







I.The poster gives information about

A.the man teacher

B.English courses

https://www.360docs.net/doc/e311581558.html,nguage schools in London

D.different activities in Lanleygate

2.How much do you have to pay for both Speaking and Writing ?





3.If Leo is free on Sunday afternoon ,he can

A.improve his listening ability

B.join the possible smallest class

C.have a native teacher

D.Learn how to write in English


When he was a teenager ,Hunter Adams was very unhappy ,and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s hospital for people with mental(精神的)health problems

When he left hospital ,Adams decided to become a doctor ,so he went to Medical

School in Virginia ,USA ,But when he was there he did things in a different way .For example ,he didn ' t like the doctor ' s white coats .he preferred to wear shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients ,and he tried to make them laugh .The doctors

at the medical school didn ' t like Adams very much because he was to different .

But Adams believed that people in hospital need more than medicine .He saw unhappy and lonely people ,and he tried to help them as patients ,but as people too .He spent a lot of time with children in the hospital ,and often put a special red nose on his face to look like a clown and to make the children laugh .

When he finished medical school and became a doctor , Adams opened his own hospital ,called “the Gesundheit

In stitute ” ,together with some other doctors .They wanted it to be a place in a different way of working with sick people .

Hunter Adams became famous during the 1980s ,and in 1998 .Universal Pictures made a film about his life .It was very successful .In the film(called Patch Adams) ,Robin Williams played Adams .Williams said , " Hunter is a really warm person ,who believes

that patients need a doctor who ' s friend .I enjoyed playing him . ”

4.What probably made Hunter decide to be a doctor ?

A.His interest in medicine

B.His idea to open a hospital

C.His early experience as a teenager

D.His love for the lonely children around

5.How was Hunter different from other doctors ?

A.He was famous before working in hospital

B.He liked to wear shirts with flowers in them every day

C.He treated his patients as friends in every way possible

D.He was good at dealing with people who were mentally ill .

6.What does the underlined word “ clown " in paragraph 3 probable mean ?





7.What can we know from Robin Williams words ?

A.He thought highly of Hunter .

B.Every doctor needs a patient friend

C.He became a warm person ever after

D. A good actor makes a successful film .


A recent study from a team of South Korean researchers suggests that eating alone often may lead to poor eating habits and poor food choices .Specifically ,the study found that men who ate alone more than twice a week had a greater risk of developing high blood pressure ,high cholesterol and diabetes .

For children ,eating with their families is not only about preventing bad outcomes( 结果)一it is also about developing good ones .

In 2014, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) looked at data from nearly three-quarters of the world ' s countries .Among its findings was the fact that students who shared a main meal with their families were less likely to skip

school .Children who eat a main meal with their families are also less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol(吸毒酗酒).

In the report ,titled “ The Importance of Family Di nners (VIII)” , researchers say that “teens who have frequent family dinners are more likely to say their parents know a lot about what ' s going on in their lives ” . They also claim that when teens say they fe el closer to their parents ,they are less likely to use drugs and alcohol .

Another study from the University of Montreal found that children who ate with their families experience long — term physical and mental health benefits(好处).These children were physically in better shape and drank fewer sugary soft drinks .These children also seemed to have better social skills and they were less aggressive(好斗的)

Professor Linda Pagani says that mealtimes shared with parents “likely provide young children with first-hand social interactions ,discussions of social issues(事件)and

day-to-day concerns ” .She adds that they may likely help the child have better communication skills with others .

8.What can be the best title for the text ?

A.Benefits of eating together

B.Advantages of eating alone

C.Ways of developing social skills

D.Risks of using drugs and alcohol

9.Children eating with their families are more likely to .

A.drink more sugary soft drinks

B.do well in their studies at school

C.be more socially active and aggressive

D.have a closer relationship with their parents

10.Why is Professor Pagani mentioned in the last paragraph ?

A.To introduce her

B.To add a new point

C.To explain further

D.To provide background information

11.From which is the text probably taken ?

A. A travel guide

B. A biology textbook

C. A cooking instruction

D. A science magazine


No one wakes up feeling happy every day .Very happy people are not different .They never stop trying to be happy .Here are some of the habits of happy people .

? They slow down .

Sometimes we think too much .12 Happy people know how to enjoy the

taste of their meal ,enjoy the world ' s colors ,even just step outside to enjoy fresh air .

.13 ____________________________

Getting your body moving for as little as 10minutes can make you happy .Happy people exercise regularly and follow through on it because they know it will help them get in good mood (情绪)and stay in good mood .

?They spend money on other people .

Research shows that spending money on others makes you much happier than spending it on yourself .This is especially true of small things that show effort , such as going out of your way to buy your friend a book that you know he or she will like .

?They get enough sleep .

14 Your energy ,attention and memory all go down when you don ' t sleep well .Happy people make sleep a first thing of all .

? They have deep conversations .

Happy people know that happiness and depth go hand-in-hand .They avoid saying

mean things about people . 15 They talk with others on a deeper

level , because they know doing it feels good and is an interesting way to learn .



A.They exercise .

B.Happiness makes you creative .

C.We don ' t have time to look around .

D.Instead ,they focus on meaningful relationships .

E.When you sleep ,your brain restarts and cleans itself .





Tips for being a super organized student

Posted 2hours ago by Amy

I have always admired students who hand in their homework on time and never 16 to do it .Me ,on

the other hand …OK ,I ' m not good enough .I ' m 17 at getting myself organized(有条理的)!

But lately I ' ve started keeping a small study 18 .I write down 19 I need to do and when it needs to be done by .Then I write a reminder(提醒单)a few days before the date just in case .It ' s helping .

So 20 are your tips for getting organized ?Post a comment below .I ' m hoping we can share tips to teach us better study skills .



Good question, Amy .I 21 spend about five minutes at the end of the day 22 the desktop on my computer .I make a copy of important documents I delete things I don ' t need any more and put everything useful into the 23_folder(文件夹).The most important thing is to start studying a few weeks before the _24 and not leave it 25 the night before ! That ' s just common sense , I think .


Hi ,Amy .My tip is to have a big noticeboard …

16.A. prepare B. continue C. regret D. forget

17.A. sad B. good C. angry D. terrible

18.A. bill B. diary C. score D. promise

19.A. all B. each C. both D. neither

20.A. how B. when C. what D. where

21A always B. never C. seldom D. sometimes

22.A.making up B. tidying up C. putting up D. setting up

23.A. real B. similar C. correct D. natural

24.A. exams B. holidays C. meetings D. parties

25. A. after B. until C. since D. as




She used to sleep on the sidewalk of the Fifth Street Post Office .I could smell her before I came close .She 26 (wear) dirty clothes and her mouth

was nearly toothless .If she was not asleep ,she talked to 27(she) .What a poor old lady !

One Thanksgiving ,we had lots of food 28 (leave) over .I thought about the old lady .She might be still hungry .So I packed the food up and rode over to the Fifth Street .It was a cold night .There was hardly anyone out .But I knew she would stay at the same place and I would find he 29 (easy).

There she was ,sitting against a tree near the post office .She 30 (dress) as she always was .I went to her and said , " I' ve brought you some food . Would you like

some turkey and apple pie ? ”

However ,the old woman didn ' t seem to be very 31(excite) about this .She looked at me and said , “ Oh ,thank you very much ,but someone32 (give) me food earlier and I ' m quite full now .Why don ' t you take it to someone else who 33 (need) it ?”

Her manners were gracious( 亲切的).I was the person who didn ' t know what 34 __ (say) .An old lady whose life was 35(bad) than most of us still thought others .Why don ' t more of us do that ?



36.我们的国家越来越强大。( get)

37.上学期,玲玲的诗获得了一等奖。( win)

38.尽管是个外国人,他却热爱中国传统文化。( although ,foreigner )

39.在公交车上不得与司机打架,否则你将会受到惩罚。( or ,punish )

40.这个村庄现在变得如此美丽,每年很多游客来到这里。( so ???that…)

四、阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下面的短文,根据短文后的要求答题。

The sun was falling behind the hills .Andrea was driving back home to Brockboune .Then she saw an old lady , standing by the toad ,with a sign saying

Brockboune in her hand .

Andrea stopped the car .When the old lady got in ,Andrea could see that she was not that little .She was in a long dress and had a hat pulled down low over her eyes .She put her big brown shopping bag down onto the floor .

“Do you live in Brockboune ? ” asked Andrea . "No , dear , " answered the old lady in a low voice , "I' m just going to visit a friend ,but my car won ' t start ,so I decided to

hitchhike .”

Something in the way the lady spoke made Andrea uneasy ,Andrea secretly studied the half-covered face ,the shapeless body ,the arms with their thick black hairs … Thick black hairs ? Andrea ' s blood froze .This wasn ' t a woman .It was a man !

Her heart was beating wildly and her mind raced . Then suddenly ,an idea came up to her ,She stopped the car in a sudden .

" My God ! ” she shouted , “ A child ! Did you see the

child ? I think I hit her ! " " I didn ' t see anything " ,the " old lady " said , "I don ' t think

y ou hit anything . " "I'm sure it was a child ! ” shouted Andrea . " Could you just get out and have a look ? " The " old lady " slowly opened the car door ,leaving her bag inside .As soon as " she " was out of the car ,Andrea drove away as soon as possible .

Several minutes later ,Andrea thought about the “ old lady ' s " bag and opened it carefully .There was only one thing in it --- a shining knife .

41. What ' s the Chinese meaning of “ hitchhike " in the text ?

42. Please list two details that make Andrea doubt about the " old lady ”.(请列举出让Andrea对"老太太”起疑的两个细节)

⑴ ____________________________________________________________


43.How did Andrea get the “ old lady " out of her car successfully ?

(less than 25words )(请根据短文内容回答问题,25词以内)

44.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese .(请将文中划线句子翻译成


45. According to the story ,Andrea was and .(请用两个形容词来评价Andrea ,每空一词)







Call the police dangerous escape catch robber (强盗)


一、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1-3: BCA 4-7 : CCBA 8-11 : ADCD 12-15 : CAED

二、语言知识运用(共20小题;满分25分)A (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)16-20:


B (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

26.wore 27. herself 28. left 29. easily 30. was dressed

31.excited 32. has given 33. needs 34. to say 35. worse 三、翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10


36.Our country is getting/ gets stronger and stronger / more and more powerful .

37.Lingling ' s poem / poems won the first prize last term .

38.Although he is a foreigner ,he loves Chinese traditional culture .

39.Don ' t fight with the driver on/ in the /a bus ,or you will be punished .

40.The village is becoming / becomes/ has become so beautiful now that a lot of tourists come here every year .





42.She was not that little ./She had a hat pulled down low over her eyes ./She answered in a low voice ./The way she spoke ./The half-covered face ./ The shapeless body ./ The thick black hairs(有其中任意两条即可得分;表达意思相近即可)

43.She said she hit a child and asked the “ old lady " to get out of the car to have a look .(答案不唯一,意思相近即可;超出25词,酌情扣0.5-1分)

44. “她” 一下车,Andrea就尽快开走了。(答案不唯一,只要意思相近、表达


45.kind/nice/warm;; clever/bright/smart/wise ; brave (答案不唯一,只要两个形容词



Possible versions:


“A knife ! My God ! He was really dangerous .It was wise to drive him off my car ." Andrea thought .Then she breathed deeply and called the police to tell them what had happened .A moment later , the police came to her .Andrea pointed to the direction the “old lady " might be in .Then the police drove along the road to look for " her" . How amazing ! The police were surprised to see that the “ old lady " was still standing by the road .The police stopp ed and said , “ Hello ,madam .We ' d like to take you to

Brockboune ,Get in ,please . ”


“How dangerous ! What should I do ?” Andrea said to herself , “ He must be a thief

or robber . " As soon as she realized this , Andrea drove to the nearest police station and told the police what had happened ,then she left .

When Andrea got home ,she told her parents all about the “ old lady ” . After hearing the story ,her parents hugged her tight ly and said , " What a lucky girl ! You are brave and

smart enough to protect yourself .We are proud of you ! ” An hour later ,the police phoned

her that they had caught the man-a real robber .


2019中考英语完形填空选练(1) 所有练习题,字体大小统一为五号,行距统一,排版非常工整。 *Passage 1 (2019选练)通读短文,掌握大意,从所给的选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They say that their parents don't understand them. They often think their parents are too strict 1 them. Parents often find 2 difficult to win their children's trust and they seem to 3 how they themselves felt when they were young. For example, young people like to do things without much 4 . It's one of their ways to show that they grow up and they can 5 any difficult problems. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead and don't like their plans to be changed. So when you want your parents to let you do 6 , you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it. Young people often make their parents angry by clothes they wear, the music they enjoy and something 7 . But they don't mean to cause any trouble. They just feel that 8 this way they can be cut off from the old people's world and they want to make a new culture of their own. And if their parents don't like their music or clothes or their way of speech, the young people feel very sad. Sometimes instead of going out with their parents, they just want to stay at home 9 and do what they like. If you plan to do something, you'd better win your parents over and get them to understand you. 10 , your parents will certainly let you do what you want to do. 1. A. on B. with C. in 2. A. it B. this C. that B. C. forget 3. A. forgets remember 4. A. B. speaking C. reading thinking 5. A. know B. find C. solve 6. A. B. nothing C. something anything 7. A. else B. more C. old


2019年山东省青岛市中考英语试题与答案 (试卷满分100分,考试时间120分钟) 一、单项选择(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.— Lucy, how about going to the ? — Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure. A. library B. cinema C. museum D. concert 2.Qingdao is a beautiful city that lies in east of China. A. an B. / C. the D. a 3.As middle school students, we follow the public rules wherever we go. A. would B. should C. might D. could 4.The high-speed train Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. A. from B. among C. in D. between 5.My brother has a healthy living habit. He stays up late, and he is an early bird. A. usually B. hardly C. often D. always 6.The English Speech Competition the best in her. As a result, she is more active now. A. checked out B. tried out C. left out D. brought out 7. special classes we had! We have learned a lot about paper cutting. A. What B. What a C. How a D. How 8.Friends are like books. You don't need a lot of them they are good. A. or B. and C. as long as D. as soon as 9.To make rivers than before, everybody is supposed to protect them. A. dirty B. dirtier C. clean D. cleaner 10.— Could you tell me tomorrow? — It will be sunny. A. what will the weather be like B. what the weather will be like C. when will the weather be sunny D. when the weather will be sunny 二、完形填空(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 A gift is necessary when one is invited to visit friends in China. After greetings, the gift should be passed immediately to the host. Remember that usually Chinese people will not open the gift in front of the person


中考英语短文填空题汇编一 中考英语短文填空题汇编一 【2019中考上海】 C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填写一词,首字母已给出) (14分) A school newspaper The Teens asked over one thousand teenagers how they spent their spare of the survey. It?s not at all surprising to learn that most teens said they wanted more free time. Most have less than an hour a day for after-school activities. activity was popular among both girls and boys, averaging between three to six hours a week. Favorite sports among girls were tennis, basketball and swimming. Boys said they liked football, basketball and skating. Speaking of entertainment, music and TV were popular. About half of those surveyed said both listening to and playing music. TV was also very popular. Three quarters said they preferred watching TV to reading a book or magazine. Unexpectedly, as many as three out of ten teenagers mentioned that collecting things was collections from cartoon books and baseball cards to stickers, toys and coins. friends was also popular. Eight out of ten teenagers said they met friends popular way of contacting friends was the telephone. Everyone we surveyed said they spoke to went dancing, especially girls. Only one out of ten said they went to the dance regularly. 参考答案 81. result(s) 82. Physical 83. included 84. various 85. Visiting 86. Another 87. seldom 【2019中考重庆】


2018年山东省潍坊市中考英语试卷 一、听力测试(每小题1分,共25分) 1.(1分)A.It's Lingling's. B.She is Langling. C.Lingling did it. 2.(1分)A.It's 50 yuan. B.It's 30 kilos. C.It's 27. 3.(1分)A.About 20. B.Around 5:00. C.At the street corner. 4.(1分)A.I think so. B.That's OK. C.Sorry to hear that. 5.(1分)A.I'm going to Shanghai Disneyland. B.I went to Hong Kong last year. C.I've never been to England. 6.(3分) (1)(2)(3) 7.(1分)How was the music just now? A.It was light. B.It was silent. C.It was loud. 8.(1分)What does the woman want to have?

B.Coke. C.Tea. 9.(1分)Where is the bank? 10.(1分)What is David? A.A writer. B.A singer. C.An actor. 11.(1分)What did the man do? A.Stayed at home. B.Travelled around. C.Went to the museum. 12.(1分)What was the weather like last night?A.Windy. B.Cloudy. C.Rainy. 13.(3分)(1)What did the woman buy finally?A.Some cakes. B.Some bread. C.Some bread and cakes. (2)How many cakes did the woman take away?A.10. B.15. C.20. (3)How much did the woman actually pay for each cake?A.6 yuan.


2019中考英语完形填空基础练(3)及答案 【能力选练】 A The Readers is a popular TV show. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage. The __1__ also tells the moving stories behind those people. They can read everything __2__ poems, books, and letters. By reading aloud, the words on paper come to __3__. Many people are fans of the show. They begin to __4__ reading aloud at home. Now, the show gives people a __5__ place to read across China. It is a reading pavilion(朗读亭). They are in many cities, including Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xi'an. The pavilion is very __6__. Only one person can come into it each time. There is a microphone in it and it __7__ people's voices. Everyone can read for three minutes in the pavilion. They can read __8__ they like. The show will pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV. People of all __9__ read in the pavilion. “Reading should be just like singing and talking. ” said Dong Qing, the producer of the show. “We can express our true __10__ by reading aloud. ” 1. A. show B. lesson C. research D. play 2. A. in B. such as C. with D. at 3. A. light B. reason C. life D. purpose 4. A. mind B. keep C. finish D. enjoy 5. A. special B. strange C. beautiful D. wonderful 6. A. wide B. small C. tall D. big 7. A. makes B. uses C. records D. improves 8. A. nothing B. everything C. someone D. everyone 9. A. comers B. others C. ages D. passers-by 10. A. feelings B. points C. spirits D. aims 1—10、ABCDA BCBCA 【能力选练】 B


中考英语短文填空训练题库 1 1 When you go to a c 1 or a high school sporting event, you can see cheerleaders. Cheerleaders dress in the colours of their team. They jump and dance in front of the crowd and s 2 the name of their team. Their job is to excite the crowd. Everybody makes a lot of n 3 . They want their team to win the game. The f 4 cheerleader was a man. In 1898, Johnny Campbell jumped in front of the crowd at the University of Minnesota and shouted for his team. He shouted, “HoorayMinnesota! ”This was the first organized shout, or “yell ”Fo.r the n 5 thirty-two years cheerleaders were men only. Women were not cheerleaders u 6 1930. Today cheerleaders work in t 7 . They practise special shouts, dances, and athletic shows. Often the women work separately from the men, but cheerleaders are the most e 8 when men and women work together. The men throw the women high in the air and then catch them. The team members climb on each other ’s shoulders to make a human pyramid. They yell and dance, too. Cheerleadersnow have their o 9 contests. Every year there are local, state, and national contests for cheerleaders.The teams make newer, faster, and more exciting shows to be the best, and the crowd shouts. They want their cheerleaders to w 10 . 1.____________ 2.____________ 3._____________ 4.___________ 5. __________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8._____________ 9.___________10. __________ 1. college 2.shout 3.noise 4.first 5.next 6. until 7.team 8.excited 9.own 10.win 2 Do you want to improve the way you study? Do you feel nervous before a test? For many students, their biggest 1 is that they can not concentrate on their study or tests. It seriously affects (影响) both their study and the results of the test.


句子翻译 2019 三、翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 用括号所给的词或短语,将下列句子翻译成英语。 36. 我们的国家越来越强大。(get) 37.上学期,玲玲的诗获得了一等奖。(win) 38. 尽管是个外国人,他却热爱中国传统文化。(although ,foreigner) 39.在公交车上不得与司机打架,否则你将会受到惩罚。(or ,punish) 40.这个村庄现在变得如此美丽,每年很多游客来到这里。(so…that …) 三、翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 36. Our country is getting/ gets stronger and stronger / more and more powerful . 37. Lingling’s poem / poems won the first prize last term . 38. Although he is a foreigner ,he loves Chinese traditional culture . 39. Don’t fight with the driver on/ in the /a bus ,or you will be punished . 40. The village is becoming / becomes/ has become so beautiful now that a lot of tourists come here every year .

(答案不唯一,只要表达正确、合理即可得分;语法错误每处扣1你那,单词拼写错误每个扣0.5分) 2018 六、翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 用括号内所给的词或短语,将下列句子翻译成英语。 1.那就是李华头疼的原因。(why) __________________________________ 2.新图书馆将会比旧的大多了。(than) __________________________________ 3.韩梅,高个子,黑色长发。(with) __________________________________ 4.你最好一回家先做作业。(as soon as) __________________________________ 5.我表姐每周花两个小时的时间学京剧。(spend…in…) __________________________________ 六、翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 答案:答案基本固定,但允许稍有差异,只要符合句意,无语法错误即可得分。每小题中若主要考点有误,扣1分;其他单词错误一个扣0.5分,扣完为止。 1. That’s (the reason)why Li Hua has(got)/gets/suffers from a headache. 2. The new library will be much bigger than the old one. 3. Han Mei is tall /a tall girl with long black hair. 4. You’d better do your homework first as soon as you come(back)/get/arrive home. 5. My cousin spends two hours in learning Beijing Opera every/each week. 2017


2019年中考英语完形填空真题训练(绝对精品文档,附参考答案,价值很高) 一、记叙文 一、(2018·真题) He was pleased to learn that Chibi knew all the places where the wild grapes and wild potatoes grew. He was amazed to __1__ how much Chibi knew about all the flowers in our class garden. He liked Chibi's black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be __2__. He liked Chibi's own handwriting,which no one but Chibi could read,and he put that up on the wall. But,when Chibi appeared on the stage at the talent show of that year,no one could __3__ his eyes. “Who is that?”“What can that stupid do up there?” Until Mr. Isobe announced that Chibi was going to imitate (模仿) the voices of crows. “Voices?”“Voices of crows?” __4__ he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows. And he made the mother crow's voice. Then he imitated the father crow's voice. He showed how crows cry early in the morning. He showed how crows cry when the village people have some unhappy accident. He showed how crows __5__ when they are happy and cheerful. Everybody's mind was taken to the __6__ mountainside from which Chibi probably came to school. Chibi made very special __7__ deep down in his throat(喉咙) to imitate a crow in an old tree in the end. Now everybody could imagine __8__ the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family. Then Mr. Isobe explained __9__ Chibi had learned those calls—leaving his home for school at sunrise,and arriving home at sunset,every day for six long years. Every one of us cried,thinking how much we had been __10__ to Chibi all those long years. He was a boy beyond our usual imagination! 1. A. complain B. count C. find D. refuse 2. A. admired B. printed C. punished D. avoided 3. A. check B. hurt C. open D. believe 4. A. Later B. Next C. Last D. First 5. A. jump B. call C. fly D. dance 6. A. far B. crowded C. near D. modern 7. A. scripts B. reports C. speeches D. sounds 8. A. hardly B. happily C. exactly D. peacefully 9. A. what B. how C. whether D. who 10. A. wrong B. kind C. honest D. generous


2019年山东省聊城市中考英语试题 亲爱的同学, 随着考试的开始, 你又走到了一个人生阶段, 请你在答题之前, 一定要仔细阅读以下说明: 1. 试题由选择题与非选择题两部分组成, 共10页。选择题80分, 非选择题40分, 共计120分。考试时间120分钟。 2. 将姓名、考场号、座号、考号填写在试题和答题卡指定的位置。 3. 试题答案全部涂、写在答题卡上, 完全按照答题卡中的“注意事项”答题。 4. 考试结束后, 答题卡和试题一并交回。 愿你放松心情, 放飞思维, 充分发挥, 争取交一份圆满答卷。 选择题(三大题, 共计80分) 一、听力测试(共30小题; 每小题1分, 满分30分) 第一节听下面5个单词。每个单词后面有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出作为该单词音标的正确选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个单词后, 你都有10秒钟的时阅来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个单词读两遍。 1. A. /'klev?/ B. /k??ld/ C. /ku?l/ 2. A. /s?ft/ B. /'s??v?s/ C. /sn??/ 3. A. /weiv/ B. /w?t?/ C. /w??k/ 4. A. /'pr?m?s/ B. /'pra?m?r?/ C. /'pr?d?kt/ 5. A. /'θ??t?/ B. /θ??ks/ C. /'θ??t? / 第二节听下面5个句子。每个句子后面有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出作为其给当反应的最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个句子后, 你都有10秒钟的时间未回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个句子仅读一遍。 6. A. It’s Monday. B. It’s April. C. It’s cloudy. 7. A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, it does. 8. A. Certainly. B. Thanks. C. Hello! 9. A. I have two. B. These are books. C. They’re mine. 10. A. A: 5: 00pm. B. For 7 years. C. About ten meters.

全国中考英语题型分类汇编 短文填空(选词填空型)

短文填空(选词填空型) (2014江西南昌) B) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词中选出最恰当的10个,并将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。每个词限用一次。(每小题1分) Deal with conflict Losing friends is about as easy as making friends if you don’t know how to deal with anger and conflict .Conflict is part if everyone’s __66____. It will show up at school, at work and at home .It’s Ok to feel angry, annoyed or sad. These feelings are __67____,but different people deal with ___68______in different ways .Some people shout, call people names ,or even hit the person who has __69____them .Others do their best to keep away from disagreements but very few deal with conflict ___70________. Dealing with conflict is a step by step progress. _____71______you start discussing the problem ,calm down ,count to 10 and imagine a relaxing ___72______.Then ,say what is really bothering you ,but watch how you express yourself .Don’t complain. Share ___73___you feel by using “I “ For example ,don’t say “You are always ordering me to do this or to do that ,”but “I feel sad___74__you don’t pay attention to what I think . You want people to ____75_____your opinion so make sure you practice what you want to say .Listen carefully to the other person and accept that he or she might see the problem in a different way .Be open minded and willing to say sorry. Key: 66. life 67. natural 68. them 69. hurt 70. successfully 71. Before 72. place 73. how 74. because 75. hear (2014陕西) VII 短文填空 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次) Every day, on her way to work, Amelia had to pass a slum(贫民窟). As a social 61 ,


义务教育基础课程初中教学资料 2013年潍坊市初中学业水平考试 英语试题 第1卷(共75分) 一、听力测试(共20小题;每小题l分.满分20分) (一)听句子,选择适当答语,每个句子读两遍。 1. A. He is fine. B. He is seventy. C. He is short. 2. A. His favourite food is pizza. B. He likes all of us. C. He is tall and fat. 3. A. I have already eaten. B. Good idea. C. What a beautiful park! 4. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Wow ! A blue bike. C. That sounds beautiful. 5. A. It's three-thirty. B. It's Friday. C. It's June 14th. (二)听对话和问题,选择符合每个问题答案的图画,每段对话和问题读两遍。 (三)听对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案,对话和问题读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。

11. What is the father reading at the beginning of the conversation? A. A novel. B. A magazine. C. A newspaper. 12. What kind of book does the girl want to read? A. A book about animals. B. A book on dolls. C. A book about candy and cookies. 听第二段对话.回答第13、l4、l5小题。 13. Who does the woman buy the shoes for? A. Herself. B. Her son. C. Her grandson. 14. What does the woman care about most? A. The size. B.The color. C. The price. 15. How much change will the woman get? A. $35. B. $65. C. $75. (四)请听一段新闻,根据新闻内容,写出所缺单词,每空一词.新闻读两遍。 注意:听力测试结束后,请将本题答案填写在第Ⅱ卷相应的位置上。 Good morning. This is CCTV news. On April 26th,two pandas named Ershun and Damao left China for 1 , where they will stay for ten years. They are accompanied by animal protection 2 on the way from Chengdu to Toronto. The animals are in 3 cages designed for air travel. They should not eat too much 4 the flight, or they may feel uncomfortable. Ershun and Damao will stay in Toronto and Calgary zoos each for five years. China is home to more than 5 wild pandas. China sometimes gifts or lends them to other countries as a sign of cooperation. 二、单项选择(共15小题:每小题l分.满分l5分) 从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 16. -I missed the beginning of cartoon The Lion King. -What a pity! You should have left school half hour earlier. A.a;an B. the;a C. the;an D. an;the 17. -How far is your home from school? -It's about two walk. A. hours B. hours' C. hour's D. hour 18.-When did the terrible earthquake happen in Ya'an Sichuan? -It happened 8:02 the morning of April 20th,2013. A. on;in B. at;on C. at;in D. on;on 19. The song I Believe I Can Fly tells us that believing in is very important. A. themselves B. itself C. ourselves D. yourselves 20. -Do you often get online? -Yes. I lots of time on it. It's a good way to kill time. A. cost B. spend C. take D. use 2l. You mustn't go off on your own,because you get lost in the mountains. A. should B. must C. need D. might 22.The man is talking to our teacher is Betty’s father. A. which B. whom C. who D. what 23. There a basketball game between Class 8 and Class 12 tomorrow afternoon.

2019中考英语完形填空强化训练:A 14-year-old boy

2019中考英语完形填空强化训练:A 14-year-old boy A 14-year-old boy from the USA was described as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country. Dean Bluey from Dallas,Texas,was a school boy who has much 1 in computer.One day,he 2 an email to a f riend on the Internet.Suddenly he received a message saying “Help!Pain!Help!.”The message was from Finland, 3 kilometers away from America. “I didn’t know 4 I should do,”Dean said to a reporter afterwards.”It was really difficult to tell if the message was real.”So Dean did nothing at first. 5 the message kept coming. “By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,”Dean explained. He 6 and discovered that the sender was a student called Tarja,who was alone in a university library. She was ill. What was 7 ,there was no phone around her. Her only way of communicating with the world was by email. Dean got in touch 8 the police immediately. And they realized that the situation was quite serious. They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance rushed to the library. 9 ,she was still alive and was sent to the hospital quickly. “I’m glad she’s OK,”Dean said. “It’s hard to believe,but 10 saved her life.” 1.A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interests 2.A. sent B. sends C. was sending D. is sending 3.A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands D. thousands of 4.A. how B. what C. where D. when 5.A. So B. And C. But D. As 6.A. telephoned B. replied C. found D. talked 7.A. better B. worse C. harder D. easier 8.A. with B. on C. to D. at 9.A. Hardly B. Happily C. Luckily D. Carefully 10.A. a boy B. doctors C. the police D. email 参考答案:1—5ACDBC 6—10 BBACD
