

深圳市 2014-2015 中考英语真题英语试卷

I. 词汇测试(15 分)

i. 从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 8 小题,每小题 1 分)

1. --Dad, I’m considering going to Italy to study art this year.

--In my opinion, studying abroad is not suitable for teenagers.

A. I don’t agree

B. I think

C. In general

2. --Have you heard from Sarah recently?

--No. I lost touch with her two years ago.

A. heard about

B. written to

C. got a letter from

3. --We are going to hold a party to raise money for our club this weekend.

--Sounds great! I will help you if I am available.

A. busy

B. free

C. pleased

4. --They are always making fun of Tom after class. It is rude.

--You are right. Everyone should be respected.

A. fighting with

B. quarreling with

C. playing a joke on

5. --You should not shout at your classmates. You need to apologize.

--I’m sorry. I promise it won’t happen again.

A. say sorry

B. say goodbye

C. say hello

6. --You look so tired. What’s wrong?

-- I couldn’t sleep well last night. The noise outside my house almost drove me mad. A. made me drive crazily B. made me awake C. made me crazy

7. --I went on a fantastic trip to Thailand last summer.

-- Wow! Thailand is a beautiful country. I hope I can go there someday.

A. terrible

B. wonderful

C. frightening

8. --How about staying longer and having one more drink?

--Sorry, I have to hit the road now. My wife is waiting for me at home.

A. leave

B. build the road

C. dig holes

ii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子,并在答题卡将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 7 小题,每小题 1 分)

9. A ________shows the days, weeks and months of a year.

A. calendar

B. festival

C. journey

10. I don’t have enough money to buy a car means I can’t _______ a car.

A. rent

B. borrow

C. afford

11. --You’re coughing a lot. You’d better _______ smoking now.

--That’s really hard for me.

A. give up

B. go on

C. set up

12. –Nowadays, video games are very _______ with teenagers.

--Yes, they spend too much time indoors. That’s really harmful to their health.

A. pleased

B. patient

C. popular

13. –What can I do for you?

--Please _________ the bottle with water and put some sugar in it. Thank you.

A. fix

B. fill

C. mix

14. --The dress looks so nice on you! It must be very expensive. Where did you buy it?

--_______ , it is only 100 yuan. I bought it on Taobao.

A.In fact B. In addition C. In need

15. –I missed the concert last night because of the traffic jam.

– __________ .

A. I think so.

B. What a pity!

C. You are so careless!

II. 完型填空(15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分)

When I was in Grade Seven, I volunteered at a hospital. I usually stayed with Mr. Gillespie-a patient in a coma (昏迷). He never had any visitors, and 16 seemed to care about him. As a volunteer, I spent many days 17 his hand and talking to him even though he slept all the time.

Once I needed to be out of town for 18 a week, but when I came back ten days later, I found Mr. Gillespie was gone. I guessed he had 19 . I was very sad.

Several years later, 20 I was at a gas station, I noticed a familiar face. It was Mr. Gillespie! He was alive! I went up to ask if he knew me and 21 how I knew him in the hospital. He was very 22 and then gave me the warmest hug(拥抱) I had ever received. He told me he

could feel me holding his hand while lying in bed. But he thought it was a(n) 23 from the heaven. Then I realized that it was me who helped save his life, I made a difference between his life 24 his death. More 25 , he made a big difference in my life.

I will never forget his words, “You’re an angel!”

16. A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody

17. A. shaking B. holding C. waving

18. A. more than B. at most C. fewer than

19. A. escaped B. slept C. died

20. A. why B. when C. what

21. A. asked B. wondered C. explained

22. A. disappointed B. surprised C. nervous

23. A. angel B. nurse C. doctor

24. A. but B. and C. or

25. A. importantly B. confidently C. carefully

III. 阅读理解(30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分)


Photography Club

Do you like taking pictures?

Do you want to record the beauty in your life?

Why not join our club?

Miss Yang will teach you how to take better photos.

Time: 3:30p.m. — 4:30p.m.

Day: Tuesday& Wednesday

Place: Room 207, School Science Building

Music Lovers Wanted

Boys and girls, are you music lovers?

Can you play any musical instruments?

If you want to make your own music and you want to perform it in front of your friends, welcome to our Shocking Band.

Time: 2:30p.m. —5:30p.m.

Day: Saturday& Sunday

Place: School Theater

Call Jack at 2889 9346 for further information

Insect Club

Why not join us if you are an insect lover?

In our club, you can listen to talks about insects given by experts.

We can go outside to the nature and study insects together.

Time: 4:30p.m. –- 5:30p.m.

Day: Thursday & Friday

Place: Biology Lab, (Room 401, School Science Building)

Send an e-mail to insectclub@ for more information

Crazy Team

We are all crazy about creating new things. In our club, any special new idea is acceptable. If you have an amazing dream to realize, come to our club. Let’s do it together.

Time: 4:00p.m.— 5:30p.m.

Day: Monday to Friday

Place: Physics Lab (Room 507, School Science Building)

Click for more information

26. Miss Yang will teach you .

A. how to take better photos

B. how to realize your dream

C. how to make a piece of music

D. how to study insects

27. Mike is dreaming of making a robot. Which club should he join?

A. Photography Club

B. Shocking Band

C. Crazy Team

D. Insect Club

28. If you are free on Thursday and Friday, which two clubs can you choose?

A. Photography Club & Shocking Band

B. Crazy Team & Insect Club

C. Shocking Band & Insect Club

D. Photography Club & Crazy Team

29. If you love music and want to get more information about Shocking Band, you can .

A. go to Room 207 in School Science building

B. send an e-mail to insectclub@

C. click http://

D. call Jack at 2889 9346


A few years after I was born, a stranger appeared in our small town. Dad liked this attractive newcomer very much and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on.

As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a special position. Mom taught me how to tell good from bad, and Dad taught me to follow orders. But the stranger was our storyteller. He would keep us listening for hours with adventures, mysterious stories and comedies. If I wanted to know anything about history or science, he always knew the answers. He knew about the past, understood the present and even seemed

to be able to know what would happen in the future! With his help, my family even watched a national ball game for the first time.

Both my brothers and I enjoyed sitting around the stranger. He made us laugh, he made us cry, and he never stopped talking. Dad didn’t seem to mind. However, Mom thought he was too talkative. Sometimes she would go to the kitchen for peace and quiet.

My dad didn’t allow drinking, but the str anger encouraged us to try it. He also made us feel that smoking looked cool and manly. He talked freely (much too freely!)

Fifty years has passed since the stranger moved in and now I am fifty-four. I now know that my early childhood was strongly influenced by the stranger. Many times, he challenged the values of my parents, yet nobody stopped him or asked him to leave.

What is his name? we just call him—“TV”. He has a younger sister now. We call her “computer”.

30. Who was the story teller in the family?

A. Mom

B. Dad


D. Brothers

31. Why would Mom go to the kitchen while the rest of us were with the stranger?

A. Because the programs were not interesting.

B. Because she wanted to avoid the noise.

C. Because she didn’t like to be with her family.

D. Because she needed to cook for her family.

32. From the passage, we know __________.

A. the stranger told the writer not to smoke

B. the stranger always argued with the writer’s parents

C. the writ er’s mother thought that the stranger was cool

D. the writer’s father brought the stranger into his family

33. What is the best title of the passage?

A. A Stranger in My Childhood

B. A Serious Stranger

C. The Stranger Taught Us Everything

D. How TV Came into My Family


A news reporter interviewed Olga Kotelko, a 96-year-old athletic champion. She is an amazing old lady. Here is what she said about herself.

After 70 years of competitions, I have over 750 gold medals. And two years ago, I took part in my last competition in a group aged from 90 to 94. I made 26 world records. And I know these records will be broken by someone else in the future.

I did three sprints-100 meter, 200 meter, 400 meter. I did three jumps. I did long jump, high jump, and triple jump. And I did five throws-shot, put, discus, javelin, hammer and weight. I also like swimming, but I have no chance to try it.

Some people often say that they are too old to try new things. But I think our age is just a number. What makes the difference is not how old we are, but how we get old. Even when we are in our nineties, we should not think we are old. I mean, if we are active and we are working and we are enjoying, that is how we grow.

I think genes (基因) play an important role in our life, and then, of course, we need to practice in order to have skills for any special activity, like athletic activity. But I think, it’s our spirit that may play the most important role in our life.

I never stop trying in my life. Some people think it is time for me to stop at a certain point, but I am enjoying my choice and I am having fun. Why should I stop? I am doing what I like.

I like travelling a lot, and I just want to keep on going. I will keep on going until the last day of my life. That is when I will have to stop.

34.Olga Kotelko took part in her last competition at the age of ___________.

A. 90

B. 92

C. 94

D. 96

35. She didn’t take part in __________.

A. the high jump

B. the javelin

C. a swimming competition

D. a 200-meter race

36. In Olga Kotelko’s opinion, _________ may play the most important role in one’s life.

A. skills

B. age

C. genes

D. spirit

37. What can we learn from the story?

A. Stop trying if it is necessary.

B. You can stop if you want to.

C. Work harder if you’re not active.

D. Never stop trying no matter how old you are.


Flu is a common disease in our daily life. It is caused by the flu virus. The disease causes dry throats and runny noses. You may also have a fever and cough together with body aches. Sometimes, you may feel tired. Usually, it takes about one or two weeks for a person to get back to normal. However, if flu is serious, it may result in death. In the U.S, there are around 200,000 patients visiting hospitals every year because of flu. So, it is better that a person should be vaccinated(接种疫苗)against it.

A study shows that the flu shot(注射)has an effect on 70-90%of the people below 65 years old. The vaccine(疫苗)works after 2 weeks or so, so it is better to get the shot two weeks before the onset of the flu season. If you get the shot, your body will be prepared to face the disease when flu spreads. In the United States, the flu season is usually from November to April.

The flu shot is safe for use. Some people fear that the vaccine will bring other virus into their body. This worry is not necessary. The viruses in the vaccine are dead, and cannot cause danger in the body. However, we should know that the flu shot has some small side effects, which are not serious problems.

The flu shot is forbidden to people who are allergic(过敏的)to eggs or to women who are going to have babies. It may result in terrible problems like heart attack. People who have a

high fever should not get the shot, either. If a person does not feel well after taking the vaccine, he or she must go to see the doctor immediately.

38. From Paragra ph, we can learn that flu doesn’t cause _______ .

A. fever and cough

B. runny noses

C. body aches and tiredness

D. clear throats

39. The underlined word “onset” in paragraph 2 means ______ .

A. end

B. close

C. death

D. start

40. According to the passage, what is some people’s fear for the flu shot? _____

A. They may feel tired.

B. They may have a bad cough.

C. Vaccine will bring other virus into their body.

D. They may have dry throats and runny noses.

41. The flu shot can be given to people who_____ .

A. are having a high fever

B. don’t feel well after eating eggs

C. are going to give birth to babies

D. are healthy and want to prevent the disease


The Third China Electronic Information Expo was held at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center(会展中心) from April 9 to April 11. It attracted more than 1,600 companies to display their products. There were more new inventions on show this year. Here are some of them.

A smartmirror can connect to the Internet. You can get the latest news about the fashion world when you touch the mirror gently with your finger. And it can help you make good choices about the types and styles of clothes that best suit you. You can also send messages on the mirror. In the past, home robots could only do simple work like cleaning the floor or washing dishes. But a newly-made home robot can not only cook meals and serve food, but also play some musical instruments when you want to have some fun.

Smartwatches are made for kids. Kids can use them to make telephone calls and even play games. They really like smartwatches. Their parents like them as well because they can know their kids’ locations throug h the signals sent by the smartwatches. Besides, kids can use them as common watches to read the time.

One of the products made by DJI is a drone - a plane that can fly without a pilot. This kind of drone is used in many fields. Some drones have already been used at tourist attractions like

Dongchong, Xichong, Yangmeikeng and Dapeng Geological Park in Nan’ao. The drones

allow the police to monitor and control the traffic flow during rush hours.

Thanks to the development of science and technology, our life is full of miracles. New

inventions make our life smarter and more convenient.

42. How many days did the Third China Electronic Information Expo last?

A. One day

B. Two days

C. Three days

D. Four days

43. Which new invention can provide you with the latest fashion news?

A. A drone

B. A smartwatch

C. A robot

D. A smartmirror

44. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. You can send messages with a common mirror.

B. A drone is a plane that can fly without a pilot.

C. Robots can only do simple work like cleaning the floor.

D. Parents can know where their kids are through the signals sent by phones.

45. In which part of the newspaper can you read this article?

A. Sports

B. Science

C. Culture

D. Education

IV. 语法填空(10 分)

根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,将答案写在答卷上(共 10 小题,每小题

1 分)

Which do you prefer to use when you are studying, iPads or books? Here is 46 survey

about it.

Some students think that iPads are 47 (good), because iPads can give them more choices.

They can search for information in an iPad easily instead of 48 (look) everything up in

different books. At the same time, students can send pictures 49 (direct) to a printer to

photocopy them. With an iPad, they can keep all 50 (they) work in it. And homework will

not be 51 (forget) easily because teachers can send all the homework to their iPads. But

52 (other) think that books are more helpful for learning. 53 , reading books won’t hurt

their eyes. Second, what they read in books can leave a deeper 54 (impress) on them.

What’s more, some students usually use iPad to play games at school, which is bad 55 their study. So they prefer to use books.

V. 书面表达(15 分)











4、字数:80 字左右(开头结尾已给出,不计入总字数)

参考词汇(仅供参考):chat with sb. (聊天)

My parents have some foreign friends. This weekend they are going to visit us. I am happy to help my parents make some preparations.

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________ Finally, when they leave, I will say goodbye to them.

第 8 页

深圳市 2015 年初中毕业生学业考试


1-5 BCBCA 6-10 CBAAC

11-15 ACBAB 16-20 ABACB

21-25 CBABA 26-30 ACBDC

31-35 BDACC 36-40 DDDDC

41-45 DCDBB

46. a 47. better

48. looking 49. directly

50. their 51. forgotten

52. others 53. First

54. impression 55. for


First of all, I will go to the supermarket with my mother and buy some delicious vegetables, for we are going to cook some typical Chinese food for the foreign friends. Secondly, when they come, I will open the door to greet them with a big smile. I believe smile is the best communication with foreigners. What’s more, I will chat with them. I will tell them the eating habits of Chinese people, the places of interest and the famous schools in China especially the foreign language schools. Of course, during our conversation I will pay attention to my manners, such as the sitting position, the eye contact, use of polite words and so on.


英语作文常用谚语、俗语 1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。 2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。 3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。 4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。 16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不


深圳市2012年初中毕业生学业考试 英语试卷 第一部分选择题(65分) I. 选择填空(20分) i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共5小题,每小题1分) 1.Shen zhen lies in the south of China. A. keeps B. finds C. is D. belongs 2.The little girl is fortunate to get help from many strangers. A. lucky B. excited C. happy D. grateful 3.Liu Xiang's success came at a price. A. without difficulty B. with a lot od hard work C. with little money D. without much time 4.When Jason was painting the wall, some boys passed by and wanted to join him, A. went out B. went through C. went away D. went past 5.The plane will take off in half an hour. A. leave for B. leave the ground and begin to fly C. remove D. land on the ground ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共15小题,每小题1分) 6.---________ the small town is! ---Yes, it is more beautiful than ________ town that I visited last year. A. How beautiful; the B. How beautifully; the C. How beautifully; a D. How beautiful; a 7.---Who will teach ________ oral English next term? Can it be a new teacher? ---Perhaps. But our head teacher hasn't told us ________. A. your; already B. you; yet C. you; already D. your; yet 8.---What are the ________ doing there? ---They are busy ________ their science experiment. A. boys students; to do B. boy students; to do C. boys students; doing D. boy students; doing 9.---Mum, I got ________ place in the English Speech Competition. ---________1 That's really good news, dear! A. the first; Congratulation B. first; I'm sorry to hear that C. the first; Congratulations D. first; What a pity 10.---Why can't the boy understand what the American teacher said? ---Because he is a beginner, ________ he knows ________ English. A. and; a little B. and; little C. so; little D. so; a little 11.---What does the fresh juice contain? ---________ of the juice ________ orange. It's very pure. A. Four-fifth; are B. Four-fifths; are C. Four-fifth; is D. Four-fifths;


2018年深圳市中考英语真题-回忆版 I.词汇(15分) 1.-More than 400 street gardens will be built in Shenzhen. -Good news! Our city becomes more and more beautiful. A. Over B. Around C. Nearly 2.-Tim, you spent too much time on computers. It’s harmful to your eyes. -I see. Thank you. I will do more sports instead. A. is good for B. is bad for C. is helpful to 3.-Hi, John! Would you like to go hiking with me tomorrow? -Sounds great! It’s a good way to keep fit. A. lively B. active C. healthy 4.-Mr. Li, I feel a little nervous before the coming exam. -You’d better take a break from studies and relax yourself. A. rest B. breath C. walk 5.-I dream to be a great dancer when I grow up. -That’s great. But it requires confidence and practice. A. gets B. has C. needs 6.-Where is Shenzhen Concert Hall? How can we get there? -It is close to the bookshop. A. behind B. opposite C. near 7.-Tony, have you got a plan for the summer vacation? -Not yet. Perhaps I’ll go to my hometown with my family. A. Maybe B. Actually C. Generally 8.-Our English club will put on a famous play during the School Art Week. -Really? I can’t wait to watch it. A. work on B. act out C. make up 前八题都是不看题干就能选出答案来。考了3个动词(含一个动词短语),2个形容词(含一个短语),1个副词,两个介词相关短语 9.-Simon always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day. -That’s a good ________. Reading makes a full man. A. dream B. wish C. habit 10.-Do you still remember our primary school teacher, Mrs. Liu? -Yes, she always encouraged us and gave us support _____ we met difficulties. A. whenever B. whatever C. however 11.-I’m looking forward to the final of the 2018 World Cup. -Me, too. I hope the German team will be the _______. It’s my favorite. A. player B. winner C. loser 12.-The piano lessons are too hard for me. I nearly give up. -You should be ________. I believe you’ll make it. A. careful B. helpful C. patient 13.-Have you heard about Shenzhen International Magic Festival? -________, it is a big event for Magic lovers like me.


2015年广东省深圳市初中毕业生学业考试 英语 说明: 1. 答题前,请将姓名、考生号、考场、试室号和座位号用规定的笔写在答题卡 指定的位置上,将条形码粘贴好。 2. 全卷分两部分,第一部分为选择题,1至25小题答案为A、B、C三个选项, 26至45小题为A、B、C、D四个选项;第二部分为非选择题,共8页。考 试时间为80分钟,满分85分。 3. 考生必须在答题卡上按规定作答;凡在答题卡以外的地方作答的,其答案一 律无效。答题卡必须保持清洁,不能折叠。 4. 本卷选择题1~45,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔在答题卡选择题答题区内 将相应题目的答案编号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案; 非选择题46~55及书面表达,必须用规定的笔在答题卡非选择题答题区内按 相应的序号作答。 5. 考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分选择题(60分) Ⅰ.词汇(15分) ⅰ. 从下面每小题的 A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. ---Dad, I’m consid ering going to Italy to study art this year. ---In my opinion, studying abroad is not suitable for teenagers. A. I don’t agree B. I think C. In general

( ) 2. ---Have you heard from Sarah recently ---No. I lost touch with her two years ago. A. heard about B. written to C. got a letter from ( ) 3. ---We are going to hold a party to raise money for our club this weekend. ---Sounds great! I will help you if I am available. A. busy B. free C. pleased ( ) 4. ---They are always making fun of Tom after class. It is rude. ---You are right. Everyone should be respected. A. fighting with B. quarreling with C. playing a joke on ( ) 5. ---You should not shout at your classmates. You need to apologize. ---I’m sorry. I promise it won’t happen again. A. say sorry B. say goodbye C. say hello ( ) 6. ---You look so tired. What’s wrong ---I couldn’t sleep well last night. The noise outside my house almost drove me mad. B. made me awake C. made me crazy A. made me drive crazily


深圳市2019 年初中毕业生学业考试 英语试卷 第一部分选择题(60分) I.词汇测试(15分) i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. --- Where shall we watch the light show tonight? --- On the top of Lianhua Mountain. It’s in the centre of our city. A.back B.middle C.front 【解析】B 句意:---今晚我们去哪里看灯光秀?---莲花山顶,它在我们城市的中心。centre,名词,意为“中央”;A选项back,意为“后面,后部”; B 选项middle,意为“中间,中部”;C选项front,意为“前面,正面”。故答案选B。 【考点】同义词转换 ( ) 2. --- Sarah seems to be confident about her performance tomorrow. --- So she is. She’s gotten prepared for it. A.sorry B.famous C.ready 【解析】C 句意:---莎拉似乎对她明天的表演很有信心。---是的。她已经准备好了。prepared,形容词,意为“事先准备好的”;A选项sorry,意为“抱歉的,遗憾的”;B选项famous,意为“著名的”;C选项ready,意为“准备好的”。故答案选C。 【考点】同义词转换 ( ) 3. --- I heard that your grandma lost her way in Dameisha yesterday. --- Yes. Luckily, a kind stranger managed to lead her back home. A.take B.pull C.put 1


机密★启用前 2014年广东省深圳市初中毕业生学业考试 英语 说明:1.全卷共10页,满分为120分,考试用时为100分钟。 2.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔在答题卡填写自己的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号。用2B铅笔把对应该号码的标号涂黑。 3.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂 黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试题上。 4.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答、答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区 域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 5.考生务必保持答题卡的整洁:考试结束时,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、听力理解(略) 二、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分20分〉 第一节单项选择(共丨0小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从16~25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出可以填入空白处最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 16. A: I enjoyed the performance very much. B: Yes, it was really good. I think________boy in white was the best actor. A: a B. an C: the D: / 17.1 always tell my students________on the road because it's really dangerous. A. not to play B. to play not C. not playing D. not play 18. The man called his professor for help because he couldn't solve the problem by________? A. herself B. himself C. yourself D. themselves 19. Could you say it again? I can't understand________you are talking about. A. how B. when C. what D. which 20. ---Must I finish my homework now? ---No, you________. You can go home now. A. needn't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. can't 21. There is________news about this movie star in the newspaper. Where can I get some? A. many B. a few C. a lot D. little 22.1 couldn't do it________your great help. Thanks a lot! A. with B. without C. for D. to 23. Thanks for your invitation, but I'm so sorry I can't go. I need to________my baby at home. A. take away B. take off C. take care of D. take out of 24. A: You look very nice in your new dress today. B: Oh, really? I________it when it was on sale. A. buy B. bought C. have bought D. will buy 25.---I feel really tired. ---_________. A. Lucky you! B. You'd better work harder C. Congratulation! D. Why not go and have a reat? 第二节语法选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从26?35各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It's very important that we all recycle (再利用)? In nature, everything26 again. For example, when an animal


Ⅰ. 选择填空(15分) 1.–Do you know _______girl who is standing under _______tree? –Of course! She is Lucy, my classmate. A. the。 the B. a。 a C. a。 / D. /。 the 2. –Are these books ______? –No, they are not mine. They belong to _______. A. your。 her B. yours。 her C. you。 hers D. yours。 she 3. –________will she stay here? --For ________. A. How soon。 one hour and a half B. How long。 one and a half hours C. How soon。 one and a half hours D. How long。 one hour and half 4. –Could you please tell me something about the two_______? –________. They are exchange students of No. 1 Middle School. A. Frenchmen。 Yes, please B. Frenchmans。 Come on C. Germen。 Not at all D. Germans。 All right 5. –There is a smile on Miss Gao’s face. She must be _______with Sam’s work. –I think so. No one did as _______as him in our class. A. angry。 well B. pleasing。 good C. strict。 good D. pleased。 well 6. –He, together with his parents, ______going to vist Shanghai in July. How about you? –I’m afraid I have to stay at home ________. A. are。 on my own B. is。 by myself C. is。 by my own D. are。 on myself 7. –Do you often go swimming _______Sunday mornings? –Yes. Why not ________with me this Sunday? A. on, go B. in, to go C. on, going D. in, going 8. –Must I return the book this week? –No, you ______. You can ______it for 20 days. A. mustn’t。keep B. needn’t。borrow C. needn’t。keep D. mustn’t。borrow 9. –The doctor told me _______too much but I find it difficult. –The doctor is right. The less you drink, ______you will be. A. don’t drink。 the healthier B. not to drink。 the healthier C. not to drink。the more healthier C. don’t drink,。 healthier 10. –When should I hand in my paper?--Your paper must _____as soon as the bell ________. A. hand in。 rings B.hand in。 will ring C be handed in。 will ring D. be handed in。 rings 11. –Mr. Lee ______to a student when I entered the classroom this morning.


2015年深圳市中考英语真题 第一部分选择题(60分) Ⅰ. 词汇(15分) ( ) 1. ---Dad, I’m considering going to Italy to study art this year. ---In my opinion, studying abroad is not suitable for teenagers. A. I don’t agree B. I think C. In general ( ) 2. ---Have you heard from Sarah recently? ---No. I lost touch with her two years ago. A. heard about B. written to C. got a letter from ( ) 3. ---We are going to hold a party to raise money for our club this weekend. ---Sounds great! I will help you if I am available. A. busy B. free C. pleased ( ) 4. ---They are always making fun of Tom after class. It is rude. ---You are right. Everyone should be respected. A. fighting with B. quarreling with C. playing a joke on ( ) 5. ---You should not shout at your classmates. You need to apologize. ---I’m sorry. I promise it won’t happen again. A. say sorry B. say goodbye C. say hello ( ) 6. ---You look so tired. What’s wrong? ---I couldn’t sleep well last night. The noise outside my house almost drove me mad. A. made me drive crazily B. made me awake C. made me crazy ( ) 7. ---I went on a fantastic trip to Thailand last summer. ---Wow! Thailand is a beautiful country. I hope I can go there someday. A. terrible B. wonderful C. frightening ( ) 8. ---How about staying longer and having one more drink? ---Sorry, I have to hit the road now. My wife is waiting for me at home. A. leave B. build the road C. dig holes ( ) 9. A __________ shows the days, weeks and months of a year. A. calendar B. festival C. journey ( ) 10. I don’t have enough money to buy a car means I can’t __________ a car. A. rent B. borrow C. afford ( ) 11. ---You’re coughing a lot. You’d better __________ smoking now. ---That’s really hard for me. A. give up B. go on C. set up ( ) 12. ---Nowadays, video games are very __________ with teenagers. ---Yes, they spend too much time indoors. That’s really harmful to their health. A. pleased B. patient C. popular ( ) 13. ---What can I do for you? ---Please __________ the bottle with water and put some sugar in it. Thank you. A. fix B. fill C. mix ( ) 14. ---The dress looks so nice on you! It must be very expensive. Where did you buy it? ---__________, it is only 100 yuan. I bought it on Taobao. A. In fact B. In addition C. In need ( ) 15. ---I missed the concert last night because of the traffic jam.


2014深圳市中考英语调研试题 一、根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。 ( )1. Lang lang has a gift for playing the piano. A. talent B. wish C. present D. dream ( )2. Emma doesn’t feel like eating anything today because she has a bad cold. A. like eating B. want to eat C. like to eat D. hate eating ( )3. ---Are you available this evening? I have some questions for you. ---Sorry, I am not. I have piles of homework to do. A. have time B. happy C. free D. comfortable ( )4. ---How often do you write to your American friends? ---Once a month. And I heard from them yesterday afternoon. A. dropped by B. made friends with C. received a letter from D. made a phone call with ( )5. The whole class were over the moon after they won the football match. A. very frightened B. above the moon C. very angry D. feeling on top of the world 二、从下面的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 ( )1. --Mary and I saw ______ film called Frozen last night. --Really? It is regarded as _________ most interesting film in the year. A. a; / B. an; the C. the; an D. a; the ( )2. -- How do you know that girl ________ a pair of glasses in red? -- Oh, she came to give us a speech ________ the morning of April 9th. A. with; in B. with; on C. about; at D. of; by ( )3. --We can find a large amount of ________ on the Internet. --But I think it is difficult for me to get ______ from it. A. messages; useful something B. news; useful anything C. newspapers; anything useful D. Information; something useful ( )4. -- It’s reported that the doctor in a kindergarten let the healthy children _______ medicine every day. --How terrible it is! And I heard that two children ________ because of it. A. take; were killed B. to take; is killed C. taking; were killing D. taken; killed ( )5. --May I have another copy? A friend of _______ want one, too? --I’m sorry you __________. There’s nothing left. A. mine; needn’t B. mine; can’t C. him; won’t D. me; mustn’t ( )6. --Eric hasn’t handed in his homework today, _______ he? --___________. Last night, he didn’t do his homework because of high temperature. A. has; Yes, he has B. hasn’t; Yes, he hasn’t C. has; No, he hasn’t D. hasn’t; No, he has ( )7. -- The soap opera named My love from the Star is ______hot that many classmates watch it every day. --Yes, ___________ young people have seen it since it was put online.

【真题】2015年广东省深圳市中考英语试卷与 解析

2015年广东省深圳市中考英语试卷 一、Ⅰ. 词汇(15分)ⅰ. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共8小题,每小题2分) 1.(2分)﹣﹣﹣Dad,I'm considering going to Italy to study art this year. ﹣﹣﹣In my opinion,studying abroad is not suitable for teenagers.() A.I don't agree B.I think C.In general 2.(2分)﹣﹣﹣Have you heard from Sarah recently? ﹣﹣﹣No.I lost touch with her two years ago.() A.heard about B.written to C.got a letter from 3.(2分)﹣﹣﹣We are going to hold a party to raise money for our club this weekend. ﹣﹣﹣Sounds great!I will help you if I am available.() A.busy B.free C.pleased 4.(2分)﹣﹣﹣They are always making fun of Tom after class.It is rude. ﹣﹣﹣You are right.Everyone should be respected.() A.fighting with B.quarreling with C.playing a joke on 5.(2分)﹣﹣﹣You should not shout at your classmates.You need to apologize.﹣﹣﹣I'm sorry.I promise it won't happen again.() A.say sorry B.say goodbye C.say hello 6.(2分)﹣﹣﹣You look so tired.What's wrong? ﹣﹣﹣I couldn't sleep well last night.The noise outside my house almost drove me mad.() A.made me drive crazily B.made me awake C.made me crazy


Ⅰ. 选择填空 (15 分 ) 1.–Do you know _______girl who is standing under _______tree? –Of course! She is Lucy, my classmate. A. the。 the B. a。 a C. a。 / D. / 。 the 2.–Are these books ______? –No, they are not mine. They belong to _______. A. your 。 her B. yours。 her C. you。 hers D. yours。 she 3. –________will she stay here? --For ________. A. How soon。 one hour and a half B. How long 。 one and a half hours C. How soon。 one and a half hours D. How long 。 one hour and half 4.–Could you please tell me something about the two_______? –________. They are exchange students of No. 1 Middle School. A. Frenchmen。 Yes, please B. Frenchmans。 Come on C. Germen。 Not at all D. Germans。 All right 5. –There is a smile on Miss Gao’ s face. She must be _______with Sam’ s work. –I think so. No one did as _______as him in our class. A. angry。 well B. pleasing。 good C. strict 。 good D. pleased。 well 6.–He, together with his parents, ______going to vist Shanghai in July. How about you? – I ’ m afraid I have to stay at home ________. A. are。 on my own B. is。 by myself C. is。 by my own D. are。 on myself 7.–Do you often go swimming _______Sunday mornings? –Yes. Why not ________with me this Sunday? A. on, go B. in, to go C. on, going D. in, going 8.–Must I return the book this week? –No, you ______. You can ______it for 20 days. A. mustn ’t。keep B. needn 。’t borrow C. needn 。’t keep D. mustn ’t。borrow 9.–The doctor told me _______too much but I find it difficult. –The doctor is right. The less you drink, ______you will be. A. don ’ t drink。 the healthier B. not to drink 。 the healthier C. not to drink。 the more healthier C. don ’ t drink,。 healthier 10. –When should I hand in my paper?--Your paper must _____as soon as the bell ________. A. hand in。 rings B.hand in。 will ring C be handed in。 will ring D. be handed in。rings 11.–Mr. Lee ______to a student when I entered the classroom this morning. –He is very patient _____he is young. A. talking 。 but B. talks 。 though C. was talking。 though D. talked。 however
