

Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求

If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.' If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!

New words and expressions 生词和短语

park v. 停放(汽车) traffic n. 交通ticket [?tikit] n. 交通违规罚款单note [n ? ut] n. 便条area [???ri ?] n. 地段sign [sain] n. 指示牌reminder [r ??ma ?nd ?] n. 提示fail [feil] v. 无视,忘记obey [??bei] v. 服从参考译文



1. A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求

1) polite [p ? 'lait] adj. (politer, politest) more polite 和most polite 亦常见

1. having or showing good manners and respect for the feelings of others 有礼貌的;客气的;儒雅的synonym: courteous ['k ?:ti ?s] 有礼貌的;客气的;(尤指) 恭敬的,谦恭的 e.g. 请礼貌待客。Please be polite to our guests.

2. socially correct but not always sincere 应酬的;礼节性的;客套的:

e.g. 我不晓得怎么说应酬话。I don 't know how to make polite conversation.

3. [only before noun] from a class of society that believes it is better than others 上流社会的adv.

politely n. [u] politeness

2) request [ri?kwest] n., v.

n. ~(for sth.)/ ~(that …)

1. the action of asking for sth. formally and politely( 正式或礼貌的)要求,请求: e.g. 他们要求再

给一些帮助。They made a request for further aid.


He was there at the request of his manager/at his manager 's request.(=because his manager

had asked him to go)

2. a thing that you formally ask for 要求的事

e.g. 广播点播节目 a radio request programme (=a programme of music, songs, etc. that listeners

have asked for)

v. ~sth. (from sb.) (formal) to ask for sth. or ask sb. to do sth. in a polite or formal way( 正式或礼貌地)请求;要求

e.g. [vn] 你可以索要一份免费的宣传单。You can request a free copy of the leaflet.

(copy n. [c] 1. ( 书、报纸等的一本,一册,一份) 2. [c] ~(of sth.) 复印件,复制品)

(leaflet [?li:flit] n. 散页印刷品;传单;宣传手册;广告手册)

[vn to inf] 请不要在餐馆里吸烟。You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant. 他们要求他

离开。They request ed him to leave.

[v that] 她要求下次开会前不要向任何人透露她的决定。

She requested that no one be told of her decision until the next meeting. 她要求不要向任何人谈起她的决定。She requested that no one should be told of her decision.

2. If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. 一旦你把汽车停错了地方,交通警很快就会发现。


e.g. 一个人永远不会知道明天将会发生什么事。(即大家都不知道)

One can never know what will happen tomorrow. 但在日常会话中,非正式的you 则更为常用: e.g. 如果你进行一次环球旅行的话,你就会看到许多风景胜地。(you 为泛指)If you make a journey around the world, you 'll see many beauty spots.

2)park [p a :k] v., n.

v. 1. to leave a vehicle that you are driving in a particular place for a period of time. 停(车);泊

(车) e.g. [v] 此处不准停车。You can'tpark here.

[vn] 此处禁止停车。You can'tpark the car here.

2. [vn.+adv./prep.] ~yourself (informal) to sit or stand in a particular place for a period of time 坐下(或站着)

e.g. 她坐在床沿上。She parked herself on the edge of the bed.


1. [c] an area of public land in a town or a city where people go to walk, play and relax 公园 e.g. 我们去公园散了散步。We went for a walk in the park.

2. (in compounds 构成复合词) an area of land used for a particular purpose 专用区;园区

e.g. 商业/科学园区 a business/science park 野生动物园 a wildlife park

( wildlife n. [u] 野生动物;野生生物)

3. [c] (in Britain) an enclosed area of land, usually with fields and trees, attached to a large country


4. [c] (AmE) a piece of land for playing sports, esp. baseball 运动场;(尤指)棒球场

5. (the park)(BrE) a football or rugby field 足球场;橄榄球场(rugby [?r?尊]n. [u]橄榄球运动)

3)句尾的it 代指的是句子的整个if 从句,即你把汽车停错了地方这件事。parking n. [u]

1. the act of stopping a vehicle at a place and leaving it there for a period of time 停车;泊车 e.g. 上午九时至下午六时此处禁止停车。There is no parking here between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.

2. a space or an area for leaving vehicles 停车场;停车位

parking lot n. (AmE) an area where people can leave their cars 停车场

(lot [l?t] n. [c] (作某种用途的)一块地,场地)

parking ticket (also ticket) n. 违章停车传票

3) traffic [?tr?fik ] n., v.

n. [u]

1. the vehicles that are on a road at a particular time 路上行驶的车辆;交通

e.g. 繁忙的/高峰时刻的交通heavy/rush-hour traffic 交通警察traffic police

2. the movement of ships, trains, aircraft, etc. along a particular route (沿固定路线的)航行,行驶,飞行 e.g. 空中交通管制air traffic control 横渡大西洋的航行transatlantic traffic

(transatlantic [?tr? ns ?t?l?nt? k ] adj. [obn] 1. 横渡大西洋的;横越大西洋的 2. 大西洋两岸国家的 3.在大西洋彼岸


3. the movement of people or goods from one place to another 运输;人流;货流:

e.g. 一国与另一国间的货物运输the traffic of goods between one country and another

4. ~(in sth.) illegal trade in sth.( 非法的) 交易,买卖

e.g. 毒品的非法交易the traffic in drugs

verb. (-ck-) phr.v. traffic in sth. to buy and sell sth. illegally(非法)进行…交易,做…买卖

e.g. 从事毒品非法交易to traffic in drugs

trafficker [?tr?fik? ] n. 从事违法勾当者 e.g. 毒品贩子 a drugs trafficker trafficking n. [u] 非法交易 e.g. 被控贩毒to be accused of drug trafficking traffic jam n. a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or that can only move very slowly 堵车;交通阻塞(jam [d?? m] n. 1. [u, c] 果酱2. [c] 拥挤;堵塞) e.g. 我们遇上了交通阻塞。We were stuck in a traffic jam.

(stick v. (stuck, stuck) vi.~(in sth.) ( 在某物中) 卡住,陷住,动不了)

traffic light n. [c] (also traffic lights [pl.]) (AmE also stoplights [pl.]) 交通信号灯

4) police [p ??li:s]

n. 警察部门,警方(与the 连用):

e.g. 警车 a police car 一名男子被警方逮捕。 A man was arrested by the police. 警方总是为治安操

心。The police always care for public order. 你如果再不放开我,我就要叫警察了。If you don 'tlet me go, I 'll call the police. 警察们正在盘问一名外国游客。The police are questioning a foreign tourist.

vt. 1. (of the police, army, etc. 警察、军队等) to go around a particular area to make sure that nobody is breaking the law there 巡查;维护治安

e.g. 边境将由联合国官员巡查。The border will be policed by UN officials.

(official n. (often in compounds) 要员;官员;高级职员adj. [ubn] 正式的;官方的;官方授权的)

2. (of a committee [k ??miti] , etc. 委员会等) to make sure that a particular set of rules is obeyed 监督;管制

police dog n. 警犬police force n. (国家、地区或城镇的)警力,警察部队

police officer n. (also officer) 警察

police station (AmE also station house) n. 警察局;警察分局;派出所如果要单指一名警察,可以用policeman 或policewoman:

e.g. 那边有一位交通警。你可以向他打听去车站的路怎么走。

There is a traffic policeman over there. You can ask him the way to the station. 汤姆的姐姐是位(女)警察。Tom'ssister is a policewoman.

3. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. 如果他没给你罚单就放你走了,算你走运。

1) let sb. go

1. to allow sb. to be free 放,释放(某人)

e.g. 他们是否会释放人质?Will they let the hostages go? (hostage [?h?stid ?] n. 人质)

2. to make sb. have to leave their job 解雇;开除:

e.g. 由于利润下降他们将不得不解雇100 名员工。

They're having to let 100 employees go because of falling profits. [?pr?f?t]

let sb./sth. go / let go (of sb./sth.)

1. to stop holding sb./sth. 放开;松手

e.g. 那人抓住我的胳膊不放。The man won'tlet go (of) my arm.

别松开绳子。Don 'tlet go of the rope. / Don 'tlet the rope go. 放手!你把我弄疼了。Let go!

You 're hurting me!

2. to give up an idea or an attitude, or control of sth. 放弃,摒弃(想法、态度或控制)

e.g. 该忘掉过去了。It's time to let the past go. / It 's time to let go of the past. let yourself go

1. to behave in a relaxed way without worrying about what people think of your behaviour 放松;随心所欲: e.g. 来吧!尽情地玩,玩个痛快吧!Come on, enjoy yourself, let yourself go!

2. to stop being careful about how you look and dress, etc. 不注重仪表;不修边幅: e.g. 他失业后就不修边幅了。He has let himself go since he lost his job.

let me see/think used when you are thinking or trying to remember sth. 让我想一想;让我思考一下e.g. 现在让我想想- 他说他住在哪里呢?Now let me see-where did he say he lived?

let sb. down to fail to help or support sb. as they had hoped or expected 不能帮助,不能支持(某人);使失望:

e.g. 很遗憾,她让我们大失所望。I 'm afraid she let us down badly. 你尽管放心,这台机器不会出

毛病。This machine won 'tlet you down.

let sb. off (with sth.) to not punish sb. for sth. they have down wrong, or to give them only a light

punishment 不惩罚;放过;宽恕;从轻处罚

e.g. 她没被处罚,只是受了个警告。She was let off with a warning.

let sb. off sth. to allow sb. not to do sth. or not to go somewhere 允许(某人)不做;准许(某人)不去(某处) e.g. 他今天免了我们的家庭作业。He let us off homework today.

let sth. off to fire a gun or make a bomb, etc. explode 放(枪等);使爆炸

e.g. 那些男孩在放花炮。The boys were letting off fireworks.

2) without a ticket 在这里指without giving you a ticket.

3) ticket [?tikit] n., v.


1.~(for/to sth.) a printed piece of paper that gives you the right to travel on a particular bus, train,

etc. or to go into a theatre, etc. 票;券;车票;戏票;入场券

e.g. 公共汽车/戏/飞机票 a bus/theatre/plane ticket 演出的免费入场券free tickets to the show 售

票处;自动售票机 a ticket office/machine

2. a label [?leib? l] that is attached to sth. in a shop/store giving details of its price, size, etc.(商店中


3. an official notice that orders you to pay a fine because you have done sth. illegal while driving or

parking your car (交通违章)通知单,罚款单

e.g. 违章停车/ 超速驾驶罚款单 a parking/speeding ticket

4. [usually sing.] (esp. AmE) a list of candidates that are supported by a particular political party in an election(政党在选举中所支持的)候选人名单

e.g. 他计划继续代表共和党参加11 月份的选举。

He plans to remain on the Republican ticket for the November election.

IDM: just the ticket (AmE, BrE)=just the job (BrE)(spoken, approving) exactly what is needed in a particular situation 正需要的东西;求之不得的东西

e.g. 那杯茶来得正好。That cup of tea was just the job.


1. (technical 术语) to produce and sell tickets for an event, a trip, etc.; to give sb. a ticket 售票;给…门票;送票

e.g. 旅客现在可以电子购票。Passengers can now be ticketed electronically.

(electronic [ilek?tr? nik] adj. [ubn] 1. (of a device 装置) 电子的;电子器件的 2. 电子设备的;电子器件的electronically adv. 用电子方法;用电子装置)

2. [usually passive] (esp. AmE) to give sb. an official notice that orders them to pay a fine because they have done sth. illegal while driving or parking a car 发出交通违章通知单 e.g. 违章停车就可能收到罚款单。Park illegally, and you 're likely to be ticketed.

Phr.v. be ticketed for sth. (esp. AmE) to be intended for a particular purpose 被指定为;被委派为ticketing n.[u] the process of producing and selling tickets 售票 e.g. 售票系统ticketing systems

4. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. 然而,情况并不都是这样,交通警有时也很客气。

this 代指上句话所说的情况,即交通警一般都会给你罚款单。

5. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. Y ou will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.' 有一次在瑞典度假,我发现我的车上有这样一个字条:“先生,欢迎您光临我们的城市。此处是‘禁止停车'区。如果您对我们街上的标牌稍加注意,您在此会过得很愉快的。谨此提请注意。”

1) note [n ?ut] n., v.

n.1. [c] a short piece of writing to help you remember sth 笔记,记录

e.g. 请记下日期。Please make a note of the dates.

2. [c] a short information letter 短笺;便条

e.g. 她在厨房的餐桌上给杰克留了个便条。She left a note for Jack on the kitchen table.

3. [c] a piece of paper money 纸币

e.g. —张面值为5英镑的纸币 a £ 5 note

4. [c] a short comment (n. [?k?ment] 评论;注释;说明)on a word or passage in a book 注释;按语批注 e.g. 参见第223页的注释16。See Note 16 on p. 223.


of note (formal)

1. of fame or importance 著名的,重要的

e.g. 有些(很有)知名度的作家 a writer of (some/great) note

2. worth noticing or paying attention to 值得注意:

e.g. 会上有值得注意的事情发生吗?Did anything of note happen at the meeting?

take note (of sth.) to pay attention to sth. and be sure to remember it 注意至U; 将…铭记在心

e.g. 牢记他说的话。Take note of what he says. 留心一下天气状况。Take note of the weather


v. (rather formal)

1. to notice or pay careful attention to sth. 注意;留意

e.g. [vn] 请注意这位作家为达至戏剧效果而使用一般现在式的手法。

Note the way this writer uses the present tense for dramatic effect. [i?fekt] ( n. 结果;效果;作用;)

[v.+that] 请注意,票的数量有限。Please note that there are a limited number of tickets. 请注意这张账单必须在10 天内付清。Please note that this bill must be paid within ten days. [v+wh-]


Note how he operates [??p ?reit] the machine and try to copy him. (copy vt. 模仿;效法;仿效)

2. to mention sth because it is important or interesting 指出;特别提至

e.g. 值得指出的是最成功的公司价格最低。

It is worth noting that the most successful companies had the lowest prices.

Phr. v. note sth. down to write down sth. important so that you will not forget it 记录;记下notebook [?n?utbuk] n. 1 笔记本(簿)2.(also notebook computer)笔记本(电脑);笔记本计算机laptop [?l?p?t? p] n. 膝上型计算机;便携式电脑

no ted adj. ~(for/as sth) well known because of a special skill or feature(以…)见称,闻名,著名synonym: famous

e.g. 著名的舞蹈演员 a noted dancer 他没什么幽默感。He is not noted for his sense of humour. 这

个湖作为许多鸟类的栖息地遐迩闻名。The lake is noted as a home to many birds. notepaper (also writing paper) n. [u] 信纸;便笺

notable ['n ? ut ?bl] adj. ~(for sth)值得注意的;显著的;重要的

e.g. 他的早期作品和后期作品之间有明显的差异。

There is a notable difference between his earlier and later writings.

n. [usually pl.] 名人;重要人物

e.g. 许多著名人士参加了招待会。

Many notables attended the reception [ri?sep?? n]. (n. 1.接待,接见;欢迎2.接待会;欢迎会;宴会[C])notably adv. 1. 尤其;特别synonym: especially

e.g. 这房子有很多缺陷,尤其是它的地点和价格。

The house had many drawbacks, most notably its location ([l?u?kei??n] n. 位置;场所)and price. (drawback [?dr?:b? k]n. 缺点;缺陷;不利条件)

2.极大程度上;非常synonym: remarkably

e.g. 这个项目没有取得很大的成功。This has not been a notably successful project.

2)No Parking 原来是交通标牌上的一句话,在句中作area 的定语。类似的由若干个词合成的

词组型定语还有: a never-to-be-forgotten day (一个永远也不能忘掉的日子), a well-to-do family(一个富裕的家庭)等。

well-to-do adj. having a lot of money; rich 有钱的;富有的;富裕的

e.g. 他们很阔绰。They are very well-to-do.

3)area[???ri?] n.

1. [c] part of a place, town, etc., or a region of a country or the world(地方、城市、国家、世界的)地区,地域

e.g. 荒漠地区desert [?dez? t] areas 农村/城市地区rural/urban areas 内城区inner-city areas (rural [?ru?r?l] adj. 乡下的;乡村的;农村的urban [??:b?n] adj. 城市的;城镇的;都市的)

60 年前有一半法国人仍然生活在乡村地区。

Sixty years ago half the French population still lived in rural areas.

2. [c] a part of a room, building or particular space that is used for a special purpose(房间、建筑


e.g. 旅馆接待处the hotel reception area 游戏场地;停车场 a play/parking area

3. [c] a particular place on an object (物体上的)区,部位:

e.g. 你会注意到你的宝宝头顶上有两处柔软的地方。

You will notice that your baby has two soft areas on the top of his head.

4. [c] ~(of sth.) a particular subject or activity, or an aspect of it 领域;方面:

e.g. 健身俱乐部是近年来发展迅速的领域。

The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs.

语言教学领域的发展developments in the area of language teaching

5. [c, u] the amount of space covered by a flat surface or piece of land, described as a measurement


e.g.三角形的面积the area of a triangle ([?trai?? g n.三角形)这个房间面积是12 平方米。The

room is 12 square metres in area.

(square adj. 1. 正方形的;四方形的 2. (用于数字后表示面积)平方)

前花园的面积是多少?What'sthe area of the front garden?

4) sign n., v

1. [c, u] ~(of sth) / ~(that …)an event, an action, a fact, etc. that shows that sth. exists, is happening or may happen in the future 迹象;征兆;预兆

synonym: indication [,?ndi'kei ??n] n. [c, u] ~(of sth/of doing sth / ~( that …)表明;标示;显示;象征)e.g.

头疼可能是紧张的迹象。Headaches may be a sign of stress.(n. 1. [u, c] 精神压力;心理负担;紧张 2. [u, c] ~(on sth.)压力)

哪儿都没有约翰的影子。There is no sign of John anywhere. 她的工作出现了一些改进的迹象。Her work is showing some signs of improvement.

2. [c] a piece of paper, wood or metal that has writing or a picture on it that gives you information, instructions, a warning, etc. 招牌;标牌;指示牌;告示牌;标志

(writing n. 1. [u]写;书写;写作2. [u]著作;文字作品;文章 3.(writings)[pl.](某作家或专题的)著作,作品

4. [u](书写或印刷的)文字

5. [u]笔迹;字迹;书法)

e.g. 道路/交通标志a road/traffic sign 商店/酒吧招牌a shop/pub sign 墙上的牌子上写着“请洗手” 。

The sign on the wall said ‘Now wash your hands '.

3. [c] a movement or sound that you make to tell sb. sth. 示意的动作(或声音);手势

e.g. 她点头示意我们坐下。She nodded [n ?d] as a sign for us to sit down.

4. [c] a mark used to represent [,repri'zent] sth. esp. in mathematics 符号;记号

e.g. 加/减号 a plus [pl ?s] /minus ['main ?s] sign 表示英镑/美元的符号 a pound/dollar sign IDM: a sign of the times something that you feel shows what things are like now, esp. how bad they are 时代特征(含贬义)


1. to write your name on a document, letter, etc. to show that you have written it, that you agree

with what it says, or that it is genuine (['d?enjuin] adj. 1. 真的;名副其实的 2.真诚的;诚实的;可信

新概念英语第二册 第71、72课词组

新概念英语第二册第71、72课词组all over the world全世界(美国人有时用the world over) B.B.C.=British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司 the Houses of Parliament英国议会两院 burn down烧毁 takes (its) name from取(其)名于 be responsible for负责办…… be of immense size体积很大 这种带of的句子,用作表语,有“很”之意 例:…is of great importance 很重要 …is of little significance.很不重要 be connected to与……相连结 go wrong出毛病 fail to不能 give (the correct) time报(准)时. slow down使慢下来,减速 twice a day每日二次 习题部分词组 now that既然 went on strike罢工 work as充当 the washing洗的衣服 work on搞了,干了 capital punishment极刑 第72 课 sett up a record创记录 reached a speed of /reached speeds of 达到……之速度 have difficulty in 在……方面有难处 be disappointed to learn在得悉……感到很不满意(扫兴) 习题部分词组 dress up as扮成 specially特意 we came specially to learn how to raise rice seedlings.(育秧) stories specially written for children. I came here specially to see you. especially尤其,格外 WaShingron is beautiful,especially in late Autumn. No profession,as a profession,is especially noble or ignoble.(作为一种职业来说,没有什么职业是格外的高贵或格外的低贱。It has been especially cold this week. (especially和particularly通用) 关于“创记录”的若干表达法 1) set up a world record创世界记录

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第16课

单词学习 park 1) n. 公园(public garden) the Central Park (纽约的)中央公园 2) v. 停车stop and leave (a vehicle) in a place for a time eg. You can’t park in this street. 你不能在这条街上停车。 parking lot (Am) 停车场 car park (Br) 停车场 eg. No parking! 禁止停车! eg. No smoking! 禁止抽烟! eg. No spitting! 禁止吐痰! traffic [U] (vehicles moving along a road or street) 往来于街道的车辆 heavy traffic 往来车辆很多 light traffic 往来车辆不多 名词修饰名词 a traffic accident 交通事故 traffic regulations 交通法规 a traffic policeman 交通警察 traffic jam 交通堵塞 or: heavy traffic交通堵塞 ticket 1) [C] 票(机票,车票,电影或入场券) eg. Do you want a single or a return/round ticket? 你想要单程票还是往返票? eg. I’ve got two tickets for the World Cup Final. 我有两张世界杯决赛的票。 2) [C] (交通违章)罚款单 get a parking ticket 收到违章停车罚款单 a speeding ticket 超速驾驶罚款单 note 1) [C] 笔记,摘记(通常用pl.)(short written record to aid the memory) make notes or: take notes 做笔记 eg. He never forgets to make notes for his speech. 他从不忘记在做演讲前拟好讲稿。eg. Students are busy taking notes in class. 学生们在课上忙着做笔记。 a note-book 笔记本,记事本 eg. You will take a lot of notes on your note-books. 你将在笔记本上做许多笔记。 2) (short letter) 短信,便笺,便条 a note of thanks 感谢信 leave sb a note 给…留个便条 leave sb a message 给…留个口信 note paper 便条纸 a diplomatic [,dipl?'m?tik] note 外交照会 3) (paper money) 纸币 bill纸币(U.S.)←→coin 硬币 eg. Do you want the money in notes or in coins? 这钱你是要纸币还是要硬币呢?paper money/paper currency 纸币 英美的主要硬币 Am 统称Br 1 cent 1分penny 便士 2 pence 2便士 5 cents 5分nickel五分镍币 5 pence 5便士


学习-----好资料 Lesson 72 A Famous Clock 一个著名的大钟【Text】 The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird. 【课文翻译】 杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆.坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里的速度驾车的人。他于1935年9月在犹他州的邦纳维尔盐滩创造了一项新的世界纪录。他驾驶的“蓝鸟”牌汽车是专门为他制造的。它的车身长30英尺,有一个2,500 马力的发动机。尽管坎贝尔达到了每小时超过304英里的速度,但他很难把汽车控制住,因为在开始的行程中爆了一只轮胎。比赛结束后,坎贝尔非常失望地得知他的平均时速是299英里。然而,几天之后,有人告诉他说弄错了。他的平均时速实际是301英里。从那时以来,赛车选手已达到每小时600英里的速度。很多年之后,马尔科姆爵士的儿子唐纳德踏着父亲的足迹,也创造了一项世界纪录。同他父亲一样,他也驾驶着一辆名叫“蓝鸟”的汽车。 New words and expressions 生词和短语

新概念英语第二册Lesson70 Red for danger

新概念英语第二册Lesson70 Red for danger Lesson 70 Red for danger 危险的红色 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 How was the drunk removed from the ring? During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware2 of the danger. The bull1 was busy with the matador3 at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap. Apparently4 sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. The crowd suddenly grew quiet. The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself. When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass. The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed. By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador. New words and expressions 生词和短语 bullfight n. 斗牛 drunk n. 醉汉 wander v. 溜达,乱走 ring n. 圆形竞技场地


一、翻译下列短语。(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. a large crowd of 2. pay atte nti on to 3. as usual 4. look up 5. in twenty minutes ' s time 6. get a good salary 7. keep order 8. a friend of mine 9. take part in 10. ask for a lift 二、用下列词的适当形式填空。(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. The bridge (build) by pris oners of war in 194 2. 2. So far, we (not have) a reply. 3. While he (write) on the blackboard, the childre n were talki ng. 4. We advise them (stay) at home. 5. The children ran away after they ______________ (break) the window. 6. She said that she ______________ (see) you tomorrow. 7. The man is a very (experie nee) expert in Chin ese history. 8. The Gree nwood boys will give (perform) all over the coun try. 9. The (luck) boy survived from the disastrous earthquake. 10. (recen t), I have made great progress in En glish. 三、单项选择。(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1. Last summer he went to Italy. He was Italy last summer. A. at B. to C. in D. on 2. The waiter lent him a book. He _______________ a book from the waiter. A. lent B. borrowed C. took D. stole 3. , have you see n Harry in the past few days. A. On the way B. By the way C. In the way D. In this way 4. ______ do you surf the Internet ? Once a mon th. A. How long B. How soo n C. How ofte n D. How far 5. Joe ______________ Bill in the match and fin ally _______________ the champi on ship. A. beat, won B. won, beat C. beat, beat D. won, won 6. I was wet all through a stormy ni ght. A. at B. in C. for D. on

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第16课

Lesson 16 A Polite Request彬彬有礼的要求 What was the polite request? If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.' If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it! 参考译文 一旦你把汽车停错了地方,交通警很快就会发现。如果他没给你罚单就放你走了,算你走运。然而,情况并不都是这样,交通警有时也很客气。有一次在瑞典度假,我发现我的车上有这样一个字条:“先生,欢迎您光临我们的城市。此处是‘禁止停车’区。如果您对我们街上的标牌稍加注意,您在此会过得很愉快的。谨此提请注意。”如果你收到这样的恳求,你是不会不遵照执行的! 【New words and expressions】(9) 1 park [pɑ:k] v.停放(汽车) 2 traffic ['tr?fik] n.交通 3 ticket ['tikit] n.交通法规罚款单 4 note [n?ut] n.便条 5 area ['e?ri?] n.地点 6 sign [sain] n.指示牌 7 reminder [ri'maind?] n.指示 8 fail [feil] v.无视,忘记 9 obey [?'bei] v.服从 一、单词讲解 park 1) n. 公园(public garden) the Central Park (纽约的)中央公园 2) v. 停车stop and leave (a vehicle) in a place for a time eg. You can’t park in this street. 你不能在这条街上停车。 parking lot (Am) 停车场 car park (Br) 停车场 eg. No parking! 禁止停车! eg. No smoking! 禁止抽烟! eg. No spitting! 禁止吐痰! traffic[U] (vehicles moving along a road or street) 往来于街道的车辆 heavy traffic 往来车辆很多 light traffic 往来车辆不多 名词修饰名词 a traffic accident 交通事故 traffic regulations 交通法规 a traffic policeman 交通警察

新概念英语第二册第72课听力:A car called bluebird

新概念英语第二册第72课听力:A car called bluebird Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird“蓝鸟”汽车 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What mistake was made? The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird. 参考译文 杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆.坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里的速度驾车的人。他于1935年9月在犹他州的邦纳维尔盐滩创造了一项新的世界纪录。他驾驶的“蓝鸟”牌汽车是专门为他制造的。


Lesson 70 Red for danger 危险的红色 【Text 】During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger. The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap. Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. The crowd suddenly grew quiet. The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself.When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass. The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed. By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador. 【课文翻译】 在一次斗牛时,一个醉汉突然溜达到斗牛场中间,人们开始大叫起来,但醉汉却没有意识到危险。当时那公牛正忙于对付斗牛士,但突然它看见了醉汉,只见他正大声说着粗鲁的话,手里挥动着一顶红帽子。对挑衅显 然非常敏感的公牛完全撇开斗牛士,直奔醉汉而来。观众突然静了下来,可这醉汉像是很有把握似的。当公牛逼近他时,他踉跄地住旁边一闪,牛扑空了。观众欢呼起来,醉汉向人们鞠躬致谢。然而,此时已有 3个人 进入斗牛场,迅速把醉汉拉到安全的地方。好像连牛也在为他感到遗憾,因为它一直同情地看着醉汉,直到他的背影消逝,才重新将注意力转向斗牛士。 New words and expressions 生词和短语 【生词讲解】 1.bullfight n. 斗牛(活动) bull n. 公牛 cow n. 母牛,奶牛 ox 大公牛(oxen, pl. ) calf 小牛 bull market 牛市(股市行情很好) bear market 熊市(股市行情不好) bully n. 恃强凌弱的人bullfight n. 斗牛drunk n. 醉汉wander v. 溜达,乱走ring n. 圆形竞技场地unaware adj. 不知道的,未觉察的bull n. 公牛matador n. 斗牛士 remark n. 评论;言语 apparently adv. 明显地 sensitive adj. 敏感的 criticism n. 批评 criticism n. 批评 charge v. 冲上去 clumsily adv. 笨拙地 bow v. 鞠躬 safety n. 安全地带 sympathetically adv. 同情地


Lesson 22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封 Text How did Jane receive a letter from a stranger? My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster. New words and expressions 生词和短语 Dream [dri:m] v. 做梦,梦想 age [e?d?] n. 年龄 channel [?t??nl] n. 海峡 throw [θr??] v. 扔,抛★dream v. 做梦, 梦想 Have a good/sweat dream!祝你做个好梦! She is daydreaming.她做白日梦 daydream : 思想开小差 dream of doing something : 梦想 I dreamed of flying in the sky. I dreamed of finding the gold. / I dream of be a good teacher. ★age n. 年龄 teengager : 十几岁的人 adolenscent n.青春期(一般指成年以前由13至15的发育期) ★channel n. 海峡 ★throw v. 扔, 抛(threw,thrown)throw away 扔掉 参考译文: 我的女儿简从未想过会接到荷兰一位同龄姑娘的来信。去年,当我们横渡英吉利海峡时,简把写有她姓名和住址的一张纸条装进了一只瓶子,又将瓶子扔进了大海。此后她就再没去想那只瓶子。但10个月以后,她收到了荷兰一位姑娘的来信。现在这两位姑娘定期通信了。然而她们还是决定利用邮局。这样会稍微多花点钱,但肯定是快得多了。

新概念英语第二册(英音新版) 第16课:彬彬有礼的要求

新概念英语第二册(英音新版) 第16课:彬彬有礼的要 求 Lesson 16 A polite request 第十六课彬彬有礼的要求 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What was the polite request? 文中彬彬有礼的要求是指什么? If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. 一旦你把汽车停错了地方,交通警很快就会发现。 You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. 如果他没给你罚单就放你走了,算你走运。 However, this does not always happen. 不过,情况并不都是这样, Traffic police are sometimes very polite. 交通警有时也很客气。 During a holiday in Sweden, 有一次在瑞典度假, I found this note on my car:‘sir, we welcome you to our city.’

我发现我的车上有这样一个字条:“先生,欢迎您光临我们的城市。” This is no parking area. 这个区域不能停车。 You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. 如果您对我们街上的标牌稍加注意,您在此会过得很愉快的。 This note is only a reminder. “谨此提请注意。” If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it! 如果你收到这样的恳求,你是不会不遵照执行的!


Lesson 72 A Famous Clock 一个著名的大钟【Text】 The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird. 【课文翻译】 杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆.坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里的速度驾车的人。他于1935年9月在犹他州的邦纳维尔盐滩创造了一项新的世界纪录。他驾驶的“蓝鸟”牌汽车是专门为他制造的。它的车身长30英尺,有一个2,500 马力的发动机。尽管坎贝尔达到了每小时超过304英里的速度,但他很难把汽车控制住,因为在开始的行程中爆了一只轮胎。比赛结束后,坎贝尔非常失望地得知他的平均时速是299英里。然而,几天之后,有人告诉他说弄错了。他的平均时速实际是301英里。从那时以来,赛车选手已达到每小时600英里的速度。很多年之后,马尔科姆爵士的儿子唐纳德踏着父亲的足迹,也创造了一项世界纪录。同他父亲一样,他也驾驶着一辆名叫“蓝鸟”的汽车。 New words and expressions 生词和短语 【生词讲解】 1.racing 竞赛 race 1) n 速度竞赛[c]


Lesson 15 Good News The secretary already left. I knew that my turn had come. 'Mr. Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice. 'Don't interrupt,' he said. New words and expressions 生词和短语 1.secretary ['sekr?t?ri] n. 秘书(secret['si:krit]) 私人秘书? 2.nervous [?n?rv?s] adj. 精神紧张的; 3.afford [??f?rd] v. 负担得起; 4.weak [wik] adj. 弱的; 5.interrupt [??nt??r?pt] v. 插话,打断 参考译文: 秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我进去的时候,他连头也没抬。待我坐下后,他说生意非常不景气。他还告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支,有20个人已经离去。我知道这次该轮到我了。 “哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我无力地说。 “不要打断我的话,”他说。 然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1,000 英镑的额外收入。

1.The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. 2.I felt very nervous when I went into his office. 3.He did not look up from his desk when I entered. 4.After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. 5.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. 6.Twenty people had already left. 7.I knew that my turn had come. 8.'Mr. Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice. 9.'Don't interrupt,' he said. 10.T hen he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!


Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求 If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.' If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it! New words and expressions 生词和短语 park v. 停放(汽车)traffic n. 交通ticket [?tikit]n. 交通违规罚款单note [n?ut] n. 便条area [???ri?]n. 地段sign [sain]n. 指示牌reminder [r??ma?nd?]n. 提示fail [feil]v. 无视,忘记obey [??bei]v. 服从 参考译文 一旦你把汽车停错了地方,交通警很快就会发现。如果他没给你罚单就放你走了,算你走运。然而,情况并不都是这样,交通警有时也很客气。有一次在瑞典度假,我发现我的车上有这样一个字条:“先生,欢迎您光临我们的城市。此处是‘禁止停车’区。如果您对我们街上的标牌稍加注意,您在此会过得很愉快的。谨此提请注意。”如果你收到这样的恳求,你是不会不遵照执行的! 1.A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求 1) polite [p?'lait] adj. (politer, politest) more polite和most polite亦常见 1. having or showing good manners and respect for the feelings of others有礼貌的;客气的;儒雅的synonym: courteous ['k?:ti?s]有礼貌的;客气的;(尤指) 恭敬的,谦恭的 e.g. 请礼貌待客。Please be polite to our guests. 2. socially correct but not always sincere 应酬的;礼节性的;客套的: e.g. 我不晓得怎么说应酬话。I don’t know how to make polite conversation. 3. [only before noun] from a class of society that believes it is better than others 上流社会的 adv. politely n. [u] politeness 2) request [ri?kwest]n., v. n. ~(for sth.) / ~(that…) 1. the action of asking for sth. formally and politely(正式或礼貌的)要求,请求: e.g. 他们要求再给一些帮助。They made a request for further aid. 他按照经理的要求到了那里。 He was there at the request of his manager/at his manager’s request.(=because his manager had asked him to go) 2. a thing that you formally ask for要求的事 e.g. 广播点播节目a radio request programme (=a programme of music, songs, etc. that listeners have asked for) v. ~sth. (from sb.) (formal) to ask for sth. or ask sb. to do sth. in a polite or formal way(正式或礼貌地)请求;要求 e.g. [vn] 你可以索要一份免费的宣传单。You can request a free copy of the leaflet. (copy n. [c] 1. (书、报纸等的一本,一册,一份) 2. [c] ~(of sth.) 复印件,复制品) (leaflet[?li:flit]n. 散页印刷品;传单;宣传手册;广告手册)


Lesson15Good news佳音 What was the good news? The secretary told me that Mr.Harmsworth would see me.I felt very nervous when I went into his office.He did not look up from his desk when I entered.After I had sat down,he said that business was very bad.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.Twenty people had already left.I knew that my turn had come. 'Mr.Harmsworth,'I said in a weak voice. 'Don't interrupt,'he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! 参考译文 秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我进去的时候,他连头也没抬。待我坐下后,他说生意非常不景气。他还告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支,有20个人已经离去。我知道这次该轮到我了。 “哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我无力地说。 “不要打断我的话,”他说。 然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1,000英镑的额外收入。 【New words and expressions】(5) 1secretary['sekr?t?ri,-teri]n.秘书 2nervous['n?:v?s]a.精神紧张的 3afford[?'f?:d]v.负担得起 4weak[wi:k]a.弱的 5interrupt[?int?'r?pt]v.插话,打断 secretary['sekr?t?ri]n.秘书 该词的词根是secret(秘密) secret['si:krit]n.秘密 tell a secret告诉一个秘密 keep a secret保守秘密 the secret of success成功的秘密 an open secret一个公开的秘密 in secret秘密地 secret adj.秘密地,保密的,不公开的 a secret marriage一次秘密的婚礼 a secret document一份秘密的文件 secretary n.秘书,书记
