audience whispering and taking their seats. Then your big moment arrives! The curtain goes up, and the crowd falls silent. All you can see is the spotlight shining down on you. 1 The inside of your mouth is dry, and your hands are wet. If you have experienced a moment like this, you know all too well what it means to have stage fright. It is one of the most common types of fear and tends to strike people when they find themselves at the centre of attention. 2 People experience this fear when playing sports, giving a presentation, or even speaking in class. A person who suffers from stage fright may get sweaty hands, a dry mouth, a tight throat, or shaky knees. Stage fright is actually a form of panic, and these feelings are very real. 3 The experience differs from person to person, but the same chemical process occurs in each of us. In reaction to anxiety, our bodies produce a chemical that prepares us to either fight or run away quickly. Scientists refer to this as our bodies’ “fight or flight” reaction. As a result, we feel great energy that makes our hands sweat, our hearts race, and our knees shake. 4 Practising your performance and following some simple tips can help calm nerves and manage the feelings caused by anxiety. First, dress comfortably and appropriately. Second, before the performance, take deep breaths and stretch to help relax your body. Thirdly, stay away from drinks that contain caffeine. These might make your heart race even faster. Instead, try a banana! Some doctors believe that eating a banana can help calm your heart and the rest of your body. Finally, when you look into a crowd, try to focus on particular people instead of the whole group. These tips have helped many people learn to deal with their fears. A. Pick up the dish with the remain ing food. B. Proper food is a basic necessity for your puppies. C. Remember to give your puppy the food he would like to have. D. It can also cause an upset stomach due to an unbalanced diet. E. One example is that extra helpings of nutrients do harm to digestive organs. F. It’s good to provide the extra nutrients a puppy needs until he grows larger.

上海高考英语新题型阅读六选四高二3-5日教案 老师用培训资料


先至教育 辅导时间:3/ 5 年级:高二时长:2 H 学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师: 授课类型 阅读六选四技巧训练 教学目标联系上下文理解文章大意,理论逻辑关系,采用排除法,阅读并不难, 授课时段 上海市高考英语阅读新题型:六选四 2017 上海市英语高考改革新要求:(趋势:听力部分要求下降,增加了读写部分): (听说测试:人机对话)口试20分,折合10分计入总分 笔试:140分 1,听力25分(原来30分)——短对话10分,短文2篇+长对话1篇 1.5*10=15分 2,语法和词汇20分——语法一篇10分,词汇11选10,10分 3,阅读45分——完形填空1篇15分,阅读3篇11*2=22分,六选四4*2=8分 4,概括写作10分 5,翻译15分——共4句,3+3+4+5 6,写作25分 特别强调!!! 3阅读中的六选四和4概括写作是全新题型 新题型说明 文章篇幅比第一部分要长,所给出的被选项要多于题目个数, 该部分的正文一般都有很清楚的思路或者论据,考察的是一种逻辑关系. 阅读本身考察的就是对文章的理解掌控能力,所以不论题目以什么形式出现,都是考察多文章的理解和大意的把握,六选四的出现说明题目从传统的单项选择上转移到一个更深的层次上,即对句子和语篇的理解,在做这种题目时,应该注意以下四点: 1 把握文章主题句和结尾句 2 特别注意句句之间、段段之间的连接词 3 答案模糊时,联系上下文,排除干扰项 4 检查时,代入选项看是否通顺 解题步骤 1. 先读题目要求的第一句,初步了解主题. 2. 利用语法知识确定句子缺失成分 3. 重点阅读空格前后的句子利用各种衔接手段选择正确的选项填入空格. 4. 认真阅读选项,并找出关键词与空格进行搭配.


As 2019 draws to a close, it can be helpful to think about finishing what you have started. With that in mind, here are some thoughts on finishing projects and seasons well. Finishing projects One step to finishing a project comes near the beginning: define what it means for the project to be finished. This could mean getting an article published, submitting a report to your boss or teacher, or creating designs for a product. 67 . In order to finish projects, you must also plan out the steps you will take. Break your big task into smaller ones, and give yourself a short-term deadline for each of them. 68 . Then when you do finish - celebrate! Take some time to enjoy your accomplishment and reward yourself for all your hard work. Also take some time to consider how the project went what you did well, and what needs improvement. 69 . Finishing the year As we come to the end of 2019, it's good to take some time to pause and reflect on the past year. What goals did you reach or what have you learned? What would you like to do differently next year? While you're thinking, consider things you're thankful for from the year. You could make a list of 12, one for each month, or 52, one for each week. Or just write down as many things as you can think of. This will help you end the year with a positive attitude. 70 . If you made mistakes, recognize them and then move on. No one can change the past, but you can learn from it and create a new future. By finishing projects and years well, you can move toward your long-term goals and set yourself up for future triumphs. 答案:67-70 CEAF


Section C Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences listed below. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two sentences more than you need. An Iowa high school counselor gets a call from a parent protesting the “C” her child received on an assignment. “The parent argued every point in the essay,” recalls the counselor, who soon realized why the mother was so disappointed about the grade. “______67______” In a survey, 90% of new teachers agreed that involving pare nts in their children’s education is a priority at their school, but only 25%described their experience working with parents as “very satisfying.” _____68______73%of new teachers said too many parents treat schools and teachers as enemies. At a time when competition is rising and resources are limited, when battles over testing force schools to adjust their priorities, when cell phones and e-mail speed up the information flow and all kinds of private ghosts and public quarrels slip into the parent-teacher c onference, it’s harder for both sides to step back and breathe deeply and look at the goals they share. _____69_____ But what most teachers feel, and certainly what all parents feel, is anxiety and panic. When a teacher asks parents to be partners, he or she doesn't necessarily mean Mom or Dad should be camping in the classroom. _____70______According to research based on the National


高考新题型六选四解读 今年,上海英语高考的题型又改革了,其中一个新题型便是“六选四”,即给出一篇缺少4个句子的文章,对应有6个选项,要求学生们根据文章结构、内容,选出正确的句子,填入相应的空白处。这个题型主要考查学生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。 记得几年前,上海英语高考中有过类似的题型,即六选五。虽一字之差,但这次的题型却比以往对考生提出了更高的阅读理解的要求。 在开始训练这个新题型之前,我们先在全年级摸了个底,在月考时,我们把市里样题中的一篇文章放在卷子里给学生们做,事后经过统计,理科班的同学在这一题型上的平均得分为6点多,也就是错1个;而平行班同学的得分就更低了。所以我们备课组的老师们对此题型不敢掉以轻心,认真研读各种文本,总结出如下几点: 首先,我们在阅读教学时,有意识地强化文章和段落的结构,让学生知道并掌握如下基本结构。这不仅对六选四有帮助,对于他们的段落概括和作文都十分有用。

然后,我们从出题位置着手,分三个方面 1. 问题在段首 1)第一段段首:通常是整篇文章的主题句,需要在认真阅读后文内容后,进行选择。不必在第一时间选出。 2)中间段段首:这时要前瞻后望找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。 3)最后一段段首:通常是整篇文章的总结段,或是最后一个分论点。可以根据关键词的提示选出答案。 2. 问题在段中:学会找关键词是重中之重。 3. 问题在段尾::通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语。有时候,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句或对比词,这些都可以作为选择时的关键词句来使用。 在这样做了一段时间题目后,我发现学生对于出题位置在段首和段尾的题目的正确率较高,而问题在段中的差错率就比较高。学生们经常会顾头不顾尾,找不准关键词,看不到提示词,导致答案出错。 例如:We seem to have completely lost the concept of correct timing when it comes to parties these days. __4__ After all, a party normally has a guest of honour ---- this is usually the oldest woman present. A. We’ve thrown away the concept of a guest of honour at will. C. People leave with various excuses. 这道题很多同学看到后句中有guest of honour就毫不犹豫的都选了A。而实际上,正确答案应该是C。是对于上句中lost of concept of correct timing的一种诠释。后句用提示词after all 把前后句分开,并且,后句讲的是correct timing.经过这样的分析后,选C就显而易见了。 例如:Aim to be early Your constant goal is to be on time, but you are always running late. Well, you could wonder about the root cause and timely make a change. __4__ By doing so for a few times, you can actually make a change and avoid lateness. A.Ask a friend to remind you at a certain time to be on time. F.Instead of showing up late, try to arrive before the appointed time. 这道题同样是因为关键词的问题导致很多同学选了A。其实这段话的关键词是to be early, 所以F中的before the appointed time 显然要比A 中的on time 更贴近关键词。 找关键词的方法还有很多,比如说同义词/近义词法,代词法,同一范畴法,数字法等。我们还可以用各种逻辑关系来帮助学生解题。总之,方法不胜枚举。不过我想,要让学生们短期内学会这些方法,并灵活运用还是有一定难度的。而且我们手头的资料也并不多,所以,我们可以通过分析其他题型中的阅读文章来让学生接触大量诸如识别关键词等方法,从而提高这一题型的得分率。

2017届上海英语高考新题型 四

2017届上海英语高考新题型----六选四专题练习(四) JAYESH Patel stretched and smiled. He quoted Mother Teresa, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”Growing up, Jayesh Patel was nicknamed “toilet boy.” Since his father dedicated his life to improving sanitation, young Patel was assigned to cleaning public toilets everyday after school. Now Patel, 48, is an environmental advocate who has built over five hundred thousand toilets in Gujarat, India. I met him when visiting his sanitation institute. “________________________________________________. Through this, we create desire, stress, and misery,” said Patel. “But if we focus on the power of small, what we can do in this very moment, impact will naturally emerge if that’s what is needed in the world.”His philosophy is------_____________________________ The solution to big issues (like sanitation) begins with consistently completing small acts.In his own view, he does not necessarily need to change his entire urban lifestyle to live a better life —however, he consciously performs positive, daily actions and detaches himself from material desires. “I still eat at Pizza Hut and I turn on the air conditioner on a hot day. But I can also do without it,” said Patel. “One day my friend offered me to stay at a five-star hotel. The next day I slept on the streets and watched the night sky and stars. ________________________”In modern life, children often grow up being told to “think big.” ____________________________________________. In struggling to apply for colleges, to find profitable jobs, and ultimately a “better” life, students often forget the process — the small and consistent action steps that need to be taken. A: it was the same to me. B: we do ignore the small things that instead of understanding the reason why we do them. C: students are constantly taught to dream of future careers and how they can make a difference in the world. D: small, everyday actions have the most impact. E: different places made me understand the large gap between the rich and the poor and I told myself to narrow it. F: many times we get caught up with visible impact and we want to see results. FDAC


2019届高三英语二模汇编——六选四 1、2019黄浦二模 Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be 答案:67-70 EBDF

Life on a Ship We three children were very excited when we walked up the gangway (舷梯) of the British flagship China Star and saw officers, crew and staff rushing around. A Chinese housekeeper led the way and helped Uncle Jean and Aunt Reine with our luggage. Victor, Claudine and I lagged behind. The housekeeper was tall and thin and towered over everyone. (67) _____________________ As we followed him down a narrow corridor towards our cabins, Victor whispered to me, “One thing about having no hair at all on your head, you always look neat!” Though I was still feeling nervous and tongue-tied because it had only been three days since Aunt Reine took me out of St. Joseph’s, I laughed out loud. That was the effect Victor had on people. (68) _____________________ “Boys to the right and girls to the left,” said Uncle Jean. Our two cabins were directly opposite each other. Inside, everything was neat, bare and clean. While Aunt Reine, Claudine and I were unpacking, there was a knock on the door. Victor stood there, wearing a bright-red and orange life-jacket. “Why are you wearing that?” Claudine protested. “Our ship hasn’t even sailed yet!” “In case the China Star starts going down. Then you’ll really be sorry you’re not wearing one yourself. Here! Let me show you something!” (69) _____________________ Our cabin was below deck. Outside we could see nothing but deep dark water. Claudine became alarmed. “Mama, how often does a ship sink?” she asked. Before Aunt Rei ne had time to reply, Victor quipped with a straight face, “Only once!” Aunt Reine and I could not help laughing in spite of ourselves. But then Victor did something my brothers would never have done. He took off his life-jacket, slipped it on his sister and showed her how to adjust the straps. (70) ____________________ At night, our housekeeper brought in a tiny roll-out bed because there were three of us. 答案:67-70 BECD
